Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1936, p. 5

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"SO I HEAR "SO WE HEAR SNUG JACKET C. O. F e appeal week has fie McHe contributions have reached the depart- ^ I merit from different localities, in and by this column met with the approval McHenry Razzberryians and near the old town. . . s • 760 2397 So they insist on continuing "So We Hear" column, do they? j t„*«i Total - S * 1 11 - ' Team No, 2 We haven't consulted Emily Post, Rev. Miller but probably we are supposed to say, Thies "Welcome" to Editor <7Mose'*<Xn his steffes cannonade rs. . Karls --• S •* I * H - - ' Cms Freupd We just read their stuff oyer'wM*'-'- _ <' S I H. S. Heimer The conductor sh<Sw* himself f nic« Knox 904 987 886 2787 vr>. lay off both " So L Hear" and hint- Wiriltel Y. self After the re-publication two .weeks 19a 471!*?° of the story which appeared in I*he Plaindealer in 1920, depicting the splendid farm capabilites and manship of a 14-year-old party is the recipient of and even a cablegram, which we include here in this column, as follows: 191--601 157--561 191--531 . I * fellow by asking that the contributors Weber ... f- ..Th* \ wonts* •v> •• •' •>flKP • J That was a pretty clever question, Team Ni 4 "•Did You Ever See A Dream Walk: ArJusten ing?" No, but we can understand. G- " Freund The ] 151 94 150 167 171 209 101 185 188 173 157--517 155--350 136--471 177--532 174^--518 "Flash! Can to make appearance oh the! Helluva Watch hour ? Can offer $10,. TOO 9oti« 000 FOR Y°U and Pony or $10 for you 799 2388 j without the pony. Wire answer. 179--537 -siyS: WALTESt 153--420 i 184--438 142--429 130--497 you personal i to New Yc around on one Dream may be trying to get Nye of those famous ex- Sutton .............. ts. Geo. R. Justen -- S • I * H -- I . ' Total Then, the?e wis something about that rain-soaked hat and football fans gjjj not wearing hats. Helmet 'em. Wirt* -- S * I * IT -- Butch Anyhow, we're going to take Shaffer swimming cap with us the next tijn«i -- S * 1 * H -- 788 2301 191--574 „ "By Int. "Hon. Attaboy Earl, "Hon. Plaindealer, "Hon. Dear Sir: ' Can make offer M 5{QO0 yen for life story. Stop. You and Hon. Stop. Stop, Wire Hon. answer. "BALL WUN TOO HIGH, "Editor Peiping Peeper * Total Bruno's Bowlers 706 670 Did you see the picture of Peter ' Kelly, left tackle and captain of "Fenwick's team, in last Saturday's Chi- jhorsell cago Tribune? We felt a tinge of lo- \ymkle .y<v cal'pride when we saw the picture. Littlefield The Kellys are regular McHenryites Wagner during the summer months. Austin Qrimelli ...v. .;™... came from behind to tie Fenwick in, their championship game, but we don't Total think they knocked the 4,V' out unc's Weasels "Kelly." Hironimus -- S * I ' Ti w. Dillon We've been going, over the bowling Whitman ..y..i....v. scores and find that the Old Timers King"* ...... didn't bowl last Wednesday. Too bad. Phannenstill We wanted to give Tom Wilson a little: going qver. Tom says we never give- Total ........... jthe Old Timers enough mention. Aft- ^ Topnotchers *er all the space we gav«T the- ilkes "Miller that fellow last winter"! . Be patient. Ritta We'll go down and look him over one Wagner of these nights. Molidor ............... - S * I * H Wagner Father Miller turned in a neat 023 series to top all bowlers the past week;, - S * 1 * H * j Match Games 704 2247 116 122 165 158 164 175 102 144 141 159 718 721 "Philadelphia, Pa. "Congratulations. Stop. You are' a national figure. Stop. Will youi 171--467' Quote best offer for life story to ap- 125--367 j Pear serially in Saturday Eveniftgl 116--348 Pest? Stop. Wire terms. j 172--472! " ETAOIN SHRDLU, Editor." I 157--463, j . j Add this to So I Hear's Thanksgiv-' 741 2117:in£: "Thanks for automobiles so I: • .{don't have to whistle when I pass the I 121--412 jcemetevy at night.'"---- N. V. j 135--359! , L , "I ' ' " " ' 1 185--4941 " has ^en reported that some of 161- 453 our most eligible bachelors will pur-' 138 4611 chase diamond rings this Christmas,1 ! which should make our West Side 740 2189 merchant chuckle with glee. ' ' i SPARKLE. A snug little jacket with capelike sleeves is made of soft baume marten. Its tiny rolled collar and wide shoulders give it a very youthful line. It is worn over a gown of rich plum-colored lyons velvet. CjABBY (jERTIE "If anyone had happened to look into the Grade School Gym Monday night, he probably would have thought he saw a company of Mussolini's boy soldiers limbering up. But (the truth comes out!) it wasf only we scouts having a few marching drills which opened the meeting. Patrol Leader Ervin T. Laures had a terrible time teaching young Junior Bonslett (a promising recruit) the ropes so we had pity on him and ended his torture (no, we didn't shoot him, we just quit marching). Mr. Peterson accompanied us on a number of songs, new and old. The new one was "Ivan Skizavitzki Skivar" and the old ones came under the heading of "My WilcKlrish Rose," "Down By the Old Mill'Stream," and last but not least, music's gift to the soap manufacturers, "Sweet Ivory Soap." Even though several of the over-ambitious sOngbii-ds did strain their vocal chords, we had a lot of fun, so. thanks for coming down, Mr. Peterson. After a semaphore signaling drill by Mr. Schoenholtz, Harry Conway, Bruce Klontz and Harry Ferwerda, who all belong to Unit 664% of Sargeant Low's Amateurs, put on an exhibition of lies, Bruce and Harry Fer- -94= 123 149 182 158 IW iUlr-"OUu 142 126--3911 143 144^--436 193 154 Total 706 738 -- S * I * H -- Maybe there is no use bringing : "KK- Cruger McSorley Jorgenson O'Farrel Herman Steffes was right up there w T?*?7*lnP8 with 601 for three games. Herdrich Moderhack ... ^ "• H. Kreutzer up, but did you see that 94 game cred- Larson J.. *ited to Attorney Knobc ? * 4 _ S** I * H-- f Total yfo thought Alderman George Cruger 7 Up Freund's 95 of last week would stand Simofor a long time, but you know how >t • jgoes--records fall every day. -- S * I' * H -- • ~r^fr. Maybe some of you mjght have a better idea, but it looks to us like-they Total ought to let those two fellows pool Ted's Tramps their scores. W. Kreutzer ..... -- S • I * H -- J. Herdricks Dorothy Page sandwiched in a 208 E. Moderhack ... to lead the ladies. Some of the H. Kreutzer jrirls really knock those pins for a H. Larson ......... w. For instance, "Lyd" Engeln C. Herdricks ..... averaged 169 ill a three game series. Jast week. ~ S * I * H ' Vato Pin B--ten Earl Monear has issued an invitation 5™®® to all to witness a special match game j , " next Sunday afternoon. Those rollicking Wildcats are meeting a ladies ................. tea« from Elgin. The McHenry JW . ............... ^Brewery team will meet another Elgin team--all men. -- s • I • H -- ! No. 2 177 159 138 169 202 159 160 157 202 147 ' Ringwood, ill. i This town now can boast of a young 18 2 557! lady who is acquiring quite a reputa- 178 490 *"on as a rabbit hunter (or is it proper to say huntress). Recently she saw a 730*^2174 rabbit which refused to run. Up came the gun, trigger pulled, cartridge fails . explode. New shell, trigger again Pulled, gun fires. Rabbit is hit. Per- 183 499 f^t shot. Lady goes for tunny--h« 172--491 was in a trap all the time. I 180--475 169--540 188--537 845 805 178 145 138 171 140 188 155 146 177 139 We hear that a new club is being formed in McHenry, promoted by a - -- local representative of a well known 892 2542 corporation. Just what the constitution and by-laws consist of is still a 219; 580 deep secret, but we expect to get the 147--447 low down on it wjthin a few days. 147--431 However, we have it from good authority that another local reprensent- 498 ative of another well known corporation has been declared ineligible for "When a girl is pinched she has no respect lor the law." LADItS.' b Buy HIM~^auit£s^- NOBELT PMANSAS^ tjaa, wu4tt~~ Aim/to wakt U/L s&mttinij at 'Ciutkr $1.95 McGEE'S Wng the champion liars of Goose Creek, which is in Weasel Holin Podunk County, Kentucky. Next week my Cherokees (don't be frightened, we're Scouts, not Indians), will put on an exhibition of semaphore signaling. The rest of the boys will intercept our messages. The Scout who is nearest Correct gets a prize which is worth twenty-five cents in money. So be there and study up oh that signaling! Scout Herb Reihansperg'er. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mi. and Mrs. Larry Huck and fam^ ily have moved from one of the apart*. ! ments in the Schneider building the Sohtn house, recently vacated bf A. G. Mathews. Mrs. Catherine Schneider has soldi her home on, Riverside Drive to Petef Gies, who is moving there from tho Agnes Wentworth house on Wauke« gan street. Mrs. Schneider daughter, Helen, have moved into rsr Hit1"""* ^ w THE PLAIN GREEN OIANT PEAS . . SUNNYFIELD FLOUR . . . DOMINO BROWN OR POWDERED SUGAR . OELATIN DESSERTS AND PUDDINGS SPARKLE. 6 *»25< KBEMELdesserts4pkgs 15c 17-OZ. CANS 24ya-lb. -LB. PKGS. fAtinryj FTOaiTrvy FtL AOKUER • • «P-KoGz.. OTtc --"libby's Pickles ^ f E 2Ta0 r z s.'25c Kool Cigarettes . 2^ ^27t Da3) Dog Food .4^125* |eminole Tissue . 4rolls 23C . BriUo Scouring Pads 3pkgs. for 20c - ' Ti'xas Seedless Grapefruit Medium size 3 for 10o / CSslifornia Cauli tower, head 15c 4 GOLD MEDAL. CERESOTA, PI LLSBURY'S FLOU "Ai"- 99c ARGO GLOSS STARCH •* iii. 20.; aiaiAOK SOAP FOOD STORES 772 800 922 2494 membership. i 154 145--462 178 203 145 2Q1 153 170 127 203 163 Total Well, the razzberry crop seems to be j 206--553; fairly good for the first week. Join j 88® up and send in your contribution I 159--3041 j 172--576 j By the way, don't get this column 166--3291 confused with the other one on this page, under a similar heading. Re-' 881 816 848 2545 member, we are "we" and not "I," 150 142--447 j "r* says that he is laboring under 150 118--4111 a big handicap, because "we" can hear 143 162--457 much'more tiuin "1." 176 131--4981 188 119--5121 Nert week we expect to hear from -- a certain tonsorial artist who special- 857 807 672 2325 izes in razsberries. More Eggs With Gold Seal Egg Mash 156 153 153 191 205 Basketball is,getting off to a good K ,. Coach RRoemed) wwiillll take his sharpshooting speedsters start in the county. Krause (How do you like that, Coach?) over Hall .... „ H.r»ni Frid., ni,ht £«£ !3 13^ 'stuff. .. • j ^ -- S * I * H V Ladies' Club ........ 121 132 119 135 113 113 114 188 "1 Only 23 days to Christmas. Buy HO 393 early end see your home merchants 103--357 113--339 112--348 13g_414 first. The team went over to Harlem lastj week and showed up fine in spite of p^e Total ...... Team No. 1 613 632 606 1851 losing a close game. -- S * I * H ~ -v -1 A small group of fellows, representing different organizations, gathered' around the fireside in the Knights of Columbus Hall Tuesday night to plan | a local basketball league. 1 -- S * I * H -- Lenzen ... Schiessle Engeln ... Bacon 144 76 138 129 120 208 91 112 121 88 OIBL SCOOTS Total ....... Team No. S |G. Barbian ..... I ' The Married Men's Club, Foresters, Krftuge """*' Kipghts of Columbus and Holy Name j|a_|te Society will sponsor teams. Roeers -- S * I * H -- r Arrangements have been mfcde forj Total ....... the use of the high school gym onj Team No. 4 Tuesday evenings. The ball will start j R. Marshall ... rolling next Tuesday night and all R. Harris those interested are asked to report. Dacey 607 621 156 143 85 125 90 115 118 93 136 91 Christmas is coming and there are not so many days before it will be here, nevertheless, the Girl Scouts are true to their motto, "Be Prepared." 162--514 What did we do at our last meeting ? 78--245 To begin with, we had colors and sang 152--402 America and had our usual penny 109--360 march. But the most important topic 92--3001 of discussion was the tea which is going to be given for the Girl Scouts' 593 1821 j mothers, and the Mothers Club. The j Scouts also practiced for the program. 149--4201 The high school patrol had election 47--378' of officers and Louise Stilling was 104--282 i elected Patrol Leader. The meeting 161--422 j was then closed with Taps. 118--299' Scribe, Patricia Phalin. 599 553 649 1801 -- 8 • 1 • H -- An effort will be made to balance the strength of teams Schedules will fee made up and further arrangements Spade next Tuesday when the complete %roup meets. -- S • I * H -- It struck us that some good baskethall players about McHenry will not le included in this group. It was f explained that the present teams could ^aiot compete with the younger and jpeedier aggregation of stars that •ill probably organize to represent McHenry as a town team1 -- S • I * H -- • This league is being organized for recreation and sport. We will try to give you reports of the games and .standings on the sport page, but no attempt to advertise will be made. There will be no admission charged. It's all in fun.; r( -- 8 * 1 * a --! Howard Kappen •• Total 161 138 146 133 94 120 120 170 139 92 169--450 144--402 153--469 123--395 111--297 r 1 672 641 700 2018 ADDITIONAL RINQWOOD Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, and Mrs. Ralph Simpson spent Monday at Milwaukee Mrs. Edd Peet and daughters, La* cille and Edna, were visitors at Waokegan Friday. Mrs. Hattie Clay of Apple River spent Sunday in the Edd Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, spent Thanksgiving Day in the Thomas McLaughlin home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dohertv attended the funeral of a cousin at Et» gin Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay and Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey spent Thanksgiving Day at Genoa City and attend- BULLET CAMERA Sfcimlty pMcksged for Christmas. Cuts only *2"' ftS.69 Mi mi i]fimt can) HOURS of gih seeking won't reveal a better gin ed the wedding of Cecil Rager, a form We dont want to forget to mention's!- Ringwood boy, now of Chicago, those two old Pilgrim huntsmen, Clay|s99as9-aasBB9BBBai iftighes and Don Harison. Every j back yard. They really take a trip year these two go out with their trusty, far, far away. From here on it's muskets to bring- home the Thanks- their story, "We bagged so much giving fowl. No, they don't shoot' game this time, it was necessary to any old hem or turkeys eat in the| send it home in tracks.'* v st $2.8} than Bullet Camera. It's thoroughly new in design, streamlined for quick, easy operation, capable of making aood iKi 2Hinch snapshots. The Bullet Camera is ready here Kpronristely wrapped • Christmas Day. Be sure and sec it now. The og^s your }x>ultry flock turns out the next few months will tell the story of profit or loss. Right now particular attention should be paid to feeding flocks so that thejy will be strong and vigorous and capable of producing a lot of eggs at a very low feed cost. GIVE HENS WHAT THEY NEED To keep poultry flocks laving, their feed must furnish the material eggs are made of and what they need to keep healthy and thrifty. Eggs are particularly rich in protein, mineral and vitamin substances. These imi>ortant .stances must be added to the try ration because they are not supplied by farm grains, or mill by-prpduiets. • It ig estimated by one authority that a bushel of corn will produce 270 egg yolks, but only -7 egg whites and 14 egg shells. If corn alone is fed, each bushel will prof duce only 14 complete eggs. The rest of that corn is wasted because it innH properly balanced. • CHEAPER TO USE COMPLETE FEEDS tt- This waste of high priced grain can be stopped by supplying those extra proteins, minerals and vitamins thai corn lacks and which are needed for efficient, profitable egg production. In order to do this, poultry flocks should be given a feed that includes such protein carriers as meat scraps, dried milk, soybeanoil meal and cottonseed meal. Vita- . min supplements such .as cod liver oil, alfalfa meal, and corn germ meal, must be supplied, and an ample quantity of suc«t important minerals, as calcium, phosphorus^ iodine, iron, copper, and salt, must also be included in the Rg*io».jphese vital elements must ij$ the right pro]>ortion for bwlyHMllti And if even one of the^MMHpi^t it cuts down egg prtfclMjUK or breaks down the health jof^WSPo^ultry flock. • ••• SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY DECEMBER 5 GOLD SEAL EGG MASH P (300 lbs. to a Customer) Per 100 lbs. *2-50 PILOT OYSTEE (300 lbs. to a ftuateasti) Per 100 lbs. GRANITE GRIT (300 lbs. to a Customer) Per 100 lbs., 80 CHARCOAL (300 lbs. to a Customer) Per 100 lbs. v:, $1.75 KOW KARE i (1 Can to a Customed Per can SO* MORE EGGS WITH GOLD SEAL MASH Many pouitryinen know the ^ easiest and best way to feed for eggs and health is to use Gold Seal Mash. Gold Seal M*ftb isj»XQ!£I>)et3 and properly balanced feed. It furnishes all those extra ph^efiii, min- ' erals and vitamins that corn or other grain and make a complete ration for top egg production. It is the most economical feed on the, market today because it supplies in one bag everything that poultry need in addition to the farm grain. The Gold Seal method of feedingjs simple. Just keep Gold Seal Egg Mash in front of the hens all ' day long. At night, just before roosting time, feed all the scratch grains hens will clean up, which is about twelve pounds per 100 hens a day. Keep a bundle of alfalfa hay where the liens can pick at it and, of course, always there should be .>lean, fresh water. Gold Seal feeding increases poultry profits. It • keeps hens healthier, and they produce more eggs on less feed. We mix Gold Seal Egg Mash every day. When a customer buys a sack of Gold Seal Egg Mash, it is never more than one day old. As a result the Cod Liver Oil never has chance to deteriorate before it reaches, your flock. During the month of November we mixed ami sold :58,000 lbs. of Gold Seal Egg Mash to satisfied customers. T l i i - should be sufficient proof that Gold Seal Egg Mash is producing results. Many of our customers .are getting as. high as 75 j»er cent production. One customer reports 80 j>er cent production. However if you can hold your flock at from 50 to 60 l>er cent production, you will „be money ahead in the end. You Can do this by increasing the number of pounds of grain you feed each day'. We want every poultry man and fanner in this community to give Gold Seal Egg Mash a trial. We are -making a special price of $2-50 per $00 lbs. for Saturday. Dec. 5. Ju$t think of it! 100 lbs. of Gold Seal Egg Mash complete with buttermilk, minerals and cod liver oil for $2-50. Place your order for a supply of Gold Seal Egg Mash today. Give the mash a fair trial. We are sure the results will be profitable. , We manufacture at our plant: Gold Seal Egg Mash, Gold Seal Growing Mash, Gold Seal All Mash, Chick Starter, Gold Seal Pig Meal, Gold Seal 24% Protein Dairy, Gold Seal 32 .< Poultry Supplement, Gold Seal 34r< Dairy Balancer and Gold Seal Scratch Feed. THOMAS P. BOLGER Dnfght 4# McHenry McHENRY CO. John A. Bolger, Mgr. FARMERS CO-OP. ASS'N PHONZ 3ft* F |fi ifTeiiij Rubber Stamps ^t Plaindealer

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