Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1936, p. 6

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fin " i ' peFF * \ ~*i «flX MoHXN&T FLMXDXAHM , December 10,1936 /0^€ * 7 * * * 6 ^ >?*> ifi*f >®*&r Green Street Phone 251 McHenry SPRING GROVE Prepare for ? • IRt .1 - - Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer attended a club meeting in Round LaVe on. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Shotliff spent the past week with friends in R-ockford. Mrs. John Jung w« severely injure lagt week Wednesday when the ca" she was driving:, skidded into a track on Route 60. Mrs. Jung: suffered a broken shoulder and several severe lacerations about the face and head. She is a patient at the Brand Sanitarium in Woodstock and is recovering nicely. She is expected home the latter part of this week. Miss Lucille Esh narrowly escaped serious injury on Wednesday morning last week when the car she was driving was struck by a truck on Route 12. The car was badly damgaed but faster Lucille was uninjured. A party of friends invaded the home of Mrs. Frank Sanders on Thursday afternoon in honor of her birthday. Tables were arranged and five hundred played during the afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Ella Sieglei*, Mrs. Tom McCafferty, Mrs. ULYLAKB S-jSH WM. M.CARROLL Plaintiff's Attorney' STATE OF ILLINOIS, , - COUNTY OF MCHENRY, si In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. . WEST McHENRY STATE BANK, A Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. RICHARD B. WALSH, HELEN M. WALSH, ET AL., Defendants. In Chancery, Gen. No. 27505. , * The Lily Lake Ladies' League held | Lake. their meeting Tuesday afternoon. Christine Qalcs, Mich., also spent the weekend w^th sister Helen. Joseph Suprinski of Chicago spent the weekend at his cottage at Lily Wegener of Elgin spent that in pursuance of a Decree entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 10th day of November A. D. 1936; I, DON A. "WICKS, Special in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on Friday, the 18th day of December A. D„ 1936, at the hour of ten o'clock Central Standard Time, in the forenoon of said day, at the East Door of the Courthouse in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, effer Frank i for sale at public auction to the highbidd « <>": real consolation. Following cards, refreshr t0"wlt- Weg- Prizes were given and the serving of( the weekend at the home of her par- It lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. _ • Eleanore Wegener was an Elgin visitor Monday afternoon* Paul Harvey was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of Chicago visited the home of her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Wrublewski,' Saturday. Paul, Steve, Mary, Helen and Pa- PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giver^tricia Harvey were Waukegan callers Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. John Tysler and son, George, and Mrs. C. Winter visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doscli on Saturday evening. Patricia Harvey of Evanston visited her sister, Helen, Thursday and Friday. Another sister, Mary, of Three ents, Mr- and Mrs. Ge ener. Roy Miller and Helen Harvey were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth and granddaughter were Chicago visitors on ednesday. bert Krinn of DesPlaines and Don Gters of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday. Genevieve Daw of Lily Lake was cne of the leading characters in the Minstrel show, given by the Farm Bureau of Grayslake, which was held Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Grayslake school auditorium. , Frank Steinsdoerfer is still ill at his home At Lily Lake and confined to h.ift be4 BBINTG A FRIEND Permanent Waves, 2 Penom For $3 Up To $15--Singly $2 T» $!• STOMP ANATO *8 Barber and Beauty Salmi •• 226 Mam St. . . 229 BenUa St. Phone 641 Woodstock, IIL FREE!to sufferers of STOMACH ULCERS HYPERACIDITY Willard's Mcssaqn of Relief PRICELESS INFOmiATION tar I thoae *uff«rint from STOMACH DUODEN AL ULCERS, DUE TA URN* ACIDITY --POOR DIGESTION, ACID DYSPEPSIA, SOUR STOMACH, CUG NESS, HEARTBURN, CONriTPATIOH, BAD BREATH. SLEBFLBSSNSSS dB HEADACHES. DUE TO EX CMS ACID. | Explains the marveloui Wittmrd 1 _ | merit which is bringing lliHlilH rdhL | 7 . M on 15 davt trial. WATTLES DRUG STOl Algonquin BOLGSR'S DRUG STORE . •*%./ ow Equip your car or truck with -- GOODYEAR, GILLETTE, FIRESTONE, U£%V AND MOHAWK MUD AND SNOW TIRES iTree Tube With Every Tire ------r-PYRO ALCOHOL Completely denatured Gallon 60tf WINTER OILS As low as 48^ Gallon 100% Penn. Winter Oils NATIONAL BATTERIES To fit all cars $3*95 and up Let us drain your crank case and put in a winter oil that does not congeal. Drive in and let us put winter grease in your transmission and differential. Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging. Good used tires in all sizes. Walter J. Freund Phone 294 • West McHenry, IIL ments were served by the guests, after which Mrs. Sanders Was presented with several gifts. Miss Lorraine Nett spent several days last week at the home of/ her uncle, "Joseph Klein, in Johnsburg. • Miss Evelyn Sanders spent Friday and {Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. A1 Westman, in Woodstock. Mrs. Ben May entertained members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and several prizes were awarded to those achieving high scores. The serving of a lovely lunch brought this pleasant afternoon to a close. y Miss Arlene Nett, who is employed in Richmond spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Dorothy Behiens is enjoying several weeks vacation at her home. She spent Tuesday with friends in Chicago. Members of her club . met at the home of Mrs. Charles Freund on Friday night. Lots numbered One.Xt), Two (2)» and Three (3), in Block Number Seven (7) of the Original Plat of the Village (now City) of McHenry, on the West side of the Fox River, situated in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. Terms of Sale CASH on the day of sale at which time a certificate of sale will be issued in accordance with the said Decree and the Statute. DATED this 23rd day of November, A. l3., 1936. DON A". WICKS, Sjwcial Master in Chancery. 27-3 SHERIFFS SALE BY VIRTUE OF an Execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain -judgment recent- What could be more welcome in the home at Christinas time than a lovely LIVING ROOM ENSEMBLE i$omething the whole family can enjoy together -- Up to the minute in styling The Lasting Gift--for Home Comfort Make Furniture your Christmas choice, and Your Home should come first! ORDER NOW! We will deliver any date you desire. ly obtained against Joseph Engeln and Two tables of Ave hundred | Barbara Engeln, in favor of West Mcwere in play and prize winners wereiHenry State Bank> out 0f the lands, j V Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, Mrs. Math Nims- j tenements, goods and chattels of the ^ gei-n and Mrs. Frank Sanders receiv-^aid joseph Engeln and Barbara Ened consolation. Refreshments werejgdn> j have ievied on the following A m ri. i I? A property, to-wit: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund were supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Freund in MqHenry on Sunday evening. A most enjoyable evening was spent at the Nick Freund home on Sunday by a party of relatives and friends. Cards and visiting were the evening's diversion. Refreshments were served. Those to make up this gathering were Messrs. and Mesdames Peter Freund, Johnsburg; Fred Meyer, son, Eugene, Frank May and family, Anton May, Anton Meyer and family and George A. May and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Westman, Woodstock, visited in the home of her parents," Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders on Monday evening. vttiiMJj For Smart, Modern, InK « Serving! Toastmasttr Hospital!cy Tray Set«p*rr newest fully automatic two-slicB Toast master... two double compartment crystal dear appetizer dishes . .. Toastmaster cutting board and knife . . . beautifully grained walnut tray Schick Dry Shaver--The modesn way to shave. It's electrical . .. just plug into any outlet and get a clean, close shave every time". No blades, brush, soap or lather. Dad .oc brother will greatly appreciate one for Christmas _ . . • $1E Price 13 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES MAKE Attractive ... Useful. , . testing.«. $?ve. Choose from the large selection at yout PUBLIC SERVICE STORE mommy payments C. E. Blue Nite --a clock of unusual beauty . . . entrancing blue .mirror face with black etched figures 0n dull silver background... $CQS gleaming chrome hands . . w GIFT LAMPS for the home |Other neighborhood deaiort are (ql«o 'offer moduro electric appliance* for your gift selection*. * PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS A wide selection of lamps--many styles and models for every seeing purpose. Attracdve, well-made with handsome shades to harmonize. Many are I.E.S. lamps--built to provide an abundance of scientifically correct light. See our complete display of these fine lamps. Popular prices -- available on easy termk. Lot-Number Three (3)'.in Block Number Eighteen (18) of the Original Plat of the Village (now City) of McHenry, (on the West side of Fox River), excepting and ' reserving therefrom, fifteen (15) feet off and from the entire North Easterly side of the said Lot Number Three (3), said strip running from the Easterly tine of Water Street, Easterly to Fox River. THEREFOR, according to said command, I shall expose for sale, at. Public Auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named Joseph Engeln and Barbara Engeln in and to the above described property, on Friday the 18th day of December 1936, at | 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the front doori^ •f the Courthouse, in the City of j f Woodstock, in said County. f Dated at* Woodstock, Illinois, this 80th day of November 1936. HENRY A. NULLE, Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois. 27-3 D. T. Smiley, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Katherine Hettermann, Deceased. The undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Katherine Hettermann, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 18th day of January, A. D., 1937, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to nmake immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 4th day of December, A. D., 1936. HENRY HETTERMANN, Executor. 29-3 JOHNSBURG Perfect Coffee Every Time! Inland Coffee Maker--8-cup capacity.'.. bake Lite handles and platinum striped glassware . . . has stone filter which retains the full delicious coffee flavor . .. newest style in coffee makers. Whilt they last! ...... Christmas Tree Lights--seven lamp extension set for outdoor or indoor use. Weatherproof-- each lamp lights independently. No searching for burned-out bulbs. Length 13M ft. '165 SHOPPING NOTE: Aik about ttUt (CrrtifiratM f*d««wablc at our atores* Mrs. Jack Bode and. Mr. and Mrs. ~ "George King were Woodjstock callers Tuesday. Mrs. George Zornstorff of Spring Grove, visited with her sister Tuesday evening at Johnsburg. Math J. Smith and son, Clarence, and Jerome and Raymond Miller of Richmond, spent Tuesday evening with j Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank YounjJ of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huff of Silver Lake, Wis., visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund. Mrs. Steve King and Steve H. Smith were Crystal Lake callers on Thursday. / Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Sunday. Mrs. Leo Gerlach spent Thursday in Chicago. $84 Her on Christmas with one of these wonderful CEDAR CHESTS will Appreciate every day through the whole Year FRIGIDAIRE A WONDFRFUL GIFT Floor and Table Limps Sewing1 Cabinets Boudoir Lamps Magazine Racks HERE ARE SOME ANSWERS TO YOUR CHRISTMAS PROBLEMS ASKS $10,000 FROM RAILWAY COMPANY The. first case set for the opening of court in Woodstock on Dec. 1 wis that of Kirsten Langlykke, administrator of the estate of the late Axel Bolvig, Bull valley farmer, west of McHenry, killed when struck by a train in Woodstock on Sept. 28, 1935. The Bum of $10,000 is being asked from the railroad company. Dining Room Suites Bed Room Suites Inner Spring Mattresses A. B. C. Washers and Ironers Thor Washers Occasional Chairs and Tables Secretary and A Knee Hole D«|ks Breakfast Sets Studio Couches Free - Westinghomse ' Electric Sewing Machines » Vacuum Cleaners Carpet Sweepers Hassocks Pier Cabinets Pictures and Plaques. Mirrors Small Rugs Card Tables and Fireside Tables Costumers REMEMBER THE CHILDREN! Some Suggestions: •o-Carts Baby Carts and Wagons Table and Ohiir Sets Pedal Cars Sleds Automobilss Tricycles Baby Rockers These are only a few of the many useful gifts to be found in our store. We have made careful preparations for this year's holiday offerings. Come in any day and let us show them. We know the recipients will be satisfied and happy. & Corner Green and Elm Sts. Phone 103-R McHenry, BL

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