Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1936, p. 10

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Page Ten ,-v ' V - 4 * r • *' ! ^ t*' .'^y;Zv '*"" *»* ,* * *r' v v"">- "T , >«*,-' • *">< .. «.-.>> • '*'•&&,,7' ' V ' .>•%•» '.• OL "THE McHENRY PLAQfDEALES ^ p f*- , \r. •* _V'/ ' A\ , #k t -«w "' •+ ' *•*"<' , *",! r, "At- .. *" '• " v""•*.•: Thursday, December 17,1936 11 1 1 . > >. 1 •»••<„• bridge club Tuesday evening. Three PARTY FOLLOWS MEETING tables of auction bridge were in play, Folowring the meeting of Fox River •with Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald of Mc- . Valley Camp, R. N. A., Tuesday night, Henry and Miss Alice French winning j the annual Christmas party was en- ,• the lovely awards. The club mem-j joyed by members. Small gifta. were ' J>er8 were fvbm Woodstock and en-; exchanged and cards and bunco furjoyed a pleasant evening,, which clos- nished entertainment for those pressed with refreshments. • y«» books to be selected by the Mothers Club, for the city library. There was a good crowd present to enjoy the well rendered numbers and who appreciated the efforts of Mrs. Nye in putting on the program. Those taking part were: Norman CHRISTMAS PARTY TONIGHT ] JUVENILES TO MEET ^ The Catholic Daughters of America The Juveniles of St. Mary's OflSm;' Christmas party will be held tonight, Catholic Order of Foresters, will meet with exchange of gifts. Sunday aft- at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in For- ENTBRTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson en tertained friends Sunday evening at ernoon the party for that children will ester hall. Ail are invited to be pres-' a seven ° cl°ck chop suey dinnci, aft- tkble attractively decorated be held at 2 p. m. • r ent as election of officers will be held er which the evening was spent at day colors of green and red < EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB 'Mrs. Ben Dietz was hostess to the members of the Emerald Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. Two tables of [ card and lunch served. bridge were in play and prizes were merited by Mrs. Albert Krause, Mrs. W. G. French and Mrs. V. Martin. _ _ and light cards. The table was attractive in ed tapers and centered with a gleam Christmas decorations and small r jug Christmas tree. » *r a npn pipW .Christmas gifts were exchanged. I ' ;• - UA-K^;"AK1 *••••:= ^.-,.1.; In five hundred the awards were) BIRTHDAY GATHERING Eight tables were in play at the merited by Mrs. EXH. Nickels, H. C. party sponsored by Fox River Hughes, Will Heine aftd Mrs. H. C. ent. The prize in bridge was merited: Knaack, Morris Crouch, Mary Lou by Mrs. Henry Vogel,' in bunco by Stoffel, Rayniond Tonyan, Elizabeth Mrs. Etta Wattles and in ftve hundred jWeit1' "Bunny" Stoffel, Elouise Gulby Mrs Fred C Schoewer jgren, Laverne Freund, Norma Crum- A delicious lunch was served at a! ™r']Donald "°7ard' john D«tt«"' in holi-i^arl Pe*rson. Evelyn Anderson, Gordjon Green, Marian Kloeckner, Rollo Chamberlin, Lillian Atwell, Marie Freund, Irene Smith, Peter Hamil, and Hoy Smith. These young entertainers took their parts cheerfully, and many of them i CARD CLUB MEETS Op Thursday afternoon Mrs. Bm- Valley Camp, R. N. A., Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. P. M. Justen and Mildred Kinsala, in five huildred by Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff and in bunco by Mrs. Herman A special prise alsp ST. CLARA'S COURT The regular meeting of the very capably, and were well r^ceivecj. j The home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy on Waukegan street was the scene of a happy gathering Sunday in beautiful songs of local honor of the birthday of Mrs. Eddy s »In the gweet Bye and sister, Mrs. Ida Peterson, of Marengo. Although her anniversary was on Frima Freund entertained members of Kreutzer, Sr. A special her card club with prizes for high went tp Mrs. Althoff, .. v B honors going to Mrs, Simon Michels, I Mrs. Emma Freund and Mrs.- Ted ' ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Schiesple. ' Mrs. Elmer Freund entertained her SPECIALS Large Six* Per dozen ...i... X9c 6 for 25c Oranges 18c Grapefruit T7" ^ Celery Hearts Pound WW jm ^ or PEANUT BRITTTJfc";*, tldrd v3ll(ly Per pound Chocolates Quality . 5 lb. fax 99c Animal Crackers Pound 25C Mixed Nuts _.,22c Pork Loin Roast L 21c TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE AND CHICKENS :-[J PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! A fc BARBIAN' BROS. Phone 180 Riverside Drive Foresters of St. Clara's Court will he day, the event was celebrated Sunday held at 8 p. m., Dec. 23, to which all j when a larger group could celebrate members are invited. ithe event. Mrs. Peterson's son, The evening will open by a pot-J Arthur, assisted in plans for the dinluck dinner at 6 p. m.t followed by the ner party where Mrs. Peterson receivmeeting at 8 p. m. and then the Christ- ed lovely gifts. mas party and exchange of gifts. Guests were present from Elgin, The party for the Juveniles will be j Grayslake, Round Lake, and McHenry, held in St. Mary's hall, Dec. 19, at 2,jn addition to Marengo, represented p. m. There will be a Christmas tree by Mrs. Peterson and two daughters, and a visit from Santa is expected. « ENTERTAIN FRIENDS ' Mr. and Mrs: Nick 'Freund enter tained a party of friends at their home Ruby and Martha. MASONS INSTALL OFFICERS Officers of MceHnry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. M., were installed in ap-1 The audience assisted in singing inspiration,! Bye," and: "Down By the Old Mill Stream." j Members of the Mothers Club are' indeed, grateful to Mrs. Nye and all who participated in the program, for the donation made to the library-. The Guitar Club is to be commended for its ambition to aid a worthy cause. Sunday evening. Four tables of Impropriate ceremonies Tuesday-night, bridge were in play and prizes were as follows: awarded to Mrs. Albert Krause, Dr. C. W. Klontz, Vivian Austin, Frank Marzahl, with low prizes g >ing to Albert Krause and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. A delicious supper was served later in the evening. CHRISTMAS SERVICES The Methodist church of McHenry will observe Christmas services on Sunday, Dec. 20. The pastor, R. W. Pinnell, will deliver the Christmas sermon an# there will be special Christmas music and anthems by the choir. ------- -- ^ | Sunday evening there will be a program given by the children of the Sun- ! day school. Everyone is invited to ! this program put on by the little folks who always please their audience. W. M.--C. Neil Carlson. S. W.--Lisle Basset^" J. W.--Earl DowelU ^ Treasurer--George tt. Jolmsflfn. Secretary--J. N. Sayler. Chaplain--Lester Sherman, S. D.--Ed. A. Norc&n. J. D.--H. C. Hughes. \ S. S.--Arthur Hoppf.^ J. S.--Glenn Eppel. Marshal--C. E. Martin. T^ler--Darwin Granger. CAMP ELECTS OFFICERS Officers of Fox RiVgr Valley Camp, R. N. A., elected for the coming year are as follows: Oracle--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. Past Oracle--Mrs. Mary Freund. Vice Oracle--Mrs. Mabel Johnson. Recorder--Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer.! Friday evening EIGHTY-THREE YEARS OLD Mrs. Ella M. Wheeler spent a happy day Tuesday, Dec. 15, in observance of her eighty-third birthday anniversary. Wheeler was able to be up and enjoy visiting with her friends, who called' gj^' during the day, among them being two old-time friends, Mrs. Jennie Bassett, in her eighty-sixth year, and Miss Ellen Doherty, 83 years old. Mrs. Wheeler also received rememb- r.a n• ces ,a nd fl-o wers and manyt- bue auuti -,' d,e l,e ga,t e and Mrs. Mary R. Freundj an ful cards of . g.r eetingjs , w.h ich she j alternate to the convention i• n *th1. e greatly appreciates and thanks every-1 s one from whom she received the kind j t"t' EASTERN STAR McHenry chapter, 0. E. S-, will sponsor its annual Christmas party; for members and their families anda Masons and their families, at Masonic^ hall Saturday night, Dec. 19. Each.! family is to bring, epme&inc te serve1 with coffee. There will be an ex- j change of ten-cent gifts and Santa' will be master of ceremonies at the. Christmas tree. Each gift is to be' marked for a child or an adult. I The regular meeting of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., was held Monday! evening with the worthy matron, Mrs. Floribel Vogel, presiding. | Plans for the Christmas party were discussed and other business trans- { acted. ' -- j It was decided to have the first meeting of each month of a social na-' tttre with some entertainment for those present. To inaugurate the plan a social hour was enjoyed after the meeting when anagrams were played and popcorn halts served by the wor- * thy matron. J Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. James Beavis,' J)Irs. Andrew Eddy, Mrs. Clinton Martin and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent in Richmond where' h , If iwr* (r >• .-CM-; i:'* 5 /ttoHiab i /? Receiver--Mrs. Etta Wattles Chancellor--Miss Clara Stoffel. Marshal--Mrs. Cora Bassett. * hi. i. u u j u -ii ** i Assistant Marshal -- Mrs'. Gertie Although she had been ill, Tliurlwell Inner Sentinel--Mrs. Carol. Schies- Outer Sentinel--Mrs. Eva Bacon. Manager--Mrs. Floribel Vogel. Musician--Miss Lena Stoffel. Physician--Dr. C. W. Klontz. Mrs. Etta Wattles was elected a wishes. 1 is.;? • ' * _ . ** t •; *pip Selected Small Store SHIRTS... In the latest pat tenu> checks and stripes at $1.95. Others for $1.65. Faultless NOBELT Pajamas at $1.95, in either coat or the popular middy styje. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Suede Jackets... In the latest types.. $5-95 up Gift Belts J| TIES... Handmade in pure y silk at $1. Others, 50c and GIFT SUGGESTIONS 50^ and $1 Gift Suspenders, $1 Gift Sets of Tie. Chain and Collar Bar... Initial or plain... 501 to $1 Gift Spats... In grey or Shic^ Electric Shavers $15.00 Shirt and Shorts in Sets ... In just the type he prefers at $1 and up per set. Gift Slippers with leather or soft soles at $1 to $2,-45 Gift Gloves.... Of fine capeskin, pigskin. Also woolen types from -- $1.00 to $4.50 SWEATERS Warm ones import patterns patterns Christmas zipper McGEE'S A ' THE (CHRISTMAS STORE Installation will take place te January. LBGION AUXn^IAtY The transaction of considerable the ladies attended the installation of officers of Richmond chapter, O. E. S.,1 while Mr. Vogel spent the ' evening with his father. j -Washer Repairing! We make. Carey Electric Sh®$s fix any SUNDAY SCHOOL ^ ^ CHRISTMAS 1 PROGRAM ATM. E. The children of the M. Er Sunday School, are preparing their annual Christmas program, to be given Sunday night, Dec. 20, at 7:30, promptly. It is arranged as follows. Song, "Joy to the World,"--Audience. Scripture Lesson--Edith Sherman. business made the regular monthly ?ra?'e^. ^nne!|' . _ 6 ' Recitation, "Merry Christmas--Junior Olson. Recitation, Green. Recitation, Nickels. "Isn't It Queir^--Jimmy "Dad's Present"--George meeting of McHenry unit of the American Legion Auxiliary held at Legion hall on Thursday night, Dec. 10, a busy one. Plans were made for the Christmas party to be given Dec. 22, by the „. „ . . County Auxiliary for the Veterans at i R^fitatwn, A Candy Kiss Marjory the Elgin State hospital. Homemade' Thomas. _ • ... # candy, raising and dates wese offered e^r 1^t n' ^ ° ^ Donnie to fi.ll McHenry units' quota of twenty- _ McCracken. . , _ „ five sacks. All Auxiliary and Legion j Recitation, My Christmas Smile members are invited to this meeting.' .®r i?e A U » The next county meeting of the.^J . Wouldnt Do At All Auxiliary is to be at Harvard January 8. McHenry is to assist in the entertainment at this meeting being on the losing side in the membership drive. Mrs. Varina Marshall, who has been holding the office of treasurer, re- June Dunker. Recitation, "The Best Time"--Duane Bacon. Recitation, con. Recitation, "Too Small"--Diane Ba- "Christmas Greeting" -- Merlin Jackson. signed her position because of moving ^citation, "Just Like a Man Paul to Waukegan. Mrs. Marie Schiessle was elected to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the year. Mrs. Theresa Neiss and Miss Inez Bacon were elected county delegates, with Mrs. Anna Howard and Mrs. Bertha Mertes as alternates. The next regular meeting of the McHenry unit will take place Jan. 14. 1937. MOTHERS CLUB PARTY Christmas is in the air as parties, exchange of gifts and holiday decorations remind us that once more old St. Nick is on the way to pay his annual visit to the world. One of the earliest, as well as one ^ _ of the largest and most successful of Recitation^ Smith. Song, "Christmas Fairies"--Primary Department. Recitation, "What Shall It Be"--Susan Olson. - Recitation, "A Hard Place"--Leo Smith. Recitation, "Christmas Greetings"-- Clarice Bucher. Recitation, "It Ifent Hair'*--Walter > Richardson. Vocal Solo, "The Heavenly Stranger" --Lucille Nickels. Recitation, "No Room in the Inn"-- Betty LaDean. Recitation, "The Best Xinas Story"-- Evelyn LaDean. Recitation. "What I'd Like Best"-- Elaine Krug. ' 1 "Sure ftoof-r-Shirley these parties, was held Friday after-j Dunker. noon in the dining room of the River- Recitation, "Pleasing Mother"--Rose side hotel when members of the Moth- j Marfe Rossman. ers Club sponsored their annual Exercise, "Christmas Stars"--Junior Christmas party. Girls. About fifty members and guests and Recitation, "The Soy in Galilee"-- thirty children were present to enjoy j David Walkington. the afternoon and program prepared Recitation, "A Case Against Santa"-- by members of the committee in charge of the event, who were Mrs. H. E. Durland, Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs. Lester Page, Mrs. F. Hughes, Mrs. Ray Conway, Mrs. Clarence Douglas and Mrs. A. Noonan. A lighted Christmas tree interested the children who received a treat from underneath its boughs. The children, also, helped to make the party a pleas- Tommy Douglas Playlet, "The Christ Comes"--Three Junior Girls. Recitation, "Why Worry"--Herbert Johnson. Recitation, "Grandma's Lost Christmas"-- Beryl Colby. Playlet, "On Judea's Plain"--Junior Boys. (Concealed Chorus by Intermediate Girls.) ant one by putting on a program with gong, "Away In a ganger"--Primary numbers given by the following chil-j Department. dren: Elaine Krug, toe dance; Bar-'short Pageant, "A Star in the Night" bara Carey, tap dance; Elaine Landgren, cornet solos; Dolores Vales, recitation and songs; Kathrine Schwerman, recitation. The party was also a meeting of (jGoodfellows for the adults brought offerings of food or a toy to fill Christmas baskets for the needy. Election of officers will be held in January. PROGRAM BY GUITAR CLUB In the form of a pre-Christmas entertainment, members of the Guitar Club, under the direction of Mrs. A. E. Nye, presented a song program on 8unday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Woodman hall, West McHenry. Proceeds wen for musk reference Intermediate Boys (Warren Jones, • Soloist). One-act Play, "Gifts for the lnfant King"--Senior Girls. ; ^ Offering--Offeratory. Recitation, "Closing Thanks"--4todolph Johnson. Benediction--Rev. R. W. Pinnell. The Christmas Party for the Sunday School children will be held at thf Grade School Gym, Saturday afternoon Dec. 19, at 3:00 o'clock. Named far Indian Word Pickaway, one of five Ohio counties formed March 1, 1810, was Mined for the Indian word Piqua of which Pickaway- ia auppoaad to be ( •••••••••• M£ HENRY*ILLINOIS FOE rUBAT AMD SATURDAY ONLY ATOMIZER 6md. I Jt ' *v • t . ; jf .%'P ' * -- v „ • ' JtW 1 -if^44^v*? .• CUTEX MANICURE BtAUTtPUt. GIFT BOX STATIONERY IOEAI 6ier MENMEN'S MEN SET B*AUTt*UL DOLLS HMTIH6 PAD | $3f2'VALUM m VICK'S VAPO-RUB SIZE ASPIRIN TABLETS i°£. 14^ nrnnMoii RUSSIAN PINT GIFTS EF PERFUMES Flew D'Amour Reflexions by Ciro " - Surrender, by Ciro ; Bellodgia by Caron _ Tweed - and many more ELECTRIC [Flat Irons $1.98 up Handy Hot Toasters Priced at $1.29 up, Curling Irons ... 59^ up | St. Regis Stove $1.98 Sandwich Grills .291 Automatic Waffle Iron $3.98l Princess Vibrator... $1.98; T0YS-6AMES Quintuplet Doll. ;1 Sets Merry Go Round ... $1.25 Multi-Color Tops ... 25<^ Boy's Soldier Sets 98^ 'CIGARS, PIPES CIGARETTES Linkman's Pipes $1.00 upl Kaywoodie Pipes $3.50 up 1-lb. Prince Albert 81^ 1-lb. Velvet 79* All Popular Brand Cigar ete£, Christmas Wrap; TOILET SETS . All Types and Siaes ' Made by -- - Palmer Wrislejr Houbigant Armand Coty Eoyer Bourjois Cheramy GIFTS FOR HEN Shick Electric Razors $15-0° Wrisley Shave Sets 98^ McKesson Shave Sets 79t jWrist Watches $£.95 u Yardley Shaving Bowl $3 n Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets m.: SHAVIN6 BRUSH USH SET *|2?.p AttSCFUL <H*T 100 Halibut iaver uu Capsules . $1.39 One Pint McKesson Cod Liver Oil .... 43^ 25 Haliver Oil Capsules with Viosterol .. g9> $1.00 Yeafct Tablets 0# ^ TINSEL WIUPPIN6 PAPER TREE LIGHTS Sir O0 B 5-lb. Epsom Salts ... 29^ 65c Pinez 59* 50c Lvsol 34* Pint Peroxide 24* Rubbing Alcohol, pt 13^ Sloan's Liniment. 49* COD LIVER OIL 1HTAmmmno

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