- - ,:^wf-'- *\ •' M1' • '?> M*«L Thursday, December 17, pe; THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, III., by Charles F. Renich . . < ^ i i • * * * 1 . 1 1 1 ' " Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under fin act of May 8, 1879. Offe Year Six Months -- -..r$2.00 ... |1.00 A. H. MO&HISls Editor and Manager Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- ~ -- -- Telephone 197 McHENBY ENTERED IN rox LAKE TOURNEV Fox Lake is to be host to 16 teams of amateur basketball players from December 26 to 30. The North Westem Region Independent amateur tournament will be held in the Grant Community Gym during those days. SERIOUSLY INJURED Ilf AUTO CRASH Jty fnments have been responsible for numerous motor accidents danng the pa^ several days, with Miss May Keefe of Spring Grove receiving serious injuries in a crash phl°i, ^red "ear the Purple All sports lovers of the Lakes re-; Grackie on U. S. Route 20, near Elgin, gion are going to stage their fill of j *b°ut 10:45 last week. Wednesday ih'rills as over 150 players from the j night when a truck crashed into her outstanding teams of three counties | sedan. battle for the title of the district. j Miss Keefe, 43 years old> was taken Towns sending teams will include to St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, where North Chjcago, Lake Zurich, j her condition was 'reported critical. Lake Villa, Grayslake, Libertyville, j An examination revealed that she re- Zion, Genoa City, Antioch, Crystal j ceived a severe dislocation of the fifth Lake, McHenry,- Hinsdale, Naperville vertebrae, bruises about the body and and Mundelien. j shock. Miss Keefe, who is well known here FOR SALE FOR SALE--House Trailer,- large enough for a small family. Must he seen; priced right. Schwerman Chevrolet Sales. 22-tf BINDERY MAKES ANNUAL VISIT TOMMY FOR SALE--Dressed Poultry; Ducks, and Geese and Chickens for Christmas. Place your order early. Mrs. James Hunter. Phone 617-J-2 TRAVEL THROUGH STATES TWO One* more the Motor bookbindery of North Manchester, Ind., has made' *30 its annual visit to McHenry and repaired hundreds of books SPRING GROVE A most enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Joseph Brown on Thursday when a party of friends gathered in observance of her birthday anniversary. About fifteen guests were present to enjoy the afternoon which was spent at cards and the lovely awards for high scores were presented to Mrs. William Bowman, Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. Mollie Harmes. At the conclusion of cards, ,a supper was served, after which Mrs. Brown was presented with a gift. . Miss Mae Keefe, who was seriously For the HOTTEST MUSIC Gome To TAVERN (In U. S. 12 v - McHenry, yi-;.*. JDD«AM) DANCE EVERY \ SATUEDAY NIOHT BOB PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA J * f * i r-tS Cary, FOR SAU5_Ch.ic. big typ. P„l„d "* """" April fario'w BAJsof°a fcw^chofee • ^Ion® ia November «r Decern*.!-. injured in an automobile accident near £K H6NJ.2 EW" - ^ °"dM e 30-2 wintry winds, the bookbinders return FOR SALE--Live or dressed Geese, McHenry. I Ducks or Chickens. Dressed, 21c- i Havin* been on the roa<* for eleven live, 16c. Mrs. Wm. Staines. Tel! years' this was their oighth .annual Richmond 842. visit to, this city, where they remain about a week, nicely located in the coat; lane near the grafle school. The only motor bookbindery to be One hundred prizes will be awarded t . , and winning teams will carry off a where she has relatives, was driving! p/>R q a t v m A i «ioo j o large loving cup as an awfcrd of their I west and the truck, owned by the S?, ?AL^~Model 1929 Ford CouP«' victory. , Byron Transfer company, was trav-1 i' ! eling in the same direction. Phone 613"J"2- RESIDENCE CHANGES | The truck driver failed to see the Leonard Carlson and family have: machijpe a$d crashed into the rear moved from Ringwood to the Mrs. end of the automobile and "then swerv- FOR SALE--Mail's black fur priced reasonable; excellent condition.1 M. H. Daley, Barber Shop, West Mc- found anywhere in the country, the Henry. 30 idea was originated by L. W. Klutz, pnD cai*. c. • , ' who, after Spending several years in 1, U7* 11 D, ,nn^T8 anJj, Sowing collge, where he earned his expenses l hens. Will Blake, Fhofle 611-W-l. hw and Georgie A. Meine house on Waukegan I ed across the road and overturned, street, j William DeSpain of Aurora," who ; was riding with Mss Keefe, escaped - .Cards have been received by rela-jwith minor injuries. tives from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wat-1 On Friday Miss Keefe submitted to., ties, who have reached Miami, Fla., an operation at St. Joseph's hospital, which proved to be successful. Without the operation she might have been paralyzed for life. Although she is not out of danger it is hoped she will recover. where they will spend the winter A WONDERFUL GIFT! Courtleigh Pipe.... $3-00 There is no better Pipe made BOLGER'S Pipe Headquarters WOODSTOCK BRINGS CLASSY CAGE TEAM HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Whenever an athletic team from our neighboring town of Woodstock comes to town, an old rivalry looms up to spur the current group of athletes on to greater heights. Coach Dale will be here Friday night of this week with one of the finest basketball teams Jos. Draper, *30 by bookbinding, and talcing a pre- '30 medical course at the University of Kentucky, abandoned^ his studies and succumbed to the lure of the road and the continuation of the work he loved best His father, W. F. Klutz, who had been a salesman, was a great lover of books, having several thousand MANY FINjE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM--A FEW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 1984 Buick Small "8" Sedan, perfect volumes in his home in Indiana, and condition; low mileage. We will decided to go with his son in his new absolutely guarantee this car the business venture. same as new. I They are continually expanding and IMS Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan, Very enlarging their work, now having one good condition. Must be seen to man working with them and making be appreciated. j plans for hiring more. They follow 1986 LaFayette DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan, the same route over the same terri- Heater, Run 13,000 miles, per- tory, returning to their regular cusfect condition. j tomers each year, covering the states 1936 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan, run 10,- of Wisconsin and Illinois principally. 000 miles. | Most of the winter is spent west of 1936 Pontiac DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan, Chicago and they will travel in Illinois radio, run 13,000 miles. until about June first when they will 1931 Chevrolet Coupe, run only 28,- return to Naperville and work there 000 miles. Many More At All Prices RL I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES Phone 6 West McHenry, III. FOR-RENT during vacation, as many of the col leges prefer their work done in the holidays. They work as far north as Appleton, Wis., and around Green Bay and Lake Winnebago in the summer time. Profitable Business They have a very profitable business r 1 BULLET CAM! Specially packaged for Christmas. Costs ottty fti-60 with carrying cast} HOURS of gift seeltins won't reveal a better gin at $2.85 than Eastman'* Bullet Camera. It's thoroughly new in design, streamlined for quick, easy operation, capable of making good inch snapshots. The Bullet Camera is ready here appropriately wrapped for Christmas Day. Be sure and see it oow. out in the county seat school. Coach Dale mixed up a group of veterans FARM FOR RENT--220 acres good land, 2 miles from town, good modern ! /*",* * " ,c.Ijr -- -- v . f* r e . ' ' j ; * e s t a b l i s h e d , m o v i n g o n l y a b o u t f i f t y ever turned ^8?J ment h®™' *^,h°U8e.a»d other miles a week. buildings, firewood. TOXOID CLINIC The annual toxoid clinic against diphtheria will be held in the nurse's room at the high school on Monday morning, Dec. 21, at 9:30 o'clock. The local physicians will give the immunizing dose^and parents are inman>! vited and urged to bring their children , „ .. _ „ - ^ . . „ , , states that there is a certain pride in to the clinic in order that they may smooth working outfit. Much progressi^R R^T--Flat m Peoples State the repairing of a good book, bring-1be protected against-diphtheria. A has been made since the first practice Bank Bldg. Inquire of F. A. Bohland- ing it back to its former comely ap- j small fee of fifty cents will be cha: »si, lo. „ W. ill. furrnish some 1 tu 1 j v • • * Q _ . | They work and live in their motor - - ~--r -- l Cre ^f1*" car where they are comfortable and with promising young starters to pro-1 !£, YT, buildm^a Stof- happy working with the books they ttaee a nifty squad. fel * Wsst love and meeting high te p«.ple On oui- own side, of the fence we find | ' who bring many of their treasures of Coach Reed putting a young team j FOR RENT--Modern house on Wau- the book world. through their paces each day in a re-1 kegan street. Phone 228-W. 28-tf1 The elder Mr. Klutz, jovial lentless effort to give McHenry n' went an operation on Friday which was successful. Without an operation she. might have been paralyz«5T" for life. Although she is still in a very critical condition, there is some hope that she will recover. , Edwin Hergott, wh* has spent the past two months at his home here, has returned to Chicago to seek employment. Mr. and Mrs. Fred May are the happy parents of an 8%-pound boy, born Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs, George W. May spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph E. Freund on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and children spent Sunday at the ly>me of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schaefer in Fox Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, son. Tommy, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, Sunday night. Mrs. Edith Cleveland, Round Lake, Kpent Monday afternoon and evening in the home of her daughter, Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's church held their regular meeting at the home of George A. May. Following the meeting, cards were enjoyed and refreshments were, served. Santa Claus will be at St. Peter's Hall on Wednesday evening, December ! 23, to enjoy the Christmas play, in J which all the pupils of the school will take part, and to give out gifts fori all . the kiddies. AT THE PIT Mile East of McHenry on Saturday Nigfat, Deoemb^r 19 ROAST BEEF DINNER • 25c i-i. Bon't forget our Big New Year's Eve Party *y Good Music and Entertainment For Reservations, Phone McHenry 20 SHOBER'S TAVERN U. S. Route 12 and Johnsburg Road .. Saturday Night, Dec. 19 •DUCKS - GEESE -- TURKEYS , Turkey Pl a t e L u n d | ^ tyster Stew"'Good Music A. F. SHOBER, Prop. started. The problem of fitting prop-! e/» West McHenry, !er combinations together has been'FQR 26-tf fifty charged pearance. {parents for the service. He also states that he never has any i No child should have diphtheria to- (airly well ironed".^'^dThe troVb.r^Tr^T.^XtTeoplVC show signs of swinging into a winning I gj ^ McHenry " ! who lnv» tmnki •» hnnuf iurmn> I n. stride. 27-tf our boys to an edge that promises to make the Woodstock game one of the best games of the year. Wau con da was an easy victim for the locals, coming out on the short end of a 34 to IS score. The Marengo game wh|ch McHenry lost by a 36 to 84 count was one of those battle-royal contests that bring fans out of their chairs to yell wildly for their favorites. Through the turmoil of arguments and penalties McHenry wound up the game with only - four men on the floor. | Then, came Genoa City on Saturday j night and our team rolled up some 150 points against 18 for the visitors. The game was too lopsided to be of great interest, but it gave the boys a i ^ot of practice and confidence in their I ability to hit those nets. Now for the Woodstock battle. Let's be there. who love books are honest persons I Parents, avail yourselves of this opwho will pay their debts. | portunity and protect your child _ 1 „ , The bookbinders did not feel the against this dread disease. the past week, with a bard fought basis; with or without stock; five-cah years of depression, but if anything! Any child over nine months of age game at Marengo mixed In has keyed;base; large hog house. Thirty miles it helped them, as having no funds may receive it. A couple of free scoring contests in FOR RENT--Dairy Farm; Share north of Chicago, Lake county. J. B. to buy new books, more libraries and Decker, 373§ Belmont Ave., Chicago, schools took better eare of those they HI. 80 already had. Repair School's Books A. JOANNE RULIEN. Your New Year's Eve Reservations Early ' * £0* - WHERE FUN BEGINS AND ENDS : Pink Harrison's THE PLAYGROUND DF PISTAKEE BAY Delicious Fried Ohicken Excellent Drinks Splendid Music by Barbara Horick's Orchestra 'Noise Makers and Everything WAirriD THOMAS P. BOLOBt Druggist McHenry . During their stay of about a week. w^ here they repaired about 200 books WANTBP TO BUY---Wheat. Will pay for th, h ^.hool and dt school. a good pric.. MeHennr Co. Farmara u worlt. Co-op. Aaa-n. Phone McHknry 2». I At the rate of 260 or 300 volume. . week they repair about 15,000 books AM IN THE MARKET And will pay in » y««r» including about 1,000 volcash, if price is right, for a farm from ume* of the National Geographic 80 to 200 acres, preferably one with which they bind- They have a lisfi stock and tools, in close range of Mc- of 111,001 260 magazines that they Henry. Write Box 431, McHenry. ,bind» including several church maga *27-4 zines. I Mr. Klutz stated that their work is OUR Nicest v WANTED--Dairy farmers to sell milk of two types, durability for schools regularly to Uie McHenry Dairy. Call and flexibility for private work. The* or phone McHenry 27. 80-2 WANTED--Two reliable men to begin work Jan. 1; one in plant and one on milk route. Phone or call at McHenry Dairy. Phone 27. 30-2 MISCELLANEOUS ' BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS As Christmas approaches and the annual sale of Christmas seals is carried on, I urge you all to join with READY TO SERVE YOU WITH--I Many styles of leather are carried me and millions of men and women'Coal and Coke. Call 649-R-l. H. in the motor car from the cheapest' and children throughout the length Sompel and Son. 4-tf varieties to the most expensive sealuse brass type that may be often re heated and the glue comes in fiive pound cakes from Swift & Co. It it wood glue, mixed with glycerine and beeswax. The gold is 22-karat gold and is so thin that 360,000 sheets make a stack only one inch high. yf* , if •.••f ^ ... " * Aladdin Light e Christmas Spirit As a gift for or within the farm family, nothing could be more helpful or healthful than an Aladdin. It will please every member of the family: Mother, because it's beautiful, cheerful, and comfortable--makes her work easier. Sons and Daughters, because it makes their school work easier--better grades. And Dad, because of reading comfort to himself and the joy it brings to others. It's one of few gifts all can •hare, all can enjoy to the fullest. And you city folks--if you have farm folk*--farm friends--Aladdin is a gift they 11 appreciate for years. Aladdin Gives You All This! Aladdin Kfantle Lamps use common kerosene (coal-oil). Burn 50 hours um a single gallon. Because it uses 94% air and only 6% oil, is vastly more economical than old-fashioned yellow-flame lamps. Pays for itself quickly on oil saved.. Safe -- a child can operate it. No pressure -- no noise -- no odor -- no smoke. and breadth of our country who are sharing Christmas joy with others by helping fight tuberculosis.. segls today. C. W. GOODELL, Local Chairman. skin. This is used for bibles at GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let U8 co_s t of $5 per volume, while plainef Buy'your'dispo8f yoUJ 5*rb«ge books^^bTcVe^'for $2!50. or oftener if desired. Reasonable 0ver 400 tools are used in various rates. Regular year /0Und route, ^ decorations of covers. Morocco leathformerly George Meyers'. Ben J. ef from goat8 in A£ricjl is the che.p. Smith. Phone 167 or 631-M-l. 2-tf PERSONALS Felicie Unti and Billy -Pries arrived home Thursday from a trip through the east and Florida. Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. John Stilling were Chicago v|iitors Monday. Mrs. Albert Purvey a ad Mrs. J. J. Miller were Waukegan callers Tuesday. " ' Hubert Scho^wsr of Qak Park at- 1 ended the funeral of hi^ uncle, John King, Wednesday, C. W. Goodell was caBed to Green Bay, Wis., over the weekend by the serious illness of his brother, Harold Goodell. «* Mrs. C. S. Howard was greatly pleased last week by the visit of her first and only great-grandchild, little seven-months old Harriet Ethel Howe. The little girl came with her parents, Corporal and Mrs. Kenneth H. Howe of Fort Sheridan and Chicago, who remained from Wednesday until Sunday night with the Corporal's grandmother. :*y Mrs. Wm. Heimer and daughter, Hazel, spent Wednesday in Chicago. est, but cloth bindings are most dur FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of crippled, and Dead Horses and I The motor car, machinery, tools. Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE etc., covers a total investment of Woodstock Phone 1646-W-2, and re- 16,000 in which the men are most inver^ « charges. - 5-tf terested, always making improveft '•--' /IIJ'I jii);iii;.>jw^.j-ment8. BOWLING • From McHenry the outfit went to ' • Crystal Lake and then planned to go Club | to Wheaton for the holidays with work , {from the college requiring a stay of 17g 485 about five weeks. Here Mr. Kluts 208 484 pl*ns to see his daughter, who is the 188 181 166--435 wi'e °* ®r* Stanley, a professor in the 97 89 95--261' Wheaton college. j The house on wheels is most com- Ladies Team Ne. I 4 Millie Kinsala .... 158 Marie 146 Helen Eleanor ........ 161 186 181 Total ......... Team No. 2 Edith Tiny Blondie Marion Mary Total --... Team No. 3 R. Marshal) D. Page ..i K. Rogers ....... Marg. Kinsala Total SS8 487 640 166S plete from the electric lights and gas I stove bought in McHenry last year to 144 116 146 180 120 149 184 186 186 186 162 465 the little dogs that seemed most con- 150, 400, tented with his unique home 141--422' 120--486 118--418 706 690 786 2181 126 192 118 148 171 168 121 101 161--448 146--496 104--388 147--396 ."-I wm' We are Headquarters for Atuddin Supplies for All Models J. J. Vycitil Hardware McHenry Down Unknown Road .Nobody is too old for happiness, and you never know what may be lying in wait around th§ next cor- "'8f John's St. John's college, ol Annapolis. Md., grew out of Kii* William's •chool, founded in gMfc becoming a college in 17ii. - . CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appfeeta*" tion for the kindness and sympathy shown Us during the days of Neil's illness and of his death. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doher^y •80 and Family 679 661 The "Monkey Dog" The little 8-pound dog, called the "Monkey Dog," is the Affenpinacher, a toy breed fostered in Ger- 'tnany. CARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to express 648 1678 our thanks and appreciation to neigh' bors and friends for floral offerings, acts of kindness and expressions sympathy during our recent bereavement. The help of friends in a time pf need is greatly appreciated. Jacob Brefeld and Family Crasy Horse Led Indians Crazy Horse, chief of the Ogalala Sioux, waa Joint leader in the war of 187S with Sitting Bull. These modern Gas Appliances are useful* confB* fifonr, economicaL And they will spread the cheer of Christmas over many ycars of piacticaX sca^icc. SERVEL ElECTROLUX REFRIGERATOR The Heftigcatot! Its silence means years o|| ntyftw service. No moving parts to wear. Contin*,' ued low operating cost Daily sayings in foo|k: loMff, protection for the health of chfr fcmily A variety of sizes and prices to choose fronfc lee the Serve! Electrolux at Western United Stores. AUTOMATIC ^ MS ST0RA6E WATER HEATER A Christmas gift of daUy luxury! The luxury of hot water i.. for hundreds of household tasks. Always on tap... Hay or night... when you need it And there's 09 or fjother. It costs so little to have this great convenience. Put this Gas Appliance on your Christmas list for your home. Finest Wool Net Always Best Although wool is graded according to the fineness of fiber, the fin set wool is net always the choicest. GKkUlmai Buying Made Eaty! any Newt Low, Liberal Tsesss. Fqaeanmyb* made ooaiUy with your Gas Service bilL ?-KK: