Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1936, p. 8

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- * sr* > "V* ^ kr ; 'v IP ,.,; /-•» • ^ i*$i> •- --• >* . _ ^ ,4 ;-- * !. \"^ - • -„ ,E All IllUCuniHli ih are more or less CMiy-'- i mwi and they do not hesitate to ••-•C «at tMir town kind. ' *. '• •"' "*- / f ^ <v¥-y- ' /': ;yX ",v • koticc. t> t£-i LflOlfS/ ." s«» Wf NOB E IT PAJAMAS {pit... XAiLjU. $1.96 McGEE'S Society Notes if* rtf" I'..'-4.,;; MANY PARTIES AREHELD HERE AT XMAS TIME Parties At Schools ; The McHenry schools - will close Wednesday fcr the Christinas vac*- tion and will re-open on Jan. 4 Children of the grade school enjoyed their Christmas party in the gymnasium Wednesday afternoon, where the Christmas spirit prevailed. The pupils, both large and small, were happy around the Christmas tree where each oni received a gift. At the high school, also, the Yuletide has been observed with patties.: On Monday evening the Girls' Athletic Association made merry at their Christmas party where gifts -were exchanged and a jftlly evening spent in games. Children of St. Mary's school enjoyed their Christmas party Tuesday morning with exchange of gifts and playing of games. Pupils of the seventh and eighth grades entertained with a Christmas play, "Lighting the Christmas Candles," and songs. Re- ;? ••S3. SPECIALS r, M W n , Sunlrist, 7> ^ VT«lll§6i Large size *9c Mince Meat Surfine, Squash 3C freshments were served and °the children enjoyed a happy party. Girl Scoots The Girl Scouts entertained their mothers and members* of the Mothers Club at their annual tea given each year at Christmas time, at the high school on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Miss May Justen assisted the girls with the tea, which followed the program, also put on by the girls. The program consisted of the following numbers: Pa jama Style Show--High School Clothing Class. . Piano Solo--Bonnie Page. , Reading--Martha Durland. Marimba Solo*--Louise 8tillin^ .. u- Plsy--"Spice Cakes and Tea," Jfarot Mary Simon; Jane, Joan Reihansperger; Jerry, Elaine Landgren; Jim Winifred Carp; Peddler, Nadine Schaefer. Tap Dance--Jane Durland. Eastern 8tar Santa Claus distributed gifts at the annual Christmas party, given by McHenry chapter, 0. E. S., Saturday night, to which members of the Ma- , GUBW OF M. A. Conway entertained a parly of Mends Friday evening in honor of Joseph Kortendick of Roekford, whe has been visiting in the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Bolger. Cards, Iaterestiaf Knrbj Hewi < Continued from front page) condition, lir. Wittmus reported. That a short circuit exists in the electric music and dancing furnished diversion ; installation appears to be the view of for the evening with prizes awarded citisens who have visited the premises. invited. Cards, games and dancing furnished the evening's entertainment, after which lunch was served. Catholic Daughters The Catholic Daughters of America enjoyed their annual Christmas party at K. C. Hall Thursday evening with, a Christmas tree serving as appropriate decoration. Gifts were exchanged by those present and the event was a merry one. The first games of the card tournament were also played at this meeting, with the Misses Mary Kinney and Genevieve Knox winning the prizes in in five hundred and euchre. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, Mr. and Mrs.. John Bolger, Joseph Kortendick, Mr. and Mrs. Will Tonyan and Will Quinn. SUNSHINE CLUB ENTERTAINED Mrs. George Adams was hostess to members of the Sunshine Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week when two tables ef Ave hundred were in play. Prises ware merited by Mrs. Ben Bauer and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck. The affair waa slso in the nature of a Christmas party and gtfls were exchanged. The next meeting of the dob will be witfe. Mrs. Charles Allen next week. ENTERTAINS CLUB MEM Mrs. Arthur Klein of Johnsburg entertained the ladies of her club at a Christmas party at her home Sunday afternoon. Ten ladies were present to enjoy cards during the af^r-noon, with prizes wen by Mrs. Ed Freund, Mrs. Steve Schaefer and Mrs. ^Arthur Kattner. The home was decorated in holiday attire with a Christmas tree sonic lodge and their fam«Ua.JKer» «o»nd which gifts were exchanged. Following the diversion of the afternoon, a delicious turkey dinner was served at 6:80 o'clock. The livestock loss at the Wittmus farm will serve as a warning to farm-f era to make a survey of barns and residential properties and avoid an' experience like that which the nearby farmer has passed through. Louis Belsky, 46 fears old, a Dubuque, la., automobile dealer, died at the Sherman hospital in Elgin last week Sunday suffering from serious injuries received when he plunged off the rear platform of an Illinois Central train near Youngsdale, about a mile and a half west ef 8outh Elgin, Satexday morning. Belsky, who suffered aoiervous breakdown recently, ~is reported to hare committed Suicide. He had fastened his telt around his neck before the fall and was near death from strangulation when found. A collision between switching engine* of the , Chicago and North Western and E. J. A E» railroads on the switching track of the two roads j near the signal tower, Barrington, resulted in three empty freight ears be- ] ing wrecked and one engine slightly, damaged, Saturday afternoon of last week. E. J. ft B. engine was pull-j ing a string of cars along the track! coonectingthe two lines and the North Western engine was backing down with a string of ears ahead of it. Two freight efcrs were knocked from the! tracks into a ditch and the. third remained on the tracks although damag-1 ed. The E. J. ft E. engine^was slightly damaged but operate. ujJ by the tern wrecking k v' JK ° I < • .. * //toniab\ /? THf MSHtNRV BKUaaitV lw:' •i u, ^ i^i ; : m HENRVHlLtftOIS* > t,-^4 TPS TODAY sab aATPIIPAY, sr-.-sf*" V ' . i PLAINDEALER PUBLISHER HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Tables bright with lighted tapers. and Christmas motifs, the strains of "Happy Birthday To, You," and half, The wreck was a hundred guests assembled to honor Chicago and North a loved friend, marked tike observance crew. of the "thirtieth anniversary Of the! 'Earle E. Bower, life-long Democrat thirty-fifth birthday" of C. F. Renich of Richmond, was appointed acting of Woodstock, editor of the Woodstock postmaster of the Richmond postoffice, Sentinel and publisher of the McHen- effective last Saturday, the appoint- _ ry Plaindealer, and well known civic ment coming from Postmaster General hndga and Mrs Joe Adams and Laura ,eader jn njcHenry county, Saturday Farley. He succeeds Atty. John H. Weber in five hundred. i evenjng at the Olga-Don Tea room in Ryan, resigned, who has had charge The tournament will continue for Wftnd*tft*k. „ of the office for the past three yeat s. three months when those holding high ( Employes * the Plaindealer office Mr. Bower has many friends in Richscores for the entire tournament will,were "in" on the invitations so gra- mond and throughout McHenry counbe awarded grand prizes. jciously extended by Mrs. Renich, as ty who are pleased to hear of Schiessle and her com- j well as employes of the Sentinel ct- .TTn^nim^success in his a delicious Christmas |fice-j|fl'1jjiiifiy^*oi^Jii,iends and neigh- new position. Mr. Bower is following Peanuts 18c' Chocolates Quality . 5 lb. box 99c OastHar PEANUT BRITTLE Or VallUj HARD CANDY, Per lb. Colassal's, Large can f t . " / * ' y '* „ PIS Ripe Olives Apples Pork Sausage *3e Sweet and Juicy Jonathans ISc 4 lbs. 25c BARBIAN BROS. Phone 180 Riverside Drive Mrs. Marie mittee served lunch. nfembers of the Catholic Daughters of America brought Christmas joy to the children Sunday afternoon when each member brought a child to the annual Christmas party. Each child received a gift and a treat from Santa Claus as he made merry around the Christmas tree and all enjoyed a happy afternoon. The youngsters put on a program, including a reading by Joan Durland; bors, all of whom enjoyed the seven in the footsteps of his father, Thos. o'clock dinner and evening of cards Bower, who served as postmaster at that followed. Richmond during the two presidential Mrs. Renich had planned the affair terms of Grover Cleveland and for as a surprise for her husband and al- many years was a leader in party although he suspected that some plot fairs in this community and in Mc* was on foot, yet it was a real sur- Henry County. prise when he found the tea room j Taking advantage of the absence Of filled to capacity with his many the family, two burglars wearifig friend* of long standing. large sized overshoes, broke into the A toast by W. S. McConnell to the H. A. MacArthur home near Diamond honored member of the party, open- Lake last week Thursday night and Vales; a song by Edward Buss; a song by Bunny Stoffel; reading by Mary Buss; duet, Anna Marie and Kathrine Klapperich; -reading, Marion Grace with Mrs Marie Schiessle at the piano. C. O. F. Juveniles About twenty-five Juveniles of St. Mary's Court, C. 0. F., met in Forester Hall Sunday afternoon for a WMk?: • ;H u > N PHONE 40 Xmas Dinner Delivery Service ^ with songs, informal talks, the pre- wearing apparel and jewelry. Evident sentation of a, gift by Attorney Floyd ly entertaining doubts as to their abil- Eckert and the recognition of his em- ity to dispose of a quantity of initialployes and old friends by Mr. Renich, ed silverware, the burglars left a large Conveyr"ea<Ting"1,MartyAlciappMich'; who. commented on his various asso- tray in a field near the house after reading, Mitzi Durland; song, Donald c A iatl0ns ™th the fn^8 »Me™bled. removing it from the house The Howard, accompanying himself on the Amon* those present were two sis- burglary was discovered at 121.S0 a. m. guitar; two songs sung by the group.ters,°' sst well as his Fndaywhen Mr. wi . , and accompanied by Adele Froehlich ^?U8ins» wh u° traveled considerable returned to their jiome ^nd found paon the cornet, and songs by the group, dl8Jl?c®8 t0 ^ pref.ent at toe *nd A d°thl?^!? !1T^ A letter of greeting was read from home and six oriental rugs of various the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Renich, sizes, valued at $525, missing. who could not be present, and/her lit-1 Twq, men and a woman, all from tie daughter who celebrates her birth- DesPhrinsa, suffered minor injuries day on the same day as her grand- early Tuehday of last week when the father. 'automobile in which they were riding, . . , | The guests were seated at tables struck a dirt bank at a gravel road Christmas party and election of °£-' which were later ttftsd for cards, with junction near route 176 and Lake Zurficers. The meeting was in charge of place can]8 in holiday colors, also ich road, and turned over while at- " o°. °f me[l, . rCB^r8' ® serving as score cards. Individual tempting to speed away from arrest . In /?e,r bu*ine8S and cakes held red candles in green hold- by a sheriff's radio patrol squad. The n. ' . e rne«ting a happy one. ers foynj at each place and other ap- trio had been out hunting rabbits by rar, ! pointments carried out the Christmas artificial lighta. / and a lunch of red hots and chocolate, colora> | In a spectacular fire early Saturday was serv . Mr. Rlenich cherishes his many evening of last week, which burned friends and is ever ready to help them fiercely for more than two hours and whenever possible. j drew crowds of spectators from miles ^ The guests assembled appreciated around, the large colonial home of W. the invitation to the very happy birth- A. Brewerton on Thorrtbury farm, day party and extended congratula- near Libertyville, was completely detions and best wishes for many more stroyed * loss estimated at Officers elected for the year are: Richard Williams, president. Donald Weingart, vice-president. Richard Weber, recording secretary. Charles Weingart, financial secretary. George Spoo, speaker. . < George M. Freund, treasurer. James Freund, senior conductor. - James Regner, junior conductor. J ' Raymond Smith, inside guard. Harold Michels, outside guard. ' The Juveniles will meet on the third Sunday of each month at 2 p. m. Riverview Camp Members of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., enjoyed their Christmas party on anniversaries of his thirty-fifth birthday to Mr. Renich. MISS MAY KEEFE DIES AT HOSPITAL FOLLOWING AOOmSMT, "• 142,000. Eaaternmost Point of U. S. The easternmost point of the United States is West Quoddy Head, Relatives here have received news of the death of Miss May Keefe, 43 years old, which occurred at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Tuesday after- Wi We will have a special service, delivering Ice Cream Cakes and Special Bricks for Duuwr & Qi^^ Packed to keep an hour. 1 " " s":"! Holiday Ice Cream Cake Luick superb English Toffee ice cream in novel cake form with whipped cream decorations in gay holiday colors. Packed in an attractive red and green carton this holiday cake will serve four to six people. It* wM* Special Brick ^ii A prMent for your appetite! Eeal Raspberry Ice. . Mac aroon Ice Cream... with a Pistachio Nut Christmas Tree center. A bride for the festive season! Bolg«r's Drug Store "THE CHRISTMAS STOUT StVMt 40 j m >, ' ° uuojwwiij fiigiiiy luracwy olb6r* ular mLTcTinp « WinK their reg: noon' blowing injuries received in ulsr meeting. Gifts were exchaAffec} an automobile accident. and a pleasant evening enjoyed. Miss Keefe, whose home .was at jfMi, v. _ _ Spring Grove, although she had been »m. • !e . , working in the Elgin State hospital, N • f C h n s t m a g p a r t y o f t h e w a s i n j u r e d w h e n a t r u c k c f a s h e d i n t o S " ?lub members was en- the rear end of her automobile and Johnson pvj£ • G,eor8:e then swerved across the pavement Johnson Friday evening when a^leam- and overturned. She received a sev- ISft, h^, Tr exchange of j ere dislocation of the fifth vertebrae, g s brought Christmas cheer. Cards j bruises and shock. She submitted to were played, with prizes awarded to an operation which it was thought Mrs. William Spencer, Mrs. Clarence Martin and Mrs. C.* J. Reihansperger and a buffet supper served. Christmas Party About twenty-two Juveniles of St Clara's Court, W. C. O. F., were present at the Christmas party in St Marys' Church Hall Saturday afternoon. Bunco was played during the afternoon with prizes won by Luella Smith and Betty Regner. Each Juvenile received a small gift from the court and a bag of candy and nuts with an orange in each. A lighted Christmas tree brought the thrill of Christmas time to the young folks* would benefit her, but it proved unsuc cessful and had she lived she would have been paralyzed for life. 5 She is survived by a brother, Edmund, her aunt, Katie Keefe, and tw J uncles, Will and Ed Keefe, of Spring Grove. LADIES' AID SOCIETY Members and guests of the Ladies' Aid society enjoyed their annual Christmas party at the M. E. parsonage Thursday afternoon, with Mrs E. G. Peterson and Mrs. Charles Ensign as hostesses. Following the business session games were enjoyed and gifts were exchanged around a lighted Christmas trgfi,_ gov. and Mrs. Pinnell were also "remembered with many gifts which they found under the tree upon their arrival for die weekend. , The next meeting of the society will he with Mrs. William Spenee^ on Jan. 14. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS Local young people who are attending colleges in distant cities are returning this week to spend their vacation with home folks. j Among them are Guy Duker, Lillian Segel, George Johnson and Harry Schnaitman of the University of Illinois, Eugene Sayler and Jack Purvey of Chicago, Bernice Unti of Northwestern University ahcftShirley Covalt of Chicago. Richard Vycital is also attending school in Chicago. Miss Janet Lindsay who is attending school at DeKalb, is home for the holidays. Miss Marguerite Johnson of DeKalb arrived home Saturday for her Christmas vacation, and Miss Ruth Reihansperger arrived home from Roekford college to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger. ' '-T '• Mrs, Ck A. Himler of Puyallup, Wash., has arrived for a visit In the home of her daughter, MMr P. E. Covait, and family. Real Extract of . VANILLA- (Hot an Imitation) 3 ounce bottle 6 ounce bottle Pint bottle; Regular price, $3.00 the pint You saye $1.41 • Telephone Us Tour Needs Bolger's Drug Store , 111. Phone 40 --^ "2-," • '• il TOILET 3 OoOT^ott l«T « a * VITAMINS 100 Halibut Liver Oil . Capsules $1.30 25 Haliver Oil Capsules with Viosterol 89c 5 c.c. Abbott Haliver Oil with Viostorll ^1. 71^ ; • ; """"S., m REMEDIES Absorbine Junior Addine Seltser Bottle Genam* LesHmr BILL F0LP5 COD UVER OIL *!NT BABY 60c Syrup of Figs 49<* 40c Castoria 29c Child's Tooth B'sh. 15^ 50c Johnson Cream 39<* 25c McKesson Baby Powder 14^ Mennen Baby Oil 36# FancfBe* STATION too sun-so turn. 50*w FEENAMINTlOVALTINE. 1PEP50DENT uuumvm I«bkw«a/w 1941/^52^ |s2.!E 194 * £"* . * 'Vi A'kr.. - S f 4 ! ija . ' * *'vt '

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