"thursclay, January 7,1937 Twice T o l d PLAINDEALER Page Three Device Diagnoses Hebrt Actios! VOLO JOHNSBURG SLOCUM'S LAKE fans ef htenil Taken From it FUm of tir Platediaki ef T«n Ac* SIXTY TEARS AGO Tboa. Conway, a former resident McHenry, bat who now resides in *•*», # makipg his friends a visit Tn section, VThe MeHenry Brewery is now put- Wf »?» » supply ox ice for the coining *enaen. They are getting out some fne ice m we ever saw. Our collector says, "Ike Wentworth the first man that paid his tax .tineyear." 0*» the organisation of the Legislature on Wednesday, Ron. P. IL Granger ef MeHenry, was nominated and temp4i»,ry Speaker of the FIFTY TEARS AGO jfersary, A fr»s-Md Kotc ofper rifht hand ncop light which < At the ham* of the .bride's parent »t .jMjpJJiT;.. V* -- T rw , Slocum's Lake Wednesday evening,1 • : '• MoBeriry has a Tobaggan slide. Who says ire are not up with the Hlaes? At grand hall, Parker House, there were one hundred and sixty-one coup' les New Years Eve ,and' all report a good time. Jos. Gillc9 showed us two large jack rabbits last week, sent to him from Minnesota. They weighed over six pounds. A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield Monday evening and pleasantly surprised Mr, Passfield in honor of his birthday. Nine tables of auction five' hundrei were played, prizes being won by Mr&' Alvin Case, Miss Ada Dowell, Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, John Passfield, Carl Thorsell and Joseph Passfield. A, very dainty lunch was served which brought the pleasant evening to t close. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell. The Christian Fellowship Club c4 the Volo Community Bible , will meet at the Vole SehPfl! iwn&jr evening, Jan. 16 at 8 p."m. I Wedding bells were ringing in this! community Wednesday, Dec. 30, 198^1 when Miss Alma DeweO, daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dowell of Sloc-| J A precision instrument which determines the Heart action, puis* urn's Lake, became the bride of John rat* and records high or low blood pressure by the means of charts, is Passfield, youngest son of Henry Pass-' «*•* "heartometer." The graph gives a graphic report of the waver- VH TTtfftmhsr 80th was the bride's fet » minute variations of heart action, and the blood pressure is degrandmother's (Mrs. Alice Baeeley of. in millimeter scales conforming to the standard mercury col Wauconda) 62nd weddiac anniversary.! a?m' ee a ted and blue neon light shows pressure, riiminating the use m. t. /- . . Mr Ui«.K«Tvi °* • stethoscope, The chart when completed shows a permanent read- J £ i n * i « g O f t h e e n U r t d i a g n o s i s . P h o t o s h o w s M i s s M u r i e l E . J e n k i n s h a v i n g Baseley of Grayalake, weddmg aniu- m re^g. Charles Cook is sup«%sibg the recording. the highland low Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scheurmann of Wheatland, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. 4 Dr. and Mrs. Leo Gerlach and sons Arthur Wackerow called on relatives in Chicago Monday. , Harry iklatthews attended an allday meeting of tj*e Board of Directors of the Lake County Farm Bureau it Were Milwaukee, Wis., callers last j Farmer's Hall, Grayslake, Tuesday vree'C- i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter, Frances, were recent callers daughter of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Steve H. Smith. Joe N. Schmitt, Adam Bildner and!Earl Converse. at Elgin. Tony LaGrippe of Chicago ap» Tuesday at the home of Mr. at t last Mrs. with a number of relatives being pres ent, including the aged grandmother/ Mrs. Alice Baseley, 86 years old. Tbe | young couple will make their home with the groom's father, Henry Passfield. [ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner spent New Years day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner in Chicago. Howard Hironimus of Chicago spent a few days here the past week visiting relatives and friends. Lilah Mae and ATvllla Ann Fisher FORTTYEARS AGO •oJ^RS1 is «"• !>•"wMk with Owen Bros.) Aire putting up a slide , . 4 « i n i •wtirt-will be ready for u» on Satur- «h«r 'unt ..d unci., Mr. .nd Ito. day of this week. GM^iss' ?Vfi,nhne'ide' 'Br-ac "on called on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon near Grayslake New Years day. 8 j Circuit Court will commence the L James We*ner of MeHenry spent! January term, at Woodstock, on Mon-|Je P™1 ^ J'™ h,s Ki andparents* day next. Judge Kellum will preside. !M!"-and Mrs. M. Wegner, here. | We learn that the farmers and dairy: Mr and Mrs Thomas Richardson Hen in this vicinity are negotiating and daughter of Forest Park and Mr., fer the purchase of the Oatman fac-iand Mrs. Joseph Wagner and family tery, in this village .which will be^ere New Years dinner guests at the Jtmnedjnto a co-operative factory. jho™e of Mr. and Mrs Alex Martini. ; -V. •$. Chapell and wife, D. S. Bab-1 Mr- and Mrs. John Rossdeutcher Wit and wife, A. A. Chapell and B. »nd s L on Chicago, Mr Matt RossfkrUelman, of Elgin; Geo. W. Owen Jeutcher and Mrs. Cora VValmseley of and family, Chas. Owen and wife, and Round Lake' T Mr". and T Mrs" J A ose^h l G<t*. ,E. Chapell, of Chicago, Mrs.lLe"ze"' M"- Lou,je J»nes a"d MrfWnk Schnorr, of South Dakota, Miss and E. Rossdeutcher and sons Annie Philip, of Algonquin, and Chas. sP«nt ^ew Years day here at the •Ihbs and wife, of Richmond, ware ho™ of Mr. and Mrs. Paul O Leary. asaeng the guests from out of town! , Mr- and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and fam-; wb* attended the Chapell-Owen wed-^'ily spent.^Sunday at the home of Mr. di»g on Wednesday last. and Mrs W,lhara Lohmann in Llb" GRAND CHAMPION YALE'S GREAT ACE Wm. J. Meyers attended the Commun itty Club at Spring Grove Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George King were Woodstosck visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and family of Chicago spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. MiUer, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Spring Grove were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Inria Schaefe^ of Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr and Mrs Frank Young of 8pring Grove spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miehels. Robert Schaefer of Waukegan Was a Johnsburg visitor Sunday. . Mrs. Gelo and daughter, Marie, of Chicago^iipffnt Thvdfsday with Mr. and Mrs. BarMd-Gelo. Mrs. George King spent Saturday in Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Mik{ Gorskie, / * John fiertrag of Aarota is visiting here with relativesfor a few days. Mr. and MrjT. Ifenry Stoffel and daughter of Volo spent Wednesday with John Pitxen. Mrs. Mary McCabe of Chicago was called to MeHenry Wednesday night by the fatal injury and death of her brother, James Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baur, who had been at Wilkesbarre, Pa., spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lundeen of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park spent New Years Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Coss of Waucopda spent New Years Day at the home of Mr. and Mr?, W. E. Brooks. -- - kr. and Mrs. Sari Converse daughter, Frances, enjoyed New Years at the home of Mrs. Pfeilena Davis. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Olive, spent Sunday at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson at Volo. Mrs. Anna Matthews and son, of Crystal Lake, spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DarreR and two children of Wauconda and Wm. Rother of Mineral Point, Wis., spent Menday evening at the home of WMatd Darrell. Arthur Wackerow and Mrs. George Eatinger and Wm. Eatinger of Waufond% Cflied 9Q Geojjj Eatinger at the Elgin State hos$ii&i Years day. Mrs. Wm. Whitman and SOtt, of Wauconda, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith Sunday. Edward Swanson, Wauconda, spent Sunday with Harry Dowell Mr. Lon Pretzman of Richmond spent Sunday with his wife and daugh ter at the Page Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams, Crystal Lake were callers Saturday at the Mrs. John S. Freund They will now home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. be in Chicago for a time. Miss Maud Curv spent Wednesday of last week in Chicago, where she Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rogers, and Mrs. B. C. Harris of Wauconda, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith spent New visited Mrs. H. Sampson, a former!Years day at the home of Mr. and resident of MeHenry. Mrs. Sampson Mrs. Page Smith. is moving soon to Joliet to join her Miss Alma Dowell, eldest daughter husband, who is now city engineer at of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell was mar- Joliet. Miss Curr made the trip with ried to Mr. John Passfield of Volo at Mrs. Betty Nielsen, who motored to!Woodstock last Wednesday, Dec. 30. Chicago on business Wednesday, leav-|The wedding supper was held at the ing Miss Curr at her destination and home of the bride's parents with 21 stopping for her on her return trip guests present home. The day proved to be one of great enjoyment for Miss Curr. 1H1RTY YEARS AGO ertyville. < Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and, daughter, Mlse Margaret Eichstedt of: . Butter was firm at 32 cents on the' E1^in.' Mf- aB* *1?' Ch*JleS M D*lTJji :«rh, board of trade Monday? 1*"d of Wauconda, Mr. and , The E. S. Wheeler auction sale last Mrs L oyd Eddy of Grayslake, Thursday was very well attended »nd Lowell of Dundee, Mr. an everything was disposed of at good ^a8S ® n 3 n igsSes, the cows especially bringingj^ld Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell^ s*Ue faacv ances. family, aad Mr. and Mrs. John Paaa^ Ike rainy d^. of th. put. ^ field w«« Wwr Year. Jinner caused the ieeman men tkan the home rf Mr. and Mr.. loMvk, mn ' ...I jPassfVeld. While ,7ttrning from the .ill °«««« ene mornins "G-Page." 995 pound jet-bldck Aberdeen-Angus steer, entry from Oklahoma A. and M. college, won the grand champion steer blue ribbon, the supreme award of the International* Live Stock exposition in Chicago. Larry Kelley, captain and end ot the Yale football team, by scoring a touchdown in the Harvard game, closed his brilliant career with tbe record of having scored at least once in every game against vard and Princeton during his th years of play. SPRING GROVE \ Newsboy Artist Wins Recognition The Community Club held its regular meeting on Monday night. Card:) [were enjoyed after the meeting and 'refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Joseph Brown «» hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews and son, Earl Jr., of Wauconda and Wiilard Darrell were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson of North Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Jennie Barley of Libertyville spenfc TWENTY YEARS AGO Pleffer's team suddenly took fright aad ran away. They were stopped) . • ... •ear the river bridge on Water street, « fe* f"*8 ***% week ;.ft» *»" <*"*• Mr Ud Mr., k Henkel and family, Njlra. Anna Loak and Miss A1m Ms* XJuire visited nlvtives in ChiSge of Butter on the Elgin beard rf trade Sunday, uli at 39 cents per pound last Sat* May. John Degen has given up his poslat the Borden bottling plant here. lee skating has been a popular) pasti* M on Fox river during the(past wsek. ^ A small army of ieemen are now Visitors at the Fred Dosch home all last week were: Mr. C. Blum and Mn n dmum* w uv„ Casey, Chicago; Mrs. George Harper e»p)oy*d"on"tbe ice fields of The pond. Borden's are giving employ ^ ^ •tent to more than fifty men. ^ Many of those who boarded the train fcera on Monday evening were forced to stand. Too bad that the Northwestern cannot afford to supply an ample number of coaches to accommodate its patrons. STAMPED GOWN Stiff black taffeta is stamped with gbld leaf flowers in gold, red, grfeen, •and brown. It is superbly cut on bouffant lines with a fitted and draped bodice held in front with a gold clip set with ruby and emerald colored stones. " "Marchpast," Coined Word "Marchpast" is a coinfed word iised by English officers in lieu of our word review. Founded in Fourteenth Century The Council of Ten was founded at Venice in the Fourteenth century and became an important part of £ the Venetian constitution. Cathrine and June of Cpry; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Dnw;| Mr. and Mrs. Frank/Krokora and daughter, Elva, of Round Lake; Mr.' and Mrs. John Cusick of Chicago spent the weekend in the Dosch home, also.! Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh and son, Richard, of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of for. and Mrs. J. Wrublewski. Christine Wegener has returned to Elgin, after spening the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and daughter spent! the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. George Etten of Chicago and Marie Etten of Libertyville spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Etten. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and daughter, Josephine, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Harper of Cary New Years day and also Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber in MeHenry. All the friends of Mrs. Wilbert Swanson at Lily Lake were sorry to 'hear of the illness and death of her I mother, Mrs. Louise Schonauer in Chi- ! cago. j Mr. and Mrs. W. Swanson and Lil- | lian Schonauer, sister o? Mrs. Swan* son, of Chicago, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Monday. Mary Harvey of Three Oaks, Mich., 1 and Patricia Harvey from Evanston 'visited their sister, Helen, at Lily i Lake recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. Macheroux and 'children, Harry and Marpella, Chicajgo, and Mr. and Mrs. Levine of River ! Forest spent New Years in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Then at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Wilmette spent Sunday in the Then home. » Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frankenhauser drills. a duster ef fleweas, er en the eoH ef wrvf tan- • With the reproduction of one of his paintings in a new nationally circulated magazine of photographs, honors have come showering rapidly upon modest Alfonso Basile. fourteen-year-old Washington newsboy, and latest "genius of the brush," A painting from Alfonso's brush--"Robinson Crusoe on a Raft"--was purchased by the National museum, in New York city, for its permanent collection of modern paintings. Alfonso's teacher, Bernice Cross, is shown with him as he puts the finishing touches to his latest masterpiece. FRED TURNS «*PRO LAWN TENNIS HEAD The Grape The grape hs s an interesting botanical history. Its tendrills represent a taanaformed flower stalk. Octhe members of her club on Monday casienafy, the wild grape will bear ! night. Three tables of^.flve hundred "" ~ * * ~ I'were in play and prise winner# :Mrs. John Lay, Mrtt. Ella Sieglet. ' Mrs. John Xattner snd Mrs. Alice f Wagner received connotation. At the conclusion of cards, c»ke and coffee was served by the hostess. Donald McCafferty has returned to the University of Illinois, having spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCafferty. George Huff suffered a badly injur- j ed ankle last week when a heavy treej limb fell on it. X-rays were taken and it was found that no bones were) broken. He is able to be up and around. . Miss Alyce Nodland, Chicago, spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauea spent 'New Years day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Westman of Woodstock were dinner guests in the Frank Sanders home on New Years day. Miss Evelyn Sanders spent several days last week with friends in MeHenry. A large crowd enjeyed an evening of dancing at the Town Hail on New Years Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and son, Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer enjoyed a matinee at Lake Geneva on Sunday. They then motors ed to MeHenry to visit Mrs. M. J, Freund, who has been quite ill with the flu but is greatly improved. Mrs. Edith Cleveland, Round Lake, spent Monday night and Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. A1 Schmeltser. P. J.NDorr, a former high school teacher and coach in the local hign school, called on Miss Anna Frisby, Sunday* Mr. Dorr, who is director of traffic safety for the Indian Motorcycle company at Springfield, Mass., was enrouffe to see his mothe'r at; Broadhead, Wis. , Lorraine F reund of St. Charles school of nursing, Aurora, spent a . week's vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. F. J. Freund. Mrs. Ida C. Bremer of Hollywood, Cal., who has been visiting her brothers" and friends here, went to Chicago Saturday morning, where she will spend the winter. New Year's day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sehaid were Mrs. Ida C. Bremer of Hollywood, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid and Rena Schaid, Mr* Martin 8, Freund of this city, Mr. *nd Mrs. George Half and children and Mr. and "Mrs. Clarence Giosson aHi * sP?frf GWt Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sthoenhoitx spent the Christmas holidays with his mother at Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Eriekson aad family visited at Roekford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wirta and son, Jackie, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz were dinner guests oa New Year's day of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gies oa Riverside Drive. Reverend R. C, Freund of Hanover spent two dajr« visiting at th{ home of his mother, \frs. f.J.F reund, anu other relatives here. Lieut. Frank Harrison returned* to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, Sunday, after spending a ten-days' leave with J}is parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Harrison of Ringwood. j - v r'| ...| J T vl >"£i i HOUSE GALL OPTICAL SERVICE IN YODR OWN HONE NO EXTRA CHARGE Dr. Kagan will «a re fully examine your eyes and fit your glasses ia your »own home at your own convenience, using the latest and most scienMic methods with the same instruments be would use in his sffiee without extra charge. Why net call in your eye. doctor as yea de your family physician ? lightesu years ef experimee is year guarantee of complete satisfaction. GLASSES COMPLETE AS LOW AS $8.5t Star appointment, Phoae Chicago, Kaakla Ml* -- MeHenry M W or WrUs te -- Dr. M. M. Kagan OriOMBWC IYI STKIALW r 1M N. Mo Street* dkage Four Types of Tapirs Tapirs, wtiich are shy, inoffensive beasts, are curious in that three types are found only in Central and South America, and the fourth and remaining type exists half a world away--in Malaya. In South America, tapirs live on the edge of rather than in the jungle itseflf. The reason is the difficulty thay have in penetrating the tangled maze of vegetation. They feed on the shoots of trees and bushes, love the water, and are very clean and tidy. Natives hunt them for their hides and flesh. Jaguars and panthers are their natural enemies. In size, they approximate a large calf. Fred Perry, amateur tennis ace, who recently turned professional^ Holcombe Ward, new was showered with congratulations on his decision. In talking of his move Perry said: "I'm a cash-andcarry man from now on." He is expected to realise $100,000 within the next few years asla pro. president of the United States Lawn Tennis association. Ward was a member of the American Davis Cup team, in 1900. Incidentally, this was the first American team to play in that famous competition. . Sculptor Won Fame Jules Daiou, who died in 1902, was the most famous French sculptor ,„a£ter Rodin of the later Nineteenth century.. Plant Acts as Compass The compass plant (Silphium lavisited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' clniatum) is native to the prairie regions and is also called resinweed. It has a tall, resinous stem and Jack Wrublewski New Years day. Mlaay Mormons Died ik IMS Of the 20,000 Mormons who left Nauvoo, 111., in 1846 for Utah, some 6,000 died on the wav. nearly vertical root leaves. When growing in open situations, exposed alike on all sides to the sunlight, the edges of moat of the leaves point approximately north and south. . Blue Nile's Origin Lake Tana, about one-eighth the size of Lake Erie, gives rise to the Blue Nile river, which, joining the W h i t e N i l e a t K h a r t o u m i n t h e Sudan, furnishes, in its overflow, the needed irrigation water and rich silt for coaxing river valley areas in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Egypt jnfo Old English Dance Sir Roger de Coveriey is an old English aance from which Addison K the name for his Sir ^Roger in 1" "Spectator." Oldest Trade Union Tba Typographical union, organ-' ized in 1850, is the-oldest, national trade union in America. ; ' . Electric and Acetylene Welding 1 have just i«tdtod % mm tlMtvk welder aad new •quipped to do efttar eftectrie «r mrtjflm wektiag. A& werk giuTanteed. Ttye g»i«fe is fi% equipped sew to take eera ef any kM ef a repair jri. Is your car or Iruek prepared tor winteT um. If net, let us put in new wiater oil and freaei. FwM Vmt ef antifreeae solntieiis. Central Garage 24-Heur Tewing Service JohnabuTf STANDARD SERVICE STATION Phone 900-J Fred J. Smitb, Prep. * HowjSm^You Start SHELLY TAILOR! WHERE T0V^ TO McHENRY to Tailor-Make SKELLY AROMAX GASOLINE for their Coming Weather -for Faster Siarf Weather here itn't the same day in and day out. _ VI hv ' ulioulrfn't your gasoline be changed? Skelly "lailorm Aromax by adding the volatile, stable Virgin pwolin® j|eee8Mi7 for fast starring, faster pick-up and extra mileage-- to fit changing weather here. Skelly Aroma* dor* aot come to you direct from the refinery. It ia V JiOT ready-made. It ia tailored. It must MArt . . last. Why don't you try» .'•.'Bailor-Made start in /jn« morning? Drive in where you see the Skelly Tailor. Q,J'- SKELLY AROMAX GASOLINE™ - un MM sum IISIIHE --/ IIMH RCM4X /JfUeU. FOR EACH COMMUNITY Knowledge To know others, study thyacH^ JtO know thyself, study others. FREUND OIL CO., MeHenry, I1L R. I. OVERTON GARAGE, West MeHenry NICK ADAMS GARAGE, MeHenry C. E. BOKEMIER, Rin^vood OEOKQK BLAKIK SESVIOX on V. 8. IS, W«t KtSMMT 5 - I / ' - ' - • i:*: .•••;,• "• iiin;