Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1937, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111. by Charles F. -*• Remdt. ANNUAL EASTERN STAK MASQUERADE TO BE HELD JAN. 23 Entered as second-class matter ft the postoffice, at McHenry, ILL, tinder act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... Six Months $1.00 A. H. MOSHER Editor and Msna^jr Lillian Sayler, Lo<cal Editor '/#*- -- -- -- -- -- -- Telephone 197 IT SPLENDID CAR SALES " Overton Motor Sales report tM best December in their history in regard to new car sales. From their McHenry garage they delivered at retail to customers eighteen new Buicks and Pontiacs, while taking orders for many more. They report that this necessarily gives them a large stock of used cars of all makes and prices from which to make a selection. Elsewhere in this issue will be found a complete list of thiSStock of cars. A CARD OF THANKS In &is Ynanner we wish to express our sincere gratitude to Father Vollmann, the Venerable Sisters and All kind neighbors and friends, for Spiritual Bouquets and expressions of sympathy, also the donors of cars and all who so kindly assisted lis in our recent sad bereavement. Mrs. Wm. Althoff *34 * • and Family. Rubbet SAmpfc at Plaindealer. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL v, BLUE Round Roaster at unheard of price. Size HVix6H in. Popular Blue brilliant ware, v While thev last. WM. H. ALTHOFF HARDWARE Main Street We»t McHenr) Prepare for S Equip your car or truck with OOODYEAE, GILLETTE, ttKESToJi, W. S. AND MOHAWK HUD AND SMOWTIRES - Free Tube With Every lire PYRO ALCOHOL Oompktely denatured Gallon 0O£ X WINTER OILS As low tt 48^ Ctollon 100% P«nn. Winter Oils ' f ' NATIONAL BATTERIES To fit all cars $3-93 and up Let L orain your crank case &nd put in a winter oil that does not congeal. Drive in and let us put winter grease in your transmission and differential Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging. Good used tires in all sisea.^ Phone 294 West McHenry, Ilir Surfine, Per package Pancake Flour Cane & MapleSy rup CflfllliAl Several Assortments vauuics per pound Ji. v.,, Pineapple ; Paradise Squash Pound • 9c '"'it** Centre! la * V ® XOc Made. 1-pound box ound Lamb Shldr. Stew Pork Loin Roast fte 17c Small Loin Per pound BARB1AN BROS. Phon0 180 ' " • * . RPWivearmsiifdlne DTlrnivvne 1 The annual masquerade sponsored by McHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will be held at Stoffel's hall, Saturday night, Jan. 23. The various committees are making plans for an evening, of fun for everyone, with music by Frankie Gans' orchestra and dances for young and old, as welt as novelty features. The grand ma^ch will be at 10:30' o'clock when the judging of costumes will take place. Lunch will be sold during the evening. Admission will be 25 cents. HERBERT BESKUtO KILLED IB ACCIDENT , AT DENVER, COLO The nrst tragedy of the new year in Denver, Colo., was the auto and tramway accident which took the life of -Herbert Benning, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright of Oakhurst, and leaves Mrs. Mayme Benning, his wife and "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Wright received word of the accident last week and Mrs. Wright rushed! immediately to Den- FOR SALE--Best Grade Hybrid Seed Corn, Wisconsin grown. Certified and Sealed by the Wisconsin Dep't. of Agriculture. $10.00 per bushel while it lasts. McHenry Farmers Co-op. Association. Phone '29. 84-tf FOR SALE Weil Centrifugal Water Pump, with ver, where she is at the bedside of her bronze shaft; l-%in. suction and disdaughter. Bob'Collins, brother of Mrs. charge; 35 gal. per min.; 26-ft. head; More than sixty-n,ve prizes for cos- j Benning, accompanied his mother and speed 1700; direct connected tof 1 hp^ have been donated by local took charge of funeral arrangements, 3 phase, 220 v. motor. Used only one bringing: Mr. Benning back to Chicago month, $35. for burial. Mr. Wright took charge One Century, R. L 1107220 v. AC of arrangements here. i Motor; one-third hp.; heavy duty; Both Mr. and Mrs. Benning are speed 1725; %-in. shaft. Like new, former residents of this vicinity and $15. well known here, Mr. Benning-, who One 10-in. Crosscut Circular Saw; was 34 years old, being reared at Pjs- 1-in. hole. Like new, $1.00. takee Bay and Mrs, Benning at Oak-. Write H. W. Horn, 127 N. Spring hurst. I Ave., LaGrange, 111, ~ 84 Besides his wife, Mr. Benning is -- • ---- r--- - survived by a daughter, Dorothy *0R SALE--House Trailer, large and Saturday tumes business men as follows: Men George Washington--Four passeS to Empire theatre, E. J. Milleir, Mgr. Uncle Sam--$1.80- in trade, Anderson Bar-B-Qi Abe Lincoln--5 gallons Texaco Fire Chief, Holly Servici Station Spanish Man--Hair Tonic, John Dreymiller, Barber. Ghef--Picnic Ham, Paries Market. Cow Boy--1 gallon Zerone, Earl Gorman Service Station. Indian Chief--Grease Job, Skelly Gas, Nick Freund. Colored Gent--5 gallons gas, Sinclair, Cecelia Knox. " Old Black Joe--Lodtz' Cleaning and Pressing Job. Scarecrow--Grease Job, B. Freund Motor Sales, Fat Man--$1.00 in trade, John R. Freund Shoe Repair. Chinese Man--Carton Cigarettes, j Karls' Cafe. | Man of Gay '90's--Pajamas, Mci Gee's. ' | Hard Time Man--Car Wash, R. I. Overton Motor Sales. Advertising Man--1 year Subscription to The Plaindealer. Dutch Man-- $1.00 in trade, Schmidt j Barber Shop. Farmer--100-lbs. Scratch Feed, McHenry Co-op. Farmers Assn. Pirate--5 gallons gas, N. P. Justen Service Station. GolferV-Grease Job, Buss-Page Garage".' | ' Scotch 1 Man--White Wire Smoker, N. J. Justen & Son Furniture Store. Comical Man--$2.00 in Groceries, A. & P., nGeorge Stenger, Mgr. Chauffeur--Carton Cigarettes, P. J. Schaefer Grocery: Clown--$1.00 in trade at Rejgner^i Market. - Jockey--49-lb. Sack Flour, McHenry Flour Mill. Fireman--Grease Job, Schwerman Chevrolet Sales. Policeman--Basket' of Groceries, Stoffel and Reihansperger. Sailor--Tie and Tie Holder, J. W. Freund Clothing Store. Children Shirley Temple--2-lb. Box of Candy, John Stoffel. Little Red Riding Hood--Candy, Wattles Drug Store. ' Little Bo-Peep--Candy, Thies Candy Company. Fairy--Candy, Albert Krause. Tom Sawyer--Jack Knife, West McHenry State Bank. Little Indian--Jack Knife, West McHenry State Bank. Brownie--Jack Knife, West McHenry State Bank. Little Cow Boy--Jack Knife, West McHenry State Bank. Ladies Martha Washington--Poor passes to the Empire theatre, R. J. Miller, Mgr. Queen--Shampoo and Finger Wave, Marion's Beauty Shop. Artist--Dish, Erickson Department Store. Spanish Lady--Hand Bag, Betty Nielsen Dress Shop. American Bride--Liace Table Cloth, Agatha Shop. Dutch Cleanser Girl--3-lbs. Coffee, National Tea, A. W. Krug, Mgr. Cow Girl--McHenry Dairy Products, i Mr. Thomas. | Indian Maid--Picnic Ham, Herbert I Larsen. I Colored Mammy--$2.00 Bundle of Laundry, Adams' Laundry. Japanese Lady--Basket of Groceries,. Art Smith. i Advertising Lady--1 year Subscription to The Plaindealer--McHenry j Plaindealer. Gypsy--Laundry Bundle, A. Howard. . J , ' Farmerette--Riverside Dairy Products, Ferwerda. ' Old Fashioned Girl-$2.00 Perman-jgurial was in gt ent^ Claire Beauty Shop. | Mr Ward Topsy--Percolator, H. C. Hardware. Thursday, January 14, It mwjA. .rCf It suiprifins how quickly thejflil* com arc ri tans to npMly that tkt mn|t bouwrife hu Jeane, his father, George Benning, and enough for a' . a brother, William. A daughter, seen; priced right. Patsy Ann, and his mother preceded ro'e*1 Sales. , him in death. Funeral services were held Thursday, January 7, at 2 p. m., from the chapel at 6833-35 Fullerton avenue, Chicago, with interment in Irving Park Boulevard cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, residents of Oakhurst, are well known in this vicinity where they are always interested in the welfare of the community and where they enjoy their home and family. The Plaindealer Joins with their many friends in extending sympathy in their sorrow and in the hope that Mrs. Benning may recover. small family. Must be. Schwerman Chev- 22-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Costumes, all kinds. Mrs. Wilson, 50 Maple, Crystal'Lake. *34 FOR RENT--Large store building. Equipped with counters, shelves, scales, and complete line of fixtures. Located in Ringwood. Immediate possession may be had. Rent reasonable R. M. Fritz, Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, 111. Office phone, 147; Residence, 93. 34-2 START ORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL ALUMNI The University of Illinois is organizing its alumni and within the next few weeks the Alumni association will perfect a workable plan for the national organization of alumni. FOR RENT--8-Room House in McHenry; furnace, gas and light; thor» oughly modern. Address J. Bref^ld, Ingleside, 111. *34 FOR RENT--Flat in People's State Bank Bldg. Inquire of F. A. Bohland- •r, West McHenry. WANTED WANTED--Oats; also good old corn, Some of the features of the plan so both yellow and white; McHenry Flour Mills. 33-2 WANTED TO RENT--Light housekeeping rooms or small house. Phone To give better cooperation to'«**• McHenry 158. 34 FARMS WANTED--We have a demand for Farms For Rent or. Sale. EARL R. WALSH, Phone McHenry 43. 34-tf far considered include: 1. To establish and carry on a broad program of coordination of alumni and University interests. 2 isting Illini clubs. 3. To set up new Illini clubs, or other alumni groups in every Illini community not already organized. 4. To cooperate with the various colleges, schools and departments of the University in their programs of encouraging superior high school stud- READY TO SERVE YOU WITH-*- ents to enter the University. J Coal and Coke. Call 649-R-l. H; 5. To establish more, and more val- Sompel and Son. 4-tf uable, scholarship awards based on competition or merit. 6. To promote a sound program for a new Illini Union Building. 7. To promote better housing facili- formerly ties at the University. Tb« book. "HOW TOBUY MEATS FOR HQM1 CONSUMPTION," is GMMtal Electric'* HiK^ QK id th* iartMlpwlti It«bow»h«rhow to Mtoct meats... Ittwto bar ttaa... i of pceparia* eeck cM aod the correct pcocedfe of scfriac •ad curiae--ia other words, bow to serve Thi» valuable book is roars FREE. All that you are required to do is to •ill nil the showing of Bins Crosby'» I uftf best picture, "PHNNKS? FROMllEAVEN," make out • coapoa aa<T~deposit it in a box at the theatre,,'^ •. where this super production is pbris|. ' COLUMBIA' .'•I Rimsrtcc and Rhythm^nM# Show PENNIES FROM HEAVEN with Bing Crosby, v-;Madge Evans Edith Fallows MISCELLANEOUS 8. To work with the University of Illinois foundation in obtaining gifts and endownments for the University. • . GARBAGE COLLECriNG--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157, or 631-M-l. 2-tf FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of crippled, and Dead Horses and 9. To establish a central alumni em- Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE Woodstock Phone 1645-W-2, and re- 6-tf ployment bureau on the campus. 10. To keep in mind that all of the verse charges, foregoing applies rtot only to the University at Champaign-Urbana, but also' to the colleges of Medicine, Dentistry,1 and Pharmacy at Chicago, remembering that the latter have some prob- [ lems peculiarly their own. $2.00 CASH -- -- $2.00 for DEAD HORSES AND COWS Hogs and Sheep Removed MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Dundee 10 FRANK WARD DIES IN CHICAGO; FUNERAL AND BURIAL HERE Reverse Charges *34-28 Miss Ethel Jones was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Arthur Martin of Livingston, Mont., is visiting his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis James Ward, better known Vincent Martin. folves advantage price*, and W! make phenomenal savings in your food bills. These foodstuffs may be safely preserved with the General Electric Thrift Unit. Left-overs may be kept many days and prepared into delicious combination dishes. This is real thrift. Through the Refrigerator Thrift Unit you will get a shower of Pennies from Hfut en. The pennies make enough dollars to pay for your new Thrift Unit. ON THE E A S I E S T C R E D I T ivER^O^F^^ ' - To be shown at the McHenry Jan. 15-16 QKEEN STREET McHSNKY to his many old friends here as Frank Ward, who had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Margaret- Rasmussen, at 4116 N. Leamington avenue, Chicago, died Thursday. For many years he was a resident of this vicinity. Besides his daughter he is survived by a granddaughter, Jean Rasmq^sen, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hough and Mrs. Theresa Corey. He was preceded in death by his wife, Joanna Kearns Ward, a sister, Mrs. Katherine Monahan, and brothers, Thomas, Mike and Joe. Funeral services were held Saturday, leaving the home at 9 a. in., to St. Patrick's church, McHenry, where Fr. William A. O'Rourke- officiated. Patrick's cemetery. i was a member of the mholz j|0(jern w00(jmen citaidH7rdwabrlt_EleCtriC ToftgUr' Vy* BROTHER OF MISS Scotch Girl^-What-Not Shelf, Peterson, Contractor. Hard Times Lady--3-lbs. Silver Cup Coffee, Barbian Bros. Miss Columbia--Comb, Brush and Mirror, Bolger Drug Store. Miss Liberty--Atomizer, A. E. Nye. Peasant Girl--$1.00 Fern, McHenry Floral Co. Sports Girl -- Electric - Sandwich Toaster, W. H. Althoff. '* Irish Girl--Fall Hat, Mrs. Pich. Nurse--$1.00 in Cash, H. E. Buch. Chinese GirWl gallon Ice Cream, McHenry Ice Ci-eam Co. Most Comical Lady--Electric Toaster, Western United Gas Co, Other Prizes - Alexander Lumber Co.--%-Ton of Coal. McHenry Lumber Co;.--%-Ton of Soft Coal. Miller Coal .Co.--500-lbs. of Coal. Superior Oil Co.--10-gallon? of Lyd- STEVENS DIES AT . ITHACA, NEW YORK ol Gas, C> N. Carlson, AgenC I Special Prizes I North Western Hotel--Deck of ("aids. < Stilling Service Station--Cleaner and Polisher. B. Popp--Baby Shoes. | Catherine Beauty Shop--Shampoo and Wave Set. * | Mrs. Barbian's Store--Bpx of Bandk e r c h i e f s , ' . . . I Jacob Justen ft Son and others will be in next week. . Miss Helen Stevens, English teacher and director of dramatics in the Community High School, left Monday afternoon for Ithaca, N. Y., where she was called by the death of her brother, Frank Stevens. Miss Stevens received the telegram of her brother's death early Monday morning, saying that he passed away at 12:30 a. m., after a few days' illness of pneumonia. Mr. Stevens, who was 30 years old, is survived by his wife, a little daughter seven years old, his father, three brothers and his sister, Helen Stevens. He died in the Ithaca Memorial hospital. It is expected that funeral services were held Wednesday. " Miss Stevens has the sympathy of the high school. students, as well as the entire community, ln her hour oi CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended t<£us during the illness and death of our husband and. father. Mrs. Hilda N. Johnson ^ . and Children. FINEST USED Selection in the Country \ 1936 -- FORD DeLUXE COUPE (Radio). 1936 -- CHEVROLET DeLUXE COUPE. 1935 --SMALL "8" BUICK SEDAN WITH TRUNK (Radii)* J935 -- LaFAYETTE 4 DOOR SEDAN WITH TRUNK; 1935-- FORD DeLUXE 2 DOOR SEDAN. 1935 -- 1I/2 TON 157" WHEELBASE CHEVROLET TRUCK. 1934 -- iy2 TON 157" WHEELBASE CHEVROLET TRUCK. 1934 -- 2 TON 160" WHEELBASE DODGE TRUCK. . 1934 --BUICK SMALL "8" SEDAN. 1934 -- CHEVROLET MASTER DeLUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. - 3934--PONTIAC 8 4 DOOR SEDAN (Radio). 1934 -- BUICK SMALL ' '8" SEDAN WITH TRUNK ( 1934 --BUICK MODEL "61" SEDAN WITH TRUNK. 1933 -- CHEVROLET 2 DOOR SEDAN. V 1932 --PONTIAC "6" COUPEc 1932--BUICK 4 DOOR SEDAN. 1930 --CHEVROLET COUPE. 1930 --FORD MODEL «•'A?' % TOlf PANEL TWJSit 1929 -- FORD TUDOR. 1929 --DODGE SEDAN. 1929--NASH SEDAN. 1929 --1H TON CHEVROLET TRWK. 1931 -- BUICK 4 DOOR SEDAN. ..V \ --DODGE .SKDAN, AN AUTOMOBILE FOR EVERT PURSE AND PURPOSE Payments to salt yoor parse R. I. Overton Motor Sales WEST McHENRY; ILL. • - " ' PHONE 6c v -.V •. / /*

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