r kr & v imft HcHZimY IliinxUUB' ' "T thandar.JamttrSl,m7 .••• ••• v...-,:- . ¥ < ^c= .;-<?-• ,V». i' '«.? ' ' -i - #>' " • : i v >*> »y,VH ., «.<• %'u, * • a «{• ' **'v y t* <• 1 ' • s -4-- t^ t A > '.„ ">$"«»*• 4*"* % >.*• »«*. ' ^ ' .$ 1 are quite sure that it does. Otherwise we ^^iscontinue our convince others of the fact MISS CUBE RECEIVES • 7 • LETTER FROM ENGLAND MM.iu „Mau d.e ~CTu--rr w_ho , s'o m"e. t.i.m e . ' * * ago, penned appropriate verses to ,v ^' Stanley Baldwin, prime minister of • "f*. "rf^ England, concerning the abdication of - " t C* ; King Edward VIII, was overjoyed to * <\ .' "'\g received from the prime minister's of» "* fice an acknowledgement of her letter • expressing his appreciation of her •'"> »: jr;: thoughtfnlness. ' ^ She also received a personal card from Governor Henry Horner with ^ Christmas greetings and expressing • ^ appreciation at her grateful thanks which she expressed so beautifully. Miss Curr, who has been confined to bed with injuries received in a teceot fall, is recovering. Alfred Wetngvt is operating the feed grinder for Arthur Tonyan, dming^ latter1* illness, " Knthrine Diadrich, a nurse at St. Charlas hospital, Aurora, ^ spending this week at her heme hxn. We propose to set forth the reasons for ouf conyici tions, using a series of three advertisements entitlediT- #»• V i 1 • 2. 3. ATTENTION MEN! We An *V*W9* Te Give Ten A Oii>lilp Uw Of Bmv& Serrkes STOMPANATO *8 BttriMc* Mid BMMty SsImi m Mate 81. . . Ffc-- Ml MONEY TO MM I have clients wto have to lend ea irst mrtfaiM mm seal estate and others whe waat to .tor* row money en real estate. If is. tereatod either way,. I wiU to gM to talk it over with yen. Joseph II, Sikes Waakegaa Natieaal Bank Bite. 4 8. Genssee St, Waokega^ U. TEL. MAJESTIC IM KENT A COMPANY AU Kinds ef I N S U R A N C E Ptaeed with the most rsHaMi t Conpaniee Oesie In and talk It ever *Mmm MeHevry • CkuVe's Kepair Shop Next Door lb Hoot Noonan's * On U. S. 12 RADIATORS REPAIRED BODIES and FENDERS Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETE9EL A. P. Fretrad Excavating Contractor rrncking, Hydraulic aud Crane Service Eosd Bnilding f«L 204-M McHenry, HL page in the near we of consideration, wo S. H. Frenod & SOB CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience U at Your Service in building Your Wanta Telephone No. 800 Stoffe) A Reihansperger •enranee agents for all claim el property la the beat compass**. VEST McHSNBT ILLINOIS McHENRY PLAINDEALER Dowas Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between MoHenry and Chicago Phoneo: Wabash McHenry 7518 206 A4L A^A A^A VAAW.pomt yA \WISM eouLp \)OKTT voa W1SU $ COUUP i v up i <i •wii Phone 4S VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS ' Tuesdays and Fridays Other Dsys by Appoiatmeat McHenry FARM LIFB ^ INSURANCE EARL R. WALSI Presenting Reliable Companien When you neMi imsofanre of say Ptione 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. McHenry $100.00 REWARD for the name of any man living or dead that has sold more McHenry County Real Estate than has Dan Quinlan--that's all he does. Farms for Sale and Rent in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. Large MM and small ones. I sell farms. DAN QU1KLAV Woodstock, HL distanee prirato phsoss li