Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1937, p. 7

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..r "J'i'-iI" «••'•'*' ".. ' • i " • i ,' >« •;r fr# V - ^ }:it ' jr- IJII IIP II' III'11 "'I •»* "S&:: ':## tiws. . 7 :?!."•• rte'Jnis sajC->«tll".^' ^tLrtaiy, January28, 1987 > <!*'. f .W. .'% wii»: H' «mwM mq m-. - A V» ^ / ./».«•,*: ,' >...i-"^. o-s- #.'. .V/J2 ;;v.; '1 ^•^vTrvf.::-.-:'v • -^TT-jt"'".; -~";iTTriJl"•»•' **»•"[; " " """ *JR'IR" *";f %s..' -t* ^.' 7: •v^' ' V«M J. Knox, AtMan - - • ^ administrators Notice Jkstate of Mary 6reen, Deceased., The undersigned, Administrator of £;". - J the Estate of Mary Gfreen, deceased, . „.. hereby gives notice that he will ap- ". i ••£:' ' ' |>ear before the County Court of Mc- :K. - fienr>" County, at the Court House in :,'- -'"J . Woodstock, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1937, at which time all persons claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested1 to make immed- JatjB payment to the undersigned. Dated this 12th day of January, A. ? V;: ^ J). 1987.s ••' - / V* WILLIAM M. GREEN, Administrator. g of brickug (there?** V#.:: &L J^ *„ vw'.-.y, ...*>• The lawyer came to scaffolding where a g layers was working. "Is Mike O'Donovan tir rilhffl i - ' ' . "Who's ; want#^' a' voice j^enr-«bovc. ? is my xjuty to inform you" said the lfcwyer^ecisely, "that your, Aunt Jane, who fnarried the mil-' lionaire, has died, leaving you one hundred thousand pounds." .. > Thejre was a short silence, and theiir4> commotion above. «: >;- vAre. you coming down, O'Donovan? ' asked the lawyer. "In win minute, sorrr,'*"was thi» answer. Qi jn just waitin* to waJlop the foreman,' '--r Answers Mag- I' 'MV. Sk l.--ley AtHnnjr 7S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Jf*i THE ESTATE OF . v„ANNA JUNG. DECEASE!*: ^ ; >y ; , "1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY ^:^:,g^IVEN, that the undersigned, executor of tlie Last Will and Testament of Anna Jung, deceased, by virtue of the -'V'^ower conferred upon me by her said ,: ' \"Xast Will and Testament, will on '•r^v. nesday, *iHe 17th day of February A. frs*, . D. 1937, on the premises herein des •; ; • •' ^ribed, at the hour of two o'clock in .,^4nT^he afternoon, offir for sale and sell the highest bidder for cash, the fol . loving described real estate, to-wlt: '% Commencing at the Southeast r : corner of lot number 6 of the Asr" 1. ' • Mkaot'a Plat at Sec. 30, Township 46, N., Range 9, E. of 3rd P. M. . •••isT':. running thence Easterly sixty feet r , , » ' along the Northerly line of Main T-t « Street, thenee Northerly one\hun- ^ "" dred feet parallel with the East- .. erty line of said lot number .six, v . ? theno Westerly sixty feet parallel • ' with the Nortteriy line of Main ; > Street, thenee Southerly one hun dred feet to the place of begin- ' ning, being lot number six of Otto Hasse's Addition to the village of Spring Grove; also a part of lot number one of Otto Hasse's Addition to the village of Spring Grove, bounded and described as . follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of tot number six of Otto Hasse's Addition to Spring Grove, running thence Easterly frfty-two feet along the Northerly line of saidjot number Six, thence Northerly forty feet,.thence Westerly fifty-two feet parallel with the Northerly line of Main .. Street, thence Southerly forty feet - to the place of beginning, all of said premises being in the North- , west quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, township 46, North of Range nine, East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, locat- * ed in the village of Spring Grove, County of McHenry and State ,ef Illinois. FRANK ADAMS, Executor. ; • --. - Wb. M. Carroll, Attoraey Waodstsrit, Ohab NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT STATE OP ILLINOIS, - llcHenry County, ss. - Estate of William Koeppe, Deceased. To all Whom it may concern: Ym are hereby notified that on KoiMjly, the 15th day ef Fdkruary 1837,"l, as the Executrix of the last Will ibid Testament of said deceased, Will present to the County Court of McHiary County, at the Coart H«use in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report ef my acts and doings as such Executrix, and ask the Court to be discharg* fremahy and all fUjrther duties and tNM»<Sed sal# 'Estate afid my adn^in^strstion thereof) at which timl nd I glace you may be preseiRt and relist such apf&oatien, if you qfcoogc §o to do. cUZadBTH COPE, formerly Elixabetii Soeppk, | Executa^. ?Wm. M. CarrvH, Attwrnejr Wieodatock, flHnois ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Estate of Mary E. Keefe, Deceaaed. ' The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Mary E. Keefe, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of .McHenry County, at the Court House Woodstock, on the 1st day of March, . D. 1937, at which time all persons ving claims against said Estate are, Notified and requested to attend for US CHANCE >e foot of th* Solves Algebraic Equations CUTTING DOWN ' Spider--It's amful, the more the soup costs, the fewer flies they put-: in it; ^V:'^ftes«we'of Mind -r Two men in a car went past the automatic signals .and were stopped j by a traffic cop. j "I'm sorry," said the driver, quick-wittedly, "but I happen to be a doctor, and I'm taking a patient to the asylum in a hurry." I The officer was suspicious, and [ looked penetratingly at the passenger. But the latdpr was also quickwitted, and, loosing up at the constable with a seraphic smile, whispered: "Kiss me, darling!" , They got away with it, -- Stray atorto* yr Fartuae Telling "I hear that you patronize a fortune teller." "Yes," answered Mr. Dustin Stax. "She is always hopeful in her predictions." „ "Of course, you pay her well." "Yes. With so - many dark hints j going around, I am willing to pay for some good news, whether i' be^ lieve it or not." VOLO The "Simultaneous Calculator"' which has been developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by J5r. John B. Wilbur (sjiown) of the department of civil engineering. The machine wijl solve simultaneous linear algebraic equations to rtine or more unknow ris, producing 'a solution in a few seconds that might take hours or even days to reach by ordinary methods. The calculator has 13,000 parts, including more than 600 feet of steel tape and nearly 1,000 ballbearing pulleys. Entirely at Sea Passenger -- Really, steward, Ihave forgotten the number of my: cabin Steward That's a bit difficult, madam; haven't you got the slightest idea where it was? Passenger -r- Oh, just a minute-- I remember now --the w looked out on a lighthouse. Best at Any Price Assistant--For value there is nothing on theunarket to compare' wtthjhis at the price. J j • Customer--Ann how muchAs it?- Assistant-rr-Ona moment, madam. I'll ask thA manager. -- London Opinion. i SICD9 GOWN OF WOOL-LACE t '. the purpose of having the same adjusted. A11 persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 26th day of January, A. IX 1997. r v J^DMUND 1. KEEF*. • . f • * Administrator.. ' :v- . CurrblK Attorney, ^® "7ft"'Woodstock, I}liaoi« '•*$£ . ^ E XE C U T O R * S N O T I C E * ; l f . ' restate of Fred Voeltz, Deceased. •:A;' The' undersigned,Executor of the ' last Will and Testament of Fred Voeltz, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County ' Court- of McHenry County, at the •TCourt House in Woodstock, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1937, at whichtime all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested - jto attend for the purpose of having t^the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to . inake immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 26th day of January, A. D. 1987. LOUIS BENDING, JSMegtet; _ ' I' "How do you know it's going to be a girl?" 'T hear a voice inside askings 'Is my shell on straight?'" "That's sr good hard luck story TOFRHSW." "Ain't it boss?" j "Yes, it's worth more than the dime you ask. Send It to some magazine." "Stit I've already made more out of telling it than any magazine would give me, and it's still good.'* --St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Sone Joke, Eh, Boss? Jauntily into the office came flic office boy t'other morning, to be met with an amazed stare from the Boss. "What's the idea?" barked the B. "Somebody just called and said you were sick_ and couldn't come in!" • ^ "Ha, ha," ha-ha'd the o. b. weakly. "The joke's on him. He wasn't to phone till tomorrow!" « rS«*U Difference Wife--Bid you find much difffrence between the city and the country, John? Farmer--There' isn't much difference. In the country you go to bed feeling all in and you get up feeling fine. In the city you go to bed feeling fine a*d you get up feeling all in. I Applesauce . 's-v- s\.. Was puzzled as to w£y Sony's baseball team took thp name of "Little'Apples " , ~ : ^ ' "Is it because you're seedyf" cracked papa. : "Naw," came back Sonny. "Ijjfs cause we're mighty hard The Important Rol© £ i #» ldcgioom--And now. ddKP^#«#t vve are married, let us L»e.a clear understanding about our affairs. Do you wish to be president or vie* president? !~\ Bride (sweetly)--N^her^V^u,)*! both. 4ril fust be the treasuser. Wm. M. Carroll, AUaraey^- ^ T•i•- • i,ii i * irnwini.oi.iiBi H-WTT* EXECUTOR S NOTICE Estate of William Althoff, Deceahis^ % The uadenigaed* £<oieatrte of the 'fast Will and Testament of William deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Coart ' of McHenry County, at 4&k' Court ltouse in Woodstock, on the lal day of March, A. D. 1937, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of hairing the same adjusted. All persons' Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to - the undersigned. Dated thfs 26tna«y of January A. D. 1937. s=±^§JARBARA ALTHOFF, >6-3 ^ Executrix. The cutaway is feminized in this charming gown of navy blue, wool lace from Goupy-Rosine> Paris. A coral suede belt with a coral and gold buckle adds a bright note. A "WILDCAT* STAR CENTENARIAN W^TW'X'vf' I The Ladies' Aid of the Volo Com- , munity Bible Church meit at the home ! of Mrs. Frank King Thursday after- ,noon. '• i Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, Mr. and jMrs. Lloyd Fisher attended a pot-luck j supper at the Wauconda Federated j Church Monday evening, sponsored by (the Married Couples Club. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield were i McHenry callers Wednesday, j Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walker of; Chij cago attended the funeral of the latter's grandfather, John Walton, Sat- I urday. • . The Volo Home Bureau unit met at the home of Mrs. Herman Dunker on j Wednesday. Eight members were present and a pot«fuck dinner 'W'as served. Mrs. Walter Crook gave the lesson on "What Women Should Know ! About Legal Papeys." "Miss Mildred Radke of lnglesidc spent the past week h^re with Miss [Vinnie Bacon. I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker are ithe proud owners of a new, Lincoln } Zephyr sedan. ; Frank Rossdeiitcher of Round Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher Friday^ Mr. and Mrs. John Hutzel of Chicago attended the funeral of the latter's grandfather, John Walton, last Saturday. James Wegener of McHenry spent the weekend here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wagner. Mrs. L. Littlefield and son, Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher and son were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Grimillie and daughter of Sullivan Lake were Thursday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King. - Mrs. Earl Hironimus is very, ill at theJiospital in Waukegan at this writing. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen called 1 ori Mr. and Mrs. A. SieSser at Grays- [ lake Tuesday evening. ! Mrs. Joseph Lenzen attended her SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs; Harry Matthews were callers at LsJce Zurich last Wednes day. , A, W. Foss of Libei*tyville wasi S caller at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Christian and two children of Oak Park were Sunday guests at the home of ijr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Arthur Wackerow was a caller at Waukegan Saturday evening. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park spent the weekend at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. UUUII Mrs. William Etten entertained th« members of the Lily Lake Ladies* League Tuesday afternoon. Curd* andittnew wvre |>lity«l with pri7.»* going to Mrs. O.ITIIHK IN fW humlrrd: Mrs. Joseph Daly t»n«1 J'»«ephlne t)«iich in bunco. The asrvta«r of a lovely lunch concluded s mrmt wfihyahtr sft> ernoon. . . • ,i... George Toorv* M* cottage at Lily Lsliiir ^ Christine Wegener << ' •... the weekend at the ^ ents, Mr. and Mr» (leefn Mr. and Mrs. Hitiwt .KlJ ' Nrt»v * Mrs. Lon Pretzman and little daugk-1daughter of Chkagn «f»enl the We»k«, ter returned to her home at Richmbndlond at Lily Lake. ' v after spending several weeks at thel' 'Marie Etten of Ubeityvilkl : home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. J the: we^kfend at the home ef her Harry Matthews. Earl Kane"* Wjehtfc, Mr. and Mrs. William Etten. $1% Diamond Lake and^ Fr^nk Cremin^ofl Visitors in the George J. Wegener'; '1 k j * i*onie Sunday were Robert Krliw of \ Webb home at Johet last Friday. ! Des^laines and Ale* Wirfe, of Heni-y. ^ - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh and ' ' i son, Richard, of Chicago visited Aa home of her parents, Mr. and Wrublewski, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and grandson^ Leon, were callers at.. |he home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hfilris at Wauconda Sunday. • , „ Mrs. Page Smith spent'several days last week at the home of .her daughter at Richmond. Mr. aid Mrs. Harry Matthews, Willard. Darrell and Elmer Esping attended the Ninth Annual meeting of the Lake-Cook Farm Supply Co. at the Masonic Hall at Des Plaines last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mv. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Wlllard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook «nd Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews of Wauconda attended the Old Time dance sponsored by the American Legion at Libertyville httt Saturday evening. Slocum's Lake visited her mother* Mrs. j 'Sarah Fisher Saturday. I | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwel! and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ford McDon-j laid and son of McHenry visited Mr.! I and'Mrs. Herman Dunker. | i Mrs. Roy Passfield and family via--| ited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalviu in| Photo shows Henry R. Gibson; oldest living former member of congress cutting himself a piece of his birthday cake as hie celebrated his one hundredth birthday anniversary in Washington. My Neighbor Says := Sour milk and buttermilk can be used interchangeably in recipes. • • • A small pinch of soda added to salad dressing will prevent its curdling. ® • • • Creamed yellow cheese added to boiled dressing is Very good served over fruit or vegetable salads. To clean isinglass in an old stove rub It with a damp cloth on which baking soda has been jlpdkin* To turn out jellies quite whole from the mold, grease the mold with butter and, when the jelly is to be turned out, plunge the mold^ into hot water and rerpove at once. • •» • A delicious snack for Sunday^ night's supper is made as follows: Take 2-inch squares of biscuit dough and wrap around cooked sausages. Hold in place with toothpicks. Sprinkle with grated cheese and; bake 10 minutes in moderate oven. Serve on" long toothpicks, or canape stick. 0 Associated WNU"Servts#. FALSE RUMOR V The court house at Woodstock was more popular than ever last Thursday when it was rumored that Kathrine Hepburn, famous movie actress, now playing in Chicago in "Jane Eyre," club Thursday afternoon at the homo j and j Mr- H™ard Hughes, flying movie of Mrs. Albert Justen in McHenry. ! Producer, who^ made a record flight last week, breaking the transcontinental record,, were dri their way to Woodstock- to secure a rharriage license. A report reached the county-seat from a press news service that the famous pair had left Chicago and were on. their way to Woodstock, but,, although a close watch was kept on the i Wauconda Sunday. v!*'* ****' **»*•*** Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nicholls andi 1 n0 P . fsmily, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and \- ^ stamps* family of Roseville spent Sunday aft-; Neea rUDDer ^ ernoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.; .Roy Passfield. i The Volo Cemetery Society will | meet st the home of Mrs. Firank Wilison Thursday, February-4. Everybody welcome. I Obituary' John Henry Walton was bdrn on the Walton hoftiestead, one mile south of Volo, Oct. 17, 1848. On January 5, 1875, he was united in marriage to Alma L. Converse, who passed away fourteen years ago. To this union five children were born: Jason, who lives at home; George, of Libertyville; Jennie Dillon, of Volo; Maude Kautenberg and Elsie Kruger of Wauconda. There are thirteen grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. • He served In the Civil War and wasthe only surviving soldier in Wauconda Township. He slept peacefully away January 21, at the age of 88 years, 3 months. and 4 days. He was buried in the family lot in the Volo Cemetery Saturday afternoon with military honorf. Six grandsons acted as pallbearers.' Rev. Figley officiated. Card of Tfcatikr We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all for their help and sympathy during our recent bereavement . Jason Walton. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kautenberg Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger. HOUSE CALL OPTICAL SERVICE IN YOUR OWH MflE NO EXTRA CHARGE Dr. Kagan will carefully examine your eyes and fit your glasses In your own home at your own convenience, using the latest and meet scientfic methods with the same instruments he would use in his office without extra charge. Why not call in your ey«^ doctor as yeu de your family physician? Eighteen years of experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. GLASSES COMPLETE AS LOW AS IBM • For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry «*-W *r Write to -- ^ Dr. M. M. Kagan OPTOMETRH EYE SPKLAU9T A, (Jflfcare J* r: **.{;*?• - "Duke"_Vance,-veteran guard of Northwestern university's basketball team, is responsible for much of the success of his team this season. "Duke" is a sure shot at the basket. LIKES HIS "GOODIES' FOR BEACH WEAR Older at the 108 N. State Street, Her* In one (mall community are Situated some ot udeit plan tat ion n*»--' th century, to te« one tnl more ble to «ee Dining Room nterir> OS*** celltngB The ivtrt|* Sn Ulterior «rff tMrty •r forty *«et ivitn at that Hmm. Into Um «laiat room iM evoa the faraltaro Is ifcotrin a New Ford Transit Bus Announced Black bears beg like this on Going- to-the-Sun highway in Glatier National park. Many "goodies" are handed bruin through car windows by tourists driving through the park. i Red fish fasten the jacket of thisSj * pale blue woolen suit for beach wear. The blouse is brilliant red: printed silk. The hat. is a blue straw with a grosgrain bow against the crown., This it Schiaparalli'a harbinger of spring. - -The Foi;d Motor Company has entered the metropolitan bus field With the new transit bus shown above^ to sell under $4,000. Mounted on a 141- inph chassis, the seats 25 passengers and has space for 24 standees. Sixteen million miles of successful operation with conventional i ord bus equipment provided the experience for development of the new transit bus and the incentive to market it. The interior (lower photo) was designed for passenger comfort Low steps, wide doors and aisles andosdequale grab rails aad stanchions assist passengers and speed loading and unloading. A new heating, ventilating and air filtering system circulates air without draft The body is insulated against heat, cold and noise. •M0£ -4 Sm !T *' i

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