i>vwwg<taw? ^ , » »•»>'% •«»» t •p<% »-Trr* =*« v ... ., , --7-- ^ir-^^'4'^'" •. • „vL..;• '; ~v '-C • * •' " "' JT.Syf vtf » f»" hp^WW"1 <^p^teW'i ">;y jp ily wen Sunday dinner guests of Hr. and Mr*. William WtQrtstager at SLOCUJTS LAKE RINGWOOD WMdModc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and {am Ntefc Miller and Mrs. Jake largaret Grabbe Crystal Miller of RichnKad visited with Mrs. Lake spent a few days here the past Peter Smith Tuesday. . Week with, her daughter, Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freurid and Vasey. family motored to Chicago Thursday Mrs. E. Kochens 6f Haywood visited e*e»ing. * her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hir- Mr. and Mrs. PWer Wagner bf Volo onimus' Thursday. visited with Mrs. Wm. Althoff and Mr. lind Mrs. Jtoy Passfield and family Friday. son were Elgin callers Wednesday. Mrs. Kathrine • Frtund visite^ Wed Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Fisher were nesday with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Waukegan callers Monday., Mkkeb. Many friends here will be sorry to Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Miller of Spring leant that Herbert Wakhnann is very Chrove wese callers here Wednesday side at his heme in Chicago with afternoon. onevmonia. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping of Mrs. Ida Fisher and Mr. G. A. Crystal Lake visited Irith ~Wt: were Qrayslake eattfcra Tues- Mra. Joe & Hettermann Wednesday d*y. " /,/,?< r-y -- - -• Mi'* fiuik JRihir stent TIIIIIIIIT X*. &M* nichela entertained tfce aftSoJ^Jttf feme * Mrs.^r£&l five hundred club Wednesday after- Williams in Crystal Lake, where she ooen, prisma awarded to Mrs. PeUsf F. viaited Mrs- Oara Smith. > Preund. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Krueger and son of Charles MleheW. Wam*finds called at the Walton home Mr. and Mn. Joe. -J. preuod, and on Monday. Mrs. Joe King were Chicago callers Mir. and Mrs. George Dowell and Thursday. son, Mrs. Charles Dalvin and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gielow were tar Elgin callers Wednesday. Woodstock callers Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Slocums Lake spent Wednesday even- Sparing Grove spent Sunday in the ing at the home of Mr. and Mr»\ AVj* » H-«r w^.to.1. «!!«, .. wny yt » JPH ;|fJ»P Told Mr,. F. A. Hitchens <nt.rt.lKd the i£ *^U°i am. .• V T--A ,«*• and Mrs. Hepburn. Hsifcs ef lateieel "Taken From • feePDee ef - at Tenia A#a /* SIXTY TRASS AGO Df.\Jan*es E. Morrison as removed, from the West aide to the residence of Sakual Stocker, weat of tlie public square, where he can hereaftet be loud.1 We^hre under obligations to Dr. O. J. Howard for a sample of v«y niee wine, of hie own manufacture. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Lib* ertyville spent last Friday evening at Easy Aces at her home Tuesday aftthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ernoon. Brooks. ---Louis Hall returned to tlftVeterans Mr. and Mrs. Eart Converse and hospital at Milwaukee Thursday. daughter, Frances, spent last Tuesday Patr5ck. c ^tomed" to Qricago evening atthe home of Mrs. Plulena&^y spendin? ^ p&8t ' Mr' n«^u« . h«re with his family. _Mr. and Mr*. Mlncent Davlin of Louis Hall spent Tuesday and Wedr^ wT^sSTy.4' ^ "• ^ HOT7 " , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were ifr Btwi **_ •"« ioung guests Saturday evenfaff at tj^e home familv and ; Mn SLuaSl Sund*y evening in the Peter Weingart of Mr. ^ MrifMe- ^ t^ ^^ hon,. mm MeH-rr. Hm»t. - I Mm- P- A. Hltcbena tt««W .n Sunday callers at the heme <* Mr- Mr. ^ . executive board meetingof the Home ^^ ^ . . w o ^ . and Hensan Christian of Chicago and «rwe Ymim n^ii• fimhi. Mr* an<* 4' Hitchens w^re MjCand Mra. Howard Davta and ^ S?! st^ at Woodstofclc Monday after- Harry Matthews, J^in J. Brown and -rv. m kI^SSI, „ I Rev. Fred Stone and Roger Collins HwMuliMHt f*w«, of """"W E^nton W«t Su,d.» »«ht at the^school house Tuesday evening. ReV. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were visitor^ at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Anstin of Genoa City spent Sunday evening in the B. I Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetze of Milwaukee spent the weekend, with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Our bnaineas men are very bosy Wauconda attended the Annual meet. ^ propwn ^ u foIkma ;8etee. trying to settle up, dont aattla worth a cent. Hard times, i Hotel in Chicago last Friday is the general cry., r were mgxn «u.er» ^ ******* Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nonlmeyer of I ***** ^ W1* "* town, r somehoW they >f of the LA. A. at tbe: Morrison tions^on A7oi^b7w^ VoT^d I ^Community services ^ h«ld at Paper- The higheat^grade ofl •ra made with rag stock but "nil- . nte pulp can be used to make a paper equal in quality to one made with low grade rags, according to a writer in the Scientific American. The raw content of pgper varies according to product.4 A high grade white paper can be made of sulfite pulp and old paper, provided the latter was made originally from s«d- , flte. Before old paper can play its part, however, it muaf be sorted to eliminate grouodWood stock, •creened to take out win and strmgr remove ink. M. E. church Sunday evening. F1FTY YEAHS AGO.;/^" '; (Milk Local . ' ^Mr."andT'M« kali>h 'Alfred'" Sunday in the R^iVal meetiogs are beta# ^eld'Ht.! Little Louise &»£ oaderwent a ton: Arlington HeighU speftt the weekend * Sc^mldt home at McHenry FaaUtr KsM Lmm ' ' The Romanoff family was on ftm throne of RimHi over S00 yean. Michael Peodorovich Romanoff came to the throoe by election of the bomrs and higher clergy in ins. Nicbolae n. 8» >Mt of tte Romanoffs, rtdlWMM In tffl. Origin of Dnvli'a 8MeH ^ David's shield, used a |ml deetf by the modern Jew M an does not seem to hove but the _ authority, TcmyiMfc' Unhappy Jealeu; ^r}-; : 5 h # r , n ^ i » t h e W U l h o m e . Mr", find Mrs. Ra TNersday. ready to give his customers Arst class ¥>» irid Mra. Joe King fnd daugh- service. lera viuted with Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and Miller at Richmond Sunday afternoon, son called on the letter's mothe.. Viou w™ clW. p^rir, Slrold J.P«» v12] ited in the C. J. Jepson home. _ j Winnebago attended the I. A. A. m^et- S' ing in Chicago Wednesday TbursfJ lmen, of Cortland, 111. . - I Mr. ai>4 Mrs. A. W. Foas »d #^.XX^,,er ^ The store building occupied by Fits- daughter, Vivian, of Llbertyville were w- a_j M «„j Simmons and Evansons, and the cold callers last Thursday ml the home of fom;iv u,vi «{ v •». • •... tm , , storage building attached thereto, are Mr. and Mra. Wm Foas. : Mrs F A Hit^hone ' amps ? Order at the Miss Kathnne Ajthoff of Elgin Mrs. Cathenne Wagner at Sloc^m^ now 0ffered for sale at a bargain. I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Willard Chicago m. Plaindealer. . ^ Uke Tue9dBy- Monday last, was the 71st birthday Darrell, Mrs. Harry Matthews and j^i and Mrs G^er^ Shonard rvww^ ^and family- , Mr. and Mrs.Roy Passfield and fam-of our toWnsman, F. A. Hebard. He sons attended the Prafrie Farmer WLS fa^Vv "Lvfa;,?TT wJS'st^k v^Sd £^ir^U Jth M°r Uy Were W<fd,tock c»1,ew Saturday. is an old resident of this town, having Home taler show at St. Joseph's hall, Saturday ^ Woodstock on Woodstock v»Lted Saturday with Mr, Mrs. H: j Martin, and daughter, ^ed ^ over thirty yeari. Waukegan, Fiday night. Mr. Esping ^TaL Mrs Geor-e B.«n nf An Billy Jean, of Chicago visited Mr. and Married_At the church in Joh«sr »peper«| on the JWgram all three ticS spent iX afte^S ^ C. J. Jepson and son, Harold, o^^ Jealousy is the worst o| all evih|. yet the one that is least pitied ty those who '^.attse it. SiflM Sagar With Sugar refineries use bones for filtering and sugar. and Mrs^Joe Schaefer. Messrs. Asella and Rose Tonyan Mrs". E. Rossdeutcher Friday. of Chicago spent Saturday with their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rover and chil- ; dren of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels. burg, on Thursdny, Jan. ri by Rev. "ights, Jan. 27-28-29. Mrs. Paul OLeary spent Friday it Father Mehring, Stephen Keizer of I Mr. and Mrs. John Blotngren were the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ^0 - Woodstock, to Miss Mary' Stegemann callers at the home of Mr. and Mra. Leary in Chicago. Ueo. Lundgren at WaucondA Friday. Thomas Vasey is very ill at his hoihe east of town at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. John Fairweather and Mrs. Mae Ostwig of Downer's' Grove of this village. Mm. JennTe Bae6n. M. and Mis. C; J, Jepsott SHd daur1*" ter, Virgir ia, artd Mr. a'hd Mrs. Joe ATTENTION MEN! We Are Equipped To Give You A Complete line Of Beauty Services STOMP ANATO D Barber and Beauty Salon Main St. . 229 Benton St. Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. FORTY YEARS AGO The Rev. W. P. Burnell, pastor of Mrs. the Univeroalist Church at Blue Is- Parf. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent ^C„°an"°n *n(! 80,n'^",*^1 4 the„ weekenda at *thUe_ home of Mur.. a_n_dJ ,n the Roland McCannon home a! LaDoyt Matthews at Forest w"qyM „ , . - While there they accompanied »•" j"1 _ r*e*Jry . '"f6 ? Crys^ were Thursday dinner guests at the iand> wil, ^ pulpit of ^ Arthor McMurrie and Pat Griffith of Jf' , ?pent ,n home of Bacon home. Universalist Church next Sabbath, in WLS to Lowell, ImL, on Saturday S*JL^I J * p*nnts> Mr- and Mrs. A.eo. Mrs. George Vasey and Mrs. Nor-1 exchange with Rev .J. Straub. night, and Mr. Esping took part in the man Vasey of Waukegan visited Mrs. j It is a pretty difficult matter to at- Home Talent Barn Dance Show. / Arthur Kaiser Wednesday. . . ! tempt to teach people to trade with Miss_yinnie Bacon was a McH^nry home merchants when the wives of home merchants set the example of going elsewhere to trade; The cold wave that is just moderating is claimed by the weather bureau to have been the coldest spell that haa been in this country since 1871. Mrs. M. A. Searles and Miss Florcaller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gpuld and fa: ily of Libertyville spent Friday evening here with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. ~ Lilah Mae and Arvilla Ann Fisher a$ent the weekend with their aunt and __ _ and George Scheid, ence series are spending a few days . • «in ^au®°"~a* " I"with friends at Evanston. 1 - Mrs. Jacob Wagner returned to her TINY MOUNTAINEER I. .11 r. , home here Friday, after spending the past two weeks in Chicago visiting relatives. 1 "Mr. and Mrs. A. Siesser of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. L. Littlefield and Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduetcher spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. F. Lenzen. j ' Miss Edna fisher of Waukegan and Arthur Wackerow of Slocums Lake ^Visited the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell«and seph Passfield. -I "Mrs. A. Weidner of Glencoe and (Miss Margaret Tekampe of Fremont I sary of hia birth la8t Wednesday evenspent Thursday afternoon here vitb jng t nmnber of his friends mtde I their sister, Mrs. Herman K\>ssdeut- hiin .n UrU.xn«ct*<i call at hi. hoau> Vyw wul to get the mo# oat of ytmt car for nmw ea»y and cornhrtibli ridiag, yoa should have it kfcrieated ewy thirty d«y». That's Mt just our opiBMM. Artomotite tngi- •sen will give yo« the aaaie advice. ' Brive ia today aad ear trained men will ghre yoor ear the b*«t lubrieatioa |ab ia tows. They will apply oaly tha seniect lalNricaataaa apecifiad for yoor peiill iilar of car. Oar faciliti«« iadttde the latest gmariageqaipmeat Md the Rotary lift whkh auke it •owible to reach quickly and thor- •aghly all the operating parts of yoar •+ eer. And, our prices are right. Give > •s a trial today. CENTRAL GARAGE Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vaaey, Carl Thor Fell Line of Atlas and Goodyear Thee sell and Harry Phannenstill attended Electric aad Acetylene Welding THIRTY YEARS AGO . Butter advanced one-half cent on the Elgin board of trade Monday and remained firm at 29% cents. The iceman is all smiles these days, as is also the coal man. Every man has his day. Rumor has it that James Murray of Wauconda has purchased the Courtney farm on Fox river. During the severe wind storm on Saturday night a part of the Brandt ice house at McCollum's Lake blew to daughter of Elgin were Sunday vis-1 the ground. We understand the house itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-|Will be rebuilt at once Chas. L. Page was given a gentle reminder of the forty-second anniver cher. Mrs. Paul 0*Leary attended the graduation of Miss Betty Oakes at the Schurz High School in Chicago on Thursday evening. Douglas Martini of the Purdue University was a Friday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs--E. Rossdeutcher. Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, him an unexpected call at his home, south of town. TWENTY YEARS AGO Butter on the Elgin board of trade Sold at~ 39 cents per ».pound last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Stilling have rented G. A. Himler's new bungalow on Waukegan street and will take immediate possession. Donavin and Reihansperger, the West side hardware dealers, have had .a new body built on to their Ford to the benefit dance for the Flood Relief U8ed for trucking purposes in the *"x 5*; This tiny mountaineer may be said almost to have cut her teeth on a pair of skis. She is shown in the Benese Oberland at Abelboden, Switzerland where mere infants are adepts in the hazardous winter pastime. Harrison The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin Wedr nesday, Feb. 10. Mesdames Ray Merchant, F. N. Muzzy and Mrs. McLaughlin are on the food committee Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruickshank bf Dundee spent Sunday in the Wm. j McCannon home. j » Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buc'.iert and family of Richmond were callers at the home of Mrs. Jennie Bacon Sunday. Pearl and Esther Smith spent the ;Weekend with their sister, Mrs.'William Wurtzinger at Woodstock, I Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Thursday evening in the Matt Blake home near McHenry. J Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wiedrich spent Wedi nesday night at Richmond. . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons and Ethel and Lora Wiedrich spent Saturday evening at McHenry. 1 I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and Children spent Sunday afternoon with the former's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and Mae Wiedrich attended the dance at Richmond Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie. Smith and fam- 1 ' Zcv® REFINERY GASOUNE i believe. »: "I start in less than 2 second* on eoldeat -moralng«.n Skelly tailors into Jrefinery -made Skelly Aromas a Virgin gaaoline pressed from gaa. Far more volatile, cleaner, purer* Yon get faater start, apeedier celeration, cleaner performanee, more mileage.. Try It--and aee. e IMS. Skellj OU Co. •12C SKELLY OASOUNF FOR fACH ^ A HAT FOR 1937 Phsate 200-J at the Grayslake school auditorium on fctvday evening. * Bust of Charles Darwin : ' • A bust of Charles Darwin standa to his honor in the lonely Galapagos islands, where the noted scientist began to work out hia theory of evolution. ^ plumbing and heating business. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Cotta has taken charge of the Holcombville achool, previously conducted by Miss Lola Boyle, who was obliged to release her contract and remain at home to care for her mother. UL7LAXS To"thoie who flarttt for a living the telephone is like |i friend in need. The farmer himself uses his telephone to manage his business affairs. His family ^fises it for social calls. Thus the telephone earns banishes isolation . . . promotes . is'm protection in emergencies. /saves . . . ^i^lieighborlinees . To know that the telephone ia there for any need that may arise is a most comfortable feeling. To ••:"' '.i"*kave a telephone is far better and cheaper than to So without one in the hope that "it can't happen fcere," Order a telephone today. The cost is small* •SH. 11*1 «**•*•* L l; Mrs. Fred Dosch entertained the members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League Tuesday afternoon. Prizea Were won by Mrs. Rosing in five huntire^ and Mrs. Fred Dosch and Helen Harvey in biinco. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. • Genevieve Daw was a Waukegan Caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Then were also visitors in that city Saturday. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday Were Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller Of Cicero. > Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and baby daughter of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. ' Frank Schroeder. of Chicago spent last week at his place of business at Lily Lake. I Christine Wegener- of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgsr J. Wegener. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrublewski Sunday Were Mr. and Mrs^ Edward Marsh and Son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert fiemes, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kramer, all of Chicago. Frank Steinsdoerfer is still confined to his be<t at his home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Then attended the funeral of his cousin, Pete Wagner of Wiimette Tuesday morning at St. Joseph's Church in Wiimette. Marie Etten of Libertyyille spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and lilrs. William Etteti. Mr. and Mra. Martin of Chicago The 193? version of the Acycle sailor is of Rippled weave taffeta with a dotted veil. Here it is in brown with coral rust grosgrain bands around c.mwo and neck. The ensemble is ctf beige woolen. POTPOURRI Europe's Greatest Riv# •> The Russian river Volga ts the longest in Europe. The river itself is 2,300 miles long and with its tributaries furnishes 20,000 miles of navigable waterway. Fifty million people live along the Volga water system. Many important cities are on its banks and the oldest annual fair in the world features one of them. • Western Newspaper Unloa. FRBTJND OIL CO., MeHenry, III R. L OVERTON OARAGE, West McHenry ' , NICK ADAMS OARAGE, McHenry -- O.^E. BOKEMIER, Rin«rwood GEORGE BLAKIE SERVIOE on U.S. 12, West McHenfy IN ill FORO HISTORT! OKIVI All SAY ON A TANKPU1 OP •A»l ONLY 4 QUAKTS OP Oil TO fill CBANKCA4II lOWISY PORD PllCft IN YIA»I ( -^*OWISY PRICID IVCIt SOID IN AMIR^CAI jpent the w I4ly Late at their cottage at •,vt • \ ' Easy-Action Safety BralMpS Now Effortless S«eering . . . . Improved Center-Foise Rids ' • AU-Sceel Bodies, Noiae-prooled and ( Rubber-mourned / Luaurious New Interiors » ' Lsrge Luggage Compartment* is - AU Models • 1 • -j* Safety Glass/Throughout " ' ' v . ' Battery Under Engine Hood . ~Qo».piece"V" Windshields that open T«l th*y*M big, roomy cart, mnt site u tho bxilliaat "IT , . . with mokmrm •ty!« mnd rich appoialmants... «A(I quiot, eweel-ronning V-l ongiaosl ^ THl NEW Thriftr "60" V*-R can. stve yom money, ia a great big way, without cutting dum Mat ur ctufurti They hare the same Center-Poise ride as the brilliant "89" Ford V-8. The same steeloo- steal structure. The same new quick-stopping, casjr-actiog brakes. The same big luggage compartments and sweeping modern lines ... But the MS0" is powerfd fey a smaller engine and a lower price ug. And though it can't quite tihe brilliant 83's pick-up and top speed ; . . it »: still amongst America's best-performing low-price cars ... Smooth, quiet and flexible as only a "V-8" C*|Q>e! Won't you come in and drive one today? -- YOUR FORD DEALER AVTNORUUO Poao PMANCI PLANS -- $2) a month, after himI down payment, buys any model 1937 Ford V-S car. A*k your Ford dealer about die easy payment pleas tff the Universal Credit Company. THE THRIFTY 'W FORDVt IW QUALITY CU M iw 10W-KKIFBP-ATIW tOWES! PWQ M YUSJI