Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1937, p. 4

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tHE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHeriry, IlL, by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHehry, 111., inder the act of May 8, 1879. , / • ° . j&ne Year fix Months $1.00 Eft. Editor and Maaafer ephom 197 *79 FOR SALS Lillian Sayler, Local Editor •R£•E•.T-.U RN THHORMOEU, GPHA SFSL OOD AREA ! Mr. -and Mrs. H. C. Hughes arrived koine Saturday af(er three weeks • jipent at Hot Springs, Ark. On their > way down t hey made many' detours ^ ^T^j&SS m SAbE-G.™^ . tvad surrounded witJi water. :"!V* On their way home they; cam<£ ihiouph Carbondale, Duquoin-and oth Highway U. S. 12, at Ringwood, 111. Mechanic's tools, also for sale. Roy Neal. P. 0. Box 26, Rin^wood. *37-3 pr cities crowded with refugees, where FOR SALE--Used Coal and Wood mhi -schools were closed and the entire place turned over to relief work* . V The stay at Hot Springs was enjoy- -where the weather was ideal.. 'f",r /*'•' V V V *A:r ^ Portuguese Taught Culture •f!;v"*The Portuguese introduced thi culture of vineyards into Madeira -ill* the early part of the Fifteenth Century.--Associated Press. Ponded Capital of Peru .*V;' Francisco Pizarro founded Lima, 'capital of Peru, in 1535 and it became the center of Spanish trade ^BLithe entire continent. 'Lee OVERALLS •ftTlwt'f fit* uvin4 Mr. Fr*d of f«rW, S. D„ reports! Lm Overalb ««• Mlfim yw moMy, bat five yo* b«H«r #H sad (mtir cwmrtl TMI LIS CUARANTCC "leHn ^ywNt wwrMint fyiaMd ILmMv * Owdb tk tunt worn, you can h*v« a n» pat free Of year mo«»*y back I" « rpft SMS BY McGEE'S Range; also used washing machine, both reconditioned. John J. Vycital Hardware. 38-3 FOB EJGNT FOR RENT--The R. V. Powers residence on Court Street. Phone McHenry 71-R. 35-tf FOR RENT---Bedroom a^d kitchenette apartment, suitable for one or two people. Gentlemen preferred. Riverside Hotel, Phone 15. 36-tf FOR RENT -- Rooms. Low winter rates per week. Very reasonable rates for two people in one room. Riverside Hotel. Phone 15. 36-tf FOR RENT--157-Aery Farm, with electric, gas and plumbing; good buildings. Inquire of George B. Toayan. West McHenry. Phone Office 152, Residence, 642-J-2. *37-2 X " ~ WAHTED" ~7;-~ FARMS WANTED--We have a demand for Farms For Rent or Sale. EARL R. WALSH, Phone Mcltenry 43. 34-tf WANTKD--Family man, 28 to 38, with oar. I am interested, in a man who would work hard for $5 a day. If you have three references, write me fully. Address C. Glade, Room 210-- 4832 Lincoln Ave.,. Chicago, 111. 37-4 MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE COLLECTING---Let us dispose of your garbage each we$k, or oftener if'desired. Reasonafc# rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf $2.00 -- -- CASH $2.00 for Dead horses and cows JH ogs and .Sheep Removed MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Dunde* 10 Reverse Charges •34-23 A COMPLETE FOOD SHOP Phone 250 , McHenryj Ili'./'Fieb. 10,1937; llrs. Jones•r- %2 Dozen Eggs @22e -- $2.64 t-lb. Franks .23 I-lb. Mixed Cookies .17 Keg Milker Herring .95 Cod Fish ...... .2® 24,-lbs. Kitchen-Tested Gold Medal Flour 1.25 5-lbs. American Cheese 1.40 5-lbs. Swt. Potatoes .17 Prunes * .11 BALES' 14.57 $1.93 DUE TO LENT, EGGS SHglJLD CONTINUE ; FIRM ' '• " POTPOURRI Voting Machine Not New Although much has been said in recent years about the voting machine, such a device is not new. The first, very simple, was used in England in 1870. Lockport, N. Y\, used a more elaborate machine in 1892, and since then developments have been rapid. Laws hi many'states now require their use for more honest elections. e ftesfern Newspaper Union. SPECIALS Fruit Cocktail Kleanser 14c Lettuce Spinach Bananas Gelatine iWr ^ Any flavor, pkg. Spiced Herring Pork Sausage .4jr.. 22c Iceberg, t Per head • Broadleaf, 2 Um. for ... Per - Pound ...v.: J* ' v_ '" .--.-i BARBIAN BROS. Phone 180 E^grside Drive '• ... '&.* B; b. L. STEVENSON " A the annual meetings of the great corporations, many of which are held at this time ot year, there are always present holders of a few blocks of sharls -- and in many instances, holders of Only one share each. With various proxy holders casting thousands of votes, their voice in the proceedings means nothing. Yet they turn out in numbers. Often, they are as fully cognizant of the affairs of the company as-^he officers themselves and always they are given due considera^ tion by the officers and board members. Some of course come to make as much trouble as possible. Others, even though they are decidedly in the minority, are generally interested. With still others, it is a diversion. Retired from actual business, they buy few shares here and there and attending the meetings gives them\ something to do-- a feeling, at least, that they are still taking parti in the business of th^, country. \ • - S-l C NOTICE Noyha^P ti^hd>y given that at a re#6far annual meting of the stockholders of Tire West McHenry State Bank, McHenry (P. O. West McHenry), Illinois, held Jan. 11, 1937, more than two-thirds of the outstanding stock voted in favor of reducing the number of directors of the said bank from (7) to six (6) members. WEST McHENRY STATE BANK H McHenry (P. Q. West McHenry\ Illinois. By Order of the Board of Directors. 37-3 It's a leap from the financial center up to Columbus circle and from business to soap-^ox orators, but last night I happened to stop long enough to hear a "ragged, whiskered individual declare that business of all kinds was iniquitous. So far as I could learn, he didn't have any remedy for existingconditions he was sure that they should ed. What I started to say, however, was that at Columbus circle there are traffic signs directing vehicles, to "right" and "left. Curiously, the groups seem to divide with those signs, those who support the government standing near the " r i g h t " s i g n s a n d t h e r e d s a n d others moving over to the "left." Consistent observers hold that it always is that way, so it must be by choice and not niere chance. * Addicts dfrnarijuaria cigarettes ("reefers," "muggles," "good-' butts," or in Harlem; "Mary Warners") are having trouble in obtaining supplies.-' The cigarettes, deadly in their effects, formerly sold at a dime each or three for a quarter, with a heavy Broadway demand. The price now is 50 cents each and many peddlers have retired not only because of difficulty in obtaining stocks but because tl\e government has taken a hand in ^ the matter along with the police narcotic squad. Dealers and peddlers have been retired for periods ranging from a year up. There are said to be 15,000 narcotic addicts in New York city. How many are "Mary Warner" addicts is not known. But prior to this fall, reports have it that the use of them was spreading. - * , * ' * ' Behind the acute shortage is months of activity on the "part of the narcotic squad, aided by the sanitary division of the Works Progress administration. Marijuana is a Mexican weed but it grows anywhere. So it was extensively cultivated in open spaces in Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx. As the plants grow four feet high, they are easy to spot. Whenever encountered, the WPA men rooted them up. It is estimated that they destroyed in all half a million pounds with a retail value of about $9,000,000. i ^ V . • • • • « • Harold Sherman told me about an incident on Forty^tourth §treet near the City club. A pedestrian stopped at a stand and bought a big red apple. Stepping to the curb, he took just one bite when the apple was yanked from his hand. Looking behind him, he saw it being reduced to pulp in the mouth of \he steed of a mounted policeman. "Arrest that horse!" he shouted. "He's a thief." The. officer explained that, the horse was so accustomed to "apple gifts he looked on an apple in a man's hand as his own property. "I withdraw the charge," said thfe loser, regarding the horse intently. "He's having such a good time with that apple, he's welcome to it." • » * The proprietor- of one of those little neighborhood shops that seem to be open at all hours of the day and night was faced with a problem --a 10 per cent increase in rent. As that would just about take the profits out of the business, much floor walking ensued. Finally he reached the answer--he bought the building and raised all rents except his own. • C Bell Syndicate.--WNU Service. He's Stung Thrice Daily, but StiU Makes Money Rochester, Minn. -- Leslie White,' instructor of economic geography in the Rochester High school, has solved the problem of seasonal work and income with a hobby he started twenty years ago. White keeps bees, between 50,000 and 150,000 of them. He expects to market 2 tons of honey and some wax this fall before he returns to his schoolroom for the winter. He gets stung an average of three times a day, but says he doesn't min& ' ^ PARTNERS OF LATE' , MAURICE, DANCE*, ' MEET MANY GRIEFS ftigidaini DM*r" Attend* Hational < ^Jonvention, Chicago 0KGAH1ZS F* AT GRAM : am& remark- A psfcrol, the for which has laSV-tbs lieya nsfaf sifsals when cars ixi arimiRcliiiig ai&d helping the pa- Another petrol is stationad at the of Waokegan and Green Slonc tin state to LafestNStroke of Bad Fortune able victory b£ presenting to the world felt 'or some time, was organic- keep the children on the sMewalks, at Involves the Beautiful " Leondra Hufhes. | aceor | George R. Justen, Frigidaire dealer, • who has just returned from the na- . tional convention sponsored bjT the i manufacturer of his product. He was one of a group of 1,500 dealers and their salesmen, who were present at an all-day session at 'QWcigo. New York.--There n»unt b« sortie reason why genius seems to go hand In band with tragedy. - Hundreds of examples point to this •a a fact, but protia^ly Bone better than1 the fate of a little group of the n:oat talented dancers of a decade ago. IMliicials of the. KTigidatre-factories of i group of thrilling new, features in ^ last w«ek at the public grade the bridge, and at the ice cream fac automatic refrigeration Recording to ^hool on Waukegan street, and is already well organized and working efficiently. To become a member of the patrol With the policeman at Jacob Jusand a boy patrol oh the , the grade school chit The famous Lenora Hughes, perhaps ther most talented and beautiful of them, has certainly had her share of tragedy. *. . ". - A short time ago Carlos Ortlx Basaaldo, her handsome, millionaire Argentine husband, was killed In a motorboat accident while Lenora and., their-, two children looked oii'ln horror. It was about ten years ago when Lenora was the d^nce partner of- the late Maurice. Manrace Mouvet, a New York born yonth of Belgian decent--'had found Lenora dancftig In a small cabaret floor show. He took her In hand, and after prolonged training, presented her to a select audience. They were sensational on their first appearance, success kept piling up. Meets Future Husband. Lafln 11J24, wlien they were^liowtng in Paris, Lenora was Introduced to Basualdo. "He's a multi-millionaire cattle baron from South America-^bfi nice to him," Lendra was told. But It was easy for her to be nice to him b^-, cause she liked him. They were: in love with each other almost at once. Tlfley were married . In St. Patrick's cathedral on February 25, 1025. Maurice arrived at the cathedral long before the wedding. When questioned tears came to his eyes and he revealed he had Just learned by telephone of the coming marriage. After a few (lays the newly weds Dayton, Ohio, accompanied by a corps of their assistanta, staged a spectacular presentation, during- which new requires leadership1, good grades >nd w on their dependability and is somewhat of an ~ honorary position as wefl ss one of «f ' * ~ capttte'iB»;l>^«^ ^ tenant, while mohbers ^f the \ daily tri^ to and from school. Aecord^p to. M. U «choenholts» prmeipal of the sehoolr the plan hss met with-the approval and iso-opera* ^ tion of the tsaehets JMpii pnpilk «nd, no^doubt,/tlt^'ppM«4»f<aS w^lL S ' r r ^ -- ^ Wtords Hf<M,|^Hi»i|sM • - j > . Jtt has be^ estimttteft :that~th« products and new sales plans fo^ the Brda and coming year were outlined for the meniJa®™,Brefeld df -Uaa..j^jenth grade( _ . . . -.w comprising the field selling force. |«»d Glen Peters^ and »bert^ jfchaef, of words in the |3onstittt* "This year," he said, "the Frigidaire of. the beys of •-2ISlTiriaiSE3S^firiE manufacturing organisation has sue-1^e,?i*th and sev^i grades will have• **"~ ceeded in doing whst few of us had «n op|)ortt^ i^|^ .... thought possible, and that' was to pro-! 1** ° . duce a product that represents definite' "e childrffft nava been crossing the forward strides over a product which 8^ree^s whorev^ tney desired, not golast year was conceded by hundreds of *° cross-walks, many of tiiem cutthousands of people to be the finest: across the street fct the Boone refrigerator that man knew how to creek bridge, making it dangerous for build. (the children and most difficult for ^ "Refusing last year to claim public motorists. With the patrol leaders the, attention by flourishing any single children are instructed as to the Route spectacular feature at the expense of sa*e ^°1' them and are helped across other desirable services in home reij^e street and dangerous places. frigeration, and pressing foward oji' There is a patrol iri front of the Goecge I I Britain and lre^ 7M to 1727. Under him, sayi cabinet government for the frowiag nation was d^Tflf^' The Sab-Maehine A sub-mad«|ne gun is 'art auto* ^ matic pistol, heavier, more powett * sailed for South America. Leonora " ability. These expressions are not just lived happily until the recent accident. 'nameg 0f new features. They are de- Maurice announced It would be a long time before he danced again. His heart was broken. But finally h<> selected Barbara Rennet, one of the famous sisters, and took an engage Tnent. They broke up in a temperamental tiff. Then Maurice discovered the lovely Eleanor Ambrose, blond Kancas City beauty. She became bis signations of basic services which no jingle feature can provide. And in j the light of the new developments of | this year's Frigidaire, no home refrigeration service is "any longer complete without them all. I "This is the gripping story that wc j are preparing to outline and prove to partner--and finally his wife. 4 every interested person at the Maurice and Eleanor were successful, but Maurice became 111, and had to go to a sanatorium in Switzerland. There he died. Eleanor at his side. His Other. Partners. . - And' now about the other dancers of this era--all gifted with genius, and plagued by tragedy. Everyone knows how Vernon Castle met his death, during the war in an airplane crash. But there are the other beautiful women who were partners of Maurice. Joan Sawyer was the first. She broke up the act to dance with .Jack Jarrott. Tlielr partnership was short-lived. Jar rott finally was picked up, destitute, from a Newark gutter. The last heard pf him he was flglvting his way heck to respectabllty, as doorman on Broadway. Joan, by the way, was later to find happiness, as^the wife of n wealthy planter. - • The beautiful Florence Walton also was a partner of Maurce--and the dancer's first wife. She was married again, and again, the last time to a wealthy Freftcb motion picture^llrector. first showing of the new models which are available for inspectioh today. "During this special event the store hours will ^e 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Saturdays-- 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Orloff Diamond Was Stolen The famous Orloff diamond on the Russian imperial scepter was stolen from a statue of Brahma in India by m French soldier.--Associated Press. the grounds of meeting all of five ac- j 8<-h°ol building and another at the cor-1 the ordinary type ceptfed standards established for a re-,ner at the top of the Waukegan street tol. frigerator, Frigidaire for 1937 surpasses its own record and this year reaches undreamed of heights in making an automatic refrigerator a real home utility instead of a glorified gadget produced largely to fascinate visitors instead of serving the owners. "This year we have a great story for the world--much greater than I had dared hope. Briefly, it's a story of greater protect-ability, greater iceability, greater storage-ability, greater depend-ability, and greater save fill and having a longer range that* bfTautomatic pis*. The Nature of Business Business is made up of the hands a n d h e a r t s , t h o u g h t s a n d h e a r t1 throbs of an organization. Merchandise is merely the stuff sold. Americans Light Cheese Esters In Switzerland the average person eats twenty-six pounds of cheese a year; in America the average is less than five pounds. SPECIAL TEDS REGULAR 59c VALUE Wide, , deep, round pan. Ivory colored; trimmed in green. Hard enamel coated. -' Popular size 14, best for the average sink. Here's a buy yoii n't find again fof a long time. ; worth 59c. , IBs... ' MainStrw* 39 e v'"V Ivory, • Most popular sis* » PnlySto custom**^ HARDWARB ^ West McHenf) -. Thieves Aid Judge Who Showed Them Leniency Vienna.--Feeling, it was "a matter of honor to protect tlrt>lr benefactor from los^," the Vienna underwor members have restored to « lenlenf Judge an overcoat stolen from him by one of their number. While the Judge, Dr. Fran* Langpr, Avas passing sentence in the T.andesgerloht, a ma a-slipped into hf* nnguarded office sad. stole hi* new ev^r- OOat. *; •: ' 4 • i Less than 24 hours after the incident was 'published', .police told fhe - j'udg»«. the coat had been returned throughii the post and wa« waiting for him. ' An accompanying letter stated -that' as soon as it had heard of the tbpft n" group had decided - that' thpir oolleague should be puttTstoed. They had, therefore, fpund: ouf wWrwas the thief' end yho Imd the coat and sent the names of boffi to the police. • J . Yugoslav Is Mother of ; - Nine at 22 Year* of Age P^fograd, Yngoslavia.--Anna fan; Itch of this' town has had trlplei< three times and twins twice, and al together 14 children. Now at tiftv^ she expects another. Married first at the age of seventeen she gave birth t<>' triplets nine months later. Arfter t\v.» years she ha«l anotlier batch of trip lets and the third ami last batcii after two more years. Tims, as * woman of twent.v-two, she had nine children, all sons, within five years, At the age of thirty sliq married a second time and soon gave Wrtb to twins. ' , , :.>'4 |^.- » Cockroaches Are Old Cockroaches can trace their ancestry back more than 20,000,000 yearB In which there have been no evolutionary changes. Aard-Vark's Tongue Important The aard-vark of South Africa feasts on ants 'by whipping,, in and oiit a long, stickY'ttmgue. i Miss Frances Hughes hss gone to Waukegan, where she is employ^ in the Abbott laboratories. Tame Duck Eats at Table With Family in Main#" Augusta, Maine.--There are three to consider in the family of Mrs. Edward B. Coyne--the third being their sno\lr white duck which ' talks" and "sings" and eats with them at the table. Th« duck Is placed on a stand, and quacks-, in time to music. When spoken to it seems to understand, and "aRSwers" by a series of quacks. The duck follows Roberta like a pet dog, has accompanied him on shopping trip?, and never strays. '• " .iiwjijtri-tT ' Otfer Trihi*fl»teir Mother otter spends a long period of time training her young in swimming, diving and the gathei* ing of food. I HO MONEY DOWN NMCS CMKETEKSS NEIfl KWWW (EF8RE in ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES , ; ^^FM.SMK HEFRWERAUON 1. GREATER ICE-ABIUTY Ends "Cube-Struggle" and " Ice - F*mine*f • MS TUB PROOF I 2. QREATER STORAGE-ABILITY New 9.W1J Adju«*ble Intcxioc! SBB PROOF! ' 3. GREATER PRQTECT-ABIUTY Keeps food aaTerTfTcTher, longer! SEB THl PROOF! GREATER DEPEND-ABILITY 3-Year PtodcSoinESr badesd bgr Motors. SEE THB PROOF I 5. GREATER SAVE-AWUTY ONLY A TMe&tJ/tiUk See what a thrilling advance Frigidaire with the Meter-Miserbrings for 1937: Superb new beauty pirns SUPnt- DUTY at-die price of an ordinary refrigerator! You get proof of completeness never known before In AIL S BASIC RSnUGERATION SHLV1CBS. You doo't buy on mere say-so. Now you see PROOF, right in our (tore, that Frigioaire ii the most cmmpUu ice-provider, food-storer and food-preserver ever known. PKOOi that it saves enough on food and cuixeat to pay for itself and earn you a pnfit besides! Make sure of getting die most for your Jk money. See our FRIGIDAlU KOCHDEMONSTRATION first! NEW BEAUTY AMAZING NEW : # SI&* ujinvTA uijl HmmiMTFOIGLBM^ng • oarts. imcimdtng the motor • ™ AND SERVEI JSI«NTIYJOIFK L•aajmistumrs a.inmdI ddiiertt.. GGiivveess SUPBRS£ m^amasi<igsaving.SEE THB PROOF with an actual electric meter teitl NEW INSTANT CUBE-RELEASE IN EVERY ICE TRAY See ft !• Actfeal k4^M: ONLY FRIGID AIRE HAS IT! b> icaady release* kie-cubet Croat tnyw rwooradoMoaca time. Yiddt 20S •on ke by ••dins fcactt aodtas* t (dnact in Ic« Com- . OMUIB.SW hs qaick, aasr actioa. - * Translueent Masonry The architectural term for bulkk ing with glass Jauilding bricks if known as translucent masonry. Jacob Justen & Ho change of circumstances can repair a defect of character. | BUY FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALSR 4'1-- Phone 103-R Aa .aSj! t&mSXkiitiiS mMrk Ore«n Strait ,'kL.^lSLrJS-^i,

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