Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1937, p. 1

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ALICE SUTTON IT EUCHAMSHC COHCFIESS, HAN|U MOW ON WAT HOKE TO ; L08AKGELIS PR. A10HXK ATTKHSma DEHTAL OOKVKHTIOH, OHIOAaO, THIS WEEK Dr. F. J. Aicher is in Chicago this twk, when he is attending the fourday sessions of the seventy-third annual national convention of the Chi- "jctfo Dental society, which opened on Monday at the Stevens hotel. More substitutes for the old business of pulling an aching tooth are being explained and 12,000 visiting dentists,, fTT Satt°" According to Dr. John La Doe, presides, Cslif. a former McHemy res.- dent of the 90ciety> ^ £ at. !£'m th* M S' Ta!fUt! tendance at the biggest dental conven- Maru," 17,000-ton steamer, to attend | tioR in the country> will ^ a new re. toe thirty-third Eucharistic Congress C0Itj at Manila. She expects to be back at j Fedeea, and health sUte agencies her destination m Los Angeles on Mar. |and dental andjfcedkaldepartments of 4^*nd is now on her homeward trip, ^numerous universities, contributed after being in attendance at the Con-j sp<?akers and exhibits to the convengress, which was held F eh. 3 to 7. ' tion program, which opened Monday and closed today, Thursday. Among the speakers Monday were LYONS SUBMITS PLANS FOR NEW SYSTEM Dr. Leroy M. S. Miner, dean of the dental school at Harvard University and Merle Thorpe, editor of Nation's Business.. Pilgrims from all over the world gathered at Manila, resulting in a dearth of hotel accommodations. This, ** however, did not worry the passengers of the Tatsuta Maru as the ship was docked at one of the piers close to the heart of the city, and used as a hotel.] Predicting the day when glass would The tour prkes included the use of|replace rubber, metal, or a combinastateronms and measuring the stay jtion of the two in bases for false in Manila. „ - . -- j teeth, Dr. Frank Lott, professor of The ship was of modern construe- prosthetics at the University of Tortion, with a spacious glass-enclosed onto> reported that he had been sucpromenade deck, magnificent lounge cessful in the use ot glaSs as a dendecorated in Georgian style, and other ture base. large rooms and sailed under the com- Then there is the method of cormand of Captain Ito, a popular Japan- ^ ,£0*10* ArtnaAU. m hi llw Cttjt of McHeary can avoid payment of a* xUttkul ptnaUj of Fifty Ceata a Month by purchasing* their CKy Vehicle License from the City Clerk before March 1st W-2 AUXILIARY PUNS ACTIVITIES FOR BALANCHFJEAR MOW HAS MEUBKSSHIP Or TWEMTY-SKVEH LOCAL AKTIST IS EXHIBITING MODEL or BRKAB FRUIT TREE An important meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at Legion hall Thursday evening when social events were planned for the coming months and chairmen of the various departments of activity were ap- . by the president, Mrs. Eva j*'00 Allotment. For | allotment they receive Mrs. Bacon p r e s i d e d a t the meeting jcondensary price. The price '^S.TSS^AA. 11936 HIE LOSSES "T;ZLL HTHENRY ARE SMALL for three days haa been taking tes-l _ -- timony from both the Association and ""ASS TIRES CAUSEO* Milk Distributors who purchase theirj !•< t ttfANV f*AT T.« * milk from the co-operative. | > CALLS. • .. Pure Milk Association dairy farmers} « t - shipping Grade A milk to Chicago are , ?f M,cHenry now receiving 58 cents over the con- . ate during the just post in densary price for lOO pounds of milk %*ir. "n^1 fil? ^e^ for although " Whaving 3.5 per cent hutterfat content number of fire BILL LEAVES IT TO GOUKT -MM Representative Richard J. Xyons of the Eighth Senatorial District, who resides at Libertyville, last week introduced a bill in the Illinois legislature. to wipe put the present state parole board and parole system. His bill would substitute eighteen parole districts, one for each judicial, circuit, with the power of parole in the hands of circuit and superior court judges of the counties from Which the prisoner w»s sentenced, v j bread-fruit tree made by McHenry's tnents. A charge of twenty-five cents hiSh cost of feed had made the pro- Downstate m each of the seventeen (artist, Jacob Stock, and now on exhi- will be, made, including prizes and duction of milk more expensive; while th judicial circuits there would be a P*i-;bition at the Community High School, lunch. |the milk distributors desired a drop in q, ole board, consisting of the three cir- it was a cargp Of bread-fruit trees Plans were also discussed fox1 the the spread over the condensary price fireg that the "Bounty" carried when mu- entertainment of the county members to 50 cents °n the grounds that th* ment tiny broke out. who will convene here on April 2 for production of milk had risen and Perhaps the most interesting fact the county meeting. Mrs. Ethel Mc- " Ave judges of the circuit or superior]about the work of Mr. Stock is that Gee was appointed chairman of the I Unable to agree, w.„ ten , . Auau. .. _ courts, appointed by the chief justices the realistic reproduction, which rer lunch committee for this meeting. land the Milk Distributors sought to were extinguished OthF gT^f8 of those courts would constitute the quired about four weeks' time to com- 0 It was, also, voted at the meeting settle their difference through an Ar- extinguished Oth lV were parole board. No set of judges would plete, is made from clay found in Mc- to donate five dollars to the flood re- bitration Committee. " sweretf at WPn t er C& « *ere. *n" serve more than six months in a j Henry and which Mr. Stock asserts lief fund. | E. W. TioHomnn PrA>id«ni nt thp . . • 0 srass res at • s" The cruel days of the story, "Mutiny and it was decided to sponsor a pub- On the Bounty," are brought back to lie card party on April 9, with Mrs alarms anfor 100 p^- cent of the Bask Produc- Ixi*1 ^d€partment this that of the previous year nomewhat, yet nearly all of the calls were outside the city limits, with the nua£ The Association members were seek- J** fir®® ih ^rcity of McHenry ing a spread of 70 cents over the con- ,es® those of the Previous yearmemory by the reproduction of the Theresa Neiss as chairman of arrange- densary price on the grounds that the „ «umrr!*rJo tiMail.fmit fraA 1«1 M/ta llV Unfla%«i.irfB A" _1 r I I £ » Vl 1 CrVt pnttt nf ffiorl hid rvift/lo tVin ni>n. ' g s -m8S cudt court judges in each district. Five In Cook County In the one circuit in Cook county, e prevalent than usual and during fifteen days between July 16 and no^- less than seven calls to grass were answered by the depart- Mc therefore milk was more plentiful. 2®Jh#ee ""f to ^ - Association fnswered in one day and the special pilgrimage altars benefitted dozens of actors and actresses and soon will become more widely ese. For .and chapel were constructed for de-iavaUable, that^"was^"demonstrated at votitfnal services. \ / i the convention. It is to dentistry what The steamer called at-the foremost plastic surgery is. to medicine and ports of Japan and China, where elab-1 consists of making a porcelain jacket orate shore programs were arranged for a tooth of sufficient thickness in in which famous shrines, convents and | front to bring it into alignment with missions were visited. |the other teeth. r 1 Stops in the main town includ Honolulu, where a day was spen Yokohama, Japan, Kobe, Shanghai an Haagkong, where half-day exeursio: were enjoyed, with the afte: usually at one's disposal. Interesting Side Trips Interesting trips were also taken three-year period ..rc-iw applications for parole would be rectmg crooked front teetlr-tiutft h&s Jhe'pr^nerf werT^n^ from the local clay and it is probably Tiedeman, President of the ^keeBay " "s" works up better than any commercial Mrs. Bertha Mertes was appointed Sanitary Milk Producers of St. Louis, . ' ® 0. ""J ® clay he has used. - V hostess for the next meeting of the Mo., was selected by the Association; ™e on ^ Many y«ars ago bridpi were made Auxiliary ph M#rch 11. Thilf Wentworth was selected Route ^ a™ BROTHER OF ALFDREW EDDY PASSED AWAY AT CARB0NDALE, ILL. Arthur^Eddy, 67 years old on Feb- Following the meeting a social hour^y the Milk Distributors. These two COBSiderable *0s3.°^ 1*c^enry' tenced. All hearings would be public jsome of this ^P® that is now with, cards was enjoyed, with lunch «*«*. ™ tUrn. selected Dr. Leland The local remained evw and the records of the parole boards used f°r modeling;, served by Mrs. Anna Howard and her Spencer, prominent ecorwmist and tjent howeve and answered th_ JJ_ The bread-fruit is a large rounfl committee. milk marketing expert of Cornell Uni- ^ the gmsa fireg with , fruit, pale green in color, about six The local unit is now proud to an- versity as the third man on the Milk promptness and efficiency tha^thev inches in diameter, with bright green nounce a membership of twenty-seven Arbitration Committee. i would answer a bltis of - " ' re member need-! ^ Pure Milk Association is the nit^ ns er a oia« of greaU* mm* ' t th. th. ddrtV prfie. to ""W'ili,l»l!a"' " their chief. The tree grows on the islands oW The officers and members are active,^ cent of its milk would be open to public inspection The bill provides that at hearings of applications for parole the follow- , T.. Ur . , ^, intr oh.11 . nrit,. . j leaves over a foot in length. This Mr. members, only^nKnub mfkne ;io^PpS,on, the atates at stock «d to m.k. thelS, ^»"d ^ "»»»•»' , _ plaining witnease. co«M ai.o be p™.- ^ in the work of the Auxiliary and inent if they desired. Majority Vote Needed ^ The bill provides that written notice djn^ and spreading branches and a stringy rehabilitation work which is the Ob-j pulp generally eaten, mixed with co- ject of the organization. coanut milk, making an excellent pud- The president, Mrs. Eva Bacon, is serving her seconds year in that capa- OFFICERS; PRESIDENT 18 ERVIN LAURES . 5, brother of Andrew Eddy df of the hearing shall be served on the; Th* work in verv well done with the .. Manila and the return trip included this city, died at his home at Car- state department of public welfare in <|etaiis of fruit and ieaves so «"»ii <*»k._^~ j j . . , stops at Kyoto, Nara and Tokyo, not bondale, 111., last Thursday morning, charge of prisons, which is charged rout ^^at the model visited before. At Tokyo an interest-! after a long illness. Eighth graders are interested these received commendation during the, .year for their quick response to ail | calls and valiant work in saving pro* perty. \ The most serious fire within the city limits during the year was the one at the Brefeld house on Waukeing visit was made palace grounds. Manila, the capital of the Philli- ron. and their son and wife, Mr. and . . . I r M - a l ; . W i ^ h t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y ^ b r i n g i n g t h e e n o U R h e a t . M r . S t o c k i s . to the Imperial | After receiving the message of hi* prisoner to and from the county-seat eratulated upon his latest work death, Mr. and Mrs. l^idy, son, Clar- at which the hearing is held. | After keeping it on display in Mc- Sntll S^ptemwThlnTheTew^wltd order by the eh**™. EHnor Pries, d^'by^'ca^inTa'cZiir! Paroles would be granted on a maj- Henry for some time, Mr* Stock will are msUlled and Mrs. Bacon has plans officers were elected, with Erv.n Laur- able ^ ^ March i0^e Nels P^- pines, was a Metropolis of lights and Mrs. Uo* Sidy. Qrayslake, left !ority vote. A prisoner sentence for ex- ^ v»riou7 SvTtSs during' the reltowers, where the spirit of prayer Friday morning, making the 365-mile, life would not be allowed to apply for tUntfc SU* Art W reigned supreme during the sessions!trip to Carbondale that day. , , >a parole until he had served twenty cUitkwL^^ Art Am*v mamder 0f the year, of the Eucharistic Congress. j They were «naMe to remain for the years, and in the case of shorter sen-! of the son barn burned,' causing Amid scenes unprecedented in this : funeral Saturday and left early Sat- tences, proportionate minimums are ttt t «nxrvn t9iwm T/1AT1 ily Christian country in the Orient, J urday morning,on the return trip. provided. BMftuiua; *1>wu divid-!^Ann^ai ^"wde out by ^ only dignitaries of the church, and pilgrims! Signs of spring are already evident j The bill provides that if a parolee from all parts of the world, estimated at Carbondale, which has been one of violates his parole he never again shall at approximately 50,000, gathered for the refuge points for flood victims,'be eligible to apply for parole, but the opening of the Congress, over .and the grass is green and the songs must serve the maximum Sentence imwhich Cardinal Dougherty presided, j of birds, including the robins, can be gged on him. Provides For Jobs OF POTTERY; THREft MEN ARE CONVICTED Donald Howard, vice-president; Betty heavy logg With the county meeting here in Nielsen, secretary tupA Peggy April and Poppy day on the last Sat- er, treasurer, «» drnd-.^ chief and sent 4o the gtate' lirdsy in May, there will probaby be ed equally betwe«i the boys and girls. marshal and to the I1Iinoi8 Firemen's •nother card party planned for th^^"d^t whe^ associ*t»Gn» to which the local f\re desummer months to assist in meeting voting for the office of president wnen partm?nt belongs, and through the necessary expenses. members of the class were amaea so courtesy of \viiiimm hirk!pr inni fi»> ---- A carton of cigarettes is don»M ^^ ^^^p^^ ^^hief, we are able to print the follwr- A jury in the Circuit court of Judge to the veterans at the Elgin hospital tween Ervin Laures ana uonaia now ^ tjiat Ralph J. Dady at Waukegan returned every month by the local lunit, which ard was a tie, which was mially de- the past |a verdict of guilty against three Chi- also does its part in entertaining the cided when the chairman drew lots The measure also provides that no cmgo men charRed ^ hijacking and soldiers. " I to break the Feb. 2 marked the Papal Legate's heard arrival with addresses of welcome and I Mr. and Mrs. Eddy and their family! Frt> 3 marked the formal opening of j drove through J>^oner can be paroled unless assured 3X1"^ $2?000 Truck'load"of"pottery "oiTsilk stockings, jig saw purtlea A decision as to class colors could fMm ^ ? n F e 8 8 ' a a v W i t h r v f a n i h o n o r a b l ® . e « " P 1 « y - i l » 8 t A u g u s t . J a c k S t i l l w a g o n , 2 3 a n d N a t i o n a l G e o g r a p h i c m a g a z i n e s n o t b e r e a c h e d a t t h i s m e e t i n g , e i t h e r , | Feb. 4 was Women s day with gen ton here, was selling for fifty cants a ment. It states that no public official, 1 oW 21R4 Central Park .venue. nfor the and mem- none of the colors carrying a majority era! communion .for the women. iton. ' u Feb. 6 was men's day and Feb. 6| _ -- was children's day, while on Feb. 7. BI(JHTH DISTRICT was the pontified mass by the Papal LEGISLATORS OIF Legate and the Pope's personal blessing by radio. Time in Manila is fourteen hours of Central standard time, but ] Rep. Thomas A. Bolger of McHenry despite this fact, the programs were has been made chairman of the rev brought to listeners here and every- lenue committee and lias also been ap> ,.i, , . years old, 2154 Central Park avenue, are needed for the hospital and mem- ........ no political partjr officer, no owner of ,waa convjcted of robbery, and Anton oers of the local unit will be glad to v°te. It was finally decided to appoint a tavern or other place where alco-, gtjebt 19 years old, 5834 Eddy street, receive donations of any of the above. a committee of two to work out sev- Ptter Schirmane. «)•« Chair... *t>|»toud ;era! .chafes to be .wn K. -'--v-i- foynd The following chairmen have been meeting, after which a vote would be List of Ffaree Feb. 1--Barn on the Hubert Weber March 10--Blaze at Nick Adams' the premises, s^all be eligible to qual- OOOD COMMITTEES ""» where over the radio. pointed on the following committees: & Among: the Sick is ill at his home, 1716 Larrabee street, were guilty of grand larceny. appointed by the president: ! George Michalak, 21 years old, SSS3 Americanism--Peggy Allen. North Harding avenue, was freed by Child Welfare--Anna Howard, the jury. He is to be turned over to Community . Service*--Julia Reihanfederal authorities who hold a warrant sperger. charging him in another ease with' Fidac--Pearl Dreymiller. M- A. Conway east of the river. Mrs. Mike Knox of Terra Cotta is improving, after an illness caused by Msgr. C. S. Nix, pastor of St.-Mary's Agriculture, appropriations, congreschurch, is also making a similar trip sional apportionment;\conservation of with Bishop Hoban on the S. S. Em- fish and game; judicial mpportionment press of Japan, sailing from Van-'and pubtte welfare. coaver on Jan. 9. Representatives from this eighth One of the few occasions on which j senatorial district have been named on iiifection. Baservation of the Blessed Sacrament many of the important committees in | Henry M. Smith, manager of the was arranged on board a great steam- the House of Representatives by j Pine Tree Dairy farms, went to St. ship on the Pacific ocean was in con* J Speaker Lewis. jTherese's hospital, Friday, and underneetion w^th this special cruise to thej Richard Lyons has been named on,went an operation Wednesday. Boeharistic Congress. appropriation, banks and banking, ef-i Mrs. Jos. Hoffman of Chicago uninterstate transportation of a stolen automobile. The hijacking took place two miles east of Volo in Lake county. Felix Veth, 86 years old, 1113 Webster avenue. Chicago, was driver of the truck and owner of the stolen property. The three hijackers will be sentenced sot week. Junior Activities--Agnes Schaeffer and Bertha Mertes. Legislative--Eldrid Wattles. ^ Membership--Theresa Neiss. k National Defense--Ethel McGea; Poppy--Marie Schiessle. Publicity--Inez Bacon. Radio--Alice Barbian. Rehabilitation--Bertha Mertes. Education of World War Orphans--- Those on the Betty Engeln and Ervin Laures. CONSERVATION PROGRAM Catherine Bauer. Inorder to assure the greatest hone- j ficiency and wonorny, elections, in'sur-1 derwent an operation at Lake View EXPLAINED TO P APMWfl SUr--Eleanor Althoff. 'A* and satisfaction to the three ance, public utilities and transports- hospital, Chicago, Saturday. Mrs.j hundred pilgrims the Canadian Psci-! tion and public welfare. j Hoffman, who underwent a previous __ Ac company set aside as chapel one of j Rep. Keller has beenrs,aasigned to operation a short time ago, will be ^{ *Ynl*inad to farm. the principal public rooms of the Em-Conservation of fish and game, efficien- membered by old friends as Miss Lill ^ ^™ -5 in various eommun* press of Japan, where members of the|Cy and economy, JiQOorregulations, • Heimer. ^ °n ' .». • had the same facilities for at- railroads and aviation, sena- Mrs. F. J. Aicher is ill at her home ^ . .. . . . f taxpayers in preparing their in INCOME TAX RETURNS A deputy collector of internal revcfjusf had the same facilities for at-j railroads and aviation, revenue, senatending mass, Benediction tod visit to torial apportionment and waterways, the Blessed Sacrament as they had at be at the McHenry post-, J"ot® First Friday, Feb. 26, to assist »*•* a t^m of in nMiurinr their income Sent the troop 1 home. On Sunday, Jan. SI, His Excellency, the Most Rev. Edward F. Hoban, D. D., Bishop of Rockford, delivered the sermon at the High Mass celebrated at the St. Francis Xavier Mission on Sancian island, PROGRAMS BEING on Waukegan street more favorably by county farmers ^returns. Mrs. Nick Adams, who has been for over a year, was taken much worse | ~ """ STAGED AT MCHS ^las t week, but is now slightly improv- Committeemen for the various communities have been elected and thoee COUNTY TO PURCHASE BOY SCOUT TROOPS TO MEET IN AID COMPETITION Four Boy Scout troops will meet in First Aid competition Monday night, Feb. 22, 7:30 p. m. at the Methodist Gymnasium at Woodstock. Troops 170 and 171 from Harvard, 162 of McHenry and 168 from Crystal Lake will represent their divisions in the district contest The winner of this event will represent the District in the Area Contest to be held at Rockford on March 4. Each year the American Red Cross sponsors a First Aid contest to gro- . Each troop four Scouts who repretroop in the meet This team is given an actual first aid problem and a patient to work upon. The team diagnose the problems and treats the patient for the imaginary wounds. March 10--Barn for the McHenry area include Ben Elmer Olsen HIGHWAY MACHINERY: The team that shows more proficiency Robert Matthews of Chicaro a for-iJU8t€n» Young, ---- in diagnoses, and treatment of wounds It's not all work and no play for1^ McHenry resident, is seriously UlaniC- J- ^P800- , „ __An *mount ®^^/r0,m l.1Mc-iwif .the meetT. . npnvirf, b_ ^ students at the Community High at the home of his daughter m Chl-| new Prognm wiU follow aa flenry county highway fund has been. Judges will near the coast 0f S®*1001 {or a number of interesting and Cag0 - (closely as possible the general out- appropriated by the county board of,Northern Illinois Utiimes tympany CWniT" Theship anchored off the is- educational programs are put on dur-| w;i£red Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs J}™ recommended by farmers last faU. supervisors to purchase new machin- who have been thoroughly trained m lMd and the passengers, including in* the year for the benefit of the Frank Blake, was taken to St Therese ™18 18 true of the Provision ery for the county highway depart- j First Aid work. Msgr. Nix, went ashore to visit the young people. The older^folks are hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday evening,f. V1®..s ua i°n, rough ment ^ nviVT va W ampATTON scene where St. Francis XaV- often invited to these programs as where he underwent an operatio* at **"* BY TH\K,LL'N^1QFFL C!OVE F R. *nd The purchase of the new machinery, CHARLES H. STRATTON tar who founded the mission, succeed- well *nd "hare in the benfits brought :6;30 p> m. for appendicitis. ,ot^r lepime8. fay the 1936 dro"th« recommended by the road and( T-4" VILLA in carrying the tidings of faith in- to the young people. Marian Smith, 7-year-old daughter ! ^"9 P^vision encourages the pro- bndge committee and approved by the the Orient. Si. remain, lie bun* ««• Arthur Smith, Ctarl.. H. Sutton, U.ym* oW. on Nels Pearson April 10--S a. m., chicken house eft the John R. Smith farm, where chickens were included in the loss. April 12--Roof fire at Mrs. Mattae Smith home. Grass fires. May 28--Fire at the Brefeld houttfc ' May 29--Three grass fVrea. i;----- June 1--William Thede cottage in Sutton's subdivision struck by lightning. ; ;">ZJyne 7--Grass fires, Pistakee Bay; July 16-31--Sevea grass fires. August 2--Wheat field at Stilling farm. August 20--Fire in boat at Hunter's Boat Factory- . 7 ^. ~ v August 20- 31--Four two at McCollum's Lake. The firemen each receive |3 per call within the city limits, where water is. used, which is * paid by the city, and no charge is made for country calls, although donations are often made la its fund by those receiving help. ASSN. TO SPONSOR ? ' BIG BOXING SHOW .^7 tablished is in use today, j school by the male quartet of Lake skating Saturday and broke her arm. Manila' "ore,t c°HeS® and on Wednesday aft- jwhere they remained until Feb. 9. !f™°°n of. NEXT WE«K AT ON« °'CIOCK MISS MINNIE BUNWELL 1 Msgr. Nix is now on his homeward the statejs sponsoring^ a safety pro- { rFim}1i joarney, it is expected, and wUl prob- «»e high school. Tftis will be ally vbel a-.t. h1 ome in time *fo r Easter. a film on the subject considered of so . LENA VOLZF 73, DIES AT JOHNSBURG great importance at this time. On Monday evening, March 1, at to the normal acreage that old soil new machinery is a 60-horse poorer member of the Lake coun y _ conserving crops at* lacking, with Diesel tractor and a 12-cubic yard ca- brother of William J. ra n, J"™ very little loss in payments.- pacity scraper, costing $12,000; a secretary of state, 1 ear y Although details of the 1937 pro- truck with four cubic yards capacity day morning in his ome Villa. He hi political meeting, where he spoke as a candidate for re-election as Lake Villa township supervisor and poormaster. Mr. Stratton served as the chairman at Lake DIES AT HOSPITAL gram may seem somewhat more com- costing, $3,000; a pneumatic tire trac-|Villa- He^ had jost^returred 8 plicated, farmers present at eommun- tor to pull multiple blade maintainer, Funeral services for Miss Minnie ity meetings feel that it will now be $1,200, and a maintainer for the. trac Ben well, 70 years old, were held on] easier for county producers to build tor, $800. 8:15 p. m., the Hugo Brandt Concert Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at a constructive cropping system which The committee estimates that rentcompany will give a program of mel- [Gilbert's funeral home at Crystal fits into the provisions of the new al from the ten-mile program recently , . ^ . ody, song and story at the.high school Lake. Rev. R. W. Pinhell, pastor of .program. passed by the board will def much to of the county <1 eupervisora^anr 'Mrs. Lena Vols, 73 years old, died 'auditorium for which, there will be 110'the M. E. church, officiated. Burial | An example of changes better suit- pay for the new equipment, which is the county board 01 review rrom llher home at Johnsburg Wednesday j admission charge and to which adults was in the Volo cemetery. Miss Ben-jed to the county conditions is the pro- needed to take care of a ten-mile pro-, _r. ' ,. . „ _ g morning. The body was taken to Chi- as well as Students are invited. jwell died Monday morning at an Au-;vision that payments for applications gram of work. 1 !. W.e W j v »i*R" h n\~ eago Wednesday night, where funeral! The concert party consists of Hugo 1 rors hospital, after beinf in ill health'of limestone will be 011 a basis of $1.25 The road and bridge committee re-,10^81^ two sons, Jacx and^ services wiR b^ held Saturday at a Brandt, concert pianist, Paul Pence, chapel on Irving Park Boulevard, with burial at Memorial Parte cemetery. # JHiss Clara Stoffel was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Kate Staffs* spent.a Jew. days this week in the Hairy Stoffel home Volo. , : . " v baritone, and Helen Gridley, soprano. Included in the program is a musical sketch of the life of F»»nz Schubert and other melodies. " • , Mr. and Mrs. L. F ^Tswnsii sjpcttt Sunday in the home of their son, Charles, in Chicago. for several months. ' jper ton, rather than on an Acreage cently reported that rental frpni the| _ Funeral serviceswere held Saturday Besides a brother and sister, she is basis, as was the case in 1936 for one county-owned machinery received on ** 2 p. m. at the home, enta Otivial in survived by three nephews, Lloyd and of the ways to earn soil building al- the three-mile length of road, con- Clifford Benwell of West McHenry juad lowance payments. , structed at Greenwood amounted to William JPillon of Volo. ' ~---- $5,000. * ^ I Mrs. Ge<Mrge H^tke and family an; ' ^ Mrs. J. King, Mrs. lack Thies and: moving from the Bqger house on Mr. and Mrs. F. Baur of ftoria Lake Villa cemetery. BANK CLOSED ALL DAY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY The West McHenry State Bank will The Graysiake Citizens' association is making extensive plans for promoting an all-star boxing and wrestling show at the school auditorium on the evening of Friday, Feb. 26. The affair is sanctioned by the A. A. U-, while A. P. (Peg) Behning will have' charge of securing the talent. This fact will assure fight fans of witnessing a real show, as "Peg" promises. | that some of the outstanding amateur performere will take part. "Peg" is a veteran matchmaker, and his matches at the Haunted Houselarena the past summer drew reccrd-breaking crowds, and all agreed that they always received their money's worth, He states that if he can get a tough enough opponent for Pat Murphy, he will have that exponent of the groan and grunt art on the card. An ^effort will also be made xo have Jim McMil-. len, Jocal grapp$?r who is rated amoag the top-notchers in the profession, to put on an exhibition match. -- . It is hoped that this will be the first of a series of shows which wUl be conducted.every two weeks. Should they projye successful it is hoped'to" promote a Lake county amateur basing and .wrestling tournament, and eventually ms^e Graysiake a sports center. Mrs. Jacob Steffes were Elgin visitors j Waukegan street to the Gruenfeldt spent the weekend with her parents, be closed all day, MoadSflr, Feb. 22, in Mr. and Mrs. Sms Frasier wsd Saturday. j house, north of the park. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Freund. 'observance of Wsshiagton's birthday.^dren Mrs. Betty Nielsen was a visitor in Chicago Wednesday. have moved to Chicago , . , .#<" i4-y ^ , mi 'V , > .V- -i't.-i;

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