Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1937, p. 2

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> - • { r ^ i g r t ** i a .h' . '•-:*>*: .'T '^rfr?: •' » •^Xr'S-PV • - " rc-jt • A f:w-f«ip: ;•*»»: m '" "" v" v-.vv^iy•-t-V*-l'&-iW r-i, ,fr, f$- r* ; »7r-%'7 ' /, - *sm& i Thursday, February 18,1937 JOHNSBURCt .Miss Genevieve* Knox stent Saturday In Elgin. ^ Mr. and Mffe. Jack Bode and Mrs. Joe Kails motored to Waukegan on Wednesday. _ ^ Mrs. Johri E. Freund and son Visaed in the Adam's home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Stoffel of Volo visited with M'- "Mrs. Wm, TO-j •fling Thursday. >1; '-*-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob TTiidTlBN!.! Ringwood callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thurlwell of] Woodstock spent Saturday and" Sun-™ Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Itcms ef Interest Tlkni fma Ihi Filet of th*- Bthdtillr • of Y«ar» Ac* ^ SIXTY YEARS AGO •»# ';l day in the home of S c h a e f e r . - * - - . . . . . . „ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gielow visited- -- the weekend in Chicago with relative^. Mrs. George King visited Friday m with her sister. Mike Gorskie st Woodstock. Mrs. .lack Bodf -ftRd Miss Thelma up & VrJacksoit ,wei;e Mundelern callers Thurs- • day. v!F. A . Hebard will accept the thanks • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kelly of Ub< ertyville were Monday evening: guests in the homeHfif Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber. Mrs. Charles McArthur and daughter, Ruth,} visited Mrs. McArthur's NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES th* *L lT^niner^r °n rin**°n' was involved in a motor fatal-' to PRRRRVT upuad.., the gas tank, the thieves had unscrew- ity accident at Forest Glen ahd Peter-1 rhTitvjP!? MEMORIAL JoTZo^T"' Dialno!ld Lake M^s^°was schoolmate, Biir Connors, who pulled the roadf When he stopped his car D-^urtleflf, judge of the Fridav *£ D,ar^ond Lake last week he was approached by Miss Elizabeth 0f Charles T. Allen, judge Fnday after young Reese, had fallen Fitzgerald, Chicago, driver of another M*nW JSTvT^'t .*»*?* Fmachine which had collided with Misstorneys Mp™£1 * /°Alyni Sf" *1 Ryan's car a few initiates earlier. Ac- ST are fnv,^ °f the bar Cording to reports, Miss Fitzgerald * !-----*«- and Miss Ryan had exchanged names' mother, Mrs. A. Wolfer Friday. . » mier yo Miss Frances Michels of, Chicago ™ade of the tftrou«* the ice. The lads were skatspent the weekend here. * \Cwll£ tt® «tOTe ** »ew Ray's Pavilion on Z lake, Mrs. B. Schneider of Chicago spent street ?u'th/^lte close to a spot where ice cutters, who the past week with her agister, Mrs. A. h d]L, K ^"go * "JJ1® transaction, had been at work, had left a four foot Wolfe. jhandled by Attorney F. R Kelley, was space of open water R*«rp »rH o^„ " ^ ~7 °T ""--oahu Mrs. Walter Wartrer and daughters j on Wednesday morning of skating towards « group of ice fisher- Miss Ryan 8eaDpeSed LhCuCr?entA?t ( J- ' Elgin spent the weekend with her becomiB« ™«vand not realizing the thinness of gettin/baA "?h«L ** his ™ Elgin. 'and • Mr* .'luid ':Mr?.! Mr. and Mrs. Harfry Laurence of SLTSS^M , ',rtendK tte S"- W, Mr. .nd Mr,. Uurence. with Mrs. up . «-- The Misses Jtfary and Bern ice Doiio- SAMUEL J. RAHN DIES o, ». SX'K sister. Anna Friahv. effectl.v? "n^ately. The sto^was the ^c_e near the hole left by the ice icerald sported^sheteard'a nofse aiS ^es_W€ri held Friday afternoon at George King"' were "Wood^tock"calleM i ° f , th^ Printers for a pail of very nice V^'^aturday. ; thia ; A _ «•. ' Mi.- Lydia Shober was a Waukeganj ",Ij Story is making f»reparsi< ,v<Her Sunday. . „• -• • • . ># ' Hv- and Mrs. Nick Miller of Rich-( wond were Johnsbu^g"; eajlei*s Moil-|ture stQre. *': !\'X» >'***' «vei?'«1K-' : * - 1•'Gorton,'.' succe&so;r to,;,'B.'.-A; » Mrs. Petei: F. V Freund entertained Fori^j at the Fine Art Gallery, has refiv* 1 hxmdi^ rfufe' Tuefday after-jduciki his price.for photographs from with prizes going , to *Mrs, Joe ,|3.,to'$2.50;': '• ' furnihue of Chicago and Georgiana Donohue of Huntley Were Sunday guests of Mr. arid Mrs. Carl Weber. , -j „ r._r John Sutton, who has been employtions ,tt\ open the store opposite the i^d at' the Elgin State hospital, is postoffice, formerly used as a " r~~ Pirrf YEARS AGO, weeks here. Charles Itfhite ahd to'their- former home spending a fe Mr. and Mr sons have rrjov at Gibson)'la W. M. McK^in is now employed in Chicago. FranTc G. ^chreiner was a Chicago visitor Fridajr. * Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mitchell anc| children of Waukegan were Thursday -liing, Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. Pet-f ;>'|gr F. Frfeund. .. :"'-:w| Leo Britz and Miss Martha Britz ofi • . , . r-- Waukegan were callers here Sunday, j - Miss Jessie Wightman, Miss Carrie. - ---- V? Eddie Frett of Chicago was a Johns- Wait, Miss Clara- Wightman, Miss May|visitors in the home of her parents, irg caller Sunday. , Wightman, Miss Kate Hill, A! Hilij^r. and Mrs. William flacon. Paul Huff of Greenwood was a call-1 Frank Colby and Nat Kimball visited ' Mrs. Miller of Quincy spent a few here Sunday. «Miss Etta Alexander, at leke Zurich)day« last week as the guest of her ^ I son, Rcy Miller, proprietor of the "A'NU^ f ^ E- D' Shurt-,cutters' SraUnoo0LSTL7PLUNGECDE T 1 t-NNMB€R °.f yeaW* ,int0 the water. Seeing the fad *o FJlhn T^ ,e' ^6^tl0n £oreman of tb€ thrpugh, Connors raced to the spot and SSf/'and Extern raUroad. suf- lying on his stomach on tie ice ?^A^U!^_J hand when fi5ger and.b™is.ed cvrla*wWliJnings two>wwaarrdass hmimm uunnttiill hhee wwaass ,road and mechanism of a*"decT"„ taVar! looking about; saw the"dead "woma"^ BuriaTwas^in'Bllff body lying in the road Mr Wadell • , !!B!. Clty cemetery. He told police officers he approached the Sr^ W ^adfey ofli^o^-0™" scene and saw the body lying in thei Bradley, 0f Rmgwood. ^ road and stopped to investigate, hp Mrs. Henry Smith visited her haul him out caiSST to his car. he said. . , Mrs. Stephen Ereuad of ^pririgjon Sunday last. J rv*' ~-":" r';:;;Qrove attended the Lady Fqj-esters; J, N. Mead has sold his liaidware( "Meeting Tuesday evening. ^ * business on the West side to W. P. ~r. \Vm, Meyers was a Woodstock call- - Stevens, who has taken possession of X ' «f Sunday. ;jthe,same. ** ,v : Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller were] News gathering has been slippery Waukegan callers Siinday. ' '-work of lat^~-~-"-----'.;; Antcn M."Schmitt, Adam Bildnet j The valentines have began to appear *»d Joe N. Schmitt visited Monday already, fiening at Spring Grove Peter Freund, Jr., spent Monday St Woodstock. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinsala 'spent ^he weekend in Chicago. ; • _ FORTY YEARS AGO ' Miss Ella Parker will lead the Y. P. C. U. devotional meeting Sunday even- Mrs. E> Hi Merrick is how assisting Miss tltti Powers, who is recovering from a serious illness. Maxine Bacon of St. Vincent's orphanage, Chicago, spent Sunday at her home here. Allan Cleary left last week for his home at Sioux Falls, S. D., after a several weeks' visit here. M. J. Kent and children of Chicago were Sunday afternoon visitors here. A daughter, Jane, returned home with m •yt."® I f f * . O m o a - M . . . in proper working nr-H(.r «nri ?! ?F Js. own c6at' »™PPtafr it around RESIGNS POSITION" his hand to adiusfth* rlutrt. 'Jn* the dripping Reese to help^^ keep him Friends here have learned that motor was running TKa^. warm and took him home immediate- Elmer Francisco of Woodstock has caught-between two- reAlvfa^hS!' ?'• Re®se-is confined to his home suf- ' resigned his position at the Home Oil and pai^uUy crusltd e ^ ^ eXp°Sure and a toUch of (station, Woodstock. He will now run, C H Stratton TftVo vn + . e Connors although he con- only hia.Uxica^b.bju^jne^s. sn^T?' ^ Villa township ttacted a cold, has not been forced to ^ ? Xk^?£twlr ?n,y I" hetH ,e9Ve schooL The lad is a member of came sutWenhT8as h« ^is His deajh Rev. Ralph Coonrad, native of the to^ThSh M&rengo farm arearwho is a mission-- county £ / a f tllnded the ary m China, is expected to return Tuesdav 1 • J \ a'U,egan home 8£>on to his former home comb° aurd munity- News of his return came in y ear softer c* hTk *• h'5 a recent "><«<> broadcast from China, committees ^5! f6? 0n various the wave being picked up by a station, committees. He was chairman of the in Texas and relayed to the missionuoard in 1930-31. His present term ary's brother, Clarence Coonrad, resiwas to expire m the spring, and he dent of Woodstock. The message said nad panned to be * candidate for re- Mrs. Coonrad and two children are to „ leave China the current month, the Belief in the possibility that gaso- husband and father to follow later. _"f. Sieves are at work in Liberty-1 Last week Friday afternoon, while Miss Fitzgerald band at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, Monday. Mrs. Jacob Adams spent a few days this week with her sister in Chicago. Walter Carey and daughter, Nancy, arrived home Monday, after a trip to Miami, Fla., where he assisted his wife son, Kavin, and sister in getting set* 11^ as. Ma 4 V _ .. \. « ,« 00^ ej|S V^muTft yf ml HOUSE CALL OPTICAL SERVICE »ROOT OWI MFLE NO EXTRA CHARGE $8.50 GLASSES COMPLETE AS LOW AS Egr appointment, Phone Chicago, Prankfin SoTtj -- McHenry 60-W or Write to-- " Dr. in. M. Kagan OPTOMEJTRIC EYE SPECIALIST 108 N. State Street, CRicago "•» «|n»MU»Mg UIV WVCACUU ilClVi ( BHly Kinsala spent the weekend in Chi weekend ing. Subject, "Character and Good (^™, after spending the weekend here Citizenship." ' Dr. Bear, of Chenoa, has charge of Dr. Baechler's office during his absence. Ed Granger has secured a Committee Clerkship at Springfield, and will go down to commence his duties on Monday next.** W" ve had fine sleighing 1iUn t(hUiisa sDeCcv-" I -- -- V|n.U« ! tion for one or two days last week and with friends in Chicago. Chicago Janice Klontz spent the with friends in Chicago. Emily Steffes and Jane Durland were weekend guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Ralph Schroeder, in Chicago. , Miriam Sayler spent the weekend then one,day's SUB' spoiled it »H MnH • predominates now. THIRTY YEARS AGO pi fc;' THC RMPIRB -til 1 McHenry, Illinois Week Days, 7:20 -- 9:20 Admission 10c -- 25c FEBRUARY 19 (One Day) Guy Kibbee -- Sybil Jason "THE CAPTAIN'S KID" ALfX)--Selected Short Subjects FEBRUARY 20, SATURDAY" Grleoda Farrell, Barton MacLane "SMART BLONDE" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY -- MONDAY FEBRUARY 21 -- 22 Qtfk Gable •• Joan Crawford "LOVE ON THE RUN" Also -- Musical, "Cinvman Circus and World News Events TUESDAY (Double Feature) Admission: 10c - 20c (1) "Career Woman" (2) "White Hunter" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 24-25 "STOWAWAY" j ^i^ighing in McHenry and vfeinity , it pretty good. It is said that Bordens contemplate the harvesting of a second crop of ice this season, to be shipped to the various plants throughout the country wWe ice is not obtainable. Butter advanced one cent on the Elgin board of trade Monday, - the i price being 33 cents per pound, i Peiter Justen has given up his position in Chicago to take up the position as bookkeeper at the local Borden milk factory, - • • 1 TWENTY YEARS AGO McHenry is to have another millinery store and same is to be located in the Jacob Justen block in Centerville. Miss Lillian Pouse, who will conduct the place, has rented the quarters for many years occupied by a barber shop,, but of late used as a show room by the owner. Butter sold at 42 cents per pound on the Elgin board of trade last Saturday. In spite of the cold-a Chicago auto party arrived in town last Saturday night and passed Sunday at Justen's hotel. Jos. Michels has resigned his posi- Mr. ahd Mrs. Mark Oster left Sunday on a six weeks' vacation to be spent in Florida. Dr. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adele, were Chicago callers Saturday, where the^JftKUr received vocal JnT structionST Mrs. Henry Heimer attended the funeral of Sam Rahn at Elgin Friday. , ^ ' • Miss Wanda Smith, who has been employed at Park Ridge, who has been a few weeks at her home here. Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye were their son, Lowell, of Chicago, daughter, Ruth, of St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, and her friends and student nurses at the hospital, Armella Haines and Genevieve Hosh. Mrs. A. J. Butler and son, Donald, of Chicago visited her paifents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, the last of the week, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Moritz of Chicago were Sunday visitors' in the Henry Miller home, f. Miss May Justen^spent Lincoln's birthday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and Mr. and Mrs. V. Martin were Sunday callers in the B. F. Martin home at Grayslake. Mrs. B. F. Martin is ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke left Tuesday morning for a visit in the home of her sister at ClevelartdTDr thfews, PRESIDENT'S DOUBLE ANOCA^OHS WOODSTOCK MILLER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 , 75 BIG Reasons For Fun "GIRLON THE FRONT PAGE" SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 75 BIG Reasons For Fun Warner Baxter -- June Lang "WHITE HUNTER 'J , SUNDAY -- MONDAY FEBRUARY 21 - 22 SHIRLEY TEMPLE Alice Faye -- Robert Ypuhg in "STOWAWAY" > Three Stooges Cartoon, News.v Klein me Organlogue TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 10c -- BARGAIN NITE -- 15c - MARTHA RAYE in V "HIDEAWAY GIRL" irBDNBSDAY - THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24 -- 25 - Johnny Weismuller -- - - Maureen (^SULLIVAN. "TARZAN ESCAPES1' ville was expressed last week by Chief on her way to the Woman's club meetof Police Frank Druba, who stated ing at the home of Mrs: Victor R. lately, several residents of Liberty- Johnson, Grayslake, Mrs. L. G. Smith v'"e had reported to him that they slipped on the ice and fell, breaking thought that someone had been tamp- j her leg in two places. 'She was taking ering with their gasoline supply while a short cut through the park and had their cars were parked iij the down- reached the south end, just opposite town district. He said that last week the Johnson home. As she attempted a car belonging to Mrs. William to go down the embankment she slip- Kneesley was towed to the Liberty- ped on some ice that was covered by ville police station when it was found the recent light fall of snow and fell parked in the middle of the road on in such a way that the bones in her Cook avenue. A search through local between the knee and ankle, were records disclosed the ownership of the -broken in two places. She was taken car* which had evidently been pushed to St. Therese hospital, where the indown the road from in front of the jured limb was cared for, and on Monresidence of C. R. Pettingill, where day was brought to her home in Grays-. Mrs. Kneesley was visiting and had lake. Mrs. Smith, Sr., of Chicago, is been stripped of ttrols and gasoline, here caring for her. Foiled in their attempt to syphon the Alexander Wadell, Castle road, Bar-v \ service f (mr middle unme[, Our trained men will give your car the bolt lubrication job in town. Quickly, cheerfully and competently. At the right prices, too. Our attendants use the latest greanng equip* ment and Rotary lift which aids them t9 reach accurately all the working parts oil ' your car. Try us on the next job--especially if you happen to be in a hurry. CENTRAL GARAGE Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Welding Phone 200-J Towing Johns burg Mrs. Delia Matthews, son, Edward, tion at the Smith Bros. .tore. "HU Place is being filled by a brother of """'e"' ,n CWc,«® WMk Wea" the proprietors of the store. - v u , , . Relatives here have heard from Mrs. Simon Michels, who is at Pensacola, Fla., where she is enjoying the lovely, warm weather. The Misses Jean Matthews and Julia McLaughlin are also at Pensacola, where they are enjoying their vacation, which relatives here expect will soon come to a close. Gordon Granger of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. Other Sunday visitors in the Granger home were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen, Orval Granger and Miss Lillian Seibel . of Woodstock. • " Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shales and family of Des Plaines visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian Sunday* Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and children of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, Saturday. Mrs. Kamholz returned with them to spend Sunday in Chicago. Arthur Kennebeck is employed in Chicago. Mrs. Harry Kist, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. Pfct Moriarity of Chicago visited Mrs/Nick Adams, Sunday. ' c Mrs. A. W. Krug, daughter, Elaine, and , Mrs. D. Walkington and son, David Lee, motored to Walworth, Wis., Friday, where they visited Mrs. John Goelzer. Her little daughter, Mary Jane, is now recovered from her illness and again in school. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries are enjoying their visit in Florida, according to cards received by friends here. They have been at Sarasota and Ft. Meyers and are now at Miami for a few weeks. Before returning home they expect to visit Orlando and other points of interest. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henzel, who have lived east 6f the river on Route 20 fof several years, have given up their home and moved to Chicago, where they will make their home with their daughter. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams *nd son were Sunday visitors in Chicago. Miss Mary Kinney was in Chicago Friday. Harold C. Blanev, Swampscott, Mass., restaurant vner, who has frequently been mist; \en for President Roosevelt. The similarity was first noticed six years ago by a New York boy visiting Swampscott in the summer. Mr. Blaney, at top, is fifty- four years old as compared to the President's fifty-five years, and is a little shorter than Mr. Roosevelt. M 1,111 Feat Ha* vii ; Mount Kosciusko, in IJew South Wales, is 7,777 feet high. The Public Scrvice Company (and many neighborhood dealers) * are making it easier than ever for ~4 you to cook the modern way -- Electrically! The new 4 star offer is something you can't afford to miss. Phone for a salesman to tell you about i% 4 4 STAR OFFER* • FREE INSTALLATION-- now no wiring cost! We provide an approved local electrical contractor to do the job. In unusual cases, whert other than the standard installation is required, liberal wiring allowanced madeJ *3 YEARS TO PAY --as little as $5 down, balance monthly on your Electric Servic# bill. 36 months in which to pay for your new electric range. • 6 MONTHS' TRIAL for you to make your kitchen test! At the end of this time if you decide to keep the range, . your payments apply on the purchase price. • LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for your old range... from $10 to $15 depending upon the cost of the new electric rangt you selefct. » * GLIMITED TIME,OFFELI. /. ^CT INOV56 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY *#|||; . ik't: uryital Lake

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