Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1937, p. 4

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1^^ 4t " 'S.f..-^V, ' v.-v«- * ,'.* . ;;r-T,- * .? , V". . •-•• ,*t^ 4' '• s |p if ^--Mgjt^jllll^^--" '"'"T--ij^V fc **. * jp V * •* /•--*,--$* v-y-^-^.i.^.,14^^ ^ ""* C"H*• «v<~f~7-~-^iV/£ 'T4^***' \>«|vjS* •i *- *> * «w,^jt^. 1 * • ^ »# * , t - ^ " " T ' v c - " W e , 1 - ' «• * v * ' „ - • - * » / " < " , # . / • * * , # • ' v l i y ^ . - . .*»y -,V t \ " ' * » " • ' ^ .. y, ^ ^ *-»-• 4 «_" ^>4--»• p* r| , ,-»• -+^1* ~'"-*i # •» + e» ^ ^ S'n'V^i^,-*1 . 4 "• ^ "AV\* '*?" - , * - . ^-.•'•i:-> ..'•*• »(;,r,v":,;^,:,::s' '. ;-.:,-j • '>5/•'. ,v«"<-.»- •; --M , * a-..^v'/ • •'w 2 " Tfeunday, ?• ^ *? 1 - * f THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER • "f£e*s*S?•i l ,' i>§5>*/s<;-' t?;v tj' Published every Thursday at McHenry, 1U-, ly Charles F. Renich. Entered u second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. ^' ,,, I ,, One Year Six-Months -..... ..... |2.tt0 -- $1.00 ^9*'»•'.£> A H. M08HER, Editor and Lillian Sayler, Local Editor ~ -- Telephone 197 WHY= ~W§i •"' 4." i*W: Maine Selects Congressmen in Early September. The Constitution. of the United States provides that unless Congress directs otherwise the time of holding elections for senators and representatives "shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof." In the early days of our government no law on the subject was passed. But in 1845 Congress fixed the first Tuesday after the ft*st Monday in November as the day for choosing the presidential electors. That day is still national or general election day. The same day was designated for the election of rep- :esentatives and senators, but an ^exception was made in those states in which a different day was speci- ^wfied in their Constitution. So for ^many years three states--Arkansas, ^Oregon and Maine -- elected their ^congressional representatives earli- •" er than November. Arkansas and i -' Oregon soon found it more practical to hold their state and congressional ' elections at the same time the other states held theirs, and changed their History «F Ate Envelop* DateaBack to Year 1758 . In the British museum is a crude, Rand-made envelope, Pleasuring 4V4 by 8 incha* i^ which a letter was sent in 1696 by the Right Honorable Sir William Ttambull, ^hen secretary of state of England, to Sir James Ogilvie of London. Also, in the British museum are envelopes used in the years 1755 and 1760 for the transmission of important government documents. It appears, however, envelopes were not in general use until almost a century afterward, says Envelope Economies. . v> . ; The Japanese had used envelopes as containers for. powders and scents for hundreds of years. Later, the French adopted the same custom. When the envelope was introduced for maUiftg purposes in England, it was regarded as a novelty but there seems some basis for a belief that envelopes had been used previously for mailing purposes in France. These were very dainty and made of the most expensive and delicate papers. .. Book shops • the first envelope mxwtMiwWy > utilizing the Man Sings Foreign Anthem; Is Jailed "Prague.--No Czech sobject may sing any national ahthem except the Czech anthem, Josef Hasak, a wheelwright at Uzhorod, has learned. In August, 1933, Hasak spent * short holiday In Budapest While there he sang the Hungarian national anthem, which concluded a religious service. This fact he noted in his diary. While returning recently from another Journey to Hungary, the Czech customs officers glanced through his diary as he crossed the frontier. They saw the entry saying he had sung tlie Hungarian national anthem. Af a result, Hasak was sentenced to 14 days' Imprisonment. • •> . s - * FRENCH KIDNAPERS ' PACE LIVING DEATH Baby Snatchers Will Be Sent to Devil's Island. Constitutions to conform with the act of 1845. Maine, however, contin-, spare time ettheir clerks to make -nued to elect thtese officers in Sep-1 cnvctepCT-^.WIWifrggller in Bright- ".tember, and is the only state today j on, England, -a-Jftr.^Bnewer, iS credto elect them on a different day | ited as being the firft to make and than general election day. •^"-Vsell envelopes commercially in Eng- ~ Election day in Maine was set on , land, abont'1180. v the second Monday in September | The popdfatitjr of the envelope during the early days when traveling facilities were poor, and when bad roads and cold weather freguently would have prevented rural inhabitants from going to the polls at a later date. But Maine chooses her presidential electors with the other states, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. started in 184Q, when Sir Rowland Hill established Penhy Post in England. This chahgetf the basis for postage to weight instead of the number of enclosures. >>.• yrhj Valuable P. O. Stamps Were Rocket Decorations Seeking stamps from Maltese issues of the fifteen years following 1860, French stamp collectors have made a curious discovery, which explains why many of the specimens now cost from one to ten pounds sterling apiece, asserts a writer in Pearson's London Weekly. ^ In those days stamps were used by the million for mailing newspapers, but as they were stuck on the paper itself, and not on a wrapper, they were thrown away when the paper was finished with. The Maltese in those days, adored fireworks. The manufacturers of. raw material for decorating the outsides of the fireworks took t( sending round men who persuaded housewives to rout out their hoards of old papers. The stamps were taken off and used for decorating rockets. As a result, thousands of rocket! went.up carrying 100 pounds sterling worth of old stamps, in addition to - few pennyworths of gunpowder. Christians Fed to LiMis to Make Roman Holiday During the declining days of the- Rbman empire, before Christianity became the accepted religion, it was the custom of the Roman emperors to pacify their unruly subjects with free circuses, which featured bouts between captive Christians armed with wooden swortfs -and wild lions. Gladiators also were matched against the lions. * Christianity was just beginning to make itself felt, such cruelty was the only means we pagan Romans could use in their fruitless effort to stamp it dLJ/,Other forms of torture consisted ol crucifixions and burning at the stake. As a result the term "Roman holiday" later has been applied to any entertainment which cai^ses loss or suffering to those ^providing it. It is taken froirr-fiyfortV refcrence (in "Childe Harpio^s - ^ik|fimage") to the gladiators. * as 'Tbulchered to make a Rqgiaj^holidqjr." Why Object Appears Upside Down If you reflect an object which is behind you through a magnifying glass into a mirror you will observe that the object is not only magnified but shown upside down. Now how has this happened? The rays of light by which we see all objects travel as straight lines from the object to the magnifying glass. Having passed through the glass they meet on the other side, having been deflected in their passage. But they have to continue, and so they go straight on, crossing each other at a certain point. Thus .when they reach the looking-glass the object is-shown upside down. Why It Is "Lvneh" Lunch is believed to be another form of "lump," meaning a piece of bread. Doubtless, it grew out of the 'habit 'of carrying n light meal about'--such as a piece Qt bread-andcheese. This afterwards grew into the more elaborate picnic of the present daj\ The final letters, "eon ." making it-luncheon, and signifying a properly laid midday meal is probably a variety of "ing^ «- London Answers Magazine. . M#nw§tfr #*e|li Th> frjgg* .ntArf"tnw was brewetr at frre revival of the famous ol4"Um« Gycaw party at Baildon, York*. -sayi^London Tit- Bits Magazine Jiri«*4hflu»and guests partook> any more than 3,000 pounds Jtellinf" 'was' Raised for charity irvtfce csraivtt)4hat followed. The broth, which was made from an *npl*V ,*XL'fltj i'« chiefly of I,(u plundl ^yegetables plus 600 AtnKsiif MsTfOO pounds of meat, %>i# 6#- pMndv of condiments. There were raJ*Q scores of chickens and little*kn9«m herbs to give it niyn»n^v ,|fo» preparation alone took three days and the cooking twenty-f6ilr' houYiT This broth is Why Chaperon Is So Called The name "chaperon" was first given to a cap or hood wort by a Knight of the Garter. It came into general use and was later appropriated to doctors and licentiates in colleges. A person who acts as a guide or protector is called a "chaperon," probably, from the eaiiy habit of wearing a cap or hood when engaged in such a capacity. Why Iron Rusts | ' Ordinary iron alloys rust for. two reasons. First, the iron is soluble in water, so that oxygen can get to it and convert it into oxide. Second, the presence of moisture and other materials among the particles of iron in the metal helps to destroy fee iron by electrolytic action. Why *t Is "Mansard" Roof The "Mansard" roof is so called because this type of roof was invented by Francois Mansard, who lived from 1598 tp 1666. It is constructed with a break in the slope of the roof, so that each side consists of two planes, the lower being steeper than the upper. remim soup ma the monka the Keun borders immense feet high slowly ro forms, fervor e: they pi part of very holy _, years by mnastery in on the ewed in ach eight s walk sed platreligious 'etion and become Paris.--Baby snatchers in will fice death In the "hellhole of creation" if Minister of JuMlo* i„<»oo Berard has his way. Kidnapers won't get an easy way otit Via the guillotine, but will be'sent to the nation-wide dreaded Devil's island for ilfe, according to a new law now before the chamber of deputies. This law Is known as the French "Lin»lher>rh bill." » "France will not tolerate kidnapers,'* has been-the cry from Jfreueh mothers following the Surete Natlonale triumph In solving (lie first kidnaping for money that France has had In more than two centuries. The snatching of little elghteenmonth- old Claude Malmejac In Marseilles recently led to a widespread Indignation and fear that caused French mothers to keep a close watch on their babies and Minister of Jnstice Berard to draft a new law Immediately. "Death is too fnsy a way out-for kidnapers," the mtnflhvr Is reported to bare told collaborators at the ministry of Justice. "If I make kidnaping a death offense^ It might lead desperate criminals to murder the children and attempt to conceal their bodies. . "But they will think twice before snatching babies when they know they will be sent to Cayenne," he explained. Devil's island is the most dreaded penal colony, a French police official said, pointing out that for every score who escaped yearly ^etween 1,000 and l,r»00 died of fever and disease. ArrftraT of Canal Boats * Big Event Century Ago New marvels of transportation kept? the American public wondering a hundred years ago, records over new waterways being made almost every week, especially in Columbus, where -the "great Ohio canal" was within a year of completion to the Ohio river. The week of September 20, 1831, saw some events come to pass that had a tremendous influence Oh the future of that state. Under the heading "More Welcome Arrivals," the Columbus Sentinel of September 27 said: "On Monday three canal boats arrived at this town, viz.: the Cincinnati, Red Rover and Lady Jane, from Cleveland. These were the first bofts that had passed the Lick? Ing Summit. The first fruits of navigable commerce with the laftes and the state of New York to the town of Columbus was welcomed by the firing of a 'six-poundt ., the ringing of the. state house bell, a procession .of cUfcens and an address from a corrmlttee and a collation, partaken in common by the boats' company and citizens. The scene was intensely gratifying to the man of France business and admirers Of internal improvement; and it is hardly less animating to the youth and very many of the adults in this place, who had never seen any watercraft superior to the Orleans flat. The sight of those boats was marvelous to some slow calculating pioneers of these Western wilds, .who never 'believed that in their day a canal boat would reach Columbus from the lake. The first boat was adapted to heighten the marvel. It was the Cincinnati, which was built at the city of New York and actually float* ed on the briny waves in that' harbor; had passed up the majestic Hudson; the -great Western canal, and plied* the Erie'and Ohio canal, distance of 240 miles." Such was progress in those days. Jailed 600 Day# for Debt, Debtor Emerges Smiling Rutland* Vf.---After exnetly 000 days in 'jail, Edward Mingo, forty-year-old West Haven farmer held for non-payment of a J3.V) court judgment, recently was permitted to take the pauper's oath and was released. Previously Mingo, a tliick-set fellow with bhlr prematurely gray, had'been unable to take the oath because he ovued property gained at "more than *20." The Jail ^commissioners permitted him to take the oath, however, after he had assigned the property, a small farm in nearby West Haven, to his creditors, Mingo left tb^ jail with a grin and without comment. He had gained more than 80 pounds during his long incarceration. Residents of little West Haven bad fretted over the case, for It had dost rbem more thai <4.10 to support the prisoner. Mingo's farm had a a heavy mortgage. Needing money, be seld some cattle on which Deputy Sheriff Clarence Wiley, of Rutland, held a lien. Wiley sued and -obtained a 1850 verdict. Penniless. Mingo went to jail, where he remained from June 4, 1K34, until today. The Mingo case has focused attention on Vermont's law, under which a person might he kept In jail for life for inability to meet a court Judgment. There has been s£Itstlon for a change In the statue to fix a time limit for confinement of aucb persons. Song of Gsurryowen, Onev of Erin's Popular Airs Garryowen, which gives its name to one of the most popular songs of Erin, is on a hill commanding a superb view of the city of Limerick, states Ireland's Own. Tradition has preserved the occasion of its celebrity, and the origin of its name, which appears to be compounded of two Irish words signifying "Owen's Garden." A person so called was the owner about a century ago. „ » Owen's garden was „the general rendezvous for those who sought for simple amusement or for recreation. The fame' of the "Garryowen Boys" spread far and near. Their deeds were celebrated by a minstrel of the day in that air which has resounded over every quarter of the world. A string of jolly verses was appended to the tune, which soon enjoyed notoriety. The name of "Garryowen" was as \yell known as that of Limerick itself, and Owen's little garden became almost a synonym for Ireland. -t . 1. , •*!*.') ••• > waU Street""'ivV " V.< Wall street, the narrow and short street running east and west from Trinity church on Broadway to the East river, New York city, took its name from the fact that it follows the line bf the palisaded wall or. stockade buHt in KB!'"across the southern end of Manhattan island by Gov. Peter Stuyyeiant to protect the little Dutch colony of New Amsterdam against a threatened attack by the British. At the corner of Wall and Nassau streets stood the old City hall, which, after the Revolution, was remodelled and converted into Federal hall. It was in this building that the first congress under the Cdnstitutioo^met, and here, too, George Washington took oath of office as the first president of the United States, April 30, 1788. The old Sub • Treasury building now stands on the aite. - . Compoaei SWLast Hope' Louis HngMK^ottschalk, who composed Hope," was born in NellCgrlaws in 1829. He studied in Eutop* andt from 1845 to 1852, made «j>OI Isn W.totars of the continent. America in 1853, he taurjpl u&xpqRfetry with notable success^ gflsSrart#. and conducting his own co&ipositions. Among his composition! are "Bamboula," "Bananier," "Swane*" "Oj°s Creolas" and "Qssifl^ jfc died at Rio de Janeiro Iff 19W.'iWW' > Z-4- Why Nerves Need Magnesium The lack of magnesium in the Human body causes an unbalance m the nervous system which makes an individual particularly sensitive to noise, according to the present edition of Modern Medicine. , American^^^^p^p^^ reached Paris in ITTffWTOW^Jffebmed with wonderful unamarvty. >Hie fame as a philosopher, his unfailing good humor, the digpity, self - possession, and ease of His matiriePSi the plainness of his dre$s^h|s habit of wearing his straigh^^|ljgij^|r hair without powder, contrary to.,the fashion of that day in . acted as a spell. Yet he is- cced^Ra with saying "Eat to pleaA^tkjNteV, but dress Work* in Same Barber ' Shop Sixty-Six Years Woodstock, III.--Henry Schneider bas been cutting hair for G6 years. He has worn out three floors, four barber chairs, but never has he nipped s customer's esr. - "I reckon I've cut enough half, to carpet a park," ihe eighty-year-old barber ssid. "Bnt never an ear, mind vou," , . Schneider, a native of Alsace, canir- («> America in i860. He began learn ing hi* trade when he was fourteen and so small he bad ta have a circular platform to reach-customers..;, An old-time barber, Schneider keep* mngs of bis patrons long ago. Nanu-s familiar to this town of 5,000 are perpetuated in the tiers of tonsorlsl relics that ornament the walls. -•»' * FauK-Flndiag v Do not think of your faults, still less of others faults; in every person who comes hear you, look for what is good and strong; honor that, rejoice in it, and, as you can, try to imitate it. For the rest you will find it less easy to uproot faults than to choke them by gaining virtues. If, on looking back, your whole life should seem rugged as a palm stem, still, never mind, so long as it has been growing and has its grand green shade of trees and weight of honied fruit at top. G«aa YUM 10,000 Pl*w« Mexico City.--Tests of the first plows made from cannons having proved satisfactory. President La*aro Cardenas ordered manufacture' of lO.-0 000 additional plows. Three,, hundred tons of old cannons will be used ln their manufacture. to please otherj^' Why It Was Crystal Palace The name Crystal Palace was given to a famous structure in Lon- Mt> made almoet entirely of ^1**, Windsor Chads' Windsor chairs were popular in this country as far back as the Eighteenth century. ^ When the continental congress cbme together at Independence hall to adopt the Declaration of Independence the members were seated in Windsor chairs. Thomas JeffersOo liked*® commodious, round seated Windsor with one broad arm for writing. He wrote the first rough draft of the declaration while seated in it The original chair was made ahout llflO and remodeled ' , W«lu»|t«» portrait lu«rti Hartford, Conn.--A Ufe-slzed por trait of George Washington by Gilbert .Stuart, which Cofanecticut obtained i,n 1SQ0 for $800, was insured for the first time recently for $2§0,00(k ^ . Largest Hease in England vtrci^ngham is the largest house |n England, with more than 2,000 principal rooms, including 70 offices for secretaries and clerks and a complete floor of store rooms. It is said that the corrridors of tha palace take 12 miles of carpet. Works Named "Dam-Dam" The "dum-dum" in "dum-dum bullet" comes from the Dumdum Ammunition works, near Ca^utta, Invented Telegraph Retey Elisha Gray, who invented the self-adjusting . telegraph relay and the telautograph among other things electrical, worked out some of these improvements while studying at Oberlin college. A poor fellow, he worked his way through by operating a dairy near the town. Born in Barnesville, O., in 1901. He and some of his friends claimed that he was the real inventor of the telephone.: ... • • 'A •' Self-Forgeftlng When any one is thoroughly interested in some subject, outside of himself, he forgets all about himself and his appearance, his selfconscious bashfulness drops away,' and he becomes natural and interesting; but, when s@lf looms up in his mind as the central figure and the all-important theme, all true modesty, dignity, and ingenuousness will takejtheirr flight. Jhijttsu means literally the art of making one's '•opponent use his strengtji to his-own disadvantage. It is not a system of muscle building by physical training, but rather a means* of offsetting the effectiveness of powerful muscles by performing the most simple but skillful maneuvers. It is a scientific application of the knowledge of theVeaker spots in the human anatomy to offensive and defensive. Evety trick that would be accounted "foul" in wrestling and boxing is the height of excellence in jiuJHsu. This science is taught every officer and enlisted man of the Japanese army, na*y and pollenforce. " Guard Match Secrets No other industry guards its processes as secretly as do the match manufacturers. Men in the industry say this is because . there are , no match - making machines except those built in each individual factory and that each company seeks to guard its discoveries from the other. Improvements in Are-making during the last century have outshone those of the entire period which history covers priot to l836. ' Tone .el a Bell" The tone of a bell depends entirely upon its metallic content and shape. Copper has been proven" to be the best base for bells--a copper alloy with as many as nine other ingredients. Silver bells, gold bells, aluminum bells and iron bells do not have the warmth and color that copper has. The shape of the bell has an important effect upon its clearness and richness of tone. smuss sot nift ore. FOR SALE---Oarage Building on Highway U. S. 12, at Rhlgwood, 111. Mechanic's tools, also for sale. Roy Neal, P. O. Box 26, Ringwood. *87-8 FOR SALE--Used Coal and Wood Range; also used washing machine, both reconditioned. Joha J. Vycital Hardware. 38-S FOi$ 8AL&»-Two 240-egg In'cubatofs, one, electric hover. Phone 202. E, a Peterson. 89-2 POR SALJft--One Drill Piress, $35.00. Pine Tree Dairy Farm. 39-8 ^ Signs of spring are being noted as the days pass, among them being the arrival of gypsies in town on Tuesday, Very different from by-gone days were they, for, instead of the gypsy wagons, they rode in an automobile and hailed a likely prospect on the street calling him to the car in answer to their inquiries. A comely young woman tried the old trick of picking Ihe pocket of her victim, but didn't do so well in Mc- Henry. obtaining only a ohecjk from one man. GRADUATE CORSETIERE Chambers of Commerce The oldest body of the nature of a chamber of commerce was started in Marseille, France, at the cloee of the SevehtMhUrolAtury. ThaHrst institution of the kind in the United States, the New York Chamber of Commerce, was organized in 1768 and incorporated by royal charter from King George III in 1770. An Eventful Voyage Steamboating in Western American waters really began with Nicholas Roosevelt's "New Orleans," which left Pittsburgh on September 26, 1811, and reached New Orleans only after going through an earthquake, uncharted currents, and being chased, by Indians. w FOR RENT--Bedroom and kitchenette apartment, suitable for one or two people. Gentlemen preferred. Riverside Hotel, Phone 15. 36-tf How Man Spends His Time An average man of sixty spends over half a year in washing, dressing, and shaving; three years in traveling to and from work; and four years at meals. He drinks four hundred times his own weight; eats six .hundred times his own weight; works 15 years, and sleeps 20 years. Products of the Bahamas Products of the Bahama islands are linens, hosiery, perfumes, woolens, gloves, brushes, carved coconut shells, walking sticks and black dolls in native dress. Also sea shells and beads, made of colored seeds, and liquors. Used a One of the moat important members of asking's bodyguard in daye of old was the bed bouncer. His job was to bounce up and down all over the royal couch, at bedtime each night, to make sure that no enemy of the realm had successfully hidden knives in the monarchic mattress.--Collier's Weekly. Mrs. Ray Th«M|cf Morton drove visited reUttve*aa3n!Hfa4a here on Tuesday. Reindeer Mix Wild reindeer in Norway sometimes mix with herds of tame ones and lure a few away to wild life. Then the patient Lapp herder may have to go 100 miles or so before b* finds his straying animals and can bring them back to the herd. The. Nm>o The name Brazil of the: South American country is derived from a PegU^Kse word., braza, meaning live coal, in reference to the color of its dyewoods. f People Like TreeMe "Havin' plenty of trouble," said Uncle Eben, "don't prevent some people from lookin' for more. Dey jes'- natchally gets restless andwants a new kind." Oldest White Settlement The oldest settlement of white men fn the Americas, Santo Domingo, was founded in 1496 by Bartholomew Columbus at the command of his brother, Christopher. • "Better Half" Ignored The Japanese or Chinese does not understand the term "better half" being applied to his wife, even in sarcasm. lee Plant Native of Africa The ice plant is a native of Africa and gets it^-uame from,a watery substance covering having, the appearance of ice. Height of Famous Men In any list of famous men whose height is known, the majority are found to be ether tall 6r* short, seldom average. Canada, Alaska Boundary Line The boundary line between Canada and Alaska is 1,528 miles long, and is. marked by monumenta of various materials. California's First Brick House The first brick house in California was built in 1847 at Suttcrville by George Zins. SAFETY TESTED RESALE CARS 1986 Olds 2-Door Touring Sedan with Radio. 1985 Ford DeLuxe 2-Door Sedaft. 1936 Plymouth 2-Door Touring Sedan. 1934 Buick 4-Door Sedan. 1934 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan, 1934 Pontiae 4-Door Sedan (Radio). 1938 Chevrolet 2-Dpor Sedan. 1982 Pontiae Coupe, 1982 Buick Coupe. T _ 1982 Buick Sedan, / - j * v. 1981 Buick Sedan; v ; 1935 Chevrolet 1 Me-ton Truck. ,.~r 1934 Chevrolet 1%-ton TrUck. 1935 Chevrolet 1 Mi-ton Truck (StaVc Body). 1930 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan. 1929 Dodge Coupe. 1 * ^ 77" 1929 Dodge Sedan. R. I. Overton Motor Safes Bukk -- Pontiae Phene 6 W. McHenry, 111. FOB EUtT FARM TO RENT--55 Acres on Highway, north of McHenry; reasonable rent to right party. Kent & Co., Inc. Phone 8. 39i Betty Nielsen spent last week in Chicago, where she attended thfe Gossard School at the Palmer Hbtise. The course consisted of different types of corset fittings, including medical fittings. On Friday, Mrs. Nielsen recefov ed her diploma and is now a graduate corsetiere. She invites the ladies of this community to come in and inspect the new Gossards, wh£re: expert* fMv tings may be secured. : ^ ^ FOR RENT -- Rooms. Low winter rates per week. Very reasonable rates for two people in one room. Riverside Hotel. Phone 15. 36-tf FARMS WANTED--We have a demand for Farms For Rent or Sale. EARL R. WALSH, Phone McHenry 43. 84-tf WANTED--Family man,, 28 to 38, with car. I am interested in a man who would work hard for |5 a day. If you have three references, write me fully. Address d. Glade, Room 210-- 4832 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 37-4 WANTED -- Cleaning and Washing* Call on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 7 to 7:30. Christine Adams, McHenry. *39 WANTED--Cow Bides, Horse Hides, I _ _ and Raw Furs. E. Sorenson, Phone1' DOXOll £gg8 Antioch 241-W, . *39' Shunned Death Valley No doubt geologists know what complex forces of nature produced Death valley, in which is found the lowest point in the United States, but the Forty-niners toiling toward California gave it the name and shunned it when they could. They crossed it with fear when they had to. It was well named, for there the sun blazed most fiercely and' its blinding rays meant sure death to those , who lacked safeguards against them. Its lowest limit, more than 250 feet below sea level, this Strang*, aft^ desolate knife-cut on .the extreme- east border-of California is more than 100 miles long and from ten to twenty miles wida. Along its treeless sides the moufttains rise almost sheer to Heights 6,000 feet. lecbergs, Polar lea ^Icebergs are large masses of pa-, lar ice which break away from the main icefield during thaws, and drift into warmer zones. Their enormous sis# can be estimated by the fact that although some of them tower some 300 feet above the water level, only one eighth of them is visible. The remaining seven-eighths is below the surface of the water. Icebergs present a great darker ti shipping. Art Smith A COMPLETE FOOD SHOF Phone 250 , - McHenry, 111., Feb. 17; 1937 Mrs. Joqm @ MISCELLANEOUS I2.M CASH $2.06 DEAD HORSES AND COWS Hogs and Sheep., Removed _ MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Dundee 10 " Reverse Charges •34-23 3 Dog Food. 1-lb. Frank* .18 2 Kitchen Klenwr _ .$& & • - PtiBUC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that at a regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The West McHenry State Bank, McHenry (P. O. West McHenry), Illinois, held Jan. 11, 1937, more than two-thirds of the outstanding stock voted in favor of reducing the number ef direetors of the safety' bank from (7) to six (6) members. WEST McHENRY STATE BANK McHenry (P.O. West McHenry), Illinois. By Order of the Board of Directors. 37-3 1-lb. Rath SHced Bacon ar&pefruit *U5 CREDIT ?.« i -r MONARCH FINER FOODS Glaaaes Fitted Eyes Dr. Paul k. Schwabe. Examined OPTOMETRIST A. E. NYE BUILDING t ThursdsylCTftriioen West McHenry \H)0urs, 1:30-5:00--Phone 123-J The Danaklls The Danakila are nomadic and fisher tribes that inhabit the northeast coast of Africa. V. Founded 8hrevepert, La. Shreveport, La., is named for Capt. Henry Miller Shreve, who founded a settlement theri in 183$. Ceemtless Islands - The ialaads of..the Pacific Ocean number tenft ef Ocean Depths More than three-quarters of the ocean's floor is deeper than 1.1 miles; over a half lies between 2.3 and 3.4 miles. Besides, there are 60 locations, called "deepa," where the bottom lies six miles below the surface. In these radium is highly cao£«n|rate<L - -' -'-tone ef. Barest Birds"' The beautiful whooping crane is toe of the rarest of American birds. FREE tUBE WITH ALL DURING TMMNTRODTj^CTORY SALE We axe now carrying the F&mous Firestone Gum- Dipped Tires. In order to introduce them we will give a FREE TUBE with each one. This offer it good natty March 1. Here are a few sites and prices--other siaes priced proportionately: 4.50x21 4.75x19 5.25x18 5.50x17-^-.. 6.00x16 6.25x16 ~J* 8'55 30x5 -- 8-ply Triujk 32 x8--8-ply Track 32x6--10-pJy Truck 9.00 10.75 7 13.1SLZ 14.75.'^' . 23.50 30.50 3».90 Walter J. Freund Good Used Tires ln All Sixes Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing, Etc. Phone 294 West McHenry, ID. N.

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