Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1937, p. 5

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<•••• ' • /». PLAHTDKALEB \ • • • ; : » " ? •' • • . * " . ' • ~ ' * ' • ' > ' " ' ' f - 4 . • "" ' •?;•.• :-f •" ' >%Zr' « ^ „/V& * -n« *" V'" "" V4--"* 4. : ®OWLITO NEWS . i i r i i d t s . ^ I --7-- *-• :-"- • : Old Tiaen' Standings Team No. 1 --^ 12,718 Team No. 2 --12,637 Team No. 3 --12,890 i Team No. 4 --a- 12,689 :'-:jNn. I ««• .147 191 Rogers ......--....... 172 145 Meyers 179 179 Perkins ... 191 176 Bacon 229 166 "SOI HEAR? ' r: ^b - ' • EARL WALSH W L :'XT . Total : *No. 3 Matties Beavis J. Schaefer ..... Adjaaas Granger .......... If yon do not follow bowling, it 168--506 might surprise you^to see the competi- 132--449 tive spirit stirred up in some of the 179--587 matches. 178-645. -- 8 • 1 • H -- 188 573. <rj,e boys--and the girla««teve a .18 847 MS»U> »"»" peek «f fan down ,t th. Pklace. . « W' • H -- 165 172--480 Last Sunday a group came down 199 182--661 fron? Spring Grove and took a close 168 150--489 match from a picked biyico of Mc- 169 146--498. Henry bowlers, (Who pickedAJdar 173 187--492 ®*» FrenndT) --a----•--t: • < - • -- s • f • 158 180 171 183 182 Z ;• Total! ; ; ; m 2 v:-'.'-.Snyler . ^ Wilson Weber £, ,g*ghes TRtUtd . 869 864 144 184 "180 171 144 lfto 139 198 178 174 Total No. 4 ^yy.t* •.•tr"/: Covalt Rarbian ltt...Scfcaefar .. '•y ^Ptial n»»--.... . n* ; . C.O.P. . &}} ' C. O. F. Staadinga |kun No. 1 10,000 Team No. 2 --- 10,646 Team No. S 19,087 Team No. 4 , 9,770 Tmm Na 1 •timer G. P. Freund .. Stilling Karls :<i$ Justea 787 2520 McHenry fellows say you never can tell what might happen, pointing out 190--520 that Leo Lay hasn't bowled all year, 181--474 but came down here with a 615 aeries 181-559 _ - • , » « -- 218--562 T ggi ggj> Leo turned in one 259 game to help . his team along the path to victory. 793 870 1004 2667.Good bowlin« in an>' m*n's league. -- 8 • 1 * H -- ' 162 218 172---587 ; ^ Austen's 592 Series Was high for 166 166 160--492 the McHenry group; . / 137 148 21^--498j -- s • I • ^ Speaking of competitive 141 164 our thoughts back to last Thursday evening when we witnessed the St. s - Lake Geneva basketball game jwith one of McHenry's hottest fans, John Bolger. f --S * I •H -- Of picked seata Mar Of iSeer Hudu -->«;• I * We said something abouf ftcSSnry having a team that could trim Su 166 -1? Mary's. WowF It was no Sunday 180 160 182^116 176 176 166 172 148--175 ' ' Total Team Ne.4 Rev. Miller ..... Knox H. Weber . ..... Kreutzer ......... Justen -tt., Total • «*«..»< ' Team Na. 2 Thennes B. - K. Button ............. Winkel Smith ............. v ;. rs- Total Teaai Ne. 3 Nye Thies -- Schaffer Steffes Gm Freund ... 766 772 841 171 179 176 168 168 180 139 16* 179 161 846 813 178 212 157 136 176 149 158 157 190 177 school picnic from there <jn. 206--454 s • t * n l. 176--628 ° • • "*v* Between watching that hard-driving bunch of speedsters that Coach Stues* By has tuned up and listening to argumenta on all sMes, we bad a vary 146--497 ^sy time. 161--469 -- S • I • H -- 1*9--*78 All year this column has tried to 156--488 put the soft pedal on this McHenry • 161--490 St. Mary's situation, but ovr foot is ------- off the pedal right now. r~ r 763 2422 -- S • I • H --' 166--488 ^ year we have taken the attijgg 553 tude that -making up schedulea was 126--440 noneour of fish and we would 215--541 have no part in it unless those noble lg2 555 gentlemen in charge should condescend to lighten our tremendous burden by Total 818 811 . iadiee' Oak (Last Week's Scorei) Team New 1 R.- Marshall........ Kappen Harris Rogers Banrian 864 831 872 2557' **^tling off a few lines of copy for us now and then. * 184 117 178--474 -- S * I * H ** 171 164 172r--607 Fans have asked us morfc thnts tifisn 147 141 157--446 we have fingers and toes, just why we 152 186 189'--527 weren't playing St. Mary's this year. 164 203 157--624 ? g * j • R _ 84^2477 really didn't know, so right j -quick we proceeded to talk abottt the , weather or some such highly intellec- ~ subjects- -- S » I • B -- We knew it would catch up to us 106 166 168--487 though. -If we didn't know, we found 121 117 186--374 out 187 188 130--405 107 168 118--383 116 174 126--416 ... Total Team Ne. 8 Bage Howard ............ Engeln .............. Daeey Bacon 684 768 677 2014 ^ ^ Mary's 4eam wis too 142 121 142 128 167 122 189 117 128 91 Total ...... Team No. 4 Ifarla ....... E. Khiaala ...K.. Blondie .......... M. Kinsala us. 111-376 -- S • I * H -- 97--367 That didn't go over so hot with our 142--401 inquisitors, 128--884 -- S • I • H -- 136--888 Let't let it be known that this bit of controversy is not between player*.' M7" 618^ 1900 it jg just for some of us grand statuf ioo »»**•*«« who like to spout off even iIrtlf iOl^ 1 1 ZIfvvX • ni^* friendly little argumettt ea* MMAg 158 129--460 ' , w 146 119--897 _ , ^ M. Krause ............ 133 142 141--411 The players are all good boys who ' play basketball. The fellows who are 167 77 178 186 that St. Mary's walked out on us last year and they don't care if we fay sa , --S * I • H -- Thia thing may get, top hot to handle. We don't know how the* heck we are going to end the dani story. . ' -- S * I * H -- ; The local orators admit that weather conditions may have been a good excuse for not playing on the regular scheduled night, but tbey claim that uany beautiful nights followed and were passed up by the opponents in the opposite corner.". $.. >. * "f'1 --S * T* |W • 1 Well, there you have it. "VVhat do you think? -- S • I • H -- Louis Schmitt, weight Ufter and strong m^i 61 these pacta paid us a visit to report the recent strong men's contest held on Chicago's north side just recently. .v,. ' -- S • I • H -- Louis was one of the officials and was pleased with the large crowds aid enthusiastic support shown. -- S VI • H -- Having followed this line of sport for several years, Louis is now thinking1 some of starting a club right here at home. Wrestling, lifting, tumbling! and such would be taught to those wishing to join.- • " V*" ;"\-4 - -- S *1 Louis has giv<ta touch time to inventingr devices designed to strengthen and develop the human body. Perhaps in the near future he will find enough interest along these lines to warrant the formation of an active dnb. , •' * • Guess we started something when we mentioned Jake Bickler's pinochle hand. Along .comes, a w®prt that Johnnie Miller of Johnsburg held 1500 spades and 40 pinochle at the last Community Club meeting. 8omebody said that Johnnie was so excited he couldn't talk. We dont believe it. -- S • I • H -- Another report has it that Leo Smith, the Weet Side Ford fixer, hek| a perfect hand some time ago. Anybody else ? -- S * I * H -- » Say, we almost forgot to mention that the classy St. George team of Chicago will play St. Mary's at Wood* stock next Sunday afternoon. Many local fans plan to witness the game. It should be a darb. -- S • I * H -- Now, wouldn't that be sossethin' if Lou Gehrig of the Yankees and Hal Trosky of the Cleveland Indiana changed places. -- S * I • H -- Manager "Pie" Traynor of the Pittsburg Pirates is sending a young first baseman ^to Montreal, not only for experience, but also to change his whistle. Seems the fellow has a monotonous-like --well, maybe you have heard that famous John Karls tune. ••• . -- s • i * h -- •; if±-v P»ffB KT. TOUNQ RECRUIT' A raw young Irishman, lately recruited to the police force, was a witness in a robbery charge. "Did you notice any suspicious characters in the locality?" inquired the magistrate. "Sure, your honor, but only one man at that hour o' night. I axed him, 'An' what moight yer business be?' and he sez, aez he, 'I hope to< open a bank here later on."' "And sd he did," dryly remarked the magistrate. "He opened a bank arfc stoW »,t06^ftounds." "There now, yer jionor," said the policeman. "That ihan moight 'ave bin a thafe, but, begorra, he was no liar."--Birmingham Post. ---- g,:" MCHS BOYS PILE XJP FIRST HALF LEAD -J* *' TRIM HARVARD LOCAijURK^IffiN - ' i WIH MATOH FR0k rd Just VALLEY CLUB u !;he way of variati°n our The Fox Valley Rifle Club Visited basketball team went out to win their the local club last Sunday and came game in the ftrst half last Saturday out on the short end of the matrh. The night ^when they beat Harvard: The McHerit-y markamen held an advantgame ended 4f to 30. At half time it age in ail positions. stood 25 to 9. j ^ McHenry The McHenry squad completely out-1 P classed Harvard in the first half in a Bob Thojnpsop .. 96 game that started out as an old time E<* Justen 90 rough and tujmble affair. Two officials Herb Frewyl ,»? were on the job and called fquls right Joe Smith ......... «96 and left in an effort to steady .the boys Wi« Klapperich 99 down. • 1 w. s 98 88 ^3 95 K" OF Tot. 84 78--854 88 79--364 d6 85--866 82 70--341 92 72--358 With Coach RULE Total 487 470 432 384 17T3 Fox Valley P. and R. Club P S K OF Tot. 89 91 88 94 98 79 85 77,- •74 89 75-J1335 71--341 58--321 71--339 62--346 481.460 404 347 1682 GIRL SCOUTS "Say, Pa, what ii. your idea of he sample life?" Cv "Being allowed to sit around in tiy shirt sleeves, r*y boy, espel^ aliy in the sxunmer." • Wky Lag? After many years in different parts of the world, twb old friends met in London. After the first greeti n g , o n e o f t h e m t u r n e d t o t h e other and said: "Let's walk around the corner and have a drink to celebrate: Not a bad idea, eh?" 6 "Bad?" «t»d his friend. "I think it'a a eetten idea. Let's. ruafwLondon Answers Magazine. Good Reeeaameadatioa "I have a bad attack of bay-fever this summer," one Cunningham man said to another. "I can sympathize," replied the safe lead piled up, Heed yanked his starting lineup just| before the first half came to a close J, The starters then came back to open »*. Huntley >».* 92 the second half, but seemed to have L. Larson 94 cooled off. Harvard came to life, and Art Carlson 98 scored five points before our gang Don Tyler .400 could snap into action. |A. Philphs 97 "Bud" Miller and Vale Adams each „ . + ; •• »*•.• • scored fifteen points for McHenry, Total Knox turned in seven points and saved S them all for the last half when they Were really needed. - % °i McHenry's guards, Justen We were all very surprised Monday and Ralph Smith, and one of Harvard's when Miss Ward told us we could have defense men, Pence, went out On fouls, our Scout meeting in the gym. Two The two centers, Miller and Diggs games were played. The first was each had three fouls, to contribute to basketball, which the older girls playa total of twenty-eight called in the ed and the Smaller girls played kick- [ball. The basketball game was very Crystal Lake and Marengo 'one-sided, Genevieve Ferwerda's side - Crystal Lake will be here Saturday' winning. The other game was very night and Marengo will .be on hand close. W« Imve Jots of fun. Monday night. I Scout Joan Reihaifsperger. i Crystal Lake usually has a bunch of . ' .• ^ t j big fellows on the floor, but this year ••»•»»»«MIMWMIIII» they are going along with smaller fellows who have plenty of speed. "Bud" Miller, who has been facing six-foot ttfertiis •MMIWlMMmMlMIHM Mr. and Mrs. James, burke of Chiers at center all year, will meet the Crystal Lake pivot man on an even M . . t ^sis. , cago are parents, -of .a daughter, born Marengo has been on the top of the ^r*0C'S Evanston, on heap most of the year, but McHenry expects to Uike their measure. Our second team beat Harvard 28 to 21. Some of these boys are devel- A valentine, in the form of a baby daughter caips .t*, Mr. *nd Mrs. A. P. Freund, Sunday, Feb. 14. The little girl, who will be •After this week's meeting was win ered in by the Oath and Law, some of the boys who are going to the First ^id Contest practiced up by dyllin Jim Ckfctyon's legs, arms, hips and bows up with splints. When Jim finally got untangled from the mess, we all went over to Mr. Worwicks'. studky where Mr. Worwick generously atiowed us "the w^e^ works" of photography (well, maybe only two-thirds of the "works"). - Mr. Worwick took pictures of/several of the more handsome scouts (none of the older scouts w^re included). We were even shown e actual development of the films, and, if we would have waited we would have seen the finished product. As the Merit Badge Exhibition is bearing , down on us, it would have been a good idea for us to remember some of Mr. Worwick's valuable hints, if we want to enter a photography booth in said Exhibition. " _ Scout Herb Reihansperge?, ; 25c 28c bther^ukSirrsmaii bo"from his Am. weighTg^ Pol«Se Suspenders pocket. "Here, try some of this.' "Is it really gooid?" "Wonderful. I have had hay-fever for thirty-eight years and neVer use anything else."--Wichita Eagle. It Often Happens Postmistress (to worried-looking gent)^--Is there anything Wrong, sir? Gent--Yes! You see, it was on the tip of my tongue a moment ago I Anderson next yeai- when the first team squad is picked. i McHENRY 1st TEAM -- 41 Mr. and Mrs. Frank May of Chicago are parental of ft-son; iborn Sunday, Feb. 14. Mrs. May.VM formerly Miss and now it's gone. Postmistress --Well, think hard and it will come back. Gent--Oh, no, it won't; it waf a 3-cent stamp. Adams, if ....... L. Smith, f ... Knox, f Hunt, f Miller, c 8. FG FT * P ^aro"R^ Miller of McHenry. Conway, g .. Justen, g .... R. Smith, g Totals ... « ... \ • ... o o 5 0 1 * 8 1 0 0 1 St. Andrew's Cross According to legend, St. Andrew's cross (shaped x) appeared in the sky to a Scottish army the night before a battle with the Saxons. Aa they won the battle, the Scots adopted- St. Andrew as their national saint and made his cross their emblem. Stamped Pillow Cases, pair GOe Stamped Scarfs, each - 42 x 36 Saxon Cases, each 81x99 Saxon Sheets, each $1.19 42-inch Saxon Tubing, yd. 26c 9/4 Saxon Sheeting, yd. i.-36c Panel Cnrtaini, eadi... Hew Percales, yd. ^9c 15c Large Red Hdkfs., 3 for Rayon Taffeta SHpi Dark Outing Flannel, yd. Children's Pajamas Fluft Mountain Mist, roll Ascot Scarfs *8c S9c 76c U ' -y • 15 11 16 Gesture "A modern doctor seldom tells a patient to stick out her tongue," re- Kuensi, t- . marked the preaident of the Ladies' Sullivan, f • Science association. Baird, f "No," said Miss Cayenne, "but Diggs, c ..... sometimes I do it anyhow--in de- jRusboldt, g rision." !Croak, g ... ' : fPence, g ..... Mark All tke Beats lHaffnir; g . HARyARD 1st TEAM -- 30 V .FG FT One Guy--Did you mark that plac WewouW like to hear from ^wmy^ where the (tailing was so good? .... 3 .... 1 .... 0 1 8 ^.1 % 9 Johnson and some of our McHenry gang at Champaign about that drubbing Purdue gave Illinois. When we saw Illinois, it didnt look like any team could run away from them, but you cant' beat a team that hits the Guy Two--Yes, I put an X on the aide of {he boat. First Guy--That'a ailly. What if we should get another boat? C S • I • H In one issue, we came out flat-footed and s*jd that Coach Reed admittedPvdue did that night. Twenty g«Od4or ^^batkets o^of seventy-five shots ~ and eleven free throws out of thirteen attempts is some shootin', some shoo tin DIMMED ilGBr Totals *11 12 0. O. T. ATHLETICS smnraoaovB Total .Marshal R. Marshall F. Kappen ........ R. Harris ............ X. Rogers G. Barbian ....... 675 661 681 1967 doinK all this wrangling, have long . •' f Since passed the day when they could -•»--**;':T stand more than two turns around the 158--474 K 88--376, *;;•&S * I 125--354 Now in tihis corner 158 144 105 105 122 158 144 124 111 140 X.-'fc Total! fage " Page Howard Engeln .... Dacy Bacon ' Total ;:.;*arls Karls ;.. E. Kinsala Blondie ..... M. Kinsala Ji. Krause Total . 634 677 Father Daleiden and the ushers of St Peter's church met at the home of Anton Meyers for their regular meeting on Tuesday night Following the meeting a chicken dinner was served by Mrs. Meyers, after which cards and visiting were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. William Shot!iff, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wagner and Mrs. B. L. Orvis, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and family of Ringwood, and Fred Shotliff of Alden, attended the Lindmark - James nuptials and reception at Rockford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltser spent "1 wonder why I pan always running behind?" »' "Because you dea't look ahead." ............. 143 157 ......-ft. ryi. 151 isi 104 130 118 116 113 110 706 581 ...J.. f>ed*sTrampa H. Kreutxer W. Kreutzer Ed Moderhack .. John Herdrkh .• 627 1920 ltronf?er teams such as Woodstock Community High and Harlem with- 199 150 ou* 80 muc^ *s batting an eye. 95--293 ---B • I • H -- 181--471 Sounds like "you got somethin 122--435 there, but let's get into the other side 143--383 of the question before this thifig goes too far. 660 682 690 2082 -- S * 1 * H McHenry officials still admit that the St. Mark's team is plenty good If not too good for us. 117 123 154 133 133 134 75 186 180 107 Match Ga*ee 246 161 160 187 41. Larson ^.... 183 168 145 229 147 173 Totalv**.....,.... 887 857 2595 Frank Uteck , | W. S. Aliey Rata ;'_ ^, ,'c: \'f<Hg<Bauer 146' F. Unti 125 W. Thurlwell ...... 117 - W. Kreutzer 184 Nr Thurlwell 188 172 144 184 185 187 this we ha"*re 128--344 Mary's with the argument that they 136--391 came over year after year wjtif weak -- teams and took their lickings like 685 1946 men. Now. they point out that •when' e^f^yT'l^'w^rTn^hic^ 188-111 S w IM. ? ^ , lumbermen's ImIJoi w,wt r^use^to schedule tlw».jc(lnvention at the Steven'. Hotel. Ill--878 ^ ^ Arr.onff those from out-of-town who 117--381 .Wh»e our St. Mary's representa- attended the funeral of Edward Bell 135__349 tlves stiM ^ave the floor, they point on Wednesday afternoon were; Mr. out that we scheduled supposedly and Mrs. Dwain Bell, daughter, Lola and husband of Zion, 111., O. D. Har rison, Genoa City, Wis. ,Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and Lester Bell, Lake Villa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell, Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh of Adelle, Wis. Mrs. Glen Esh, daughter, Marylyn, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Bertha Esh. A pleasant evening of eards and visiting was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund on Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. George Freund and daughter of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Freund ahd Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and son, Tommy. Louis Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz, Fox Lake, Mrs. Glen Esh and Mrs. Bertha Esh, daughter, Lucille, attended the funeipl of* Mrs. Nettie Mftley on Thursday at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn visited 175--520! friends in Woodstock Saturday after- 172--519 noon. 1 "How did you spend the summer?" "Fishing," answered Mr. Oustin Stax. "Have any luck?" "Certainly. Being able to Ash all summer is all the luck anybody ought to ask." 165-574 191--497 199--588 -- S • I • R -- Then, with equal fire, they point out 161--445 John Meyer . 155--511 Bill Oerfitz ... - Fred Haertel 167 171 ....'151 .../201 184 134 171 181 181--532 137--442 188--510 158--510 Total •67 788 866 Total 760 109--427 157--426 135--486' Sriag Grave 188--507 B. May ......... 202 143 147--472 W. Brits 142 205 LeoLay'„„.« 180 259 Wb .686 2218 C. Freund 145 138 -- E. Freund 144 189 Phannenstill ....... Wirta Patterson Steffes Freund Total 188 169 152--509 Total 197 160 144--561! MifliMj 155 180 169--454 A1 Justen ...... 188 159 * 190--537 Leo Heimer .. 171 189 180--540 G. P. Freund Geo. Justen.... *14 985 908 2655 Street and Number 4 Baker--I think I'll drop Lincoln a line. Bottle--Don't be fiBy . . how could you? Baker -- I've got his Gettysburg address.^-Radio Laugh. Immovable "What do you think about the new air-conditioned rairoad trains?" "They were inevitable--the passengers could never open the windows." Fr^rtetershlp .' "You told me you hadn't imy mosquitos," said the suihmer boarder, reproachfully. "I hadn't," replied. Farmer Corntoasel. "Them you see floatin' round come from Si. Perkins' place. They ain't mime." The Juveniles spent mos,t of the time [Sunday afternoon getting pointers from Joe Schmitt and Freddie Meyers on how to play basketball, • * • •' The Sutton Curly Tops took a close fame from the Stilling Speeders 39 to "Moe" Meyers and Ms team were too Strang for Vernie's Ponies. Vernie was short two men, so filled in with Joe Schmitt and Herb Simon. • * * i Herman Steffes took over the referee job and did a good job of officiating* j Gus Freund had quite a workout,' playing four ten-minute perioda. Kind Of heavy. * •• • .. '^"Standings Sutton's Curiey Tops 1 Team No. 1 Stilling's Speeders 1 , Team No. . Vernie's Ponidi 0 Team No. 3 ' Moe's Pickles Team No, 4 „ - • » • Sutton's Curiey Tope--Team No. I FT, I 6 .'•;0' 4-s Capitalize Torture Test, Turn Proof Into Valuea The 1937 TEK&APLANE driveu 1,000 miles at 86.54 milta per hour -- the Torture Test of Endurance. The HUDSOtt-MGHT driven 2,104 miles in 24 boon. You are cordially invited to enjoy a brand new (Wring experience in a 1937 HUDSON or TERRAPLANK, witfrtHe Hew selective automatic shift-^ Greatest driving advimcement in yean, _ Jfe obligation, nothing new to learn. Come in or pbonfl^ we are at your service any time. Liberal allowance on your used cax. Buy now before the price goee up* The most car ai the lowest price in history. MOTORS PhoneXi McHenry, 111. . 3 W E E K o f a ^ P ' s F E B R U A R Y 5 A I E S 1 Valves. Slop la at your A±T Pood More o*«mv das uflpal dutai tkaseFebraarylalM.Tea will iadb will p«r you to doa» tUNNYPMU) FLOUR AP ^4^Ib. ' ,Bag ' 49-£B BAG . 79C :IW BLUB ROS« Rice 3 lb.s lie FG Cletus Althoff, f. 0 Wm. Sutton, f .......8 H . P h a n n e n s t i l l , 1 Ernie Bohr, g t Jerry Miller, g 9 last Midpleee* "'1.-- Irate Mother--Willie, how dare you kick your little brother in the stomach? Willie--His own fault. He turned around. Early Bird Dairyman--You'd better get busy and milk the cows now, it s getting late.' T New Hand--£)h, that's all right; / milked 'em this morning. 899 807 833 2539 Ed Sinith - ^fUnunlt:^.. Iff ;,!#' 1»&>-«0S 176--615 Sunday visitors in the Ernest Pea- 165--448 cock home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank 220--563 Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ambou, Mrs. Lenora Cones of Genoa City and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Freund. A team of bowlers, which consisted „r.„ ^ lS~i??lo£ Lay- Edwin Freund> M*rtin kegan, visited his sister, Mrs. Ernest ,?I--Alb€rt Britz »nd Charles:peacock and Mrs. Frank Sanders on 118--381) Freund took on a team from McHenry. Monday, 164---564, Sunday night the Palace bowling 199--5331 alleys. Much to the surprise of McHenry, as well aa the Spring Grove Leo Lay came through with flying colors, bowling a total of 615 pins. Mrs. E. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Herberts of Richmond called on their brother, Ernest Peacock Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jamea, Wau- 841 841 2605 , boys, Spring Grove won by 61 pins. - Ability aai Thereia ea^r eoe action. Totals 15 Stilling's Speeders Team No. 2 FG FT Clarence Stilling, f 1 n 0 LeRoy Smith, f ....w....... 5 0 Gus Freund, c ' 2 Richard Williams, g 2 1 Ervin Laures, g --..... t1" 0 Totals 18 3 Vernie's Poniee--Tea» Na 3 r^FQ 'FT Vernon Freund,, t .i........ 3 1 George Frisby. f ;%... 0 0 Willis Schreiner, Charles Sutton, g 5 . 8 Anton Wolf, g 0 0 IOMA PITTh) 7^9 to 8:99 P, M.--WBBM RITZ 0&ACUKS, Lb. P&ckl«e Totals Moe's PUkl< - 11 .., 5 •Teaai No. 4 FG FT Fred Meyer, f 7 1 James Vandenbom, f -5 0 Del Freund, c : 1 -A Richard Freund, g 6. 1 Richard Weber, g 3 0 2KA4»€ 21* tSlJiU JSTBISWr^im M i w i . t t t m BTKI9TI^]f rXasB BOSS, Soun Totals 21 ONK CENT SALE I NORTHERN lean rtsaua S lie FARM FEEDS I We hare a car of feed arriving in MeHbnry next week. See the Manager about the Special Low Prices we will offer. IMbA lalhtost Largest / The biggest hailstone, a aeventom- inch one, fell in Nebraska in and weighed ooe and a Few PMs CaaMowi • Cekry, 2 Pasateea, laUfloweit, bead 5c Florida Orange* asd. aise ... 2Sc 19c Florida Grapefruit, dean .. 35c 15c Porto Kko Yaa*, 4iba. fer - 35c A & P 1 ' o o t l S t o r e s

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