* J - - ' ajy.r ;; .»n'ii.. »»••»>.»<%,-•>• i£Vi grSWf:':! ^^T^ry-. A • ••' - M - "• ^ --Art.,/>-•„•', ?• .•':<,,'jJ' ,(....",'-i'.f' • **'- • ,^w«*rx;- ,»? • • - ;. x :-;•" j*57 "S-'v*«4,'*«*".** * . v ; TT'^y 7Jf •,.jg.«.: • <...' „»•; .•:.- ^iiy*prvj£&* 'W'-r&.ni rA'Tr^v-.^r >v. 19S7 1'HJE M'HENRY PLAlNli£ALEtt ' Published wry Thursday at McHepry, 111., by Charles F. Benfeh. ' Entered as second-class matjer at the postoffice ,<a£ Jfc&anry, HI., under the act of Mjp 8,187?. , . , . ., • , ...>•,.,o .. One Year ~ Six Months --.J.|2.V0 J...$1.00 A. »• MOftHERy Editor and Maaagefr Lillian Sayler, Local Editor ^ -- -- -- * --' • Telephone 197 f Vv r-• £;!•' The Colosseam In Roma The Colosseum in Rome was begun by Vespasian, on the site of part of Nero's Gold house, and inaugurated by Titus in A. D. 80* Originally it consisted of three arcaded stories of stone and an upper gallery of wood. Some time in the Third century this gallery was rebuilt of stone. The Colosseum probably seated between 40,000 and S0,- 000 persons. It is elliptical in plan, .with...its-long axis 615 feet and its short axis 510 feet. Its arena is 281 feet long and 177 feet wide. The top of the stone screen wall*israbout 18ft feet above ground. JITifc (Redheaded *» ; Invader . j f n • A taocifctcgfkewxp*pcrft.>--WNU ScrVicc. • Butterflies Cover Continent Up from the South, where they pass the winter clinging in great masses to the trees, there fly each spring time enormous numbers of Monarch or Milkweed butterflies, laying their eggs as they go an«i populating the whole of North Amer- „ ica as far as Hudson bay with their : shooter. SSL 8UtUmn ,al! stiU sur: h Sam explained briefly what Laurie c°"eci l" «reat bf"ds a"d had said, and added: "We ll ride JSST-SrS11^ -° gm he CyCle | *>wn and warn him off. No violence anew--Gas Logic. - .this first trip. But we ll make it j dear he ain't going to be allowed stay. This here',§ 5my land by_ I AUR1E, Sam Edgwater's pret- *-* ty daughter, brought in the news. • , ............ "There's a nester squatting in our lower range," she said. "He's building himself a home, and when I told him to pack up and. get out he laughed at me. -More than that he was rude and insulting." S&m Edgwater took one look into his daughter's angry eyes and sent for Tex Tremont and Chuck Wellington. Test and Chuck had Worked for him for more than twenty years. They were veterans of the plains, sun-browned.- wiiened, bow-legged. Both were experts with a six- TOR SALE FOR SALE--Alfalfa, Clover and Timothy Hay. Boa J. Kennebeck, Rt. J,.' McHenry. . *40-8 FOR SALE--Used Coal and Wood Range; also used washing maffhint, both reconditioned. John J. Vydtal Hardware. Jl Few / f '< ; /. r , 5?^' ' f A 4 ]A FOR SALE--Young Bay' Mare, about 1500 lbs., sound and true; also one Janesville 4-lm*e dka*gw>d shape. J, «vJ^iSen, 1% miles" nbM of Johns burg. Phone McHenry 623-R-l. 40 HELPFUL ; y r*- r*?jt ' ,-V ing to FOR SALE--Two 240-egg incubators, one electric hover. E. G. Peterson. Phone 262. 39.2 FOR SALE--One Drill Press, $36.00. Pine Trew Dairy Farm. 89-3 Karaeol Sh^ep Strong ' Kar^cul sheep are noted for their hardiness and ability to thrive under adverae conditions. The mature animal develops a lustrous but . coarse wool, which -is used in the 'i to right of settlin' it. Government, er no government, we gotta teach these, once and for^flaH they ain't manufacture of rugs, carpets, blankets and robes. Because of its limited uses, the wool from the karacul generally sells from one-half to three-fourths the price paid for goodquality white wool. nesters 01 wanted." A young mart was hewing logs in "Si> Eagles Are Scavengers- Eagles are scavengers, and a general killer of rddents and other small animals that do. more harm \ than good. The eagle in its protection of crops from other animals more than offsets what little damage it does by an occa&ional raid on smaller live stock. ! Doing One's Duty * "T^ie great principles of right and wrtng are legible to every one; tq pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors. The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. Only &im to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail. a clearing whfen the trio rode up. He drove his axe into a tree trunk arid looked up at them, smiling pleasantly. He was a red-headed young man, well builtl with a humorous mouth and a t inkle in his blue eyes. "Howdy gents,""he said. "Climb down and squat awhile." , "Never mind the formalities, mister," Sam Edgewater rapped. "I'm Sam .Edgewater and I own this property. We don't tolerate nesters." . "You better write to Washington about that." .said $ie youfig man. "They told me I coufa come down here and pick myself a home. It'd my The Cake Accepted In oiden days the sailors of Northern Europe used to offer gifts to propitiate the watery spirits and a tradition exists that a man would offer a cake to the sea, but it was frozen over, so he cut a hole in in the ice, when a hand reached Wt and seized the cake. Drills for Water, Oil The drills used in boring for water are practically the same as those used for oil. In the Sahara desert, however, de^p wells are dug by hand near oases. These are usually lined with bamboo and constant attention is necessary to keep the shifting sand from filling them up. ^ Painted Hovses According to old records, painted houses creaied curiosity and com* ^ment in the early 1800s, and the ^practice of painting the so-called 'Colonial houses" white aid not come until the Revolutionary period. HELP WANTED--Young girl, 20 to 25 years, to assist with housework and children. Plain cooking. Own room and bath; 6-rootn apartment; no laun dry except child's clothes. Write Mrs. [Jas. F. Nash, 6638 Sheridan i&oad, Chicago, Illinois. Include phone number. *40 WANTED FARMS) WANTED--We have a demand for,farms For Rent or Sale. EARL R. WALSH, Phone McHenry 43. 34-tf WANTED--Family man, 28 to 88, with car. I am' interested in a man who would work hard for $5 a day. If you have three references, write me fully. Address C. Glade, Roon&JHO-- 4832 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 37-4 MISCELLANEOUS MOVING AND HAULING OF ALL KINDS--G, H. Glos, Emerald Park, Phone 648-W-2. 40 $2.00 CASH -- -- 92.00 for DEAD HORSES AND COWS Hogs and Sheep Removed MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. v Phone Dundee 10 ' 'Reverse Charges *34 ?3 Charl^a was one of those people who always try to look on the bright side of things. Well, one day he saw a little fellow weeping his eyes out, so he crossed Over the road to see if he could help. * . "And what's the matlirf" he asked. "Boo-oo," wept the youngster, pointing to a broken egg on the gfound. "I threw that egg up in the air, but I didn't catch it, boo-oo." "Never mind," ; said Charles cheerfully, "you'll Jcatch it' when you get home." . • J : <r,av , ^ j-- 'V*,*- ,yK£.s f[, . 1. r ~v?' t T* % u " ^ u» 'v i ^ • •- ** 1 ¥ : • '.-I '•! '±,iV *.7- '«* 'i-'w '"v- ' Rather Doubtful . Sieve--I hear you're singing in tl»e choir now. Charles--Yes. The other day I sang "I May Not Pass This Way Again,'9 to the satisfaction of the audience^--Hartford Cottraflti® Deliberation * "Is a diplomat supposed to tell the truth?" "Oh, yes. But he is often permitted to take his time about discovering it." "• '*V f GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us • - - dispose of your garbage each week, be mine if I improved it some. And jor oftener if desired. Reasonable I aim to improve it." [rates. Regular year round route, Sam's face grew purple. He turned formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. -- T-- to Chuck and Tex. "Boys, you for- ! Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf: one he never willget what I said about warnin' this 1 W7 r-- p>it Is - Hfbed hot sorrowfully over the past, it comes not back again; wisely improve the present, it is thine; go out to meet the shadowy future without fear, and with a manly heart. Wood Duck Has Topknot _ The wood duck may be identified by his topknot: ^The only other duck with this characteristic is a hooded merganser, which is sometimes not very desirable from the table standpoint. "T Egyptian Lotus Was a Lily rThe original Egyptian lotus was ftivater lily, not a lotus at all. The American lotus is fairly common, especially in the" Mississippi and Ohio valleys. jigger. We're gonna have a show* ^down right now. Kick him out." Tex and Chuck climbed down from -their horses. Tex , said: "Mister, pack up your stuff and get out!" And he reached for his gun. Reached and that was all. None of them saw the redhead move, but suddenly he had a gun in his hand. It exploded -and Tex was stirring down at his ^shattered wrist. The redhead wasn't grinning. He looked at Chuck. "Well, mister, I guess you're Eyewater's hired gunman, too. How .about it, want to try earniri' your pay?" Chuck looked, mad, but helpless. He wasn't a fool. "Sam recovered after a moment from the shock of what had happened. He ordered his itien back on their horses. "O. K." he said. "You win this play, Red, but we'll be back.. You ain't gettin' away with nothin.' " "Yeah," Jeered the rrtbtid. , » * "Next time bring a dozen with yoti ' 1400. AUCTION CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer The undersigned, due to sale of farm on short notice, will sell at Public Auction on the John S. Freund farm, located one mile east of McHenry on Route 20. THURSDAY, MARCH 4 Beginning at 12:30 sharp, the follow-" ing described property, to-wit: . 36 -- HEAD OF LIVESTOCK -- 36 . 21 Milch Cows--Some Fresh and Close Springers, Guernseys and Holsteins.; Brown Swiss Heifer, 18 mos. old; 2 Guernsey Heifer^ 11 mos. old;. Bull, 2 mos. old; 2 Calves, 2 mos. old; Full Blood Holstein Bull, 18 mos. old. 4 Good Horses--Grey Mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1350; Bay Horse, 11 yrs. old, wt. 1400; Roan Horse, II yrs. old, wt, 1350; Black Horse, 10 yrs. old, wt. SOMETHING MISSIltQ a % mrmM or us thisx bats, jerk TROtmLro wflna MUCH MONEY THAT WI OAKNOT SPBND IT. BUT WI ABB' INTERESTED IN SPENDING THE MONEY WE HAVE, TO OR. THE HOST OUT Or IT. ONE WAY-- AND NOT A NEW WAY, EITHER IS TO MAES Mrs. A.--Jimmie's been In the third grade for two years. . I wonder how he'll ever get ahead. Mr. A.--Don't know. If he wasn't --you bigtrwe®,- Eight days later Sani rode down to the lower range at the head of '•even grim-fa*** pilnchers. The nester had the roof and two walls built onto his cabin. He was working when the riders came up. "Son," said Sam. Edgewater, "we don't w%nt to hurt you none, but we aim to kick you off this land. You must have sense enough to realize you ain't got a change, playing a lone hand." The redhead grinned, "The government,^ he saidi "allowed I could have this h£rrwiBffHT" "Tf I'm killed protecting jrebUl.htev* to acpount 4 Brood Sows, due' to farrow in March{175 White Leghorn Chickens; Brooder House, Stove and Feeders. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 8-ton Alfalfa, baled; 2-ton Timothy Bay; 5-ton Straw, baled; 200 bu. Oats; 50 bu. Wheat;, 3 bu. Seed Corn; 8 ft. Silage; 30 bu. Potatoes; 10-20 Mc- Cormick-Deering Tractor; International Tractor Plow, new; Tractor Disk, nearly new; McCormick Corn Binder; McCormick Grain Binder; Intemation* al Hay Loader; New Idea Corn Husk* er; 3-Section Drag, nearly new; Mc- Cormick-Deering Manure Spreader* nearly new; 12-inch. Gang Plow; Sulky /Making It Wdrse It is the sentence pi this court that ,tbe prisoner be confined to prison lor the remainder of his natural life. \ \ , Prisoner--Your Hdnor, this is a rank injustice- Judge--Silence! Two more years for contempt of court! '*• • "t , . For Your Fumy-Bone A young man at college named Freeze* Weighed down by M. A-'* *«d A. B.'s, Collapsed from the strain; Said his doctor: "'Tis plain, You're killing yourself by degrees." r • Pet Thoughtful .Friend--My good m why don t ypu take the streethome? Illuminated One -- Sh' no ushe. Wife wouldn't let me keep it in the houshe.--Sheboygan (Wis.) Press. Ljrrie Visitor--I found something very absorbing on your desk. Poet (highly delighted)--Indeed! One of my poems, I presume. Visitor--No, a piece of Molting paper--Boston Transcript. " Mistaken All Aroani "Who's that talkative woman over there?" "My wife." "Sorry. My mistake." - "No, mine."--Exchange. \ A BUDGET. PUT DOWN, WEEK BT WEEK, THE MONEV THAT COMES nr. TOT DOWN BESIDE IT, WEEK BT WEEK, . THt MONET THAT OOES OTTT. SO HTJCH ?0R FOOD. Sfi MUCH POS CLOTHING, SO MTJOH FOB RENT. SO MUCH FoVblVING, AND FOR LUXURIES. :. iTv : -- i-airy*.,' • «• ; *•^ > " man, •car IT WON'T ALWAYS BE EAST, OF COURSE, TO STAT W1THIS THE BUDGET^ THAT'S WHERE ADVERTISING HEL1PS TOS~ ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS NEWSPAPER rtLL TOU HOW MUCH BUTTER, FOODS, MEATS,-CLOTHING, DRUGS WILL COS* BEFORE TOU « raoipraoi Ttss: ronre oBT WATO to SAVE MONET. THE? SHOW TOU HOW TO CtJT A UTTUi THERE, A LITTLE THERE. AND THEY TELL ABOUT NEW F • « . . . . . DUCTS, NEW WATS 07 DOING THINGS, THAT HELP MAKE THIS LIFE OF OURS VEST MUCH WORTH LIVIlfSH The Redhead Ducl|U; 1 . The redhead duck is shorter and chunkier than the canvasback and its back is gray instead of white. It **."a's0 an °Pen w«ter duck, which ^wains its food "by diving. , „ ^ Early Use of Cloth .i _,"^ccorc^nS to Chinese tradition, . • "use of cloth was evolved from f , practice of women carrying <>eir children in fiber nets. Tomorrow A lot of men are so busy planning for tomorrow that they never A»d tinva to do the things which they yesterday planned to do today. w „. * Originated Negro Minstrels ^:, ^i,.Negro minstrels were originated " ! Daniel Decatur Emmett, auUt^r ^ Hearsay Evidence with theijpT i Plow; Walking" PlowT'Hay ^"Tedden ' ever, you \ddk to me ifke a square ;Corn Planter; Grain Seeder; McCorm- g U " shooter, fp IU make yoq a square ick Mower; 3-Horse International En-' propositioni,!?! ttKiron any three of jgine; Land Roller; 3 Wagons; 2 Hay your heroesanded and j Racks; Cultivator; Milk Cart; Pine a*iy youi^ daughter Tree Milking Machine and Pipes; 2- P % Horse Motor; Pumping Jack; Ford' Truck; 2 Sterilizing Tanks; 2 Milk|^ Pails and Sti*ainers; 7 Milk Cans; 2; Sets Breeching Harness; 200-ft. Hay Rope; Hay Fork and Carrier; Horse finished agree not 'to if they beat n\g Sam's ey*a ^bulged. "Agree hot' to what!" we bellovifSd. „ The redhead looked surprised. "Shucks,He, said, ' I thought Small Son--I don't think SO. heard him talking to his collar. NEEDS PROTECTION - Laurie had told you we're fixing to ' get married. , You see, I kissed her IDrawn Disk; Triple Wagon Box; the first day she come down here j Cream Separator with Electric Motor; and that sort of settled things^" Grain Sacks; Forks and Shovels; 4- Sam grew purfcTe again. Some- j Horse Evener ; Pile of Split Wood, and thing pretty serious might have hap- many other articles too numerous to pened if at that moment Laurie her- mention. First Leaf of Grtin self hadn't appeared in the^oorway of the unfinished* cabin. She stood there, regarding thferfvall, her eyes flashing. Sam Edgewater said: "Laurie! Is 'what this young whippersnapper iays, true? Is it?" Laurie looked'at* the young whippersnapper, thert at her father, then back at the youagjwhippersnapper. "He did kiss nae that first day I ,^ame down," she said. "That's why I was so mad." Sam stare$ atj^r and swore under hisabreath. He looked to right and left and stfaia^t ahead and .there was a helpieSs; cTefeated expression in jiis. eyes, After a moment Household Goods Dining Room Table; Rockers; Davenport; Cook Stove; 4-Burner Nesco Kerosene Stove. TERMS--Sums under $25, Cash. Over that amount, 6 months time on good bankable notes PETER WE1NGART West McHenry State Bank, Clerking S ;,v. V Loyalty Disciplines Loyalty is deference to discipline, devotion to organization, allegiance to associates. Disloyalty a rebellion, revolt, mutiny, treason. •••'•iTI.c first leaf of sprouting erain he turned hbrsc and galloped • appearing above t.h. e eart.h. i.s° called awav anH is.ti. vn .^>.1 i an acrospire fei::, /... The Washington Cathedral ; f r. The Washington cathedral (« ,.^tgl.3yashington, D. C., is of Fourteenth t c e n t u r y g o t h i c d e s i g n . ? '* rL - ' " " Controlling Instinct ; It is claimed that instinctive litis' us of animals are controlled from me middle of the brain. \ " Moral-Power 4! One source of moral po^eir is an ideal of life. 1 ^ If ' ...«,. away and the pjnthpfs galloped after him. _ LaUrie' eohfronted the redhead ana her eyes were angry. That," she sfcid,'.ftaas about the i , . - -- - most--the most--" Her expression the ra,ny seasonsoftened, because was grinning and the same thing about him that had excited*.he; .fate's admiration excited her own. .MoreHoo. "The most unromant|<^«py of proposing," she finished. "I can do ^said fte(j "Want me to?" f>8he didn't , interest- 'Jd#ing better." Mudfish Bury Themselves African mudfish bury themselves in the earth whenever the pond in which they live dries up, and await Lauri&vdi have to. ing listening Milk Is 99 Per Cent Water Milk consists of about 90 per cent water, the remainder being made up of from 1 to 8 per cent casein, sugar and some mineral elements. "You should see Ann's coat of arms." "She oughter to wear it this weather if she's got one." ,-.v ^ -r, , - "• Too Easy The uncle of the bright six-yearold was testing his progress in s<;hool. "Let's hear you spell "puppy," he suggested. The lad thought hard a moment. Then he looked up scornfully. "I'm further along than that," he pro~< tested. "Suppose you t*y me on 'dog.' " ~'k MM' ' Male Fish Carry Eggs The male of the Kurtus fish of New Guinea fastens eggs to a special bony hook on top of his head and carries them until they hatch. Compressed Air ia Apple An ordinary apple contains enough compressed ,air to fill a Space 48 times as large as itself. • f - Rice Tops Wheat, Barley Rice yields, generally speaking, about 10 bushels per acre more than wheat or barley. Early Use al Bran MusMag The value of brass for plumbing mm discovered jby Roman efutincgys several thousand years sgo. \ - - - V '• v- • • • • n •• L< S* . . ...* . A ** ~ , w i , - J j * . ; " - * - v . ^ , t-.j® *«.•. - • - - • t - V*.v/T» " 1 c ? * T • " T ' . ,/*•, «"3.