FOR MEDITATION Time money pS A fool'i mouth' 14 hi* destruction, 'Si-Bible. :• v > ^ The ocean ;H«b grief. has her ebbings-^eo • " . Who throws mod tt aH^lMUr Jbilk >r.»*^||iS' own hands. Ji. • A man of letters, manners, mor- ^ • els. parts.--Cowper; : ^ x Love all, trust a few, da wrong ;,i' ID none.--Shakespeare. '1 ' Letting the rank tongue felpMom lr><o speech.--Browning. See how your words comie from you in a crowd!--Browning. The slanderer kills a thousand times, the assassin kills but once. • The hand of little employment •v. Jbath the daintier sense.--Shake- /••:'-j|>eare. V. Never remember the good turn 'fT V.3*ou do; never forget ,the good turn , _1 (ione you. V \r >' . The world's a* book, and > \ ";l|fiey that. never stir from home re(|dv . ' ^-qnly a'page.--St. Austin. • TharxUy, lUrch 11, 1WT TwMt tml* Talcs V A ri • Item* ef'latere* Take* F«w» the Files of tb- Flatndealsr ef Tean Aea - NEARBY NEWS TAKEN ntOM OOLUMHB I or OUJl EXOHAKOES Chris Sorenson, 55, of Antiocb was driving a car which was in collision at 8:87 Saturday .morning: of last week with a North Shore bus at Grand and Lewis avenues in Waukegan. Sorerson said the ice frozen on his windshield obscured his vision. Damage to i)a*U. each vehicle was estimated at $10. j fflttTY YEARS AGO [ Miss Kathy Strain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strain, a junior ffLOjcmyg yatE Mrs. Leslie Davis of the "Flats" spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Arthur Wackerow and M Eatinger, Wa. Eatinger -George Eatinger of Wauooi on tne tatter's husband, Geo State hospital at Elgin. Mrs. Harry Matthews was a caller at McHeifry last Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Converse spent last Friday at the home of her mother, Mrs. -4 George Bookhout visited his brothcalled WasKingloil era at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren called Workmen have commenced framing in the Harvard high school, received at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George sons, PEN POINTS^ Affected simplicity is often as obj- --|ectk>nable as excessive dignity/ The modern stenographer craves shorter hours and bigger moments. A green, salesman often makes better contacts than a blue salesnan. ^ 7 Love makes the world §o round Mod roiind; poverty, puts on^ the ^^Ih-akes., =r The modern youngster doesn't like -Hillaby songs because they put him ti> sleep. It's a serious mistake "lor a man $o try to correct the mistakes of his friends. s t If the world laughs at you, laugh - right back at it; it's just as funny • as you are. r-- . * • A man reflects before a comfortable fire; a woman reflects before a mirror. •* •7 The man who thinks he knows it all is frequently a victim of misplaced confidence. Many a man thinks he is 'wise because he has no children to expose his ignorance. the timber for Bishop's new store, and word recently that -she had' won a five the work of excavating the cellar for dollar prize in the Chicago Tribune P. D. Smith's store is also in pro- Fashion Parade con tee t. The contest grass. ran for eight weeks and entrants were O. W. Owen had the American flag to cut out a series of paper dolls and flying from the top of his residence dress them as they saw fit. Miss all day Saturday, in honor of the de- Strain's ent^ry was in book form with cision can Hayes Chas. Rouse has removed his barber Joe Friend, McHenry, and quite well shop to the rooms over the gun shop known in Richmond, who for some opposite Perry & Martin's store where time past with Mrs. Friend have cohhe tan hereafter be found, yith sharp ducted the Bridge Ball Room at Mcrazors, clean towels, and a neat and Henry has leased the Osmond buildtasty arranged shop. jnp jn Richmond and will open a res- W e learn there is a prospect of the taurant and tavern at that location. old Steamer, "Athlete," being brought Mr. Friend expects to open fdr busk Sack here this spring, fort use between ness as soon as possible. 0 , McHenry and :the lakes.• l. C^! •l [ ' Mrs. Andrew CallahL an, 9A7. y. ears . o.ld., fell and broke her right hip bone the Lundgren at Waaconda last WedtlN* day. a ' .. A. W. Foes of Libertyville was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss last Thursday evening. The liberal Democrats woald like to --a-tba jasp--d changee in the ralatloasWpaf the courts to the administrative and legislative branches Submitted to the pebple^-a procedure to which Mr. RoosevelC objects. The suggestion that the legislators should take their cue from the folks back home After the President delivers his one-sided radio appeala for popular support does not strike a receptive chord in Congress for they would be ( Washington, March 10--If the lot of walking into a stacked deck. Posta postmaster in the relative obscurity ponem$nt of the plan is something of a fourth-class office is, as recently the White House forces do not want, described to a Congressional commit- Consequently, the idea of a recess of tee "a nightmare" because of the task several months until the lawmakers of keeping accounts, what then is the could personally poll the home folks predicament of a Senator and Repre* is just a dream. In the meantime, the sentative with a heavy barrage of Congressional factions believe a curb propaganda in his ears ? The local should be plaeed on Administration postmaster harassed at counting propaganda extending down to county stamps and cancellations as a basis of committees and relief agencies, but pay has a sinectjfe in each village as their protests have not been Heard, compared to the' 581 lawmakers' who While wage advances in -the autoraUnha*- number kettevaatehyears life expectancy by i.. ledge we now have t#"th* prevention and treatment of diseases. . Character is Like a Feasa * person's character is ffltt m 11 ^ strengthened br: white-waah. ' are in constant turmoil about their mobile, steel and allied industries are Mr and Mr* *H»'rrv MnttKewa and Tot®8 regard to the drastic reforms being haled as encouraging signs of ^bertand^e M^Elmer of ^Federal judiciary. Despite the great days the public, which pays for LaDoyt Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg were callers in Chicago last Tuesday., John Wirt* of Mundelein and W. ment The controversy has had a Counsel of the Triple A here has many paralyzing effect on other legislation explanations for the advance cost of I and routine government matters, living among which are the price Nothing, it appears, can be considered boosting effect of the 1986 drought *«•" FIFTY YEARS John».;Heimer has bought of L. A. Parker the lots and bain west of Althoff Bros. Considera'ion, $600, afternoon of March 2. She is a Community hospital jptient in Harvard. Mrs. Callahan is a member of the J. Hoffman and son of Chicago were with * degree of finality until the and increased consumer income. Highcallers Sunday at the home of Mr. "^kus over the highest tribunal is er prices for automobiles are expected and Mrs. Wm. Foss. j out of the way. ' » shortly as production costs go sky- Paul Larson of Chicago and Ray- j The politicians are worried over the rocketing Even the Postmaster Gen- ,mond Lusk of Maple Park were dinner trend of sentiment which the court eral is complaining about the heavy guests last Thursday at the home of | fight has provoked. The legislators cos's of operating the Postal Service Mr. and Mrs. John BlomgTen. " j who were in the fore-front pushing the as wages are boosted «Rd hours de- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daugh-' Roosevelt program of social and econ- creased. The government has also ter, whb have resided ..on one of the omic reform through the halls of been obliged to pay 10 per cent more farms of A. H. Hale near Griswold Congress are the leaders of the op- *°'he contractor who supplies stamp , • Vimi«o>vnM iQ„ , Lake for the past three years, moved position to tinkering with the judic- ed envelopes, which the Post Office The work of demolishing the old e„ r Callahan^ walking' f r°m that place to the home on the iary. The liberals among the Demo- retails in competition with private brick church is progressing, and soon it will be among the things ofrthe about the household the Veteran wo past * man slipped and fell. , We learn that there is to be a new Rev. W. H. Tuttle, 87-y Steamboat, to run between this, village former pastor of Barrington and last and Fox Lake, the coming season. Civil War veteran in Boone county, Mulholland farm. 1 crats and the so-called Progressive citizens. The answer to government Harry Matthews and Alvin Case of Republicans, who voted consistently troubles is a higher tax rate, which Roseville attended the 12th annual for the White House program during hits the taxpayers going and coming. 87-year-old j Qf the PMA at the Auditor- the first four yearare leading the When Congressional committees ium hotel in Chicago Tuesda^. parade of objectors: Obviously, the hold the purse strings it is an easy Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litweler, Round party lines are down and everything matter for them to delve into the The suit for fast driving, brought died at his home in Belvidere ThUrs- were Sunday guests at the home is topsy-turvy among the solons. plans of Federal agencies--and obtain r F Kn vi 11 O na anaiMa^ 17 f TIT • a <r 1 A WWVAA!** IV^A 4-k «•>«« MM . «« . « ... . • • by the village against H. E. Wight- day, of last week. Death was caused 0f (j' J BunTett Many Democrats, openly rebelling at the correct response; The House Apman, was tried on Saturday before ^ by a heart ailment. Rev. Tuttle wasi ^ an organization meeting of the the White House tactics, are conscious propriations Committee has a birdsjury, who brought in a verdict of no pastor at the Methodist church in Qf directors of the Lake county that- the Roosevelto&chine may put eye picture of the 1988 program because of action. . ' : Barnngton more than thirty^ years parm Bureau, held at the JParm Bur- an.end to their political careers. The cause the lawmakers wanted some- JOHNSBURG When the newlywed calls up another couple to drop in for bridge, the honeymoon is over. -- Los Angeles Times. P __ _ D" ago* leau office at Grayslake recently, Har YEAR8 AGO ; ! Edward De Laurier, 47 years old, of ry Matthews was elected vice-presi' ,: To°y Barbian brought into; Our Barrington, was found dead in his dent of the board. write one day last week the largest automobile Sunday afternoon of last Perch we ever saw. It waq caught week near the Wilkie road entrance at Pistaqua Bay, and weighed fully a to the Arlington Park race track. It, pound and a half. was very evident from the condition The grippe seems to have a good 0f the car that he had~«ommitted suifooting in this vicinity as nearly cide. A hose had been attached to the everyone you meet has just recovered exhaust pipe and then run up through Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Diethorn pf from its effects or else Jhey are just the floor boards to direct the poison-1 Waukegan visited Wednesday with beginning to feel its power. OU8 fumes into the machine. From all Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. ( We learn that the McHenry Cream- appearances De Laurier had started Mrs. George King spent Thursday ery company have purchased the en- the motor after attaching the hose, at Woodstock with her sister, Mrs. tire plant, including machinery, ice and had then sat in the car and Mike Gorskie. house, water supply, etc., of Oatman awaited death. He had also removed' Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. John*A. Mil- Bros., in this village', and will immed- his license plates in an apparent at- !ler and Mrs. Ben Freund were Wauketempt to conceal his identity. Pass-igan callers Tuesday. ing motorists discovered the suicide Mrs. Wm. Freund of Spring Grove and summoned Arlington Heights po- spent a fjgw days, with Mr. and Mrs. • IN MILADY'S REALM The voting age for women in Erig* land is 30 years. : Bands over busts and hips were the eorsets of ancient Egypt. There were 13 women who be- , cane mothers at 54 in 1933, says 03. S. Census buresp. •; : < Iflascow, Russia, has: a night schael where women farmers are taoght to drive tractors.* QM cheer leaders are forbidden j^t the Lynn, Mass., Classical High School by the school principal. Wntil she donned a hat a woman not permitted to testify in a at Ashby-de-la-Counch, Engiately overhaul the machinery an<f put the factory in first class running order as,soon as possible. <° lice. Identification was made through THIRTY YEARS AGO papers in the car. According to re* MI . .. ... poi/cio in tuc uu. nttuiuini; tu lc* ; 7^17!/."°, ° °n th*. ?' ports, De Laurier had been despondent over financial difficulties. John Tobey of Spring Grove was gin board of trade Monday and' the price of butter was declared firm at 32 cents. Anton Schneider has a gang of car- ™ ]*8t week Tuesday awarded *15,- penters at work on the new addition OW by.^^ry in circuit court apinst to his Water street grocery store. The th® Yeaat/nd Producte Co. work will be pushed to completion. ?nd E' h SBVa^: 'ormerly of Wau- Martin Stoffel, who has been work- ke<fan' for inj.y,es B"ff®red ln 8n ing in Chicago during the winter auto-truck accident Tobey was ^a months, has returned to McHenry and 8 when J^e Miller at Zenda, Wis can again be found in the C. G. Frett Casimir Kessey on Feb. 8, 1936. when Joe Miller. Mrsr-Delbert Smith and daughter of Grayslake visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of, Spring-Grove visited Tuesday -with" Mrs. Mary Tonyan. Paul Huff of Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr- flnd Mrs. Albert Huff. Republicans, it seems, are cognizant thing more than a request for money, that their voices would not add much Some activities which are never pubto the din of the schism already creat- licized and considered routine are acwithin the ranks of the majority tually fascinating sidelights on the arty and are peeping quiet for a Federal machine. spiSk The cross-fire of radio speeches For instance, the Secret Service procontCTitop to confuse the public for duced a chart to show a steady inboth sides are admittedly "making a crease in check funds. The Federal case" sometimes without repard to Alcohol Administration cleared up a facts. The President's victory dinner ^question in Congressional minds by speech was quickly punctured by crit- stating that Alabama is the only ics within his party. . And so goes the really "dry" state, although four or battle. ' five other commonwealths are just a There are two Supreme Court de- little moist. Ten per cent of the vescisions whicfi may upset present man- sels, boarded by the Coast Guard, euvers. The rulings in the cases in- were violating the law. Congress was volving the National Labor Relations informed by the Surgeon General of Board and the Washington State Min- the U. S. Public Health Service that imum Wage matter will have a vital heart disease was number 1 on the list bearing: on tactics of opposing groups, of death causes replacing tuberculosis Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and daughter. Sally Mae, visited Thursday with Jfomea of Inner Mongolia wear a Iress which denotes their rela- 1 social status and which, in many costs as much as $S,000. Wamea are better snake chaiTn- Ma lhaa are men. Three Burmese yaea have such power over their flag eabcas that the aaakea luas IVamea would make "excellent »ps because they represent the religious sex, according to opinion of Dr. Ernest William Barnes, Bishop of Birmingham, England. wan o] meat market. Fred Kamholz' has given up his position at the Borden factory and will hereafter devote his entire time to the car was in collision with a truck of the yeast company operated by Savage. The vehicles were both moving oh Grand ave., when they crashed the barber business. His place has about three miles east of JLake Villa. - _ r - __ TT/vWAVf 1*1 allAWAW VUiVWftV. I Hubert Smith ' returned home Friday from St Therese's hospital, Waukegan. • * : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gielow spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in been filled by "A. D. Loomis. Will Thurlwell, Jr., George Bishop, Jacob Miller, and Robert Frlsby are also new hands at the plant. . TWENTY YKAIIS AGO Friends of Mr. ar. ' Mrs. C. W. Tobey, testimony in court showed, was bounced against the windshield' and back again into the car, suffering a broken neck. Medical experts produced by Attorney J. A. Miller, counsel for Tobey, and Attorney Harry A. Hall, representing the yeast company, TO THINK ABOUT 'Wm stronger always succeeds. Plautus. Goodell gave them » tery pleasant differed in the.r opinions as to the inparty Saturday evening when they [unes b>" Tobe-v\ After thJee called to bid farewell before leaving ^°"rf ^^ation a jury in judge for their new home near Serma, Ala. J**™?* th« The snow and ice are disappearing Yerd #'^^ H5.000. Tobey had sued quite rapidly' these days. Some of * the country roads are already in fine A tragic1 accident, which resulted in shape. * the death of little Jimmie, youngesi John Carey is having eleterie lights son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto "Hub" UUinstalled in his house on Main street, rich, occurred early Monday morning Dr. C. H. Fegers will enjoy a new of last week, at the Ullrich home on four cylinder Studebaker touring car Westerfield street, Grayslake. Mrs. this season, Ullrich was preparing to do the fam- One of the pleasing sights about ily laundry Work, and had heated a town is the American flag which St. large aluminum kettle of water on the Mary's parochial school floats, not top of the dining room stove. There only on holidays, but every day. And are several small children in the famstill the flag staff on our public school ily. but they were all in another room remains unbedecked. AH battle -Bacon. W, misunderstanding. AD the way tb heaven is heaven. --Parrar. He that wants health wants everything. : o Be that shows his rasney shows his judgment. Mind unemployed is wind unen^ joyed.--Bovee. ' Too swift arrives as tardy as too slaw.--Shakespeare. Woe to every mind which wishes . to be overwise! --Voltaire. Who warms in his bosom the eggs Deliqueseenee Deliquescence is the property displayed by carta in substances of absorbing water from the air so that they become wet or even dissolve in the absorbed liquid. Substances possessing this property are called deliquescent. Examples are caustic potash, caustic soda, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, the last named being extensively used aa a .drying agent. Producing Pearls Real pearls are produced by oysters. The natural pearl is formed mrough the oyster's attempt to get rid of a tiny worm or other substance, that has bored through its! shell and is irritating it. To do so it deposits nacre (mother of pearl) at the point where it i* being attacked. The finest pearl fisheries in the world are in the Persian gulf though there are many elsewhere. when Mrs. Ullrich took the kettle from the stove and placed it on the floor, while she pieked up some clothes that were to be washed. "In the few seconds that it took for her to do her errand, the little boy, who was not quite two years old, came into the room, and in some way fell into the pan of scalding water. He was rushed to a physician, and taken to St. Therese hospital, where he passed away at 2:30 p. m., the same day. Direction Finder at Sea ,•; The direction finder used at aea to an instrument for receiving signals from various land stations and lightships. Each station has its distinctive call. The man operating the ®n^.er aboard a ship turns his dial until he has tuned in, at its strongest point, a certain call. After tuning in another station, he takes his chart and draws lines from the stations to the positions where he received the signals. The position of the liner is where these two lines cross. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and Mrs. Joe Karls were Waukegan callers on Saturday. . Mrs. Joe King and son,, Leo, *«•] Chicago visitors Saturday. . . . Miss Kathrine Althoff of Elgii visited Sunday with her mother, Mra. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and" daughter of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Smith. Mrs. Martin Jung and Mrs. Math Schaefer were Woodstock callers oa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm^ May and eon, Richard, motored to Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bohnen and sot|' of W^ilmette visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorskie and family of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Jake Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffine of Gen* oa, Wis., visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. JoelTueraann are the. parents of a son, born March 6. H0U8B CALL OPTICAL SERVICE ill YOOK OWR MHE NO bxtba oBAaea GLASSES COMPLETE M CA AS LOW AS tO.OU For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 --- McHenry 80-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M. Kagran 6PTOMBTRIC EYE SPECIALIST IM N. Sttate Street^ Gflfcage MONEY TO LOAD I have* clients who have money to lend on first mortgagee on real estate and others who waa4 te barrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph Jl. SikeigS , Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 108 MXST A COMPANY , AU -Kinds of IN8UBANC1 Placed with the mast reliable Companies Came ln and talk it aver "bene MeHeery t Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door Te . Hoot Noonan's " On U. S. 12 RADIATORS REPAIRED BODIBS and FENDBR8 Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering 4 - i Acetylene Welding CHARLES RIETE9EL A. P. Freund Co. Cxcavating Contractor Frucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service Road Building r«L 204-M McHenry, DOL The Solomon Islands Lying 900 miles northeast of Australia, the Solomons are among the most remote of the Pacific islands. Yet, except for the Ladrones and perhaps the Marsha Us, they were the earliest found by white men. ; They were discovered by Peruvianadventure res who, thirsting lor more gold, had heard rumors at a;; continent eJose by to the west. "Lost" for 200 years, they were rediscovered ia 1707. COMPARE YEAR -OLI PRICES OF "ALL THREE" "What will the ear I buy aew be worthjiffcsavli year?" That's an important queation to ask when buying a new car in the loweet price fleM* Compariaon of uaed car prices quoted cm "AM Three" loweat price cars, after a year or mora, ahowa that Plymouth ao me times bringa as much aa a hundred dollars more than tfen "others." • r S. H. Frenod & Son , ' CONTRACTORS ; AND BUILDERS--- Phone 127-R ; McHenry Our experience it at Your Service in building Your Wants Teiephene Ne. S00 Stoffel A ,Relhanaperger maaae ageata far all pse»erty la the beat eampaaiea. fI8I MeHENRT ILLINOIS The Milk Goat The milk goat was the first of all wild animals to become dominated^ ; by man. When man was a "m mad" he drove his herd of goats with him in his wanderings. The'/ herd supplied him with milk, meatrclothing and another much needed necessity--a water beg! Yet the new ear price* of "All Three' ~hbout the emrmi ' Before you buy your new ear, compare pricea. Then drive a new Plymouth. Discover for yourself the reasons for Plymouth's better BLAKE MOTOR SALES DODOK ADD PLYXOOTB Downs Motor Eiprtts The Piooeor Line, Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phonec: Wabash 7818 m . • VERKON J. KR01 ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Itoeedaya and Fridays Daya by Appttatecai