Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1937, p. 8

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A? Society jSJoteSj AIN COUNTY COUNCIL unit of the American Lewill entertain the coun- April 2, when Mrs Jo- SoJiday, department president, guest of honor. MOTflfEks CLtJB E. C. Coe, county superintendent of schools, was the gruest speaker at the SURPRISE PARTY Mrs. Cora Herdrich, who moved recently from the Warren Francisco farm to the Wentworth house on Fox street, was surprised by a group of Mr. Hl Mn. Edwin Fmmd, Mr. tad Mrs. Mat lltk», Mr. and Mra. Irvin tt and their families, and Mr. Irs. F. Baur and Mr. and Mrs. Jack < 'rawlley of Peoria. OBSERVE 31at ANNIVERSARY The thirty-first anniversary of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., was observed Tuesday evening when mem-, bers enjoyed a social hour following ! the business session. Cards were played, with the prize in relatives and friends in honor of her ,fiv? hundred going to the oracle, Mrs. birthday one day last week. Cards ' Alice Lindsay, and in bunco to Mra. furnished entertainment and lunch Watties. Refreshments were was served. - j served at a table decorated in St. Pat- Guests were Mrs. Henry Felmeten, 'nek's day colors, centered with a large Mr. and Mrs. Henry Felmeten, Jr., attractively decorated. of the Mothers Club an{j 8on, Lester Foss, Ed Hettermanh, „ Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Jnsten. Mra. Coe spoke on literature that was and is/* bringing out the trend Dorothy and Henrietta Herdrich. I COMMUNITY MEETING The regular monthly community eeting was held at the Ostend school ouse Friday evening with the room JBIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Mrs. John S. Freund entertained a of thought in which the present dayiparty 0f relatives and friends Satur- Packed capacity with the large literature originated. This was fol- day evening in honor of her birthday ,crowd in attendance. lowed by an informal discussion. - ] anniversary. She was presented with i The program for the evening was Readings were given by Mrs. H. D. .a gift in honor of the occasion. {furnished by students of the hi eh Ellis and Mary Erickson and games ] Cards and music furnished the even- school with members of the Publie were played with refreshments 3erved ing's diversion and lunch was .served. Speaking class giving varied and in* by the hostess and her assistants, j Those present were: Mr. and Mrfe. teresting talks, which served, also, as Mv. William Spencer and Mrs. E. E. Peter A. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter their final examinations. Bassett. 1 Weingart, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Freund, j Clefcus AlthofF talked oh * visit to Chinatown in Chicago, John Cristy spoke on the 4-H Club, Maiy Erick-' Grayalalte, aftUober of tke train committee ef tlMtrraad ehapter. Following the meeting a short program was riyan,. which consisted of readings bjr Mfa~ H. D. Ellis and vocal solos by Warren Jones. Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. * «' ? Officers of the evening wefat Worthy Matron--Ruth Rich. Grayslake. * Worthy Patron--Roy Thomas, Marengo. •. Associate Matron--Cora Sweet of Richmond. Associate Patron--Harold Swanson, Ravenswood. Conductress--Edith Vogel, Richmond. < Associate Conductress--Helen ,Gray, Richmond. . - Chaplain--Hazel Kilpatrick,' Richmond. Marshal--Edith Bambas, Richmond. Organist--Mabel Johnson, McHenry. Secretary--Lillian Sayler, McHenry. Adah--Fannie Chainberlin, McHenry. * . . Ruth--Elsie Vycital, McHenry. Esther--Minnie Martin, McHenry. Martha--Frances Vycital, McHenry. Electa--Ethel Holly, McHenry. ' Warder--Amanda Brown, McHenry.; Sentinel--Ella Sweet, Richmond. Soloist--Lillian Cox, McHenry. Among the out-of-town members was Mrs. G. A. Himler of . ----- It has been disclosed that McHenry county has received $iO,fl788JO from the state motoi- fuel tax for the first two months of the year, with $6,875.60 received in January land $4,803.00 in February. The allotment for the 102 counties as their share of the state tax paid into the state treasury during February was $724,573. Of the total allotment the state retained £287,260 to pay interest and retirement for the state emergency , relief bond issue. • Several important stretches of road will be constructed in this part of the county in its $100,000 road program for the summer and it is expected that some new equipment will be purchased to be used in the construction work and in the upkeep of the county roads. It is expected that the east river rSad will be black topped this year as a part of the road program, at an estimated cost of $26,000. The road through Spring Grove from Route 60 to the Lake county line will also be black topped at an expense of approximately $24,000. \ Another road to be resurfaced at a cost of $11,000 is the road west from Union to meet Route 5. . . . FOB FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 1 MOKE IMPROVEMENTS ON GREEN STREET ITmifg&leaning days have arrived on 1 ' ,~r ~ HER EASTER ENStMlLt with PARIS' FAVORITS FRAORAttCf JOURJOIS ' :M ' . "* - -• - • m P E R F U M l Three inexpensive and attractive" Easter gift remembrances of America's most popular perfume. , r {•££ PERFUME AHp ^|_ ATOMIZER - A beautiful atomizer and bottle of Evening in Paris tofuma in'gay oad|^^' son gave a reading in negro dialect.^ "Namin* of the Twins," David Kam- present l&olz described a trip to Maxwell street Naomi chapter, Puyallup, Wash.' in Chicago, Curtis Newman gave the I , -- description of a fox' f^rm in Wiscon-' LAlbfiSS' AID SOCIETY afn, and Charles Sutt?)rV talked on| The Ladies' Aid Society will meet ;^*reen street with many of the busi basket weaving. ' at the M. E. parsonage next Thursday nefs houses receiving a hew coat of -- Mrs. H. D. Ellis also gave readings, afternoon. There will be a special Pa'nt» new fixtures, etc., to add to their Dorothy Lay played a cornet solo, ac- program in h6nor Of the anniversary ^res^> attractive appearance. Companied on Jhe piano by Janice^ of the society. Klontz, and,- Winifred Benwell gave a marimba solo, with Miss Taylor at the piano. The Jacob Justen & Sons furniture store on Green street has undergone % spring cleaning with the interior entirely redecorated and the floor var- GUEST SPEAKER " Frank Bennett was the guest speak- - - Rev. Collins of Ringwood gave a'er at the meeting of McHenry Post, Wished. The furniture has befea reihort talk and Rev. Kafoed of Green- American Legion, Monday evening and arr»nged, with new pieces of summer Wood also responded with a few words, entertained the crowd of Legionnaires s^°ck making the display an attrac- E. A. Thomas announced the pro- with old time reminiscences and read- tive one. -- gram. Community singing was led by ingp. I Nielsen's Bakery on Green street is Mrs. Collins and games and dancing . Back in 1895 "Doc" Bennett took being redecorated and new floor coverwere enjoyed with lunch served. elocution lessons from Mrs. V. S. Cook, New and modern show cases wife of the pastor of the Methodist fnd wal1 cases are being installed, givi'RIENDS NIGHT AT 1 church, and it wad some of these bakery a neat, clean appear- McHENRY CHAPTER readings that he used Monday night. ance* This up-to-dte bakery will be , , ----- - I The meeting was well attended and in readiness for the busy summer Friends Night was observed at a a delicious steak dinner was served trade that will soon be arriving. ? Special meeting of McHenry Chapter, following the business nossion and pro- O. E. S., Monday evening when each gram. " t officer invited a friend to fill their of-.., -- / Ice for the evening. LARGE CROWD ATTENDS The officers were welcomed by thej , gT. PATRICK'S PARTY worthy matron of the chapter, Mrs.' -£---- Floribel Vogel, and the worthy patron, j Approximately 200 perons The Masonic hall has been redecorated, also, making it pleasant for lodge meetings and other affairs. In addition to these improvements are several mentioned in previous issues of the Plaindealer, including Joe Regner's market and grocery, Mrs - PERFUME and EASTER l^SKET The fuM $1.10 size of Evening in Paris with a beautiful blue plastic basket suitable for a trinket Of pin tray. "LOW BRIDGE/' BOY! PIIRSi SIZE FLACONS Inaxpensive .. . but d gMMIHatl any woman witl treasure. * j BULGER'S DRUG Phone 40 ? tf 16011 oU60fi iter A ;V~ & k i- - •- . S.; V>-•«***-;*• •;> ... .- Lisle Bassett, after which they were1 present at the St, Patrick's party at i ^athrine Barbian's dress shop, the introduced by the officers of" the chap- the dining room of the Riverside hotel | gatha shop and Central Market, tor. Wednesday night, when cards and Mrs. Rath Rich of SorosiB chapter, dancing were enjoyed. ^Grayslake, served as worthy matron About forty tables of cards were for the evening and w«h presented j4i play, including the prumes of hridirfe. with flowers and gifts and escorted to five hundred, pinochle, euchre, hearts her station by officers and 'members and bunco, with a prize for each table. of her own chapter under an arch of Lunch was served following cards, call* Hlies, cleverly made of handker- with the remainder of the evening devoted to dancing, with music furnished Roy Thomas of Haven chapter. Mar- by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and M. engo, acted as worthy patron, and both A. Conway. he and the worthy patron of the chap- The party was sponsored by St. Patter received large and most attrac- rick's parish, with Mrs. M. A. Sutton, tive baskets of Easter canaW president of the Altar and Rosary Mrs. Ony Wheeler, grand lecturer sodality, and Harold J. Phalin, presiand instructress of the chapter, was dent of the Holy Narnie society, namguest of honor and with the other jng committees to plan the celebration. officers in the east was presented with Members of the committee were flowers and welcomed in song by the Mrs. Ray Conway, Mrs. Celia Knox, aoloist, Mrs. Lillian Cox. Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. H. Rankin, Worthy matrons and worthy patrons Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. Walter and past matrons and patrons were Walsh, Ray McGee, LeRoy Conway, •scorted and introduced as was also Ed Sutton, Clarence Anglese and Earl one grand lecturer, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Walsh. i and John Klein of Sorosis chapter,': • - W. C O. F. ELECTS Utection of officers was held Tlmrsday evening at the meeting of St. Clara's Court, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, with only a few changes made in the line up of officers for the year. Installation of officers will be held April 8, arrangements for which will be made at the next meeting on March 26. Following the business session cards were enjoyed and the March birthdays were observed. Four members, having birthdays this month, received gifts. Prizes in cards were awarded to Mrs. Anna Meyers in bridge, Mrs. Barbara Krause and Mrs. Kate Worts in pinochle, Mrs. Margaret Schmitt and Mrs. Gertrude Barbian in five hundred. . Officers for the ensuing year are as follows: Chief Ranger--Celia Blake. Vice-Chief Ranger--Lillian Stoffel.' Recording Secretary--Barbara Krause. 'Financial Secretary---Anna Heimef. Treasurer--Helen Weber. First Trustee--Susie Justen. ; Second Trustee---Vera Schmitt. Third Trustee--Clara Stilling. Senior Conductor--Mary Freund. j Junior Conductor--Gertrude R. ^ Weber. £ Inner Sentinel--Helen Scheniden;;; Outer Sentinel--Magdalene Blake. Musician--Helen Smith. , •r u G.t- rJLlSS -- Of rich resilient silks. Our grandest showing ever $ For EASTER and SPRING- there's nothing as tiiP portant as a new suit. These smart models will do wonders for you. They are here in single and double breasted models, in sports and plain backs M %• S * - SHIRTS -- To a Young Man's taste in smart new stripes and checks with the new Oban collar ... ...... . .. $105 McGEE'S CLOT1PNG STORE " V ' MRS. AMELIA BREFELD DIES AT RINGWOOD Mrs. Amelia Brefeld, 81 years old, died at the home of her son in Ring wood at 12:46 a. m., Friday, March 12. Amelia Finke was born July 10, 1855 in Wisconsin. For the last thirty-four years she had lived at Ringwood. She is survived by three sons and a daughter, her husband having preceded her in death. Funeral services were held Monday at 9:30 a. m., at St. Mary's church, McHenry, with Father Frank Miller,^officiating. Burial was in St. John's cemetery at Johnsburg. Robert Wadlow of Alton, 11)1., who has just passed his nineteehtiji birthday, is 8 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs 450 pounds. He is shown here in the living room of his parents. Robert's blond hair just about touches the ceiling, and when he goes from room to room, it's "low bridge" at the doorways. QABBY CjERTIE -4! Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake and son, Roy, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund, will speodef •j'ffjpy and Saturday in Peoria. .'•-A*.. Own Up to Mistakes A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today ha was yesterdn£. "Russians are the only dancers who can sit down and run at the same time." ' & Mississippi Drains Si Stateff The Mississippi river has 250 tributaries and drains thirty-one states and two Canadian provinces. Fifty of the tributaries are navigable streams. Iroa Bar "Elastic" llheologists, those who study the How and elasticity of matter, say that an iron bar under certain conditions is more elastic than a rubber ENTALNEEH uoc wermett's Powder 42* 25c Tooth Pwd., Pepsodent 16^ 50c Porhan's Tooth PaBte 34^ 45c Iodent Tooth P a s t e 3 2 * rPiAYfNCr CARDS rn"1 SMMN6JMSH NiflilMN $mK«Ate <oe PHILLIPS SICK OF A4VCS/4 tftOTM easti I5i TU«6 2 7 i f PRivoNS | 7 < \ 7 0 { • f25*^TOOTH POWDC* I f* 1 / T1 OS. Myled^l $1 1 Pint ( Sup«rD r 100 Halbit Liver OU Capsules 59^-1 v 7 5 c C a l i r a d V . . . Wafers . r V 50 A. B. D. Capi f~\ Boles, Abbots PftOQUINS Htmo CHtmm . . "X " " » 'f' ** RUBBER GLOVES PER PRM0WESS . CERIAIN-SAF€ ajJUj -- - - MKomr. Plttri mineral Ww o»u « lucKesson Brilliantine 26* Boyer Hair Oil or Brilliantine 16* 50c Fitch Hair f onic 36* F5c Packerd Scalp Tone 53* Kreml Sham. 34* ft OcrtviKC LAMBSKiH CHAMOIS larog sue hioolN-S1®^ tablets 1 Z7* 25c Williams' After-Shave Talc 16* 75c Barbasol 53* 35c Koolox... 2^ Gillette Blades ' 10 for . r 49* ; 50c Mennien Shave „ • Motion PMMOLIVE SOAP |yf4| •» 'OR 2S< NATURES DRE5K1N : COD LIVER (REMEDY 37< SJh40)M7i MAVIS' HOME REMEDIES 8tseFfcnoBti& BEAUTYX A I D S v JCR6EN S\60c Hepatica 43* lOT.OM|^\ k ^ Bpobbo BoHwr:. "^36*^" KLEENEX 80c Pertussin, 60c Zonite G«/y<///v<r BRIAR PIPES Armand Ta^c... 17* 1-lb. 01eai&. Grm. 39* PABLUM 60c Phillips Texture Cream 43* $1.50 Goty Make-np Ensemble Illf $1.10 Evening In Paris Face Powder 79* 50c Hinds' Honey and \ Ahnond Cream 36# BABY NEEDS 25c Zinc Sterate 17* 25c Mennen Baby Pwd. 19^ 50c Mennen Baby Oil 34^ Baby Tooth Brush 15^ STATIONEPt CNVCtOPIS ICASCARAQuimne K 194 EXTRA V4LUEJ -- $1.98 -- Electric Toastlers , U.49 ' --«8c -- Curling Irom 69* EX-LAX i ^AKATIUE : zs< si? t 23<! I9< 170<! I7« I9< VICK*Sijwrr«r VAPo-Rua% HATEl* pirn iORiml LUX • SHAMPOO* SOAP >hoo sneZ 3 FOR. 1 ' , ni^MSHlMYDKUCOISTH EN RY# ILLI NO I S* ^ r*-:. j--* !V'v

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