Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1937, p. 3

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*fc«nd«y, Marofai 18, lfSt nt uvmtn AtVL^mi / The Town Keetfn? Hir At tnun^ will move two «Mkl ' Itthm of ndsi rtltwii mn booiMw of mm tiptSi tWt Ipe to Mr. /'••U:I»* Town of MeHcnry will bo held »»d *"• HeAert Larson. Mr. Mishcke » the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on ntd is etnploypd la the Chicago Screw fac- 4«y «t the City Hall, McHenry, 111. A moderator will be elected, and protory, whet* he hat been operating machinery for the past six weeks, feed to heat and consider reports of j Their daughter, Agnes, will remain in Sffjeers, to appropriate money to de-i McHenry, when she is employed in |nqf the necessary expenses of the the telephone office. Town and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before Meeting. " , / ' Given under my hand at McHenry, Hi., this 16th day of March. A. D., JW7. M. J. WALSH, Town Clerk. Subscribe tor The Flaindealer. She will have a room in the B. J. Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall of Chicago are occupying the R. V. Powers house on Court street. In addition to other interests Mr. Tyndall operates a garage at Woodstock. Mr*. Fred Justen and daughter, May, have moved from an apartment in the Riverside hotel to the former Ben Stilling house on Pox river. •**,;> >; / W., Easter let us clean and press your suit, :|b| coat, we can alter it at a very small expense,: it will look like a new and different garment.! Come in or Call 104-M, and we will call and deliver, McHENRY CLE Phone 104-M - LODTZ AKEMiODTZ A CompleteTnr Serifioe McHenry, QL PETERSON MOTORS Phone 14 4 MoHenry, III. ^;V V' ::^V : -'K'; Dealer in Hudson andTerraplane, the biggest and best car you can buy for such a low price; with ql 96-horse- • \ power motor, 117-inch wheel base, spayedj^ings, high chrome-cylinder block, self-energizing hydraulic brakes, 55-inchf seat for riding comfort, non-glare windshield with double defrosters. This big car delivers to you for v. only $759.00, the most economical 6icylinder car on the road today. Wig also have towing service, general repairing, oil, gas, tires and batteries. Peterson Motors, 1block east of Fox River Bridge. Our complete Spring Stock has arrived and awaits your selection. New and beautiful patterns. per Roll and Up SPECIAL THIS WEEK metal -- clevariy ilflti m 5^;^' 1 HI II II p: j|p|| « • • • s p o t IS bedr WASTE A daintily shaped, atwrdT sleet. Choose from several brightcheerful shades -- ionr clevtr designs. *' One erf these baskets will add the pot of color that will perk up your com, or sun porch, that corner by this writing sj&sk -- even the bathroom! In 13 different styles With a price range froi#^ ~ $47 to $75 These Harnesses wore purchased previous to the recent rise in pricfend represent a SAVING OF 15% to you. Wm.a Main Street Hdwe. West McHenry Tba teacher was hearing the youthful class in mathematics. "Now," she said, "in order- to subtract, things have to be in the same denomination. For instance, we couldn't take three pears from four peaches, nor eight horses from ten cats. Do you understand?" There was assent from the majority of pupils. One little boy in the rear raised a timid hand. . "Well, Bobby, what is it?" asked the teacher. "Please, teacher," said Bobby, •"couldn't you take three quarts of milk from two cows?" Phila delphia Inquirer. suraDdr TO Motor LAWS IN ILLINOIS TOLD via and daughters of Waoeonda and ter,Bessie, Mr. and Mrs. Boy PtsafeU and tti*- ily were 8anday <ttui«r jtteit« at"'tie home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayalake visited the tetter's father, Henry Pass field, Sunday evening.. The Christian Fellowship Club ••re Sunday; me of Mr. and INSTRUMENTS INCLUDED ANNOUNCEMENT Having filled the office of Town an<* E- Ritta and family ^plerk the past year on account of tile is for the citixan to familiarise him- Home Bureau at the Methodist Epis- of Mundelete visited the former's par- resignation of Ray McGee, J hereby •elf wth the law." ^ | copal church in Libertyville Friday. ®*»ts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ritta, here on announce my candidacy tit the office Annually thousands of persons are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mrs. Sunday. killed and tens of thousands are in- Albert Hafer were Waukegan callers Mr. and Mrs. A. Siesser of Graysjured in accidents involving motor V6- Wednesday. lake visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Littlehides and those afoot Last year Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser left on field Saturday evening. more than half of the 88,000 killed in Wednesday for Memphis, Tentt, whets Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pringle and son fsotor vehicle casualitiee were pedes- they will visit their daughter, Care- °' Harvey, Mrs. L. Wilson and daughtrians, according to the bulletin. mel and family. [ For the safety of pedestrians, the The Volo Home Bureltu unit met at following laws have been enacted in the home of Mrs. Fnuik Wilson Wed-! "I understand you "have had a ^li&ht operation?" . 4 ' "That's what I thought I had. but I got. a bill for it yesterday #nsf I'm inclined to think, now that while I was under the ethe?" the surgeon gave Trie everything ' he had in stock" Not So Big Hannah had never the "sea until her nephew invited her to* spend a month at his seaside homey She accepted the invitation. As sOori as she arrived, her nephew took her to see the boundless ocean, with its white foam and crashing breakers and fresh, saltladen winds "There!" he said. 'There, Aunt Hannah, is the Atlantic. What do you think of it?" "Humphf" said Aunt Hannah. "I thought it was larger." -- Tit-Bits Magazine. A Family Trait Mamoulean -- We in this generation know more than our parents did, and our parents knew more than their parents did. Simolean -- Maybe that's true-- but I hate to think what fools your grandparents must have been Pathfinder. ' Time Out! "Johnny," said big sister; "please go upstairs and get my watch." "Aw," protested smart-craoking Johnny, "wait a while ahd it'll run down." • \ "Got you there, Johnrw, m'lad," said sister. "We've got a winding staircase!" -WAbsolutely Mrs. Fussy--Is your milk, tuerized? ^ Milkman--Oh, sure* ma'ahn. Ouk, cows are turned out to pasture ey ery day. .. • IF AND WHEIT Mr. B.--Does your sister Clara believe marriage is xa failure?' Mrs. B.--No, but she believes that trying to get married is. Profitable Error A storekeeper had for some time displayed-in his window a card inscribed "Fishing Tickle." A customer drew the proprietor'^ attention to the spelling. "Hasn't anyone tojld you of it before?" he asked. "Hundreds," replied the dealer, "but whenever they drop ia to tell me, they always spend something." and Not Heasd A visiting minister to a Sunday schoel wa£ called upon to address the children. Thinking to be fecetious, he asked this question: "What would you do before so many bright boys and girle, who expected a speech from yoo, if yoti had nothing to say?" "I'd keep quiet," replied a small hoy. Talkative Lady - A big man like you might be better occupied than in crtielly catching little fish. Angler -- Perhaps you're right, but if this fish had kept hi shut, he wouldn't be here. Net Part of the Bargain "Will you k*pe me even if I grow f9t?" "No, I promised for better. or. through thick and thin." Sympathetic Kind Old Lady - Yes, • man, I loo, have had my Tramp--Indeed, ma'am. And what did they pinch you for? f food trials. Plenty hear Mary ia going (to marry that X-jay specialist." "Well, what can he see in her?" Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon and family Springe*™., Mart, 1»-JW Mr. «d Mrs. Anther We^r. hX - *" trtan. .. -eW.. n..torlrt, m ^ Mr. Mr,. Uon FI.W, Mr »j ^ '"'J™" 9™""* J«t to wlum the Mn. *W» C«, JoMph WIm, ,„d Tt* ChrUtlJF<U^hip Qttb of I?*,. E. H."the Ilhjoi. Motor «Vhic^ Art, SMreUry loojEdwird, .nd duitkter, L«ur«, at- the Voio Community Bible church met weekend with her muto? / ^ •_?"frhes said in • ^ twelfth annual meeting of at the Volo school Sunday evening,! Rossdeutcher. ' safety bulletM issued here this week, the Pore Milk Association at the Audi- with eijrht members present Miss, Mr. and Mrs J L^Lenzen spent Comparatively few morotfsts are,torium theatre in Chicago Tuesday. Miriam King gave a talk on "The Saturday evening at the home aware that there are state laws gov-1 Mrs. William Dill ion, Mrs. Russell Tongue," which was very good. Ltinch and Mrs. lOng at Long erning foot as well as moto- vehicle MagnuSsen, Mrs. Ray Paddock, Mrs. served, consisting of ice cream traffic, according to Mr. Hughes. Levis Wait, Mrs. Frank Wilson and and cake. They will meet next at the One of the first steps in reducing daughter, Beatrice, attended the an- Volo ^chool, Sunday evening, April 4. pedestrian casualties," he r-inted out, nual "meeting of the Lake County Mr. ~ ? of Mr. of Town Cle^k and solicit the support' of the voters on Election Day, l%es-. ; -J, ^ d a y , A p r i l 6 t h . ' V *4|-4 M. J. WALStgp Illinois. Pedestrians are subject to tmf-; t fic coptrols. t Where traffic control signals, are not in place or in operation the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a tiedestriah crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or any unmarked. crosswalk at an intersection. Every person crossing a road-, way at any point OTHER thanwithin a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicle? upon ,the iroadway. ^ Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control signals are in operation pedestrians shall ri&t cross at^&ny place except in a marked crt^walk. Pedestrians shall move, whenever practicable, upon the right half of crosswalks. , No person shall stand in the roadway for the purpose of solic- • iting a ride from the driver of any private vehicle. It is the duty of any person walking along and upofi improved highways to keep on the left of tfie paved portion, or on the, left shoulder thereof, and upon meeting a vehicle wheif walking on the said payed portion to stap off to tbe left, . fine German Hand German aicheologists of many years ago were responsible for-restoring the scene of the ancient Olympics to some of its former glory. nesday afternoon with ten member?'; and three visitors present. They had a review of, their lessons of the past - year. They will meet next at the home of Mrs. Carl Fink. Mr. tind Mrs. Herman Danker and " family spent Tuesday in Crystal Lake with relatives.--. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan ai&V Arthur Wackerow of Slocums Lake,", visited Mrs. Sarah Fisher Sunday. M Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lenzen and M*.J * and Mrfe. Paul OTieary were Mundelein callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titus of Grayitlake visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hehkel, Jr., Wednesday. ^ I Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher and^mrs. C ' Littlefveld were McHenry dulers S'oB" I Wednesday. ® • | Little Arlene Leffelmami returned , to "the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Leffelmann at Ivanhoe Mon- .; day, after spending several days here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Ml^,' Herman Rossdeutcher. T. Virginia and George Martini of Chi- J cago spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wagner. ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and • family spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafei >n Fremont, in honor of the latter s birth- ! day anniversary. Mrs. Ida Fisher moved her furniture to MejHenry Thursday, where she will make Ker home. Mrs. Levi Wait of the Volo Home Bureau unit was elected at the annual meeting in Libertyville Friday, to serve 01/ the executive board of the Home Bureau. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin, Mrs. Charles Dai- Read Tiw» Want Ads: (Jvai/aMe n • TOR EVERY MODERNIZING PURPOSE '-j A new room k the attic for Jane or Jian . . .1 akalockabout room in the bannncnt.. rr--lhard"-" weed floe** . a new roof. Any nurabcrof thin^i i can be done to bring the old home up-to-date. NO DOWN PAYMENT , Under the Weyerhaeuaer Finance Plaii it is not . Beee«Mi7 to make a down payment. Pay far the * remodeling out of monthly income while enjoy-^ ang the improvement. i 6 THREE YEARS TO PAY Monthly installments arranged to suit you»es» venience. They can be extended for- r / 1 S6 as long as^'^v' month* or for shorter periods* depending on. . the typfc and siae of the deal. ^ -J LOW INTEREST RATE > A Money is available- at lowest interest rate ever* made for this type of financing. It will pay to make needed improvements now. • WE ARRANGE DETAILS ; Tit red tape or long wait*. We handle all dtUihk in eenneetion with the financing. Let us make ati, free estimate of work to be done and show yvtij hum easy it is to finance the prejeet wnder Weyerhaeuser Finance Plan. to' LUMBER Quality and Service First CO. Telephone 46 West McHctnr$ k PERSONAL GUARANTEE WITH EVERT SALE 'feU: '{•' n ' *A * . A 1 '• ' ' i-x'y-m USED CARS SOLD ONLY BY PONT1AC wc eeU a "Good Will" need car, tif »aallj guarantee satisfaction--tm that bean this famous "Good completely recon* la a> nearly like new as mechanic can make it., For • Kmited time only, we offer our complete stock of "Good Will" used can at smaahjuat like $ w e % H e B U Y A " G O O D W I L L ' ' U S E D C A R M O W ! No man was ever so com skilled in the conduct of life, to receive new information age and experience. : " 'V The French revolutionists, cal to the church, placarded church walls with "National Property, For Sale," and even as late as the year 1833 such an inscription was still to on the southern tower of 1966 unevroiei ^edan--Witn built-ir t^n q^Dpedwitl two tail lights/ and deluxe horns. Finished in beautiful Grlyndon Green Duco. Looks and runs the same as new -ft* Now, for Wtallyy ... J).)$»,5 85-00 1934 Pontiac Sedan--Perfect condition; all new tires, dee heater, Philco radio; guarantee $4p50O° • DON'T MISS THIS BIG SPECIAL • PONTIAC 1935 COUPE Just traded in on a new Pontiac by a satisfied Pontiac owner. Looks and funs like new. Fully equipped with many extras such as radio, heater and cigarette lighter; Specially reduced $50, Now ^'-'v $465.00 . 1933 Chevrolet 4-door Sedaa --" Good ^Vill" reconditioned; must be seen to be appreciated; hot water heater and all good tires 1935 Ford DeLuxe Tudor-- Finished in dark green Duco nth fenders to match; Good Will' reconditioned throughout; Will guarantee, For thia SALES-... im

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