Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1937, p. 4

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. Published every Th •ai> i Entered as RY PLAINPBALER at McHenry, 111., by Charles T. Renich. second-class matter at the postofffce at <lfcB^nry,» IB.; act of May 8, 1879. . One Year ... Six Months hu tinlTinVii' •ii .i ...4^*2.00 „..„......$1.00 A. H. MO&HKR. Edit'of and Muytt f.CBian Sayler, Local Editor -- Telephone 197 PH?": SPRING GROVE The appearance of the'Royal Blue Store (better known as Weber's Stem) at Spring Grove has been greatly improved by the installation ol a new modern ten-foot refrigerated meat counter. This new improvement will enable Mr. Freund, who operates the store, to handle a complete line of meats. Mr. and Mrs. John Jung and son bare moved to the Nick Nett house. Paul Weber attended a banquet held by t(je Antioch Fire Department' in Antioch on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freufod spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Edwin Fre-und on Tuesday. -•'A party of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Alice Wagner on Thursday afternoon in honor of her birthday, Tables were arranged and five hundred was played during the afternoon. Several prizes were awarded to those achieving high scores and the guest of honor was presented with a gift. Refreshments were served after which the guests departed wishing Mrs. Wagner many more happy biith* days. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmcltzer visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russ Boehm in Libertyville on Thursday night. --1-™ Miss Evelyn Senders who is employed in Genoa," spent Friday with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Mrs. Margaret Bowers and daughter, Ellen, of Waukegan spent the •weekend at her home here. Miss Lorena Esh, who Is in nurse's training at a hospital in Elgin, spent Among the Sick Eleanor -Edstrom lias b«£|i ill With n»lHng pneumonia-at the home of hat* parents tio® strike," turtles and alligators at on Main street. Mrs. James Beavis has left St. Therese's hospital where she recently underwent an operation, and is now recuperating at the home ofther mother popular with their public. It allhappaned this way: Durhigthe recent cold spell, reptile near Waokegan. She will probably re- room attendants noticed a marked lick turn tAo. 1h er 1h.1o me 1h ere f#o r oEa s1te r. of an;im .a1t.*io n At. -x of their Sundav with her mother, Mrs. Bertha B Dr- D- G; Wells retained home on charps Turtles sulked in the dark jvl Saturday night from Woodstock hos- depths of the pool and alligators tossu , atui pita!, where he had been ill -He is eiiJiatlassly in yymofrapra«rB of rocky Mr. and Mrs. John Sanbornand along as welTafc can he ex- rreettrreeaatt**1' AAppppeettiit etf*IIU off, growth pec ted. • slowed and antics ceased. Something Mrs. A. Lallinger of Crystal Lake is was amiss. , A w . . . . .. . in St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan,' Investigation disclosed the cause, ant son. £oy, J»f where she has been seriously ill fol- Room temperature was that to which lowing an operation for ruptured ap- the reptiles were accustomed, but the pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Lallinger sand where they romped and played and daughter, who operate a bakery was cold. in Crystal Lake, also live there dur-; Zoo authorities and Public Service ing the winter, returning to their home company engineers went into a hudhere for the summer. die. The result was a unique installa- „ . „ . .< t _ . Miss Dorothy Matthews has been tion of some 600 feet of hotbed cable-- George A. May, absent from her work at the tele- the same that has proved so successphone exchange because of illness. ... ful for artificially warming earth in Miss Emily Stoffel resumed her hotbeds and greenhouses. workat the local" telephone exchange | -Now, when you visit the Zoo on a this week, after recuperating from a cool day and the reptile room cables recent operation. " * >. Mrs. F. G. Schreiner, who fell dn the ice and fractured her arm a few weeks ago, now has the injured mem- ~ ber cut of the cast ajid is getting BUSINESS CHANGE along nicely, Wiliiam Mertes, who has been op- Simon Stoffel, president of ihe West erating Justen's hotel, will move next McHenry State Bank and veteran week to his place, the Oak Park ho- Pistakee Bay. Harry Fredhas been conducting the menced this week after parts were as- though somewhat improved, he went Oak Park hotel, will manage the Auto signed by Miss Helen Stevens, direc- to Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, I*n in McHenry. Wednesday morning for a few days' treatment. He was taken to Chicago by his sons-in-law, C. J. Reihansperger and Gerald Carey and accompanied by Mrs. Stoffel. who will remain in Chicago. Miss Isabel Blake underwent an operation for appendicitis, Tuesday children, Chicago,,' SpWrtt with relatives here. Mr. and Mi%. A1 West man atid her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders, on Sunday. | The Community Club held it's regular monthly meeting at St. Peter's Hall on Monday night. Election of officers was held and those receiving Offices were Norbert Klaus, chairman; ory Kattner, secretary, and John Rauen, treasurer. Following the meeting, cards were enjoyed and.,refreshments served by the committee in charge. - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kattner and children, Richmond, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kattner. HIGH SCH00LN0TE* *! • '41 ' - V' ~ : * - - ~'-p y.-» ,4;, rnTRKTLiYABT.v an¥#rKfl ' nftnnmfl nmra TO A« « f : • -. - < - ** 1A * *- HOTBED^CABLE SOIRTTES p«RPLKinra QUESTION 70S 200 AUTHORITIES CROWDS EtJSH TO SB "YOUOAN'TTAKEIT * AT HARRIS "hiberoa News reports from Chicago's Rialto continue to lay stress upon the sensa- •R'fV"'-:*. •- ; • " 1 iXt. "t m u PRICES AU aimAlNINGr THE SAMS. Wfctafc *• abmmi u m U mm H M «• W.'SB axe at work, you see turtle and alligator frolicking contentedly «&.sapds heated by electricity. Mctienry state canK ana "•< Rehearsals for the Senior Class play, West McHenry business man, has been tel. at Pis "It's Papa Who Pays," were com- in at hig home on Main street. Al- "cks, who tor of the play. The play will be given next month. A group of high school students with Supt. C. H. Duker, will g6 io Ringwood Tuesday evening to put on a program. < The date §et! for the annual high school athletic banquet is April 1. Commencement will take place on exercises this year jriornjng at St. Therese's hospitaL June 4. . 1Mc»> noronta Mr anH 1W M i*s. James Perkins, Mrs Vogel and Mrs. George Kramer attend ed past officers' night at Sorosis chapter, O. Ei S., Grayslake, Tuesday night For the HOTTEST MUSIC Come To Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter FOR SALE--ALFALFA, $7.50; 99% Blake, and Mrs. Ben Blake, were wi|i^MEDIUM CLOVER, $15.60, both per enr-y her. . ' ' bushel. Postal card us today for Mrs. Fred Justen is at the hospital sampies and illustrated circular givin Aurora, where she was operated on, jng complete purity and germination Tuesday. Her daughter, May, spent test8i Hall Roberts' Son, Postville, Tuesday and Wednesday witlv her. io^a. 41-4 Elizabeth May, 95 years old, has been quite ill, is slightly im- FOR SALE--Seed1 Barley, $1.40 per proved, although still confined to her bu.; also spring wheat and bailed bed. J wheat straw. Walter T» Vasey, Tel. HOOT'S TAVERN .» O11U. S. 12 -- -- McHenry, lit Dlltt AND DANCE EVERY t ' U V*-' I ' •••" -H SATURDAY NIGHT "• "-i- BOB PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA ^ Mrs. Lee Whiting of Woodstock was 612-J-2, McHenry, operated on at Woodstock hospital, Wednesday morning for appendicitis and gall bladder trouble. Mrs. Whiting will be better known here by her maiden name of Nellie Staines. Chester Goodman was taken to sand doing the stnnts that make them "y°u. Cant' Take lit (With You." This farcical comedy by Moss Hart and Geovg^ S. Kaufman was warmly® public when Sam H. Harris brought it into the Harris Theatre early in February hut now, in its month, it has proven itself more than an ordinary hit. Even dailies of New York City, where, another company has been dominating the Rialto since early December, take space to note that receipts in Chicago exceed those of the Broadway company, despite a mors moderate scale here 'in the MidrWest. The difference is due in part to slightly larger seating capacity at the Harris Theatre, and an extra performance on Sunday night. The rush is such that alterations have been made in the Harris box-office to accommodate extra ticket racks, and seats are now on sale for six weeks ahead.. Mail orders, are encouraged, especially from patrons outside the city, and they will be taken for any performance in the future, including holidky matinees through the Summer and Fall, to be filled in order-of precedence as ticket* are racked, always six weeks ahead. The Chicago. American hag coirrmented that " 'You Can't Take It With You* is chalking up a record for continuous side-splitting laughter." And, aside from its qualities, as a laugh*: maker, the play has received praise from* most unexpected sources for its genuine sincerity. The Very Rey. Chester B. Emerson, dean of Trinity Episcopal cathedral, Cleveland, visiting Chicago to conduct special services under auspices of the Church Club, for final address took as his theme the title of this comedy and endorsed the play wholeheartedly for demonstrating the joyousness of life. It has been recommended directly by other high Episcopal clergy as ideal entertainment for their parishioners in Lent, and the result of all this is that the play has boomed right along with capacity audiences through a period when normally there might be a falling off. By coincidence, just at the same time. Brooks Atkinson, critic of The New York Times, hfcs given additional endorsement, noting that the Messrs. Hart and Kaufman have shown the per j way to a new and welcome geniality Three Month Ago." FOR SALE Green St. Phone 251 USE THEOLAS! i » J 1^1 COLUMNS TOR QUICK RE8ULTV *42-2 FOR SALE--Seed Wheat, $1.65 bu. McHenry Flour Mills. Everything; in the theatre for Poultry. 42-4 FOR SALE OR RENT--House in McHenry. Inquire Frank L. Adams, •i I Hartland hospital Wednesday and op- Ringwood 111 erated upon immediately for ruptured appendix. His condition is serious. FOR SALE--Timothy Mrs. Goodman's daughter came from coal broodjer Chicago Wednesday to be with her. 43-tf TIRES but we wifl sefi the ft ions GUM-DIPPED STANDARD llREg prices up to and including March 24. Here of the much-used FIRESTONE sizes and .>i4es priced propoctUHUgaty. I4--'.1 4.50x20 ' 4.50x21 . 4.75x19 ' 5.25x18 f* 5.50x17 6.00x16 ; 6.25x16 Liz! 30x5-^-piy Tnitok : ; 32x6--8-ply Truck I 32x6--10-ply Truck a few Other 'W 39.90 " Good Used Tires In All Sixes ? Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulca*iring, Etc. Phone 294 W««ife»enry, IU. •HK I 'M !•»»»•»<•»»»•••••»»» Births hay; oil and for 1,000 chicks, half price, gorid order; also 10-acre pasture for rent, with water and shade trees. Mrs. Joe H. Justen. 43-tf, bounds joyously along says Mr. Atkinson, "the celebrated authors of 'Once in a Lifetime,' who perfected the vitriolic style, left 'the fancy way' and accepted the universe with 'You Can't Take It With You/ a merry prank that openly endorses tolerance. All of which may help to explain why '*You Can't Take It With You" as the reign- • ' ling success both of Chicago and New FOR SALE--Heme gi^wn p<Jtatoes, York, enjoyed by every element tn its also early and late seed potatoes, $1.50 audiences. per bushel. M. P. Meyer, one and onehalf miles north of Johnsburg on River Road. , *43-3 ; USED CAR SPECIALS! 1936 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan. Can hot | be told from new. 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan. New paint, | 1 new motor. Must be seen to be I appreciated. ' 1931 Ford Tudor Sedftn. Good paint, • all new tires. . 1932\Buick 4-Door Sedan with side i mounts. Very clean. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conway are parents of a daughter, born Sunday aftn at St. Therese's hospital. Conway, before her marriage, el.en Weber. r. ^Snd Mrs. Edward Matson of Waukegaivare parents of a daughter, born Friday at the Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. The little girl, who weighed 6% pounds, has been named Adrenne May. Mrs. Matson was formerly Miss Adeline Perkins of McHenry. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins visited their first grandchild, together with Mrs. Perkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loomis, of Woodstock, making four generations present. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe of Huntley are parents of a son, born Saturday at a hospital near Maywood. Mrs. Marlowe was formerly 'Helen Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison, of Ringwoo^T The new arrival makes five genera-1 tjons in Mrs. Marlowe's family, Mrs. FARMS WANTED--We have "# de- F. H. Wattles of McHenry being a mand for Farms For Rent or Sale, great grandmother, and her mother, EARL R. WALSH, Phone McHenry Mrs. Lucy Thomas, 86 years old, being 43, 34-tl a great-great-grandmother. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH High mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's church at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning in honor of St. Patrick's day. Preceding the service the organist, Mrs. Carl Weber, gave a recital of popular Irish airs. Father William A. O'Rourke, pastor of the church, delivered the sermon on St. Patrick. New paint, New paint, 1930 Dodge 4-Door Sedan. | low price.^ 1935 Ford Tudor -Sedan. Guaranteed. -- Easy Terms -- See Us Firsthand Be Satisfied BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES Phone 1 West McHenry, 111. SPECIALS Sweet Potatoes Napkins JS* "0,d* Hard Wat* ®Wap Castile Paas Egg Dyes Easter Eggs Carrots Centrella, - - ' 18-oz. Can • Box, Large California, Per Bunch Pork Sausage "°To^e Bacon Any. Amount . ~~- Special, Pet Pound. BARBIAN Phone180 5 bars 23c Dozen Riverside Drive SPECIMEN BALLOT TOWN OF McHENRY, McHenry County, Illinois Election, Tuesday, April 6,193| _ M. J. WALSH, Town Cleri£ PERSONALS j WANTED--Married couple for stock ^and grain farm of 190 acres in Mc- ] Henry County. State age, experience, references in writing. John Petrie, Mundelein 8Q4 N. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, 111. :1- 48 • / -i DELICIOUS CHERRY WHIPPED CREAM TARTafef^ '• V • 5^ EACH " , •n'zifiv; XADY ESTHER w COFFEE CAKE TORT " 'v! . :,Z 4^'Ur.:?. mmm ONLY23^ BETTY-LOU CREAM LAYER TOPPED WITH PURE WHIP cfEAlit ; 30d each *3* * E9R SATURDAY ONLY ^ WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS NOON Phofte287 Street HELP WANTED Mrs. Peter Thorsell of visited friends here Tuesday and #attended the meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzgerald have l moved into the Bonslett house oni A REAL JOB Richmond road. . FOR THE RIGHT MAN! Gordon Granger, who is attending We have a position open for a man aeronautical school in Chicago, and of average intelligence; must have a his brother, Bruce, who is employed carI is essential. Must be energetic in Marshall Field's, spent .Sunday at,*nd willing to work. Previous extheir home here. i perience not necessary. We train and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke and John finance you. For further particulars, Kelter were Elgin visitors Tuesday, j address Car! Glade, Rt. No. 1, Box Mrs. Victor Larson of Chicago spent 345, DesPlairies, 111. 43-2 the weekend with her husband in the MISCELLANEOUS I2.M CASH -- -- (2jM for' DEAD HORSES AND COWS Hogs and Sheep Removed MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Phone Dundee 10 Reverse Charges *34-23 Walter Brooks home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Maud Granger and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Stevens at Waukegan. Mrs. Ida Mix is spending this week in the George Stoffel home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baur and friends GARBAGE COLLECTING---Let us of Peoria spent Saturday night in the j dispose of your garbage each week, home of Mrs. Baur's parents, Mr. and or oftener if desired. Reasonably Mrs. J. S. Freund. Mr. Baur services rates. Regular year round router the Tribune presses and travels con-, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J, siderably. | Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tl Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller and daughter, Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, of Richmond and,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Volo attended the funeral of Charles Laurent at Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Charles Laurent was the former Lucy Miller of this city. Mr. and Mrs. D. I EDERAL FARM LOANBr 4 Per Cent Interest On - "vVv Long Term Loans See E. L. Johnson, secretary-treasurer Woodstock National Farm Loan Assn., 134% Cass St., Woodstock, 111; Phone 334. 41-4 I NO REASON FOR UNSIGHTLY . o . Granger and FLOORS--Worn places, spots, dirt* - family were Sunday dinner gueats in!paint, varnish, everything unsightly the home of their daughter and hus- • removed. Work guaranteed. Reason^ band, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen, j able prices. Estimates given. Also Woodstock. The gathering was in resurfacing office desks, tables, bars* honor of three birthdays of the fam-.HENNING NEWMAN, Floor Sanding ily falling in March, those of Mrs. Contractor, 434 Seminary Ave., Wood® G. • ranger, Gordon, anJ"d, • Pe•t> er Ju*s• te• n.• ; r-(^ stoc^k , 111. Phon* 736-M. 41-6mX' o. • (By Petition) FOR TOWN CLERK (Vote for One) M. J. WALSH McHenry FOB ASSESSOR JOS. N. SCHMITT R. F. D., McHenry C TAXPAYERS (By Petiti«tt| . FOR TOWN CLEWT7 (Vote for One) ^ ^4^ NALDF.GUVENS McHenry FOR ASSIES^Oli for One) FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (Vote for Three) EBER S BASSETT West McHenry SIBRE WHITING Ringwood ALBERT KRAUSE McHenry FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (Vote for Three) K. W. OORHAN McHenry ;'V. BERNARD H. FREUND McHeni-y D FOR CONST (Vote for Two) ~ FRANK C. MEYER McHenry LOUIS Ringwood FOR CONSTABL1R (Vote for Two) .... • • D 1 •i&M' c*.- Hi - V3

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