Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1937, p. 4

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U •*** !*>' ^.'%-->V-;.i*.':: v V * * ' ' * * , 1 *; r, * Vr v. -* r i , r* ?r •*» - .-, T [ /C .,. • > ««7» „- <• -» - • . , < • • ..**. ""• • -- i - . r P .- -> - ** '/ . . . ^ -- . t T ~ • : ; l . . ; : _ ^ P . < ^ -.) -4-C»* <«=>- J -t, -. ,„„tt,T « it w,v >.<y.>„ *» t , - -.*«•« „ ..... .. .. '-*• ;7"\ " * - t vlV V, '? »,*-' UY^V * '•*' '; * f 1 HJ - ^ " I- i • " - *1. AJ, s -J* n « *- #"* - >**.»*. ^.sr.' * # * Thunday, March 25,1937 I THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER mmaammm SPRING GROVE Published every Thursday at McHenry, fll., by "Charles F. Renich. ;: Entered as second-class- matter it the postoffice at McHenry, HI. , arid the act of May 8, 1879. FOR /. SALE ne Year Six Months ....~......,..^.-......l««*.™. A. H. MQ6flERs Editor and Manageft. Palm Sunday marked the opening of Holy Week services at St..Peter's church. On Holy Thursday there was ^ High Mass at 8 a. m. At this time * the altars were made bare and deso- LOO late and. the Blessed Sacralnent was MEDIUM CLOVER, »15.60, both per I carried to the Sacred Heart Altar, bushel. Postal card us today for *_ I where Hours of Adoration were held samples and illustrated circular giv- FOR SALE--ALFALFA, $7.60; 99% MIIMOMMMIIMMIHIM Births . u\ •••••••• < »»••»••••• SCHOOL PATROL The following is an interesting article on the school patrol* written by the captain of the local patrol, Ervin U«MaVof you think the purpose of C f M' JfcDerraott the School Safety Patrol is to guard °t \ 8eTY the children from serious harm. This « d , „„ yinR-In hospital, ifiM* b„t i, promo«, not GOOD FUBAT CLOSING HOURS The following business houses of McHenry and West McHoftry will li,,/' closed Good Friday, March 26, belbecg V,-" the hours of 12 and 3 o'clock:01 Smith Bros., Jacob Justen & Sons,' Thos. P. Bolger, Mrs. Chas. Pich, Mc- \ Gee's Clothing Store, Qarey Electric Shop, My Place Tavern, McHenry lot IdlUan Sayler, -Lotfal Editor Peace On Earth Telephone 197 throughout the day. In the evening ing complete purity and germination', . . . 7~* , '.t 8 <*!«*. thpr« will b. . special ^ Co^<J- Dr»ymm* ••'--••'A . »Mrs. Kathryn Barbian, Joe Regner tween the pupils and the patrol. The children look upon the patrol in the same manner that it is not trying to \*y Twenty years ago on -Good Friday, |he anniversary of the crucifixion of "the Savior who prayed for peace and •good will for all men, the United States entered into the World War, the •t|Met -tferrible fef conflicts. On the afternoon of April 6, 1917, president Wilson signed the war resolution with a pen handed to him by Mrs. Wilson, and announced, "I, •.Woedrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim to all whom it may concern '"Wat a state of war exists between the United States and the imperial German government," proclamation w#s transferred ^ the Navy departmejit and; spread : „/*Mer the entire country. Sf-J , On February 3 the U. S. had severed diplomatic relations with Germany fol- *' Jpwing the resumption of uni-estricted ,** Operations by the German U boats. - ' , Continued sinking of merchant ships ^ •* With Americans aboard and alleged attempts by Germany to induce Mexico May there be included in our Easter servke ,«The Hol Hour.» The Mass Iowa, prayers the ptea that never again may the 'p^sanctified will be observed America be drawn into th%; inferno and the horrors of war. 41-4 Good Friday at 8 a. m. with Ven- Jf°R J*r tion of the Cross. The services in McHenry Flour Mills. Everything -_^1. U--o for Poultry. 42-4 SPRING OFFICIALLY th^ Evening will begin at 8 o'clock. 'or PoPltty. Holy Saturday' High FOR SALB-Timothy hay; oil and ARRIVED SATURDAY at 8 a. m., preceded by the Blessing coaI brooder for 1,000 chicks, half -- 'of the Holy Fire, the Baptismal water price, good order; also 10-acre pasture Spring officially, arrived at 6:45 p. and the Pascal Candle: Easter room- £or ren^> wjth water and shade trees, m., Saturday, but T| met with a chilly inK the masses will be celebrated at 8 jjfg jj Justen. 43-tf reception in thia vicinity for'cold an<i 1® o'clock. The High Mass will [follow the mass. The church will be Tony Miller, R-l, McHenry. 'appropriately decoriated with lilies, ' T •44 FOR SALE--Home grown potatoes, winds and a blanket of snow dispelled be sung by the mixed choir and bene- FOR SALB--Two cows, one springer the anticipated early spring and diction of the Blessed Sacrament will *nd one milker; both young stock, brought winter weather. Although March entered like a lamb, „ _ it may, ^di^ST^H^ * **»".<- spnng flowers. ^ ^ poUtofe $1.60 per bushel, roaring exit, Mrs A1 Schmeltzer and Mrs. Chas. M p Meyer, one and one-half miles When the, sun shmes from north Freund son, Tommy, visited in Mc" north ^ joh^sburg on River Road, pole to south pol© as the earth tray-, Henry Wedhesday afternoon# /• -' ! /- 'v* *44-2 els around the sun, the spring seasoii j Mrs. JVank Sanders was hostesft -'to.r-iv-Ij./ vi ... V '--• . r'j,: begins. Spring arrives whep the 'surt the/members; of her club on Thurs- WANTED " ; is directly over the equator on its ^ay evening: Two tables of ftve hun-| i:: . i - -- . journey into the northern hemisphere. ,jre<j were in play and prizes" were FARMS ,WANTEI>--We have-a de- When the sun gets farthest north ip awarded to Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer and wiand for Farms For Rent or Sale^ its travels, summer beginsj which is Mrs. Charles Freund. Mrs. Iva Mur- EARL R; WALSH, Phone McHenry on June 21. ^ |ray of Fox Lake, a guest, received 43. » 34-tf ' consolation. The serving of refresh- ~ ~~ HELP WANTED A REAL JOB > FOR THE RIGHT MAN! We have a position open for it man of average intelligence; must have a Among those who saw Joe's Aces ment; brought this pleasartt evening! to war on the U. S., led to the belief i plsy basketball at Gary Sunday night ^ a c]ose< The club will meet next that entrance into the- fighting by the were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, Dr. at the home of Mrs. Math Nimsgern U. S. was" inevitable. j and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin, Mr. and «in ^w<) weeks. . ; .Today we realize what a fearful Mrs. Georpe Kramer Mrs. Will Green Mr and Mrg Mike Huff spent the Jjng it is to lead thjs great, peace- and Mrs Gus Frfund • > week j at the home of car; it is essentiaL Must be energetic ^1 nation into disastrous war Md to-;-Miss Lane of Joliet is a guest of dau?hter Mrs. John Sanborn, and willing to work. -- day a . war-wise Uncle Sam, his Miss Helen Stevens. | . dreams of a Wilsonlan giBhering of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler of Wood-'( _ , ' free peo^fewbadly battered, anxiously stock visited his nether, Wlatches warshadows over'Europe and Sayler, Saturday. _ „ endeavors t§^ safeguard American! "Mrs. Ray Thomas of Morton Grove Mrs. James Foulke on Friday, spon ' ^ 1 L.. AL. T AJiam' A I/I _ »eace. visited relatives here Tuesday Previous experience not necessary. We train and: Mrs W A I A large crowd enjoyed the pot-luck finance you. For further particulars, ' ' dinner held at the home of Mr. and address Carl Glade, Rt. No." 1, Box 345, DesPlaines, 111. 43-2 Ladies' Aid. Dr.. Paul A. Schwabe r E»m1Ud OPTOMETRIST NYE BUILDING Thursday Afteraoan West McHenry Hours, l:Se-5:©*--Phone 123-J V For Easier Dinner > * LUICK'S ICE CREAM CAKE Made of Strawberry Ice Cream and decorated with Whipped Cream. Order Yours ^ Onlyj33c < A^c&bont onrSpecial Delivery fl^rtfee.-, rvr^a DULVJLK D UKUU OI VKt . sored by the x^auies aiu. ^ HELP WANTED--Girl to assist ... Mr. and Mrs. Russ Boehm of Lib- housework; own room. Call Waucon^a ertyville were supper guests in the 57.W-I. 44 A1 Schmeltzer home on Friday. ---- -- -- I Mrs. Math Nimsgern visited rela- WANTED--Young man, over 25 years tives in Chicago on Thursday. of ®«e; intelligent; German speaking, Ii Mr. and, ,M, rs. „Pe .t er Frett returned4 for bar service; able- to mix drinks. ph<>ne pjstake 645.M.2. home on Thursday from an extended trip through Minnesota, Iowa and , Wisconsin. Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen were Mr. and Mrs.- Glen Waller of Antioch, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepping'ancTW | of Mundelein were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund on Sunday. MISCELLANEOUS $2.00 CASH -- - $2.00 for DEAD HORSES AND Hogs and Sheep Removed MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Rhone Dundee 10 Reverse Charges 1 *34-23 giris should always patrol as if it were a teacher trying to help them through life* rather than being a group of bosses or big-shota. "Incidentally, the Public School Safety Patrol has received excellent co-operation, and in return has given protection, teachings of safefy habits and t|je spirit of co-operation that has not wen fully given in the past. Recause of these facts the patrol and I, as captain, find this a very enjoyable and educational project." Vaughn Jones, who is assisting his Sister, Ethel Jone, at the Agatha shop, was accompanied home Saturday night by his son, Warren, and brotherin- law, C. W. Goodell. On Sunday Mrs. Goodell and Miss Jones motored in, to Chicago with Mr. Goodell and Warren returning home with them. This community was shocked to hear of the death of John Schumacher of GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us Chicago, who lived here several years, dispose of your garbage each week, where he made many friends. He or oftener if desired. Reasonable passed away on Friday, March 19, aft- rates. Regular year round route, er an illness of about six weeks. He formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. leaves to mourn his wife, Renar and jSmith. Phone, 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf four children, Marie, William, Rita • ------ and Mercedes and a daughter by a! FEDERAL FARM LOANS first'marriage, Mrs. Victor Erickson. \ ^er Interest On Among those from here who attend- ' Term Loans ed funeral services at St. Philomena's See E. L. Johnson, secretary-treasurchurch in Chicago were: . Mr. and er Woodstock National Farm Loan Mrs. T -17 Assn.. 134% Cj®b St. Woodstock, 111. AUCTION THOMAS RAFTER, Auctioneer Due to shortage of rough feed and a small amount of pasture ]br the large numbejr of livestock I ^nave, it is necessary for me to sell about 21 HEAD OP CATTLE •s 5 Head of Horses in order to feed the rest dupnjf the summer* » - - Therefore, I will offer for sale at the farm, located one-half mile east of Volo, at the intersection of Route 59-A and Route 20, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 *44 "Beginning at 1 o'clock, the following described property:: 20 COWS--101 are close springers and the rest are just fresh; 3 choice Jerseys, 1 Swiss second Calf heifer; 1 Guernsey first calf heifer; the balance are young Holstein cows. 5 HEAD HORSES--Consisting of 1 black horse, 8 years old, wt., 1500; 1 brown horse, 7 years, wt., 1300; 1 bay horse, 8 years, wt., 1250; 1 bay horse, 9 years, wt., 1400; 1 brown mare, 12 years, wt., 1000; 1 milking Nanny goat. friends here. many j and Kempfer, barbers, J.' J. Vycital, John R. Freund, McHenry Bakery, RESIDENCE CHANGES William Rossman has moved from the Mason fan* to the JOe 'Pfcnll farm on Rou$e 20, west of McHenry. •. Mrs. Mary Noyes, who has been living with her son at Barrington.^has moved to the J. S. Randall hous^f at Richmond. Mrs. Noyes is the sister of the late Mrs. Ellen Ensign. • Mr. Farmer, do you need Harness? We have a big stock from which to make selections at the old price. Prices have advanced materially already. Buy now and save money. 4C •£si CARD OF THANHS In this manner we desire to express our sincere thanks and .appreciation for floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to us during the loss of our little son, Robert; . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing *44 and Family Agatha Shop, Aiuia Howard, Central Market, National Tea Co., Ear! Walsi^ Gus Unti, Palace Recreation, Irveit Schmitt, A. it P. Tea Co., McHenry Plaindealer, A. E. Nye, Louis Althotf, J. W. Freund, McHenry Floral Ohf H. C. Kamholz, J. C. Thies & Co., M, H. Daley, C. W Gibbs, Art Smith', 8. Popp, L. A. Erickson,,Wot. H. AlthoflT, Stoffel and Reihansperger, H. LarsegTI Wattles Drug Store, West McHenry State Bank, N.. J. Justen & Son, Peter J. Schaefer, Buss-Page Motor Sale*;' Nick Nett, Theo. Schiessle, Alexander Lumber Co., Schiessle & Weber, Walter J. Freund, McHenry Artificial Stone Co., McHenry Co. Farmers Cgop. Assn., R. I. Overton Motor Saie*, Cadillac Cafe, H. E. BucJh & Son, Bar? bian Bros., Riverside Dairy, Kent if.; Co., Peter Gies, Worwick Studio, Nie»- en's Cafe," Betty Nielsen, John |S, ; Freund, Bickler's McHenry House, Nick J. Adams, Albert S. Blake, Adams & Freund, Floyd Coleman arid' i Albert Krause. ":T: . ^ 'h The Easter Store' and Mrs. Charles Freund. . Phone 334. 41-4 ^ Among the Skk LOCATEB AT PEARL STREETS, IS NOW OPEN FOR NESS UNDER THE MANAGEMENT Harry Fredricks SANDWICHES SERVEbrf Fish Fry Every Friday Nig!& --- Meister Brau and McHenry Beer on Tagi NO REASON FOR UNSIGHTLY FLOORS--Worn places, spots, dirt, paint, varnish, everything unsightly removed. Work guaranteed. Reasonj able prices. Estimates given. Also Chester Goodman, who is at Hart- ^surfacing office.iesks tables, bars land hospital, where he was operated HENNING NEWMAN, Floor Sandi g on for ruptured appendix Wednesday, Contractor, 434 Seminary Ave., Woodis recovering nicely. stock, 111. Phone ,36-M. 41-6mo. 10 tons ear corn in crib; 300 bu. oats, yellow and clean; 25 bu. seed corn, Golden' Glow, tested, graded. TERMS--All sums of $25 and under, Cash. Balance, 6 months on good bankable notes at 7 per cent interest* cnoiia West McHenry State Bank, Clerking SPECIALS Fancy, Pineapple, Sliced Large Cawi^X. 20C Grapefruit Candy Easter Egg °ri"*" X8c Celery Hearts IOC New Potatoes 3 lbs* for I7c New Cabbage lb. 4c Hams, regular 9 to 12-lb Average ^5® Spiced Luncheon Meat^LSOc Phone 180 Riverside IMve Mrs. John Schuenamann returned HAVE YOU ANY SEWING MAhome Friday from Henrotin hospital, chINE TROUBLES? We can repair Chicago. - . , . . your machine, regardless of make or C. W. Gibbs has bean ill in bed this age reasonable. POPFS week- , m, „ I SHOE STORE, West McHenry. Tel. Frank Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. 162 Expert ghoe Repairing. 44-tf Clin&on Martin, is ill with scarlet i MARRIED IN M'HENRY 60 YEARS AGO ^Continued from Page One) SPECIAL ATTRACTION New, Full Length Talking Pictures EASTER SPECIAL! 120 Trade-in Allowance on the $79.95 PHILCO ALL WAVE CONSOLE RADIO RECONDITIONED RADIO BARGAINS 0 <3rosley, like ne# ^ $14.50' 7^' ^prater-Kent Console _ $1450 r i Other Bargains $5-00 and up SEWING MACHINES National, $8-00 linger, like new, $24-50 ^ EVERYTHING IN MUSIC IYE JEWELRY, MUSIC & RADIO SHOP West M'Henry, PEARLS IPearls are Backt • 3-Strand Necklaoe. $3-00 SILVERWARE 26-piece Set, $2.95 MUSIC fever. Mrs. Frank Ensign of Falatine is at Sherman hosepital, Elgin, where she is ill with heart trouble. Lester Page, who has been ill for some time, is again able to be at his office at the Buss-Page garage. i Simon Stoffel returned home from at Wilmot and moved his family to Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, Sat- Wilmot in 1892. .The store was known urday. ^ His condition remains about for seventeen years as "Carey & Nett/' the same and he is resting comfort- and carried a genera! stock. In 1909 ably at his home on Main street. 1 Mr. Nett purchased Mr. Carey's stock Frank H. Cobb of Chicago, who has and operated as the John Nett merbeen ill for the past month, has been chandise store. He was assisted by in a critical condition for a Week, ac- his son, Benjamin Nett, of Wilmot. cording to news received by relatives Mr. Nett has been a shining example here. Mr. Cobb is a former McHenry of an honorable citizen and business resident, having worked for E. W. man, for he has always been known Howe at carpenter work here thirty for his scrupulous honesty, integrity years ago. He attende^the Centen- and fair dealing. His services in the nial here last year and will be remem- Holy Name church at Wilmot cannot beved by many friends. be numbered, for he has filled many \ Chester Goodman, whose condition positions of trust for the congregawas serious following an operation for tion. He was a member of the buildruptured appendix at Hartland hospit- ing boards for the two churches built al last week, is now out of danger and under the direction of Rev. Joseph recovering nicely. He receives visits Heller, now stationed at Milwaukee, from his McHenry friends daily who For thirty years he was treasurer and usually take his sister, Mrs. M. V. at present is an active director on the Barber, to see him, also. | affairs of the Holy Name Cemetery Little Duane Bacon, son of Mr. and association. Mrs. Lester Bacon, was taken to Sher-' He has been honored with other ofnjan hospital, Elgin, last Thursday, ftces of public trust. He was elected where he was operated on for abscess for six years to the office of treasurer of the head. The little boy, whose of Salem township. Mr. Nett was one mother is with him, is doing as well of the men who gave $100, without as can be expected and it is hoped interest, as a loan, when the Wilmot that another operation yill not be gymnasium was built. He is treasnecessary. r - 1 urer for the Wilmot Creamery asso- •„ | ciation, and was clerk of the Union ° INSTALLS TRUCK SERVICE j Free High School board from 1903 un- Walter J. . Freund, West McHenry til his voluntary retirement in 1918. tire dealer, now is in a position to of-; Mr. and Mrs. Nett had two children, fer "service to residents of McHenry Mrs. Katherine Nett Schenning, wife and vicinity,.which they have never be- of W. R. Schenning, of Bristol, Wis.; fore been able to get ! and Benjamin Nett, grocer, of -Wil- He has purchased a truck and out- mot. Mr. and Mrs. Schenning have tted it with equipment to carry a seven children: Mrs. Percy Mizzen, ock of tires, tubes, oils, greases, etc. John, Vernon, Margaret, Virginia, Ii will be manned by Wm. Ahrens and Catherine and Rose. will make regular trips through the Their son, Benjamin, was married to country areas. LPhronie Lentz, of Bassetts, a daugh- Mr. Freund believes in keeping up ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lentz. They to date in his line of work, offering have three daughters, Gertrude, Ruth his patrons the best of service and and Agnes. A son, Rayniojad# quality merchandise. a foung^hfM.. ' ; , 'VK. of AT 8:00 P. a FOUR BIG FEATURES -- -- -- •WW"*1 "HIDDEN TREASURES" Drama so real, so human, so absorbing that it will linger in your mind for weeks. It's the story of a young man who believed there was a fortune in the soil ... and who found it! His own father opposed his modern farming ideas. The father of the girl he loved, told him to,wake good first. How he brought the old farm back to fertility and profit . . . how he convinced his father . . . and won his bride . . . makes an inspiring story for everyone who seeks the treasure in his own soil. It's clean, :./•^^oholesome, warm, amvaing. . - : «-f "STEEL" An amazing trip through the giant mills where steel is made and farmed into wire. See great open hearth furnaces gobble up 145 tons of scrap and pig iron . . . and pour it forth in a naming nvolten stream. See 5,000 pound white-hot ingots of steel rolled and formed into billets . . ..j^iWo torn, IM finally into wire for fence, barbed wire, nails, aitd other products. * _ "HOOSIER HOT SHOTS" Those clowning, singing, fast-playing stars* of Radio that you've been hearing and enjoying on the Keystone Barn Dance parties . . . funnier, peppier than ever in this brand new "talkie." See them! f ANIMATED CARTOON COMEDY - ^ J " . . . 5 A rollicking comedy to delight the'children and bring laughs to everyone* Two rolls Barb WiW ? Starter. THREE FREE PRIZES > ; SO 2-week-old Grandview Baby Chicks . . . 200-lbs. Gold Seal All Mash Chick A representative from Swift and Co. will be at our office on Thursday afternoon, April ist ^Bring m -samples of your soil and he will test them and advise you just what type of SWIFT S RED STEER FERTILIZER is needed for increased crop, production. , FREE ADMISSION to farmers, land owners, their families and friends. Children must be accompanied Courtesy of the Keystone Steel & Wire Company Of .F^ria^JjB^-p,;, HENRY DEJONG, FACTORV REPRESENTATIVE . * We close between 12 and 3 o'clockon Good Friday, March 26. Make your selections** frowf otfrl in addition to several oth^r Visits spring stock of wall paper. Hundreds they have made to see Chester Goodof patterns to choose from. Priced at man at the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. 6c per roll and up. i»~Althoff Albert Purvey and his sister, Mrs. M. Hdwe., McHenry. i. 44 v. Barber, visited him Sunday. M'Henry County Farmers Co-operative Association Pho--ne< *29* ^ JOHN A. BOLGER, Manager WW. MMccHHeennrryv

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