Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1937, p. 6

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\* -1 ^ ** ***vnr ir\R *rru y */ ^ • « , * . * . , c" -- , " * " ' ; , ' / • ' ' ' • ' * «f % f f. -J « • i » ^y*/ -? 1 „• Av^ tf "•.",7 -»,S l * i ' ^" • *3tr i ?,*[" • ' f -- ' • J, 'i*i 'i'i'jti.-'iV" • .-;- '; ' li".,-^r'.' :• - •• • --: MoUttY PLAJHDBALBB p"->»v *•_ • Thursday, 29,1937 S®!T@75FSesrW-'- ' Vi«" " • * . ->h<\, ^ i Grand jQ&riag Saturday Night, April 3^ ••"S. ;^ NICK'S TAVERN ^ In the Ben Brefeld Building -- •-- •*-- Weet McHenry Free Lunch Will Be Served 5?vvjfe?. ; • "*' ,*$' 'v #sf-N* YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By Buying Your SHOES AND HOSIERY NOW! Prices on these items are advancing rapidly, but we are still holding to the old prices for a limited time only, Come in and see our large •stock of -- Grimsrud Shoes Latest Styles and High Quality / Hosiery LADIES! Before you purchase Hosiery, get our prices. They are lower. We have pure silk, service weight and chiffon Weight. Now priced at only 59^ P®r fcstlj POPPS SHOE STORE Expert Shoe Repair Department All Makes of Sewing Machines Repaired Telephone 162 Main Sreet WestMcHenry £2 '. ' W*r[ ?*• ; M'Ci sr ¥•: iy" " * V-* v. .. , '••v. WALL PAPER Visit our new wall paper department and make your selections from one of the most complete stocks in northern Illinois. New spring patterns await your inspection. Priced at-- •.'*:< . per Roll and Up We trim your purchase of wall paper free of ^haige. SPECIAM., iHlS WEEK &*:} Wf 1ACE EDGB Rot* Glass Like mushrooms after a rain--lap* edge rose\ glass is popping up everywhere! "Bqtially smart in sets or as single pieces, it's appearing on luncheon tables all over the country. You'll know why when you see this preserve dish--delicately shaded, gracefully formed and with an edge that suggests lace. TWO TO A CUSTOMER FARMERS! Yau AlI Need * v NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES After completing * good job of pressing his trousers Saturday afternoon of last week, a young man in the F. Lloyd Hixon home, Cuba township, left the house but neglected to disconnect his electric iron. No one else was in the house to notice the acrid odor of smouldering cloth, wood and linoleum. The iron burned through the ironing board covering, through the board, through the floor covering, and through the floor. Fire gtarted in the floor and caused some damage before afarm employe returning home,.discovered the smudge and put it out. The Vanity Beauty Shoppe, Barrington, was burglarized between 1:30 and 3 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week and loot consisted of merchandise, a small amount of coins and other items were taken. The loss was estimated near $20. the burglary was discovered by Ernest Wessel, night patrolman, as he made his rounds. The screen was ripped and a glass broken in the rear door by the culprit, who. was then able - to turn the key from thp inside. Patrolman Wessel made a^trip through the alley at the back OT the store at 1:30 and found everything in order. When he patrolled again at 3 o'clock, he found the broken window in the door. A fire of undetermined origin completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adamson and Egnar Adamson on their farm about two and onehalf miles from Huntley on Tuesday night of last week shortly after midnight. Mrs. Adamson was awakened by the crying of her two-year-old daughter. At that time the kitchen and the back part of the house had been burned and the fire was coming through the bedroom wall. Members of the family were aroused. With the exception of a few things from the dining room, the entire house and its furnishings were destroyed. The Huntley Fire Department was called and helped to save the other buildings on the Mrnu Mrs. Adamson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleming of Marengo. Since the fire, she and her two children have been staying at the Fleming home. They are moving into a tool shed that has been made into temporary quarters on the farm until a house is built. Leo Riley, Cuba township, received severe chest injuries when the car he was driving collided with a truck, driven by Jeffery Rogerson of Oswego City, 111., at the entersection of Routes 63 and 22 Monday morning of last week. ' The truck was making a right turn onto Route 22 and Mr. Riley was going east on Route 22. At the time of the collision, a truck from Janak Dairy in Cary passed Mr. Riley going east, preventing him from swinging out to avoid hitting the truck. The impact threw Mr. Riley against the steering wheel of his car, injuring his chest. The car and truck were heavily damaged. _Mr. Riley was taken to a physician for treatment and then removed to his home. With spring almost here and the 7 VOLO Senator Ray Paddock spent a few days at Springfield the past week. Mrs. Catherine Molidor spent a few days the past week #ith her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Molidor, at Round Lake.' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and family motored to Elgin Friday. Mrs. Jay Vasey will entertain the Volo Cemetery Society at her home, Thursday, April 8. Mtf and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Mr. Wtdwlfcy evening with Mr. and Mrs. fW CfctM ftt Aatioch. i Mrs. Joseph Lenzen spent Thursday afternoon at the^ftome of Mrs. Herbert Michalson in Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Pfcul CLeary, Mr. and Mrs. H. RcMdeateher and sells, Jacob Wagner and Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher were Tuesday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Lenzen in honor of Mrs. Paul O'Leary's and Mrs. L. Rossdeutcher's birthday anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powers of Wattconda visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of the Volo Comand Mrs. Alvin Cfese attended the pot- munity Bible Church will meet at the lluucckk ssuupDDpeerr «anndd tthhe. mmeeeettiinnge of th. »' Mk Frw*. Wibon, Thurs- Married Couples Club at the Wauconda day. Fcderated church Monday evening. The Volo H,o me. .B. urea..u unit is, sTpon- d Mrs. John Passfield spent Tuesday j afternoon with Mrs. Lloyd Eddy in Grayslake. Mrs. Richard Cronin of McHenry visited her sister, Mrs. ftrank Hironimus Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser returned to their home here Friday evening, creation hall Friday evening, April 2. Miss Beatrice Wilson visited Mrs. John Hutzel (Hazel Dill ion) in Chicago Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield, Mr and Mrs. Jay Vasey and family, Carl Thorsell af_t er spend,.i ng a ,fe w_ dja ys 'w .i.t.h thei• r • and H^ar ry Phannens^til l a. tt.e.n ded the duuehter and family »t Memphto.! ^ evCTing. ' Mto Lillian SctKid -- f William WaWmann of Volo ANNUAL TOWN MEETING *.. APRIL «. U37 The Town Meeting for the transaction of miscellaneous business of said Town of McHenry will be held at the hour of 2<o'clock p. m. on said day at the City' Hall, McHenry, 111. A moderator will be elected, and proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to. appropriate money, to defray the necessary expenses of the Town and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Given under my hand at McHenry, j III., this 16th day of March, A. D , i M 7 . -- j " • ;*ijC WALSH, «<3 ^ . Town ;C^k.. ' 'ANNOUNCEMENT Having filled the office of Town Clerk the past year on account of the resignation of Ray McGee, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Town Clerk and solicit the support of the voters on Election Day, Tuesday, April 6th. , *43-3 M. J. WALSH. HOUSS OAU. OPTICAL SERVICE IR YODS OWN HOWE HO SXTSA CHAM1 GLASSES COMPLETE (Q PA AS LOW AS #o.D U For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- .McHenry 60lW or Write to -- Dr. M. M. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPB6IAU8T M8 W. Slate Street $ t . . t t ~ '3 .• i,""' of Wauconda visited over the weekend with Miss Ada Dwell. « Mrs. Richard Dowell and'family'and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case attended the operetta at the Wauconda Township High School Thursday evening. Miss Marion Shimming of Nebraska Is assisting Mrs< Russell Magnussen at this writing. - Mrs. William Dillion, Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, Mrs. Russell Magnussen, Mrs. Carl Fink, Mrs. William Fink, Mrs. Ray Seymour and Mrs. D. Malloy of Johnsburg took Miss Verona Dietrich of Volo to Chicago on her twentieth birthday, Monday, and was given a'..tiihi»grrifftd thoater party at the Rialto. Dr. C. Keller . OPTOMETRIST Sundays and Mondays at mj Summer Hone, Riverside Drive, McHenry, I1L All Kinds of Repairs, M 21141 On account of sickness Dr. Keller and daughter, Marie, attended an open has been unable to be at his McHenry meeting of the Lake County Home office for two njonths. Patients may Bureau at the Farmer's Hall in Grays- call at his Chicago office, 3407 No. lake Friday. The lesson was given by Miss Iwig of the University of Illinois. Community night was held at the Volo school Friday evening with a very large crowd. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Arthur Dillion. Our Farm Adviser, H. C. Gilkerson -showed three reels of motion pictures, which proved very interesting. Our new home adviser, Miss Johnson, was present and spoke on Girls' 4-H Club work and her work in the county. Misses Dorothy Stanek and Delores Dowell of Elgin rendered some veTy fine selections on their accordions. Mary Case recited a poem, "Easter Eggs." The next meeting will be April 17. The Volo School had Mother's Day at the school Friday, and all i5ie mothers were invited to spend the day* at the school. Mrs. Paul CLeary and Mrs. Herman Rossdeutcher were Woodstock callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oakes and son, Bobbie, of Chicago spent Saturday evening here with the latter's mother, Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher. Mr. and Mrs. A. Siesser of Grayslake were Thursday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. E. Rossdeutcher. Mrs. L. Littlefield visited Mrs. Paul Chase at Antioch Saturday afternoon. Miss Alice McUuire spent the weekend with her moiher, Mrs. J.' Titus near Grayslake. f Mrs. Jacob Wagner returned to her home here Friday, after spending' the 'railha St., corner IJncetn; IraSimha and Roscoe, one block north of Wieboldt's big store on Lincoln Ave. Phone Graceland 9540. Frank W. Bennett RELIABLE MASSAGE TREATMENTS Ai Yoor Bone, Fans Hone Or Office NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, • f'howc M'Henry 3t:>; v For Appoinfane^ •' V .OFFICE CALLS, '• iv': Evenings and Sundays , i By Appointment. , %,« ' H .rCyV;i! -'r ATTENTION MEN! We Are Equipped To Give ¥an A Complete Line Of^Beauty Sevrieea STOMP ANATO'S Barber and Beauty Sttion 226 Main St. . . 229 Beaton St Phone 641 Woodstock, BL \ For the HOTTEST MUSIC Come To HOOT'S TAVERN U* s. 12 -- -- -- McHenry, m DINE AND DANCE EVERY - V SATURDAY NIGHT i0B PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages ok real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, 1 will be glad to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank BUg. 4 S. Genesee St, Waokegan, IIL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 Aflw hie* t f A I I ! KENT A COMPANY All Kinds of IM8URANC1 Placed with the noct rdhW « Companiea >'f^ine hi and talk it tnr nlione McHenry •: "first robin" being reported by many past "two weeks at the home of her j each day, Chas. Bollnow, Crystal Lake, J daughter, Mrs. H. J. Martini in Chi- | has a robin story that is different. For icago. some time during the season. We can supply your demands from oar new Harness Department. ' $47 to $75 ; > These Harnesses were purchased previous to the jecent rise in p*K» and represent a SAVING OF 15% to you. Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe. Main Street West MoHenry the last several years, a robin, no doubt the same one, has returned to the Bollnow home. He is tame and will sit on Charlie's lap or shoulder, follow him in the house, keep an eye on him as he goes about his duties and other things typical of a pet. Charlie feeds his friend regularly and the red breast makes himself right at home. When it is time to build a nest, the robin appreciates finding some mud to aid in the construction. Charlie obliges by making a mud batch and the robin makes full use of the courtesy. H. H. Meyers, Marengo, scalded his right arm when he fell Monday morning of last week at his home on West Washington street as he was going" down stairs to the basement carrying a pail of boiling water. He also skinned one knee. He is under the care of a physician. Frank Rolling of Grayslake, an em* ploye of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, was severely in> jured Tuesday when he fell from a tree while working on an electric service line at Lake Marie. Rolling wafl rushed to Antioch where a physician discovered he had sustained a fractured pelvis bone and other serious bruises. The hip fracture necessitated an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W&ldmann and family of Chicago visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown and family of*/Crystal Lake visited the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Sunday. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. L. Littlefield spent ORD8 cannot teeftt th* fine qualities of this OB Hoatod Jamesway Brooder; trial, t««tod and accepted bjr poultmMt • j „!.crs » "1™ trccdiT m. ,e.i equal." Here is a brooder with the 88-fe. JM- - nomical, dependable heating qualities of the beat coal burning brooder combined with all the eomia iences and advantages of oil heat. It is worthy ot all the name and trademark Jaraeiway stands for la merit and value. Aousands of these brooders ana in use. Owners are delighted. They tell their friends and'that endorsement alone has resulted in doubling the sales of this stove each year. Sets New Standards lor Brooding Results We Jamesway sets the pace because it has everything a good brooder should have . 4 , • 8 gallon oil tank oh sturdy high legs . . . raised strainer . . . automotive trpi fitter ... oil pipe clean-out . . . overflow pipe . . . thermostat Assembly of die seat Mid machined parts . . . air intake regulator . . . draft equalizer . . . roof ptoe ventilator . . . cast iron base, burner, lid and pipe- collar . . . radiator ttppe heat drrm . . . palvanized hover and many other features that make It the ideal btumla •ad outstanding buy of the scanon. ( We are authorized Jamesway Dealers and weteone the opportunity of demonstomtlBC - ^ 'love to you. We also carry a complete DM of Jamesway chick and mature flock ^ . ment. J. J. VYCITAL HARDWARE Phone 93 M" Green Street McHenry, HI, Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door Te Hoot Noonan's On U. S. 12 RADIATORS REPAIRED BODIES and FENDERS Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering AbG vjr ifiU ihW" CHARLES SIETKSSL A* P. Freund C®, Excavating Contractor rmcking, Hydraulic and Grane Service Road Building r«L 204 M McHenry, Ol | TALKS ON RADIO Allen Tuttle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuttle of West Dundee, and nephew of Allan Noonan and Miss May Noonan of this vicinity, who ia attending Washburn college, Kansas, Was one of three speakers over the radio Sunday n^ght. Mr. Tuttle talked on "Leisure," over station WIBW» tiae voice Of Kansas. ANNOUNCEMENT ' I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Assessor for McHenry township at the Election to be held Tuesday, April 6, 1937. Your vote will be appreciated. *44-2 . JOS. N. SCHMItT, Instant Cube Release Feature of New Refrigerator S. H. Freund & SOB .CONTRACTORS ,.|S^UID BUILDER! E Phone 127-R McHenry j Onr experience ii at Your I Service in building Your Wants Tekphone No. 800 " TT: Stoffel A Reihansperger ^ nearaaee agenta (or all elassef gf preterty in the beft eempanlea. *KST MeHENRY ILLINOIS Gone an the dan when tagging, chopping, twisting gyanastiea are neceasary to obtain ice eahea from an automatic refrigerator. Shown above is the sensationally new and efficient instant cnbe release featured exclusively in the 1937 Frigidaire. Developed in the research laboratories of the Frigidaire division of General Motors, the new type iee tray makes available instantly and with no on the part of the nser from two to a more cubes, doing away with the necessity for ing trays under the water faucet and losing up is twenty percent of the iee content in mehagOk grssps the tray firmly with one hand, Hfta the with a finger of the ether and there are th* ( ready for use without fuss or muss. Dowas Motor Eipress The Pioneer Line Oporatee daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash 7518 49 Bend The Want Ads. 'ZZ77Z now ou,-m£ CAT CAU WASH herself / POPj l£Tv> WASH TME VCBl C4T.TOO Sk /\Ncmia? Strike i' * * * .* 'HTF9/*,»• W" W' I •}.' . Jtf? \ ,MJ I' *. L>- «• * • \ ." 'r-'ifr Verhon J. KROX A• •T. TORNEY AT LA,WW ' Pries Bldg. ; OFFICE HOURS Vnesdays and Frk McHenry FIRE AUTO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companiee WVP yen need insnraoee el any a er tl-M Pries FARM uvi

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