ftgrro ltanks'Hlfffc "§ThroughMexjco and the Central American states, the burro as a beast of burden ranks second only to mac. The burro will scarcely carry more, though he may pack it over a greater distance. Furthermore, the burro moves along so 'freighted down by his cargo that One scarcely sees him, while the buman cargadors burden, •owenng kigh above his shoulders, ma&es his herculean labor the more obvidus. Iftie cargadors of Mexico, man for are not the equal in weightlifting ability of the cargadors of ©uatemala. Smw Area Limits* ty per cent of the ^arCh* Surface never has a fall of snow. i'C -«*?> •'K-.- j. i? v»"- THC Smutty Matinee, Week Days, R?V' ' FRIDAY • "THE PLOUGH AND THE STABS' Admission, 10c - 25c SATURDAY - Robert Young - Ann Sothern DANGEROUS NUMBER' Admission, 15c - 2Se SUNDAY -- MONDAX MARCH 28 - 2*-- m fituld sad Plato Featurette, "A Community Stag," and World News Events Ifce lrst one hundred ladies attesting this picture will receive an Autographed Photo of Deanna Durban free. Sunday Matinee, 2:45 eonfthmocs, lfc-2#c till 5:30 p. m. then 10c • 30c thereafter. TUESDAY, BARGAIN NITE Double Feature (1) "Big House" featuring Wallace Retry (2) "Lady from Nowhere" featuring Mary Astor WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "ONE IN A BULLION" •i •_ T" FRIDAY, MARCH 26 We Bring Back the Big Musical of the Year! "BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936" Jadfc Benny « Robert Taylor Eleanor Powell SATURDAY, MARCH 27, ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE! Lee Tracy in "CRIMINAL LAWYER" And The Jones Family in "OFF TO THE RACES" SUNDAY -- MONDAY MARCH ?8 -- 29 Giant Easter Show Celebration! JThe Greatest Slum -Double Feature Ckwkbinatian Ever in McHenry County. Entertainment Galore Two Big Sock Hits _ James Cagney in "GREAT GUY" All De*ime Durbin with a Cast off 12 Great Stars In "TBUP5 SMART GIRLS" Caatinoaae Sunday after 2 p. m. Adults to 5 p. mn 30c; after 40c Children 15c all day. TUESDAY. MARCH M Bargain Night " THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY MARCH 31 -- APRIL 1 "THE CHARGE OF THE £lGHT BRIGADE" Erol Flynn -- Olivia De Havijland SLOCUM*S LAKE 2:45 Continuous 7:20-9:26 Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Sr.^at Wauconda Monday. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Olive, were callers at7 McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters were callers at Libertyville Saturday evening. <%. Leslie Foss was a caller- at Milwaukee last Friday. / Pete and Merle Dowell spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passfield at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Sunday at the home of; Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Elmer Esping of Forest Park spent Sunday with relatives at "Oak Glen Farm." Win. Foss and Arthur Stoxen- of Items of Interest Taksa Fiwa tha-^flee of tb» Watadeahs - - off Yean A(i 1% Oevaoil Frooeedingi facturers. have added another tfigar comer starting work today.' Milwaukee, Wis., last Thursdays Mrs. G, J. Burnett spent. last Thursday and Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs.. Lyle litwiler St Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs; A. W. Foss and taghter Vivian, of "bertjrvUl. »nd j of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daughter, * Louise, were Sunday guests at the' home of Mr. and Mrs.. Wra. Foss, in! honor of the letter's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Fannie McNish and daughter, Mary, and son, Alexander, of Rockford, were, recent dinner and'supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg and daughter, Louise, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Littauer in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Bkpngreii were business callers at McHenry last Friday. George Bokhart spent Sunday with his brothers at Woodstock. Council Room, March 1, 1937 The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Doherty presiding. Aldermen present: Buss, j Ferwerda, Freiind, Justen, Kreutzer, land Overton. Absent: none. [ Motion by kreutzer, seconded by j Freund thalt the minutes of the pre- : vious regular monthly meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. J Motion by Buss, seconded by Fer- I werda, that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a balance of $5,741.19. Motion carried, j Motion by Overton, seconded by j Justen, that the Collector's report be [accepted as read. Motion carried. -- Motion by Kreutcer, seconded by A Yiew walk is sadly needed from Ferwerda, that the Clerk's report be Waukegan street to the village hall. aocePt?d as read- Motion carried. One is forced to wade thru mud ankle ! Motion by Justen, seconded by Overdeep these slushy days. This has *0n that the following bills be paid as been a bad place for a number of years rea<^ an<^ approved by the finance com- Motion carried. TWENTY YEARS AGO Wauconda were business callers »t.iand the public trusts that.an improve". citlee Council Room, March 10, 1937, The City Council met in special meeting to consider an Ordinance fix ing the polling places and designating the judges and clerks of election, Mayor Doherty presided. Aldermen present: Buss, Ferwerda^ Freund, Justen, Kreutzer and Overtoil Absent: none. It was duly moved by Aldermafl Kreutzer, and seconded by Alderman Overton, that, AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE POLLING PLACES AND DESIGNATING THEJUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION, FOR THE CITY ELECTION TO BE HELD APRIL 20, 1937, be passed as read. Upon roll call the Aldermen all voted aye; nay, none. The- motion was thereupon declared duly carried and the Ordinance passed and approved as read. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried; PETER J DOHERTY, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. merit will be made there this year. j Alexander Lumber Co., Coal The severe wind and sleet storm of j"1 J 1 »*indeaierf Printing the 'first' .of the week played havoc with the electric light and telephone &1 Co.. F^eiI <nl - poles and wires in this vicinity . We f^ Supplies ^ >wm north oi tnis village. . • ukinj »>„ .. ' t* , , ; , ' < pumps, etc. :• ^ C. Caretaker Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney spent, last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larabee at Bristol, Wis. Chesney Brooks and Mrs. Wilbur Cook spent Monday at the home of Miss Orissa Brown at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mr. i service maker to their working force, the new.:1 Mayme Buss!'^missi^s'^ 10.93 88.05 23.16 27.?? 7.60 75.00 THIRTY YEARS Chas. Lamphere will soon move into the Gage house on Main street. Mrs. Culver, who has been spending the winter in Iowa, will return to McHenry and again occupy her house. Mrs. J. H. Spaulding is having an addition built to the rear end of her Main street millinery store. Peter J. Freund and carpenters are doing the work. Wm, Harris has moved down from Spring Grove and is now occupying the P. J. Cleary farm south ,of town, which he purchased last fall. John GraSser has moved onto his f*rm lately purchased at Charles Packs. FORTY YEARS AGO clerical service W. C. Feltz, Caretaker streets service ..^ 100.00 John B. Wirtz, Marshal service 110.00 Peter Wirfs, Police service ........ 95.00 M. M. Niesen* Superintendent ' i service .111. Bell Tel* Co., Service ........ J Peter A. Neiss, Commissions j and stamps i The Rausch Press, Claim forms Consumers Company, Sand ...... Public Service Co., Street i lights Public Serviee Co., Street 1 lights Public Service Co., Power at i sewer lift ? Public Servicd Co., Power | pumping water .....-- Public Service Co., City Hall lights -- Public Service Co., Parking lights W. S. Darley A Co., Fire pot 76.80 50.00 2.25 80.07 7.80 1.39 158.18 95.31 61.03 29.85 2.24 .50 12.36 Fox river, at this point, is now the highest known for many years. The low lands all along the river are sub-; Motlon by Overton .seconded by and Mrs. H, T. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. .mer?ed and the water has been sen- Buss to pay ^ Com- S Powers Mr anil Mrs;. C. Dor- ing along within a few feet of the bed Pany amount of $15.31 for mechanof the Iron bridge . ical services at the sewage treatment C. B. Curtis and aVarty of friends . Motion carried. from Elgin, shipped the finest lot of' Mot,on ^ KreuUer, seconded by fish from this station recently that S. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dos win and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews attended the "Old Time Dance" at Libertyville Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spoor and two sons of Chicago were guests last Wed- we have seen for many a day. Nearly nesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. an were BIack and WQU|d weijfh G. J. Burnett. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Homer Cook of Wauconda were among from two to four and one-half pounds. W. J. Clark, who runs the Olson farm just northeast of Woodstock Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. LILY T.aitk Mrs. Jack Wrubltweki has returned to her home at Liiy Lake from tin hospital at Waukegan, where she un* derwent an operation. , ' Frank Steinsdoerfer is still ill at his home at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and family spent Sunday at t&eir cottage. A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies' League was held at Betty's Place oil Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were w6n bunco by Mrs. Alex Wirfs and Helen Harvey. Joseph Czsuprinski spent the weekr end at his cottage at lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson Were Waukegan visitors Friday afternoon. Marie Etten spent the, weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mm William Etten. Mrs. L. Gannon spent Monday at her cottage at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Martin spent Sunday at Lily Lake. ^ Dinner guests at the home of Mri and Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. - Harry UL. Miller of Cicero. - Mr. and Mrs. Mackey of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh oi Chicago spent the weekend at theft" home of her mother and father, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wruhlewski. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber Saturday afternoon. FLTNOITH'S OMCIIIU (ALIE IS Comparison of pricea brought by "All Three1* lowest pricc cars after a year or more, shows that Plymouth sometimes brings as much as a hundred dollars more than tha other two. Yet, when new, comparable models of "All Three" coat about the aame. Uaed car buyers readily pay more for Plymouth--* because greater value is built Into it. ' The beautiful 1937 Plymouth ia the bigfeet and ' roomiest of "All Three." Along with its famous double-acting Hydraulic Brakes and Safety Steel Body, Plymouth gives you the sensational "Huahed Ride." And it is America's most economical full-sixed car. Owners report 18 t«r 24 miles per gallon--remarkably little oil usedr* Before you buy any new car, drive a new Plym** * outh. And check year-old prices of "All Three.** You, yourself, can easily gather the evidence " that proves Plymouth is the best buy in the low price field. Ask us about it* • iff 4* •'M' j . fm BODGE AND PLYMOUTH Phone 156 Pearl Street USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS the members of the Wauconda Wo-. jeads the van in y,e amount of mi|k | mans* Club who attended the luncheon j produced from one dairy_ He is mijk. j and card party St. Patrick's day at ing fifty-two cows and in the month of! the grammar school at Lake Zuric^i. Mrs. Matthews won first honors in brid8«- Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elmer Esping onH Mr?. Hsrry Matthews «t<i tended the card party sponsored by Mayflower Chapter, O. E. S., at Wauconda Monday night. Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Esping won first and second prizes in bridge. JOHNSBURG February, twenty-^ight daysr shipped 571 cans of milk in Chicago. FIFfY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Kennebeck motored to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller and Geo. King visited with Mrs. King at Brand's hospital, Tuesday evening. There will be a benefit dance for the Johnsburg baseball team at Nells' pavilion Wednesday evening, April 7. Frank Page starts today for SlaytOf) Minn., with a car of farming tools, horses, etc. W ebelieve he intends to go to farming in that section. > Our public school closed on Friday last for a two week's vacation. -- Afternoon mails for Chicago now sent from both the McHenry and West McHenry postoffices. v The M. E. church in this village is being treated to a coat of paint on the outside, which will much iaaficeve ite appearance. V? ; SIXTY YEARS AGO The beautiful snow still keeps coafe* ing, an addition being made to our |already sufficient supply almost every Jack Bodie and Math Schaefer were - day. There is now more snow on the Chicago callers Wednesday. ground than at any time this winter. Frank Michels was a Woodstock The Sociable and Mush and Milk caller Wednesday evening. [Festival at the Riverside House on Mrs. Steve May entertained the five, Wednesday evening last was attended, hundred club Wednesday afternoon.! by about one hundred persons. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John A., Miller,. Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs, Peter F. Freund. Miss Agnes Smith spent a \few days with her sister, Mrs. Jake miller, at Spring Grove. The new Riverside buss made its appearance on our streets the other day, and will soon be ready t<*4o duty to and frorn "the-depot."""" .»'«••• It has now been positively decided that we. are to have a bank in Mc- Miss Kathrine -Althoff of Elgin j Henry. This has long been needed* spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. ;and jjtill prove a great benefit to our Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and sons were Waukegan callers Saturday. Wm. Thiel was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and family were Spring Grove callers Sunday. Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. J02 King and Mrs. Peter F. Freund visited Friday with Mrs. Lajir- •ence Baer at Ravehswood hospital, Chicago. business men and farmapk V. S. Lumley. Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ^ Estate of Mary K. Adams, Decease! The undersigned, Execytor of tis I*# Mr. and Mi^. Jos, J. Freund, Mrs. j last Will and Testamep£yof Mary K., Anna Bugner and Mis. John M. Ktzen, Adams, deceased, hereJSy gives notiqej. were Woodstock callers Sunday. that he will appear before the County) Paul Huff of Greenwood spent Sun-• Court of McHenry, at the Court! day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff. j House in Woodstock, onP the 3rd day j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gielow "and j of May, A. D. 1937, at which time all I son are spending the week with rela tiv£s in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S toff el and daughter of Volo spent Saturday with John Pitzen. Mrs. Mamie King was a Woodstock ealler Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May and daughter, Violet, and Miss Esther May were Aurora callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and family were Chicago callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bodie and Mrs. Joe Karis were Woodstock callers on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffein of Genoa and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorskie and family of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Miller. Yeast Increases Rapidly Yeast, when kept at a temperature of 30 degrees centigrade and surrounded by sufficient food, doubles its weight every two hours. Under these ideal conditions, therefore, a pound of yeast would er^w, in 166 ft hours, into a mass weighing as much as the earth, or 6,000 biUisn bilitoo tens.--CeHwra Week- Ir . , ... ;V persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to mailt immediajte payment to the under signedTDated this 18th day of March, A. D. 1937., / L. ADAMS, Executor. 44-3 : "' EASTER VACATION Easter vacation for the children off St. Mary's School will begin Thursday at S:00 p. m. "To Salt a» Invoice" That salt is considered a substance of great value is shown by th# phrase used in the business worMt "to salt an invoice," meaning t# put the highest possible value oil the goods concerned. Solubility of Salt Vari Water dissolves different amouiv of various salts at different pres»> sures, but the maximum solubility varies with different salts, not uniformly with pressure changes. Your Kitchen Stays Clean When You lAflVIl wiiri ELECTRIC A mod«m •UctHc rang* givH spotl«ts heat --and it's as / cUan at a duna : : f • " Of ail the advantages of elearic ccxikinj --enthusiastic elearic range owners rat# this the highest. .. it's clean! Utensils retain their original gleam and sparkle jso clean you can actually set them oqp: •white linen without leaving a marie.' - r Think of the time this saves m »ng unnecessary scouring and cleaning of pots and pans. Then, too, rhe smooth white surfaces of the new ranges are wiped spotless with a single stroke of a cloth. No ridges or crevices to catch. and hold dirt. , " But electric cooking offers more than mere cleanliness. It's fast--you save hours of rime in preparing meals. It's cool. ; Kitchens stay fresh and cool--you can •cook in comfort during even the warmest weather. Come in and inspect the new modern - Electric Ranges on display at your "Public Service store. You'll find three well known makes to choose from. General Electric, Hotpoint, and Westinghouse. -""jjet full particulars on our liberal 4-stafT plan now being ofieted for a limited time! ' SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFEII you double savings on a new tnpddl Electric Range and an Automatic Electric Water Heater. When both these' appliances are purchased witbic period of 60 days, you are entitled to a lOjl discount on each. 10% discount oa the range! 10% discount oo cbe water heater! This «in » good ie* a Usitted/kaie only! '.S' ACT ! * LIMITED TIMf OrriK * » Here Are the 4-Star Features That Make an Electric Range Easy to Ownl Installation -- No wiring cost (except-in unusual eases even then a liberal allowance irmade). s v Years to % liberal Trade - InKfloWfinct-- your old range is to $15 depending on the cost of the new electric range you select. • As little As $5 Service bill. Down -- balance OKMithly pAmmy mtigbb*rb--d dearie rmmgt dealtrs art •jfrrtug this libtnd ^ f-itar plan, /•«. Visit tb*tr itmrtt... m tbtir tUctric rmmge ralm*% PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY WOWHIRM UsLiNOisp ^