Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1937, p. 8

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:a *' ft p '* .' , •" / Xt" 1 • ' ' jr ^ \t ^"Ajjr '* : :r\fi ty Notes MtaCELLXNmm smWE* s 'MlasKatherine Xeeler, mho alter for Misses Helen Fraud an<| Lillian ty-foa* JW» of teaching wa* retirirt| r from activf work. The qwlitjr of service rendered and ' the fine strength of personality behind i RUPTURED? To insure our customers of truss oomlDrt <tnd ^ ..•* , vwurity we recommend NON-SKID SPOT a ^ vr PAD TRUSSES ' ' * The* tight welsht •p^ianoes , . f"~ v ; __;. "Z . Svr*^ The rte»-* >*«ent*d raised <seri*«r Spot^i :?i on rtw backed up bv main pad "p4d> •^v; just !Ute vpur ftngers. •'. Wi'MiJfc ot * surgical opfOBtton. • miss.: conTcd\ fitted. ?V«hf tor rupture.- .the: only' nh : 'Visit 0U1 t russ »«>opattment ana warn ri*#r».- -'"V4 :,-">bcut tfcese »-on<*rhjl Trusses - Ask for ffW • •"^'.ftjooWet on Hernia- ,, Oar otperiencoa htters at* serve vour needs ^ " lor Abdominal Supporters Elastic Hosiery, > • jSlwulder Braces etc and Mr reasonable pctoea ' »tll wdy pJease you BOLGERS' DRUG STORE Young: sponsored a mtlcelaneous shower Sunday afternoon in. honor of , Miss Rosemary Freund, who is the , . i bride-to-be of Mr. Leo Young, April *»er »*V y*™°* «•""»* *" the 14. The group of twenty-three girls Dundee grade schools was^the thenv . 'spent the afternoon in playing cards of the tributes paid Miss Keener dur- ENTERTAIN BRIDGE CLUB land burtco. Later a delightful lunch »* the demonstrations of the day. „ ,, _ „ . . . , .. served ^ lGlft8 and congratulations made the Mrs. Harold ^j^tt entertained the, day a very happy one for the honored members of her bridge club Tuesday Prizes in cards were awarded to tPBChrr evening. First prize was merited by Misseif Helen Baur. first; Martha May, Miss Mary Margaret Stone and sec- second, and Ethel Freund, third. ond prise went to Miss Ida Brink, of Prizes in bunco were awarded to Mrs. Woodstock. A delicious chop suey Clarence Freund, first; Miss Geral o'clock dinner which was followed by statements TAXPAYERS GET STATEMENTS ENTERTAIN FRIENDS^ Miss Rita Martin enterta:' CQM450TOE t - ^ LETTERS " »;r Despite the fact that no one is es- , t f. 1 - pt j «jw*nd ftnd "Mrs Iohniparty of frien<*s supper was served at the close of a dine kngle, second, and Mrs. John Thu«rrsoday at a 6:30 pecially anxious to receive them, tax C fniinw#H hv -i.-- t„. , * • pleasant evening. • * * ,-v*: EASTERN STAR The regular meeting of McHenry were1 ~ * are being placed in the an evening at cards, with the prize mails this week, which is somewhat Carolyn and Francis Baur, 899.22 * i MUbnry Has Low Tax McHenry has the lowest tax rite Crystal Lake, April 16. FOX RIVER VALLEY CAMP Members of Fox River Valley' Camp, R. N. A., attended the regular meeting of the camp Tuesday evening and enjoyed the social hour which followed. Cards and bunco furnished entertainment and the prize in bridge was awarded to Mrs. Elizabeth .Schoewer, while in bunco the prise Went to Mr§. Amanda Brown. - - ') . * *'.» : MOTHERS CLUB Freund, third. Beautiful gifts ^ ^ f°r 'm- t0 !^cr high honors received by Miss Mar- earlier than they were received last Those present^ were ^Misses Helen, | Johnson .A pleasant evening year. „ i Total taxes to be paid by McHenry * * * r 4 township this year amount to $115,- M. E. WOMEN TO MEET The spring meeting of the Methodist Women's association will be held at Richmond on Friday. Solon Milis p^> $100 assessed* valuation of proand Spring Grove will assist the Rich- perty Gf all cities in the county with mond ladies as hostesses to the county 14 24 for 1936, a drop of two cents members. over that of the previous year 1935. The meeting will be an all-day af- McHenry also has the lowest corfair with dinner at noon, served at the poration rate for cities with a 93 cent Methodist church. rate, a drop from *1.25 in 1935. Dr. A. T. Stephenson, district sup- The tax bill for the county amounts . , erintendent, will address the assembly ^ $1^22,094.96, which is somewhat invited 0R "Unity of Christian Fellowship.1' • - . - Local womeii are planning to attend. • * * larger than that for 1935; „ „ . Alvina, was enjoyed by the girls present* chapter, O. E. S., will be held Monday Clara and Ethel Freund, Lyda and evening. Members are invited to at- Evelyn Shober, Mae and Clfcrice Stilltend. - ling, Isabel Blake, Martha May, Ber- Mrs. Ony Wheeler ha$ accepted an'tha Tonyan, Marcella and Geraldine invitation to serve as Adah on Grand Engles, Lillian Youngfr Merlyn and Lectures' Night at Nunda chapter, i Marie Young, Florence Huff and Rose- ' mary and Helen Freund, Mi's. Clarence Freunl, Woodstock* tod Mrs. John Freund. * * * % ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. Joanne Rulien, assisted by Miss Ellen Baker, entertained the members of her1 card club and a few guests Tuesday evening at a very delightful party. The guests gathered at the hpme of the hostess at five o'clock, where the first course was served, after f which they motored to Walworth, Wis., met at her home on Wednesday after- stallment being due June 1 and the , The Mothers Club will meet Friday where a three-course chicken dinner noon of last week to enjoy their regu- second installment due. September L afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ray was served at the Buckley Tea room, far fortnightly afternoon at bridge. After thes* da|»s the installments Conway on Riverside Drive. Assist-j The tables were attractively ap- Three tables were in play and prizes draw interest. < ant hostesses will be Mrs. Paul Doh- pointed with fresh sweet peas in fancy were merited by Mrs. Lillian Cox, Mrs. Sale of both installments of 1936 erty, Mrs. Clarence Douglas and Mrs. holders on each table, and the beau- E. E. Bassett and Mrs. C. H. Downs, real estate taxes begins about the Herman Schaefer. Mrs. Kelly, presi- tiful home With its atmosphere of 1 As this was the last meeting in the Monday in October. -- Agents for Brook's Trusses dent of the Woodstock Garden Club, homelike freedom and comfort was series of parties the club reorganized According to information from the 44 McHenry -win be the goeat speaker and Miss approved'as an ideal place to spend for another.term. Ward and several Girl Scoots wiil talk an evening. ' * * * on Scouting. Personal property taxes ax« dtae upon receipt of sta^ments with pen- MID-WEEK CLUB REORGANIZES alty after June L Mrs. E. G. Peterson was hostess to Real estate current taxes may be members of the Mid-Week Club, who paid two installments, the first in- BUFFER H051 iior MHI H«ar ad 9»R Gworantttd b<j Good nq ; Mogaimt -- at thtrtln ^ 35* i WCCJEE'S PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER treasurer's office at Woodstock we . learn that 17,200 letters containing Following the dinner, bridge was 1 PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER tax statements have already been enjoyed, with prizes merited by Mrs. [ The girls at the local telephone «x- mailed and are going Into every state Floyd Cooley, Mrs. H. E. Durland and change honored two of their number, jn the union and one letter even going Miss Marjorie Phalin, wlio became Mrs. Ray McGee. The guest prize Miss Kathleen Givens and Miss Lor- to Brussels, Belgium. Postage on the the bride of Mr. James Mfthoney on was received by Mrs. Betty Nielsen, etta Steffes, at a pre-nuptial shower letters amounts to approximately $500. Saturday, was honored at several pre- wire Albert Thursday evening at a chicken dinner ^he letter to Brussels, Belgium goes ~ ' " "" ~T\E. * Those present were Mrs. A1 nuptial showers in Chicago last week. Barbian, Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. H at Bidder's hotel. Each of the pros- to an International Harvester repre- On Tuesday Miss Antionette Durland, Mrs. Henry J. Miller, Miss pective brides was presented with a Huetsch and Mrs. Howard Phalin en- Clara Miller, Mrs. Floyd Cooley, Mrs. tea set and also received individual tertained at a bridge miscellaneous George Stilling, Mrs. A. Richardson, gifts from each one of their assoshower at the Sovereign Hotel and on Mrs. Betty Nielsen, Miss Alice Ward dates. * - Monday Miss Ph*Mtt was honored and Miss Marie Ropp. I *** • • • • 1 • V L A P C H W I C H - K W I C l W S K l i 5 ? ; : ATTEND COUNTY MEETING Miss Sophia Lapcewich and Mr. MA&JOBIE PHALIN, BR|DE Among those from Crystal Lake John P. Kwicinski, both of Kenosha, Wis., were united in marriage by Before an altar decorated with Justice of the. Peace Eber E. Bassett, Easter lilies and pink roses, Miss Mar- Saturday at 2 p. m. Wittnesses were jorie Phalin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. guest at a luncheon given by a group of girls from the office in which she worked at the Premier Pabst Corporasentative who owns a fans ft Dot township. ' APRIL WEDDINGAT CHURCH IN CHICAGII; ^ who attended the county meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary in Mc- LBGION AUXILIARY^ Henry Friday night were: Miss Julia The regular meeting 01 McHenry Feffer, county president; Mrs. Marie UTtit of the Legion Auxiliary will be Bretzlaff, Mrs. Olga Ekelund, Mrs. held tonight in Legion halL Olive Hill, Mrs. Minnie Nelson, Mrs. On Friday evening the Auxiliary Grace Hinze, Mrs. Lucile Reurian, will sponsor a public card party at Mrs. Leona Palmer, Mrs. Gladys Hei- Legkm haU, te wliich everyone ia ia- man, Mrs. Bertha Pinnow, Mrs. Anna vited. f|Wa rner, Mrs. Ann Meier, Mrs. Emily friends of the couple. Among the Sick John M. Phalin, was married Saturday morning at nine-thirty in St. Gertrude's church in Chicago to Mr. James Mahoney, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mahoney of -Chicago. The Nuptial High Mass was sung by the Rev. Mrs. R. T. Wray of 269 Douglas Fr. 0*Gara, of St. Gertrude's church. Cowlin, Mrs. Millie Jessen, Mrs. Helen avenue, Elgin, underwent an operation The bride, dresed in a hyacinth blue RINGWOOD HOME BUREAU jLabron, Mrs. Edith Boyle, Mrs. Mabel Friday at Sherman hospital in that swagger suit of porosa cloth, trimmed The Ringwood Home Bureau met at Robinson, Miss Helen Cowan, Mrs. j city. in grey caracul, with hat and match- Myrtle Goodwin, Mrs. Selma Morgan j Walter Miller* son of Mr. and Mrs. ing accessories in gray, was given in Mrs. Edith Anderson, Mrs. Ruth Ross, George Miller, is recovering nicely marriage by her father. the home of Mrs. Chanfiey Harrison, Tuesday afternoon, April 6. Mrs. Sweeney gave the lesson on -'A 100% Physically Fit Homemaker." Mrs. Raymond Harrison gave a book review of "Time Out of Mind." by Rachel Field. The' May meeting will be at the and Miss Josephine Purvey. HONOR DUNDEE TEACHER from his receqt illness. She wore a shoulder bouquet of gar- The six-months-old son of Mr. and denias and lilies of the valley. Mrs. William Harris is ill in Wood- Antoinette Heutsch, friend of the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel, Mrs. ,'stock hospital with double pneumonia, bride, as bridesmaid, wore 'a beige Caroline Schiessle and Mayme Buss! Sirs. Jacob F. Justen is ill at her cape suit of porosa cloth, with hat and motored to Dundee, Sunday, where home near McHenry, where she was matching accessories in May wine. home of Mrs. Fred Eppel the first they attended the wonderful tribute threatened with pneumonia. Tuesday of the month. paid to a veteran teacher of Dundee, * iW >„ x * ?7- Her bouquet was a small round ar- Hne*i the kind of picture you on make this summer--if you hitch your wagon to this star performer sad trorol the Butck way! %'K The lead is yours whenever you wist it. with Buick's great valve-in-head straightaitfit engine to pour out torrential power at your call. Base rides with you in the driver's seat-- fall-out or coasting, handling this phe- •omenal car takes about the same effort as handling your favorite rocking-chair 1 Under your foot are the smoothest, surest brakes that ever brought you to a smooth, straight stop--all around you is the room you want and die comfort you've pictured in die car of your dreams--here's a ride as level as an honest man's glanco-- a car to be as proud of as your baby! - should you follow the leader, when your Buick can show fleet bads to the whole roadful of cars? Why should you be satisfied with sixes--when this great straight-eight, bellwether ear of the year costs only a soon-forgotten fraction more than the average kind? It's an ace for power and an aoe for steady buoyant travel--it's » winner for smart new style, and a sure trick taker for frugal ways and wear-defying toughness. Flay your trumps and the game is yours--so give us the word, and you'll be driving this sensational beauty before the weather turns really warm. » V lOW^T 'WoAMI Roy Kent, local real estate agent, rangement of gardenias and violets has been ill at his home on Riverside Joseph Mahoney was his brother's Drive for the past two weeks, but is j^st ™nn and seating the church Qow improving. guests were Harold Phalin, brother of This office received a call Monday the bride, and William Mahoney, morning from our old friend, Jos. J. brother of the groom. Frett, who dropped in to renew his Mrs. Phalin, mother of the bride, in subscription to The Plaindealer and ^ dubonnet crepe dress, and M1*- Maextend greetings after his long illness, honey, mother of the groom, in a dress during which he was confined to the of soft blue crepe, wore shoulder bouhouse and under the care of a nurse quets of tea roses. for the past ten months. Mr. Frett is Following the ceremony, a break again able to be out and his many fast was served to the members of the friends are glad to see him about two immediate families in the Palm again. room of the Sovereign Hotel. Several _ Miss Lillian Stilling had her tonsils toasts were responded to, with Howremoved at St Therese's hospital, ard Phalin as toastmister. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney have an M. A. Conway, who was taken ill apartment awaiting them at 1223 Monday night, was taken to St. Jo- Granville Avenue in Chicago when seph's hospital, Elgin, Tuesday morn- they return from a two weeks' trip ing. Mr. Conway was to have been to New Orleans and other points of on the election board Tuesday and interest. helped to prepare the polls Monday Mrs. Mahoney is a graduate of the night. _ McHenry High School and also of the Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan, Ellis Business College at Elgin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh Since her graduation she has been of this city, who recently underwent employed in Chicago by the Premier an operation for appendicitis at St Pabst Corporation. Therese's hospital, will be able to re- James Mahoney received his educa turn to her home this week, it is ex- tion in Chicago where he has always pected. lived. He is engaged as a contractor Mrs. Joe Williams underwent an op- in Chicago. eration for appendicitis at St Therese Out-of-town guests for the wedding hospital, Waukegan, Sunday night were Mr. aiid Mrs. A. D. Foley and Simon Stoffel, who has been ill at family of Cleveland, Ohio; C. W. Hart liis home on Main street, shows some of Belleview, Ohio; P. & Masterson Improvement and is again able to be of Staunton, I1L, and Peter top and about the house. His many son of New York City, friends are hoping for his complete recovery. Favorable reports are being received from Chester Goodman, Who is recovering from an operation at Hartland hospital. He is now able to sit Up for a short time every day. Miss Dorothy Matthews is at St. Therese's hdfepital, Waukegan, where She underwent an operation Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Schneider, who has been In poor health for some time, is in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan. - Mrs. Joseph Hoffman of Chicago, •fcrho was taken to Lake View hospital in Chicago a week ago, remains in a critical condition. Although her Condition appeared to be slightly im« |>roved Sunday, she has not teen so Well since then Snd iso under the care' of a special nurse. „ Mrs. John Kaiser of Volo is at 4t' Therese's hospital, Waukegan. f 1 " 'r. ' *•. .CARD OF THANKS I deeire in this manner to expre tny thanks and appreciation to all _ .Voters who supported me at the election Tuesday, April 6, for the office of town clerk of McHenry township. #6* DONALD GIVENS. R. I. Overton Motor Sales Front Street, West McHenry, HL 216 Main St, Crystal Lake, HI Wool Over the Eyes" "To pull the wool over his eyes" is an expressin said to be traced! to English courts, the judges of ich wore wigs. Literally, if a wig is lowered over the eyes;-«t see the situation clearly. Spring flowers bring that uplift of the spirit which every woman experiences with the turn of the son, and spring brings an array of lovely bloonris with pale tints and soft shades that are flattering on almost any outfit. The golden free* forming a pale yellow ring a cut bloom of pink is especially fitting 1 * ' n " - - * ; - - • , «*>, * /"» \ i '.-•fr "' rOB FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLT u.- inn iamb CHAMOIS ^254 IS TA1CUM 15« mm GiuETTc BMKBUiDI) nw.OF tai • INFIELD SPECIALS' Old Quaker, pt 89^ Fifth Santa Alicia Wine ... 59* Pint Cream of Kentucky 93^ Breckenridfe. 93* SO< tMM&QL faumtit LEFT FIELDlRICHT FIELD 1 Pint J^uuson Olo-Coat with Large Jar of Silver ; • : p 4 9 * Wrisley Bath Cologne Introductory Offer 50c Boyer Creams ALCOHOL H0INPMMF IAR6C SIZE 29 t - - , , USP FULL MILK OF "SK,. MAGNESIA 27* n" NUJOL M IMC HAL OH granostand values ^ tK ! I • .' i -V • * • $1.50 B. K. POWDER 9S* $1.25 Kow Kare „ 89* A / $2.00 B. K, Gallon $1.59 ^ T $1.00 Formaldehyde, 3 pounds 09* ' 7-r - mm* 5 IB. BAG SALTS HOMt RUN SPECIALS 25c Dyan Shine ... 16* f 50c Phillip's Milk of Bfogyieaia 33^» • 50c Pablnm . " " 33* 75c Dextri Maltose 63* \ ^ 23c Sanitary Fads g for 20* 7 $1.50 Alpen Krenter $1.19 S ORAIM POMND ASPIRIN BORIC TABLETS . joirt 2T ACID P O I U O E H 23^ . " f ^ ^ & % - . vstekr \ "Km . ... ». ... .. A.....V,.. * , SHOULDER BOUQUET HAZEL £ PEBEC mc KOLOfi COtXrMS ~fkomab 1 /? Ms HENRYMLLIN r

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