Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1937, p. 6

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-^~-LtL£:_ i i, It .3 & «. *'•; t-'rw"'""' '"••*• *'r' % •J* * 4^-iitV ,Y ^ ^'•"•ffPmZ V1 *"*' ^fc<J JV 1 .j0 &£MS '• ** , mm miwW^ • • • fp-r^ l' .v .,[*" * v&m. 99U •* *-»» • _ #t Hunker and Bel- Our Distasteful KINGWOOD Ma Mildred Carney of Rock Island and Mr. andMrs. LesterKdiager and " .5v- Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler enterfamily. of Woodstock, Mr. andMrs. B. tained the five hundrd club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were B. Marble of Gneenwpod a?d Mr McCtanoa and 4 #! LEONARD A. BARRETT „ Many persons think of retirement •s days of freedom from work and its subsequent worries, freedom t o d i s c a r d a l l tasks difficult or undesirable; days in which one may do as fancy dir e c t s . T h i s maf be a happy ret r e a t f o r a few persons, but for the majority o ( persons it would prove irksome and doltish. We are all born to work and earn our daily bread. The most unhappy person in the world is the one who has nothing to do. The most useless person in the world is the one who ha* never completed a hard distasteful task. Such a task is selfimposed and furnishes a means for pent-up energies that would have no other source of expression. Selfflagellation is a sacred chore and a sure course of personal development. What reward has the man who does only work beloved by him? Each in his own sphere leads to sure achievement, but each man in many spheres assures progress and adventure. Life requires constant Action and challenges us to be "jack of all trades." We must often do the thing that is distasteful, if we would do the thing necessary to develop character and enlarge our own contacts. A great composer of music is said to haveshnink from the daily task of mechanically creating new harmonies. By a determined will, he compelled himself to sit at his desk daily and wait for the inspiration which would set the tones vibrating within Ms aoul. It was not until after months of such struggles that the inspiration came and gave to us through the genius of the composer, one of the world's great symphonies. If the incentive to do a great piece ef work fails, wait for it: for it will surely come to the one who labors as he waits. It is doing the thing we do not want to do that develops strength of character. Courage is made in a difficult situation develop faith and crises call ter^cautkm and control. When we make contact with persons whom we do not especially like, it enables as to find our better selves and leave something of that bettor self with others. M we share oarselves only with ««r friends, what reward do we D we share oarselves t. 8. Lesley, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 1E state of MatyJ K. AdPaU& Is 9, Deceased. ^ *Vrwtnanridye da* i*si f t*lr »•an /1 11M f 4T* *PMndM GAeMo The undersigned, Executor of the Young and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson, last Will and Testament of Mary K.1 „ Miss J**® Wiedrich entertained the Adams, deceased, hereby gives notice T Bunco Club •* the home of Mrs. that he will appear before the County Lester ChrT Thursday afternoon. The Court of McHenry, at the Court Pnzes were awarded to Mrs. Nick House in Woodstock, on the 3rd day ( *oun£ Mrs. George Young, of May, A. D. 1987, at which time all j Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison were persons having claims against said visitors at Greenwood Friday after- Estate are notified and, requested to noon. attend for the purpose of having the' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson and same adjusted. AH persons indebted family spent Thursday at Milwaukee, to said Estate are requested tonudre) ^ mnA M„ r. A Kitchens and immediate payment to the under- |yr Mrs. B. T. Dtlki dttended signed.. 0 - I Dated this 18th day of March, A. D. 1937. FRANK L. ADAMS, Executor. 44-8 the principle of by Wordsweeth: "The a man's Mte Is Us *bmi ai umbered acts ef kindness and The best cure for the blues is work, whether we feel like it, or not. We discover a solace for sorrow in hard work. And hard work can be an interesting hobby to those who because of idleness are suffering with ennui. Do the thing that seems hardest to do. Tackle the most diffienlt job. Solve an original problem, If you would renew your zest of (• For the greatest victories are i we win over, self: and the praiseworthy works are those we set ourselves to do with a will. JDe not pare the mountain to the phi«, b«t climb it, step by step. • Western Newspaper tfWoo. My Neighbor sm===iSays bananas sliced intp capned Juice main * delicious • - . .. A marshmallow rolled in cinna- Snen' makes a delicious addition to a ctip of cocoa; • • • fjpljdiinhtm likes a rich lodm, but n Mi Kept well watered and manured. Crgnulated sugar sifted over the top et sponge cake before .putting it Mft the oven gives it a rich brown COfft when baked. • • Use a dull knife to scale scrape toward the head. A »barp knife is likely to cut the without removing scales. • c* • Apples will keep their color durfclg cooking if they are put in cold WUter to which a little lemon juice hM been added for a few minutes* • Associated Newspapei s.--WNU Service "far Vernon J. Knox, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of John V. Schaffer, Pursued. The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of John W. Schaffer, deceased. hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, ©ri the 17th day of May, A.D. 1937, at which time all persons haying claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 30th day of March; A. D. lm. HENRY J. SCHAFFER, 4&1 Administrator. a party in the Byron Hitchens home in Chicago Saturday evening. Wayne Fbss waa a visitor at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family of Oak Lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Montayne of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jacks** ta^ihL Mills and Mr. a»* MM. and ftttfijr spent Biidij in tferS. VL Beatty home. The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. B. T. Butler Friday, April 10. The Home Circle will meet with •Mrs. Charles Peet Wednesday, April 14. Mesdames H. M. Stephenso£, J. C.Pearson, Ray Fetors and Vola Low attended the Public Service Cooking School at Richmond, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Baeon spent Sunday night and Monday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family have moved from the Hopper house to the Pierce farm, near Barnard's Mills. Mrs. H« M. Stephenson attended the County Auxiliary banquet at McHenry Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. David and Phyllis McCannon of Woodstock spent Saturday night with their grandparents .Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepsoa. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fetors spent Sun- Mrs. Roland McCfcnnon fnmfly of Algonquin- ipent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connel of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wutaringer and daughter of Woodstock spett the week end with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. LoBnie 8mith. Mr. and Mrs. Soy Wiedrich spent Sunday with the .tatter's parents, near Hetasn. Roy Neal of Chicago spent Sunday here with his family. George Young, Elmer Olsen and Ben Justen attended a land conservation meeting at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpft Smith and son of Harvard spent Friday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Stnith. Mr. and Mrs. F*ed Wiedrich and Mr. of Mr. and lbs. Bd. Young at McHenry. In the aftonoon they all visited Mrs. Louis Yotihff at St, Therese hospital, Waukegan. < Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie* Smith and family spent Sunday with Mr; Mid Mrs. Roy Harrison and family. Jtx. and Mxi. Nick Young spent Sunday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family spent Saturday evening at Mrs. George Young spent Monday with her mother, Mrs, J. R. Smith, at Mcflenry. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens attended the Ctiuifr Board meeting of the Hope Bureau at Woodftoek Monday after- GLASMS COMPLETE A8LOWAS Fosr appeiptmeot, _ Franklin 8610 -- McHeny Write to-- Dr.M.M. OPTOMOTRICEYE aiwdeessful Btoh Efforta art always neceaees. It te a greater thing to try without succeeding than to succeed without trying. PUBLICATION NOTICE Verma J. Knox, Attorney for Plaintiff McHeuy, Illanoia STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. GRACE M. CAREY, Plaintiff vs. GEORGE N. FLEISCHHAUER, et al, Defendants. Complaint in Chancery to Foreclose Trust Deed--Gen. No. 2fN(7. NOTICE TO FLORA McDONALD, Defendant. Requisite affidavit having been filed in my office, notice ia hereby given to the Defendant last above na--nd that the Plaintiff heretofore filed in said Court on the Chanoery side thereof a Complaint in an Action to Foreclose said defendants in the lien of a Trust Deed on reel estate described as follows: Lot Twelve (1«) of Fair Oaks. Subdivision. Said Subdivision being located in and being a part of the East fraction of the South half (S%> of the Sbuthwest Quarter (SW*) of Sectfifrihirtysix (36), Township Forty-ftv* (46) North, Range eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, v situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, and that thereupon summons issued out of said Court against the Defendant named above, returnable to said Court at the Courthouse in Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, on the First Monday of May, 1937, and that default may be entered against you, the said Defendant above named, on or after the 4th day of May A.D. 1937, which suit is still pending and undetermined in said Court. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court at my Office in Woodstock, Illinois, this 25th day of March, A.D. 1937. WILL T. CONN, Clerk of the Circuit Court of 46-8 McHenry County, Illinois. ^ "<* ^ I V * , ' *' v V" ' , N i ' ' -I ' y * * ^ ^ :?> " \ V«.v . r " X* ^ . - J ^ /• 7 h* sew* Election, Tuetday, ^>11120,1937 PETSR A. KSm, Otty XJMm ATTH9TION MBi t We Are lMnni To Give Via A Com (By Petition) FOR MAYOR E. I. OVMtTON (By Petition) FOR MAYOR FOR MAYOfl PKTER J. DOHBBTT TO L0AJ1 I -have clients who, have to lead o« first mortgagee mm rml estate and others who wm* to beree veal estate. If intereeted either way, I w® he glad to talk ft ever with yw FOR CITY CLERK • PETBEA.NKISS i. Cf ROBEBTL.WCBB| fDB ALDS^HAN (Vote for Two) MICK P. JUSTEN (Vote for Two) *ow"Ait* M J0HMA.S016XX "rf": City of MeE«nry, in the County of MeBenry and SOU of Eto%n, Tuesday, April 90,1987 PSTE& A. MISS, City COsrk. (By Petition) (By Petition) FOR MAYOR S!DR MAYOR PETER J. DOHERTY FOR CITY CLERK SzekTMIac OaMMetor PETER A. NEIS8 1 - V FOR CITY TREASURER FOR CITY TREASURER ROBERT L. WEBER FOR ALDERMAli (Vote for Tero) FOR CITY MMMMM iOR ALDERJfAN | (Vote for Two) EDW. J. BU88 INVENTOR IN WANT "(Vote for Two) Qbathord a HOWAMl Qbobsxt a. thohpsos D •HMUAXf.XEBUTpm S. H. Freaad & Sob SoosntMnroa UKD BtnLDKXa McHcnfy Ov ariw U at Tonr SPECIMEN BALLOT TBritowAxn Election, Tuesday, April 20, ItSI \ PXTK& A. HXISS, City Clerk. for an pregerty la the beet eempaniea. #KST McHENRY ILLINOIS (By Petition) ~4+-"' m Petition) (By Fetitiolil Bums Motor Express Ths PiooMr Ling 90R MAYOR FOR MAYOR OVERTON FOR MAYOR POTPOURRI Oparalat dgly btftmrnm MeHflury aad (Unn FOR CRY EARLR.W D. G. Downs, yvorld-famous inventor of death-dealing devices, as he ate his dinner in the Midnight Mission in Los Angeles, haven for those without means. Downs is the inventor of the famous "Y" system for throwing depth bombs, v/hich practically ended the wartime effectiveness of submarines; the system of electrical simultaneous firing, and the multiple spiral recoil mechanism, by which giant projectiles were hurled 78 miles. Ill health, market reverses, care of a declining wife and the rav ages of old age are whipping the old man. Downs is sixty-seven. **1*< , K Orifb «f Foot Measurement Because the measurement of length in feet originally was on the human foot, it ya according to countries. The Greek foot was 12.14 inches, that ef Macedonia, 14 08 inches, of Slcfly 8.75 inches, Pythia 9.72 inches, and Geneva, 19.21 inches. The foot of Henry 1. of England 12 inches and hence the British and United States standard • Western Newspaper Union. FOR CITY TREASURERS FOR ALDERMAN (Vote for Two) i'int VfUiiintiil FOR ALDERMAN (Vote for Two) (Vote for Two) RA1 Y P. GONWA* ATTORNEY AT LAW & PriegBldg.^ OFFICE HOURS 1 CLARENCE DOUGLAS GEORGE P. FREUND i t - v 0UT IF \ CATCM VOU, V'U- PUT 1MB DIMMERS OKI XpU ' AUTO mm COUUD TeAew ME .p'}yQr^~- •t' V • *}'. 'V.- . • 'X5- V ' -MS. •;& a

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