~ s > * • > , Aprilnrna «*>*#* . >**^«•+#***$**«** ** f*\ • vltf&T " ViA !*. ?*vSr'. '•.';">« .*V•?. '**\. $« 'V Mdnmit « « H' F>.~M MM?' ;YE:>^ r^=, 4 J'-'V'*: ""•ft »*U <* ^ «£" «>^v<ri* jjf ^ .;^1^ T^*\rj^T' 7^7^ ;;** < vrkS r^y. </ 1 :; * ^ TYF** *>V J5--Hr A v VVf» «•, -v^. v.-*W' . ,/ - • - FI '•'••• .**--J-,:.. 1 .V \ •'* • .-- *". -••--rrr-'-^-f';.-' '-* •• -. ^"v-V-" •?'*," '**• :" . r •££ /.r^w---..-...,-->*.• . ...' ...:/. '.* i- .~>K.*?> ?'-..* :v :»• ^.-"- AGENCY > •/ .' -v; : ••.•' ' > With litge local acqus!ntaa& by Lift Insurance Company having One Hundred Million- Assets, liiW Surplns, Attractive Raton and Policies, Liberal Commissions. Particulars -- WALTER SEITZ Cum nay BUg„ Chicago. •••M. 'r ft'"" •v.-/ •R WILSQI! SHUTS A Seamless Band ^ Natural Roll Front * Permanent FinisK StorclttJ appearance without starch SHIRT5«itii0«WC0lLW ^ • $1.65 and $1.95 McGEE'S MILLER FRIDAY, APRIL IS, ONLY George Arlns hi "MAN1 OF AFFAIRS" SATURDAY, APRIL 17, ONLY Giant Double Feature! Picture No. 1 "Wings in the Morning" Picture No. 2 "Thank You, Jems" Sunday, APRIL 20 McHenry County's Biggest-Show VAUDEVILLE S Guaranteed Headline Loop Acts 5 Special Augmented Orchestra We've Seen Every Act and They're Eadi Bfg Hits! 1. Six Morgan Whirlwinds 2. Hap Hasard and Mary 3. Ray Vangfcs C Ted and Art Miller jk The Dieterid* -- ONSCKEEN -- " MAID OF SALEM" Wei MacMurray-Claudette Ofeert 15c - 90c To 5 p. an. ISc-JSc Thereafter ATMQtD SOOUTSBS • • - MESTONt, 4PKIL8 Supt. (C. H. Duker and Fred Ferwerda, With William Birtetl of Fox Lake, attended the Scooters dinner meeting at Woodstock' Thttfeday night. Dinner was served by the Legion Auxiliary in Legion hall ahd was followed by a meeting in which reports were given by the various chairmen of committees with an interesting talk given by Russell Allen on, "Youth and Crime.** Mr. Allen pointed out that youth needed the wise guidance and leadership of men in this complicated life and related experiences with boys "while serving as assistant state's attorney. Seventy-five Scout leaders attended the meeting which was in charge of Harry Patrick, district chairman. Considerable advancement in Scout work was shown in the reports of C. H. Duker, Court of Honor Chairman, and H. B. Megran of Harvard, organization chairman. The greatest increase in membership in the area was shown with ithe addition of ninety-seven Scouts since Jan. 1. A. A. Stocken* Scout execuive, commended'the fine showing and rated the Boone-McHenry district the highest in the area. He reported that the summer camp would be held at Lake Delavan this year instead of at Camp Rotary and probablyt*will start the last of June. "SO I HEAR" 5'TV'.* t *4 •. j03r'"t •"'•,,.•2 HIGH SCHOOL OOLFERS OHM S8AS0N AGAINST CBTSTAX. fcAKE SQUAD WALSH Conch McCracken has his golf schedule completed and expects to present a very formidable team to .uphold the reputation of M. C. H. & You'll travel a long way before you "Mack" has Yale Adams, Harry find a bunch of debators to equal those Anderson, Ralph Smith, LeRoy Smith rip-rarin' orators grouped together io *n(^ Frank Johnson returning from our local Married Men's Club, ^last year's squad. In addition there --I- .1l7l is Harry Conivny and several other We Monday 9e^m to ^elt" night, took a ringside seat PERSONALS Bill Klein and Harry Gerstung of Rogers Park were McHenry visitors Tuesday evening. Father Walter Conway, C. S. C-, of the University of Notre Dame, returned Wednesday, following a visit with his father, M. A. Conway, who is ill at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. Father Conway is novice of the Holy Cross order at Notre Dame University. Old Timer A. G. Stevens of Waukegan paid this office a visit Wednesday afternoon, enroute home from a call in the home of his cousin, Mrs. Violetta Ehrke, at Riohntond, where his uncle, William ^tevens, had just died. George Kramer was a business visitor at Manistee, Mich., on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett visited her grandmother at Elgin, Sunday. Mrs. Harold Ferguson of Topeka, Kan., was a Sunday caller in the Henry Vogel and E. E. Bassett homes. Mrs. Ferguson was formerly Miss Clatibel Martin of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke visited HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Public Speaking Class at the High school has been entertaining with humorous skits in the auditorium. Plans for Commencement are keeping the Seniors busy and committees have been appointed to arrange for invitation*. and for the choice of class colors and motto. BASEBALL PRACTICE Baseball practice will be held at the McHenry Park Sunday afternoon %t 2 clock. It is sort of an unwritten law to y°un* **** to push the older let no motion go through without,* pl^yer* , r T p^lt,.ons on the teamdiscussion. A few of them cuss and , 18 scheduled to play * r; •- • jhere Friday afternoon of this week, ' jbut if the local course is not in readgr iness for pjay, the match will be switched t<v the Crystal Lake course ^ | scheduled » b. phyed « ]LhS " course this year. Got to hand it to their presided*:, j Golf Schedule Bill Tonyan. Bill let's 'em argue, but' Friday, April, 16--Crystal Uke at pulls through with everybody in a McHenry. | good, friendly mood. " | Tuesday, April 20--Elgin at Mc- --II-- H^nry. .. „ j /The club's first president, GeorgeFriday, April 23--Banington at Mc-| in the home of their son, James Burke, Freund gave a review of organiza- Henry. " " ~ tion work and also took a couple of , Tuesday, April tftgood digs at the press. We'll t#ke McHeray.' care of that fellow just as soon as ^ Saturday, May 1--District Meet *t scorekeeping contract is signed. McHenry. ^ • J Mi#'" «^rjrctilv I«alte.-at There was a lot of discussion about Crystal Lake. the size of the ball to be used. Some j Friday, May 7--Barrington at Barwant a pumpkin to hit at and others rington. want a lemon. They'll probably com-, Saturday, May 8--New Trier at Mcpromise on a grapefruit. j Henry. a .i. Tr""" . Tuesday, May 11--Rockford at Mc- Another thing that came up was the Henry. idea of lengthening the base paths, j Friday-Saturday, May l4-lS-State That idea might have gone over, but-Meet at Champaign. that same George Freund is kind tif, Rockford, May 18--Rockford at heavy now for speed and the rul^i <*- Rockford. bid the use of bicycles. < j Friday, May 21--Elgin at Elgin. --f T i Monday, May 24--County Golf Meet The idea of longer base paths is to at McHenry. Colorado's High Peaks • There are more than 30 peaks in Colorado which exceed an elevation of 14,000 feet. TM t. •• --\ Sunday Matinee, 2:45 CB®tiww«s Week Days, 7:20-9:2# FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Robert Taylor -- Greta Gtfbo "CAM3LLE" Also--"Our Gang" Comedy SUNDAY -- MONDAY APRIL 18 - It 3 "OREEIN LIGHT** Also--Comedy and New* Sun. Mat. Gout., I0c-20c " 5^0; iec-30c aftec. TUESDAY (Doubie Feature) Bargain Nite Gx& KMee - ABoe Brafe "Mama Steps Out" "The Man Who Could Work Miracles" SeaMni's aaoat mnanial oei--dy leatRnea. AitiisMnn Ik-He WEDNESDAY -- THIJSSDAT 'THE GREAT O'MALLEY^ featuring Pat OTBrie* wad Jason Alflo--Latest issue 'March «f IW ni Comedy cot down the scoring and it wasnt because they took pity on tlw storekeepers either. , \ i; ;--:v --I-- " - ' .We hare an ldea. Change «ie mond. Make five bases. But, then you might have to tire another umpire. Two of then^are enough to argue with in one ball game. Lunch was delicious .... propriat^ BOWLING NEWS -IH Telia No. # Rev. Miller ... A. E. Nye G. Freund ..M GUM Freund « J. Tliennes J Total . Team No. 1 FVank Kempher aa^l lalw -Jasten were Milwaukee visitors on Monday of this week. Somebody asked what they ^ ' went for. Now what would anybody gutton' F igo to Milwaukee for, unless to see t^e g _ jj "ru,,L 'boys that made the town famous. --n- Louis Schmitt, local strong man is still interested in organizing a club.' You don't have to be a Tarxan to JoitUH Winkel G. Jus ten 167 Total Louis can build you up. Team No. t i j Trickery! i Little Glenny Wattles pokes along Thenw* ! ' - 1 all season with a 152 bowling average, Switl| """" then just as soon as a little cash is | posted in the doubles match, he goes to town with a 180 average and leads the field. Glenny was paired up with "Dutch" Bacon--high man and also fp,ieg" ran for the season. They copped the g^ris honors, but the boys vow to catch old gpccj possum Wattles next year. J4o%| * jjgten money player. : i : Heimer Knox Schafer Totftl Team No. S and family in Chicago, Monday. They Niles Center at j mad® the acquaintance of their little , j granddaughter, Margaret Mary, two months old, whom they saw for the first time. Mr. and Mrs. William VanlSTatta have sold their farm at Fountain, Mich., and are visiting in the home of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. They are planning to buy a home in this vicinity, where their earlier years were spent. Friends and relatives will be happy to. know of their return and extend a cordial welcome to them. Miss Evelyn Weingart spent Monday evening with friends at Woodstock. Mrs. Clmries Dunham and Mrs. Phil Guinto were in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Kruse and daughter of Richmond were local callers Wednesday. Mrs. Berheide, Miss Jennie Nye and A. E. Nye visited relatives at Milwaukee Tuesday. Mrs. Stacia Malone, who has been making her home with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Walsh, and family is returning this week to her home in Elgin. Thomas McCabe is employed with the telephone company in Ohio. It is expected his family will join him after 788 2545'sch°°l closes. ] Mrs. Kate Real of Elgin has been 117 -1131 with her sister, Mrs. Peter Weber, who 161--488 |is ill. . 201 509 j Miss Eleanor Sutton, who is em- 178 582 j ployed at the Armory at Woodstock, 192--^5351 spent the weekend with her parents, j Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. 849 25*27 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of j Woodstock visited his mother, Mrs. W. 169 169 169--507 A. Sayler, Tuesday evening. 152 154 200--506; Mrs. Floyd Hopper and son, George, 168 168 168--504! of Crystal Lake called on friends here 175 175 175--525xTuesday. 235 157 180--572 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buss were Rockford visitors Tuesday. Printed Dilftitles yd. 22c Beister Weaves^ yd. ' - • - 35c Broadcloth, plain colon, *< yard .r1--- 18c Comforter Prints, yd. 22c Crinkle Bed Spreads _$1.15 Part Linen Toweling, yd. _ 10c Pantie Dresses : 5(V Girls' Wash Dresses 50c79c Boys' \Yash Suits •' . i • ' 50e i ' •. • •* ' • ^ Stamped Pillow Cases, jpr. 60c Broadcloth Panel Cnrtains r 79c. Work Shirts Dress Pattern® ' ' Bring A Friend ^ Permanent Waves 2-Persons (A for Up to $15 Singly for %2 Up to lie School Girls' Permanent* IliO to |2M complete Note: The 2 for $3.00, 2 for $4.00 and the School Girls' Permanents are for Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only! Other days from 2 for $5.00 up to $15.00. Singly not less than $2.50 up to $10.00. •Otter Beauty Aids 2Sc ap PERMANENT WAVES From $3.50 to $10.00 Complete with Combination Wind, Haircut, Shampoo, Finger Wave and Facial. 10% DweeuM On All Permanents from $5. up to $10. Also a Free 60c Facial. 10% Discount not on 2 for 1 Permanents. STOMPAlfATO1 Barter andBeeaty Saiaa 22$ Main St. . . 229 Beatoa St PkmMl Woodstock. BL C O. F. ,177 176 178 183 165 879 m 218 176 166 144 146--540 167--521 167^-516 143--452 ... 794 884 ' ; % 180 167 167 175 181 208 185 148 209 160 For the HOTTEST MUSIC Gome To On U. S. 11 : KcHeary, IB. , DndE Alb iAHCE EVERT^^ SATURDAY MIGHT / BOB PETER80H'S ORCHESTRA WSpeciodf {kfaVfotk? • I 9 ii n K GAKMCNT Cedoriied Size 60"x27"*4"* Folding swivel Hook Reinforced inside holds 4 gorments 4 flot metol fostenei*5 Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute hook CUSTOMER Total Lmmea'a A very interesting time was had at the Fathers and Sons Boy Scout Banquet held at Bickler*s Hotel Monday night. The boys demonstrated var- Tirpnntrhrf iouf methods of sending signals, show- ^ Molidor ed 'how to tie bandages and greatly Littlefteld ..21 impressed the grown-ups with the im- j j Wagner*!!* portance of Scout work. j" q Wagners BninA "Lay Down" Charlie Lasch rolled, a 246 game to lead the local bowlers j the past week. Nora Watts showed! iss in rolling a 204 game to lead tiunMy bemiers. II Dillon .......... Now, Mr. Ripley, we have another vTiser one for you. Ed. Smith picked off 14 1^^ pins with one ball. Believe it or not. . » . 1 .1 Total ............ The Justen Brothers team, consist-1' Une'a Weaaels ing of Al, George, John Thennes, Ed. gjjj Smith and George Freund, report ® x. ii Ritta J. 261 pin victory over B. May, A. Brit*, j F Wagner ...... L. Lay, C. Freund and Ed. Freund of Butch Spring Grove. - PhannenBtilf""!.!" 870 m Vt&o Teams 899 823 887 2614 j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Block of Dundee were Sunday callers here. 180--563! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thies and 196--548 children. Mary, Connie, and Dorothy, 201--516 and William Thies of Chicago visited 178 562 their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 180--521! Thies, Sunday. • [ Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye, son, Eugene, 936 2710 Elvera Weingart, with Mr. and Mrs. | John Berheide and Miss Jennie Nye of Delphos, Ohio, returned home Monday, j after spending the winter at Miami, Fla. ' Mrs- Mina Frisby, Mrs. Cjprles Mqjrks, Gertrude and Grace Brandt of Elgin visited Miss Nancy Frisby on Tuesday. W. E. Whiting spent Monday and Tuesday at Kilbourne, Wis., making the trip with Warren Fish, who was a visitor here. Fred Kamholx, Jr., of Lot Angeles, Calif., arrived home last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, after nearly a two years' absence. He expects to return again in August. Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal Lake visited in the A. L Froehlich home Tuesday. 168 iM 189--424 181 119 109--419 1S1 158 148--437 189 169 184--482 167 168 182--517 7S« 771 872 2879 121 148 158--427 118 98 127--338 160 16& 168--491 188 179 128 164 154--415 183--526 706 701 790 2197 161 197 166 166 180 161 168 164 188 187 161--483 159--524 131--450 133--431 211--578 146 i 187 Our "S. B. C." sends us a story tak-, Total en from James M. Costin's Sports Rill's Boy#' Round-Up in the South Bend News- j> Thorsell Times. They are always talking of c. Miller ... Jimmy Crowley's wit* down that way. George .................. 166 --II-- King ......... ....... 166 It seems that the late Knute Rockne Wirtz 164 had agreed to assemble his famous ; Four Horsemen team a few years ago Total for a charity game in New York. Rockne wound up his letter to Crowley, who was then coaching jit Michi- •" . « gan State, like this: 868 813 795 2466 164 140 161 165 172 188--493 188--405 159--475 155--476 123--449 Village Claims Record Old Romeny is taking a bow a* the village where they are fewer weddings and funerals th&n in any other part of England. They have had only one bride there in the last five years, and during the last two yfars only Qi^e person has $ed. 768 782 Ladies' Clair "So, Jim, get ready for fame!" To "To hell with ready!" i Team No. f Karls that Mf Koppen .. which Crowley replied: Ro^j-s ith me; get that LINE Krause .,... Mward 120 110 166 108 105 116 124 149 134 124 758 2298 •f: ' 115--351 134--368 121--435 157--399 144--373 We at* sorry to report that , ettr^ Total -S. B.C." is still ailing. Our Chief Team No.If of Staff has left us bacheloring again. G. Barbian Said Big Chief didn't leave without t. Barth .. writing a few instructions which we K. Brefeld just found. After reading a few no- T. Bacon .. tations such as "Water the Easter R. Harris Lily," we bumped smack into this: j "Occasionally pick up your numerous belongings." A potent note that stong. 608 647 671 1926 140 122 104 124 162 188 102 136T 124 179 180--468 189--868 174--413 124--372 123--464 662 723 690 2065 166 92 -118 171 128 198 92 181 160 119 .... 664 686 669 2018 THREE ^H; Althoff Hdwe. West McHenry F ; v.- Total Team No. $ A. Hapke ....... GIRL SCOUTS E. Kinsala At Monday's meeting we all handed M. Kinaala in our cooky money and also our sta- D. Page s: Sonery orders. L. Eageln At the beginning of the meeting, we^ ; ; had color guard and gave the pledge, > Total ..^ of allegiance and the Girl Scout laws, . -- *, ahd the promise. Then we sang.the. _ ^ NOTICE first verse of America- | I ^Mire in this manner to express After "Corners" we played "Take my thanks to the voters who supported a Walk." We talked about going me at the election, April 10th. swimming. We are hoping to go very Respectfully, soon, in fact, as soon as Miss Ward ^ . DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN. can get the pool. We sang some songs ' ' and the meeting was dismissed. location of Garden of Eden A Court of Honor meeting took! This is a controversial question, place afterward. 'Some scripture students uave suggested the Island of Ceylon, others Arabia, and more recently the claim was mads that Mesopotamia was Urn original aMe. News Flash! £lection April 20 USED CARS The heavy demand for the New 1937 Ford V-8 has given us a stock of used cars and trucks, one of which we are sure will fit your purse and purpose. Just a few to give you an idea' of the completeness of our selection: 1936 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN 1935 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 1932 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN TRUCK 153--601 92--276 ,1934 CHEVROLET 157 146--385 145--476 133--380 framed First Constitution Connecticut framed the first wril- |p cgutitutMl' :,- • , ' 1935 FORD PICKUP TRUCK 1934 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN- 1931 PONTIAC COUP# 1930 DODGE SEDAN P - All Cars Guaranteed • -- .• Easy Time Payment* #' For the City's Protection, Be Sure To Vote Tuesday, April 20. For your protection, buy your used cars here, where you get a written money-back guarantee. BUSS-PAGE MOTORS SPECIALS Tomato Juice College Inn Brand ........ 41* ase French Dressing OvHhH pint Mayonnaise Cuuntt* Wheatles FREBE °w"it h Larg^Stalk, Celery jileached, oach New Potatoes 511M. (or 29c Pork Sausage S|rfced Ham Per pound Luncheon Meat Per pound BARBIAN Phone 180 Riverside Drive .; u? rsf' Glasses Fitted 1 i Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOHETXIST " A. B. NYE BUILDING Thursday Atones* West McHenry Hears, 1^6-5.-l Ej*s 12S-J TR Y THIS moomn crackm •»l*l III IIHIHERS WtfilAMI AMD MMIKAIS i» ss? V® • ojarw M# mo cnost iaacahomi ano M 7-OZ IKC * PKQS ^MM 25e SpaflMtti Snilin Raisins 4 lit eriggg ANN PA04 F»»tPA«lD Si^ttt «2u<&a •Ji- H-tS 19c OAAMOtPIKOC Wtiig Tee •^/;',*^.s 14c i-vs. M« I 9* CAN W tuOASCO oh FLAM ooz lie OLAtt OF Mll-K A*' RtO CIRCLC corrn S ^ S9c TALL BOY TOMATO SM . iDUKBtfU tA«OS LOAF mino rov »e --y Feedts •""awro.is'25. rO« CHOW MCIN 15c J**™110 • . Kf 19c l#c HuueT. MALtPAPIS CLCANta ABSORBENE 2 <""15* some 15c C&l. Asparagus, pound 15e Bananas 4 pounds 29c New Texas Potatoes Pound " Cauliflower, head' 15e Iceberg Heed Letlaee Head . ' te Fresh Radiwhw 2 bunchy fie A&P Food Stores R.W