wm £ v^5u.;t " "sz -?r, \T • ~, v- .*£*' t ~ . - , ;.....!a r • ^ j- • »* •< •* * .'it - j ' *' *" ' i' i ,» \ ' " _ f vp;' \ y /•. <f-r *. <' >'yf. » - y., y • . pv*y-/^. \ * £»*!*. 77 I " ' tiit flea w ••ttffjp ttto track afct§, „ trie twyjiiiMi Ihfriliii «ftt»- S» ^15S ******* ** "ndin* ** Theft of a bridge is the ttewest type of'stealing in McHenry county. 4 bridge on Route 47between Woodstock and Hebron was djsmanteled last fall and taken to a point near the Ton McGaire farm in Hartland township where it was to be erected over a _ stream this spring. In Jannary, the "nea*J ***d*® bycuttin* the riveted parts Aaeohg AtM tnm here to attend . '>$be eovnty Methodist meeting at Rich 'mm* n Us» were: Mesdames C. J. |f| fapWnTrvX Hitchens, Charles ftet, . IB. M. Stephenson, Rllla Fess and May Pwert. K;~>; Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. H. M &t«$henMm sttended the Auxiliaiy . <r*rd party at McHenry Friday «ven- Mrs. George Shepard, in company • • -- AiriUi her father, J. F. Claxton, Mra. . John Dreymiller and Mrs. James Sayj «r of McHenrfr attended the funeral ' pf Peter Benson at Ridgefleld Satur- «ley afternoon. Others from here to ;•[[ _ attend were Mr. and Mrs. Clsus Lar- V*':'#oa «hd A. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlsorf and •daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Felvey jbavis of Woodstock spent Sunday in , *J»e Alec Anderson home. 5k The Young Adult* group of Ring- 'X Wood and Greenwood held a dance in v !t the Greenwood hall Tuesday evening. ; Mrs. J. F. Claxton of McHenry r l>. spent Saturday in the George Shep- »rd home. • . • ' J J' Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mrs. Nick Ad* Mrs. George Worts of McHenry * And Mrs: -William McCannon and Mra. F. McLaughlin spent Tuesday with . j Mrs. Ralph Simpson and enjoyed a /. Jfet-luck dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzihger and / -.^laughter of Woodstock spent Satur- J^i /l^ajrWid Sunday with the latter's par- ; fnts, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. • A. W. Smith and S. W. Smith were ---v ^isitors at Woodstock Friday. •.*£- Mary Ann Wiedrich returned to her fiome Tuesday from Sherman hospital, wfcpre she has been for the past few , : weeks. She is much improved. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, of Evanston were visitors here TWSM; T • I tf1 m Ifteatis si Interest Takrn From the Files ef th- Ffalndealsr ef Tmn AN i* ' - S •- NEWS TAKE* FROM OOLUMHS OF OUR EXCHANGES rH TWENTY YEA US A(iO Four men riding in an automobile without a state license were apprehended by the Morton Grove polio* on a radio call from Sheriff U A. Doo- ^ little's station at Libertyville on Mob-' day of last week, following a minor traffic accident at Half Day. Eroast Thai man, 2311 Laek ave., Wilmette, was riding, in his automobile o« Eoute 45 when at Route 22 his car was Our village streets will agatn stand struck by another autoftiobil#\in which some much needed repairs this spring, four men were riding. The latter car With the heavy traffic of the summer stopped for a minute hut the men remonths, it just seema an inpaaslbilr fined to giwe their naoiea to Thalman ity to keep thero in the condition that and there waa no state license on the they should be. car. Jos. W. Freund, the West Side the sheriff and a call was sent out on clothier, moved his family to his home the radio on the order of Chief Deputy on Fox river in the north end of town Thomas E. Kennedy. The Morton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Grove police picked up the Lake coun- Freund have occupied the flat over ty radio broadcast and in a short the store for a period" of twenty-two while a police squad spied the autoyears. mobile with the four men, who were Carpenters are at work remodeling taken in custody and turned over to the interior of the William Bonslett Radio Patrol Deputies Joseph Welch residence on Waukegan street. A and Edward Dunne. modern kitchen has been attractively i Mr. -»uid Mrs. William Elfers of arranged for light asd convenience Richmond observed their fifty-fourth and many other improvements have wedding anniversary at their home on altered the original plan of the par- Sunday of last week. Their marriage ental homestead. { vows which have rung true these 54 Joe Freund, the teamster, who dur- years, were exchanged at the Wheating the past several years has resid- land Methodist church near Burlinged east of the river, has purchased the ton. Wis., April 4,1B83. They took up Glosson home in the north end of town their first residence on the Elfers and will occupy same at an early date., homestead farm. After fifteen years they moved to the Pacey farm near Antioefc aad William Griffin of 8«Wm, had calbfatid -thelr Bdttr wadding niversary en KaMnr 3ribday. Formr ly Mr. OrtfHx vwned tfie farm now owi^ V «fiiy^»ww.wt1» ii> sided tW« f^iikany . years before moving to K«no«lM> 14 years ago. He had nuaxy Mends in the AQtioch community. In the Third 8tate' Illinois Personality contest held at the Lake Collage of Commerce building and th* Hotel Waukegaq. in Wauk Elsie Awlahiingh of Uta.Huntley township high schMy was declared by the judges as the rtudent best endowed with that qpMkUty. Miss Aulahaugh received a bewtiful trophy for her accomplithnents, aad was awarded a teu-nymthsi^MfWhipjtothe L^e College of <7onwenm hy^h^ management Two mpo WMte instant^r. Wlad at te» ^cloek T#MQr ussrnist of last , week when the «pr in which they were Thalman reported the incident to. riding was strode by a Chicago 'and wewWrt the assigidll qttota. Mr. Oay Mm an «eth« feree la the Pana Bureta for a mpRber of yeara. E1»m- Hehrsy, §2 yeara old, son of J. Hefaey, twMtaf on the dd Dundee toad in Barrfngton township, died in rifee Ffauiees Willard hospital in Chicago Sunday eveaihg'of injuries received whsa ha waa thrown from a forse while riding Saturday afternoon. Young Hehrey aad a couain had atart* ed out for their ride and stopped soon after to trade animals^ the horse which laler threw the youth proving too Hmnmbi fractious.. The a^lent < THIRTY YEARS AGO Wilmot where they lived for nine years. They retired from farm life and have resided fn Richmond for - Sunday. '•'f . Mrs. B. T. Butler was a caller at McHenry Friday morning. ;.;?v Rev. and Mrs. Collins visited "friends at Waukegan Sunday. ^ Mrs. C. J. Jepson was a visitor at -Woodstock Saturday. . Edward Harrison of Elgin spent the . "iweekend at his home here. : Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crys- '»* 4a) Lake were Sunday dinner guests * s an the Charles Peet home. . Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice ip~4 : -Mae, Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. C. ^ -j'J. Jepson and daughter, Virginia, I ' aspent Sunday in Elgin. ^,•>}•*-' Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, ABce, were visitors at Woodstock on - Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Peters entertained the •' 4Seotch Bridge Club at her home Wedv*"~ n ineeday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Muzzy and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were dinner guests of friends at During the past two weeks William Bacon has drilled four wells and set thirty years. up two new windmills and in everyl Henry Griffin. 77, formerly a resiinstance his work has given perfect dent of Antioch for many years, died satisfaction. Steffes and. Wirfs, cement block manufacturers, have this North Western yienger train at the main crossing in Fox River Grove. The two vietinia were Hans Sorenson^ 50 yeara old, Mid (Me Larson, 28. Both had been amployed as caretakeni on the Bugge estate near Fox Rivet- Grove. Policeman Joe Bowfaan of that Village, witnessed the accident and was the fipat to reach the sceae. According to hia statement, the two men had awaited the passing of another train and then drove onto the tracks and directly into the path of the Chicago-bound flyer. It was difficult the Manheimer eetate. He was rtftiov ed to his home a^d then tain* hy aa»- bulance to hMpiitid in Qiicago m Sunday , morning. Examination revealed that he suffered a fractured skull aad fracture ef the spine Ih the fall, it was repssfed. The young man was employed in an insurance office bfCUMfb. JfaroId J. Ittad, son Of lK%and MA. George Read, Crystal Lake, has been awarded a du Pont fellowship. Mr. Read is a graduate student at the Univesrity of Peruifylvania where he is completing work for a doctor's degree in chemistry and also doing some teaching. The purpose of the du Pont Fellowship Plan is primarily to promote the'advancement of science and the scientific training of young men, and to co-operate wMh the educational institutiona In their efforts to carry on advanced research work. A Libertyvile mother and her two children narrowly escaped death Friday afternoon of last week when their for J^me time to identify the victims,! aat0mobile was struck by a fast southso badly was the car demolished and the bodies crushed and mangled. It could not be ascertained Which of the two was driving. F. 8. Gay, nearby Harvard farmer, is the recipient of a gold watch in recognition of his work in enrolling membound Skokie Valley train at the Westleigh road, Lake Forest grade crossing. Mrs. Dorothy Tieken, wife of Attorney Robert Tieken, Route 20, Belvidere road; her daughter, Linda Meyer, 13, and her son, Husted Meyer, 9, were taken to the Alice Home hosbers of the McHenry county Farm pital and treated for minor injuries. Bureau. Gay is a member of the board They were later discharged. Accordof directors of the Farm Bureau and ing to Lake Forest police, Mrs. Tieken, a drive for membership has been con- driving west on Westleigh road, while ducted for some time, not only in Mc- apparently trying to beat an approach- , last week Sunday evening of a heart < Henry county but in other like units of ing North Western-freight train to the Johnsburgn attack at hia late home in Kenosha. Illinois; nineteen counties of the state the double crossing, she failed to nowfth acetylene torches. Nothing was thought of it as tha men said thty had purehased.it. Parts stolen were valued at *2000, Sheriff Henry A. Nulle reports that he haa met with many types of thefts hut the matter of stealinga hrMflHi oertadnly the unusual. Work will start soon on liying 4,000 feet of 4-inch and 1900 feet of 6-inch water main, in Marengo, fottawda* receipt thk week of foiniri approval of a WPA project for Marengo. The total coat of the project is^ef timated at 111,200 with material costing an estimated $4,950. These estimates were made by Engineer Victor H. Kpsser of Elgin, at the time application for the grant was made on January 19. Marengo also has made application for a $6000 WPA project for grading, gravelling and topping certain Marengo streets. If this projeet ia aPproved, Marengo's share will be paid with gasoline tax money. •' • . ' • v.' Wine Temperamental Bnrera|* Wine is a temperamental beverage. Some kinds improve on long ocean voyages. Other kinds become "aick" on trains and shipe and require months of rest to recover their tranquility. Othera sometiraea have temporary "ride spells," tha cause of which balllea even wine doctors.--CoUiar'a W«d%, The Word "Anttasaeaasar" The word "antimacassar" cornea from Macassar, the capital of Celebes, and the source of macassar oil with which dandies once slicked their hair. / . week installed a new machine by which they can now turn out cement balls of a size that are used for ordinary decorating purposes. Town Assessor J. W. Kimball has' received his books and will be making his annual rounds again soon. Alderman Block is rebuilding his residence on John street, and when completed will add much to that end of town. eW have been informed that the McHenry Electric Light, Heat and Power Co., will rebuild the mill race at once and expects to be in first class running ocdar again ia about two week*. FORTY YEARS AtiO Waukegan. i Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham of Zion Grandpa Rosing, as he was familiar^ ' City spent Sunday in the J. F. Mc- 'y known, died at his home in Volo Laughlin home. . j on Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and' c01"1* frosty weather still con- ^daughter entertained a few friends at'tinues in this section, and those who dinner Sunday in honor of the birth- contemPlmte taking down their coal .. days of Mercedes of Elgin, «toves have abandoned the idea. ' Harry Connel of Chicago, and Mrs. I ^ En«eln h*8 commenced clearing Anderson of Antioch. Those to attend ®P ^ mWb"h preparatory to build- ~wiere Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connel, in* olS the site of the late He in- Miss Florence Zapfe and Walter Hit- fonns us he wil1 Put UP a brick buildeel of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. C. And- me 24x60' two stories high. erson and daughter, Joyce, Will Volk The vacated by L. E. Benand Dewey Holenbeck of Antioch, nett» Photographer, are being over- Lucy Howden of Richmond and Mer- hattled »nd made into office rooms, one - cedes Lindemann of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family and S. W. Smith spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. Lonnie Smith attended the passion play at Bioomington Sunday. John Smith shot in the rifle club at McHenry Tuesday evening and won the Bank cup and the small indoor trophy. Oeorge Harrison is Wary iH at this •writing. Mb. Catherine Young and son, Clar- """'I'*;" ir T 0"1 ece of McHenry spent Sunday in MciIenry: .lt 18 of which will be occupied by Baechler, dentist. ' - ' iwrr* years AG«|i We learn that in the yard of our public school there is an old unused and deep well, which is only protected by a few loose boards thrown over it. Duck, hunting is now opening up, and with a few days of warm weather will be in full bloom. Smith & Snyder have erected a new awning in front of their block, in West a good improvement ••ipv '**• i ***- AND VttUft the home of her soa, George Young ^n^y aaaadd ffaammiillvy . < Wlt° F" ^ Jackman, Principal, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent Clara Wightman, Intermediate, "andd Amday in the Merritt Cruikshank %***; ^^ry depart«»ent. ftoma in DiinHrr John K- Brents, while hunting near William Young of Elgin was a ^ the °n ^ caller in the home of his brother, George Young and family, Sunday aft- 11 meM!^ t^ree and * half feet 1qd«< ernoon. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and daughters, Betty and Grace Mary, and son, Charles, of McHenry were callers in the Wm. McCannon home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr Saturday evening at McHenry. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, and'resulted were callers at Richmond Saturday : afternoon. was as thick through as a man's wrist, and has seven rattles. SIXTY YEARS AGO spent At the meeting for the election, of a school director qn Saturday last, sitxy-two votes were polled, a larger number than for sevral years before, in the election of C. B. Curtis by a majority of ten votes. Mw7Kankie Stephenson spent Sat- stan^r J0^nnM^S,nith, •rday afternoon at Woodstock. £ u Cur J tlS* Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and on ^n PA ^ commenced apin daughter, Bernice, spent Wednesday ^ a vacation, evening at Richmond. . 8 «ood*Uen^nce- _ ^ w # Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent .?°* R'Ver Base\Ba11 Club. of Saturday afternoon with the latter*. VllUge' have. for the parent* near Hebron. coming season, and will be out to prac- Frpnk Wiedrich and daughter, Ethel, 800,1 " the we#tiler wUI **T' apent Friday afternoon at McHenry, "Mrs. S. W. Smith and son, John, accompanied Mercedes Lindemann to Elgin Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters were callers at Rockford aad Belvidue Sunday afteSnoon. ^ M*. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Sunday evening at Elgin. (School election was held Saturday evening; George Shepard was re-elected clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Verlaine of "W ACT NOWT Carbon Black Us Carbon black, made by burning natural gas, is used mainly in toughening rubber. Inherent Talent Talent/lying in the understanding, is often inherent; genius, being the action of reason and imagination, rarely or never. Waukegan spent Sunday in the Leonard Carlson home. IttaSS mpMi: 'm FTVIIPPdidG noItG koJMGBaa smTmigt • • ' ' - ' cnnw w nm ww m latt«r part e( j and waste' bofA ti «aifloffii|: 2^1 AB UfW AjB For •pleiidiaent, Phone Franklin 8616 -- MeHemry M>W « Wrtleto-- Dr.M. M. OPTOMBTlteC EYE lit N. ftate Street, CMhat •ii y 4 *UTT BROTH9H3 IpgfdoNTifcAcri^ C--iwt Brick, PlaaUr alii StaeooWerik Mldiag. Moving a^ •; iC . Raising ' . iviiphms m-m-i ' S®:' McSBNRY, IU. MOHEY TO LMR I hav^ aUsats who hay* _ to lend ea first mortgages mm estate aad others who want to row money ea real eatata. V tereetad eithee way, 1 wfll he to talk it over with yea. Joseph R. Sikes Waakegaa Natieaal Bank 4 8. Giaesin St, Waakegaa, tiL TEL. MAJESTIC It ^ XSHT * OOMPAJIY AUKIadaef INSURANCE Placed with the mast - Oeme la aad talk H ever . *hene MrRevn • Charlie's Repak Shop Next Doer Meet Noenan's On U. S. 12 RADIATORS REPAIRED BODIES aad FENDERi Straightened -.Sign Painting &&&*';, Track Lettering^rr x Acetylene Wekting CHARLES KIETESSL A* P* Freund Co. Kxcavating Ckmtraetor Z! v rrnddng. Hydraulic aud Oraae> 8ervice > ftoad Building feL 204-M MeHemry, 11L S. H. Frennd & SOB qONTEAOTORt^. AHD BUILDERL Phene 117-E McHenry 0«r experienoe ij at Your lei tlce in bnildhig Yonr Wants No. M0 iteffel A Keihansperger fills Amazing Bargain Prkt Cannot Last Mudi Langarl Now--during this big spring sale -- replace that obsolete and inefficient old stove with a beautiful new "Magic Chef range. This sale Offers you an outstanding money-saving opportunity. ^New, lustrous porcelain enamel range, striking in d'^riga, baik for Utmost convenience, will add new beauty, new pleasure to your kitchen. And how much easier a "Magic Chef' will make your cooking and balcinjg! You'll be delighted to see the many new features of 4m up-to-date range. Lode into this big sale offer! Low prices pre- >ail. You can purchase a range for a small down payment, the {balance in small monthly payments. Come in at once. This offer lasts '« Hmfrnd time only. . ' (or ell fHT McHENRY ILUNOM WESTERN UTSflTE] WGAS *«D ILECTRIC CXMPANYL >•* ul* •w. if - -te sxun K! A 0I<5 Bt-ACK 'N *A\\T£ CAT OEST" tkl MIS MOUSE/WO WE COAAE OUT RUWhllW' ^ ^RRRdaaa f ML DRIVE CAT: «I- •» t* ' £ i \ )• v Ban.' A ' WOOD Bsvas Motor Express The Pioneer line Operates dally between MoHenry aad (UM|» Phooee: vWahash 761t C*5- ' . VERROR J. KMX A1TORNET AT ^ ' • Pries Bldg. ' omca HOURS ... fkadaya aad. fildsjai" OttarDayahy " rats AUTO DISDRAHCE rA*" EUL I VALSI leHable Companies ef aa -UU LlBil Pries Bl]g. I ^