i'fc V* * |' . V * *" J ,'/- *>/ P&mSiW v.* -»•: Mra*** -'•' \n zw ••??•** mmfi > '«j^\ \ ^ "7 ^ *;*. V* W|?fl F-'f^ f.v/-y# ; V^'f. k• .*V~^<y Vr £" a«1 -;. m&ms. • >V'-',\4 ^' H " " . ^IwSSil >,J '•-* &*% . S* '-'i as mmntT •V'!A •"•%- "S* V «.,S *\J fc;;' * .'•"£$ Kn. Jacob R. Justen and ion of Waokeran vis! ted'Tueeday afternoon U: -.'• with; Mrs. George Kin*. Mrs. Paul Schumaker. if;; Crystal Lake spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jacob Sehumakef. Mrs. Ray Horich of Woodstock call ed at the hone of Mr. aad Mrs. & H. Smith Thursday afternoon. Carl Voltz was a Chicago ealler Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Williams spent Sun- I'f0..-1. A.' , Jsi" *<*. s-H "*»• 'm?0\ RADIATOR WT.nnif «n vTi OW TO PREVENT OVERHEAT ?# <•". K * < '* •' U* CENTRAL GARAGE >btme 200-J Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Eiectrican^Acetylene Welding Towing lojoataif W with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. PWerWBliaws. Mr. and Mrs; Larson and family of Chicago vrere callers here Sbnday. MiSsChristina Adamrf spent a few dagm with her sister, Mrs. Math Selaefer. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy NeweH of Chicago were callers here Monday. Wm. Otffling is very sick at this Writing. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Wilkie of Chicago Math Lay of Spring Grove was a visitor here Wednesday afternoon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Stephen Huff and daughter, Spring Grove, were callers here Sunday. Miss Betty Schaefer and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan ealled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Smith, . Joe Heumann was a Woodstock caller Friday. * Mrs. Wm. filay and sOn, Richard, are spending a few days in Chicago. Mr. and Mn. Jack Bode entertained relatives from Diamond Lake over the Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein motored to Chicago Sunda j. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Schmitt' and faniify and Mrs. Otto Adams motored to Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Weber and Mrs. Peter Weber and daughter, Amelia, spent Sunday in Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thurlwell. of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaefer cele Jkrated their Silver wedding Sunda; by inviting in a few relatives and neighbors. MEMBER federal Deposit insurance Cor- - porstion $6,000.00 Maximntti Insurance for each Depositor (OFFICIAL FUUL.1UATION) > * -- Report of the Condition of West McHenry State Bank , McHenry, HI. (P. O. West McHenry) f transmitted-in response to call of the Auditor of Public Account** pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on tlrtK: day of March 1937. •'» v RESOURCES 1, Cash and dtie from banks .„v.. 3LvUnited States Government obligations, directand/ or fully guaranteed ^ 4 Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts Overdrafts 204,982.$? 186,840.36 267,018.53 74.30 .<7, Banking house,* £$;924,Q0; Furniture and futures, $1,944.00 t. 1,478.00 Grand Total Resources $«' ' LlAB IX4T lilS 12; Capital stock 14. Surplus . . . .... 15. Undivided Profits (Net) 16. Reserve Accounts 17* Demand Deposits 18. Time Deposits :;':K:ifcotal of deposits: (1) Secured by pledge of loans investments ~ -10 ~ 4 investment# .$ 50,006.46 50,<Mtt.CK) 809.08 2,100,00 385,215.03 328,413.37 $ 25^000.00 688,629.40 (3) Total Deposits Other Liabilities ............ Grand Total liabilities _$713,628.40 Memorandum: I^oans and Investments hedged to Secure Liabilities: Mi Loans and investments pledged: , , •*/ ii U. S. Government, obligations direct and'off* fully guaranteed /5,630.29 ..$830,167.77 $27,000.00 Total Pledged (excluding rediscounts) Pledged: , Against funds of State of Illinois Total Pledged $27,000.00 $ 27,000.00 wt $27,000;00 : -The bank has outstanding $47,273.72 face amount of Deferred / Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when sooh ? future net profits are yarned, (future net profits are operating profits pins recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserve*) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all 'dqpoi&t - . and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to sftecflt- *' ^ holders as such. I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do f . uplemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my ~ knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the-items and amounts shown in the report made 'to the y. Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to Um. - , GERALD J. CARXTf, Cashier. " v JCorrect Attest: JOS. W. FREUNID, STATE OF ILLINOIS, '• ^ County of McHenry. ss.^ V ' , Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of April l937. 4 (SEAL) • ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Publi*/ ' RINGWOOD at KBHHBnBHBB Mrs. lay Cristy entertained the Easy Aces at her homo Tuesday Aft eraoon. the Homo Circle met at tho home of Mrs. Charles Peet Wednesday. A one o'clock luncheon was served and a fine program was enjoyed in the afternoon. Tho P. T. A. will hold a card party at the school house, Tuesday evening, April 27. Ftink Brefeld was taken to St. Therese's hospital at Waukegan on Tuesday evening, suffering with stom ach ulcers. He was operated upon Wedneaday. The Young .Adults group held a party in the w. O. Fisher home < on Tuesday evening. Games were played and a fine time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young attended the Young-Freund wedding Wednes day. Mrs. Ed. Thompson of McHenry was a visitor in the Wm. McCannon home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and daughters, Viola and Mae, of Chicago were visitors here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. Wm.'McCannon attended the funeral of Mrfe. A. J. Schneider at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens entefr tained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson, Mn, George Shepard and B. T. Butlen t5i> Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were r at Woodstock Friday morning, and Mrs. Byron Hitchens of Chicago spent Monday night and Tuesday with the former's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bois of Marengo called on Mr. ancf Mrs. F. N Muzzy Monday. « The remains of William Penn Stevens of Ricmhond were brought hers, for burial Friday afternoon. He waa a former resident here. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison and family of Round Lake spent 'Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. . Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family spent Saturday evening in the Vivian Austin home near Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr visited Frank " Brefeld at St. Therese's hospital at Waukegan Thursday evening. Miss Darlene Merchant of Chicago is visiting at her home here. Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin is pending the week with her mother, rs. Jennie Bacon. ® Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hmze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the lafc^ ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. Glenn Jackson of Solon Mills* Jflrs. Elmer Olsen, Mrs. Viola LoW and daughter, Alice Mag, find Mr?, Fred Gibbs spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock, ^ , Sdward Hfefcs I'ison of Elgin spent the ih the George Harftiori h&mri = Mrs. Jennie Baie^ ii spending the week at her h»4% ktre. Mr. and C. J. Jepson and daught^-' Vlrgnoia, visited relativea ** XlWrtein SoksSay afternoon. Ringwood Epworth League wad enttVtained at Greenwood Sunday <t*reniBg. Frank Wiedrich of Richmond spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon of Eagle Lake, Wis., sB?nt the past week in the J. V. Buckland home. r Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spenf Sunday evening at Woodstock. Harold Jepson of Winnebago spent Sunday morning with his parents, Ma and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Rev. and Mrs. Collins are spending the week in Chicago with their children. Mrs. George Dixon, Miss Flora Taylor and Mrs. Howard Buckland spent Thursday in the Lloyd Gratton home at Woodstock. Quite a few from here attended the W. L. S. show at Woodstock Sunday afternoon and evening. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Harvard were supper guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent a few days the past week with her parents at McHenry.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughter of Woodstock spent Saturday afternoon with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mrs. Paul Volk and son, Will, of Antiock were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Jehnsbucg spent Sunday evening in the George Young home. Miss -Florenoe -Zapfe and Walter Hitsel of Chicago -were callers in the S. W. Smith home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mr*. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday with his mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Harmon and Mr. -and Mrs. Armond Vale of Chiuago visited in the F. N. Muzzy home Sunday. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Saturday in'Chieago. Floyd Garr of Greenwdod was ealler in the WW. McCannon home on Sunday. i F. N. Muzzy of the local school attended a committee meeting at Evanston Saturday of the Progressive Edn eatien-Board. last *? U» week here and wm later joined by her hpsband. Mn. Kate Real returned to Elgin Friday,; alter spending thret, weeks with her deter, Mrs. Peter Weber, who is ill. Mr., and Mrs. John Solger wore Rockford visitors Sunday. Her fattier, John Kortendtek, returned with them for a visit. Mrs. Stacia Malone of Elgin spent 0»a first ^[/the wedc in the home of her sister, lira. M. J. Walsh. Mr. and M**. M. J. Kent of Oti- . her* wtth W«da adwrttHn*. T-ffttt Moeka of Brodhead^ wsak wftfc ter, JtivLimfe Young, at Waakegan. M*». I>«vid Wellington was a Lib. ertyvill« ealler Friday. Miss Margaret McDonald, of Glencoe, an Old Timer, was a local caller the American _ •nd Tel^fraph company, is at vine, IB. - Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schreinre wato* Chicago visitors Friday. Ife 1 •'.}•> r, 'i-'H 'If /-UI m: v \ f t ' \ y yi,.» >' y 19*37 Ford V«8 • M yoa tliiaJk tluM **rfl Um-yr|ee ears eoat about the --ma** -- |orget It! They don*!. -- "Ford imifa a car -- a 60-honepower economy Ford V-8 -- thai sella from 30 to 60 dollara nndeir the prices aaked for any other ear of comparable sice. The lowest Ford prices in years! Check delivered prices in yoor town and see for yourself. • Of course, first cost doesn't prow "low cost" -- you must consider operating cost also. The "60" has definitely established itself as the most economical car in Ford history. Ford cars haw been famous for economy for 84 years, so that means something! Owners who have driven it thousands of miles report that the Ford "60" averages between 22 and 27 miles on a gallon of gasoline. , «a» pirn those IfuicSf-- on the open road -- in a car provided by the nearest Ford dnkr. • When youVe finished your personal check-up, ask yourself t I want to me money the nay I buy my cast and every mile (I drive it?w / ' "Do I want a safe, roomy, eamtfortable car of advanced design - created from the finest to the highest precision ataadards?" There's «qsly one answer^ af course -- the 1937 Ford V-8. v ; '529 •l Dtirfeira hilii). TriiipaitaHH tbM|M, <ka tmt FM IW Bti ••Nn*' wibth f(.rrm d wan dM m4rw khahi«w«i ,C irnap * WbiMi wMikfaM•I, watapdw va kM tr atIjMr. T, j. $"](•A m iMl OJwNTaHw, wafatelr, Wtrmfmi aamayy MFar dV -dSa aClaarr,, --yfc--a <• tfca V. S.--«W»--fc AathiiM f»K» MOTO» COMPANY FEK80HALS '• • Mr.:Nkad Mrs. Ted Shelton of Peoria visited his mother, Mrs. Pete/ Weber, Sunday. Miss Kathleen Givena went to Chicago Saturday,'returning to McHenry With her sister and husband, Mr. and Mra. Harry Laurence, who spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mm A. P. Morita of Chicago were weekend visitors in the home of her brother, Henry J. Miller and family. Mrs. Morits spent a few y«or round, y*t requires no attention Changeable spring weather a£fect the gss bested home. Foe Gas Heat adjusts itsdf according completely automatic fcffp building and Kcbuildifig the lurnace fine and fills. Instead stat sec on the wsll does the work-- comfortable without leqniiing any re are othe Dust, dirt, reduced to s minimum. It saves (time sad wodc^ there arc no sshes to haul, no foci to order and store. r Investigate Gss Hest today! Write, phone or ostt at your Western United office for full particulars. Don't delay! ; ,ril •4X;' Sk'" m f-M': W . tar x. AfS .. % .V1 A#«ra^. jl,.