Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1937, p. 3

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' *r ^ rf >&^A« 9;%' Vy "j 4pW«^' *;•-* --{"••'•" k- •'" ** no pa •a - ^ \, 1 ^ '4" \ - V"* ' « * VVV-^- '-*" . :j :• *M•*s-->* •A\>*.-*T-. ,-; , AY FOR IT IKE REtftf* YOU USE IT # Build i new garag# ^ jpOW tod pay for it ># ' tmall monthly iastal|r^ Incuts--depending on lb» amooiii and thtf >gch of time needed t»- lece the payment^ Kaserials and labor ase ieasoaablc. Our limpM - jjfraaace Plan proride* ^ .low rates, convenient jroothly payments., ;< '!i use .•' 4.89UAKE DUMBER ULTB ^wclitea-cuf lumber in ewa&*tJ: :|taad*rd length*, with iMaooch, iqutn ends. Prop. - °4&f Nuoocd node. Guano- ,|ssi bjr Weyerhs^user. .Yd«f|i2u <{aa bay it with confidence. McHetfry Lumber Co. HailKy aad Service First" « 46 West McHcary Order your rubber stamps at th* :•; tlaTnd«*aler. y Mr. and Mrs. George Kamhols and eUMm of Chicago vUted his parents on Saturday. Weekend visitors in $he home of Mr* and Mrs. William Bacon were their children, Marshall of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm and sons of Kenosha, Wis., Lois Bacon, and Bud Bapp, Chicago. - Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tfcaub, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ewert and Why, Eunice Rae, of Des- Plainee, and Mr; aad Mrs. Lisle Bassett of this city. ° Mrs. M. Schlosser and daughter, Martha, were Sunday guests of Mrs. A. Wolfe. Frances Vjrcital was a Chicago visitor Tuesday.," Mrs. Charles McArthur, daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. Carl Nelson of Elgin1 •pent Monday with Mrs. C. Rasmussen, in honor of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thies, Mrs. John King and son, John, visited at Wilmette Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis of Jdiet vistted> er mother, Mrs. Kate Stoffel, on 9onday. Mr. and lbs. John Sauer of Chicago called on „ Mrs. Fred Kamhols Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Downs of Wauconda spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Downs. Raymond F«rwerd*r, who is trending Coyne. Electrical school in' Chicago, returned to Chicago this week, after several days' visit with home folks. « Miss Ida Klieve of Capron was a weekend guest of Miss Mary Althoff at her home here. Mrs. William Marum and daughter of Edison Park spent Saturday with her aotber, Mrs. N. J. Justen. * Mrs. William IJtten entertained the members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League Tuesday afternoon. Frizes were won in ftve hundred by Mrs. Oeffling; winners in bunco were Mrs. W. Etten, Mrs. A. Seyfferth and Miss Marie Etten. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most'enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner, Mrs. Jennie Ox toby. Mrs. • Byron Orvis and Mrs. John Wagner attended the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Nett at Wihnot, Wis., one day last week. Mrs. Charles Freund was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday ,^. ; d • Mr. and Mis. Qua Lipffert have re-|evenin5 ,Two of five hundr^ turned to their place of business at'?lere i!\ P,|a^,,a 1 winners were Lily t-nlff . Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round Lake, Mr 'A U-1 t Vmrmv, .ta guest, and Mrs. AiSefcmeltzer. Con# Mr. and Mrs. Edward lUrah andj^,,^ went to Mn. Ini Murray of ^' ?ff." *^ir i Fox Lake, also a guest. Mrs. Freundl ^n^hauser,<^K*go; M*. and Mrs WM pKsented ^ a ho8te*s prize. an1|Refreshments were served. The club visited the home of Mr And Mrs. Jack Wrublewski Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage at lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent Sunday at their cottage and also visited Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener. Mr. Novach, Mr. Grassman, Mr. and Mrs. George Daly, Mr. tad Mrs. O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. O'Niel, Chicago, visited in the home of Mr. and Mft, Joseph Daly Sunday. The many Meads of Mrs. Arthur Kattner will be glad to hear that she b recovering1 nicely and is now able* to be up and around with the aid of crutchea. Mrs. Emma Furloef has returned to her home here, having spent the winter months in California. Misses Arlene and Lorraine Nett visited their aunt, Mrs. Margaret !*Wtes, on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Freund. was confined to her home with an attack of pleurisy' several days last Hreek, but has now Food and Drugs Act According to the Federal Food and Drugs Act, any imitation of a specific food must carry the word "imitation" on the label, as well as a clear statement of the main or essential Ingredients of the article. A party was held on Fred Dosch in ifuUy recovered. honor of his birthday, recently. Sing- f Misses Lucille and Jeanette Hergott ing and games were enjoyed by about] were callers in the Jacob May home fifteen guests. A lovely lunch was on Monday afternoon. served which included a huge birthday j The Community Club will hold its c*ke. [next meeting on Monday night, April Mr. and Mrs. Willis;ra Nystrom of 26, at St. Peter's T»*HChicago are spending the summer at. ,, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weisbaum. " ' Among those who spent the wiek- j end at Lily Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and daughter, Mr; and Mrs. Toons, Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. Galitz, Mr. and Mrs. Harder, Flreflys, Living Laaterns Huge fireflies in South America are held by natives as living lanterns through the jungle night, and the women often use glowing bee-- tles as ornaments for their h a i r.v Mrs. L. Gannon, Joseph Czuprinaki, Centennial celebration last summer. MVkek WHILE •0 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and family and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and many others, all of Chicago. Mrs. Lucy Wegener of Grayslake spent Wednesday at Lily Lake. Genevieve Daw was a Waukegan caller Saturday. Mrs. John Lodtz of Crystal Lake visited the home of her father, Frank dteinsdoerfer Sunday. Mr. Steinsdoerfer is still ill. Mr. and Mrs. Hintz and daughter, Alice, have returned to their home and place of business here. Mrs. VanDoring, daughter of Mrs. Yet, if We can bring out and make* apparent the sentiment -already existing for a museum and by publicity create additional sentiment, which should easily be done, we would fee) confident of sucpeas. It can be done. The problem will be solved if we gel behind that and enough of us show an interest in the undertaking. Hie object of this short letter is te<.* ask the co-operation of those who fav>~ or a museum, that expression be give A by writing to the Old "Timers' Club, however briefly or at length. A mere approval with name would be very welcome. The mayor and the city council havtf F. Steinsdoerfer, is much better, but1 taken up the subject and the mayor •4'JSEAT Still in a Chicago hospital; also, the baby, son of Mrs. Doring, is slowly recovering from a long illness. - Mr. and Mrs. Kiehl, Mr. and MTS. Pete Sons, all of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cory of Waukegan visited the present residents, home of Mr. and Mrs. George Then Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaehet of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs Welti Richmond visitors Sunday. * has appointed a committee to consider it They are awaiting development and it is up to us to help the matter along. Please let us hear from you, and this means former as well as C 8. OWEN. i: > * wood froma worn wiik hard Alofiliv^vf . Lid covered with peart pyrolih. *C©kxrc, ivory, white, or light green wHfe # " ^rSdaHf peart Bd. Shirdy and attractive. OHE TO A CUSTOMER SLOCUM'S LAKE Wm. H. Althoff Hdfwe. f * *** * 0 # Main Street a worn- COSTS M0 MOKE 70 BUT (I to boy. Tto ooly refrigefasar OIL COOLING \hWj mt mi Midi M CU mi uncHPi Phone 251 Mctleory .1 • _ •"' • • . • . Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Jennie, Ethel and Marion, were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were Sillers at McHenry Monday night. ^ Chesney Brooks was a caller at Irving Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rau of Chicago spent last Thui%day at the home of Mr. aod Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Merle Dowell was a caller, at Elmhurst Saturday. 5 Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and son, Harold, spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks at Libertyville. Mrs. Earl Converse accompanied Mrs. Ray Dowell and granddaughter, Darlene Harris, of Woodstock to Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Willard Darrell attended Grand Lecturer's night at Nunda chapter, O. E. S., at Crystal Lake last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse spent Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Philena Davis. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks called at the home of Mrs. Frank Kelsey at Shady Hill subdivision on Fox River last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and two children of Libertyville and Willard Darrell were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hahn of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse Sunday. Mrs. Harry Matthews was guest at a meeting of the Lake County Home Bureau held, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fink last Wednesday. The lesson in Chair Covering, by the home adviser, Miss Johnson, was enjoyed. I WITH THF AS? LOW AS urns us amtsu PROOF OF ALL S BASK SERVICCS Um&r End* "Cub*-Struggtm~ and "Icm-Fixminm "t Net# 9-Wo* tntmrUtrt 3* nuiD Kmups food tm&mr, fr*shmr> 4. Mum igm-isiuTT S'Ymar Protection Pimm becked by Geascsl Moma' BUY THIS PROOF WAY bmumuMUMin AND SAVE MMZHNLV! e No aeed aow to VO INI BONtl /Gives supnt DOTY at si--ting Mtvtag. sn THl PROOF With electric i V '"y'M Is BM^ISS Drsg Only Frigidsite has kl Inwsafty releases Icecubes from tray, two Of a damn til time. Yields 20% mote ice byeadiftg fiuicec aMltsge wests. Come la sad see its quick assy esdea. ntoor! Nor to in -rrithnut rnai|ilsfeasM In Iff 1 llei* SarMCft/ Fo* nuGiDAiu with theMnrnuMisnsscss s in 3UW>4HJrrr at aa iMiinswrto... and pnmu k. Cosse in. See ntoor that H^kUfe is the mest fce aio •. vide*, fbod-ctorer and fbod-pceserver ever kaownl That It will enough on food and operating cost to pay far itself, aad nayyoaa pco&c besides! j For fiitt MUM ia 1937 yon aesd niGiDAiars COMTUTS snvicx. ABILITY. See our P&OOf-DHIONSTKATION todayl M Jacob Justen & Sons BUY FROM TOUR LOCAL DEALER Phone 103-R Qreen Street CHEVROLET TRUCK breaks all known economij and dppendabilitu records •l i * /. u 0. OLD TIMERS' CLUB SEND IN YOUR LETTER! April 19, 1937. Timers Club: Although little has been said about it in print recently, the idea of a permanent museum for McHenry is still very much alive in the minds of many and the hope of fulfilment is as great as ever. The one thing that holds it back appears to be the want of a suitable location for housing. The requirements for the purpose are, of course, quite different from those for the usual trade of mercantile establishments and it is not surprising that there is difficulty in getting what is desired, or even what is needed property to care for a collection of this kind. By this kind we mean a collection of the general nature of the splenft;. the Through blazing heat...through blasting cold ... across high mountains . . . across plains . . this Chevrolet half-ton truck rolled up amazing now records WEMSm&IL. 10.244 MILES with 1000-pound load * I A I T O T A L C O S T OF CAS Study this unaquaUd racord--than buy CHEVROLET TRUCKS Location of Test. . 'Round the Nation--Detroit ia Distance Traveled ..10,244.8 Miles Oosoline Used • • •» ..4 93.1 Oollons Oil Consumed .. .-fc* . . •'»«.. • • • 7.5 Quarts Water Used f o «t"e .• e o « • o'. .. . 1 Quaft TOTAL COST OF REPAIR PARTS 73* ITIORE POWER perqallon Oasoline Cost.. yj• » • ' » » . » . • . » . . $ 1 0 1 . 0 0 Gasoline Mileage.. ...... 2074 Miles per Gallon Average Speed .. «.. ..; , ,.. . .. 31.18 Miles per Hour Running Time ..... . .,.. 328 Hours, 31 Minutes . Cost per Vehicle Miie. |fi, $.0098 "••'".".Average Oil Mileage . •.;. . 1,34S>.9 Miles per Qt. ttmwwr* Ww h-- by A. A. A. --: ' CtlMil IMN •• hsleg •fflciatly c*rr*ct. [' -fTSfnxT Moroa pwnsinw. c--t«-- s-u. prriMMT. Mca. • pmywmmtt m mtit r+*r pmr**. LOWER COST per load < K "--r • » . v '-- • -t; , « ' , , . •• •

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