Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1937, p. 8

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END 0BRIBS OF PABTIE8 ^•'.the last of a series* of club parties «es held «t the hoine of Mrs. J. J. Thursday afternoon when in otrdi wens merited by Mrs. Justeh, Mrs. J. W. Freund, Mrs. John Sduaitt and Mrs. Ben Justen. A pot-luck supper was served. r*ir>sE s (tor wpirlwiii* Sliin •!* aerPt yMr mo* Vm AMiwhll Snpp»rt«r». •hwUc Mm, WiilUlf Sraeaa. Me. MMmW-Nn tk. L.w«*! /" > *s- Agents fer Droeh's Th»m -- ENTERTAIN GiRi* SCOUTS Miss Patrifia high school at her home on. evening. Games lunch was served. um Vn: DRUG STORE . , McHenry * * HERE ARE SOCKS THAT STAY UP! 3 6ART-TOPS • Self-«upporting hot* wHh Hit ntw full length IASTEX tops*No morji noi!»'"•"* row bond to cu|er bind • Enjoy tho smooth 0v«ii grip of IASTEX knitted jfHtt lhi entire top. Whof'a more, it't seamless ond does"" s |toy vpl Regular or onklot lengths. jricri frae 25e McGEE'S RTVERVIEW Riverview Cai regular meeting the oracle, Mrs. at the business followed by games *•*+ SPONSO The/Altar St. Fetrick's lie card party earing. Priz< were won as evieve Knox; A. Sutton; euchre, Robert Thompson. A wentta • 5 MOTHERS The Mothers heme of Mrs. Friday afternoon^ hostesses will be man, Mrs. Th C. H. Duker. speak on interior The final book son will be given by at the .high evening. Th< sponsored by benefit of the fJBGION AUXILIARY .. The fcextmeeting of the NfcHenr} County Council of the Ametttaa Ler gion Auxiliary will be held at Woodi _ stock oa May 7. Thia will Be a memorial for deceased members. V - t * * ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Mr. and. Mrs. Mat Blake entertained a party of friends Saturday evening.jZZTZZ"-™1 in,s Z" 09 ifte liret ™°tion was made by Don- T1 _ Cards iuniiaM entertainment during V!8U?J R**n"r' old Meyer to have a graduation pairty tlw^TMiM for th. »u«t. .rewnt. In-! T™?"* TL *£} "ji?* Tta moti°n WM not •*-, ™ ctadhrSimt. tad PWer *rn" ,nd Bo"r' B<urt *** <»*«• *" ~ " ' -• r* rerwerda the two-year terms. tions City Clerk fleler A. Neiss, being ab- certain dltil, and seeond themJ!^ jjr ^Dyringlri* aboenee Howard 'A, ftsini, Peter Weingart, Fatsy PARTY ' Boley, -George Young and Tony Blake. sodality of , ^ pub- Sylvia Ml Mifl&G -<fok&ofer GOLDHOFEB and Eleanor May of Wtfmette spent the weekend with '*?5r the latter1* mother, Mrs. Joseph May in McHeary, Miss Goldhofer is sailing oa the S. S. Bfgjir, on for a five- Gervisitedin ML Vales; dv, Betty visit with her family grocenes J*V ^ vSLd/tal Ellis St often that she haa many friends | ied aldermen. * tomake »"*Ht Due to a recent change in the law. Bat after two or it way nsreesarf' to choose by lot smarted the ball roll which three aldenaea were to get a #as soon overcome and everyone took ftnir-^eai^erli and which three a pert 1#f ^ Stenger M n»anag«r of Ule Among the "changes tgklng ^ , , ,the A. A P. ftor^ Earl After a couple of other mo- been tnnsfl^edf to the were made to >«wpdrtiM on store, where he 3s noW a full time aeni irom we meeting on account or tp *av« a *arty orjlay 20/ I^^ bten-WaueotMa sickness. City Attorney Cewlin was Committees then had to be appoint- '^re t0 the local called upon fe administer the oaths ed for games, decorations, clean-up or officetoth# newly elected Qfficials.r and to price the food, as it was decid- J? / .J^y®r:1P°^frty ^ , •d that we would have the food prfc- B^oMtW^ofl adjourned its ed and ail chip in to pay for It. « •f^^' C. H. Dtfker asked to address' On the committee for games were the ooard. MrlJukef stated that he Iknald Howard and Betty Ntafaen. for c«tosidere^ it ifc honor to have the decorations were Bettie Engetn, Man privilege of tjpeaking of. the outgo* Granger, Hiley Jean Thomas and JDol- X [here who witked her a happy ffyage .. ..2^ Mrs. Joaeph May entertained at a dinner in guests wove Mt. «»d M>«. ing and .children, Ubertyville;, ""S" or May, WSmitte; Mr. and Mri^Leo Blake and dtfl^en, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund and children and Miss Anna Blake. * } Miss Anna Blake entertained guests faithfully for or six of a service kad served the city ores Rosing, for clean-up were How ty-e^ht years, five »rd Vooitz, Francis Wirte, Emin be acted as its mayor. Laure*, Donald Meyer and Donald «_ v-v-,, jLf no, <^l_~ reeoifnitioau goward^ and to urioe. the food were S" of ,^fe^oard B?emhprs ^i^ary Sqhaefor^ DanaJd Meyer and A i?* IretejMbelt. A general iinchron- ^ preneut to Mayor iier, Elinor Pries, was appointed. Doherty a token. A Iteautiful smok- A big discussion arose as to whething set waa then brought in and pre- ex or *ot the girls should wear forseutedtotke^ yor. ' mals. Goods points were given for and The surpris».w«s complete. Mayyxr against the idea. It was . finally deat supper, Sunday, in her honor, also.1 recovered and tkfncided that the girls should come On ThurMtof ot last weekfMfes An- kis thanks and preciatien SURP: Members of the cast _ class play, with ether schoolmates, surprised sen at his home at day evening in hoinolr of M« birthday. The party guests when Russell arrtVeflltam|ji and gave him a real'%^Ffse. A happy eVed^ ^'Was sptent games and starting off with ar Delicious refrsBbi&its at the close of the evwflfi Fran- ,.v„, ^>preciation formals if ^they wanted to. Blake and Efewor M*T had e..Bon j donors and stated that i* all 'Ilie'lastmotion that the party .for Miss 9°M-j y?*.r8.^ ^ should begin at 7:80 p. ra. was made i_ v£i..(nti of McHenry and also thanked the DooaiTii^ir. ^ ^ . Md what he had Elinev Pries tad Howard Vodtc given him such good were unanimously elected as host and looking for nig hostess. Voyage dinner party, holer at the' tetter's tried to do, co-operation. v 1 Table' decorations were In keeping "t* ,1 * v 'with the occasion with t lSife^oat P^P1* ^ . filled with flowers as the centerpiece and small steamboats for nut cups4 The guest of honor received beautiful gtltS. • • • * V& •>' : 1 BPWORTH LEAGUE Members of the McHenry Epworth League are plaaning to attend the a»> nual spring rally of the northern dis- W7 am 1 appredat andgivei . "I am wail 8t»eefc NoTlCi^ Fancy, eai Centre) la Large Bottle Catsup fosro sfe thingh from the new board," said mayor, "and. ay {nteirsat for The Catholic Dhi^te^ America trict Young People's Organizatibn at • •etm«®8 Hemenway Methodist church, 983 Chicago Ave., Evanston, this Sunday, May S. I The meeting will convene at 3:80 p. m., when Dr. Ralph Wakefield, pastor of the Irving Park Methodist will attend eonupoatota Vdocfc *"• stSttt tts w««. at 8 p. m., Thursday: Mi# i. A so- 8erwd mt 6:46 9- «> , cial hour will f0n6w the b«siife«s se^ T Aboat flfteen 0# ^ sioa_ > -• L < League attended the sub-district party The annual Mothers Day banquet »t Solon Mills Sunday evening, where will be held at Bicki^"hotel, Mon- a P,eM*nt evening was spent, day, May 10, at 60% to. Reserva- The of th® League put on the tions must be tieM' before May 7. Program for the meeting Sunday Those wishing reservation* are to call evening and provided 4 real treat for Mrs. R. J. Fkmiugt V^- members present. The meeting was Installation of offl&rs will take held in the church, where slides of place in K. C. hafl, T&tirsday, Msy 20, *«enee in the southwest were shown, at 8 p. m. The^ deputy,'ifc MeGiU, mort eatettaisiitg aad instw will be installing 'office*. A social tive. party will foUow%Stalla^n. t l^e$l yoong people are . Invited te _«t . M il_ m CHAIRMAN'BOMB COMMITTEE 2? fe.*1!* y«* »t aU timet. %jKhen H. Freund^ supervisor of , ^ fy**1 Mked tht.d^ Mxputty . township, has been named for the pHvQgit of erecting a «n chainmn of the McHenry county end canopy. the building at Elm h9»h«f committee and a member of the street and^ Riverside Drive. The mat- following committees: persohal proter was refenM to the sklewilk com- per$Troad* hrid^es, finanoe, pub. "^ttee. • • tie buddings a^d resolutions. New .GasuttP Asssmtlss v • • • •• • - -- The new taxncil then assembled for remarks and each responded with around the table, with Mayor Q%ton promises to throw all their efforts inpresiding. Tlie new mayor then made to Working togethei: for the benefit a feW remarks and asked aQ to for- of the city. , ' get the political fight and everybody The new ciy clerk, Earl R. WaMh, work for the city of McHenry. Be waa the last speaker and expressed his said it if necessary for the city to intention of taking care of the office advance end keep ap Vith the t^nes, of city cleric in as efficient a manner and asked the support of ell the peo- as his abilities^ would permit. pie to work for the good of McHenry. Adjourumeht was then taken, to AU the aldern|en weri called upon meet again tfdndp? eyeing, May 8. Radlehee i, 2 bonehee for Sc 8trawberrlee 5l Lard Kerber*e % Ibe. Isrl9c Pot Roast tk*k*" >-• Per pound Phone 180 Etvwnide Drive p* • 'V'; F '^V'i f *> M*' r' K . hy*. .V 1 - ; 'V : V ' * %>•'. " r IV ; '«' V K . - • « : i attend these meetings. , f EASTERN 8T._ A RPIU UMKITT 3 UOUMRR LOCAL HUSI0IA1IB ctopto, o. E. .FT, IRE'TUG Wwtoy 1 ATTSWD OOIROWTT BY evernng when phihs* fot:,p' biker? sale to be held May & M 4*Mj&ed. An invitation was read from Elgin chapter, inWtint' (odd aeisbdrs to at* tend official visft <tf tiM> WOrthy grand matron, Bertha Es^fte. On May 7. &ADI0-80BSKH STAR Mrs. a W. GoodeU Warren Jenes, spsnt ly 7 and ^ Chicago where they heard Nelson" another inviting AfeUidts • 4 a one Eddy »in« *t the Civic Opera House, o'clock luncheon and cards at Wood- Mn- Goodell aad Warren wirts moo stock chapter, Miy'8,'Ssas read. fortunate in securing seats for the The worthy mat»O^ Mn.>£loribe) wonderful redt^*#»r the boose was V gel, filled the &4^a ot conductress weeks in^Didvaace aad about a : : Miss Ethd il^wa gstved ss as- ^ seated on the stage, as well sotiato niatron at^ Frittt^ii' Night at M looking up at him from a Richmond chapter Monday evening. Th©r were accomp«ni*A few Ethel Granger, Mrs. J. E. WhesldrTMrs. H. M. Stsphsnson, Mrs. F. G. Mrs. John R. Pries, Mrs. Howard WatUes.Tj&l. E. Basowheetia pit. It was tke largest concert in Chicago's reeent history that peid hosaage to the blonde radio aad film star, who is usually worshipped afar, and according tb Mrs. Goodell the interest of the andirace was so great and their applause so prolonged that die curtain waa finally rung down upon encores and curtain calls any in the vast assembly Would leave their Mr. Eddy used, the standard concert repertoire, rendering a group of eongs in French, German and English, with a Russian group, whqee words' had been translated into English, allowing 'his many encores, generously given, to take care of the lighter things. In his beautifully mellow andJwellrounded baritone, Mr. Eddy sung operatic exeerpts, "Monna Vaftna," "Boris," and "The Bartered Bride," which were scattered through his pro4 gram, which he closed with the en cores, "Then YouH Remember Me,' from Maytime, and his theme song from Naughty Marietta, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life." Another lovely encore was Wagner's "Evening Star,1 from Taimhauser. Theodore Paxson, Eddy's talented accompanist, played a group of piano solos at the end of the first half of the prgram and because of the applause added another number §s core. p. SI6MEP 0 harry la. if Pomp and splendor of British Royal •wnab reflect in pure silk barathea. «f fin qualltj/which will lend the flf giowing color to your spriiur suit ATTEND BENEDICTION SERVICE Seven Catholic Boy Scouts of the McHenry troop were taken to Rock ford Sunday "afternoon by Mrs. At bert Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin to attend a special benediction service at St. James pro-cathedraL Bishop/ Edward F. Hoban officiated Sunday at 3 p. m., at the service which featured the observances of the first diocesan Catholic Boy Scout day. The Rev. Fr. Francis P. McNally, Catholic Scout chaplain, delivered an address. About four hundred Scouts, one hundred leaders and their parents assembled at the pro-cathedral where R. Chronic, of the regional Boy Scout office in Chicago was also pitsent. g .l»l ' George and Dick fichmitt of Chicago axe spending the week with their grandpasents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred KaadMs, while their.perents Welting relatives in MWhigea and Ohio. STOP LOOKING H-<EWIiERE-Dm«tc P^mus Make Bit Barpatns ||88 Pontiae 2:Dpor Sedan •^-Beaatiftil Dark Maroon finish. "Good Will" reoonditioHed, heater and v many other accessories. Will positively guarantee, oniy $395.00 1934 Pontiae" *8" 4-Door Sedan--Can't tell it from new* Dark Bine finish; L perfect tires; heater and W several other accessories, only $450-00 1835 Ford O01 Blade finish; raeonditioned; %>foroaly ; 1835 Pontiae "8 Coupe--General Radio; Dnal Heater; Knee be seen to be app| At only -rf- 1934 Buiok 4-Door fcectait --With built-in trank, d* luxe equipment heater. Ideal family car; "Good Will" Guarantee, only - $475-00 1933 Ford DeLuffSoor Sedan -- Reconditioned motor; Finish and nphol- &*twg like new. Will gnfcrantee at... . $275 °° 19^8 Studebaker flodan Ideal car f«r man to drive" to work." Runs perfect. Kow for <es.M S'i' ' *? m. eii^. GOODWILL USE aoe $<M 0MI4 bif juapp^i«D Front Street ... .<•. iv J West

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