SLOCUM'S LAKE Bl. Fanp Thursday. * Russell Nordmeyer. of Waukegan $ pent Saturday at tike home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Win. Foss. Ilrs.Joe Dowell catered St Therese hospital at Waukegan last Wednesday and is under treatment for an in- Nonl-' fection in the throat. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss and daugh- John Passfield of,ter, Vivian, of Libertyvjlle and Mrs. •r*: € Mr. Mid Jin. H. L Brooks were "/*»• * •callers At Libertyville last Friday. p,y ' / George Bookhout spent Sunday With meyer. - *"S brothers at Rockford. j Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Volo were guests Sunday at the home j Wm. Berg of Davis Lake were callers v v- -" ; callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'of Mr. and Mrs. Joe DowelL 'Sunday evening at .the home of Mr, • O^Geo. Lundgren at ^auconda last Fri-j Ray Cook of Zfon spent Sunday atf*n^_ Mrs. Wj"- day. j the home his parents, Mr. and Mrs. - WitttrdDarrell ,A. D. Smith of Lib-: Wilbur Cook. ertyvifle, Eb. Harris of Grayslake andj Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoffman and %\\r' t 7- %- • |•' <• ^ y • lb- Xk1 * •Mt. Sfl : ^ pf* °T, 'i Music by the Three Pals Orchestra of Elgin V - ^ Special Chicken Plate Dinner 50c . ."*•* ' " 4T. B. HETTEKMANN, Vgt, " 'X -up I Make your summer driving pleasant, by tuning np your motor now. Here are sewn things to do: ^ ^ 1. Thoroughly clean cooling system. 2. Clean, adjust or replace spark plufi, 1 Clean distributor and adjust point# i Cjheck timing and adjust chain. 35. Check aAd set valve clearanofS. • l§. Clean gas and air strainers. 7. Change to summer oil atod greaae. CENTRAL GARAGE ' ^ Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Welding ^ Phone 200-J Towing Johnsburg Mr. and Mrs. Elmer.Esping attended a banquet at the Stock Yard Inn, 'Chicago, last Tuesday evening. This was sponsored by the employers of the Bowman Dairy Company at Wentworth and State streets. Mr. Esping appeared on the program. * Frank Mulholland and friends of Chicago called at the home of Mr.-and Mrs. Wm. Foss Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pfessfteld of Volo, Joe Dowell, Misses Mayme and Alice Dowell and Mrs. Rollin Dowell called on Mrs. Joe Dowell at St; Therese hospital at Waukegan last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping attended the WLS home talent barn dance show at Palatine last Friday evening Mr. Esping appeared on the program. Arthur Wackerow and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eatinger of Waliconda spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner at Waukegan. ; 1 - Mr. And Mrs. Lyle; Litwiler of Round Lake were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. Litwiler remained over for a few days visit. • John and Emmet Geary spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Harry Matthews acted as Worthy Patron and Mrs. Matthews filled the station that she holds in the chapter, that of secretary, at the P. W. Matrons' and P. W. Patrons' Night at Mayflower chapter, O. E. S., at -Wauconda last Thursday evening. DICK WARNER WILL GRADUATE AT ELGIN In the list of graduates from the Elgin High School of interest to local people, given in last week's issue, we failed to include the name of Dick Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waltec Warner, of Elgin. Dick, who is a member of the A Capella choir of the high school, as well as a good student, is well known in McHenry, where he spends much of his vacation time and has several relatives. His parents are also former residents here, his mother being formerly, Miss Irene Frisby, of .this city. Marie Kinsala of Chicago spent the weekend at her hope heKfe A Paint and Building iMBT NOW - - - PAY LATER - - - NO BSD TAPE r -: NO DOWN PAYMENT - - LOW MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS - -18 MQNTHS TO PAY * * ^ " - - FINE WORKMANSHIP - - I 'tpfei. See Us For Complete Details NOW^U. Mm. R. It Overton, and daughter, Gwendolyn, with Mr. and Mrs. WiU CoiMRi of Harvard, returned last fromQrlando, Fla., where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and little daughter, Carol Ann , of Woodstock eptaat the^ weekend with her mbther Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Donald Hayes of Woodstock spent the we«)(e!ftd with his mother, Mrs. Edith Ibiytt. Mr. and llrs. Walter Warner and family of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday. Mia* Canften Freund of Chicago spent a fctfprdays the last oi th# peek with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund. Mrs. Simon Michels, who spent the winter in Pensacola, Fla., returned home the last of the week. vMarshall Bacon and sister, Arleefi, of Waukegan spent the weekend at their home here and attended the Senior class play, Friday evening. Bob Beckenbaugh and sister, Virginia, of Chicago spent the weekend with their parents here, Edward Michels of Chicago Visited his mother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wynkoop and friends of Woodstock were local callera Thursday evening. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fordf Jackson at Johnsburg Sunday evening were Messrs. and Mesdafttes Mat Blake, Tony Blake, Irvin Schmitt, George Young and Tony Freund. Relatives who attended the funeral of Frank H. Cobb in Chicago Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman, Mrs. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald. Mr. ^nd Mrs. Harold Steber of Milwaukee visited her mother, Mrs. Kate Stoffel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny of Kenosha vlfcited her mother, Mrs. H. Degen, Sunday. Mrs. Libbie Ladd has returned to her home in Ringwood, after spending the winter in Florida. Sunday visitors in the D. I. Granger home were \ Orval Granger, Lillian Siebel and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur Wagner motored to Janesville, Wis., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder at Libertyville. ~~ Old Time*' Frank Bennett spent the weekend with his sister and her husband at Racine, Wis. William Doherty, who spent the winter in the McLaughlin home, visited in ^he home of his son, Will Doherty, Jr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. V Robert F^sby, Jr., is now. working with Joe Weber, plumber. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Groh of Chicago visited in the home of Miss Anns. Stock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Adrian Thomas of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, lbs. F. O. Gang. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard K,insala of Chicago were Sunday callers in the home of hia parents,..Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kinsala.' Mr. and Mxa. Armaad Bethke and children of Dnndtp were Sunday guests of Mrs. iGnnfe Block. Mr. and Mrp. William Bemdt double Quick house paint Few people realize that when the sign "Wet Paint" is displayed the paint is in*more danger than the passerby. For the "Danger Zone" in the life of a* house paint is during the time while it is drying. It is at that time that rain or "frost may rupture the new paint .film, and dust blowing into it weaken it. These are the spots where weathering begins, and starts breaking down the paint surface. v. DOUBLEQUICK HOUSE PAJNT dries dust free in 2 hours, dry in 8. The Danger Zone is cut 85%. In addition--it covers 400 square feet to the gallon-.--2 ^oats; it gives a harder, tougher paint film, which wears longer and holds its gloss and cotor better; it eliminate* the inconvenience of long delay between coats, and it works easily. White and attractive colors.- $335 Item «f *» Wse «f F i !•<!•!• ef Year* Ago TWENTt YEARS AGO in* m injhis fbwn suw the follonring: FMtftk Gmns, ai> MMition to his dehce; E. J. Hanly, an addition, and Mrs. Beckwith, an addition to her residence. The McHenry Brick company 'commenced operations for the season laat week, and will burn a small kUn soon in order, to supply the demand. fy • SIXTY YBASS AGO . j!:' W«t band took advantage the warm weather alfil gave our citizens the fopulatie* of McHenry is fra^d is beyond dis- We|J*d " iia .neiw- residents , l^a lastrwek. The "FftTotfte" is the name of a ne«rg«te that has just been patented! by Kelter and Lefckem of this viUage, and every one who has axaeined it. say at once that it is rightly'named. Willie Crkty, oldest «tn of j. W. Cristy of Ringwood, retuated home on Friday last from Valparaiso, Ind.r where he has been for the past yti/tt attending- normal tehmd. *' *t C Say joc read DEALER. ft m 'ram Butter on the Elgin ^oard of trade sold at 46 cents per pound last Saturday. Speaking of the shortage of foodstuffs, a certain farm paper advises planting every acre, no matter how small. The streets of McHenry aire sadly in need of a thorough cleaning. The gutters in the business sections of the village have become filled with dirt, during the winter months, and should be cleaned at an early date. Fred Kuhn of Chicago has accepted a position at the Overton and Cowen garage and he and hifi family will occupy the Carey house on Main street. ' ^THIRTY YEA^S AQO ] '• ] flie" price of butter on the Elgin board of trade Monday was. 33 cents. Giunta Bros, open their ice cream parlors next Sunday. Dr. C. H. Fegers, Jr., is again able to attend to his professional duties, after a short illness with rheumatism. r. A. Bohlander has received his automobile which he purchased at the auto show in Chicago last winter and is niaking good use of it The business men of McHenry are quite anxious to know what is going to be done in regard to the sprinkling of the streets the coming smmer. FORTY YEARS AGO Fishing has been .quite the river the past few days, and a number of fine strings of bass and pickerel have been caught. The heavy rains of the last week washed out' part of the south abutment of the bridge over the mill race in this village, but it was fortunately discovered before any accidents occurred. Rev. Father O'Neil has returned from his trip to the otd country, arriving here' on Saturday evening. He reports a very pleasant time. Frank Barbian, of the firm of Barbian Bros., started on Tuesday mcfming fbr a business trip to Lake Geneva, Genoa, Kenosha and Waukegan. FIFTY YEARS AG* " John Miller and Miss Gertie Glosson *jere married at the church at Jdhnsburgh, yesterday Tuesday. Bonslett and Stoffel are erecting a now and substantial awning in front of their store, in West McHenry. Wm. Stoffel is difcgfog- a cellar pre- T * QUBBTTOH ? 1, Z&t •( $ e yon ever been out to- V- ' ; ^ *. • ' rr- • / .-A '.Vfl :^:r -r \ ' r,sj" and Route 12 come out to a REAL new spot. A slick dance floor .ppy six (6) piece orchestra. „No cover ^ chaise. ST FRIED CHICKEN, 35^ PLATE rbeLuxe Fish1 Frys Served Every Friday, 10c You get the most for your money -at "The Creek.** .%-jm f *7 X |)PE^ING MAY 1, 193^ ; Music by' Russ Howard 8-piece Orchestra T-: Formerly of the Book Cadillac of Detroit ^ ; ITS ALSO Featuring "Tiny" Day X • and His Electric Orggan , Singing Your Favorite ~ vV . . on May 26 Early iPhoM Oiyslsl T°^- ***• :-fr' •• Serving Our Famous Food ROUTE 14 idt of moth- ; ! DOUBLEQUICK EXTERIOR PRIMEE f f DOUBLEQUICK EXTERIOR PRIMER is the answer to the perfect paiaft job--Use it with Doublequick House Paint for a better job.^ It is the Jr Wi^ was a Chicago underooat which overcomes fading, premature chalking, or dead fiat spots. It has upusual resistance to any tendency toward blistering or peeling, apt! with it aH it has jmusual covering ability. In addition, its quick-setting qualities enable it to overcome any difficulties of humidity, temperature, dust; etc., during the process of drying ^ ^ ; ' r - ' PerGNO. "••itlOK $336 DOUBLEQUICK ENAMEL QL^REMONTFLAT Flowa smooth, harC Per Quart Dries in 4 hours or less, and levels out to a high gloss finish whifch can be washed repeatedly. Economical because it covers an extraordinatf* ily large surface in one coat, for interior and exterior enameli of all sorts. Seventeen bright, ular colors, black and white. use v'•. •••• A very popular and economical fiat finish. Being rieh with oil it sets slowly and will net show laps, craek, chalk or peel off. Has durability which permits of repeated washing. Has good body, large covering capacity and is easy to apply. Per Oallott fXU* ' gtev,1 v •• LINSEED OIL AND TtTRPENTINE g , Pure Boiled Linseed Oil at $1.08 per galloa* Pure Gum Spirits Turpentine at |0.72 per galloBv Supply at these special prices is limited, so fitfp come, first served. ' ; LO-LUSTRE "The best paint made for interior*." Levels and Aows perfectly, drying overnight. The finish produced is midway between the glare of an enamel and the dullness of fiat paint. Readily washable. Painters particularly like to work LoLustre because of the time it saves them on their finest work. Its sanitary sheen and restful finish make it particularly . fine - for bedrooms, livingrooms, ditt, etc. »1.85 EXCEL FLrfOR AND TtelVAUIISH Excel Floor and Trim Varnish is everything the name implies. A serviceable varnish at a low price. Dries hard in about six hours to a beautiful gloss finish that is not easily marred. ' * . ' t - ^ CONQUEROR HIGH GL08S ? A medium priced, quick drying interiorgloss finish for walls and woodwork. Will stand washing and is a very good all 'round gloss finish at a reasonable cost. In your kitchen, bathroom, pantry,- lauhdry, or basement--wherever walls and woodwork must be kept spotlessly clean-- Conqueror Interior High Gloss instantly recommends itself. It is easily washed, retains its freshness and always looks new. •}>. KLEINHAN'S BUILDING SERVICE Building Materials 'S5 Paint PHONE McHXREY 928-R-l '/« Varnish EAST 07 BK1DOE OH KT. 20 .SIp! .ttj-LChicago spent Sunday with her er, Mrs. Mat FVeund. ' Violet Woodward of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and hfn. J. J. Vycital. Heiiry Wagner retnmed to his heme in Minnesota Monday, after attending the funeral of his brother, Michael Wagner, at Volo. Mrs. F. J. Aicher was a Chicago visitor Friday. ; Tom McLaughlin, Will Quinn and George Miller paid a recent'visit to M. A. Conway at St. Joseph's pital, Elgin. • »• Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay Were Elgin visitors Friday. Miss Lena Stoffel visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox of Downers Grove visited his mother, on Friday. Helen Barth of Wauconda was weekend guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray and children of Chicago 'were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger and son of Maywood, and Mrs. M. G. Schaffer of C^ryBtal Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Oster, who spent the winter in Florida, and Mrs. C Streuh, who wintered in New York City, nave returned to spend the sum mer at their hope at Shalimar on Fox river. Mrs. William Spencer, daughters, Mrs. Lester Page and -Mrs. Thomas Phalin, with Mrs. F. E. Covalt, visited Mrs. Spencer's other daughter, Mrs, Richard Stenger, at Waukegan, on Thursday. Mrs. Miller of Qulncy spent the first of the week with her son, Roy J. Miller; proprietor of the Empire theater. Ruth Reihansperger returned to Rockford college Monday, after spend' ing the weekend at her home and attending the Senior class play, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Connell of Evanston visited Mrs. William Bonslett Sunday., Mrs. O. C. Murray of Geneva was a recent guest of her sister, Miss Kate McLaughlin. Mi*; and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, of Ringwood, were fiepday dinner guests of Miss Kate McLaughlin and brother, Thomas.» Mr. and Mrs. William' Ricks and their daghter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bowler, of Chicago, spent the weekend at their summer home on Fox river. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. Lisle Bassett and little daughter, Dene Mae, and Mrs. Henry Vogel were Woodstock cafyMrs Saturday, v ********* »wm» »w>^|*6'»se HO W»T • NO MKT .i,;. NO tOOT. WHEN YOU J«0 ORIMt 'Ml;-. : - - WITH GAS-tAe A4o*r» Futl For t Happy is the woman whoec home is heucd with ^as! spring cleaning because Gas Heat mikes all such drudgery unnecrs--ry homes that are heated with gm saj rlranrf all winter k>og -- *sc free from dust, dift, soot and grime on walls and ceilings. 'Yi- 'But the cleanliness of Gas Heat is only one of its many advanw^rf. Hot alone of all house hearing fuels is automatic! There is no foei to Older or store-no ashes to haul-it requires no attention of wj I^^You fife the furnace from your easy chair--hy merely adjusting a little thermostat on the wall. No wonder thousands acclaim it the ideal fuel! Resolve now to get all the facts on Gas Heat. Write, phone or call at your Western United office for a free estimate of what it will cost to heat your home Gas. Don't off! Do it now! ^ *v: '>• • v V • ; rn& 'je<; GAS ^ ELECTMCOOMPANY 'it, i r. ^ •