'W III i*• vy *-j^ir..r •",. • ,( . il,: . X. i. *: , - ° r»* ( < v .WW*1* •p*^r gr " I.-: ^ . . _ »!-w»v 5y<°" "jr.'* "* 'TW „ jC .. - . ."•H* «wj 2 ATHENRY PLA^NDIiALER ' Notable Vbitort at McHenry, Renich. Sntsrad m- aaasftt^lasa-tnattaK at. the T*stoff ice at McHenry, 111., undsr tha act of May 8, 1879. Dne Year .... Six Months .f2.<9 $1.00 A. H.M06HJSR* Editor and Manager Lillian Sayler, Local Editor V'vy*-\ L "..'3^ •t; / V i; * fr. ' v ' wk *v¥:: m + ;••• V jf-fi «- »:2F Telephone 197 "bicycle Riders Bbys and girls who ridj carelessly on bicycles on local streets make it dangerous for thftiiSSWes, as well in Jfor motorists, an$. should use the utmost cautioftand tjius prevent serious a c c i d e n t s . 1 ^ ' . Bicycle riders should obey all traffic rules and should ride close to the curb and not weave back and forth across the traffic lane so that automobile drivers are at a loss to know just what they intend to do. When riding at night a bicycle i should TiaVe a light Avoid busy streets and <y*owded traffic and choose your route carefully to avoid accidents and injury. Parents should watch their children and advise them in using caution When TIQ1 -I R- -f • DlCyClfS.» "4:V»V (Jt • ' • "V^ith the growing popularity of bi cycles, accidents beconi/more numerous aqd ereater caatton usedtopre^enrfrtrtfgedy. ' AT MAT 1 # > Historic Mica The heirs to relics of McHenry's pioneer days are anxiotJs to have a safe- and adequate housing for the iture, spinning wheels us heirlooms of thoie was young. years to place entos in doubt <y ^thoughtlessly wiH be scattered bulk of them bev destroyed. kblo quarters for V and most of i Smite <tf McBenty, Troop 1«2, will take part In the Boy Scout Exposition, depicting, "The Trail of Scooting," along-with over 400 other Boy Scouts of the Boone-McHenry District. The exhibition will be held in the Harvard High School Gym on May 1 and will bfe open to the public from 2:30 in the afternoon and until 9:80 in the evening. The public is urged to attend this exhibit of Scouting, for it will be very interesting and worthwhile. Troop 162 will exhibit their handicraft in the Tenderfoot work bodths. Many other bodths will also show the skill .developed by the many Scouts. The themfe of the exhibit is the Tratt* W_ Scouting, showing the work of the Cubs and then developing into the higher branches of Scouti/ig. A person taking in the entire exhibit will have a complete picture of Scouting when a boy enters at nine and gradually attains the Eagle ran\c. The Scouts have spent many months preparing for the exhibit and have many fine booths in Signaling, Tenderfoot Work, Aviation, Electricity, First . . . _ . , _ , , A i d , M u s i c , P r i n t i n g R a d i o , C o o k i n g , .Sir Robert and Lady Craigie as they arrived from England on the Mechanical Drawing Angling Car Queen Mary. They are here to visit Lady Crake's mother in Sayannah, pentry, Cycling, Plumbing, Wo^turn- .dihx 'ii$A HJBJNJNING-'S B A Y V I E EKSOKT ---- FWilMSigf • |{' _ W«T BKimUT KMBUW ,-,.-^•1^ 'THIiPOtJE T,car OWfprf" **,.1 w German-American XHefaen ' T' ^ ^ Old Heidelberg Rathskeller * h" ^ >or the HOTTEST MUSIC Come To : '-\v kkU TAVERN S. 12 Ga. Sur Robert is British ambaasador-dea a to Japon. Rocking Rookies.for Britidi Army c^d under glass it'cc pieces and oth 'days w It such [when cared fol- | near andjfi come disiate^ra1 Proper .and jan exhibit are ei I the relics should and be protected against? corrosion and ' insects. : , An exhibit will of necessity be under a smaftj$bense that can be coV^H j ered by an IjuljaiftkAi fee-on certain d a t e s . , - s / r » C 3 Tourists wiil stop ifl McHenry to | view the Indian relics dt their battles ^mers will be drawn to McHenry to view, with their children and grandchildren, articles of ! clothing p|||iinlMWilil |il|1 I I of bygone days. Are we gping to drift along when we have this opportunity of making a mecca tp th^saads? Community spirit builds' for" tf litgeV and fuller life Let's get bus «F1 BENNETT. Before the novice is entrusted with a valuable qavalry charger in the British army, he must prove his efficiency in horsemanship aboard a wooden rocking htfrse. Here you see a class of recruits for the Sixteenth lancers undergoing the necessary--if undignified--early training. The galloping motion of a horse is duplicated by other soldiers pushing the horses from behind. Wins S(h)aved Chin'Golf Title SB W THE RIGHT DIRECTION who is em\ jspeat Thursday here. rthur Rauen, Chiiy with tier parents, John Kattiita. John Wagner matored TT TAKES 3 big gasoline steps X t» match the progress of modem motor manufacture, lydol Gasoline ,has taken those steps. The result is Tydol's BIG GALLQN o^Value! This gasoline, long famous for . Its superior hi-test qualities* mow contains an exclusive topcylinder oil that slides In between close-fitting, modern motor parts and protects them with a cooling, heatproof film of oil. Tydol also v contains a 'special cleaning agent. Jhis cleaner helps keep down the carbon formations thgt handicap modem, f$igh- compression motors. Together, these BIG GALLON extras make your engine run . fleeter . . . and smoother . and farther per gallon! Get Tydol's triplQ-actioh service for your modern motor. It costs you no more. SirniOR OIL COWAHY ' Ridgeileld, 111. -- Distributors thane Woadstocfc I638-W-1 CARLSON, Tel. McHmiy 255 iSaperjor SL SM McHenry. Badwrt S. 61, HrWwiry. • ;' Barnards Mill, W|Mder Lake. i^#« Shafwaa's Tavern, Ringwood. ' ^ Schdd'e Store, Grlswold Lalcik. SPRXH&O&OVX Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer were guests in. the hoaiti, of -Mr. and Mrs. [Russ Boehm of LibertyviBa on Thursday night. jMff i' Father DalenpHand tMi' ushers of St. Petefs chwmet at|tte Edward lRU?r for their regtP|f tteeft^l.1 Flowing the meeting, refreshments, Wate served and card^^^joyed thrqfehout the evening. ( Miss ployed j afternoon: | Mr. an# cago, .Mr. and Mrs. I Nick ibn from Chicago" on Sunday to spend the ,day with theii^ioother,• Mrs. John Wagner, r • " Miss L^ona^Q^s^on .of Stacyville, Iowa, was a guest in the Joseph Brown home on ^inday. j-. Mrs. Charles Freund was hostess to ithe members of her. cluji on Sunday afternoon; The afternoofi was' spent | in visiting and cards and prizes for high scores in Aye hundred went to 'Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer and Mrs. Arthur iKattner, white consolation* went to Mrs. Eldred Johiison. The hostess was -presented a gift. A two-course din- .'ner was sertad at «ix o'clock. The cfub will igeet ne^ ,>at Mrs. Steve Schaefer's heme,in r%x Lake, on May 23rd, * | Mr, and Mis. George Wagner apd children, Chicago, spent Sunday with his psrents, Mr. and Mrs. Fraidt "Wagner, v,;-. ,. < I There im* 1 -good: att^dance at the Bingo fitftf. held in 8t. Peter's hall On Sudpap' * Lueky winners of special J^itte wbre Howard Christensen anflip|M. Ban itay. | Miss Catherine Freund, who is employed in Chicago, spent Sunday with ther parents, Mrr and Mrs. Mike Freund. . ing, Bird Study, Chemistry, Camping Firemanship, Farming, Photography, Leathercraft and Cubbing. #The centerpiece of the exhibit hall will be a large camping exhibit with Motion pictures of the new Scout tHe various tents' used by Scouts and many utensils made by the Scouts for their use-in camp. Also there will be Camp situated at Camp Delavan and atto an opportunity will ^„given Scouts to register for cSmp^ HAMILTON TO BROADCAST Wqajiington, April 29--John Hamilw, cnairpian of the Republican National Committee, has announced that he will break his post-election silence with a series of four radio speeches during May. He will make his first broadcast next Saturday night (May 1) on a nation-wide hookup. "I have done a great deal of listening in the last six months," Mr. Hamilton said. "All over the country I find the old lines of political allegiance shifting and n6w lines forming. Political developments since the election have been rapid and important. It seems to me the time has come to look at the new political, picture, to re-examine the old, and to discuss the position and attitude of the Republican Party in the changed set-up." Next Saturday night (May 1) and ori the Saturday night following, May 8, Mr. Hamilton will speak over the Red Network of the National Broadcasting Company from 8:30 to 9:00 Sunday night, May 16, and again on a Sunday night, May 23, he will broadeast over the Columbia Network from 9:00 to 9:80 o'clock. Central Standard Time. •••t--• -- KeHaarr, Dl.- *f DIMS AND DANOE EVERY - • .. ^ L •; • samnarnaa* BOB PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA ' ' . %;• . MAK€ -A type In «nm4 *• mt» qf tk£ Mtas Art tfowMtvll. t TMlWarflw M,M >* wW MMnMUB j Mr. and Mri. Peter Web^r | Weber, of " j the Charles? ernoon. I The O l.ular'moi | hall on members evening freshmeni n Weber, Mr*, r, Amelia callers in Sunday aftmittee in chari LOCAL held its regat St. Peter's night. About forty present to enjoy an rds and visiting.' Rewere served by the com- Miss Joan Halliwell of Wilmette was a weekend guest of Miss Mary Durland and attended the Senior class play Friday night. Phone2?l Green St. McHenry J. O. Whipple, Jr., (right) of Pfincaton univaraity receives a huge iiv METER silver cup from Dave Driscoll, sports announcer, alter winning the first intercollegiate chin golf (shaving) contest in New York. He won tha congest with 31 strokes, no cuts and no penalties. As in golf/the least number of strokes decided the winner. Students froni variouaeeastern universities reported with 24-hour beard growth. PRICES LOW AS SEE LEGAL BATTLE ROYAL DRESSMAKER ems vou PROOF OF ALL I BASIC No Meeey Down EASY TERMS SERVICES Ends "Cubm-Strvggim and "Icm-FOmina "! 2. warn svwMMNJTf Nmm RBaiiB n SCHOOLS Teachers %f -tlW grade school with Supt. Duk^^iAfd Mhqwls at Winnetka M ondi^. ®he Wlnaetlca schools are natioi^ly mowif'for the system they have evolved, in which each child progresses at the rate which fie is capable of accomplishing. The superintendent lectured throughout the U. S. and Europe on tha iystew. Miss Khmey, Mia. Richardson and Jfr. Schoenhokz aMtad Rookie Junior S. while the others vinted the ftrst six grades of the fires! nr school. The first step in a possible great legal battle over the control of the huge $3,000,000,000 Van Sweringen railroad and real estate was taken by J. Paul Thompson, shown in his Cleveland office, when he made known that as receiver for the Van Sweringen estate, he is entitled to exercise an option given to the Van Sweringen brothers in September, 1935, to buy back 55 per cent of the common Shares of the Mid-American Corporation stock. , H ' CARD OF THANKS wish to express oar deep gratitude to those who so ldndy assisted us in our recent somrw. Also to those who sent flowers and for the use of eira. Mrs. Anna Wagner aad Children. "Say It With Flowers" on Mother's Day, May 9. McHeary Fiesal Ca„ West McHenry.' <L 49.2 " i 1 ; Norman Hartaell, youngest British drem designer, who has been entrusted with the task of clothing Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth "of England, lor the coronation season. Hartnell has a royal order for almost 40 sumptuous dresses--evening, court, day and tea-gowns to supplement the royal spring wardrobe. v Is imylse fh« Only Frigidalre has M Instantly icleases ica> cabes £roaeny,two or a doxen at a tiaM. Yields 20)laBore ice by ending £rocet aMltage waste. Cosse ia aad see its quick, easy action. iimhmiimhiuhmm ftOOfl Nor to* do without Sanwcwf/For HUGIDAiai wida la SUFBH-DUTT at an Coom in. See MOW that videt, food-eaocer and Ibod-pcesecver evef * 100 food and operating coac to pay tL--p* food **tmr.+rthmr, kmgmrt 4.«CftVKa IgOB-AMUlf BUY THIS PROOF WAY a.nmtMwuw AND SAVE MU2IN6LYI • No aeed now to la Att 5 Bmak sets a new .and/rMW k. is tKt most ice-pco* w known! That k wfll save Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hughes are parents of a daughter born Tuesday, April ibrhsw,aadnsyy<map«oitbeddesl For nm mm> in 1957 yon need •BwaDAisrs comwjtm snvfci- Moirnr. See onr ntoof-DBMON- ? 7,;f> '••'•he. v0N GRAND JURY 4 . " WW Schmitt and Martiii sloifwoif McHenry township and Paul Weber of Burton township have been selected to set aa grand jurors during tha next term of the circuit court. •M.WW.V-M :V> • •yz~\ Jacob Justen & Sons Kh»*,StMV 103-R BUY nOM TOVE LOCAL l>ISI.W i . " 1 " ' ^ , % ,