Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1937, p. 7

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, Tfee Scotch Bridge Club was entertained in tiie home of Mrs. Louis Sehroeder at Wonder Lake Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mr^ Joseph McCannon. 'p The Bunco Club ti home; of Mrs. Edgar Thomas ursday. m: ^X'i<' lenry Friday % m was entertained in on Ao pot-luck dinner was served at one o'clock. Bunco played in the afternoon with prises awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Thomas Doherty. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Ibe.'tnd Mrs. Bay Peters spent Saturday in Elgin. ||&r. and lbs. Georgd Shepard were ettlers In the home of the tatter's parents at McHenry Friday afternoon ' Mrs. Jennie Bacon was a caller tn< tike D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Quite a few from here attended the Senior Class play at McH evening. f ..-•Mrs. Louis Hawtey spent a few dprs the past, week" in Chicago, " Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent, the Weekend with Howard Shepard. 'Miss Mildred Jepson . of Evanston Spent the weekend at her home here. Mn. Libbie Ladd returned home on Tuesday, after spending the winter in Florida. The Epworth League were entertained by the Bichmond and- Solon Bpworth League Saturday evening. Mrs. Ben Walkington returned hijMne Saturday from Columbia, Tennessee, where she was called by the ^Kfiotts illness and death of her brother, E. J. Davis. v Mrs. Libbie Allen of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Libbie Ladd. The Home Bureau will hold a card party at the Ed. Carr hone Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCfcnnon and family of Algonquin, Miss Olive Jepson of Elizabeth and Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston speAt Sunday in the C. J. Jepson heme. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine land son, Eugene, and Mrs. Ralph Levitt of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday with relatives at Belvidere and Hunter. i Community Services were held at tike M. E. church Sunday evening. Dr. John Holland of W. L. S. was the speaker. The program was in charge of the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. v ' Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Saturday 'evening in the Mhtt Blake hpme, near McHenry. . x Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith anfe daughter, Bernice^ were callers at Woodstock Saturday. 7 - Mr. and Mrs. George "Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday evening in the Ford Ja&kson home at Johnsbu^g. Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Harvard, spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' S. W. Smith. Rev. and Mrs. Collins visited their Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sons were Elgin caller* Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son called on the tatter's mother, Mrs. Catherine, Wagner at Slocum's Lake WednesSa^. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher vfeited Mr. and Mrs. William Lohmann on Libertyville Wednesday. Miss Gladys Vasey of Waukegan spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raiser. The McHenry Brewers baseball j'weekend LilY I**eteam of Volo gave ^ card party and Mr- and Mrs. Edward Senk of Chidancee at the Volo Recreation hall onjCJMT0 visited the home of her parents, Mrs. Joe Lensen of Volo entertained the member* of the Lily Lake Ladies' League at her home Tuesday afternoon. Cards and bunco, were played. Prizes were won in cards by Mrs. OefFling; in bunco by Mrs. J. Daly, Mrs. A. Wirfs, and Mrs. W. Swanson. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. , Betty Ann Hendricks of Chicago is spending a week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sehroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll spent the Wednesday evening, with , a very good crowd attending. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan spent the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. Mrs. G. Freund of McHenry spent Thursday afternoon here at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. John Oeffling. Mrs. Sarah Fisher spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Davis, at Slocums Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Eddy of Grayslake spent Sunday here with the letter's father, Henry Passfield. Mr, and . Mrs. S. Wiemuth of Waukegan visited the latter's parents, Senator ana Mrs. Ray Paddock, Saturday. Mr. and MA. Herman Dunker and family visited friends and relatives at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kraus and Miss Doipthy Fern of Chicago spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hankie of Evanston spent Saturday here at the home of Mr* and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and family of Libertyville spent Wednesday, evening here with Mr. and Mrs. At thur Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. John Passfteld visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Joseph Dowell at St. Therese hospital in Wauke* gan Thursday evening: Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter of Wauconda were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Miss Verona Dietrich of near Ingle* side spent Tuesday with Mrs. William Waldmann. . John Pitzen of Johnsburg spent Saturday here With his daughter, Mrs, Henry Stoffeil. Miss Delia Kirwan of 'Wauconda called on Mrs. Grace KirWan Wednesday* ^ Mr. and Mrs. E. Roesdeutcher and son, BobMe, of Chicago spent Wed^ nesday evening here frith Mrs. Rossdeutcher. Raymond and Irwin Steinsdoerfer »f McHgnry spent Friday here with their sister, Mrs. Raymond Stetus doerfer. * ... ' Mrs. Grace Kirwan was taken to the Elizabeth Coildell hospital in Liberty ville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel and daughters'spent Tuesday evening, with. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer near Roundl Lake, Miss Marie Miller of Chicago spent Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lipferts, Sunday. Joseph Csuprinski of Chicago spent the weekend at his" cottage at Lily Lake, • Mr. and Mrs.- Kasper of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mrs. Olson and family are spending a week at their dottage at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Willard of Chicago spent the Weekend at* Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Henricks and twin daughters, June and Jane, of Chicago visited the home of Mr. and Mrs* Sehroeder Sunday. Donnie Weisbaum attended the circus in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kfuaer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Huscherr Miss Loaise Kaiser and Robert Prelin visited the home of Mr. ind Mrs. William Pankonen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lakfe. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch. Mrs. 'W. Nystrom returned to Lily a week in Chicago. * Dinner gnests at the hortte of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Weiebaum Sunday were Mr. and Mr^M. Weisbaum from Chidfo. Visitors in the Fred Dosch home Sunday-were Mrs. H. Fast and daugh ter, Clarie, from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galitz of Chi' cago spent the weekend at them cottage at Lily Lake. Mrs. C. O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago are spending a week at their cottage at .Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw were Woodstock callers on Saturday. Mrs. Fred Dosch and daughter, Jo^ sephine, were Crystal Lake visitors Thursday. Mr. anfd Mrs. Edward Marsh and son, Richard, spent the weekend at their cottage At lily Lake and also visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrubl«w»ki. Mrs; L. Gannon of Chicago- sfeent the weekend at Iter i Lake. The friends of Mae Rossow were deeply grieved on hearing of tiie death of bar dear mother, and wish to extend their heart felt sympathy. ^ HENRY DIES AT PALATINE thuflf Sehroeder, 53 years old, died Thursday at his home at Palatine after a long illness. He was the father off Ralph 8c!*s«*»* who married Miss Florence Steffss of McHenry. Funeral services for Mr. Sehroeder were heftd &mday at Palatine. Mn and kfra Jacob Steffes, daughter, Emily, and Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers, attend id the funeral. cottage at lily '<1 ill -w: 1 fc:. v -I : • Jbic-'i Wl5;vi ; '** children in Chicago the past week Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ellsworth and (the weekend with her parents, family of Gary, Ind., spent Sunday,and Mrs. George Miller. in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary. of .Evanston, are spending the week at the Stevens home. Mr. and Mrs. George Frey of McHenry were callers in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon home Sunday. Frank Brefeld passed away at St< Therese's hospiUl at Wtoikfean, Wednesday. Funeral services we** held at St. Mary's church, McHehry, Saturday morning, with burial at Johns- !here at the home xxf Mr. and Mrs. bug. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Mrs. Louis Abendroth rattened to her home in Elgin Bmday, after spending the past wnak with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Sunday with the latter's parents, near Hebron. ** Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck tf Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. Mid Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Fnuikie Stephenson spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Frank Wiedrich of Richmond fcpent Sunday with his parents, Mr. afna Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs., Roy Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich spent Friday evening-at McHenry. Mrs. F. A. Stctas is visiting in the home of her sifter, Mrs. Farnum and family at Manito, Hi. Mrs. Frank Fink of Burlington, the past week in the Brefeld called >y the death «f her nephew, Frank Brefeld. Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Ellen Whiting attended a card party at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Honsy' Mariow* and son of Hun Hey and Mrs. Wattles and son, Glenn, of McHenry were guests in the G. L. Harrison < Mrs. Herman Molidor of Liberty-, ville called ^on Miss Beth Bird here1* Saturday. Frank Rossdeutcher of Round Lake spent Saturday here with his mothfer, Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher. Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son were Waukegan callers Saturday. Mrs. George Weenmann, Mrs. Raymond Lyn and daughter, Nancy, and son, Jack, of Evaiiston spent Monday William Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and faipilyy, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Passfield, Mr.-and Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Idler, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ahriir Case; Raymond and RobeVta Dowell and Cart Thorsell attended the card party and dance at the Gage Lake school Saturday evenin*. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel and family were Wauconda ceflers Tiesday. Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, spent Sunday home. Mr. and M: on the latter's Waukegan Mr. and sonl Ralph, dinner gues Mrs. Ed. Wednesday Mrs. Cath Mr. and visited Fulton, Mrs. J Ladies' Richardson 'orest Psrk Martini ser called Deary, in icDonald and were Sundky Dillon horns, spent .grandmother, of Elgin Mrs.0Wm. entertained the y Lake Tuesday were won by Mrs. Wirt s and Mrs. Thomas Doherty was a visitor at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison snd family were visitors at Woodstock on Saturday. fJohn and ifcimnHi Cristjr. Jr^ have scarlet fever. Mrs. W. B. Harrison attended a Home Bureau meeting at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Miss Darlene Merchant returned to Chicago Sunday, after spending the past two weeks at her home here. The P. T. A. held a card and bunco .party at the school house Tuesday evening. Prizes in five hundred wt awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley a Gene Whiting. In hearts to :Betty Thompion and Rosalie Whiting. In bunco to (>eorge Whiting and Alfred Young. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison visited relatives at GraysJake Sunday.* Mrs JEnnaa Merchant and Mir*. l^b> • • • • . ; ; ; 1 A. Leickem and Wis., greeted McHenry, Tuesday, here to attend the es. Mr. Leickem tractor in the Wistock spent Sunday Joe MeCannon home, hlrn entertained her home Tuesday received a prize, irize of Crystal Lake with her parents, Mr. Harrison. Max Beth and son, ind Mr*. Wm. Beth, Wednesday in ome. a and Mrs. Ela Home Bur- Woodstock Monday. J*. . 1:^.-^ *.".." FrigMsIrs recently cams off the at MM«**ls Moraine Oty. OUs, Hs HMhisHH wtk Fnndef the sttahunent •aHrsnde^vaneeef NewilL .'iixiWl H'-ci J IHSTAM* (^Bala®C .'4 M dean with a damp cloth. But the cleanliness of electric cooking |lsbiit one of its many advantages Modern electric ranges easy to use . .. diey prepare meals in less time because electric cooking is fast Visit your Public Service store at once. See the many models and sizes of new electric ranges at a wide range of prices. Ask for fuH particulars on our special 4 - star pita WESTIMMME MCUVW *151.78* the sparitHng new 1937 medsls of Bectrle Ranges now on (flsplay at your Pubac Service Store • Electric cooking is dean! There's so doubt about it! Any woman with a modem electric range will tell you this same feet. Cleaa to use---pott and pans remain bright and sparkiing from sooc a&d grime. Even after constant use &ey can be set on fresh linen without leaving a madc{. And the gleaming white ranges, ifidi their smooth open surfaces retain their lustrous finish can be JjT.:' uc SERVICE COMPANY OF HOKIHIIIH UUNOU

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