Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1937, p. 6

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"A pebble in • scanty brook , Hu changed the course of many a rlwr; A dew drop on a tiny plant May dwarf a giant forever." It is the little foxes that spoil the vines. A grain of sand in the cog wheel will stop a delicate piece of machinery. Most of the anxiety and worry in life is due to friction caused by small incidents.- These incidents may haye very little significance in themselves, but when we allow them to accumulate and exercise no effort to assimilate them, in •/:* very short time these little torments have become large thorns in pur flesh. If we allow little irritative conditions to dominate our . (thinking, we become victims of mental and nervous disturbances, f ust as a continuous drop of water / tnay wear away, in time, & stone, to a small provocation may bore into one's balance of judgment and /|>oise. Life's experiences are made op of many impulses and actions. There is always more sand than pearl, but in every pearl there is a grain of sand. i Often we are told to cast out the tetty irritations. That is more easy said than done. Whatever affects the nervous system also afiects the will power. The truefunetion of the will is the power of #hoice of right or wrong., of^industry or indolence, of self-control or Self-indulgence. Therefore, we err When we think that by will power We can escape life's sand either by •\ bitter denial of it or by letting our- . fcelves be buried beneath it. Rather | let us endeavor to make something ./helpful and beautiful out of every j,.'.', adverse circumstance that comes to V- lis unbidden and untried. Think of f\ ..what the oyster does with the irri- . stating grain of sand which becomes " lodged within its shell. The oyster |cannot get rid. of the sand: for its lenvironment is the sand of the vast ,} sea: its highest achievement is the i j/Screation of a pearl. And so, the . •£> * oyster begins to place around the •» .grain of sand a protective excretion . which eliminates the pain and em- ,1 '• bellishes the pearl. Wise oyster! *-^ , Robert Browning writes: "When ' the fight begins within himself, a ^"•iman's worth something." :if\ We have climbed one round high- - er in the development of our per- L C - sonality every time we master a §-/ • condition. It may cost a real fight I " within to accept an irritating problem and make its solution our task. Such a victory over self is not un- " like the "pearl of great price." p ,; There is much truth in the saying |L' - --"things are as you see them^' Every person constructs his own world. It may be filled with lovely pearls acquired at a great personal «f ttbnat Takaa T#m *» net of th" PlahvieaUr < «f TMTI A«« TWENTY YEARS AGO CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS - ..V".1 Sand or Pearls Bf LEONARD A. BARRETT ',y mm 4) •wpppp liir K IS* tvHif By Congressman Chaunoey W.' Reed Floods: The city of Washington recently experienced its second flood scare within a 14-month period. While the flood waters which recently rolled down upon the nation's capital did not reach the serious stage experienced in the spring of 1936, nevertheless considerable damage ^was done by the muddy waters of the Potomac. Haines Point was completely inundated, parts of Potomac Park were flooded and Boiling Air Field, was under water. Thousands of sand bags were piled uo in the Potomac Park area to stop the _ _ 1 . . rush of the swirling muddy waters. A Butter took a veryacceptable <fcop number of members of Congress who on the Elgin board of trade, last Sat- were opposed the erecti6n of the urday, the price paid, being 37 cents propoged jefferson Memorial in the per pound. 'vicinity of the Tidal Basin and Potomu7' S Y ™ Pmtk have pointed out that the and M. J. Walsh will attend the K. of floods in this mrea durin|f ^ past two C. state convention at Danville next years show ^ impracticability of we® * ' *. • .. 'placing the Memorial in that vicinity. Fred Heuser has quit his position at the Henry Heimer buffet on the Army Funds: With a veiled warn* West Side and has entered the employ ing that our nation would be totally of J. C. Bickler at the McHenry House' unprepared in the event of an attack bar. | by a foreign power the Appropria- McHenry people are beginning to tions Committee of the House recent look at the war in v* more serious 4 ly approved a $416,413,000 mnroaiovi this obnoxious law, Chairman Doughton of the House Ways and Means Committee stated that the law had done no good and had done a lot of harm and that a man's salary is his own business and there was no reason why it should be made public. We agree that it was an obnoxious law. The measure now goes to the Senato for consideration, Fklr Trade Legislation : H. R. 1611 and S. 100, the Miller-Tydings Fair Trade Enabling Bills which were due to be considered by the House on April 27 have been shunted aside at . the request of the White House. It> is rumored that the President in a question is known as the Procesletter to Vice-President Garner stated i8'1^ T** Board of Review. On this that he regarded the bill as "most»Board four of its members receive anuntimely" and that the White House'incomes of $7600 each and the was of the opinion that the bill might Chairman, who receives $8,000 per possibly lend itself to strengthening. y*«r, have rendered no service whatof monoplies. It is rather difficult to "oever to the government since the reconcile the view* of the Chief Exec- creation of the Board. It appears t*at utive in this regard. (the duty of the Board is to heai^ap- N.t.1 PtomMm.: Charge th>t ,r»? dMtolon. *jr the InUrn.1 , Revenue Department on claims for House Approbation Sub-committee of proceMing taxes. To date War De-"?« » n ® Navy appropriation not m sing!e ^ ^ been presented yrar ue bill is suppressing a report on the »®ddie Pirett, who is employed in Chicago, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund .attended a party at the Recreation Hall in Volo on Tuesday night. Cards and dancing were enjoyed during the evening and everything was done for the pleasure of the guests. Mrs. Geo. Weber of McHenry was the guest of honor and was presented with many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. *Mike Huff spent several days last week with their son, Arthur Huff, and family in Chicago. Mrs. Mark Pierce was hostess to the members of her club on Wednesday wnu» Mavy 'i^k iik. sss 000 a Vear of th, for .th.^ upon the floor of the H<m,e nigkt.Tv*hr« to spend the evening at earda those meriting prises were Mia. Ptoter Frett, Mrs. "Nick Freund and Mrs. John Kattner, while Mrs. Ella Siegler received consolation. Following cards a lovely lunch was served. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer on Thursday evening. Two tables of five hundred were in play and prize winners were Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. A1 Schmeltser and Mrs. Vincent Feltes received consolation. A delicious lunch was served at the close of this pleasant evening. The club will meet next at Mrs. Steve Schaefer's home in Fox !Lalae. Mrs. Edith Cleveland of Round Lake visited in the home - of her daughter, Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, on Thursday evening. Mrs. Jenny Oxtoby, spent Thursday with her uncle» Robert Hunter, in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Furlong and daughter, Jean, of Chicago spent the weekend with his mother, Mra. Emma Furlong. Visitors in the Edwin Freund home on Siinday were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pepping, daughters, Marie and Lorraine, of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Amffnn. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ckkag* * • mn gpwir^'ia the amf jBrown bene on foadar, Victor^ Blink is spending several days witftJda brother in Milwaukee.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and *>n, Tonpny, motored to McHenry on Sunday to visit in the home of Ui mother, Mrs. M. J. Freund. 1WSiM HOU&E CALL OPTICAL SERVICE ni row m hk NO EXTRA OHAROI GLASSES jCOMPIifcTE AS LOW AS For appointment, Phone Chicago Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M. K OPTOMFTRIC EYE „ W N. State Steeet. -4" • .:;r, light. With the passing of the con-, partment Appropriation bill. While N>vy promotion problem was made re- Pepping'and' son of Mundelein, 111 scription bill, many of ^ar young men in excess 01, ine appropriation ior tne j cently upon ,arf eubject to a call to arms. ^ /current year, the bill nevertheless j^presentatives. Demands have been ««ts budget estimates by an excess o'j made for a revision of the present pro- $350,000. Among other things, the|motion system employed in the Navy bill provides the sum of $800,000 for Department. Charges have been m£3e Mr. and Mrs. Victor Erickson of THIRTY YEARS AGO A new plate glass front has been the procurement of mobile anti-airordered and will be placed in the Jus- [ craft guns, an increase of several ten block occupied by the N. H. ' thousand members in the National Petesch drug store at an early date, j Guard, an allotment of $67,000,000 for The improvement will add greatly to the initiation of a giant airplane-putthe outside appearance of the building.' chasing program and funds for in- Jas. B. Perry has broken ground for creasing the standing army to 165,000. a m o d e r n d w e l l i n g t o b e e r e c t e d j u s t ~ . . D J ¥ j . * north of his residence on Maple ave.l •» » »«l U-: By » vote of The foundation for the new gaso-'231 to 113, the House recently repealline engine which is expected to ar-"eeda tthhee ""ssuucckkeerr"" lliisstt law which rerive at the electric light plant has Qu^re<i publication of salaries in exbeen laid and the company is prepar-' ?e8S 115,000 annually. In commented to install the new power as soon ( uP°n the necessity of repeal for as it arrives. The engine, dynamos,1 and switchboard will occupy the basement of the mill hereafter. The price of butter on the Elgin board of trade Saturday took a drop of 6 cents, selling this ^reek at 27 cents per pound. , that a young officer's only chance for advancement is by marrying an Admiral's daughter or by a marriage to a girl whose wealth will permit lavish entertainment of high ranking naval officers. Just Another Costly and Useless! Agency: Severe comment was recent-) ly voiced by a number of members of < Congress when it was brought to light that there existed a government board that is looking for work but has done nothing since its creation. The Board Dr. C. Keller OPTOMETRIST Sondays and Mondays ; •! My Shumt Home, Riverside Dri**,/ McHenry, I1L "V#' All Kinds of Repairs, TeL 211-* Chicago office is 3407 N. Paulina St., at the corner of Lincoln Ave. and Roscoe St., one block north of Wieboldt's big store on Lincoln Ave. Chicago phone, Graceland 9540 FIURTT BROTHERS CONTRACTORS v Cement^ Brick, Plaster aai Stucco Work . W'dinj, Moving and Raising telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. r4$ FORTY YEARS AGO Our village policemen will blossom out with new regulation uniforms in the near future. Peter J. Freund has been putting up a fine residence for E. Hoepe, north of Rosedale, on the river. George W. Besley has rented the George Smith residence, on the . West Side and is moving into the same thif week. The last days of April and the first few*'days of May were cold, stormy and disagreeable. This is the most backward spring kriown in this section for years. RANGES VALUED AT '845t MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have "wity to lend on first ^mortgages on real estate and others who want te barrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be to talk it oirer With you. Joseph N. Sikefr Wankegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IU. TEL. MAJESTIC lt3 KSHT ft COMPAHK All Kinds of r I N S U R A N C E f laeed with, the mast rtHafcls Companiee Csiae In and talk it av|i: :,v".\ ^hoiie MeHewry I U/'f.'.'?; 'abby Qertie FIFTY YEAK8 AOOThere have been seven saloon licencost. Our world, like a great sea, ses taken out in this village so far, lies before us. We cannot substitute sunshine for shadows: for both are a part of it. We cannot gather pearls that have no nucleus of sand. But within us is the will to live, to do, to dare, to reconstruct, to create anew. It is far as to let the world become a desert of sand: or fill it with pearls that hold deep in their heart the glew of human personality, pcieeless aid perfected. e Wutarn Newspaper Union. viz: three on the West Side, two in the center and two at the east end of town. Miss Julia Story had the misfortune to lose her gold watch on Friday last, and the good fortune to have it returned to her a day or two after, by Ed Warner, who found it. We have to congratulate Mr. Henry Colby our enterprising townsman, on the delicious brand of uncolored Japan tea. which he has recently put on the market. Its name is the "Mayflower.' S. L. Morrison has opened a new paint shop over Hauperisch Wagon Shop in this village, and is now prepared to do all kinds of work in the line of painting. oh£! 'AND YOUR OLD RANGE Charlie's Repair Shop ,» , Next Door To r Ij • • . Hoot Noonan's ^ ' On U. S. 12 RADIATORS REPAIRED \ BODIES and FENDERS K ^Straightened ;v Bign Painting - ^ Truck Lettering > 7 r Acetylene Welding CHARLES BIETK8EL "Flappers are like adenoids-- when you take 'em out they giye yen the air." v SIXTY YEARS AGO The new store being put up for P. D. Smith, near the depot, is fast assuming proportions, and will undoubtedly be enclosed during this week. The executive committee of the old settlers' association will meet at the Parker House, in this village, on Saturday next, for the purpose of making the final arrangements N for the coming re-union in June. We have had a variety of weather the past week. Wind from the northeast, rain, hail and snow. Quite a number of our citizens are planting shade trees in front of their lots and residences this, spring. Among these we have noticed, F. A. Hebard, Dr. O. J. Howard, Fred Schnorr, Geo. Gage, H. C. Smith, A. C. McCrory and others. This is an improvement every citizen should make. f' * r- A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor ^ finicking, Service Jtoad Building TeL 204-M McHenry, HL •' * S. H. Freood &Soo CONTRACTORS AHD BUILDERS Phene 1T7-R MoHeory Our experienoe id at Tour Service in buildings Tonr Want* ^ r POTPOURRI Glass Snake In southern climates is a harmless reptile, somewhat like a snake, but having eyelids and ear openings like a lizard. When frightened, its tail becomes so stiff that a slight blow will snap it off. It is hence called "glass snake." It averages 27 inches in length, is brightly speckled and may be black, olive or brown in color. G Western Newspaper Union. Peculiar Hallucination . A most peculiar hallucination ia ^ the one in which a man constantly imagines that he sees himself or his "double." Not only does he see this apparitional individual peering at him from mirrors but often sitting in a chair as he enters a room or walking in front of him as he goes down the street. -- Collier's Weekly. On a Rocky Road "Disjvorld," said Uncle Eben, Mts a place where you is supposed to git ready foh heaven, but de conditions 'pears to make «it hyrHyr every year to qualify." < ACT NOW! This Amazing Bargain Price Cannot Last Much Longer I Now-- during this big spring sale --replace that obsolete and inefficient old stove with a beautiful new "Magic Chef' range. This sale offers you an outstanding money-saving opportunity. New, lustrous porcelain enamel range, striking in design, built fog utmost convenience, will add new beauty, new pleasure to you* kitchen. /Vnd how much easier a "Magic Chef' will make your cook* ing and baking!. You'll be delighted to see the many new features this up-to-date range. Look into this big sale offer! Low prices pre*- vail. You can purchase a range for a small down payment, die balance in small monthly payments. Gome in at once. This offer lasts a limited time only* "W/ESTERNUNraF) YVGAS ILECTWCCXMKNYL/ _ talephene No. 800 Stoffel A Reihansperger ••araace agents far all glasses :«f property In the beat eeaipaBiMu VKST MeHENltf ^ . Do wis Motor The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Wabash McHenry 7518 X : ^4-r V 0/^ Tjr If ; / I CAMOUFLAGED - - * ' W Gosvx1^ VATCM IT TWere'S* A DOLLAR BAU. 60MC 6^T/ I KWOVX/ WHICH OttE SHALL I PICK UP, POP? Phna U VERR0R J. KR8X ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Taeedaya and Friday* Other Days by AppaiatMtf McHenry ^ INSURANCE v EML R. WALSI Reliable Ckmipanies hsn yen nsad iaawnnee •t any Mil Pleat a wr Sl-M Pries Bldg. - McHenry

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