Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1937, p. 3

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f*7v.. f'f.v 1 " 'Vf.^ ^ • *: ' '<T ;v**w^{"'W* 73 v w V" v T ; * * ; fj - **>; t -J * |k >' r \ 'V v • > 'u . *-::'r ^ \ + -j- -•- *• j*>\ vV- ?*> ,; sfci. . s.-> '• • »"t>?:s*b«4 j .JteaES.. :?._«•.an.Sfr.fl'MCHk"..-*!v. . '».' ,,jf iH1 . Tfasisfep, May 13,1037 '"Sfjg " ;T*?TV a: Hi«BiAT» X TANE WAGON WILT WOU TWO *S:*P # p?'?'1% *6 ' ^ VOLO jgjagggjig bife^rV Mrs., Herman Molidor, Libertyville, called on Mrs. Martha Simmons Monday. Mrs. Frank Kaiser and son called on her mother, Mrs. F. Deary, in Waukegan Wednesday. G. A. Vasey visited Mr. N«# Executive Department Proposed: A proposal has been advanced for ! the creation of a Department of National Defense which proposal, if u 1 adopted, would absorb the War and i,. . „ _ „ t , „ * Mrs.! NaVy Departments and would create J5 McHenry, on)mn ^ force ]Us m ^nte Department 1 y" ^ . of our National Defense. The officers Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays- 'of the Arnry and Navy would make up i Hike are spending a few days here . the personnel of the new service. Unl# ith the tatter's father, Henry Pass- der the plan there would be an assistf| ®M. !ant secretary of national defense in charge of each of our three branches :?.&'• -m CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS By Congressman Ghaancey W. Reed- . < i <h $•'* toj:. - »«-- fthsnnnn a» "taBy," h (hnHnj Robert Armstrong. as "Stan iriadkVvoniond bgr the Standard OB Company of Indiana, is being shewn this by representative® of die Company Uaoaghowt fee -up i Make yeur summer driving pleasant, by toning,4p rc^r motor now. Here are seven things to do: •<£.. 1. Thoroughly clean cooling system. 2. Clean, adjart or replace spark plugs. 3. Clean distributor and adjust points^7" ~--' ~~ 4 Chcsk timing and adjust chain. * 5. Cheek and set valve clearances. v 6. Clean gas and air strainers. 1 ; 7. Change to summer oil and grease. - CENTRAL GARAGE , . Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires Electric and Acetylene Weldiag Flione 200-J ' Towing : - Johnsburg Mrs. Jay Vasey Spent a few days the past week at Yorkville, 111., with Relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titos of Libertyville called at the home of Mr. and Mra. Frank Henkel Monday. Miss Alice McGuire sf>ent Tuesday evening with Miss Betty Meyer, near Round Lake. Mrs. Wm. Wirt* and Miss Beth Bird visited Mrs. Grace Kirwan at the Elisabeth Condell hospital in Libertyville Wednesday afternoon. I Mrs. Kathleen Franke of Joliet visaed Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. B. Geary of Maywood spent several days the past week at the J. Vasey home. Mrs. Fred Casper and Mrs. N. Mc- Caridless of Round Lake were Great Lakes callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener of Wauconda spent several days the past week with Mrs. Dora Vasey and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNeil and children of Ingleside spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and children attended the funeral services for Evelyn Moberg m Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Itrenn and children of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Steinsdoerfer Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titus near Libertyville Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wiemuth of Wauekgan spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Senator and Mrs. Ray Paddock. The Ladies' Aid of the Volo Comof national defense, namely, Army, Navy and Air, all of whom would be directly under the Secretary for National Defense. Proponents of the plan claim ft would more closely coordinate our nanjeal defense with a resultant benefit te the taxpayers of the Nation. Bducati--»: The so-called Harrison Black-Fletcher Bill providing for federal aid to the states for educational purposes appears to be doomed, at least during the present session of Congress. The House Committee on Education voted at an executive sesfwlct TVI* Tales Itsma s# Mere* Taken the FBes if t*> ef Tears Age TWENTY YEARS AGO Call fl^HOUSE Butter on the Elgin board of trade advanced one cent last Saturday, selling at 38 cents per pound. Kirk Harrison has given up his position in the Schneider Bros, meat market on the West side and is now employed at the Oliver typewriter facmunity Bible Church will meet at the • ^ry at the county seat home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hiron-i John D. Lodtz of this village inimus Wednesday evening, May 19. forms us that he has just received word from his son, Percy, that he has enlisted in the United States Navy and that he will be home for a few Ladies and gentlemen are all cordially invited. ! The Volo Cemetery Society met at, the home of Mrs. Alvin Case Thursday j d^ys* visit before entering active seraftemoon. Six tables of auction fvve vice. Percy is now at St. Paul, Minn, ^hundred and airplane bunco were where be has been employed tfoUMS if nl •ctuafy b« sick (but many art MdhfSn noodoi TREATMENTS This treatment i« called modernizing and repairing. It may consist of a mucb> tg job, a new room in the attic, a recreation room in the basemenfc a garage--practical* needed improvei more comfort aai;-. health to you and jours. Call the "House Doctor"--that's us. Let us show you a new, practical FREE •errice, that pictures your nome as it now is and as it can be modernised. No obl§?~** gation on your part. Tbe money is also available tbrougjbi us, with repayment in-- easy monthly payments ENRY LUMBER Quality and Service First Telephone 46 West McHenry played. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann and family of Chicago spent Sunday here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann. Mrs. Albert Kautenberg of Waukegan called on her brother, Jason Walton, Saturday. V Mrs. Joseph Passfield and Mrs. Roy Passfield spent Friday evening at-the home of Mrs. M. Harvey in Wauconda. They attended a shower in honor of [Mrs. Margaret Koehsser. | Miss Lillian Scheid and Miss Ger- I trude Billing of Wauconda called on ; Miss Ada Dowell Friday evening. | Miss Eileen Magnussen of Wauke- -gan visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Magnussen over the weekend. ! Mrs. E. Cook of Waukegan visited her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Moli- [dor, Sunday. • Miss Alma Dobner of Wauconda and Arthur Vasey called-in Mr. and Mis. Roy Passfield Sunday. | Mrs. R. D. Maxson of Elmhurst, Mrs. Delia Huffmann of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Valore Palmer and Elton Huffj mann of Chicagro visited Mr. and Mrs. ; Herman Dunker Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son i visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Cfkthjenne Wagner at Slocum's Lake Saturday. | Herman Dunker and son, Robert, ati tended the son and fathers banquet at the Crystal Lake High School Saturday evening, given by the American Lsgion Post of Crystal Lake. leaving McHenry. rHIirvt YEAItg AGO M. J. Walsh has purchased an elegant new rubber-tired surrey and with his family will, the coming summer, spend his leisure hours seeing the country. Messrs. J. H. Miller and Jos.. J. Mertes returned home from a ten day visit at Bristol, So. Dak., Wednesday evening. Owing to the fact that our time has been taken up with the installation of' a new, modern newspaper press the news in this week's issue has been cut short. A snow storm on May 3. WeU, hare's hoping it was the last rUKI Y YUAK8 AMI COST il*4i claimed that the reeeirtr^WWfcl rains have destroyed the chinch bugst Farmers will regard this as a partic* ularly fortunate thing and they look upon it as a fair compensation for the later of the present season. Last week Wednesday evening^ while L» ster Nogle was hurrying off fishing, he was stopped by a company of his young friends, who came to re«j mind him of his seventeenth birthday, John Heimer has just put into his place of business a Guamophone. It, will sing songs, speak pieces, imitate a brass band, and reproduce, othef things true to life. It is a wonderful little machine and can do almost everything but talk. Go and hear it* FIFTY YEA US AGU At the Indies Salesrooms ean be found all kir}ds of Indies furnishing goods, calicos, ginghams, seersuckers, xephyr, best yard-wide lawns, kid gloves, 65 cents. Calico, gingham and White dresses from 35 cents to fivo }«iollars. Mrs. A H. Hanly, had the misfor tune to fall down stairs one day last Week and sustained quite severe injuries. - AmMg the-improvements to announce this week are the following, Hon. Geo. Gage is treating his resi -dence to a coat of paint on the outsid«| --George Rothermel has been painting his house on the outside a neat and testy color--The frame of Wm. Stoffel's house is up and the work of completion is going on rapidly--Hairy' McOmber is building a new fance in front of his residence--Locke, the baker, has his new oven completed and Will more Into his new tqoartela at once. Mr. H. J. Ktmptgm /• " Fmr titt l+U two jtmrt r4 bttn tearttlj Umfing Jar m hit tmr ~ smd B. /. Kemptgen. *Ani when I hemri fO* futd get m Nusk IsFmytttt-KKF ft* just m few dollars men tk»n tht *AB Tknt'emn. ..Mi*mme,Ilostnotbme." Look whatyou get. A luxurious, big, 117-Inch wheelbaee car, a tfHmk UFv<m-m40(r 4*Dmr Stim artfc tnmk six cylinder ea* hfer hydraulk: brakea, itrosfv all-steel body, ei wfdeeeata, mon headroom,letroom. All thia--plusalo tmore-- ymt this Nash Larayotta-"4M" coats just a fern dollars mora any of die "AO Three.** PMCES SUBJECT Y» CHAMC WITNOUT NOTICE •»oa u unu at« ee it a i y«« cm Mteftk* "Al IWee" ekws. A cMn ilmn llMiatNnb trfaySi "40ir44MrS(to« |nt a RW Mart morm Mm« Mm mlppiK PoonitoioltW'MBm'* Ml can: hi mmny ftocm. Mm SIGHT OwmciI*pitte II CUT. gidgsl flea. Omt • etrfM* ea all Em St. J1JL HUSUHD MOTOR SALES TeL 332 sion to pigeon-hole the measure whkn would call for an expenditure of $10,- 000,000 for the first year, increasing $50,000,000 a year until a maximum of $300,000,000 per year had been reached. Where the Money Goes: At least a part of the large increase in government expenditures can be accounted for when consideration is given to the fact that since March 4, 1933, 83. new government agencies have been created by law; 40 new executive agencies were created by executive order and 112 new investigating, advisory and administrative agencies were created. The functions of these units of government cover practically every activity, their duties so overlap that it is difficult to find one agency exercising exclusive jurisdiction over any single problem. A Joint Congressional Committee, a Senate Committee and an Advisory Conflhittee oppointed by tha President are trying to find out what it is all about« The employees of most all of these new units of government were appointed without regard to civil service. C. C. C. s The House of Representatives will within the ne*t few days, take up H. R. 6551, making the C. C. C. a permanent agency of government, with an authorized strength of 300,- 000, a reduction of 50,000 from present authorized strength. Opposition to such reduction in personnel is pec ted. Government Bonds: The sensational decrease in the market price of government long-term bonds is giving Treasury Department officials something to think about and is causing considerable apprehension in Congress, During the month of March, the Treasury purchased about one hundred twentymillion dollars worth of its own bonds in an effort to keep the price from falling below par. It is said that nearly one billion dollars was clipped from the value of the bonds by price decline between December 8, 1936 and April 1, 1937. Vacationing: When the cat's away, the mice will play. The President is on another vacation, this time a fishing expedition in the Gulf of Mexico. What is Congress doing in his absence? The answer is "practically nothing." What did they do when the" President was on his last vacation al couple of weeks ago? The answer is the same. One wonders what kind ofi a game is being playedjij bhi Costs So Little to Own md **. rtw? i "M ~ i ! • -S •rk\* LIGHTS LIKE A CAS STOVE OPERATES LIKE ^^-4^ GAS STOVE to AKITCI IENK T'O'rC will not only anjfxw tnM aiad work, but alao money. Then is a sise lad model to suit every requirement aad you w31 faa Surprised at how much cheaper it is to than other types of stoves. KITCHENKOOK is the world famous . _ which makes and burns its own gas. It is really a gas range which can be used anywhere, no mattar how far away you live from city gas service. All the convenience and advantages ywi can wish for are yours when you own alClTCHENKOOK. It has the fastest rooking speed obtainable: ia absolutely free from soot, smoke and dirt; has fulhr insulated porcelain lined oven: adjustable Roll-Out broiler and is finished in na»j tin ini|i dean genuine porcelain enameL There is a KITCHENKOOK to fit your kitcfaM at a price to suit you. Let us demonstrate it faa "~T9u. Coma ia at: the first : <o pportunity you havau . J. Vycital Hardware Phone 98-M Green Street USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS SIXTY YEARS AGrO Thursday last was a gala among our German friends, the occasion being the marriage of Henry Stilling and Miss Kennebeck. The ceremony took place at the church in - Johnsburgh. G. F. Train predicts that a great crash iri the financial world is not far off. The committee on speakers for the . old settlers' meeting are making an effort to get the Hon. Robt. G. Ingersoll to deliver the address on that occasion. We hope they will succeed. The board of trustees are --fH-g some good improvements on the public square, setting out trees, and otherwise putting it In shape. Mr. Buekland of Ringwood, ia furnishing the treea. -price YOU fcenr a lot about "the low-price field" theaet days. A good many care claim to be In it|^ So whenever the low-pricc field la ttionedj remember: * •, Until Ford came, no average American coold . own a car. .. Today all Ford prices are still low -- with tho prices of the 60-horeepower Ford V-8 $30 to >60 lower than thoeo of any other car of com* parable sine. „ But with Ford, ulow price** doean*t merely mean low figurea on the price tag. It means mqch more than that. It means low pricea and low coata all the car's long life. Low pricea for aervice --for parts --- and, above all, for operation. Both Ford V^8 engine aiaea are economical to operate. The 85 horsepower givea greater gasoline mileage this year than ever, and the "60" delivers the highest mileage in Ford history. Private owners, cab companies, fleet operators all report that the "60" averagee from 22 to 27 miles per gallon of gasoline. Check and sec how much Ford saves yon. * v Ford Founded tfco Low-prlcm Flmld Fmrd Ifiipt Thai FMd Low-pHcmd Today rMi Ford V#8 Prices Begin at $529 AT BIAaaOtN PACTOBT. TRANfPO«TATION CHAaOIS, STATI AND PIDiaAl TAXU IXTM This price Is for tho 60-hp. Coap« equipped with front sad rear bumpers, spare tire, winddyeld wiper, i visor, glove compa*+» at aad ash tray. •a9ACii AA MUN1U, ' asaal down-pay* meat, bays any Ford V-« Car from aay Fosd dealer In tha U. S.-- through Anthorlxaii* Ford Finance Plans mt Vbivcrsal Credit Co. 1 '1- USED CARS At Low Prices Your old car and as little as $5 a week buys maay of the Used Can offered by ik Exceptional values and wide selection becaost ef the many makes of cars taken in trade for the fast-selling Mew Ford V-8. Written Moasy-baek Guarantee. PHOHE1 Buss-Page Motor Sales fix > /J -y y " K'"'

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