Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1937, p. 6

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- - Mrs. Georpe King spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Carl Hoffien at Genofe, Wis. Mir- and Mrs. Prank Miehels, Mrs Altert Huff and Miss Evelyn Miehels were Waukegan callers Thursday. Mrs. Leo Gerlach visited with relatives in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Frank Young of Spring Grove visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miehels Wednesday. Mrs. Ear* Turner and children of Chicago are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer. Mrs. Nick Bertrag of Aurora spent a few days with relatives here, recent- Jy Ben J. Kennebeck and-daugh- ItlNGWOOD P. Flynn and Mr. and Schuenaman of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler Of Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, the stock visited his mother, Mrs. W. A. former's mother, Mrs. William Van- Sayler, Sunday. Natta, and Miss Maud Granger were Mr. and Mrs. CIpyton Harrisoh left Miss Eleanor May, Wilmette, spent Sunday visitors in the Floyd Thomp- Monday morning for St. Johns, Kan., Mother's Day here with her mother, son home at Congress Park. where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolley of Crystal Donald Hayes, Chicago, spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ben tyalkington spent Lake visited relatives here Sunday. day with his mother, Mrs.. Edith Sunday with their son, Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thomas of Hayes. I family at McHenry. Chicago spent Sunday with her moth- jjr ^ Mike LaVelle of Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond er, Mrs. F. O. Gans. Streator visited her mother, Mrs. spent Sunday in the Ernest Snyder Mrs. D. E. Payne spent the past Elisabeth Buss, Sunday. home. week with her children in Chicago. ,p , Mns. Eleanor Dunn and «on of Lake Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Mrs. B. F. Martin of Grayslake Geneva and LaNette Whiting of El- Sunday in the Joe Weber home at Mcspent the last of the week in the home gin spent Sunday with their mother, Henry. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. ! Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Other guests Mrs. C. J. Jftpson and daughter, Vir- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and fam- were j{r> Mrs. Carlisle Wolfe and ginia, spent the weekend with her ily of Chicago visited relatives here son and Mercedes Whiting of Chicago, daughter, Olive, at Elizabeth, 111. Sunday. Their daughter, Mary, re- who spent the day with their grand- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and turned home with them, after spend- mother. I Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson ating the weekend here. j Elisabeth Buss has returned tended the WLS Barn Dance In Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and chil- t0 her home on Waukegan street, cago Saturday evening. Mrs. E. J. Uhle and Mrs. F. BTCol. M r s - - - - - - - _ _ ^ _ -- • - • / - ---- > - • - 1 0 n e r n o m e o n w a u a e g a n s i t w v , ter and Mrs. Albert Huff motored to dren of preeport visited relatives here.afu?r 8pending ahe past eighteen Elgin Thursday. - , ' months in the homes of her daughters, lins of Wilmette spent Tuesday even- Mr. and Mrs. Alex rreuna an t Marshall Baeon of Waukegan spent Mrs. Mike LaVelle at Streator and ing with Rev. and Mrs. Collins. daughter of Chicago spent the week- ^ tj,c weejten(i at his home here. pi end with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. ] Mr and Mrs. A. P. Moriti of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel and fam- spent Sunday in the home of her '; ily were Woodstock caller^ Satwday. { brother, Henry J. Miller and family. | Mrs. Delbert Smith of Grayslake, Lowell Nye of Chcago spent Sunday vj spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. jjj8 home here. _ Ben J. Schaefer. , I Mrs. Harry Laurence of Chicago is ^e home of iss Kathrine Althoff of iwgin spending the week in the home of her Thomnson .t S.mH«v mother. Mrs. mother> Mrs. Mollie Givens. 1 - and Mrs. spent Sunday with her mother, Wm. Althoff. Mrs. George Kane of this city. | Mr. and Mrs George Shepard were Mrs. N. C. Klein of Waukegan was callers in the home of the latter's para guest at the Mother's Day banquet ents at McHenry, Friday. Monday evening. I Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Hebron were Friday evening callers in Abendroth at Elgin. Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Ed Feet and family | spent Sunday in the home of their Mr.'and Mrs. Joe Frett and family daughter, Mrs. Ralph Clay and family, Mrs George Johnson was a DeKalb spent sunday with her parents, Mr. at Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Schult*. *'225 yisit?r ***** afternoon, her daugh- gnd Mrs, Niek Freund, Spring Grove. ;. visited Sundaywith John J. Schmitt ^ f Marguerite .returning home with, • , • and family. .'her for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry St^el^and Mother's Day guests of Mrs. Nellie r- daughter visited Sunday with John were her ohildren and their planning for a three-day holiday cele- Pitzen. families, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich bration in McHenry this fear. Char- ® on/1 liffltt aAn Aalr Pavlr* llv an<1 IIm 1 n.iL. 2. PLAN FOR FOURTH OF JULY McHenry Post, American Legion, is Ml*- ^'ke G?r?vle "vU and little son> Park; Mr. and Mrs. les Reihansperger, "chairman, is family of Woodstock spent tte week- (narold Bacon and baby daughter of w for a greater crowd than last Mrs. A. Wice, Mr. and Mrs. Terrin and son and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wke and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the Roy Neal home. ' Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent the weekend with Howard Shepard. look-| Mrs. Charles Peet and Lora Harri- , u . „ „ -- -- ing for a greater crowd than last year, son spent Wednesday' afternoon at end with Mr. and Mrs. oe . • Cary, and Mrs. Bacon's mother, Mrs. which was a very successful affair. Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner o Schuberth, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Th^re will be fireworks two nights.' Patrick Coyne of Chicago is spend- •pent Sunday mthe home of ".Carl Courier and little daughter, it looks like a big weekend for Mc- ing the week here with his family, liam Althoff and family. | Woodstock, and Maxine Bacon of Chi- Henry. - I Roy Neal, Chicago, spent the week- Mr. mnd Mrs. John BohMttjnd . ca|J0 M„ Ulrich remained for a fewi lend here with his family. rUfrs- I •••• - I n««y»«.* <*•»>uk. visited Sunday •. Mr. and Mrs. C&rold Carlson and; The Altar and Rosary sodality of spent Wednesday with her parents, J. *Meeyyeerr*s. _ „ ... . g-.«n -«j ddaauugghhtteerrss,. PPhhyylllliiss aanndd LLoorrrraaiinnee*, ooff So+t. Patrick's crkhnumrchh wwiillll hhro%l\dA am. hb&aklce^rrvy Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison* Mjss Laura M Rockford, visited Mrs. Carlson's aunts, Saturday, May 15, at Jacob JusSuinnddaayy at the home OI Mr. awl M *, Mrs Mnlli* nivpnfl Mifia Anna liVifthv i. Q- Cr. n«MkAti Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and family of Richmond spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen May. OLD TIMERS' CLUB "BUTX'M EIN' ' McHenry, 111., May, 11.- Mrs. Mollie Givens, Miss Anna Frisby ^en & Sons and Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Sunday. ' street. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chi- ( cago spent the weekend with her, mother, Mrs. Jack Walsh. f Miss Ethel Biggers of Chicago I spent Friday at her home in this vicinity. , Miss Betty Bellows of Elgin is an operator for the summer at Marion's „ Mrs. Viola Low and children spent furniture sfore, Green Saturday afternoon at Woodstock . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Mrs. spent* Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. 1 Mrs. George Young spent Friday afternoon with her mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited relatives at' Elgin Sunday afternoon. Mr. ani- Mrrf. Floyd Foss of Richmorftl and Mrs. Goodell, Miss Jones and Warren Jones of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Wednesday evening at Richmond. Mrs. Edgar Thomas, Mrs. Frank Moska and Mrs. WM. McCannon visited Mrs. Jane Carr and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank at Dundee Thursday. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice Mae, Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons were visitors at McHenry, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. J. Jepson entertained the Scotch Bridge Chib at her home Wedwho relatives and fri^ds at Mahito, P|^ oria, Bath and Jacksonville. Mrs. Frank Johnson and daughter of Harvard spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson of Johnsburg spent Sunday evening in the George Young home. F. A. Hitchens spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday in the Arthur Smith home at McHenry. The Epworth League held a party at the Charles Peet home Sunday evening, following their league meeting at the church. Mr . and Mrs. Lyla Hopper and daughters of Chicago spent Thursday with the laser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Wurtzinger and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunnesday afternoon. . Prizes were award- day with the letter's parents, Mr. and ed to Mrfc Roy Neal and Mrs. Viola, Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Loir. j Miss Florence Zapfe and Walter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins and Hitsel of Chicago spent Sunday afterdaughters of Niles Center and Roger noon in the S. W. Smith home. Collins of Evanston spent Sunday with) Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Harry Collins. (Bernice, spent Friday evening in the Mrs. E. E. Whiting and daughters, Ed. Mutz home at Antioch. Vivian and Rosalie, spent Saturday^. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunafternoon at Waukegan. • jday with relatives ft Hunter and Bel- Mr. and Mrs. Grant McDonald, Mrs. videre. McDonald and daughter and Miss ' Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, GLASSES COMPLBTB Mil R| A8 LOW Aft ........j........... For appointment, Phone dicuo, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60^W«r Write to -- Dr.M. M.Ka OPTOMETnUC ETB liS N. State Soper of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon With Mrs. Libbie Ladd. Mrs. Lester Carr and sons and Mae Wiedrich spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. with his 'mother at Jacksonville. He was accompanied home by his wife, Mary, spent Sunday at the Stevens home. . Mrs. Alma Thotnas of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Rainey and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George Harrison home. - Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and Mrs. W. B. Glasses Ftltei Eyes Dr. Paul A. Schwabe ined OPTOHBTEIST , A.^E. BUfLDING v. ' Thursday Afternoon West McHenry ' Boors, l:M-&:00~Pheae 12S-J Way back in the '80's and DCs, Beauty shop. Johnsburg was one of the most peace-! Misg clara Miller, who enjoyed a. ful of villages, until all out of a clear yaeation last week from -her work sky would come the cry of "Butz'm jn the telephone office, visited at De- Anna" and then all hell would break Mich. loose. < | Mrg. Norma Powers of Detroit, It was in those happy days when Mich visited relatives in this vicinity McHenry either rowed, skated, drove Thursday. or walked to church at Johnsburg and William Bonslett returned home last that good man, the Reverend Father week Wednesday from Mayo Brothers Mehring, was the Spirtual Guide of hospital at Rochester, Minn., where the German Catholics of this district he underwent an operation. RANGES VALUED AT '8P The youth of that time were hard) Mr and Mrs, George Miller and wording, hard playing and equally children visited her father, M. A. hard fisted. They fed upon cabbage Conway, at St. Joseph's hospital. Elm any form, preferably kraut, cooked Thursday. °Pjnto f a dish called speck. Boiled Miss Rita Freund and Marie Miller pork, fried pork, corned pork Snd apent the weekend in Chicago, where pork in any old way with boiled po# attended a forms! di&uer dwt tatoes, squash, onions and greens. 1 «t the Bismarck hotel. Those boys never had heard about Mr an(1 Mrs_ Harry j. O^hea of vitamin A-B-D, etc., but they sure had Chicago are again out for the summer them all and those elements were at ^ wiU again occupy ^ Mauer cotthenr best when mixed with Boley at Woodlawn park. Last fall beer. Most likely that beverage was Mr. O'Shea purchased the Mat Schmitt ^ ®*ti*er and mother of Butz'm - farm^near Johnsburg where he plans F1"' or 'em one' ^ mua^ know tQ build a country home this summer. £ means- J Mrs. Williaash Coaley of Omaha, Hank Meyers, one of McHenry s Neb., has spent the past two weeks most powerful fightinist young fel- here with her mother, Mrs. Kate Bar- Iowb never feared Johnsburg. Hank bian. She left Monday morning for .; had a fist like a ham and an arm to New York City, where she will join push it and when he felt the surge he her husband and they will make their • woald start to feel of his right arm home there. Mr. Conley was jecently ^ with his left hand, beginning at the transferred there from Omaha. shoulder, twisting it and caressing itj Mrs. Lucile Simonson of Sheffield, until the hand came to the fiat which | m.t wag the guest of Mrs. Mollie Givwas down by his hip and then some- cns Monday. • *one would yell "Butz|m Anna." j George Meyers has returned to his Oh, boy, but did Bill Orvis? Wel^ home here, after spending the winter it was this way. Hank liked to bring in the home of his daughter, Mrs. that big hand down on someone's Charles Egan, iirCbicago. shoulder so hard you could hear their, Mrs. Sullivan of Woodstock was the :&hrn hone snap. Bill said, "Hank, guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ted <!©•* do that again or IU bust you Schiessle, Monday night at the C. D. •one." Pretty soon down comes the big 0f a. Mothers banquet. hand again. Some Johnsburger said Eleanor Freund of Chicago is spend- •-* Butz'm-ein and Orvis let go a hay- jng the week in the home of her sismaker. Nice fight after Hank picked ter> Mrs. Joe Frett. Wmeelf off the floor. I Mrs. Ralph Schroeder of Chicago ^ Those Johnsburgers were a playful, viBited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jalot. Everyone remembers John steffes, on Mother's Day. "Shoot" Thelen, Charley "Smiley") Miss LaVeme Engelft spent the last Miehels, Bim Palmes, and their old of the week in Chicago. hangout at Joe Miehels' saloon. One Mrs. John King spent Sunuay and cold winter day the writer went in.the first of the week with her daughto get warm from skating, with sev- ] ter in Wilmette eral McHenry boys. "Butz'm Ein!" Miss Shirley Covalt of Chicago and mny legs were invisible until I got, spent the weekend at her home here. a ImiUf ' IMUMI under the dfceetion of Miss Ward of the WpMlty of Illinois on tantAettnr it Woodstock Wednesday. Otafen and Claram Larson, Earl Klintworth) and Earl Harrison went roller skating at Burlington, Sunday evening. ^ • : ^ HOUSE OALL OPTICAL SERVICE II ion Ml HK SO ERKA OHAMB FKBTT BKO X^BBS " ; oojmucrowf • ; • • , • " • ' • • • ' ' ' OMilNit, Brick, Plaster an4 Stucco Work Moving and Telephone 625-M-*---- McHENRY, ILL. ^ to the river and my skates and nobody could catch me. Let us recall Father Mehring's pic- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Behlke and daughter, Jane, and Kathrine Buch of Park Ridge visited relatives here Sun- «ucs at Columbia Grove, now Nell's PavHkm, and the members of the Mc-1 Mrs. Harold Hobbs is spending two Henry Band, Cal Curtis, the Barbian weeks in Chicago. Bros., Joe, Nick, John and Tony, Bill Mrs, Nina Peterson of Chicago visand Dell Noonan, Nick Huemann andjited her sister, Mrs. Frank Chapman, his brother^ Hubert, Gus Carlson and in the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Mon- Mat Weber, Pete Rothermel and day °tnSf8' ^ . . -1 Evelyn Sanders of Spring Grove is their T be8^when 1 spending two weeks in the Harold they played Jhe Roaring Lion," tam- Hobbs home ed with foaming schooners. And then, Mr ^ Mrs, Frank chapman were m memory s files, I see Clem Zens, Sund gueste in the home of their ^et' D^kie 1<4 Rodimer-daughter at Mundelein. "Hobble Bishop and my old enemy, Ike Wentworth. We must have a letter from Mary ' Cobb. I saw Pete Englen and I rruen- /' • ttoned her and Pete was thrilled to | know our ol<^ teacher was carrying We owe a great deal to - rj^japtlieriy kindness and teachings Very truly, r.- FRANK BENNETT. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Maud Granger and Mr. and Mrs.i H. M. Stephenson attended the 8th Street theater in Chicago Saturday' night, where they enjoyed the WLS! barn dance. Sunday guests in the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Durland were Mrs, Helen Schuenaman, Mr. and Mrs. J« W mmnim I have clients who have aieney to lend en first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will ho glad to talk it over with you. Joseph H. Sikes ~ Waukegan National Bank BUg. 4 S. Genesee St, Waukegan, I1L TEL, MAJESTIC 1M OSKT A COUP ANT All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the aest reliable COM pantos in aai tafli it over I MeHenvy t Charlie's Repair Shop Next Doer To Hoot Noonan's On U. a 12 IADIATORS RBPAIRHD BODIES and FENDERS Straightened . < Sign Painting Tlrnck Lettering Acetykne Welding 0HABLE8 A. P. Freund Cat Itcavating Oontractor VruekiEg, Sydraidie aadOrattt Service EoadBnilding blllMI MeEmj, ffl. S. H. fremd & Sob fOOlihPRAOTOBS •XD BUILDERS Pktae 117-1 ' leHnrj Ovr nptrinm U at Yonr Sendee in building Yenr Wanti 'ACT NOW! This Amazing Bargain Price Cannot Last Much Longer! Now--daring this big spring sale -- replace that obsolete and inefficient old stove with a beautiful new "Magic CheP' range. This sale offers you an outstanding money-saving opportunity. New, lustrous porcelain enamel range, striking in design, built for utmost convenience, will add new beauty, new pleasure to your kitchen. And how much easier m "Magic CheF' will make your cooking and baking! You'll be delighfed to see the many new features of this up-to-date range. Look into this big sale offer! Low prices prevail. You can purchase a range for a small down payment, die balance in small monthly payments. Come in at once. This offer lasts a limited time only. 'GAS *"d ItECTRlCXOMPSNY. fslephene No. lM ": Stoffel A Reihansperger igeots lor all class* 4 pre»erty in the best ceipsstsa. WEST McHENRY . .. ILUN018 Do wis Motor Express Th» Ptonaar Liot Operates daily between McHenry and Ohicege ' . :^_^Pheiii:';.-• GIVE HI*A THAT CMOP ^ NEVER 1EASE A uuugRy poe. -pcwSlE CHOP^- wiu. Be •&OGS A J y - OUTMUW cuoe, Bur IF THE POOR. ?\XPS DIU05AUR GRAVC of THiGH SOME SUQSUUSM# POIC.CHOP I I VEHOR J. BOX ATTOBNET AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOQBS Tuesdays and Fridays Othsr Days by A| McBtenr FDtB AUTO INSURANCE P^S EAIL R. WALSB Reliable Companies a er Cl.K r-:-t L.

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