Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1937, p. 2

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KINGWOOD of Crystal Lake were callers here on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Merchant w*s taken to Sherman hospital Wednesday, where she underwent an operation Saturday 'morning. She is getting along nicely. I Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and 'family spent Thursday evening in • Chicago. The P. T. A. held its May meeting " ""ijt the school house Tuesday evening. Officers as follows were elected for coming yfear: Mrs. Louis Hall, president; Mrs. Lonnie Smith, vice- 4, - ^ . ; • f . . . _ T t» • „ Among those from here to attend fresident, and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, the funeral of Mfg Abbje Martiiv at lecretary. Mrs. Kruse and her elecu- McHenry Frid/iy were Mr. and Mrs. class gave several recitations. |JAMES RAINY( MRS. RIUA FOBS, Mrs. ' K. M. Bradley and daughter, Alice, j Ladd, Mrs. Cora Flanders, Mrs. jNeal, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Viola Low, is**. ^ i »& i',.'. S®1 t'ft; BRING A FRIEND Btompanato's Beautiful Tight, Soft, . r- Lustrous PERMANENT WAVES and without Afeimonia Proces^. values" 2 persons for $6 up to $16. Singly from $3.50 to $12, complete with combination wind, haircut, shampoo and finger wave. (From $3.50 Up includes a 50c facial.) Stompanato's Ektra Special Nmi- Anvmonia Oil Croquigno'Ie ' Process Permanents, values ?5 : to $16 for $3;00 lip "to $12,00 complete. StonipanatoV New One Minute v 1. . . ; •Permanents Produces a wonderful tight, soft, curl, contains oil that vaporizes into steam and stays in .the hair for the full life of the wave,^exceptionally good for fine or bleached hair- Regular $6.50 for $5.00 complete, (no discount) ;.wu> Full Line Nationally Adv. Permanents, values $10 to $25 2 Persons for $8 up to $16 Singly for $5 up to $12 complete Every Day School Girl's Permanents * $2.50 complete Machine-less and Heater-less Permanent Waves, values $15 to $25 $5.00 - 6.50 - $7.50 - $10.00 - $12.00 FoiTHair Beauty Try Arnoil Steam Treatments. Retards Gray and Failing Hair; Eliminates Dandruff; Prevents Dry Scalp; Reconditions ^Permanent Wave, price $1.00 6 treatments for $5.00 Ultra Violet Ray Treatments $1.00 Non-Ammonia Process Permanents Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, only, values $4 tq^l6.~ '7 For $2.50 up to $12 complete 10Tc and 15r;i Discount On all single permanents from $5 up to $12. Also a Free 50c Facial. S^STOMPANATO'S Barber and Beauty Salon 226 Main St. . . 229 Benton St Phone 641 ^ Woodstock, HL THC gMPj gFo Week DayS 7;20 --9:20 FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Double Feature Ralph Bellamy -- Ida Lupino 1 "X4t's Get Married" 8. ."/The Man Who Pound Himself" Admission 10c-25e SUNDAY, DECORATION DAY Edw. G. Robamon -- Luli Deste 'THUNDER IN THE CITY' HUM---Hollywood Screen Snapshots Ladies' Day--World News Events Matinee Continuous from 2:45 MONDAY. MAY 31 -- One Day Franehot Tone -- Kath. Hepburn "QUALITY STREET" Also--Rhythm on the Rampage Comedy and W^rld News Holiday Matinee, 2:45 Continuous TUESDAY, JUNE 1 Double Feature! Bargain Nite! Sally Eilers -- James Dunn I. "We Have Our Moments" 0. "Song of the City" Admission 10c-20c WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY J U N E 2 « 3 "WAIKIKI WEDDING" Admission 10c-25c Sunday-Holiday Matinee, 2:45 Cont. 10c-20c before 5:30, 10c-30c after. Week Days 10c-25c WOODSTOCK s'svfk : MILLER FRIDAY, MAY 28 -- Special Night "No Man of Her Own" Clark Gable -- Carole Lombard SATURDAY. MAY 29 Double Feature No. 1 "Heart of the West" William Boyd -- Jimmy Ellison No. 2 "Song of the City" Margaret Lindsay -- Nat Pendelton SUNDAY ~MONDAY MAY 30 » 31 Jeanette Mac Donald .Nelson Eddy - . John Barry moni ^ "MAYTIME^ Our Gang in "Hearjs Are Trumps' News Klemme 10c -- TUESDAY, JUNE 1 -- 15c Bargain Night 'CRIME NOBODY SAW" WEDNESDAY-- THURSDAY J U N E 2 - 3 No. JL "Way Out West" with Laurel and Hardy No. 2 "Seven Sinners" with Edmund Lowe and Constance Cummings Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting, J. V. Buckland, j Howard Buckland, Mrs E. E. Whiting and son, Sibre. I Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were j Elgin visitors Friday morning. ! Mrs. C. J. Jepsonv and daughter, Virginia, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Mundelein. | Mr. and llrs. Joe McCannon and son,' Loren, spent Sunday . in the Roland McCannon home at Algonquin. | Mr, and Mrs. Earl Colby and family of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the George Shepard home. • Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Snyder and s6n of Kenosha spent Sunday witlr " Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Snyder and family. A-*.' Mrs. William at Woodstock. . " Mr. and Mrs. John Staet^i, Mr. firid • Mrs. Jacl^ Wflkening and Mr. arid- Mrs. Henry Wilkening of, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting, Viola Staines and Josie* Glossen of Woodstock were , Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs* jWrn. Staines. - J Harold, Frances ftnd Ernest Snyder, Jr., of Richmond spent the 'weekertiT with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder. , ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pefers spent Sun? day with relative^ at Belvidere and Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and soil! spent Sunday with the latter's mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrft Frankie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Sunday^ evening at Capifon. Mr. and Mrs. George Dewitt, Margie and Whitney, and Mrs. George Shearer and son, George, Jr., *of Chicagb spent Sunday afternoon in the Ernest Snyder home. Kirk Harrison of Dubuque, Iowa/ was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of* Evanston spent Sunday at the Stevens home. Mrs. Nick Justen and Mrs. Williani Staines were visitors at Woodstock on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison aiV rived home Sunday from a couple of Weeks visit with relatives at St. Johns, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday evening in the Nick Freund home near Richmond. Mr. and Mrp. Charles Frey and! family of Oak Lawn and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and family spent Sunday* with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. St H. Beatty. The Sewing Circle held an all day meeting in the home of Mrs. Collins Friday., A pot-luck dinner was servi; fed at noon. ^ Ray Merchant spent the weekend in Elgin, with relatives, to be near his wife, who is in Sherman hospital. The Ladies' Aid Society will servo a baked ham dinner in the east end of Roulman's store Sunday, Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters of Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughter of Woodstock spent Saturday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Fred. Wiedrich »nd daughter, Mae, spent Saturday morning at Richmond. Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and children spent Friday morning at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. j. Mr. and Mrs. HarrytConnel, Mis* 'Florence Zapfe and Walter Hitsel of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich spent Sunday at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sorijf, , Misses Mae and Lora Wiedrich ai» tended the show at McHenry Friday evening. . Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent that weekend with Howard Shepard. The Harrison school closed.Fridaj^ with a picnic at the school house oil Saturday. The lower room of the Ringwood school closed Monday with a picnic in Olsen's Woods. The upper room closed Tuesday with a tour through the Terra Cotta factory and a picnic at Crystal Lake. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and Mrs. John Dreymiller of McHenry were callfers ic the George Shepard home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. S. W. Brown was a visitor StJ Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family of Kenosha spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilcox of Woodstock were callers at S. W. Browns Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Sunday in the Paul Collins home at Niles Center. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family and Shirley Butler spent Sunday ini the I. N. Butler home in Elgin. IS. W. Brown spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. t Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens speflt (SaturAy evening in the I. N. Bufclef jhome in Elgin. A ! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crjis- |tal Lake spent Sunday in the Gteori i Harrison home. The 4-H Girls attended a rAlly at Woodstock, Saturday evening./ I Community services were Jheld at | the M. E. church Sunday Evening. (Rev. Piacel ol ftfctteary p &4gues£ ispeakov . - PERSONALS Mrs. Fred C- Schoewer left Friday to attend the C. D. of A. Convention at LaSalle, III. , Mr, and Mrs. {Toward Fhalin returned Friday evening from a honey- >mon trip east. They will reside at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of Woodstock called on relatives Saturday evening, enroute home from Lake Geneva. Ralph Bennett is a new employe at the Empire theatre. Lowell Nye of Chicago spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. And Mrs. Frank Tolson and friends of Chicago were Friday evening guests of Mr. raTlln. Maurice Crouch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay and daughter attended the Neimah-Winters wedding at Woodstock, Saturday. Leo Smith &of Chicago Heights spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. x Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hickey. of Chicago are residing in the Boger house on Waukeganj street with her aunts, the Misses 1 Patterson. Mr* Hickey is operating the D-X station on Route U.S. 12. Mr# and Mrs. George Johnson visited th4Ir daughter at DeKalb Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. C. Bickler of Chicagd were Sunday guests of relatives here. The Misses Patterson spent several days last week in Chicago, where they were called by the dedtk of an aunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Boras of Oak Park spent the weekend at their cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Ernst and daughter, Mary, of Chicago were local callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly and baby of Chicago visited his'parents over the weekend. Edward Knox and daughters, Dorothy and Anna, of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Helen Bamford and children of Rockford spent several days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouch. Fr, Walter Conway of Notre Dame spent Sunday with relatives here and visited his father, M. A. Conway. Ifias Dorothy HoUhn spent the weekend at her home m Macomb, 111., where her mother was ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and children recently visited his sister, Sister Mary Henry, at Milwaukee. Mrs. Lydia Bremer has returned to Chicago, after a visit with relatives here and will leave soon for California. Miss Ruth Nye, student irarse at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Holner Fitzgerald and Rita Fieund visited Mrs. Floyd Cooley Ot Woodstock hospital, Monday' evening. Miss Mary Kent of Chicago was a weekend guest of Miriam Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller were Hnntley visitors Monday evenii^ 1 wfcwfr they called on Mr. Dreymiller's brother-in-law, Louis Ackman, wh<* 1* ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander «£-- Hebron were Sunday guests of Mr* and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Miss." Maud Granger of Chicago was also * Weekend visitor, "I Mrs. M. J. Freund went to ChicagT^" 1 Sunday for a few days' visit with h«L sister, Mrs. L. N. Baer. Miss .Nancy Frisby has returns^ from a few days' visit with her sister in Elgin. ^ Mrs. James Stack and children tt Chicago are visiting her mother, Mxm. Kathrine McCabe. ^ 0. Miss Dorothy .Kaddetx of Burlinf*' ton, Wis., wits a Sunday guest in **» Knox home. totv MOJtW 7WF MOST UT/FUL THIN6 ON WHWSLS Mys Mrs. J«n« E. I«r| Cbreb^/ Ohio Am IN ATUHTKMi TO SMART STXLf, I GIT AMAZING COMTORT ANP HANDLING IAS1 ADD ISC A DAY MORE TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE NEXT IOWER-PRICED CARS AND GET A PONTIAC WITH ISTIA lach«« of Mat wIMIi, ywtUtojj EXTRA lnch«« of Imk wm alio win* " EXTRA Km - Action •moothnt--, let ytm. nat M yvm rid*. JtXTRA Inehc* of lee to let yon nlit i* NUMt. EXTRA mile* per (al- !»•. to give von p««a IT'S THE SILVER STREAK that makefe fofotfec ttveYn6at tot!ttfQ! tWng on wheels. No other car hits it. And Pontiac's wonderful comfort . and handling ease come frorh a very special combination of a 117* wheelbase, six-passenger, Unisteel Body by Fisher; Knee-Action;center-point Steering; and safe, sure, velvet-action, triple-sealed hydraulic brakes. What's more, as Mrs. Berg drives her car over the years she will discover that Pontiac is a money-saving marvel and a record-breaker for dependability. That is all you could expect from any car--yet Pontiac gives you all these priceless advantages at a cost so near the lowest that youll never feel the difference. Read the proof--* based on 18 months ierma in 168 representative cities, the average difference in monthly payments betvreen a Pontiac De Luxe six 2-door sedan and the fame model of the next lower-priced cars is only 15 cents a day! frOMTlAC MOTOR DIVISION, PONTIAC, MICH. • Oman/ Motor* SdM Corpora*** R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES ntOKT STBXIT WIST HcHXNRY X: \: Hav f e the grerte* tf fety ,„d row ECONOMICAL, comfort factor itv> . . . T TRANSPORTATION . fj modern motoring -- the im- ^>rOVC--' g Knee-Action Ride--pioneered, WTC. proved and perfected k More than three mi that Knee-Action giv of all... that it ma as far more secure t£ Chevrolet? llion Knee-Action users will tell you es the safest and most comfortable ride kes motoring far more satisfying as well _ >nan it can ever be in old-type cars. Prove these fact/ . , . 1937 Chevrolet-^ 310 your own 8aUsfactlon- Dril,e ^ new --the only compl "'StlSowB«r U. J f " ^ . he only low-priced car with Knee-Action* te car, priced so low! THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR^» V PRICED SO LOW JMKW HIGH-COMMISSION VALVI-IN-MAD INOINI--N«W ALL-SILENT, ALL-STKIL BODIES -- NEW DIAMOND MOW* SPEEDLINE STYLINO -- PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* SAEITY NAT! GLASS ALL AROUND --GENUINE FISHER NO DTAFF VENTILATION -- SUPER - SAFE SHOCKPROOF STEERING » , %iM-AciiM MNi INockproot SHeH*e •* *,rt,r £liS2 ••mtoI Motors iMtallmMt y payf to --ttymmr CmvaOilT KOTOS PIVWOW. •-- WERMWI CHEVROLET SALES 12 and Hi 20 Phone 277 MoHenry, I1L

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