Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1937, p. 3

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Thursday, Kay 27,1W7 ?y*x* *x?z * .\m< < - - V>* \. ' J**" V'"' ^ . ii^V' 7 4 ; >: ^ '• ' . . V'J " r . .v..>- 4 ^ \1 '*" i*v>^v^*y " ^V~77T% *"^3 •V WT.artmwaT.wW «•"' '.V- '- '" 7_"-^' '"* 'f . • yilvvi- ,, OLD AO OETS ON •V V S8ISTAN0E >•). Fig-ores characterized as *'astound "•"**" -Ing" by the director of the department ," • of Public Welfare, A, L. Bowen, have . |>eeh released by the Division of Old * ' - Age Assistance, showing the "callous" ^ Neglect of parents by their children. - a r^8U^ these revelations, the i^jjyjlepartment is preparing for a vigor- .pus prtfsecution of children v^ho have supporter to contribute to the support of their parents, leaving 2,442 children who may be justifiably approached for a contribution of full support of their parents. Only 1,011 or 41 per cent Of, this number even completed the form' JOHNSBURG post-wedding shower was given which the division of Old Age Assist- for Mrs* Ge°n?e Schlozer, formerly ance asks them to fill out. Of the Miss Evelyn Hergott,' by her aunts 1,011 children Who did fill out the aPd un^es at the home of her aunt, form, only sixty-eight children offer- ^rs* Nick Freund, on Tuesday evened to do something toward the sup- When the young couple arrived, port of their parents; forty-six offered they were very noisily greeted with cash; twenty-two contribution-in kind, a charivari. After they had overcome j such as shelter or food. The cash their surprise, tablfes were arranged!to Marengo Sunday afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstorff, Mr. and Mrs. Mike.Gorskie and family of Woodstock, Mrs. George King and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thiel and family and Leo Britz of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. The Johnsburg Baseball team went Mrs. Fred Casper spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Jaeobson at Gray slake. Miss Yvonne McGuire of Libertyville spent Tuesday evening here with her sisters, Miss Alice McGuire and Mrs. Frank Henkel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary speht'Condell hospital in Libertyville, Mrs. Russell Gibbs and Mrs. Jo-' seph Lenzen were Waukegan shoppers Thursday. Mr. an,d Mrs. Lewi# McDonald of Woodstock were Void callers Wednesday. Miss Alice McGuire spent Wednesday evening with Miss Norma Stroker! near Round Lake. ( Mrs. Grace Kirwan letumed to her ! home here Thursday, after spending 1 Ithe past two weeks at the Elizabeth I 'PnnJnll T :i i -11. PUBLIC GETS ART ! * • ; ^•re veq»'-' „/ eQrli.r this cago. Abandoned their parents and forced offered by the forty six to cover twelve and cards and hunco played through- j came home with the bacon, with a - them on the Old Age Assistance rolls, j months totalled $2,173.50 or $47.25 out the evening. The lovely awards'score of 17 to 7, in favor of Johns- ' $ r. On July 1, 1937, the department per year per child or $8.93 per month for hi*h scores in five hundred went to.burg. * • Estimates that 130,000 persons will be1 per chili !Mre- Al>ton Meyers, Mrs. George A. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and family Vjjjn the Old Age Assistance rolls of! "The most significant finding of this May and. Mrs. John Marshall. Prize'spent Sunday with relatives ( this state, far greater number per analysis is that only sixty-eight, or w^nners *n hunco were Mrs. Arthur * • .. JL,000 population than any other (2.7 per cent of the 2,442 children ap- Hergott, Mrs. Frank Adams and in the union report. :i jproached, agreed to make any sort of arite May received the boobie; A , - Jfc,"0ne of the most palpable frauds," j contribution to the support of" their lovely lunch was served, after which ^ $ir. Bowen declares, "is the successful parents. I the guest of honor was presented with Resistance of children to their respons-1 "On the face of these facts, there beautiful and useful gifts. Im- . Ability for the shpport of their aged is written both an astounding filial mediately after the party, Mr. and . parents. We have just completed a callousness and an obvious fraud. It ®<rs- Schlozer motored to California * Study of fifteen approved applications' must be apparent that before the en- where he employed. Out-<»f-town ' •from each cf fifty-one counties, total- actment of the Old Age Assistance, *»k»ts were Edwin Hergott, Evans- 765 awards to parents who have' these children supported their parents. ton; Miss Isabel Meyer, Waukegan; : ' >,r&33 livins children. Of this num- Their affidavits now that they cannot Mrs- J°hn Marshall. Libertyville, and ' 1 -1 a 2,016 children live in Illinois* J do so constitutes a palpable perjuiy. ^ Frank Adams# Rinf* ;yyn,y "inety-one of these 2,583 chil-|The Department has determined to wo°^* oren can be considered as unable to proceed at once arid vigorously against Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber and this condition of affairs, and every re- Miss Amelia Weber of Johnsburg course of our laws will be invoked to were visitors in the Charles Freund the protection of the State Treasury home Tuesday night. against these specious raids. If our Miss Eleanor Freund is enjoying laws are ineffective, the Department several days vacation from her duties wiU ask for new legislation. in Chicago at her home here. "Other frauds which have resulted Misses Berniece and Nims. m loading the Old Age Assistance Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. Cora Walmseley of Round; John Capaller in Chicago. j Lake called on Mrs. Louise Rossdeut- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Steinsdorfer cher Friday. and sons spent Wednesday evening! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson! in Chf-'with the ,atter's sister, Mrs. A. Barlee,1 and daughter, Marion, of. Forest Park I at Libertyville. (spent the weekend here with Mr. and/ A class of eiglil girls and sevc» Mr. and Mrs. .D. onald, Wellman ,o f . M„rs. A. J,. Mm artini. i boys graduated from the eighth grade Waukegan were dmner guests at the| Mr and Mrs. George Calhoun and on Friday evening at McHenry High " * Joseph Lenzen son, George, of Chicago visited Miss School.f They were: Bernice Diedrich, Jeanette Kennebeck. Eleanor King* Thlma Lay, Evelyn Michels. Anna Schaefer, Delma Theien. La Verne Freund, James Freund. Everett Hitler, George Jackson, Donald Michels, Elmer Meyers, Daniel Schmitt and Raymond Stilling. Mrs. Delbert Smith and daughter of Grayslake spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould and family of Librtyville visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Wednesday evening. Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Vinnie Bacon, Sunday. Mr- and Mrs. Herbert Waldqifcnn and family of Chciago spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann. Community Night was held at the Volo school Friday evening. The next .1 Jules S. Bache, banker, has do- Mrs. L. Dowe of Waukegan visited meeting will be at the Volo Recrea-; nated his world-famous $10,000,000 '•»' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus Wed- tion hall, Friday evening, June 18. j collection of classic art to the pub- -iS The McHenry' Brewers baseball team of Volo played the McHenry nesday. Miss Eileen Magnussen of Wauke- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of ^411 8P«nt the weekend here with her Shamrocks Sunday at their home «ia- Waukegan visited Sunday at the home parents' Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Magnus- *>»ond. of Mr- Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. weekend .with relatives here. & •Good seed will produce fine vegetables early only if the soil supplie8 alt eleven of the needed food elements. Take no chances with your vegetables or other growing things. Feed Vigoro, the complete and balanced plant food. Sanitary, odorless, easy to,apply--apH pgy. nomicaL • F--d evwylhing you gram.\.wHk VIOORO THE COMPLETE, V BALANCED PLANT FOOQ M O. ANDREW COh Dlrtributiiii ~ m Tir*rs Make **** J. Manning returned home Sunday from a Chicago hospital, where he was a patient for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex "Freund and ^ .daughter of Chicago visited Sunday at m, , rrooUllss wwiitthh iinneelliiigriibblleess aarree bbeeiinnigr iinn - fu™' !?°' 'P*111 withjthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Mr„and Mrs.Charles Miller. their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Math Smith | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and Ni2s,rer°„ ' • AA- atx cUa and Mint h«"-» «"* tion should not carrv more than 90-' Mr:,°d Ml?-Ed Hoffm,n-Wilmette"made their Brat Holy Communion here ^ K"er " Slocm»'» Lake JSo OW^* AA«g^e Assistance r^ectiipeiennttse, » SboTr n1 1F?r iday "atf TEv*an ostfo na hosp^ital.. Sunday, May 2S, at St. John church (Taken from the April Welfare Bulle- Their 80n, Dickie Hoffman, is spendtm -- Issued by the Department of itlg the week with his grandparents, Public Welfare of the State of Uli- Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. May. no*8, I Mrs. Steve Schaefer entertainedf the Throughout the entire state eaph members of her club at her heme in case is being very thoroughly re-in- Fox Lake Sunday afternoon^- Two hn"nit^~ vestigated and all children will be vis- tables of auction five hundred were ' ited in an effort to make them feel jn play and prizes were merited by their responsibility to care tor their Mrs. Eldred Johhson and Mrs. Arthur |M™r'pe™r™A' Wrfi'r" ^rent, « they are Unancilly able to ^ ^ Mrs. Arthur Klein ^ ^til ao so. ^ ceived consolation. A delicious sup* There is the probability, also, that pgr was served and the hostess' was those recipients who have property presented with a gift. other than a homestead, from which The Christian Mothers of St. Peter's "T'm""" Wm"Oefflin7 they are receiving income and which parish heid their annual meeting Sun g' is a "convertible security" will be day afternoon. After prayers and cancelled. sen. { Miss Hilda Oeffling, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Grabbe of Crystal Mr and Mrs. John Oeffling of Volo, Lake spent a f?w days here with her was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred daughter, Mrs. Walter Vasey. j Frett of Chicago at seven o'clock mass Miss Lillian Miller of Lily Lake,at the St Peter's church, Volo, Thursspent Thursday here at the home of' day morning. Rev. George Schark lie. The great collection of gemj f ; ^ ; from the brushes of Italian, Flemish, French, Dutch, German and . ^ English masters will be housed in;' 4; Mr. Bache's home New York, ' "/ permanently endowed. officiated at the ceremony. PAY TAXES ON OR BEFORE JUNE FIRST Mrs. Ford Jackson and . sons sPent ^d*es Ajd the Volo Com* Property owners in this vicinity are Saturday at Spring Grove. IS Sft » v Tii* e hurrying to get their taxes paid this John Jerack of Chicago spent |ie Jrjn(l Mrs. Frank Hironin.js on week j fi t wh th fi t ^^•.^'^.^^"'"L^fastallment delinquent and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith visited spent in Play'n? five hundred. Prizes with Mrs. Leo Smith at St. Therese1 ^'ere awarded to Mrs- Frank St Waukegan, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Weber and urday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garzardo and family of Chicago spent the weekend with • talk by Father Daleiden, new officers; Sunday. Formerly Called Gaal France is the modern name of the cbuntry which was formerly called Gaul, a word shortened from the Greek name Gallatia. The Gauls were the original possessors of the land, but the Franks, moving out Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan , vice-president, and Mrs. Chas. Freund, secretary and treasurer. The! Community Club held it's regof the German province of Franco- u^ar monthly meeting at St. Peter's ma, conquered the land, and called it France or Frankre-ch. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Friend of Rich- the h«me of Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Davis a mond visited with Mrs. George Lay on at , au^?nda* - | Mrs. Fred Casper spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Earl Townsen'd at Richmond. | Mrs. Joseph Wagner, Mrs. John _ _ Wagner and daughter, Miss Laura1 a son, born May™22~at StJ^iser, and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. | Mrs. A. Ritta and Miss Beth Bird visited Mrs. Grace [Kirw)an at the1 Elizabeth Condell hospital in Libertywill have a one per cent penalty added each month until paid. Personal property taxes also become due on June 1. The second installment becomes A very on August 1. I „ v f i * T i- x • .. " • The first tax distribution to thei Mrs. K.Franke of Joliet spent Mon- |taxing of the county will be day afternoon with Mrs. Louise Ross- made about June 15> it is ^ as the eu her. . date is the first provided for under! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel and the revenue law for distributing taxes, daughters spent Monday evening at George, Mrs. B. Grimillie, Mrs. Joseph Wagner, R. G. Magnussen, Wm. Hironimus and Lloyd Fisher. dainty lunch was served. HOUSE CALL OPTICAL SERVICE IN YOUR OWN ROME NO EXTRA CHARGE glasses Complete to ca AS LOW AS fO.tfU For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPECIALIST 108 N. State Street, Chicago ]were appointed . Those receiving* of ^ fices. were Mrs. Frank May, president, sp^VVri<3ay with her "parente7Mr : Mrs. Arthur Kattner, first vice-presi- • dent, Mrs. Frances Freund, second and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers Mr and Mrs. Leo F. Smith are the parents of Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. hall Monday night. A nice crowd was peter p Freund present to enjoy an evening of cards • M„ Mary Tonyan has been on tho ville Tuesday and visiting. Refreshments were serv- gick Ii8t for geveral weeks ed by the committee in charge. Ar- J. J. VYCITAL HDWE., McHe^y. A. W. SMITH, Ringwood. nnrtiynnnrrmnnnr r~ r . FREE KITCHCnKOOK Demonsirat ion ^ Wc urge >«>u t» visit our ; ' "•» B|oredugingtheco«ni«n ' wmk while we are otfering • special demon- •Ciation of die worldfamous KITCHENKOOK-- the stove that . . and bone its gers, lying in ambush for prey, ' rangements were made to sUrt play-1 have been known to leap as far as ing soft ball under the flood lights fori fifty fe£t in savage attack upon their the summer. The flood lights were j victim. erected Monday and the first game • ----- wil1 ^ Pla>'ed in the very near future. Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner visited^rela-' fives in Rockford on Monctay. • ^ SLOCUM'S LAKE KITCHENKOOK aiW-opetatrt llfcist'l ^ vtry latest built-in convenience nttuw yst^te by wg mMt stove there is to opcrtts.^ Wluu TM Modernise your Ulilwi niiiMiirihrr ditt your kitoNB •tovB ia used more than any other hou*hokla^ian^ vw oi^ Stop in and let us show you how a KITCHENKOOK c4K aave you time, work and moo*y. J. J. Vycital Hardware Phone 98-M Oreen Street POTPOURRI Origin of the Mermaid While all accept the mermaid as a myth, the primitive people are thought to have had the idea suggested by the manatee. This water animal, something on the order of the seal, is native along the coasts of Australia, Africa and South America and often stands upright on the end of its tail when in shallow water. 9 Western Newspaper Union. Mink Is a Wanderer The male mink is a wanderer. He will often travel 10 to 15 miles in a night, says Successful Farming. The female, on the other hand, rarely leaves her den more than a quarter of a mile. The female skins are of finer quality than the male, but rarely grade more than medium. The weather is never too cold for the mink to travel. FEELS GRAND 10 BE OUT OF THIAILIHREECIASS! MY 117-INCH WHEELBASE NASH COST ME ONLY A FEW DOLLARS MORE THAN THOSE SMALLER CARS! MaraywmaktMy decisions... read this experience of Mr. Itoty V. Kegel "Rewumbcrthe old ssying, 'What you don't know--won't hurt youff Well, that fits me. I didn't realize how much I wanted a tig car until I got one. The way my Nash LaFayette-" 400" gets away in traffic, Vie way it just hums along the nod... the extra room iw it... the substantial, luxurious 'Jeel' cf it--it's hard for me to express just how pleased I am. Believe , me, it feels grand to he ami ef the AU Three' eiassT' NASH rf "--*• LaFayetU-"40tr 4-Dam SeimwMtnatk •VM AS unu AS SI M $1 A omu h»il a FfW doSan •ore *»• »ta»*oWy yov CON 9*1 out of lt«« "AS Dm" dau. A «q«<pp*<l 4-Door twiaai <rf AS Th™» eheefc-wp rtcwlly sadi Iw M wpwwtn- MM• eon. In monf !*• auom Mva cMes shows Ifcat Mt* Nadt loFayelte- dMUrsnca In price oswsw*s*ai««tSl or "400"4-DoarS*4a«wMik«nkDBJVBttlar o mOra on youe Nsm payMMh. Atk about convenient tones owl low rote* avalable through Nash C I T. Budget Plan. Automatic Civblag Gear avalafele on ai Mask weish at dlQlit exlra eost. PRICES fimSk. SUBJECT tO CHAM6E WITHOUT NOTICE . B.H. F&JKUND MOTOR SALES TW. 332 Mr. and Mrs. EarL Converse ani daughter, Frances, were callers Waukegan last Thursday. Mrs. Mike Harvey of Waucond^ - spent last Wednesday at the home cit Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Dorwin of Wauconda were callers last Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs, Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. spent last Friday evening at* the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks "were dinner guests Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks at Libertyville. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larabee and son, Carroll, and the former's mother, of Bristol, Wis., were callers Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. H. 1* Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were business callers at Oak Park Saturday. Chesney Brooks attended a Sunday School Supt. and Teachers Meeting of the Northern District at the M. EL church at Libertyville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks aif spending this week at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barr at Romulus, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kreidler of De- Kalb were callers Saturday at the home of Willard Darrell. Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Wauconda was an afternoon and supper guest ilast Friday at the home of Mr. and ;Mrs. Wilbur Cook. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, returned home Sunday evening, after spending the weekend at the Blomgren hoifte. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. FOBS spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berg at Davis Lake. Misses Jennie, Ethel and MarioB Dowell and Merle Do well were callert at Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and children attended the Mother Goose Island" operetta at the rural graduation exercises at the McHenry Communr ity High School Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of Mo* Henry were Sunday guests * at the home of Henry Geary. Mrs. Harry Matthews was among the members of the Wiuconda Woman's Club who attended the annual one o'clock luncheon'and card party held at Prickett's Cafe at Crystal Lake last Tuesday. Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the members of their Fortknightly Club who motors ed to the home of Miss Delia Lindsey at Cudahey, Wis., last Wednesday evening and enjoyed a luncheon and icard party. Miss Lindsey was a former teacher in the W auconda Township High School. ? , Miss Alice McGuire spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Mills near Grayslake. notice During the summer months my optical offi|t in the A. E. Nye building will be closed. Glasses Fitted Dr. Paul A. Schwabe • .* OPTOMETRIST • Eyes Examined - - Woodstock (for Monday -- Wednesday Saturday m&mwm TM) RIGHT! 1*. 3 - • >' «.••- vfi'X: LOWIST hucc.invkaksi losulstsd, all as TO S7 PWOALLO* S3 a Ford car--Uf 1932! aU day: LOWtt1 IH americai % onvtA'W**** or on-' 71« «ll eraake***1 i MoM owners ^TdditiooaloU used becween 2000 mil* chsagesl % tOW FORD I UPKEEP COSTS* 1 Smooth, respon"** V-8 performance now within «*chofm°« people than even LOW DELIVE*l» PRICESI bow modiUcosts! ^ith Universal Credit Company S^dbT-chang. parts serticel $2 5 * month after usual down p^T®"® Vet this new kind of car gfves drivingipleasure few cars in America cai| match--tho finest kind of oogkno-- tho lost word hi boooty, sofoly ood features! This Thrifty "60" not only puts dollars in your pocket-- |>ut gives you more for what you spend! You enjoy a smooth . V-8 engine, the type used in the costliest cars. You get brakes that ease you down to smooth sure stops in a jdfy. You ride in Center-Poise comfort, offered only by Ford in .low-price cars. You get an all-steel body structure that s ^nsulated against noise, heat, cold. Plus style-setting beauty, jrich appointments, big outside luggage compartments on sedans. This latest and greatest Ford economy car gives .you all of them, at a new low price! Ask your Ford Dealer | "* for a demonstration of this great new Thrifty "60 today. THETHBIFTT'M" FORD V 8 qualily car in t%0 low-price field--at tho lowest price in years! Eagles Are Proteetei Instead of being hunted, eagles are protected in some parts of the world. Many Scotch landlords forbid the killing of eagles so kng as they do not carry off too many pigs, lanfes "f* rhiifciuS" " Phone 1 for Demonstration -BBSS-PACE MOTOR • . . . . ^ „ \ Anthorized Sties and Service Mrllnsini MCHeary iiMtttifei "A » . - J

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