aSSw6- W"1 Mlj Tj*' <ry^'scw^ *7t«| rr*T^ wy.^r*^ *t^ffe:"il IBS MeiHXlfBY FLilNSIALKl $T * "'*' .-•J' .;;-» ' ' fc*' - ;^tb • i:.^i '• RINGWOOD Mrs. Nellie Dodge returned home on ridsy, after spending the winter with er daughter at. Cincinnati. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and family spent the weekend with relatives at Waupaca, Wis. . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and tamily spent Wednesday morning at . Woodstock. The Epworth League sub-district Spring rally was held in Nordin's JjWoods, west of McHenry, Sunday. The Scotch Bridge Club was enter- tained in the home of Mrs. B. T. Buter Wednesday afternoon. Prizes Thursday and Fri&y with Mrs. Libbie Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fosa of Richmond spent Sunday with Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne. . - Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Dodge. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Becker and Mrs. H. C.*Hygfhes of Crystal Lake spent Friday with Mrs. Libbie Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and LILY LAu The members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League held their meeting Tuesday afternoon at the new office of Leon Sex and Co. Bunco was played and prizes were won by Mrs. J. Daly, Mrs. Johnson and Lillian Lipfert. Special prize was won by Mrs. Abjin. Mrs. Henry Fast and daughter, family spent Friday with relatives at, Clarie,.have returned to Lily Lake for jwere awarded to Mrs. Joe McCannon and Mrs. J. C. Pearson. * Mrs! Carney ahd daughter and Mr. jsnd Mrs. John Neal and daughter and ^Mr. Negri of Chicago spent Friday ?With Mrs. Roy Neal and f maily. ;•> Mr. and Mis. A. I?. Meighn and daughter, Dorothy, of Elgin, Mr. and vMrs. <ieorge Bacon of Antioch and Mr. 5'jand Mrs Jefferson Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday evening in the Ford Jackson home at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard attended a party in the B. C Hughes home at Crystal Lake, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent <• the weekend with friends at Mr. ahd Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Friday evening in the Art Smith home at McHenry. Miss; Mildred Jepson of Evanston _ ,> . , , , spent the weekend with her parents, Joe Schaefer and^fanuly^of; jjr and Mrs_ Ci j Jepson. , •fjSpriiip Grove edited at Mrs. Jennie l^lBacon's home Sunday," Miss Soper of Crystal the summer, after spending the winter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Sielisch ahd son, Robert, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. SWanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago have returned to Lily Lake to spend' tlffiS* summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Galitz of Chicago spent the weekend qt Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero sfrent the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Robert Krinn of Des Plaines and '-/one* GMCs ATTENTION-COMPELLING COLOR DESIGN • Inbred in t h e n e w G M C's -- "built* in" as an integral part--are the new, entirely original "Dual-Tone" effects which blend cab, cowl, hood and radiator into one harmoi^ ious color design, 1 his feature, exclusive with CMC, originated on GMC drafting boards, was fashioned for GMC modish shapes and contours and therefore cannot be imitated! Smartly styled though GMCs are, their inherent stability and record-low upkeep are for truck operating records to tell GMC urges you to ask GMC owners for facts. There we rest our claims! GMC prices are now crowding the lowe*tT Thiir»d*y,Jtmel0,193? JL Johnsburg Has One of Best Equipped Garages ^ Edson Howe of Woodstock spent j Christine Wegener of Chicago spent t _w .' Sunday in the George Harrison home, i weekend at ttie home of her par- , p . .. j Miss Phyllis McCannon of Algon-S gj^ Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener. quin spent the past week with her June and Jane, twins, and sister, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jep- J Betty Ann Henricks of Chicago spent W»v\:V. %# > Vv..';' ,*he weekend at the home of their j Central Gatage at Johnsburg Mr, and Mrs. qms Karnsbog grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. SchrOeder. j ;s a busy place, especially during the daughter, Carol, and Mr. and^ Mrs. A party was held at the home of j summer season, when increased traf- Paul Karnabog and children of Chi- Mr> and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson Satur- fic on the atate highway, upon which eago *nd Mr. and^Mrs. Lae Landry|day> jUne 5. in honor of the birthdays. the garage is located, and-the influx and children of Richmond were callers j of Carl Swanson and Mrs. Wilbert 0j summer resorters brings increased in the Ernest Snyder home, bunday Swanson. About twenty guests were business to the territory in general. served QUALITY AT PRICES LOWER THAN AVERAGE An oaytmonH through our own V. M. A. C Men or towes* owoilablo rate GENERAL MOTORS TRUCKS (-TRAILERS R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES West McHenry, 111. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinzte 6f Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George Harrison home. " Miss Virginia Jepson is spending the week in the Roland McCannon home at Algonquin. The Sewing Circle will meet with M^s. F. A. Hitchens June 18. A «potluck dinner will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday with relatives at Belvidere and Hunter. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, spent Sunday at Greenwood. Mr, and Mrs. S. W. Brown were visitors at St. Charles Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Hawley afid daughter, Shirley, attended the wedding of her nephew in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkington of Libertyville spent, Friday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and family of Kenosha spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Evanston spent the .weekend at their cottage here. Mesdames Wm. McCannon, Nick Freund and Miss Mae Wiedrich visited Mrs. Ray Merchant in Sherman hospital, Thursday. Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Nick Young visited Mrs. Ed. Thompson, near McHenry, Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Collins, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn at tended church in Kenosha Sunday morning and had dinner in Racine. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Friday evening at Crystal Lake. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens attended an executive board meeting of the^Home Bureau at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, 5frs. Lonnie Smith and children and Amy Harrison spent Friday at Lincoln Park. Mrs. Smith, visited in the Lyle Hopper home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Miss Florence Zapfe and Walter Hitsel of Chicago spent Sunday evening in the S. W. Smith home. - Miss Bernice Smith left Monday morning for DeKalb, where she will attend summer school. present. A lovely lunch was at midnight, which included two huge birthday cakes. Games, singing and dancing was enjoyed by all. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Yapp and son, Mr. and Mrs. Blum, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert S'wanson, Genevieve Daw, Lois Swanson and Josephine Dosch, all of Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Tysler and son, George, and Mrs. C. Winter of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage and visited the home of Mr. and Mrs! Fred Dosch Sunday* Mr. and Mrs. Ferrington of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. _ Hanson and baby daughter spent the weekend at Lily Lake. -. » The garage, like its owner, Fred*J. Smith, is well known throughout this locality, having been established for many years, and is one of the best equipped garages in northern Illinois. Here is found a Standard service station where all Standard Oil products are carried, as well as a full line of Atlas and Goodyear tires. Complete lubrication is a specialty at the garage, where there is also twenty- 4-hour towing service. A new Lincoln grease gun has recently been purchased and also a new electric welder, with the regular addition of tools and machinery, making the place fully equipped and prepared to do all kinds of work, including electric and acetylene welding and out-board motor service. Another handy part of the equip* ment is a Willard electrical test set for locating any electrical or mechani* cal trouble in all cars. This takes care of the starter, generator, ignition; The friends of Mrs. Van Dorning at. battery and all wiring, as well as Lily Lake are happy to hear that she compressioil> vacuum and spark plug is much better and out of the hospital. J troubles. .Expert electricians in all Mi", and Mrs. William Pankonen are j car troubles are to be found at the spending two weeks at their cottage at garage. Lily Laker Frank Steinsdoerfer is still ill at his home at Lily Lake. v Mr. and Mrs. George Daly of Chicago visited the home of 'his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly, Sunday, Mr. Smith 'sells Chevrolet automobiles and trucks and services them, ai well as all makes of cars. Having over twenty years experience in the automobile industry and mechanics, Mr. Smith is well fitted for his line of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaffer and son, 1^0^ Jerry, and daughter/Rose Marie, of] On January 4, 1929, he purchas< Chicago are spending the summer at tjje Central Gaiage and started Lily Lake. j Mrs. L. Gannon has returned to•, • • Lily Lake to spend the summer at her cottage. M'COLLUM LAKE POTPOURRI "Eye" of a Storm The "eye" of a storm is the calm area in the center of very high winds. .. McCormick-Deering No. 7 Enclosed-Gear Mower U* Quiet, Long-Lived Mower That's on Horses and Driver ^ Tl 7E are anxious to have all our friends see the W New McCormick-Deering No. 7 Enclosed-Gw Mower. -We think it is one of the finest pieces of fam " equipment we have ever soldi For example: The entire operating mechanism. incluH'ng drive gears, differential, and countershafts, is assembled compactly in an oil-tight gear housing and runs in a bath of oil. There are four high-grade roller bearings. Operation is so smooth and noiseless that you can scarcely hear the light hum of the sickle! Special oil seals at the ends of the main axle and flywheel shaft* and the oil-tight gtfar box prevent leakage and protect all working parts against the entrance of dirt and other abrasive materials. Floating action of cutter bar provides ample play without disturbing knife registration. •. * Adams & Freund Horn's Tavern had a large crowd at their grand opening last Saturday night. The good music was furnished by the Martinek boys. Mrs. Gosche of Independence, Iowa, was a guest of the Woodricks over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to Chicago Friday to visit a sick friend. Mrs. Sales' mother is planning to spend a few weeks at her daughter's cottage. Mrs. Harold Hasting celebrated ho? birthday Saturday night. :* Joseph Justen was a visitor at Ar- Hne Madsen's house Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson are improving their cottage, by having their front porch enclosed., Lorraine Stacknick was an usher a the McHenry High School graduation exercises Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and his mother Spent the weekend at their cottage They are excavating for a basement. Mr. and Mrs. Piltz spent Sunday at Jheir cottage. Mr. , Piltz was busy fainting all day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitterer purchas lid a cottage recently at the lake. Mi*, and Mrs. Isom were visiting the Jacobson's over the Weekend. Mrs. Bowler and her daughter, Dor ©thy, spent the weeknd at their cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pitzaferro, who ^recently purchased a cottage, had sev* eral guests over the weekend. The, guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pitz* iaferro, Albert Basel, Doctor John J. pitzaferro and tht-ee nurses from the Michael Reese hospital. Mrs. Joseph Schaeffer and daughter^ Eleanor, were visitors at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Feery of Oa! ark spent the weekend at their cota tage. Miss Lorraine Ball spent Sunday at ^Eleanor Schaeffer's home. Miss Joyce Huska and Eleanor Schaefer spent Sunday evening at the home of R. J. Feery. Mrs. Makofsky .spent- 4he- -week^ at her cottage. -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stacknick, Jr., spent the weekend with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard and children spent the weekend in their summe? home. Mrs. John R. Justen and daughter spent Friday at the home of Jos. A. Schaeffer. Ancient Embroidery Clothes m^de of splendid embroidery have been found on Egyptian mummies known to be 5,000 years old. Introduced into Europe from Constantinople, it reached perfection during the* Middle ages. A celebrated piece is the Bayeaux tapestry, 230 feet long by 19 inches Wide. In colors it presents 72 scenes of the Nor* man conquest of England in 1066 A. D. • WMtera N«w«p«ptr Union. business for himself, after having j Art KleiA is mechanic at the garage, been employed at the garage for ten [ where he has been employed since years. In 1932 the garage was remodeled and improved and is now one of the most modern and best equipped in this vicinity. The 6wner has Wo sons who are growing up in the business and promise to follow in their father's footsteps as expert mechanics, with a full knowledge of automobiles ahd 'their requirements. 1929, and is experienced in all lines of his work. If expert workmanship counts for anything at all, then the Central Garage rates very high because of its experienced and fully competent owner and employes, who strive at all times to give efficient service and satisfaction. EWT? RAYMOND MfUKRAY U SAILS FOR ALAS** Th« -Ifev. Raymond W. Murray, professor of anthropology arid head of the sociology department at the University of* Notre J^une, went to Seattl ®> Wash., last week to join an expedition which sailed Saturday foir Alaska. The expedition will <excavate Fairbanks, seeking evidence that the first inhabitants of America crossed over from Asia. Father Murray has done simila|r search in the southwestern part of the country for information on the earliest American Indians. Father Murray is the nephew of Father William A. O'Rourke of this city, whom he assists in the Eastev services at'St. Patrick's church lgfc» nually. <#1 j". 'm "Best Man" in Hungary |i:; ; In Hungary it is possible to hip a professional "best man." He wul take care of all details of the ceremony-- for a fee. A "professional" as best man .is just about as far from the original role as in the north pole from the south. Back in early; Saxon days, the bride knight, or best man, was the most faithfulfriend ef the husband-to-be. He had-, to be for his duty was either to kidnap the bride or fight off her relatives while the prospective husband made off with her. Only friendship of the most enduring type Could buy' such Services. 1 - -Horse-Baiting, a Spoft " The medieval Norsemen of Iceland delighted in the sport of horse baiting: stallions led forth against each other by their respective owners, taught to rise on their hind legs and bite each other. I M PROUD WE GOT OUT OF THE CLASS! We'd like to thank Ir. Eugene Hovel of Chicago for the following expression-- read what he says! "Lets 0/ people take their mutomobiles for granted. Spu# not me. / want to know what'1 under the hood. In my opinion the *t»sk LmFky*ite-"400" If one of the be$t engituertd emrt you «m bny. jThat "400" engine is a tsweetkemrt.' Thou LARGER kydrmulie brnkes will smve me many a dented fender. That big roomy body is a joyt I'm proud of my new Nash . . . it's a grand automobile!" Actual photograph of Nash LaFayette-"400" 2-Door Sedan with trunk NASH** NOTICE *MI AI UVVtl AS $1 01 M A MONVH ... yo« con Q*tovtof MM "AH Thr**" daMrrf ch*ck-«p r*wnl»y mad«ln t*n r*pr*MOta- Mv« dttos thews that Mm Natfc UhytNt- *400" 4-poor Sedan wffli trunk DBJVERSfer |ust a fCW dottan mot* than the sMtariy equipped 4-Doer ied«M«fllie "AR Three" •maN car*. In Many places, the SlIGHT difference Iw prtce aieouwti to lust $1 or <2 • Month oKtra en yOer thee payments. Ask about convenient terms ond low rates avoHeble through Nash CLT. ledget Plan. Automatic Cruising Gear avaHaMe on all Nash models at slif ht extra co$t. w B. H. FREUND MOTOR SALES Tel 332 jVVVWVWVWW*WWV*M*K*il%as*>ftP^>l^ri<h Elm St. *W«SSlO«VM£ «hri* fx Pearl Street Fjbflne X85 Groups of Seven ---- Some categories of persons ; ot things which are grouped in sevens are: The sejjren hills of Rome, the seven ages oilman, the seven sages of Greece, the seven wonders of the world, the seven sleepers of Ephesus, the seven fat years, the seven lean years, the seven golden years, the seven Pleiades, the seven of the week. It's the ofify Tiow-piced car thirri)rii®r^% all these motoring advantages--the only low-priced car that gives you such outstanding beauty, comfort and performance together with such exceptional operating economy, ifrfftm and Shock proof on Moifrr TV Luxe model* only* Gmcrd Mo<ora InM/Jlmcnt Plan monthly paymmtt 90 m/it ymtt pmn/k, CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION, OnmJ Motor* Sol-- Corporation* DETROIT, MICHIGAN THE ONLY CO M P I E l E C A R - P R K SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET LOW ...