Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1937, p. 3

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, June 17,1937 r . • ' * i- ^ . •T ^ .*vl- •- " * > • ' , • WilT > M\ r..,:*' i »y'd. „a/? \V* * rV'. '-:r^ 3i$J t 3.v-v «Y***v'*r # *?< aBv.^tr, i t "*m ^ A . i t i« TBS PLAIHDEALKE 15 . ' 4 ' i . ., zf" / \ BOARD OF REVIEW . < v. The board of review for McHenry. fJCounty will organise on Jane 21. ^Itfembers of the board are Frank. E. -Beck, supervisor of Chemung townrJfjhip, who will act as chairman of the feoard of review, due to the fact that •^ie is chairman of the board of supervisors, G. H. Stewart of'Harvard and Jieorge A. tNelson, of Crystal Lake, t9 nueed Boy L. JOHNSBURG ^>ewly appointed r pftntch of Gary., RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr, and Mrs. W. Beckenhaugh and' E. L. Cowen from New York. h v£' %$<• family have moved from the J. J. :^fasey home on Elgin road to Wood- Stock. OWrnKHMKMS TOE NEW INSTANT CUBE-RELEASE! NO MOM*KE*CUBE STRUMITIIOMME MELTING UMKRTHt FAUCET! IT); THE YEAR'S SENSATION ! Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaefer of Chicago are spending a few days in the home of Michael Schaefer. Miss Annabel Meyers returned hom^ from Miami Beach. Fla., Tuesday evening1. She is spending: the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and expects to return south in October with Mr. and Mrs. ; •" " - JACOB JUSTEN & SONS Phone 103-R r v Green Street John Huff and Mrs. Anna Lunken-' heimer Were Woodstock callers Saturday. The Misses Roke and Angela Tonyan of Chicago and friend called on their grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Althoflf. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller and family of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffine of Genoa City, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstorff, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George King and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Theil and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Weber Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and Miss I(Mje Kirk were Crystal Lake callers Saturday 'evening. Mrs. George King and Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller, were Woodstock callers "Tuesday. . . • Mrs. Leo Gerlad\ visited with relative^ in Chicago Thursday. V \ Mrs. Frank Young of Spring prove spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. Mrs. Martha Freund and daughter, Gladys, were Chicago callers Monday. Mrs. William Althoff and son, Bernard, and daughter, Barbara, sp«*)t Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Will Sattem at Woodstock. 1 Miss AJvera Hettermann was a Woodstock caller Saturday afternoon Miss Katherine Pitzen spent the weekend with her father, John Pitzen. Mrs. Robert Schaefer and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan spent Thursday with Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Mrs. John E. Freund and son, Vernon, of McHenry visited in the Adams home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson of Solon Mills spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ford J a c k s o n . V. SLOCMRS LAKE RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons ^rere callers at Lake Zurich last Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Converse and, daughter, Frances, were callers at McHenry last Friday. Mr. and | Mrs. John Blomgren .spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. . , - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Willard!™*? Sh|Pard- . . _ ' ' Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- Gladys ShePard- Bobbette , Cnsty, thews and sons, Roberte and Lyle, „ . t _ T _ . . _ _ , „ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har-lCnsty' Jr ' Jay Cnsty' Jr- Frank Mar Mrs. Anna Colby of Clifton, HI., ig visiting m the Clayton Harrison home. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Frances Reed of Richmond spent Tuesday with4»er daughter, Mrs. Ernest Snyder. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. / , The 4-H Sunshine grils met with Gladys Shepard Monday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Sweeny met with the girls and discussed their project for the year. Gladys Shepard and Smith told of their trip to Urbana. NORTHWESTERN IS I HELPING HOPPER , CONTROL PROGRAM The Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co. is c6-operating with the State Pearl *>est Control Committee in the campaign for eradicating grasshoppers ac- The next meeting will be June 28 at cordin* to information received by the home of Pearl Smith. li !Farm Adviser John H. Brock from B. R. K,ulp, Engineer of Maintenance of The Epworth League held their an- the C. & N. W. Mrs. J. F. Claxtonof McHenry spentjnual election of officers Sunday night. Wednesday with her daughter. Mrs. The new officers are: Virginia Jep-' 1116 railroad has to compensate son. president; Alice Mae Low, fwst!fa™eT5 for Poisoned spread on vice-president; Ruth Klintworth sec-S infested areas of th« company's right Kenneth'ond vice-president; Marion Peet/third ^ ^'ay- fording to the letter receiv- 'vice-president; Gladys Shepard and- _ m P- 'f vey Bailey at Amboy. i'™ and Cooper attended the 4-H |Ethel Krohn, fourth vice-presidents; Mn and Mrs. L. \$ Lusk and grand- convention at Urbaina Tuesday, Wed- Dora Anderson, secretary and treasdaughter, Betty Lou, of Grayslake ne??ay ' spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Herman Herzing spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer, Mrs. H. M< Sttephenson entertained jthe Home Circle at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served I by Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs, McCannon and Miss Taylor. In the afternoon, a Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and Mrs. Celia wa8 A en\oyed- Knox of UMnciHihennnrTy we™ cllei* tetl. "M•r. and "MJrs. .CA.l "L. La Tuesday evenin, ,t home o, their day- • i'. Mr. and Mrs. J^rl Colby and daughter. Dorothy, Mrs. LulU Sherburne of urer; Gladys Shepard, pianist. Mrs. Nellie Dodge This community was saddled - by tW death of Mrs. Nellie Dodge who passed away at her homob on Saturday morning. Mrs. Dodge had been home frvm Cincinnati just one week, where Bhe spent the winter with her daugh- ,ter, Mrs. Ray Shaffer. Funeral ser- \ices were held at the home at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon and at 2:30 at the M. E. church wth Rev. Ralph Kafoed and Rev. Cajlifis officiating. Farmers who are spreading poisoned bran bait on infested areas on their own farms are eligible for participation in the company's offer. Those desiring to particiapte should contact the section foreman in charge of the district on which, he wishes to apply the poison and deliver a release properly executed to him and describing the area to be poisoned. Blanks for Release and Indemnifying Agreements as well as for billing the value of poisoned bran bait, have been office. Sapphire as a Protector In India and Arabia the sapphin protected one against contagion of any sort. Certain mantrams (prayers) said while holding it in th« hand would produce rain. It waa a charm against fire, and no house would burn down if a sapphire happened to M inside. « H ^ father, Henry Geary Mr. and Mrs. G. J., Burnett spent last Wednesday "at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler. at Round Lake. „ • , T , , u . ,, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and son. ~ Colby of;she was buried ih Ripgwood cemeteryi George, Ringwood, Russell Nordn»y- |^ll ^ ^ Ge°*|besW6' her husband and three sons. ' er of Waukegan, Clifford and Gordon " ^ and Clayton Harmon homes j T^09e from ^ dj^taneo to attend the Volliftg of Daiton, III., and Uurene! T u : -Mr. and lit*. Elmer'I Keisler of Lake Villa, were Synday w v.™11* ** . Bu??\ .o£ i Francisco and Mrs. Lnclhda Francisco, • I gUests at the home of Mr. and WW brought here^for bnr-j VVToodstock; Mr: and Mrs. WaRe^ PreH NnfHmpv#r • :*a» Wednesday, also the^remains of jSchlect, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Clars Clinton H. Clark of Ptulade ph.« _ L„ce Rotsehk, and Mrs. Leon Rotsch- Mrs. Njck Freund enter tamed thel^ Beloit. Mrs Frcd Gilbert Md chi, NOTICE JDuring the summer months my optical officii t in the A, IB. Nye building will be; closed. -v GluwM Httetf ,• '.Dr. Paul 1 Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Phone 674 - - Woodstock (for appointment) Monday Wednesday ^ Saturday - • '"S s Bunco Club at her feme Thursday j dren of Brockville, Ontario, Canada; ftftcmOOn, PriTAR wpru awarnnH t.i «« . .• K ... • - ' FATHERS DAYSpfiJiLcJL m Never an unplebsant heap of smelly butts and ashes with this. Push a button and everything drops into deep, air-proof f^chamber. No odor or smol# «>-> no spilled ashes • always a clean, empty tray* Fred Nordmeyer. Harry Geary of Gravslake and Ira Smith of Libertyville were callers 'at the homes of Henry Geary and Mr., .. «. . . . and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Thursday. ®Jt€r"00^ Pn^es were awarded to ,Mr and Mrs ^ Shaefer, Cincin Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mrs. La-{£»• f ^Ohto; Mr. and Mr.. Ilarvey W Doyt Matthews of Foi-est Park attend- y Wm* M n ** Mr8, Vl<3^ Gardner and son, Royal Oak, Mich.; ed the wedding of Miss Helen Marie V?" j •»# /»"••*»' * an^ ^r#- George Bacon, Mr. and Straumann and Mr. Earle L. Prouty, . ' a" Mrs. George \oung enter-^j^ Lester Nelson And family, Mrs. Jr., at the Luther Memorial churchJtom hundred club at their Qrjce and daughter, Mrs. Johnson, Wilson at Campbell ave., Chicago, last !home J T]lursify e'enin n K' Prizes; VT Mrs" F- E* Nelson and Ve™ Rentner, Saturday evening, June 12, at 8 !®wa™e<* ^ Peters^and J. C. | Antioch; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Davido'clock. Later in the evening they attended the reception at 2529 ave. • Master Carroll Larabee of Bristol, Wis., is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W< E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zion called on Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger at Crystal Lake Saturday. Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, Mrs. Joe Dowell and daughter, Alice, and son, Pete, Merle Dowell and Miss Ada Dowell- of Roseville atteftid ed the Lake County - DeKalb County Farm Bureau baseball game at Sycamore Saturday. Lake County won the game with a score of 9-8 in the 12th inning. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston of Elgin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Calhoun of Prairie View and grandson, George, of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the j Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. But Lelandiler- I Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Jennie Ba- 'con with Mrs. Harry Anderson of Richmond were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mr» jyid Mrs. Stanley Carlson and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. The Sewing Circle will meefwith Mrs. F. A. Hitchens Friday. A" potluck dinner will be served. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were visitors at Rockford Friday. Mr. and Mrs.- Wm. McCannon visited Mrs. Jane Carr in the Merritt Cruikshank home in Dundee Sunday afternood. Harold [son, Park Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Lottia Abendroth, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, Mr. j and Mrs. Clarence Howard and family, Elgin; Mrs. Genevieve Dodge and children, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bacon, Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley, Chicago; Mr: and Mrs. A. K. Burns, Robert Burns, Oak Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil letter and daughter, Antioch. C U S T O M E f t Wm; H. Main Street West McHenry home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. 0 , Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Jack ^Pent Sunday afternoon McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Jepson are parents of a son, born June 12.' Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family were visitors at Woodstock on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Longmore of Delavan in the Wm. Urow xneir own "Snowsnoef* Snowshoes, also called varyinghares, are found all over Canada and Alaska and along the Northern border of the United States. They grow their own "snowShoes." These are long, stiff hairs, which spread out from their big, splayed feet, enabling them to bound over soft snow with great ease. Fish Use Teeth on Oysters The sheepshead, a flsh abounding in the Gulf of Mexico, uses its front teeth to dig oysters from their shells. MANI LA F I L E FOLDERS T H E W E A R ! ASSORTED TABS ^ BLANK OR PRINTED i " THEY STAND . Accurately made of clear, smooth, sturdy Manila stock that will give long wear. Made on automatic machines which insure uniform cutting and tabbing. Single and double top styles. r-: . . LETTER SIZE Btook No. W«k«ht C«t ' - LtsrfTOTCB 4 • too | 1,000 -f 100 LS ' 1 0 2 LS 150 DM Medium Medium Heavy SlraiqM" Half - printed tabs Str&ig ht ^double top ^ . "* $1.30 $10.8® l.SS 12.79 ' . 2.15 | 18.00_ . - Plaiodealer Geary and son, Eugene, and daughter,, ^ T , . . , . , . pttey Mrs* C* J' JePson Vl8,ted with in Mrs". Ida Grantham of Wauconda dau*hter ** Ev»nst®n Wednesday and and a sister of Mrs. G. J. Burnett, of this community, passed away at her, . home Saturday, after a few months of'fami'y °f Algonquin spent Sunday illness. Mrs. Burnett has spent much j '"th formers parents, Mr. and time in caring for her sister. Funeral i ®®rs- *^oe McCannon. services were conducted at 2 o'clock at aIM^ Mrs. Chris Kamabog and the Federated church at Wauconda daughter, Carol, and Mr. and Mrs. with burial at Crystal Lake. POTPOURRI Embalming Just when embalming was first discovered is not known, but we do know it was practiced some 6,000 years ago by the Egyptians. Not only humans, but cats, crocodiles and other animals were embalmed. Three different techniques were used, the most costly being very i complicated and consequently employed only by the wealthy. £ Western Newspaper Union. THERE ft SOMETHING NEW IN AUTOMOBILE PERFORMANCE! LET US SHOW YOU ance '••A- Ibe flocheiof ... 1 ^ With lots of power and pep . ... •... car fakes second pfoce fo none . .. i . ^ Stock car performer Number One! Step on this accelerator... and meets new driving thrill. You're boas of power that's No. 1 in the low and moderate piice fields. And smoothest power, too! You're driving a running mate of the tars that broke 4# official American Automobile Association records out on the Utah Salt Flats ... in the most punishing stock car test of all time. Cars that also have certified acceleration marks of 0 to 5® m. p. h. in 9.4 seconds for Hudson and 14.4 seconds for Terraplane! Can that am take any hill on any main traveled highway in America in high gear. Take the wheel yourself and see! HUDS0* Ho. I GAR oriir lERRAPUNf "s!~ PETERSON MOTORS , •«*! MoSoiuryfllUMiB George DeWitt and Walter Snyder of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Ernest Snyder home. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boyd and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the S. H. Beatty home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George Harrison home. David McCannon of Alginquon is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mrs. Viola Low and daughter, Alice; Mae, and son, Robert, and Mrs. Minnie Coates were visitors at Woodstock on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin spent Sunday with Mrs. Jehnie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the George Young home. In the afternoon they all visited in the Edward -Smith home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin at- -tended a birthday party at Clinton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young and daughter of Crystal Lake were callers in the George Young home Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter. Marion, were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chapman of Jacksonville are visiting in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son of Harvard were callers in the George Young home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Davidson and Mra. Nettie Davidson of Park Ridge were callers in the Dodge home Sunday ^ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family were visitors at Belvidere Sunday. . Carlton Fay of Glen Ellyn spent the past v|eek in the home of his father, Frank Fay. Mrs. S. W. Brown was S visitor a: Woodstock Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and family spent Sunday at Elkhom, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons and Mae Wiedrich attended the Barn IXance at Keystone Saturday evening. Mrs. S. W. Brown attended the funeral of J. Burton at Woodstock Wednesday. • Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Friday at Woodstock. . Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Miss Lora Harrison attended the funeral of Mrs. Treon at Elgin Friday. - Mr. arid Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family and Mrs. Ella Harrison spent Sunday with Mrs. Georgia Harrison at Woodstock. Frank Samson; ol St.'Louis, Mo* is isrill do If he job at lower ImsIs than ever f *4;' < >4y, , * k s v v :.v -* 'Vv i. If yoon is heavy hauling, you wean handle ^ it faster, easier, and at less cost with the f improved 85 H. P. Ford V-8 engine. For light jobs, the 60 H. P. Ford V-8 engine gives splendid performance--with many extra miles to the gallon of gasoline. With either engine, you get an added ;; economy available only to Ford V-8 owners --the Ford Engine Exchange Plan. You can replace an old engioe with a factory-recon- . - ditioned one--at much less than the cost of an ordinary engine overhaul. Let your Ford Dealer help you select the fh««i«, engine, and body best suited to your tt loads. Then, let an "on-the-job" test show you how much better--and at how much less cost--you can now do your hauling with modern V-8 power as Ford offers it. SEE YOUR FORD DEALER FORD V-8 TRUCKS IND COMMERCIAL CARS NO OTNIK TRUCK IN AMBUCA GIVES YOU ALL OP THESE MONEY-SAVING FEATUMS TWO V-t EM®WES--85 H. P. Cor heavy duty and high speed; 60 H. P. for light duty and house to house deliveries. ENGINE A MKTS EXCHANGE PUM -- cuts Ford maintenance to the booe. CENTM-FORCE CLUTCH--plate presaete increases with engine speed. FULL TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE--Driving and braking forces transmitted by the torque-tube and radius rods. RADIUS RODS -- hold axles in perfect alignment. FULL-FLOATMM REAR AXLT-AITiii«r~ weight is carried by the^xle housing. QUICK-ACTION SAFETY BRAKESBrake drums of cast alloy irod aiW tically score proof. M: Phone 1 for Demonstration BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES Authorized Sales ud Service •Vr.J .f • - » .* . . ijt*,.. .

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