Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1937, p. 3

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INTERESTS HEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES J. Wightman of Grayslatsr has been appointed by Judge Perry L.<Persons as a member of the Lake •County Welfare Commission, in charge of old age pensions. Mr. Wightman will fill the unexpired term of George T. McCullough of Gurnee, who passed away last month. Joe Patella, 18, of 1375 Wrightwood avenlue, .Chicago, suffered an ugly cut when his hand went through the windshield in a motor accident all Lake Zurich Sunday of last week. Eight pitches were required to close the wounds, which included several arteries being severed. The accident occurred when the truck Patella was driving, collided ^rith another car on -Sunday morning. Jack Rehorst, son of Frank Rehorst, Hebron, figured in an auto accident -south of Lake Geneva, early Sunday orning of last week. His car skid* led on the slippery road and crashed into a tree. Jack sustained severe injuries, his jaw was broken and a vertebra in the neck fractured. He was tak<*n - to the home of his father and later taken to the Woodstock hospital. George Raschman, 18, of 1335 Wrightwood avenue, Chicago, had a: narrow escape from death by drowning Sunday afternoon of last week, while swimming at Lake Zurich. Aftgr being seized with cramps, the lad was pulled ashore by other swimmers. I He had gone down and was practically overcome when taken from the lake. A Wauconda physician hurried to the scene in response to a call, and worked over Raschman for one hour. Lake county's drowning toll was raised to five last Thursday morning ELEANOR HOLM Mr. and Mrs. Herman Michaels of> Rome City, Hid., spent the past week "with the' latter's mother, Mrs. Caddie Dixon, who accompanied them to their home. Miss Alice Russell, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Russell of Volo, and Norman Washo of Lake Zurich were united in marriage on Saturday, June! Master Carroll Larabee,returned to Mrs. Ellen Whiting and Mrs. J. F. Mc- 19, at the parsonage Of the Evangel- htf home at Bristol, Wis., Sunday, Laughlin. ical church. Attendants were Miss!after spendingtwo Weeks with rela- Zelma Russell, sister of the bride, and tiv«s in this community and at Wau- Wm. Wasjio, brother of the groom, j conda. ' _ Following the ceremony a reception) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews find was given at the home 6f the bride, for the immediate relatives. They will reside on a farm near Lake Zurich. Lovety Eleanor Holm, world champion, backstroke swimmer, basks in the sun on the shore of Lake Erie during a respite from her appearances as Aquabelle No. 1 in Billy Rose's Aquacade, huge musical and water extravaganza at the Great Lakes exposition. The exposition will continue at Cleveland through September 6. VOLO Mr^and Mrs. William Fulton spent Monday evening \^th Mr. and Mrs, Robert Deindlein at Wauconda. w,hen O^we n Br a»wdjry , 21, of Evanston,j M r . a n d M r s . J o s e p h T i t u s o f L i b - ertyviUe ^ ^ ^ q{ ^ lost his life in Channel^ Lake. Hls'and Mrs. Frank Henkel Monday. body was recovered by Antioch fire- Mr ani Mrg Kaiser ami men just before noon Thursday in five tv,00 • , ., feet of water iust off shore from the °n Spent evenin« at the 2W?il.l-i am mPfl ager residAe nce on ^the w ^es t : home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould in T .. . .„ side of the lake. ^"yvi"e'„. - Quick thinking and immediate ac- • 1 . . ,spen Hon on the part of Bobby Nielsen, Jr., J ' "!fhw,S s o n o .f „M r . a n jd *M »r ' s . tR> o ub e r xt x Nt-i e .l s e n o* Mf issv A, l ice McGuire and Mrs. Frank Long Lake, no doubt was instrumental D in saving the life of Calvin Thelen of m U!sa ?t et'y Waf"er sg!" 'he Past Chicago. While swimming near Pick-j""!,k.w,th Mr. »nd Mrs. Edward Rosserel Point recently, Bobby noticed , Richer and family in Chicago. little bov who was naddlimr around Mrs" Joseph VVagner and daughters 5..i.Eyw A! motored to Milwaukee. Wis., Tuesday. Melvin Passfield, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield, is under WAUCOND. SLOCUlfS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mrs. Gertrure Litwiler of Round Lake were callers at Crystal Lake last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zinwner and daughter, Joan, of Palatine were recent visitors at the home of Henry Geary, where they visited their parents, Mr. and M(s. John N. Zimmer. RENGWOOD Mrs. Viola Low entertained tto Bunco Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. George Young. Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained her Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, The funeral services for Mrs. Elma sons spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and sons, Donald artd Kenneth of Grays Mr and Mrs. J. C. Pearson entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Young and George Shepard and Mrs. B. T. Butler and George Young, M*r•. aann/dJ Mrs. JTo ah1 n Tfyrrell and family of Memphis, Tenn., are visiting ... , with the former's mother, Mrs. Frank Graham, who died Friday, were held',ake spent Monday evening at the Fay. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hallock, on Monday afternoon with burial in Wauconda cemetery. Mrs. Graham leaves to mourn one son, Harry, of Cary, two grandchildren, and one brother, Wilbur Cook of Wauconda. Mrs. Leonard Peterson spent Thursday in Chicago. A marriage license was issued Monhome of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun and son, Walter, and nephew are now living in the G. J. Burnett cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zioh bake sale at the Royal Blue Store on Saturday. Donations are very acceptable. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon attended a picnic at Greenwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler andfamily in the Henry Heimer home at Mc Henry Saturday evening. Mesdames- Louis Hawley, Elmp Hawley, F. A. Hitchehs and B. T. Butler attended an O. E. S. Card Party at the Hunter Golf Club at Richmond on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Landry and family of Richmond spent Sunday evening ill the Ernest Snyder home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons spent Sunday afternoon at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Monday. with her parents near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters and Vernon Peters attended the Mclntyre reunion at Belvidere Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son^ and Mae Wiedrich attended the dance and Barbara Thompson of Park spent the weekend in the Wm. Ms- Cannon home. On Saturday they weijUk visitors at Walworth and Elkhorn. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon in ti|i Wayne Foss home. "Mrs. Woodford and daughter, Iva, the lake by using an inner tube. A short time later he noticed the inner tube floating in the minus the boy. ^He immediately started diving, the care of a doctor at this writing. and soon located the little boy, . Mr,*. )md : Mrs. Lloyd Fishe„r and u 1.4. v i ii. _r jx it family visited Mr. and Mr*.. George Sflw £ " th>^ i- Des% p,o nd,e ncy over -i ll ..h.e alth is be- 1i t?1M11r®. 'a*n d. „Mr s. Ed. Bacon of R_ ound, lieved to have caused Allen Thomas,\ , . .. , ... ... . n * *.U„ rn XI r. Lake visited Miss Vinnte Bacon Mon- Mrs. S. H. Beatty visited her daughter and family at Oak Lawn the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richmond spent Tuesday evening with the spent Monday at the home of Mr. 1 former's mother, Mrs. Rilla Foss. and Mrs. .Wilbur Cook. They attend- j Mrs. Mae Harrison and daughter, ed the funeral service of Mrs. Graham Lora, and Alice Peet -and Mr, and i at Hebron Saturday evening. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mrs. Bnish were dinner guests in the] Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chiday to Mr. Arthur Vasey of Volo and'Hallock. (Henry Hinze home at Crystal Lake cago spent the weekend with the tat- Miss Alma Kathryn Dobner of Wau-i Frank Matthews of Crystal JLake Tuesday. | ter's parents, MrJ and Mrs. "Charles conda. , j. [was a guest last Friday at the home, Mrs. Roy Neal and children and. Carr. The drowning Of Dr. John Donovan! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. | Mrs. Libbie Ladd were Woodstock vis- Bohr, aged 33 years, occurred in Arthur Wackerow was a guest on itors Wednesday. Bangs Lake, Sunday evening at 8 Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elma Hawley of Morristown, o'clock, after he had rescued B. O. | Lloyd Fisher at Volo. 4 - Ind., who has spent the past month Russell, aged 8 yeafs, of Irving Park.' Mrs. Martha Baer returned to her jn the Louis Hawley home, has gone The body of Dr. Bohr was recovered home in Chicago Monday evening, aft-j to Crystal Lake for a visit in the D. in about an hour, but all efforts of er spending a *ew at the hom\C. Bacon and Edwin Hawley homes. recussitating him, failed. After an of Mr- and ®4rs- Harry Matthews. | Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Davis of Woodinquest, the body was taken to Chi- Mr- and Mrs- LaDoyt Matthews of stock spent Sunday in the Alec Andercago for burial. Surviving are his Forest Park spent Sunday and Mon- son home. wife, one sister and his father, John day at the home of latter's father, I Mi-s. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Bohr, of Wauconda. / Willard Darrell. (Virginia, spent Sunday at Rockford. Miss Marietta Nicholls, daughter of Mr- and Mrs' VanNatta! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal spent the Mr and Mrs Wm Nicholls of Rose-'and daughter, Norene, and sons, John /weekend in Chicago and Oak Lawn. ville, underwent a major operation on|and RalPh' of El«in' spent Friday! Mr. and Mi-s. J. F. Claxton of Mc- Saturday at the Lake County General evenin,r at the home of Mr> a«d Mrs. Henry, Albert Fryer, George Fryer hospital, Waukegan. IQ/J- Burnett. I and Mrs. Emtna Lea of Doland, South Mrs. 'Anna Hutchinson of CaryJ Mr- and Mrs. Fred Telton and Dakota, and Mrs. David Decker of mother of Mrs. Vincent Davlin pass- diiughter of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, South Dakota, spent Fried away Friday at the home of her Carl Meyer of Woodstock, Mr. and day in the George Shepard homo. daughter, Mrs. Walter Mever, at Carv, Mrs' Matthews of. Forest | Mr. and Mrs. George Rasniussen, 111., aged 88 vears. Funeral services Park' Mrs" M*1"1116 Baer. of Chicago,;and family of Chicago spent Sunday and burial were hek at Barrington on1 and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews in the Alec Anderson home. Sunday. and sons, Robert and Lyle, wi'ie Sun-^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Ghi- The pinochle club \Vas held Tues day »uests at the homc of Willard cago were supper guesUs in the GeoN day evening at the home of Mrs. AmyDaJ*rel1- J „ w ^ Sh5Pard h 1°™e Su"day t t i Cypher. Favors were awarded to Mr- and ?4r8, Wm Foss. and sons,' Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Lake Mrs. Max Anders and Mrs Cypher i Leslie and Billie, spent last Thursday (Villa spent Wednesday afternoon in Mr. and Mrs Petry Johnson of even«nK at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j the George Young home. Crystal Lake called on relatives here A' W'_Foss at Libertyville in honor of] The Elecution Class enjoyed a party Sunday. Floyd Carr and Mrs. Wm. McCaanon were callers in the Merritt Cruikshank Jiome at Dundee Sunday afternoon. 4 Darlene, Betty Jane and Barbae!:. Ami Ray of Genoa, 111., and Dolores and Richard Ball of Hunter, 111., spent the past.,w.eek iA the home of theft uficle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith aad daughter, Bernice, spent Sunday at Hinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger aid daughter of Woodstock spent Sata*-' , day with her parents, Mr. and Mnk ~ >•': Ixinnie Smith. ' • • Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison aitf' * . daughter, Carol, visited Mrs. Lwgr Thomas, at Woodstock Sunday. 'i The Happy Clover Club held i meefr> 1 ^ ing June 23 at the home of Esth«r Smith. Nine members were presenii;; ; They decided they would have a picnie for the Boys' 4-H Club, June 27. at Bobb^tte Cristy's. The two girEs thai went to Urbana gave a talk on their trip: A demonstration on hems given by three girb. The rest of thlr;^. afternoon was spent in playing games. nttST NOTICE During' the summer months my optical office in the A. E. Nye building will be closed.. Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST * ;Phone 674 - - Woodstock (for appointment) -•Monday Wednesday * Saturday PERSONALS Howard Ensign, who has been cmployed at Grayslake, returned home Sunday. He is now working with his father on a big drainage job near Wheaton. ' Rosemary Thompson, Terra Haute, Ind., is visiting her grandparenits, Mr. Miss Vivian's birthday. jat the home of their teactier. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett attend-; Wallace KTruse, at Richmond featured the wedding and reception of Rus- day. sell Nordmeyer and Miss Ethel j The Home Circle will hold a picnic Hapke at the church at Fr.irfteld last at the home of Mrs. C. L. itarrisOn Saturday evening. Later in the even- j Thursday, July 15. ing they attended the dance at Volo. j Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, in company MA N I L A F I L E caretaker of the T. N. Donnelley es tate at Sand Lake, to commit suicide last week Thursday by inhaling monoxide gas, Thomas, who obtained his job as caretaker only ten days before his death, was said to be getting alpnfr nicely with his new work. He had been in poor health for six years day. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vasey in Waukegan Thursday evening. Mrs. Roy Passfield, Mrs. Joseph Passf.eld, Mrs, Alvin Case and Mrs, Lloyd Fisher attended a pre-nuptial Mrs. Lee Larabee of Bristol, Wis.,'with Wanda Tbdd and Linnea Peterwas a guest Monday at the home of son of Richmond and Mary Chase of' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooksr Antioch, attended the Legion Auxili- Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer attended a ary .Convention at Lockport Saturday. t>re-nuptial shower on Miss Ethel j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison and and Mrs. John Thompson. On Sat-l Hapke at the Wm. LoHnian cottage family of Round Lake spent Sunday urday afternoon, Rosemary and her at Lake View Villa Wednesday. iwith the former's parents, Mr. and cousin, Mildred, were Woodstock vis-! Saturday callers at the home of Mr. Mrs. Clayton Harrison. William Bacon. She is spending this week with her husband at his home in Waukegan, before returning to Conwas found at 6:30 p. m. wh^n Mrs.jat Banps Lake Wednesday afternoon, j norsville at the end of their vacation. Donnelley saw him slumpe and only recently was discharged from I s*™ hon f°^of Eth.el "aPke a sanitarium in Oak Forest. His body|at the home of Mrs" W,lham L<>hma™ p. m. whgn^Mrs.j jyjr an(j G^opgg Scheid, Jr., of automobile in the garage. He had I S'au"onda ay evenin« at itors. iand Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer were Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson atthe Dowell Brother's h6me. Mr. and Mrs. been dead for five hours, according to, ... , T T , an Antioch physician, who was called * ^rs* ° ,n^ to the scene. The Lake Villa fire de-|?Pent Th«reday e^nrng with Mrs. partment squad was called also, but Louise Jones" there was no hope of reviving the man. Huntley's brewery started work on the brewjng of beer last week. Work has been going on> at the plant for several weeks, getting ready for the opening. The past week has been spent at unloading equipment and materials, and now everything is in readiness for the actual work of brewing. Huntley will have one of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norden^yer of Slocum's Lake called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Tuesday evening. Miss C. Madden of McHenry spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Grace Kirwan. Mrs. Herman Rossduetcher and son, Charles, spent Tuesday with Mrs. F. Sheehan at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Leffelmann finest equipped brewing plants in the!and {am^y *vanj*oe called on Mr. country. The building is amply large ^ Mrs" Herman Rossdeutcher Satto take care of all branches of the business and the equipment is of the ' a"d Mrs. Joseph Lenzen visited most, modern obtainable. It is the " a Mrs. Edward Rossdeutcher plan of those in charge to use nothing !and family in Chicago Friday evening, but the finest of ingredients in their; Mrs. Herman Molidor of Libertyproduct, which should find a ready v'"e sPent Thursday with her aunt, market throughout this .pact of the Gra<;e Kirwan. country. ' Miss Vmnie Bacon spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bacon near Round Lake. Rev. and Mrs. John Figley of Wauconda spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Miss Elsie Steindorfer of McHenry spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Steindorfer. Miss Zelma M. Russell, nurse at the Chicago Tuberculosis 'Sanatorium, sailed from Montreal Friday, June 25, Mrs. Henry Lange and children of j Clifford Volling of Dalton, 111., Mr. (tended a rural letter carrier's meet- Connorsville, Ind., spent last week in and Mrs. Ed. Bauer of Ringwood. Miss! ing at the Wade Sanborn home at Senh0me D 0f parents, Mr. and Mr*, j tthel Hapke of Lake Forest, Russell I Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. - .. j Nordmeyer of Waukegan and Mr. and i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins of Wil- Mrs. G. J. Burnett. imette spent: Tuesday afternoon with "i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer at-! the former's parents, Rev. and Mrr. tended the wedding of their son. Rus- j Collins. sell, and Miss Ethel Hapke of Lake! Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. Viola Forest at the • Lutheran church at' Low and children were visitors at Fairfield Saturday evening. Mr. and j Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Nordmeyer left Sunday for a! Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent the short honeymoon trip to the Dells of past week at Woodstock. Wisconsin. , _ • 1 The M. E. Church choir will hold a FOR AFTERNOON k Mrs. Charles Ensign and son, Roland, visited in the Frank Ensign home at Palatine, Friday. Attorney and Mrs. C. M. McDermott and children of Chicago visited friends in McHenry Sunday. Miriam Saylerreturned home with them, after a two weeks' visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and daughter, Ann, of Chicago, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Little Ann Smith remained for a week's visit with her grandparents. Miss Mildred Thompson, who has been teaching in the high school at Momence, 111., is now attending summer school at Northwestern University. She spends the weekends at her hoime here. , Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and family of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Ralph Justen, Beatrice Weber, Marion Weingart and" Walter Anderson were Brookfield visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ewert, and baby of Des Plaines were Sunday guests of Mr. and^ Mrs. Henry Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and daughter, Rita, were weekend visitors in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund made a recent visit to Montpelier, Ohio, where Mrs. Freund remained for a visit in the home of her sister. Mitzi and Joan Durland left Mon- ASSORTED TABS ^ BLANK OR PRINTED THEY S T A N D THE W E A R ! Accurately made of clear, smooth, sturdy Manila stock that will give long wear. Made on automatic machines which insure uniform cutting and tabbing. Single and double top style** LETTER SIZE [ U3T PRlcf 100 1.000.... 10&LS 102l<S 150 DM Medium Medium Heavy Straight ' Half-printed tabs Straight-double tofl^Ly $1.30 1.55- 2.15 $10.80 12.75 18.00 FOLDERS Hundred aboard the S. S. Ausonia for a six | day for a week at the Girl Scout weeks' tour in Europe. Her itinerary! camp at Edgerton, Wis. Mrs. Durland, includes Holland, Belgium, Switzer- j mother of the girls, took them to the land, France, and England. While in , camp Monday. Paris, she will attend the International j Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger have Exhibition of Art and Technique and| returned to DeSota, Fla., after a visit! in London, the International Conven- with relatives and friends here; tion of Nurses. Miss Russell will sail) Mrs. Charles Egan and'son of Chi-; from Southampton, England, aboard ,«$go are spending the summer here, thg S. S. Georgia for New York, Julyj Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chi- 23, and will arrive in Chicago, August cago spent Sunday with her mother, 3. Miss Russell is the daughter of Mr. Mrs. Jack Walsh. and Mrs. S. J. Russell of Volo, a grad-! Miss Nellie Doherty was a Chicago uate of the Wauconda Township High visitor Sunday. School and Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago. Mrs. Arthur Gransee and daughters of Gage's Lake spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Raymond Steindorfer. - Waukegan visited,the latter's brother, Jason Walton. Thursday evening. JunicJfr* Ravin of Slocum's Lake is spending'a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell. Miss Ruth Compton of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and children and J' seph Kortendicfc visited relatives at Burlington, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horten and Mrs. Stephen Walsh and son of Elgin called on Nancy Frisby Sunday, enroute me from Holy Hill. ' "" Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanHereslee of Waukegan spent the weekend here. Mrs. Mat Laures and son, Jack, arrived home Saturday from a visit in the heme of her sister at Springfield. Ethel Bigpers of Chicago spent Minnesota, is spendirjg a few days!Sunday with relatives here An attractive cotton afternoon dress. The flecked novelty fabric with its woven rose-colored stripe is an imported glorification of a seersucker weave. Catalin fastenings match the stripe. The bandeau hat «is of harmonizing linon, with her aunt, Mrs. Grace Kirwan. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher. - A very large crowd attended the wedding dance at the Volo Recreational Hall Saturday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nordmeyer. Mrs. Frank Harrison of Chicago visited Mrs. Sarah Fisher Sunday. Apples Long in Use Apples were used by the Stone Age Lake ,$?%torUad and Italy. West Virgiiua Altitude The average altitude in West Virginia ia 1,500 feet above sea leveL Fr. Walter Conway of Notre Dame spent Monday at his home here. • Mr, and Mrs. John Schaid visited Mrs. Paul Marrie at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, Monday. Mrs. N. J. Nye and Mrs. E. R. Sutton visited Mrs. Dan O'Shea at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgir^, Tuesday. Gold in Alaska Gold was discovered at Juneau, Alaska, in 1880, but the great Klon- -rwsiidjd get ^egin. until i

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