Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1937, p. 7

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' „_r ^ \ * i - j ,-,Ai', .*£„«, , ' • * <*T?fc*iTAi .;'y?; 7 « . ™ ,y, June 24,1937 v 7 * " , _ ' - <,.*"••' ' •* * . r ' ' i . ' ' - fc'rf *.'s t, ' V ^ " "/ j,rj> *" * ! -•i- . , r,5n -©1^ '; ..*f ?*""S . i'T "; J, -' .V i *,L r??? I -^ , Tff-kTJ » * '>"'/ ., f*® ^ s-^r'^s *. < -vy - :*m, T McCULLOM LAKE -!• * i . j ^jsz.rft-'S >4 ' / " !--- V . «tV> .. , $0j. • ' -- t>>-,,- ; v.'4 . - 1 . f "V » V" -• . fer -/. McCullom Lake is proud to announce that there will be Sail Boat Racing Sunday and Monday afternoon, July 4 and 5. Good hews for the fishermen. From what your reporter hears, there are plenty of perch and pickerel in the lake this year. » " Weekend guests at the home of Frank Hay were Mrs. Rose Earl and BiDl Hay of Chicago. t The newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Altman, of Chicago were visitors at Mrs. Alice Altman's cottage over the weekend. • There are a large .number of new cottages being built this year. Ross Boyle is the new carpenter, who is helping Mr. McKim build these beautiful cottages. "Hank" Martinec and his bride, the former Mildred Harrant, of Chicago, are spending their honeymoon at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Arline Madsen celebrated her birthday Friday night at Her cottage. Among the guests were Walter Kreutzer Of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Harfst# and Lorraine Mikucki of Chicago. We bear that „ Betty Yanda from Horn's place is making heF debut in the movies. We are all anxious to see your first picture, Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett and son, Arthur, of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage. George Boyle, a former salesman of McCullom Lake, was a visitor at the home of Mr. anwd Mrs. McKim. Mrs. McKim's daughter, Aileen, of Chicago, "also was a visitor Sunday. George Fock of Chicago was a visitor at tile home of Jtosefth Schaeffer Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Sales of McCullom Lake celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson spent "the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Madsen and daughter, Arline, and Mrs. Hasting and Mrs. J> A. Schaefer of McCullom Lake were Woodstock shoppers Wednesday. Arthur Doberstein of Chicago was a visitor of Elmer Schaefer at the J. A. Schaefer home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski of Woodstock were visitors at the home Of J. A. Schaefer Sunday evening. McHENRY COUNTY BLACK AND WHITE SHOW A SUCCESS Extreme heat *nd very urgentr farm work did not prevent nine McHenry County Holstein breeders from staging a most successful Black and White Show on Thursday, June 24, in Henry Eppel's Grove, two miles " east of Woodstock. A total of fifty-two outstanding animals wpre judged by Prof. C. S. Rhode, extension dairyman of the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois. Prof. Rhode explained all of the classes after they had been judged. E. M. Clark of Wheaton, Illinois, fteldman for the Holstein Association of America helped direct the activities of the day. One of the seven winners of blue ribbons in the aged cow class, Princess Piebe Walker i Segis, owned by May wood Farm of Hebron, was selected as champion female in the show Last winter when the Cornue herd was classified for type, Princess was rated as excellent. |I PETERSON MOTORS . ' Stop in or telephone Peterson Motors for demonstration with the new Hudson or Terraplane, Drive them yourself, then use your own judgment, We are at your service at any time. Towing, Repairing, Gas, Oil, Tires and Batteries. All used cars guaranteed, according to the price you pay for them. One Block East of Fox Eiver Bridge on Route 20 Phone 14 McHenry, Illinois •• "••• " 'tMfrgiwyl- I CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS By Congressman Chauncey W. Reed Adjournment Talk: With the city of Washington sweltering under the torrid summer sun, increasing talk of adjournment resounds through the corridors of the capitol. There is considerable talk 6f cutting the legislative program short and adjourning about i5the middle of July. The key tcr the situation is the President's court "packing" program. Opponents of the measure in the Senate state that they will filibuster until November if necessary to defeat the bill. It appears that the Fair Trade enabling, Government Housing and Government Reorganisation proposals are definitely dead for this session. Action on the wage and hour bill which is still in the hands of the Joint Committee having the measure under consideration is anticipated before adjournment., Considerable opposition to the proposal to vest the proposed new lab- „T , „ ,lV or board with the broad powers which Wondermere Farms blue ribbon buH j would bo conferred Vpon it by the bill O 'are expected to be the main issue of controversy both i« Committee and upon the floor of the House It is that the American Federain the 2-year-old class, Carnation Peerless Colantha, was selected as champion male of the show. Wondermere Farm is owned by Mrs, Jane rUmored LEDGER OUTFIT O N L Y 400 wm EACH the R V B Y An exceptional value! Consists *! IOOM leal ledger binder, 200 ledger sheets and A-Z, 26 division leather tab index. Bound in durable imitatioo leather, colors red or black. Steel back with automatic locking device, Faah button for quick opening no key required. Sheets are white Ivorydale ledger paper, 24 substance. Sheet size 6 x 9\<i inches. Slock No. Description Pric* Each 020006 020007 Ruby Ledger Outtii -- Red Ruby Ledger Outfil --Black , $4.00 4.00 with r~ ALL-FACTS compfcte bookk--ping outfit Full Instructions and In Each Outfit It shows «my day how nvch money b diM yov emd how much you owo. Printed hMdings for •vory transaction. 100 record summary shoots, annual balance sheet included. with monthly account, and bookkeeping Henning, and the cattle breeding operations is supervised by Dr. W. W. Lichty. Frank White of .Coal . <£itjr, formerly of Woodstock, and veteran Holstein showman, showed Peerless to the championship. In the judging contest for contestants under 18 years of age, John Schuett and Glenn Walkington of Woodstock were selected as co-champions. Co-champions in the adult divfa sion were Ed Dresdow of Solon Mills, herdsman for Gardner Farm, and Melvin Stalheim of Woodstock. . Four daughters of Carnation Joe Korndyke Fobes, owned by Willis Gardner, got first prize in the Get Of Sire class. . Two cows of this group and daughters of Gardner Farm Rosa 3rd, also won the blue for Willis Gardner in the -Produce of Dam class. All awards in the class were made according to the group system of judging. Under this plan all animals of high quality and similar type were awarded blue ribbons, the second group of animals were awarded red j ribbons, third group animals getting J white ribbons and fourth group, green j ribbons. { This first McHenry County Black, and White Show was sponsored by the McHenry County Holstein Breeders Association. Co-operating with the local breeders was the McHenry County Farm Bureau, Extension Service of the College of Agriculture and the Illinois Holstein Friesian Association. All blue ribbon animals are eligible for the State Black and White Show to be held at Mooseheart on Wednesday* June 30. Awards in the various classes are as follows: Junior Bull Calf--Group 1, Maywood Farm, Hebron; Group 2, Maywood Farm. Senior Bull Calf--Group 1, Mrs. Jane Henning, Woodstock; Willis Gardner, Solon Mills. Group 2, Harmony Hills Farm, Marengo; F. B. Me- Connell & Son, Woodstock, (2 animals); Ralph Nichols, Hebron. Group 3, Paul Winn, Richmond. Bulls--Two-year-old and under 3, Group 1, Mrs. Jane Henning.. Group 2, James Fyfe, Woodstock. Junior Heifer Calf--Group 1, Mrs. Jane Henning, Willis Gardner, (3 aiK imals), F. B. McConnell & Son. Group 2, Harmony Hills Farm, Turner and Winn, Richmond. Senior Heifer Calf--Group 1, Turner & Winn, Mrs. Jane Henning (3 animals). Ralph Nichols, Hebron, May wood Farm, Mrs. Jane Henning. Junior Yearling Heifer--Group I, Harmony Hills Farm. Senior Yearling--Group 2, Turner and Winn. Heifers, 2 years and under 3, Group! 1, Harmony Hills Farm. Cows, 3 years old and under 4-- Group 1, Turner and Winn, Willis Gardner. Group 2, James Fyfe. Cows, 4 years and over--Group 1, Ralph Nichols, Maywood Farm, (2 animals), F. B. McConnell & Son, Turner and Winn, Willis Gardner, Mrs. Jane Henning. Group 2, Paul Winn, (2 animals), Turner and Winn, (2 animals), Willis Gardner, (3 animals)..^ Set of Sire--First, Willis Gardner; Second, Maywood Farm; Third--Mrs. Jane Henning. Produce of, Dam -- First; Willi* Gardner; Second, Turner and tidh of Labor is far from Satisfied with many features of the new bill, principally on the ground that it might tend to hinder and eventually destroy collective bargaining1: . •; lower exemptions and increase rates. Senator Vandenburg of Michigan is also expected to offer an amendment to modify the surtax on corporation earnings, which was enacted last year. _ ^ „ It is reported that Senator Harrison, Railroad Retirement Bill: Tlie House Chairman of the Finance Committee ?U have Passed *n(^ ft to Of the Senate stated that both amendthe White House for approval the new ment& Would be defeated. Senator Railroad Retirement Pens,on Han Harrison also stated that the entire which wall effect approximately 1,200 - tax law would be examined and prob- 000 railroad workers Ute first Rail- ably revised next January., In view Act Pa^ ^4 0f this statement American businesswasjrefd to be unconstitutional by the men are put in a position of not knowcourts. The new measure represents jng just what will happen in regard to a compromise between the carriers, the entire tax structure in 193& More employees, and the government; the uncertainty which will tend to retard railroads having agreed not to chal- business. lenge the Act further in the courts. p.__ ' , . .. ^ . The plan is to be financed solely by rennrtprt tknt 7 ^ * o 18 the carriers and employees but will be erLsman To * ^e request of_ Coadministered by the "government. N Chairman of the Treasury officials estimate that ap- Ru]es Committ«*f h" gr,c"lt^re proximately 58 million dollars will be Heht S ^ 1° distributed in retirement benefits dur- parm Tenanrv M a F n°p ing the 1938 fiscal year beginfinE ftT j ,?^re* 'R 76®.?; July 1. and predict that the amount " >1"' measure w,U would increase annually until 1975. The distributions and benefits would amount to over $231,000,000. Taxes: As debate began in the Senate on the bill which was recently passed by the House providing for an extension of approximately $650,000,- 000 worth of "nuisance taxes," Senator LaFoliette of Wisconsin served notice that he would fight for an amendment which would havfe as its object the broadem'rip of the, tax base. The Senator's amendment ^ seeks to ^a». , be brought up on the floor some' tims within the next week or ten days under a Rule permitting three hours of general debate. The House bill whtek differs in many respects from that reported by the Senate Committee on Agriculture would permit loans by th« government to tenants for purchasing lands in the amount of ten million dollars during the next1 fiscal year, 25 million in 1939 and 50 million in 1940. These figures which have been agreed upon by Congressional leaders are identical in both the Senate and House bills with the exception that under the Senate measure the government could actually purchase the land for the tenants. The House bill carries an additional provision for 10 million dollars for next year ar.d 20 million for the two succeeding years for government purchase of submarjjinal land. ' >: Order your rubber Plaindealer. stamps WINNERS OF BLUE RIBBONS Female winners of Blue Ribbons at Rlftck.ajod White Show, held June 19 at Hillside stand, Grayslake, were owned by: Elmwood Farm#, .George Mayer, M. J. Coltrin, H. Wegener, Herman Dunker, Wray f Brothers, C. A. Faulkner and George Vose. It Staples Indispensable in the Office, Store, School or Home, , Tie World's Best "Low Priced" Modern Stapler at a price low enough so that you can equip every desk in your office with tEfc fastening device.. ^ Staples or pins up to 30 sheets. , , ; ~ Ideal for tacking drawings, tracings, bulletins, tags, etc. COMPLETE WITH 100 STAPLES . . .. X . / •> e/L • Emmmmeism Cut Kitchen Hours with u MODERN 1937 EIHTRIC RANGE FAST CONVENIENT ELECTRIC COOKING NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL R A V THE poST BINDER E N YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR 9'4 * 11 '/i GRADE--YET INEXPENSIVE A real value! Excellent quality black imitation leather binding over substantial boards -~will stand up under hard usage. Strong and tesily operated opening and closing mechan- " in either endlock or toplock styles. As a handsome, practical, sturdy, and long-wearing 'binder, the RAVEN takes the lead! Sizes 714 * 10% and 9^ * llji $2.25 «a. Sis* 11 x 14 $2.65 «a. Sizo 11 x 17 ja.90 ea. COME W AND BUT TOURS TODAY " Professor Otto Schmidt, above, headed a Soviet air expedition which f l e w a c r o s s t f i e N o r t h p o l e , a n d planted the Russian flag at the top of the world. The expedition landed safely on an ice flow hear Rudolf island, less than 15 miles from the pole and the world's northernmost island. Four members of the group5 intend to remain at the spot for a year to do scientific research of a geodetical nature. #r your Public Service Store at once--See the now, Electric Ranges now on display Motpoint Porch--tf $139.50* • 0066 bott} White stain-reting porcelainenamel. gh-speedCalrod units, tra large oven. Thrift ker. Lijjht on shelf. storage drawer, tomatic Oven Heat gulat Order your rubber stamps at the PUiridealer. WesUnghouse Dictatsr $151.75* {Abctt} White porrelaio enamel finish--one-piece rooking suiface. New speed Corox units. Large, heat-sealed oven. Economy cooker. Storage drawer. Automatic oven theMO* «a t. General Electric Comet, $112.50* (Ltft) All porcelain front .nil airplane switch panel ... well insulated oven -- ... thrift cooker .. • highspeed Calrod units. • When you cook with a modern electric range you enjoy high speed foe every cooking task. A snap of the switch and new highspeed heat units cook rood just as fist as heat can be utilized. Yo« • get cook book results every time. Then, too, cooking this new wajf .is easy. Automatic controls eliminate guesswork .. . automatic riming makes oven watching unnecessary. Come in at once to the Public Service Store and see these gleaming " modern ranges. A big selection of models and styles in a wide range r of prices to suit your needs. Get all the facts on this fast, clean, easy way to cook and learn full particulars of our special 4-Star Electric Range plan. 1 Other dealers are also offering Liberal Terms on Electric Ranges, including Free Wiring (except in unusual cases). Visit their Stores-- inquire about their Special Offers * DtU M nu»t (atttf tqtupmtnt, pnett quoted tn this mdtrmstmtnt an sunut UiSmmf < , T# CfttT MtmitMnJ otbrr cut}, a samtu h^i 4m Vt u cfat&J t • f*r raaga uM em JtftmJ pjymt nti. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANV OF yoyypfBlM ILUNOlft - r W Telephone: Oryital Lake 2B0

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