Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1937, p. 3

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Mrs. Stanley Sevcik, a recent bride, Av- was the honor guest at %. miscellan- ^ ; j' l^ous shower at the home of her moth- ..'\^r, Mrs. Louis Schroeder, at Wonder Xrfike .Tuesday, given by Mrs. Harold : ^ Whiting and Mrs. Walter Wolff of ii " Chicago. Bridge and five hundred ,/ Jvere played. In bridge, prizes were ,, Awarded to Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and t •.. Mrs, Roy Neal. In bunco, to Mrs. Wal- ^.Ct«r Wolff and Mrs. Stanley Sevcik. V $he received many nice articles for V her home., A buffet lunch was served ,^-,»t the close of a pleasant afternoon. Wdsfiinlil Wm. H. Althoff and his mother and sisters, Bafbara and Katherine, motored to New Munster, Wis., Thursday evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller were Woodstock callers Tuesday/ Mrs. Jamies Chamberlin of Chicago Washington, July 28-It seems that !? J* ^ek at the home of the Congress Will adjourn shortly with its greatest chore chalked up for the voters' attention as "unfinished business."; Legislation, which has received more pr less perfunctory attention during the six months following the her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrp. Henry Nell left Monday for a motor trip up to the Wisconsin Dells, where they will spend a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz of Chicago A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies' League was held Tuesday afternoon at tl\e Lily Lake Casino. Prizes were won in bunco by MryJ. Daly, Mrs. L. Gannon, Shirley Bowman, Mrs. Johnson, Marilyn Olson* Josephine Dosch, Mrs. Bowman, Mrs. J. Partington and Rose Weinstein. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weisbaum over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. M. Weisat Elgin Saturday, after spending a week here. Mrs. Rupert D. Jones, who is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton, spent a few days last week with her husband at Galesburg. •• Mrs. Fred S. Hopkinson of Oak Park was the guest of Mrs. Jack •Walsh the first of the week. Mrs. Letter Bacon and children and baum, Mr. and Mrs.' Sam BuckmanjMrs. Wm. Bacon and son, Bobby, visand Alto and Alice Thompson, all of i ited in the Harvey Darnm home at The Young Adults group 9* the introduction, of the highly controver-l^f"1^* weekend the home of . (Co--un^t y enjoyed a_ dja nce at^ Alden, Tues ® 'John Sciuth. day evening. Mrs. Wm. McCannon entertained the . Bunco club at her tiome Thursday aft- :: ' ,^moon. Prizes were awarded to Hiley '; ,jjean Thomas and Mrs. Ray Merchant. sial court refohn bill, will apparently, _ j « be shelved in the m«d helter-skelter AUhoff *n<l;81ste^' **** rash to adjourn until ne*fr winter. The truth is that Congress has not been in a serious mood for studious consideration on vital measures. The fast and Mrs. Louis Schroeder entertained I furious developments, which followed I and Katherine, and Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan and Mrs. Bernard Schmitt attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Katherine Kerkmann at St Alphonsus church at New Munster, Wis., Satur- Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum have retur*n- Kenosha, Wis., Friday. Ralph Damm returned with them, and is spending ed to Chicago, after spending two1 two weeksin the Lester Bacon home, weeks at their-cottage at Lily Lake. I and Mrs. Will Cowen of Har- Mrs. C. Draper of Chicago spent ™rd wer« Sund»y vlsltors ln the * L V=^he Bridge club at her home Wednes-! the sudden passing of Majority Leader „ %'llay afternobh. Prizes were merited. Robinson, stripped the legislative as- „ ,r" a"d Mrs- ..j* .®"11** °* fcy Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Mrs. C. sembly of all desire to devote its time Vsl^tr J Mr" *nd X Jepson. jand efforts to major matters other'^ Joe P' Michels Wednesday evtn- : Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens enter- j than the judicial issue. The interven-, in*"L _ 7 r _ . "tained the five hundred club at their. ing six months between adjournment Mrs. J0®«y ™rs. Bill May :,4kjme Thursday evening. Prizes were'«n<i the next session will undoubtedly T_* _ ' ri' .n* * Warded to Mrs. Ray Peters and B. T.:^ devoted to stock-taking among thej*"G 4 Mr?l i°^r! «ine., visite<f Vith ^feutler and Mrs. George Young and, voters to determine their reactions to j ^ Hun at Brand s hospital at w ,tiay Peters. Mrs. Ray Peters attended the funeral of an uncle at Detroit Tuesday. /SShe returned' hoipe Wednesday. Alice Mae Low is visiting in the the hectic scenes, which have marked the present gathering of lawmakers. The victory of the Administration forces in putting over Senator Barkiey in the Democratic caueus as the sue liome of her aunt, Mrs. Leslie Allen, cessor to Robinson is viewed in varihear Hebron. ious lights. The opponents of the Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. George King spent Thursday the weekend at her cottage at Lily Lake. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonen over the weekend were Borghild Stovner, John Miller, Ellen Stovner, Walter Schwab, and Overton home. James Walsh, Mrs, Maria Muldoon, and Mr. and Mrs. Mort Muldoon. of Whiting, Ind., were Saturday visitors in the M. J. Walsh home. Charles Newman of Chicago spent Clarence Konicek and friend, all of £st *ith his parents' Mr" and Chicago. ^ Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Georige Toons of Chicago spent the weekend at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mrs. Kate Stoffel and granddaughter, Mary Lou, are spending thp week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. v-'n«iw • ^'ii1 •William. Aebischer, Chicago. Mr. ar.d_Mrs. Joaeph Daly and Unm Newmaiv wa, a FoxRiver Grove visitor Tuesday morning. Mrs. Ella Kinney and Mrs. Maynard Schuyber and children of Chicago vis- Genevieve Daw were Waukegan call ers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Senk of Chi- Miss Katherine Althoff of Bin. is'Mb' G«» L.pfert over the| H a. Linawe«ver, Chie»«o .ttor. spending her vacation at the home of jW m.6" • n*y» was a calIer ih the Torn Mc- Mrs. William Althoff this week. Mr" and Frank Harder of Chi- Laughlin home Saturday. Mrs. Joe King and daughter, Sally | ,1 Donald Atkins of Elgin called on ar u„„ * j *#» 'j m cs^ j Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schweighofer and r v.™™,. <s,,r.Wo», Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Clifton 6e- Rooseveltian philosophy including the A'htjkr9 ' d*ughters, Marie and Doris, of Chica-! Mr_ Mrs_ j.v Rl Voll spent Wednesday at Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Bailey of Chi Republicans feel that the contest was too close to presage a definite triumph «ago spent Wednesday in the Wayne of the court reform advocates. In Foss home. fact, the opposition is breathing easier Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mrs. Lonnie as they feel that their movement Smith left Thursday morning for a would have been checked and a turn Visit with relatives in Pennsylvania taken toward harmony in the ranks of and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Wayne F6ss spent Thursday in Chi- the court dissenters had Senator Har- -fago; rison Won. In the parlance of the Mr. and Jfrs. pete Apota and chil- fight ring, Barkley will be on the hot ; ; dren and Minnie Rocco of Chicago seat as the ftnti-Administration forces Tuesday afternoon. .^.SIfnt T the weekend at their cottage dren of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs Alex Freund and » i , , . / Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke, Monday, daughter, Nancy, of Chicago, »nd M MrS„ r uT .n^^Uf n i16 I Tom and Kate McLaughlin were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horich of Wood- ^rS' f ! a"d daus:ht*^ Dolores, gunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. y woou have returhed to Chicago, after spend- Jack McLau?hlin at Ringw0od. In ing a week at their cottage at Lily tyje afternoon they all motored to Lake "a*e* | Geneva. Wanda Boyko of Chicago is spend-, Granville Johnson and Ora Colby, stock spent Sunday in the home of Mr. ancj Mrs. Tony Miller and son of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ftoffien Within his party are no longer obligated to pull their punches, which would have been in order had Senator Harepent from Wednesday until Friday . In the Roy Neal home. . Mrs. Clifton DeVoll of Waukeshau, ' >rho has been visiting Mrs. Viola J^ow, rison been awarded the mantle of Rob- ' Went to Rockford Monday for a visit, linson. " Mr. and Mrs. Peter Apoto and chil- j The return of Vice President Gar- . dren, Minnie Rocco and Mrs. Roy Neal ner is considered significant. Both -- and children spent Thursday with;sides are watching his maneuvers be- --friends at Lake Lawn near Delavan. j cause they believe that this astute Mrs. Ed. Thompson of McHenry and. Texas politician has the answer to the Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Chi- adjournment question up his sleeve. v eago were callers in the Wm. McCan-'The rumor has persisted in private 'Bon and Ralph Simpson homes Thurs- conversations among Senators that the day afternoon. | presiding officer/of ^he Senate i,s not A few friends gathered at the home in sympathy with the court plaif pushr ©f Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder and ed by the White House. Surprised Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sevcik, An early adjournment will leave .. recent newlyweds, at a shower on Fri- several important New Deal measures <Say evening. Five hundred and bunco high and dry. Uppermost on the pro- Were played with prizes awarded to gram of forgotten ideas is the wage • Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. McCannon and hour bill, which "has encountered In bunco to Mrs. Walkington and Alice! apathy among the labor union fac- - Peet. tions. It is claimed that,Congress has The 4-H Sunshine Girls met at the been overladen with Rooseveltian panfcome of Dorothy Krohn Tuesday for aceas. If the Supreme Court issue had their fourth meeting. The meeting J been settled earlier in the session it is . tvas called to order tyy the president,] taken for granted that a majority of . i JPearl Smith. The minutes were read i the White House proposals for regu- • 4lnd approved. "Hie business meeting lation of this and that would have been Was conducted, after which Gladys | enacted into law without much opposi- "HSheparu gav% a demonstration on a lion. The squabbie over the judiciary -//bound buttonhole and Shirley Hawley(completely overshadowed all other 1 ilavg a reading. A picnic was enjoyed ideas so that the chances are they will t, tn Walter Harrison's woods. | be shelved into the Congressional .. (1 Mr. and Mrs. Lindbergh and chil-! limbo without a tear. The solons are dren of Blue Island spent Sunday aft-' perfectly frank in expressing their detmoon with Mr. and Mrs. B. T. But-1 Bire to get back home to check on senof Genoa, and Mr. and Mrs. George hCr par"iJr- 'turned to their homes in ChiZornstorff of Spring Gn rove spent ! ®nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyko. I caeo Mondav. after a week's visit in Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. ~ ' "ler aTid family; Mrs. Clifton DeVoll and Mrs. Viola Low spent Friday afternoon at the '• Krqse cottage at Twin Lakes, where * # group of schoolmates gathered. Olive Jepson of Elizabeth is spending a two weeks' vacation with her |>arents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson timent a rrong their constituents as to- prongs of the knife until red hot and their conduct on a variety of issues. While all is fuss and feathers at the Capitol, the regular machinery is operating in a routine manner. All is r.ot serene, however, as the patronage aspect incidental to disciplinary measures against rebellious'Democrats are Donnie Cristy, little son of Mr. ahd put into effect prior to the insurgency Mrs. Kenneth Cristy had the misfor-|over the judicial reform. The distritune to fall from a horse and break button of political plans was largely kis arm, Sunday evening. (controlled by Democratic Senators. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Snyder and . The retaliatory tactics of the Admin- My Says: ^ ^ When broiling a steak, cut off excess fat around edge to prevent it from catching fire when placed below the glowing fire. • • • Cut back snapdragons, if they appear to be going to seed, to about three inches above the root and you will have another crop of blossoms this season. ' • • • • Stuff centers of apricots, pearti or peaches with cubes of mint or currant jelly. Brush with melted butter and broil 5 minutes. Servo with meat, fish or fowl. • • f A fork is the best implement to use when making mayonnaise dressing. A beater is likely to cause the eggs and oil to separate, while the fork will thoroughly mix the ingredients.^/ When the blade has become separated from the handle of a knife fill in the cavity with a paste made of three parts of rosin and one of powd%red pumice stone. Heat the , cago Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Henricks and twin the peter A. Freund home. daughters, June and Jane, and littla Father Conway of Notre Dame Betty Ann, all of Chicago visited the Spent Mondav and Tuesday with his home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder father, M. A. Conway. Over the weekend. I Mr and Mrs. Frank Purvey and son Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in Cicero are spending a week at their the home of his brother, Albert Purcottage at Lily Lake. | Vey and family. _ Maty Hubbell and Viola Brady of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and Chicago spent the weekend at their Mrs. Albert Krause visited relatives tottage at Lily Lake. j at ETmhurst Friday. Mr. and Mrs- John Cusick and Mr.> Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Conway and Mr. Charles Marinier of Chicago spent a few days recently at the home of Mrend Mrs. Fred Dosch. . press into the paste. 6 A»*oc la ted Newspaper*.--WNU Service SPRING GROVE Mrs. Math Nitnsgern was hostess to the members of her club on Tuesday night. Two tables of five hundred were in play and prize winners were lairily and Mrs. J. M. Snyder of Chi- istration find the rebels in a defiant Mrs. Edith Cleveland and Mm Peter Cago spent Sunday in the Ernest mood, but their henchmen back home,! Frett, while Mrs. Charles Freund re- Snyder home. ! responsible for the maintenance of ceived consolation. A dessert hinch Community services were held at the political fences, say they are already j was served following cards. The club M. E. church Sunday evening. New feeling the pinch. Obviously, the mis-'will meet next at Mrs. Chas. Freund's ^hymnals were dedicated. William sionary work of Vice President Garner home. moke( radio sTnger of stations WTMJ, of bringing the erring back into the Mrs. Lena Meyer, son, Jack, and Milwaukee and CCO, Minneapolis, ac- fold after issue has blown over will Mrs. Oliver Stark of Chicago were eompanied on the piano by Mrs. Rob- be complicated until an agreement is guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ert Gibbs of Richmond, sang several reached on the control of Federal jobs Charles Freund on Wednesday. Selections. The church was filled to ca- now denied anti-court Senators. Of-' Among the exciting events of this |»city with Ringwood folks and peo-; now on the payroll with week was a soft ball game under the -fie of the surrounding country. Mr. j the endorsement of the Democratic, flood lights by the Texas Rangers and :YfIoke was a former Richmond boy and j outlaws are trembling in their boots a local team. Although the Texas frell known by many. Mrs. Collins is^as many are not protected by a Civil Rangers won, it was a most interestand Mrs. Albert Purvey were Sunday callers in the Desmond home at Woodstock. --<r»' - " I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wattles saw Mrs. J. P. McGlave of Chicago is the circus at Kenosha Friday night, the guest of Miss Anna Frisby this Mrs. John Bolger and Miss Minnie week. . Knox visited Mrs. Harold EvaTis at St. iry Bolger of this city. Mrs. Elmer Winkehnan and son, James, of Springfield, 111., have arrived to spend a two-week's vacation in the home of her mother, Mrs. :Anna Knox. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and Math B. Laures and daughter, Mary Jane, attended the races at Arlington Heights, Thursday. / i Mary Kent of Chicago speht the weekend with relatives here. She returned home Sunday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kefit, who spent the day here, Mrs. Jack Walsh spent the past week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson spent Friday at the Open Golf tournament at Medinah Country Club, where their son competed with the amateurs. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb of Chicago spent the weekend and a few days the gin ealled'on Mrs. Ella Wheeler day afternoon, enroute hoire from • few days' visit at Antioch . Mr. - and Mrs. Harold Phalin of Grayslake spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, LITTLE GERMAN BAND The Little German band will pity at the Firemen's Carnival at Round Lake, Sunday. Members of the band ? are H. J. Schaffer, director, his sfon, Stanley, Charles, Harold, Stanley and Richard Vycital, Chester Howard and Donald StadtfVeld. . S BEG PARDON! , Our attention is called to an item which appeared in the McCuIlom Lake column last week concerning the Brookfield Club outing. The club's p; outing, instead of being held at thef^ Altman home and sponsored by Mr. first of the week as guests of Mr. and • ari(i Mrs. Kennedy, was held at the J Brookfield Clubhouse and sponsored by J John T. Broderick and two daughter*, < Mrs. Wm. Tyrrell > and Mrs. Wm. Wohlberg. We are sorry this discrep-1 ? ancy o c c u r r e d . ' • »' 7 ; / . Mrsv George Lindsay. Jahe Kent of Chicago is spending the week with friends here. Rita Martin returned home Saturday, after spending a week in Chicago. Mrs. H. J. Schaffer spent the weekend at Wauconda, where she was call-, ed by the illness of her father. Ke ia now improving. Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago spent the weekend with her husband here Mr. and Mrs, Harry Moore of, El- Oeeember U as Firttfral Day Throughout the Christian worM many centuries ago, says Collier's Weekly, December 24 was observed as the /estival daj of Adam Eve. NOTICE , During' the summer months my optical offioe in the A. E. Nye building will be closed. Fitted Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST %es Exaiained m Phone 674 - - Woodstock (for appointment) Monday Wednesday Saturday PETERSON MOTORS ' Stop in or telephone Peterson Motors for demonstration with the new Hudson or Terraplane. Drive them yourself, then use your own judgment. We are at your service at any time. Towing, Repairing, Gas, Oil, Tires and Batteries. All used cars guaranteed* according to the price you pay for them. One Block East of Fox River Bridge on Route 2ft Phone 14 McHenry, Illinois NOW... SAVE AS MUCH AS 10% BY BUYING BOTH AN ELECTRIC AND AN ELECTRIC WATER HEATER iffl rtTI daughter-in-law of Rev. and Mrs. Sendee rating. Barry Collins. Alice and Marion Peet and Ruth Klirtworth spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Crystal Lake. Mrs. George Harrison and Alice Peet spent Tuesday with Mrs. Henry Hinze at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent ? Wednesday evening at Mavwrod. - ~ Miss Maud Chidester of Evanston, - «itv librarian of the children's depart- ^ jnent, and Mrs. Lou Kiester and son, ! Ben, of Chicago spent Sunday with . ' ' t f v . and Mrs. C o l l i n s . They were all .^.Schoolmates together in Daytoit, Ohio, and had not seen each other for many ;~year#.. * ^ J. V. Buckland and Earl Whiting visited Howard Buckland at Janesville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Collins and family of Beloit.and William Hoke of .j, . Milwaukee spent Sunday with Rev. V^ind Mrs. Collins. . Mrs. Howard Buckland and Mrs. - j^l^'bljie COOL AND SMART . . . . La d d r e t u r n e d home from Janesville Monday. | Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lester Carr and Mae I Wiedrich attended the carnival at Hebrfi Saturdav evening. "* j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent Sunday at Delavan> Wis. Mr. ard Mrs. Dewey Beck and Mr. ind Mrs. Beck, Sr., spent Sunday in the Charles Carr home. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., •nd daughters, Betty and Dorothy, spent Saturday at Elkhorn. Vint to BaOd ffrhnnnfin Schooners were first built In Gloucester, Mass., in 1713, by Capt. Andrew Robinson. It is a fore-and-afttigged sailing vessel, with from two to seven masts, used extensively for faton# gM, (foa N*wiou«cUaml coast. « •: :" . • ing game. Following the game a Goat Ball Game was put on for the amusement of the fans. A goat was tied to each player and then the fun began. There were balky goats and speedy goats; Small goats that the players could carry and some large enough to ride, which they also tried to do. All in all, it was a game fu,U of laugh3. thrills and spills. . Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Chicago, entertained the Pleasure Seekers at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner on Thursday afternoon. Five hundred furnished the entertainment and the lovely prizes were awarded to Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Clarence Amann and Mrs. Edwin Freund received consolation. A delicious luncheon was served by the host* ess at the conclusion of cards. Father Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's church met at the Ed Bauer home on Thursday night for their regular meeting. Cards were enioyed and. refreshments served throughout the evening. Miss Celia Brown visited friends in Chicago the past'week. An immense crowd enjoyed the Summer Festival and chicken dinner, sponsored by St. Peter's church at the parish grounds on Sunday. . Miss Jean Furlong is spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Furlong. Transparent black organza, Mr. and Mrs. Watler Gabe and sons tucked m a plaid design, is cool and spent Monday with her parents, Mr. looks crisply smart in this little suit. ^ Mrs Frank Wajfner The blouse top on the skirt is white Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen and chi,_ organza and the sup combines black j___ ne .. , .nd white silk crept The hatolj?". effect hat is white pique with a black felt crown and ttandeau of black belting ribbon. •J Here is the New 1937 Electric Water Heater th t Brings Constant Hot Water Automatically! • Every home can now afford an Automatic Electric Water Heater. For hcte is what the Public Service Company offers: Free wiring and plumbing (except in unusual cases), a liberal trade-in allowance on your old equipment and low, Tr terms. all in person at your nearest Public Service Company office. Ask for full , particulars on this 4-feature plan. Do it now, and start to eajoy the luxury of as much hot water as you want --always ready for instant use! HERE ARE THE 4 FEATURES OF THIS GREAT PLAHf 1. Free Wiring and Piping (except in ewiuel cases). 2. Liberal Trade-in Allowance oa year eld water heater er faraace cel. 3. Three Years to pay. 4. Small Down Payment-fcalaace HoatMy oa year Electric Service bflL Spe the Stunning New Electric Ranges No§ Jjffl Display at your Public Service Store! . • When you cook with a new electric range, baking and cooking are always uniform, always good. There's no guesswork, for automatic controls set the heat . . . keep it constantly even. Automatic timing makes it unnecessary tO" constantly watch your oven. You can be away from home and your electric range will do a perfect cooking job! .. . See these new electric ranges that bring you fast, clean, easy electric cooking. There are many models, maajr sizes at a wide range of prices. Visit your Public Service store at once and get the facts on our special 4-star plan. HERE ARE THE 4-STAR FEATURES OF OUR MODERN ELECTRIC RANGE PLAN! ^ t. Free Installation (no wiring charges except in anasaal cases). 2. Three Years to Pay. X 3. Small Down Payment--4Mtanee frith ye«( E!eclric Service Ml. 4. liberal Trade-in (from *10 te $15 allowance on your old stove). days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. ^ Order your robber stamp* ft (hi Plaiachalar. 1,500 Uses for Salt Found The bureau of mines has found mt recognized y§s&fei; sel*. :v t - : Many dealers are also offering fine, modern electric ranges and electric water heaters in Visit their stores--inquire about their special offers. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS - vvrV;- ieiepnoae Crystal I .are 2WI

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