Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1937, p. 4

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,-^r. i- < - ""V*;. a :^w- THE M'HENRY -wP •hmmii W WAS SO BIG Lv • V\? :* r-"Vv-> v»r.* * "V •;"J«r 'Y , i *» - • % >- ;Y> •>!! IL~. , July 29,1W7 ft.. Published every Thursday at McHenry, n,„ 1? Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at.McHenry, ifefler One Year -- Six Months -•f ? L > MM $1.00 ? A. H. MOTHER* Biitar i ind Manager / iiUtan S«l.r, Loc.1 Editor -- -- --• _ ,v . Telephone 197 ^ -- • 1 1 * S3 Free Fish Fry Friday lylght SIONE TAVER^f JOHHSBURO <*• * M. H. Maywald, Proprietor AURI the Side MIM »»l Ml 11II III' :;vv ';v. * * * > * -• Chiropractic Does Get Sick Pecjk Well lEARL E. DEGEN, t CHIROPRACTOR S o y ' B u i l d i n g • ; ' y ' : : * ; / , ; : v v ,/.V Tues., Thurs., Sat. Afternoons,t^$ Tries, and Tlrars. Evening*, ? jfe 8 Telephone 375 ruV * , ' V 4 •-•,.•'-•$ - , " M. ..lHh.ll, :*'5 , Illinois ' s * ><£ -A; ft* x .V 4th Annual Sum ^SPONSOREDBY # Veterans of Foreign CITY PARK ON ROUTE -^-- VIRGINIA STREET -- CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS AUGUST 5-6-7-8 V|; , , .. <? .f... Mammoth Parade Sun.; JWg.&$p .m. A GOOD TIME FOR ALL 4.50x21 5.00x19 ---4.75x19 . 5.25x18 5.50x17 .... 6.00x16 ...... other Sizes Priced Proportionately, t -$8.35 I~ ,7.20 -- «.70 i..10.40 NATIONAL BATTERIES Made by World's Largest Manufacturer As low as L $3 95 SINCLAIR * STO6K SPRALT W jft-s Good As Any! __ 69<^ Per Gallon TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES ancl BATTERIES Mis* Mary McCabe of Chicago, -who has been spending the summer at thtf M. A. Conway home, had the misfortune to tarn her ankle one day last week. The ligaments in her ankle were torn ahd the use of crutches will be necessary for three or four weeks. She is at the home of Minnie Knox. M. A. Conway, who has been ill for somtime, is again able to be up and about and attended church SWUay for the first time in many weeks. Fred Larsen, who has bees a patient at Hartland hospital forfour months, has bee* dismissed and spent a few days with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign and fualy. Larsen's leg was Woken m two places when he was kicked by a horse, white working at the Hoppe farm *t Osfcend. He expects to return to the home of his parents at Glidden, but will be enable to walk for several weeks. He is irow on crutches. kalph Freund, 13-year-old son cf Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund, was operated on at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, Monday, for appendicitis. Fred Huemann is lit St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, where he is improving from an illness of several weeks. John Phalin is able to be out again after his recent illness." <" FOB SALE FOR SALE--Choice Building Lots in McHenry. EARL R. WALSH, Phone 43. 1-tf FOR SALE--Seven room house, two lots, jtwo-car garage on Main Street. Inquire of Walter F. Vogt, Geneva, 111. 9-4 FOR SALE--Sm«ll trailer, priced cheap, for quick sale. Phone 68-J. *10 FOR SALE--Player Piano, priced $15. for quick sale. Inquire at Plaindealer. *10 SAFETY TESTED RE-SALE CARS 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan (Radio). 1936 Buick Sedan (Radio). 1934 Plymouth DeLuxe Coach (Hadio) 1934 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan. 1933 Pontiac 2-Door Sedan. Many Others -- All Prices R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES McHenry, 111. Buick -- G. M. C. -- Pontiac Father Peter Martelltf i£3fe*<0rleans spent tibe ftrst of ^ waik tn the M. A Cwnray home.,, Mrs. Mtajnul LaVel^e «ff Stawator Is spending * far days, with tor mother, Mrs. HMtoth Bap. Slater Mary Hfcary and' a Sister companion from H«ty Angels Academy at Milwaukee apeat Tuesday with relatives here. She and a srtece, Eleanor Btoiger, and her amnt, Minnie Knox, visited Mrs. BaM&d Evans at St. Joseph's* hoapitfft, Elgin, during the day. Mr. amMliea. ®ed Senft and daughter, Hugo Was, Edward and Bobby, Mr. and Mca. Archie J. Good and three daughters «f Chicago spent Sunday at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathies. Mrs. WUiam Heines of Chicago spent last week at the summer home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. ffallivan. She returned with her husband who spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Hollister of Woodstock were visitors at the Country Club on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minton and three children of Indianapolis, Ind,, spent several days last week in the home of Mrs. Minton's sister, Mrs. A. E. Nye, and family. Genevieve Knox, with Florence Holland of Chicago, Georgiana Donohue, Huntley, and Mrs. Sell of Rockfo,rd left Saturday for a two Weeks' trip through the east and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Conway and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleming and son attended the circus at Kenosha Friday. ' Mrs. C. A., Dalstrom of Chicago is President Roosevelt describing the size of his catch. A sculptured caricature by Jack Sparling, a twenty- two-year-old cartoonist on the "New Orleans Item-Tribune. The young artist presented his creation to the President at the White House v The BAKE SALE Lady Foresters of St. Clara's ?•' ^" r T,. V+ R „! Court, No. 659, will hold a bakery sale spendmg the week at her cottage at jacob Justen's furniture s J^cCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gielow and store, Green street, Saturday, July 31. All , . j. _ members are requested to bake somedaughter of Chicago are spending sev- thj fm the sa]e and bri it ekriy. eral weeks in the Jaones Boyle cottage, at McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cramer and chil dren of Chicago spent last week with CAR HITS POST CANOE OVERTURNS According to reports a canoe overthe" wIlte7^G!elowlamity at"McCul= °n Wonder Lake Sunday, duilom Lake. Donald Cramer returned the ,hl«h ^nd, and its ocaupants home with them, after spending a ?rown into the water. They clung month at the lake. | toJ.he canoe> however, and were res- Mrs. Dwight Williams of Jackson, coe<" . Miss., is visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery and Gerald Miller, employed at Barbian family of Forest Park are spending Brothers grocery and market, sustainthe week in the home of her father, ed an injured eye in an automobile ac- George Meyers. | cident last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kozenski and chil- He was delivering orders at the Bay j dren of Chicago were visitors in the and failed to negotiate the curve near home of Mrs. Agnes . Marshall Tues- Jhe Sayer home, where he crashed inday. I to a cement post along the, roadside. Kenneth Marshall and Miss Pearl The car turned over • and was badly Freund enjoyed a lake trip to Benton wrecked and the post, also, was Harbor, Mich., on the S. SL "Roose- broken. velt," Saturday. After several hours spent at Benton Harbor they returned ( Mrs. Albert Vales is visiting in Chito Chicago Saturday night. cago this week. ^ Am •? Folly "Equipped, Stocked, Ready To ^ \ h JTavern - Dance Hall I,., ^tecotaodates 150 people. Also 4-acre jiia&icjfrove. Rent 'only $20.; including four nioe tiving rooms npetoirs. Senne ' v, , . owner three years. License, $150. per year. Beautiful grounds. Owner faiui tithfr fw ^|uck sale $2,000. . - -Spring Creek Tav^it Rt. 12, Fox River Grove, 111. Pbone7*M-2 m, Yon are invited to attend tha^ showing of easy Summer v * Cooking on the >5 .'^7. • fJCi. fROCTOR ROASTOR-GRILU at the . Central Market on Green Street -±r- all day-- ^ s Saturday, July 31st : A Small Payment and Easy Term* will make yore fib* owner f (• . ^ of this newest of m Phone 251 Green Street i» V: u •' FOR RENT FOR RENT---Four river lot cottages. Modern. To small family, highly restricted, $12.00 and $20.00 per week. H. H. Kirk, McHenry, 111. 9-3 FOR RENT--House and buildings in Volo. Suitable for chicken farm. Any amount .land to suit renter. Also flat"15" rent in Johnsburg. Vegetables for sale. John Pitzen, Johnsburg. 9-2 ' > ' * * •' #•' FOR RENT--^6-room cottage on east side of Fox River for rest of season; 8 houses south of bride. Owner on premises Saturday or Sunday, *or call LaFayette 5352. *9-3 --REMOVED AT OUR EXPENSE AND PAYMENT REFUNDED IF YOU'RE NOT SATISFIED FOR RENT--One Modern 5-room apartment and garage; newly^ecorated; steam heat. Tel. 17, Mrs. John R. Knox. 10-tf •^1 HELP WANTED WANTED--Position as caretaker. Experienced in floral, lawn and garden work. Gaerge Then, Lily Lake. Address Route 2, McHenry. 6-tf ti WANTKD WANTED TO BUY--A second-hand threshing water tank. Frank Ehredt, near Volo; P. O,. Round Lake, 111., Tel. Round Lake 14-W-l. *10 LOST Take i our uwee nRIISTONE, GOODYEAR, I^HAWX,J, ' " GILLETTE OR DUNLOP « FREE TUBE WITH EVERYiTIRE If customer has a good tube to be placed in new casing, we will give ^2-gaU^a can of SINCLAIR OIL instead of Free Tube, LOST--Toy Boston Bull Dog. Liberal reward for return. Call McHenry 212-R. » 10. MISCELLANEOUS - * AUTO and TRACTOR OILS As low as 47ft P®r gal- , GOOD USED TIRES Nearly All.Sises! Prices Quoted on Request. Give Us a Call. tFree Delivery. We Go Anywhere GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us| dispose of your garbage each' week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable; rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf: I See FRANK BENNETT at the Northwestern Hotel, West McHenry, for? (those EXCEPTIONAL MASSAGE j TREATMENTS. House Calls or Of-; fice calls, $2.00 or 6 for $10.00. Phonei - McHenry 23. 46-tf LAWNMOWERS--Sharpened and Repaired. Otto Mueller, at B. H. Freuncjf - Garage, corner Elm street and River# side Drive. 62-tf ELECTRICAL FLOOR SANDING-- New equipment--latest on the market. All floors made perfect. Prompt and satisfactory service guaranteed. Es»- timates cheerfully given. HENNINQ NEWMAN, 932 Marvel Ave., Wood- |stock. Phone 451-M. 52-tf I BEFORE YOU BUY--An Automobile ask about our finance plan. Prompt, efficient service at lowest cost Phone [43. EARL R. WALSH. 1-tf • The Western United Gas and Electric use it for a month, enjoying the many Company makes this startling offer. Cm* benefits of hot water on top any time, day satisfaction with the low cost operati<^ , pt night. Then, if the cost for the gas to your automatic Water Htater, or your monQ operate the heater is higher than you expect _ _ . . . -. T •# cafi'e^A/) thflf fee*/Think of it! 7 Here is an offer. For a small down payment, we will install an autOr matic gas water heater in your home. Yotf fiUa WANTED--We have clients who will buy moderately priced homes in McHenry. Phone 43. EARL R. WALSH. 1-tf Your oij J. Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing Etc. Phone 294 We(St ucHenr^ I1L CEMENT WORK--I have a continuous mixer mounted on a truck especially equipped for pouring flat surfaces, suoh as cow yards and barn floors. No wheelbarrows necessary; fast work. Will furnish gravel and haul same to complete job. Get my price before starting any job. See at call Frank Ehredt, near Volo; P.O., Round Lake^R-l., Tel. R. L. 14-W-l. into Convert Stor*g« Mod* Y(ater Tank DO*H rn .loiS n OKLV DOWN Rem1 out ,etnber-y°ut ®oo*y to bach on .peratioo _if you are not completely satisfied that you are getting your money's worth--we will remove your heater and refund every cent you paid for it. Take advantage of this time-limited offer. j This is real news! And with it, you get complete hot water service. Plenty of 7 hot water always on tap for your many household duties. And what's more, there's no running up and down basement stairs to tend old-fashioned, hand-operated units. It's 100% automatic! ^ ^ Take advantage of this Money Back Guarantee TODAY! Have constant hot water that's completely automatic. Visit your Western United office now and see for yourself how easy, how economical, a ~ to. own. • 'i ' .. . *1 A mOHTH WESTERN UNITE H YVgAS'nd ELECTRIC OOMPANYJ_y . - • a*';*- .• - Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattles Drugstore. 8_p4

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