OUR NATIONAL fk-,< ' ' ' : &H>* - ' :• HERITAGE By • LEONARD A. BARRETT Our greatest national heritage is !>t wealth, or social position, or education, but the inalienable right of liberty and the »"xv ilV'." If WP |; h /V. McCULLOM LAKE t3? IP; ®8= ness. It was for this our fathers fought apd died. When we compare our social and economic conditions with those of Russia and Germany, we can appreciate more fully o u r n a t i o n a l blessing. B u t. . tproper appreciatiori~very definitely ]calls forth personal responsibility. ]0ur national heritage has been bequeathed to us in trust. We are •responsible for passing i* on to suc" - leieeding generatiohs, unsullied and lindefiled. In these days of ecor| K>mic uncertainty and changing *v|iacrms. we may well ask ourselves «jo what extent we are; safeguarding |ft-om destructive social .'forces this 1 '* great possession; Our history records two tragic 1 Chapters:/one a bribe, and the other ;|i compromise. Aaron Burr sold his 'national heritage when he betrayed Ibis country. His plan was to divide the south and the north, seize ^Mexico. and establish a slave empire. Browning's lines in criticism «f Wordsworth aptly express our w- ,~£ect of a traitor. '"Just for a handful of silver he left t*. ' Just for a riband to stick in his coat . . . •lot out his name • - One more devils' triumph . . . one more insult to God." i ^ No words of disparagement are tftrong enough to brand the traitor; ^nd no criticism, that which need be deplored. Is our national life free . .today from all venom of treason? 'Are there those in our country who, 111 the name of social racket and anti-liberty, betray the glorious *: principle of liberty, the sole bul- --itfark of our country? The second chapter which darkens our national history is the compromise attempted by Stephen ..Douglas. He wanted to be President of the- United States acco^dto this plan: mix up God and -sfhe devil, and from that work out a philosophy of life which will make possible for financial gain our adjustment of the cotton and gold markets. and the slave trade. Douglas •tried it, but met With colossal failure. Are there in our midst today, persons who are making a desiderate effort to save our material possessions at the sacrifice of our Rational idealism? L In contrast, Lincoln's death retards a pathetic chapter in our history. His efforts to save our national idealism cost him his Kfe. But Lincoln left us something we dare not sacrifice nor lose. All else may go, but we must guard With life itself, the leaven of the ~4toul of Lincoln. Liberty of soul is Harry Struebiagjyid A1 Knapp celebrated their birthday at the cottage of Mrs. Hastings. There were ahout 30 guests from Chicago and Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Martinec and sons speht the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Boyle and sons, Ross and David, spent the weekend in Chicago. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. pursuit of happi- ; Bennett was her son, Langley, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rush. Mrs. Reese from Dallas, Texas, is spending a month at* Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' cottage. Mr, and Mrs. Thor Olson of Chicago and son, Guy, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Pelz' cottage. We are glad to heir that Mr. and Mrs. Pelz' son, Kent, has fully recovered from the measles. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sales were Mr. and* Mrs. Lortie and family of Chicago. Mr. and Mr?, Delhunty have ren their cottage to John Borell for summer. . "' • ->t Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Bouler were Shirley Strauis, Jerome VailGorkom and Mr. and Mrs. Phil iips of Chicago. ' ; Mrs. Madsert celebrated her birthday last Friday night at her cottage. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs.; McKim, Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith, and Mr. &nd Mrs,. Schlitz, all of McCullonj Lake. - After the festivities, the guests went to the home of Mrs. McKim, who served a very tasty Italian spaghetti luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Gorder of Chicago are spending the week at their cottage. Joseph Horn and family of Brookfield, III., were weekend guests at the home of Horn's. We hear that Ed Horn celebrated his birthday last Thursday in a big way. * • • \ RINGWOOD M O 1 •" • of fetors* Taken *re® *• Flies of th* FlatodeelW ef Team Aga TWENTY YEARS AGO SLOCUM'S iiAKE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, were callers at Lake Zurich Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were callers at McHenry Monday:- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Norris of Mylith Park spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were callers at Elgin last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chamberlin of Ivanhoe wete callers Sunday evening at the ho>me of Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn and CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS x ; * By Congressmen Ohanncey W. Seed, t Government Re-Organization: By a vote of 260 to 68 the House recently passed the first part of the Administration's proposed government reorganization program, "this bill which now goes to the Senate for Its consideration proposes to give the President six so-called Administrative Assistants. The proposed re-organization program will probably be divided into four measures. The next to come before the House, probably next session, Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. .Thirty-seven and one-half cents per Mrs L Brooks and guests, Mr. pound was offered for butter on the an(J Mrs. Alfred Rau, spent Monday in Glen, of" Wauconda spent last will be the bill to abolish the office of Elgin board of trade Saturday. Miss Alice Waite is again at the McHenry postoffice, where she will as- Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lundeen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and Comptroller General; the third proposal, the re-organization of the Civil Service Commission, substituting a single Administrator for the present Civil Service Commission; the fourth! if brought to a vote. The Senator was famrvinterests, to "agree on the provision m the new legislation. Various farm groups have proposed different theories and an effort will be made while Congress is in recess to determine the most practical approach to the problem. Adjournment: A new threat to early adjournment of Congress is seen it^ an announcement by Senator Minton of Indiana that he will introduce a proposal which would require that the Supreme Court can declare an Act of Congress unconstitutional only by a two-thirds vote. While the proposal may stir up some heated debate, yet we feel sure that it will be defeated Because of the increase in the pric$r of milk received by the farmers, Mc« Henry residents will be required t<fr pay more for milk beginning August li. Both the Riverside and McHenry---• • - f dairies have increased retail prices tdf meet the raise awarded the dairymen#.. \ . * sist during the summer rush of busi-* of North Chicago and Mr, and ness. •_ . ! Mrs. Pete Anderson of Cary were Sun^ We are informed that the breaking ;d tg at the home of Mr. arid of a large dam above Burlington, Wis., Mrg John Blomgren is the cause for the high water m Fox: Mr and Mrg Max gtruwe and chilriver at this time. The water is n0^;f|ren of Chicago were Thursday guests at the highest point that we have ever|at the home o£ Mr and Mrs. H. L. seen it at this titpe of year, | Brooks. John Schreiner is enjoying his an-j j|rs# Alm'eda Grantham and son, nuai vacation from his duties at the Walter and Mrs.-May' VanKatta and F. A. Bohlander store. THIRTY YEA1I8 AG# granddaughter of Chicago spent Mpndy at the home of Mr. and-Mrs. G. J. Burnett. .. . . . . . . ... ... • Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Brdoks of lain • spent Saturday evening at gm board of trade fixed; 25 cents per th/home JMr. ^ Mrs H. L. Brooks, pound as the market price for butter | m and Mrs ^orge (schaid of is wee . " Wauconda spent Sunday evening at installed in rhi s j»Tl ac--e orA b usC-i n'es s this the home of Mr. .nd Mra. B. B. Mc- place q .j j week. One of the heaviest rainstorms of the season struck this section Wednesday evening of last week. A neatly painted sign reading, "U. S. Postoffice," now adorns the window of the McHenry postoffice. „Chas. Stoffel commenced work at the Vycital hardware store las^ Mon Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughters, Jennie, Ethel and Marion, were callers at Dundee Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Irwin of Burton's Bridge spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, GTJJ. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rau called on friends proposal is the broad delegation of authority "to the President to consolidate and co-ordinate administrative agencies 'with the power to abolish which fever of these agencies he may deem advisable. According to all indications considerable Congressional opposition is beginning to develop against the remainder of the re-organization program.. Members of both the Republican and Democratic parties feel that the program would result in too <much centralisation of power in the executive. No Farm Bill This Session: Congressman Jones, Chairman of the House Committee 6tl Agriculture has announced that there will be no action by Congress at the present session on farm pride stabilization legislation. The House Committee has apparently decided to follow the course previously decided upon by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, which proposes a one of the supporters' of the original court "packing" plan and his recent proposal appears to be the death gasp of a dead effort. Our Supreme Court is still independent and intact and by the grace of God it will stay that Way. Is Trouble Brewing?: Speculation is rife as to the reason for the President's recent request for an opinion from Attorney General Ciiinmings as to whether or not he can legally wak* an appointment to the Supreme Court $9 fiil the Van Devanter vacancy while Congress is in recess. Tt Was expected that the President's appointee would be named before, adjournment. There is no actual precedent in "the matter. It has been pointed out that the recent "court "packing" controversy so aroused the ire of a great number of the Senators that the executive may fear that the man who he has in mind to appoint might fail of confirmation at the present time. It may be that study of the subject at a number of (the President desiresr to let' the boys meetings throughout the country be- cool off a lktle bit during the recess fore the next session of Congress, so that they will be in a better mood One of the principal reasons for the to approve the appointee when they Committee's decision is the failure of re-convene in January. . • ' . ' ' -- ! -- - 5 -- " -- : -- 1 ' i"--R d.a y. Cr«uh ar1le s is an i• ndj us4t. ri• ous young .a..t ,D ixon last Friday. They also vis- -- T ... . . a. j „ i._ / j it ed Lowell and White Pine State the highest expression of freedom. jLudwig says that freedom is a gift _]jje onjy so jong as ^ resembles a bird Of prey that can hover, soar, V Sink down and hunt in space, at the mercy of no stronger bird. And down below in the thicket is lurk- . fng a monster watching for the opjportunity to bring down the demigod above. In a new patriotism whose essence is world peace and world --.--i--brotherhood, let us tend the sacred of liberty: that there may be '.;:.v|ight for living, and freedom of life. 9 Western Newspaper Union. Mrs. Ellen Whiting entertained th« Easy Aces,at h£r home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. I§». E. Whiting and Mrs. J. F. McLaughvin. ." . ' . Wayne Foss spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal and daughter, Marie, and M. Negri of Chicago .spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the Roy Ne^l home. : • . . Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. James Conway and Helen Laurence of Crystal Lake spent Saturday here. Mrs. Genevieve Dodge and children of Woodstock spent the weekend at the Dodge home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carney and daughter and Mrs. Roy Neal and children were visitors at Janesville, Wis., Wednesday. Mrs. George Bacfln of Antioch spent Saturday here. ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family are spending the week with relatives at Flint and Detroit, Mich. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. W. B. Harrison Au£. 11. This will be Capsule Sister Day. Mrs. George Harrison spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Hinze at Crystal Hake. fellow and will, no doubt, make a good tinker some day. |I>RTY YEARH AGO The measles are still raging, several little girls being taken Saturday while participating in the celebrations in the park. "Peanuts" Woodburn had the misfortune to have one of his ey£s burned quite badly with a firecracker, recently. . / H. M. McOmber received on Saturday last from his daughter, Mrs. Preston, of Milwaukee, a present of a very handsome rustic arm chair. He is now taking his ease in the shade, or anywhere he can find a cool place. Martin May and wife, of Richmond, Parks. . • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Willard Darrell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Charlton at Tower Lakes Sunday. Mr. Willard Murray and nephew, Frank, of Chicago were callers last Friday at the home of Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer were dinner and supper guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, were callers at McHenry on Thursday evening. Leo Zimmer and daughter, Joan, of Palatine and Jack Clarke of Arlington Heights were Sunday supper guests at PEAKING Of SAFETY and Jos. Pfannenstil and wife, ofthLHeniT 5^ home; Wauconda, were guesto Of Jacob .Justen and wife, Saturday. FIFTY YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nordmeyer and daughter, Verjean, of Barrington vis ited Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer. Mrs. Asahel Stevens of Waukegan, O. W. Owen has sold his summer' 5Jrs-, seymour Mcdain of Libertyville, residence and lot at Pistaqua Bay to ^lsses Belle Taggart and Lillian Tid- QABBY GERTIE The Sewing Circle will meet with Mrs. Louis Hawley Aug. 13. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughters and Andrew Jepson are fenjoying a trip up Lake Superior and Wisconsin. • Win. M. Carroll, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois EXECUTOR'S NOTICB Estate of John King, Deceased. The undersigned, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of John King, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1937, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 21st day of July, A. D 1937. BARBARA KING, 9-3 Executrix. marsh of Wauconda were callers at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook last Wednesday. a Chicago party. Consideration, $500. Dwight Kennedy has purchased the barber shop formerly occupied* by H. L. Rounds, in Blake's block. On Sunday afternoon last a mysterious fire occurred on the farm of Thos. Carr, west of Ringwood, which burned two barns, containing hay, grain, farming tools, wagons and carriages. Loss, about $3,000. Insured for $1,800. A meeting of the citizens, for the j * * t i _t purpose of making arrangements for r^' i°hn ot the Old Settler's Meeting, to be heldi at this village, Aug. 18, was held at,8ni,Mrs- Adam BSWner. the Riverside Hotise recently. The ex-! ^ , ^ a ^rs* "^e* ^reund ecutive committee has decided to post- dau*hters». L°18 Nancy, of JOHNSBURG pone the annual re-union to Thursday, Sept. 1. YEARS AGO Chicago were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E^il Hoffien at Genoa, Wis. , Mrs. Leo Gerlach was a Chicago Ice cream, Friday and Saturday and, ®a!ifr Thursday. Sunday evenings at the Riverside Ice that attended the Stilling and Cream Parlor. IKmfir wedding Wednesday from a dis- Bishop and Son have shut down, tan,ct„Wer~ Mrs" Laurence Baer' Mrtheir mill this week in order to make i rs*. ^ Wilkie of Chicago, Jake some necessary repairs. They are 1 Miller and daughters from Zenda, Mr. putting in a new flume, repairing theja"d Mrs. Joe E. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. water wheel, and otherwise putting " ick Miller and family of Richmond, the machinery in order. Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling and son, The lawn festival on the grounds of 1 Clarence, of Lily Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. H. T. Brown on Friday, evening 1 *^oe Huff and family of Greenwood, last, was, well attended and a highly | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels, Mrs, enjoyable affair. The evening was | *^oe Michels and Mrs. Albert Huff atbeautiful, the icecream delicious, and, tended the funeral of Robert Young j everything passed off in the happiest fanner. XM f.3V Mountain scenery is 6Q«6fcOUS J A*£ BREFCTH- NfrTORC / / TAnwr GRAND*? / TAKINGDRWEfcS WHO watch THE Too MUCH IN THE WONDERS OF NATURE "A girl may not have toothache and still have an awful cheek." POTPOURRI The Ferris Wheel The great granddaddy of the carnival Ferris wheel was invented by G. W. G. Ferris of Pittsburgh. At the Chicago World's fair in 1893 he erected his first "wheel" which was 250 feet in diameter and carried thirty-six cars, each car capable of carrying forty passengers. It cost $300,000. It was later at the St. Louis fair. David R. Joslyn, Jr., Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Nellie L. Dodge, Deceased. MATHIEU AT CLEVELAND A post card received by the Plaindealer on Tuesday from Frank Mathieu, Johnsburg juggler, reads as follows: * "Cleveland, Ohio, "Aug. 2, 1937 "While playing here I took in the Exposition. Tt's nice, on the order of the one we had in Chicago, only about Plaindealer Want Afls bring results Will be playing here two more weeks. With best wishes. '1FRANK MATHIEU.*? .U"deT^' Administratrix of! half size, and it's on the lake front, the Estate of Nellie L. Dodge, deceas- like in Chicago. Tickets are 50 cents, ed, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 13th day of September, A. D. 1937, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 24th day of July, A. EL 1937. . GENEVIEVE DODGE, 10-3 ; Administratrix. Famous La Bajada Hill The famous La Bajada hill is 20 miles west of Santa Fe, N. M. In one and one-half' nuies there is a difference of 700 feet in elevation on the roadway. Whippets Fastest Dogs ~ ... Whippets are the fastest dogs tri eczema, inferred, re existence, says Collier's Weekly. They can easily outrun greyhounds and, for short distances, even race horses. „ ° small son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank; Yourig at St. Peter's church at Spring Grove Thursday. John Bertrang of Aurora is spending^ a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Robert Schaefer and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer of Waukegan were callers at the home of Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers^ Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gurzardo and famv ily of Chicago spent the weekend witlfl- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mrs. Leo King was a WoodKtOck caller Monday afternoon. Mrs. John A. Miller entertained th^ Five Hundred Club Mc ~ Prizes were awarded Smith, Mrs. John A. Ml Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thelftf i wood callers Monday How Is Your They say that not hundred can spell words correctly: pic pate, inoculate, kimc fered, supersede, rai hypocrisy, vilify, irrel legious, indispensable, exhilarate.--The De Lai R A V E N TEE post BINDER Hies GRADE--TET IMEXPENSIVE A real value! Excellent quality black imitation leather binding over substantial boards ----will up under hard usage. Strong and gnnjly operated opening and closing mechanism, in either endlock or toplock styles. As a handsome, practical, sturdy, and long-wearing binder, the RAVEN takes the lead! Bitot 7^ x 10^ and »9^ x $2.25 ea. Sisa 11 x 14 $2.65 m> Sum 11 z IT $2.90 m. rem ember, what UNDERTAKE ALWAYS START" AT THE BOTTOM r ... • nmg .!!. --f .... ABOUT SW/IMUtNGr? FIRE AUTO HOUSE GALL OPTICAL SERVICE IR TOUR OWR RONE NO EXTRA OHABGE GLASSES COMPLETE (ft PA AS LOW AS #0.9|| £*»p«iptinent, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry GO-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M. Kazan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPBCUU8T im W. 8Ute Steeet Chicaf* FRETT BROTHERS j: • CX>NTRACTOES brick, Plaster ai# •• ;>'.v.. Stucco Work Boildlni, Moving aad Raising Telephone 625-M-l McHENRY, ILL. MONEY TO LOAH 1 have clients who have arnney to lend on first mortgages on real estate end others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will he glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank rati. 4 8. Genesee St, Waukegan,'I1L TEL. MAJESTIC 103 KENT A COMPANY V , All Kinds of \ I N S U R A N C E Raced with the most reliaflilt . Cempaniea _ . . Osae in aad talk it eve# - ®bone McHenry I Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan'tT , ^ OnU. S. 12 . RADIATORS REPAIRiai • BODIES and FENDERS Straightened Sign Painting Track Lettering Furniture Upholstering CHARLES RIETE8KL A.P.Freuatd Co. Excavating Contractor rruoking, Hjdraulic and Cran# Service Road Building ToL 204-M McHenry, Ot S. H. Frenod & Son CONTRACTOR! AMD BUILDERS ^ Phoao 1S7-R V v.: Ovr experience li at Tour Serrioe in building Tour Wants Telephone Ne. SOC .. Stoffel St Relhanapergar I--rente agents for all elaseea sf PFHortj In the beet compsnlse. WEST McHENRY ILLINOtt Downs Motor Express ^ The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Ohioigo C". P h o n e s : Wabash 2W A VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Pries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS eedays and Fridays .. Days by Appointment * INSURANCE EARL R. WALSfl FARM LIFE Reliable Companies Phons a er Sl-M Pries Bldg. - -