. .-#. . < . _. > • J A ,'•?•<•.?» * ** - ' -- "."V . v" P&ge Four r •• V'^-1 ***?••' r ji•k .-frd* -X'. n.V y* ^ V v * •* m •.».-•• .jr.-. -yi>».-.; ,': :j^: :- :•:•:•:• .-A-;*:-.^:'- WZTHIS AUTOMATIC] ER, used In manj s t e r i l i z e s t h e e m p l cans in boiling watr ihey are returned farmer. ~ FROM THREE FOURTHS OF AMERICA'S FARMS DAIL" FLOWS AN #ndle«8 supply of milk, "nature's most Bearly perfect food." Highly perishable, jjlemandlng quick and sanitary distribution, delivery of 45 million quarts of ' fresh milk to the nation's stores aai, doorsteps every day is one of the miracles of this industrial age. Dairy cows will cot slow down or speed Hp milk production to meet demand. So, from farms like this day after day the daily supply moves rapidly on Its i#; . to the consumer. Milk distribution really begims out In -the country and the farms that supply tnilk for towns and cities operate under ' careful sanitary regulations. Every day in the year the milk floiil _^)n from millions of farms to be used-®#"* fresh milk In bottles, for making butter, cheese, ice cream and many other products. RIGHT: milk is transported on exacting schedules In 40-quart cans by rail or •truck. For bulk shipments huge taa|c - cars or tank trucks are used. * ft nil MM WHEN MILK ARRIVES AT THE FLUID MILK PLANT It Is tmrnediate^f tested with a glistening thermometer and any can that Is not cold enough hatf "lo be rejected. This is but one of the many tests applied to milk on It* Journey trom farm to doorstep. Next lt< is poured through a fine screen Into a weighing ank. All milk from a single dairy Is weighed as a unit and the fanner Is paid M /; fhc basis of weight. To prevent error u>« number ami weight of the day^t fnllk are immediately recorded. SCIENCE DOUBLE CHECKS. Milk must be Inspected, weighed and tested for bu meat which gives it richness. On reaching the city both the milk company's labo city health officials give the milk an exacting "third degree," <lwiring cream con bacteria count and "solids" content. « I**' tela, the BEFORE MH2K IS READY FOR THE BOTTLE, the bottle most be ready for the milk by spending half an hoar la the washer --SO minutes to wash a milk bottle! No wonder it's so dean and shining. is- « WHEN MW-ir IS F I N A L L Y READY TO BE BOTTLED a machine of seemingly superhuman energy and Intelligence goes Into actios. Untouched by human hand the milk is bottled and sealed autom a t i c a l l y . t h e n moves on In an endless chain by conveyors toward the end «f Its Journey , Ifcrougk the THE MILK B COLLECTED IN HUGE RBCEff- 1NG TANKS before it goes to the pasteurizing room. These stainless tanks are scoured and sterilized to perfection. In fact, the clean-up in a milk plant takes more men and more time to wash the * ment than to pasteurize and bottle. Jrow FOR A FINAL INSPECTION BEFORE CKMNG TO THE LOADIN0 PLATFORM. But the day'* work 1s by no means ended. Here as In the receiving plant the clean-up begins as the milkman starts on the last step In this coropUcaj ; M but rapid pr>cess which brings mUk to dty doorsteps every 4ag. ' -