; ,17*v- THE M*HENRY PLAINDEALER V.t Published every Thursday at McHtfhry, 111., by Charles P. Reniek Entered as second-class matter at the poatoffice at McHenry, I1L, under ^e act of May 8, 1S7». -gfee Year Six Months $2.00 11.09 A. H. M06HER, Editor aid Manager jiUian Sayler, Local Editor ---- -- Telephone 187 Jw:.- AROUND THE WORLD y Germany has 42,706 miles of rail* $ray in its boundaries. . 4 ' * , ' .• England's,oldest golf coui^leli'ibetieved to be at Blackheath, Kent.. - Northern Ireland has taken all . tnale teachers from schools Jn Perry. • _ v Supreme courts of 14 nations have :jpowers comparable to those of the -IJnited States. y, ^ a "' Vienna' draws .its >, -r* ;^or -its' 'purity* • fi<« ' jheariy ;100u miles. •' 'r I". Japan the silkworm furnishes / whole or partial livelihood for at "; / 1 . - 'least 18,000,000 people. f > 4 Lime slaked by the heavy rains i^to flames fend destroyed j 4 buildings at Brixton, England. ' More than 350,000 Basques are liv- - " jng in South America, having been among the first settlers in the Ar- „ ' gentine. Victoria square, in the heart of 7;" ' Birmingham, England, has been pronounced the best lighted city Square in the land. A suburb of Antwerp in Belgium, named Old God, boasts the greatest manufacturing plant in the world, with about 18,000 employees. ON THE SIDELINES FROM MEN WHO KNOW .1 -•< ; The race of fools is net to be counted.--Plato. ^ Flattery is sweet food to -those who can swallow it. . Grief best is pleased with griefs society.--Shakespeare. gi A lottery is a taxation on all the Stools in creation.--Fielding. r Never morning wore to evening1 :t>ut some heart did break.--Tennyson. Music washes away from the soul the dint of everyday life.--Auer- •; Inch. ""i , ' Order your Jtaindesler. , --nr" riibber «tamps at the If you incorrigibly lose umbrellas, buy cheap ones. Some spend a lifetime being popular. It is, in fact, a life work. . A young man in his first silk hat is always charming. He thinks so, too. * , The best minds in a national crisis are by no means the best known ones. ;.B. w ,v.:, A soft answer makes the other fellow sweU'otop wittar arroganc*-- sometimes." • *' ' Famous ancestors arc a gre&t promoter of family pride; and in that way useful. V« sire all partially ; self-made men, even -if born with a- golden spoon in the mouth. ^ Blue laws are really' legislation against temptation--something that never worked thoroughly. "Keeping up appearances" is largely inspired by fear of public opinion--often a very salutary fear. WOMAN'S AFFAIRS Only mothers will be permitted to vote in Bulgaria. Smoking is almost general among wotnen in Russia. Turkey has forbidcftn Women teachers to paint their fingernails. Bermuda's house of assembly recently refused women places on parish vestries. London doctors are warning women that the use of eyelid tints containing aniline dyes may lead to eye trouble. v - . , Despite the fact that she had had 26 operations prior to her third birthday, a girl in Texas won a "Better Babies" contest. v." According to police officials in England, school teachers, social workers, nurses and college gradur. ates make the best policewomen. Read The Want Ads. StETXJRN FROM TBI % THROUGH HOE* MICHIGAN -^Wljl Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kamholz ar- ^ tiered home Friday from a- six days' content with the slow mode of travel. Mr. and Mrs. Kaipbolz.taQk about a nine-mile drive around the island, which is quite hilly, and saw many in teresting sights, among them the old British fort. It is about fifteen miles around the island. They returned through Wisconsin TRip IN 1 „ Snapshots Taken During Editors MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN grip through Northern Michigan and although, taking a different route, vis* Wisconsin, during which they covered iting some places they had been be- #bout 1,500 miles. [fore and seeing many aew sights, -i Travelling leisurely and enjoying Ihe rest and change of the trip, Mr Ife.- -, »nd Mrs. Kamholz saw much beauti- ^ ?ul scenery and visited many points , t>f interest. | Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and > • Among the most outstanding of daughter, Barbara, returned the first !^*^""*'ra*~*"these was Mackinac Isalnd, where the of last week from a few days' trip i-T; |>eace and quiet of olden days reigned around Lake Michigan. They motorin the absence of automobiles. Here ed north through Michigan to Mack- Strl, the horse and buggy is a common inac Island and the Soo, paid a short Sight, in fact, it is the only means of visit to Canada and returned home Conveyance and visitons have to be along the lake through Wisconsin. Horse and Buggy Days 'h ; The above picture was taken in front of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island as the occupants were about to start on a pleasant jaunt around the island. The driver sits on an improvised seat on the dashboard to allow for more passengers. In the carriage ace Mr. and Mri. ftenich and Mrs. Mosher. The Plaindealer editor was pushed oat to take the snapshot „ „ • f 1 ; T Tour Through Micliigan Castle Rock, a rocky formation fronting on the highway a few miles north of St. Ignace, on the way to Sault Ste. Marie, where the large locks are located. Large freighter passing through the locks at the "Soo." One of these boats goes through on an average of every eighteen minutes. There is a difference of 22 feet in the water level between Lake Superior and Lake Huron. <• "Shrine of the Little Flower," Father Chas. E. Coughlin's Church, located at Royal Oak, Mich. Father Coughlin welcomed the newspaper men and gave a short talk in this beautiful edifice. The picture shows only the tower. The above is a picture of a government'block house near the ferry on the Canadian aide at Sault Ste. Marie. The flags are British and naturally attracted especial attention from the visitors who were not used to seeing other than the Stars and Stripes. "Six-eleven" has been Publisher Renich's favorite and personal license number for more than twenty years. He was much surprised when over in Michigan to find himself riding in a car with the number 611. The picture was snapped north of St. Ignace. Longest porch in the world is claimed by the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. This view shows but half of it. The total length is 780 feet. Due to its location this mammoth summer hotel is able to opearte but an average of seventy days per year. | ^ , Washed by Sand The Moslem Tuaregs refuse to wash, but the wind-borne sands of the Sahara keep them constantly Scouted. vrr.Vvv.^'ir.ir-'- FOR SALS FOR SALE--Model-T Ford. Call 603- M-l, McHenry. FOR SALE--Welsh Pony, at mice. Inquire at Plaindealer office. * *18 FOR SALE--Choice Building Lota in McHenry. EARL R. WALSH, Phone 48. 1-tf FOR SALE--Vegetables, sweet corn, 'potatoes and tomatoes. John Pltsen, Johnsburg. 13 FOR SALE---Three sets of booths for tavern for lunch room. Crystal Lake Bakery, Phone 68; *13 FOR SALE--5-room bungalow, garage, chicken house and 2 acres; very reasonable; good terms. Write "Z," care of Plaindealer. „ *18-2 FOR SALE--6-burner gas range; hfts large baking and warming oven; suitable for restaurant. Also heating stove, will sacrifice. Call K. Nilson, 650-W-2. *13 FOR SALB--5-room all year home; 3 bedrooms, bath, electricity; 2 blocks to lake beach; 1block from highway across front Lily Lake schbolhouse; very reasonable. Mary Abjin, Lilymoor, McHenry, 111. 13-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT--One Modem 5-room apartment and garage; newly decorated; steam heat. Tel. 17, Mrs. John R. Knox. 10-tf HELP WANTED WANTED TO BUY--Persian or Angora female kitten. Telephone McHenry 209-J. 13 WANTED--Girl or woman to help with housework over weekends. A. C. Buehler Cottage, Howell's Villa, Phone McHenry 646-J-l. 13 WANTED--Trustworthy man or boy as caretaker. Light farm work. $30 to $40 per month. Write Box H. K., care of Plaindealer. 12-3 RELIABLE DEALER WANTED--To handle Heberling Products in McHenry County. Excellent opportunity for the right man, selling direct to farmers. Earnings $35 weekly not unusual. Write for free catalogue. G. C. HEBERLING CO., Dept., 409, Bloomington, 111. 12-2 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--All kinds of scrap iron, rags, batteries; also cars, etc. M. Taxman, Phone 79-R. 13-3 SITUATION WANTED--High School Boy would like position on farm for board and room; can milk. Inquire at Plaindealer office. *13 BARN DANCE--Cole's Barn at Keystone Corners, 8 miles southwest of Richmond. Saturday Night, Aug. 21. Vince Adams' Orchestra. Dances Every Saturday Night. *13 GARBAGE GOUUBCnNG--Let ua dispose .of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reaaonable rates. Regular year round rout*, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 1591 or 681-M-l. 2-tf ELECTRICAL FLOOR SANDING-- New equipment--latest on the market All floors made perfect. Prompt and satisfactory service guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully given. HENNING NEWMAN, 932 Marvel Ave., Woodstock. Phone 451-M. 52-tf BEFORE YOU BUY--An Automobile ask about our finance plan. Prompt,' efficient service at lowest cost. Phone 43. EARL R. WALSH. 1-tf WANTED--We have clients who will buy moderately priced homes in McHenry. Phone 43. EAJ^L R. WALSH. 1-tf Boat Arriving At Benton Harbor I. msxsm: This scene shows the steamer Theodore Roosevelt," coming into the r jharbor at Benton Harbor, Mich. Kenneth Marshall submitted this photo to The Plaindealer. He took the picture while on a vacation trip to this Mich igan resort, on July 24. -fW. • 'V-1-' 'Ml, . VSi • .VjT & Here is 4 scene which greeted' Mr. anri Mrs. H. *nmht>l7 of Mc-" Henry as they stepped from the ferry at Mackinac Island, during their •fecent trip through Michigan. Carriages are licensed on the island, where no automobile" are permitted by state law. There are ftfty-five. of these buggies seeking business as the travelers come from the feiry. Only one other means of transportation can be secured for Sightseeing and that * chair, behind wlidf Is a man on a bicycle. Right and Wrong in Jamaica In Jamaica if you keep to the left of the road you are right. If you keep to the right you are wrong. Even the goats pass one another on the left. It's the British tradition. WITH THE GENTLER SEX Of England's t42,0Q0 doctors, 2,000 are women. Some women are so bright and attractive that nobody cares how old they iare. Wyoming, pioneer in woman suffrage, has been nicknamed the "Equality state." Approximately 960 nurses draw pensions in England because their health was ruined by active war London's Home for Ladies of Limited Income does not accept1 those from the lower classes of life, even upper servants being ineligible. vv uiiieri are excused from jury duty, merely by request, in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Kansas, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Utah. Public Pulse (All coMwkrttei for this de- PMttoeat arast be dgnad by the writer, otherwise they wfll mot he published. The Plaiadeakr fatvites its readers to expieas their opinions in T^STAKEE BAY ROAD McHenry, 111., August 15^4232, Mr. A. H. Mosher, Editor, ^ McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. Dear Sir': 9 The county, roads surrounding PS»r takee Bay have been in a deplortfip condition since early spring. There have been two heavy storms this summer that washed out the roads to such an extent that they are unsafe for night travel. The road from Sayer's gate to the junction with the Johnsburg road is about the worst stretch of road in this section of Illinois. I wish td call this condition to the BRIEF AND BREEZY Hardly ever is one In fear of a man who is polite. Do you fully forgive an enemy if you do not trust him? God gave youth a lot, but deprived it of a sense of its value. People who tell anecdotes know when the laughter is real. The world will never be safe for any democracy that isn't intelligent. Frau E. Blume, champion woman jockey of Germany, won 13 of 49 races for women last year. Every day one meets people more clever than he is; but they .usually want and get the things he doesn't. -Need rubber stamp* ? Plaindealer. Order at the ion of the road commissioners. ^ery truly yours, i ARTHUR C HARRISON. -f . • >JL F. D. No. £v. McHenry, Hi ', -r; i-'!•' -- CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barbian move|f into tiheir new home on the river. M£. snd Mrs. Glen Martin of Chicago art occupying: the house on Riversidnt #. Drivd just vacated by Mr. and Mr% Barbian. Mr. Martin is a Chicag# police officer, who is on a furlougll lOr Jus health. w > >ot Built by Washington"" Hklor palace, the Peter home in^- Georgetown, D. C., was not built. , by George Washington. It was built by Thomas Peter, husband of Mar* - \ tha Custis, granddaughter of Mrs* , ;; George Washington. The stateljr mansion was designed by Dr. Wili^/% liam Thornton, and is still occupied * by members of the Peter family. \ Fish Hides in Shark's Motrth The remora fish will hide in the " mouth of a shark in order ta escape its enemies; .. Old Town Tav^i Riverside Drive, McHenry * • - * Sfejf • ;• That's all yon need to remember when yon are thirsty or seeking a place where Old Him Gloom could never survive. We"A^Rfcktd: of this new place and want you to visit it. Everything in it is new except the liquors -- They have the age to make them good. ^ - Come On Over On The Drive FLOYD COLEMAN, Prop OXJH- DIPPED TIKES 1 These famous tires are the last word ? in manufacture. They are built to last f and insure safety on the highways. \ rSSlf ^rUBE with every Firestone Tire. If customer has a good tube to be placed in new casing, we will give a 2-gallon can of Sinclair oil instead of free tube. 4.50x21 4.75x19 5.00x19 5.25x18 5.50x17 6.00x16 .35 6.70 7.20 8.00 8.75 9.75 Other Sixes Prioed Proportionately Good Used Tires In All Siies Walter J. Freund Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanising, Etc. Phone 294 West McHenry, m. •i Although material% and wages have materially advanced in the manu* facture of shoes, we cure still afile to sell them at the old price* Schools will sooij1 open so buy your needs now before the price advance*. > WE ARE STILL SELLINQ ; Py^iS 8H#K, HOSE ^ t at the old price. Chiffon and service weights, IfC. FULL LINE OF THE WELL KNOWN Ladies', Misses' and Men's Shm ' always in stock %b% Mala St* , v~ -^,4 ---- ' 'i Ar'v •- Pi