'V ^_^ _JLS---„ --~ -™^ -- sutr './*'fg Jij /•* >« ", •%$ 1 #.vi f'^gv ;;j ^ v-' V -„'•.» ""A *^~j" -*"« -fcf- ' *i-j - '• "• - , 7,'^ •;,, • „', " p *:•. v ' * i' '"> *<%., * j**5? V , _ j . ^ '> ' v -^rr'hJ' ~ "" " " '"" - - --- --*- -•• - ~- -'- - , .m , 1 4 7 ^ : ' i s . • * * TBX MeBZHKY fLAIKSBAUS W '«* *f 'r* "f ffcmdey AugiSt ldNiS "' ** ^ '* *,v \*> * "" v" • *" '; :.u"--*v' -.%, 4,vw •-*&*& y^V* L, - * ,> , ' 1 ' • V ^ k; ./• i'- : «* ".** * - *> *t-rv/ ^ Page ft?» r^; • IMIM»HIN'MI»»IU>mil "V Anon* the Sick £ iV ; m»n;.h i i i » m i iii Mrs. H. J. O^ket has returned to * ~;< ^ her home here from the hospital, , ' »' where she has been since sustaining yjky?* injuries in an automobile accident. ~> Mrs. Glen Amos is recovering from -v- *n operation in a hospital at Granc • V »s Island, Neb. Mrs. Amos was former* -•" Jy Miss Hettie Randall. Her mother, '*• ^ Mrs. Grant Randall, is with her. Mrs. Math Steffes went Saturday to " i","^" St- Anthony's hospital, Chicago, where « she is a medical patient. it spend «oar stunner1 darning socks f?<C* J * •-"- '"|%. * 4 X ^ V f . *\" •^' y'. •• Bi^f BufferHecIwid To«H#^ triplyreinforced, ^ iiitMcOee's:«t ? ;V; Open Wednesday And Saturday Evenings THC BMJPI5B Week Days 7:20 - 9t20 ' j 'As ir Conditioned FRIDAY -- SATURDAY AUGUST 20-21 'SINGING MARINI" SATURDAY AFTERNOON ONLY By Poular Request Only ONE Showing Promptly at 2:30 James Stweart -- Simone Simon "SEVENTH HEAVEN" AdmiBion, 10c-15c •- SUNDAY -- MONDAY ^ AUGUST 22 -- 28 Clark Gable -- Myrna Loy "PAENELL" Akn Betty Hoob cartoon and WorkI News Sunday Mat. 2:M Continnoas News. Sunday Matinee, 2:80 Con- TUESDAY (Bargain Nils) Double Featare! (1) "Devil Is DriviofMa (2) - WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY "MARRIAGE BETOU BREAKFAST" u I w 10 * "' "by v. |ARL WALSH" r4? - • [Rigney for relief, with Kennedy and' Wftim.T.fW f fBTO Dietrich to be used both ways. PANTHER OF NORTHWEST IN ROUND LAKX ARENA f PERSONALS ! m*. a L K. Burns of Od.-P.rt i. spending a few weeks at her summer home at Hickory Grange. Mr. and By the way, I heard that the Cubs bought some 8,000 chest protectors and masks for the world series. Do you know why? No, then I suppose HI have to tell you. sitting in the bleachers _ park must put on a mass, mu cnesii""» wsm n««n mcMiueo, , •_ | protector so they won't get killed by j leading contender for the world's o-.-- _ TjiVo Minn Ws have lost a neighbor, Mr. Will|the Yankee's home runs. You catch championship, comes to grips with the «££ Pif ' . Bacon. Vivid recollections will remain.'on, of course, don't you, Herb I Black Panther «f the Northwest, Jack ™Jr *,™1. * , ® *u Childhood recollections, of all who I think I better quit before I kiU the Claybourn, sensational colored star ana r!«iT grew up in the neighborhood, picture poor Cub fans. conqueror of Rudy Kay, in one of the Sr ,nH ^ TlkS Mr. B^on ,8 . m»n, who. The rfw.„ w win b. ^ ^ A double main event will headline Jf you. Every pfe*s£>n the weekly all-sUr professional wrest* trjD to Denver Ctolo eachers at the CubHling card in Peg's Round Lake arenj^ « Krl' , v^Aa„ ... ,. of Mr; and Mrs. George Lfiodsay. They left Wednesday on a trip to northern Michigan. Rev. Moore is a former pastor of the Universalist church here. Kathleen Justen is enjoying a vacation at Michigan City, Ind., where she will spend a week or more. '"•^TMPPOINTED TO BOARD Ed Conway and Thomas P. Bolger knew how to laugh with children. His i So* fan, clear pronunciation of words ending j DONALD SCHAEFER. with "ing" impressed us. His power- --| ful feats of strength intrigued us. Hisj Now, Herb, if you have anything months of waning strength saddened else to tell us, go to it, old kid. If " " *«y other readers have ideas to ex- , . . v/ni«agp speni me weecena wim m SS' ST2L57JPTn i "& mT8 P*rent8' Mr "«*• Mrs. Jacob StefTes. ^^5° cy^n^k6' Nona Powers of Detroit, Mich., and , giant Haskell Indmn ace, »nthe other. her brother| Dnn< of Woodstock spent' xz?y*th,s w-k -ith Miss Et"i M l-- : „ . Pr*38. just jot them doWTi Well be rourt aifd tough Chtea^'i^OT^Se'is'siiSni'a^we«k DM» trimt is «*«:•/IM*Mm *Ud to get them. Man* thrilling contest of the ye«r >t •nd events perUining to those «ho --_ Ronwl Lata l»t Friday night, and in iST,?» r° „* . j ^ -- "*• «ft- 'Te * Wl •* SOrTBALL WOTES VS'? daughter M^eS^oto^ to „ --B-- • Jim McMulen. McMilIen will at- ^ Wi, «Unrtav We can well remember a Sunday V tempt to end the colored champion's M' in' afternoon on the farm when a devil-j Dwkssss halted a Ave innfrig, fire string of five local wins, but local pjitu ' ftf ««,^SL»2!nE ish hired man, named Bill Harnidy, all tie between Green and Frett Tues- sportsmen are divided in their opinions ?th a v Ui«v struck upon an idea for fun. Mr. Ba- day night. : as to whether Mac will be able to r™* Jt' SI xvLull con had been doing some work on the j ------r • "put it over'" his clever opponent. Riiltpv ? /Jr ' ® Walter PUmp and left a battery in the engine; Players are requested to be ready' . *H»e other wind-up bout should be Vu-ots - weerena house. Now, Bill Harnidy had ingenu-, for action at seven o'clock sharp. another thriller w}th the giant Indian w^koiw* «,„». !^ a* ity. He had an old automobile horn, 'or, the warpath again claiming he was i hom®^of too. Cars were not numerous at thai} The boys are really taking the game?"given the works" in his match with Mrs William Vale**8FVa^k time, but all weftt out for a Sunday seriously these evenings. Umpires are McMilIen several w<^:ks ago at Round T-na p0fu*>l<^lf anH v.w' havinsr a heluva time. Lake TH* f'hi#»/>inn«5 nw.<rA zf. ? Aand fl4r5j ^r*Mk Vales, of McHenry have been appointed on the advisory board of the McHenry County Council of the American Legion by the new commander, George Roop. DAY Mt McCULLOM LAKES ^ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dalstrom aikd> a party of friends spent Saturday at ^ J their pleasant summer home, "The|i t T.n Oaks," at McCullom Lake, A deliciofSsE' ' '• 1 dinner was served at 1 o'clock ahd af ?A Hi, o delightful day was spent in swimming, " r'"^ boating and other recreation. - v » 12 Guests were Norman R. Petersen, * 1 '* , president of the Home Builders Cor-f"'",f'"' ~7 '* : poration, and his family, and Jobn» ^ min>Hnb>iul(>nt nf tka "' •* ' • ""VI •'"» » "V Chelmon, superintendent of the Home 5 Builders Corporation, Chicago, and hist ? i family. ' V i " V •« * • 1 % Geno Poultry Remedies at Wattlest- I ^ Drug Store. " • . 8-^»-tlf ^ ride--dusters and all. --R-- . Thick lilac bushes in tlM> front yard 4 J right to another chance kt the An- Berwvn 5 ' v: ^ J.QICB. inac ousocs la w iivuv yiTui wj; bviiic nvavy civulul^ ^ timu x'"armmc"r *oy? .»a ywVin "o'vve?r U16 Unky "'Euddy"BRaanutr* ainnvdl friend, HMf*iss s AA«%n afforded more protection than a iwod-j Winkel, the Kiause Crushers came low* scissor king, but Grubby has nahellp lL»»nitt^t> rlo^nn<!^ tP" ern duck blind. As the old boats came from behind to beat Green last Thurs- 'deas 0f his own of a McMilIen match ' along, we touched off the horn in j day night, seven to six. and plans to demand one if he gets parents, Mr and Mrs "" mighty blasts and saw many a cau- --' I ni.t R«n^ir« tious driver swing to one side and iiome run, double and sinarle in order. I . . comers will be introduced to local fans parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Baur. «v»o un'ci °ni"e w wuc mm >»u| <K®u stje. pped. up and. .h.i.t a sing*l e,;j TTih,r™ee Newe-o- ners Cna rded n>tnmliMttl)e wniitehc e,t hB«anr b•a«r ar tAnn Krause, a,.._ struggle through loose gravel with,home single order.! In the preliminary bouts three new- a we€k's visit po or the old chug boat. . •• ' --- j Arthur Th»l«, fju,,..; !' «• In one of the city, «"famUy! nowTaiw. iSh It was great fun, did Tony Schmitt, Krause and Bill Tion-'I matches George Mansor, 254 pound ^and^t'/'iru.« wear out Mr. Bacon's battery. T,my" -fe ™ 5 Into the realm of sports. We have worried so long about left-handed hitters having such an advantage with short right fields. Now Joe Medwick -- is leading the National League home! Winkel run hitters and Joe DiMaggio is set- Thennes choice on his other trip to the plate, j note, will trestle Abie Kaplan, power- sephina Gmur and daughter, of Elgin, » J™ ^wish star who has wrestled in were .recent visitors at the home of Rfl every country on the globe. The other Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Pich ting the pace in the American LeagueJ Kent Both swing from the right side. So'Tony an Team No.. 3 AB Tony FtYund 4 Krause .^. .................... 4 4 ........ .... 4 what! "Speed" Stilling has won ° seven of "his last eight starts for the Foresters softball team. Of course, he lost another decision when he tried to ride that buckeroo in the donkey game. Walkington Pete Sobaefer Dar Granger 1 2 S 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totak Team No. 2 Herb Freund Bob Conway . "The "Merry Go Round Burned ^Te€n •••• Down" last. Sunday and spoiled all of i-^dams John Bolger's fun. Carl Freund . 1--|J-- , | Tony Schmitt Manager Breen is getting a new Justen lineup assembled for next Sunday to Gerasch battle a strong Chicago team. Of i course, some of the names will be seeni Totals ... in the lineup, but Breen feels that* .y§r*4 AB 6 ...... 4 •y... 5 ..-..4 4 ...... 4 4 .... 2 - i MiR"» K»" »nd Margaret Lyras, ! l i ^ ^»i'V"7te K1; ,s summ« residents, are spending lome 4 a punch "J the J»w. This tough boy time with their sister at Los Angeles, 0 takes on "Bully Boy" Kogut, Canad- Cailf «i«kcics, 0 ian heavyweight champion Conley is Robert Sutton, Jr., has returned 0J confident that he can ToutIslu'"g aannyd o^f fproormt, laa . ^th a friend at Daven- £|thTiHc«f« >r* KA,.nJttnA I * Mr> and Mrs' James Chusan of New ® and $1.00 plus tax York City, Mrs. Feed DeMuth of Oak ^die® *ccomP^>ed by an escort Pa^ and Mrs Frank Andrasak of *dmitted ^ m the "ngside Chicago were Thursday guests in the H j section 1 j EICHMOKD scores }l ?i Trtknokii 1- * . , , . vrcn<Tvit?vf ivdox, ix)ia ooyie ana 0 Johnsburg lost a nip and tuck ball Mildred Kinsala attended the homem^ SEWIN OVER JOHNSBURG NINE home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathieu. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shutterly have returned to their home at Dayton, Ohio, after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Young and other relatives. Genevieve Knox, Lola ° Boyle and SPCAKINfr OP SAFETY OS£D CHA/AP FIGHTER. WHO OlSREGPkROS TRAININS RULES SOON PASSES OUT OF THE PICTURE iTooEStfT TAK-E LONG FOR SCANDAL TO FORCfc A WV0VI ^ STAR. OUT OF THE PVCTUR.^^. GREECE ROM-E EGYPT NWAtCS CAUSE WHOLE NATIONS TO PASS OUT OP *T\4fc PICTURE V -*i' 'i "v 'r»^ ; * VI A' i( ' D'v * >. ' ' " -'* '£' . " ri • •' Y-'Oh^i i * - \V*^ f ' "'l ' a \$? ,-- AND DAMPflOOL ^ 0R,v,NG- CAUSES ' " 1^<JR)R-*AORONSTO Pass out of picture/ SttfxyCmtnoB . n. , , t * ; --OTiiuiru xviuKHia aivenaea me nomc- « game to Richmond test Sunday by that coming at Hartland, Sunday. Among -- 0 f k ™ r r ' r r \ ™ n < " • " " w h o a t t e n d e d » e r e M r . a n d ~ 82 6 10, ** M,ller h?,d the J°bnsburg swat- Mrs. Ray Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Al- •" *"* .'»rcuFi "teen icew wiavi ^rst on balls--Off Krause, 2; offj tera to four hits to earn the decisitm. bert Purvey and Mrs. Ted Schiessle. ' new material is necessary to bolster; Green, 0. Struck out--By Krause, 5; The Richmond lsad-off man, New- Walter Gielow of Chicago spent the the team for hard games scheduled, [by Green, 1. Two-base hits--Bob Con- ^n. »nd their clean-up hitter, weekend with his wife and daughter S --11-- .way, Green, Krause, Winkel. Breen wants to get that Spokes nine run--Winkel. ® ; back here and give them a shellacking. [ ^ ^ ^ It is also planned to have Lew Fon seca, former American .Lgagpe bat-i^J? A ting king, come out to look over local McCraeken 2 talent and show his bag of tricks. Elmer Frcun£ I * ... 1 Meyers g Another attraction will" be staged Brefeld - 2 when a strong girls' team will show Rfgner us that playing ball isn't merely a' man's game. --I-- Harry Frye is vacationing this week and is burning up the golf course, ---- -- • while the rest of us go on with the old ? Freund grind. Harry may travel west during his vacation to Woodstock. PERFECT AIR CONDITIONING! MILLER LAS*f TIMfiS TONIGHT Jean Arthur « Joel McCrc* "ADVENTURE Ilf MANHATTAN"/ Extra -- "3 Stooges'* Riot! FRIDAY. Bargain Night Special! Jack Haley -- Rochelle Hudson "SHE HAD TO EAT" -- SATURDAY SPECIAL -- John Beal and Armida in "BORDER CAFE" And -~ Leo Carillo -- Chester Morris "I PROMISE TO PAY" -- Both Too Good To Miss -- Extra! Extra!! SATURDAY, AUGUST g| MIDNITE SHOW ! Starts at 12:30 D.S.T Feature at 1:15 D. S. TV GAMBLING WITH SOOLS -- A Daring, Sensational Expose of Lucky Luciano's Famous New York Woman and Vice Racket. Positively Adults Only! All Honorary l asses Suspended At Th i.s Show SUNDAY AND MONDAY Jean Harlow's Last Picture "SARATOGA" with Clark Gable, Una Merkel and An Al-Star Cast -- Popeye Cartoon Universal News TUESDAY, Bargain Night "THE GREAT GAMBINT WEDS. - THURS. SPECIAL! William Powell -- Luise Rakier "EMPEROR'S CANDLESTICKS" There was a mighty golfer-- His name was Harry Frye. We wouldn't doubt his stories, But his golf balls always lie. Now that we have that dumbell poem off our mind, it might be well to say that we have a well-known Cub fan handling Harry's job this week. None other than Frank Schreiner. -I-- After that Cub letter of Herb Reihansperger's last week, Donnie Schaefer responded with a few choice remarks pertaining to his favorite White Sox. --B-- What surprises us most is that these young fellows really know more than a little bet about that grand game of baseball. _n- Here's what Donnie has to say: --I-- Dear Fans: Before I start to tell you something about a good ball club, I just want to tell you, Herb, that you asked for it. Fitzgerald . Goo. Worts Totals . Team No. 2 Bob Conway 2 -...-- 2 •<*M 2 - --" io • ,.aiV* Y~~W~ ~r . --wun nis wne ana aaugn Home Schundiwm, collected five of their at their cottage at McCullom Lake. | teams eight hits and each had a Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson and u for ^ °n*y extra-base hits daughter, Barbara, of Chicago, are H of the day. 2t • - , .At 21 AB 3 -- 3 ; 8 0 Newman, Sb 6 1! Bell, 2b ....mGiKssss^.-* 0 Beester, If ...v....„ 21 Schundiwin, lb^iv. O R. Miller, p ....... 0 VanEvery, c McConnell, ss .... AB «. 7iEhorn, If H Strang, rf *. 8 Adams, rf ... Grsen 8 0 Adams 8 0 Tony Schmitt 2 1 Joe Schmitt ........... ... 3 0 Ed. Justen 8 X Ernie Freund % | Herman Schaefer 2 1| Bowman, r# ...... 6 4 1 4 .; 2 4 4 1 0 spending the week at the C. A. Dalstrom cottage at McCullom Lake. Mrs. Catherine Young and sons. William and Clarence, have returned from a week's visit at Sioux Falls and Montrose, South Dakota. Mrs. Arnold Reinert and children,- Mrs. Mary Reinert and Oscar Knaack,' of Elgin, are spending the week in a 0 cottage on Fox River. , j 0 Leo Smith of Chicago Heights is( 1 spending a week's vacation at his 0 home here. | 0 Rev. and Mrs. Fredrick L. Moore of 0 Chicago visited this week in the home COOKING APPLES ; ^ You may get those splendid cooking apples at the Baird Farm, at one dollar per bushel. Bring your container. GEORGE BONSALL, Mgr. '••J .ss ':-W •M'i 0 Totals 1 1 1 B. Mayer, ss ... OjA. Freund, cf 0 V. Freund, 2b 1 j D. Freund, 3b .. -- j H. Freund, c .. 9 j T. Pitzen, lb .. Grocery and Msrket / ' West McHenry a ;':: ; DliAnA 1 and see what good servioe we MTIlOIl© JL OO will render in delivering to you the quality meats and groceries that you need. carry a fall line and ask for a trial order. --0. W. GIBBS, Prop. • t: 5. »!t.' PitzmT'lb .'"ZilUi I i°n ^r0": ^ett^ 2f off R- Hettermann, If 8 Green, 1. Struck out--By Frett, 8; p. Pitzen, rf 8 by Green, 2. Double plays--Tony ~ Schmitt to Rogers. Two-base hits-- Herb Freund, Bob Conway, Herman Schaefer, Harold Freund, Frett, Bdteyers. Three-base hits--Tony Schmitt, Harold Freund. INLAND LAKES REGATTA B. Miller, p ........... N. Smith, cf bJtwlc-end S^eaul.y A I Y O U R Totals 82 2 4 Score by Innngs Richmond ; 100 002 • 000--3 8 0 Johnsburg ...... 011 000 000--2 4 0 Two-base hits--Newman, Schundi- ON AT LAKE GENEVA! w i n . D o u b l e p l a y s -- T . P i t z e n t o H . Freund; Newman to Schundiwin; B. The fortieth annual Inland Lakes Meyer to v- to T. Pitzen. regatta, featuring the finest yachts in ^truc^ w*'--By B. Miller, 3; by R. the middle west, started Monday at|MiIler' 4- ®ases on balls--Off B. Mjl- , Lake Geneva. The competition will ,er' 3» R- Miller, 0. Umpire--^J. Continue for five days, ending Friday. | Miller- J Social events will not be ignored -- ( duirng the regatta. Entertainment I FORESTERS WIN FOURTH A«P STORE RtdOrdeCeffee S^S9« i#.M- »- CORN JUMSO ||W MWJi f FLAKES 'WH ••• JntrMs%N'1^1S( »-• «H, . I mtm II I0NA OT. SCf MMM M auny brand RfpeONvei . . . •c*2Sl7o Ginger Ale YcunT 4^15* While Home MMk S cwittSc Wheel MRh . I^Koa 19c started with a dinner dance Tuesday] at the Lake Geneva Country Club, foi l .^rbunra^jSA.r^'Lv' ?ie ,F,r J urges being a far better .horftop1 Tt' U ' tthan Luke AAnpnplliinn«gr who iiss tthh»e hb«es.tt . ev.a (llub Wl11 ^ ^ Kene in the majors. On Aug. 2, J urges was hitting .351, and Appling, .311, and two weeks later J urge's average of a dinner for officials and yachtmen tonight and Friday night the trophies will be presented at a dance at Big i stood .334, which showed a steady drop of 17 points, while Appling climbed 5 points to .316. By the end of the season Luke's average will be at least 20 points better than Jurge's because Bill is just having a lucky year until the last half, when hell drop. As for the double plays Appling and Hayes have Jurges and Herman beaten by at least 20 double plays. Does that show Jurges and Herman better? No. In the outfidle the Sox have an average of .272 to the Cubs' .259. Zeke Bonura has Rip Collins beaten at the first sack easily with an average of .342 to .279, and is' making some fine plays on the first sack. Gabby Hartnett i9 the only Cub player, who is worth talking about. I will admit that he is the best catcher in either league, but that doesn't mean, that the whole team is. On second base, Jackife Hayes Yacht clubs competing are Pistakee Bay, Cedar Larke, Delavan Lake, Okoboji, Lake Geneva, White Bear Lake, Green Lake, Maxinkuckee Mendota, Minnentonka, Neenah-Nodaway, Oconomowoc, Pewaukee and Pine Lake. First Derby In United States-- The first derby in the United States--the Jersey derby, was decided at Paterson, N. J., in 1864, and won by Norfolk. Racing at Paterson and Saratoga began in 1863. Three years later the finest race course in America at that time was built in Westchester county, N. Y. It was known as Jerome park, now the Jerome reservoir. Fasted In Caves and Sals In the Middle ages when those old nature philosophers, the Yosians, juiKie nayes is 1 wa.n.te.d to. dr.oZpr the7 wo.rld , the :fles --h making some fine plays and robbing a the devil, and refresh and remany players of hits and turning them' create their minds and hearts, they j into double plays. His average of ,239 jand 65 runs batted in" is O. K. too. I On the hot corner, Tony Piet is taking good care of his job by coming out of his late slump Mid' making some beautiful plays. j The pitching staff i9 being taken care of nicely with Stratton, Lyons, i Whitehead and Lee as good, dependable starters and Brown* Cain and went to the wilderness and fasted in caves and huts under the greenwood trees where great cosmic thoughts might come to them. Jnpiter's Slowest Moon Jupiter's slowest and most distant moon requires nearly three years to make the orp^ ffound the parent STRAIGHT IN BATTLE FOR LEAGUE HONORS The McHenry Forester softball team made it four straight by defeating Richmond 10-5 last Thursday night The hitting of Harold, Alvin and Harry Freund was the deciding factor in putting the game in the win column. | Tonight (Thursday) the Foresters play Fox Lake at Spring Grove. The winner of this game will most likely, become League Champions. Fox Lake has not lost a league game all season, while the Foresters have lost one 5-3, decision to Fox Lake. Stilling, speedball artist of the Forestesr, and winner of seven out of his last eight! starts, will pitch for the loteal team j and will be opposed by Milke of Fox | Lake, who so far is undefeated for the season. j On Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock I the Foresters play Mineral Springs at I the city park. Remember tonight--9:00 D. S. T. at Spring Grove--Foresters vs. Fox Lake, j >. Direction at North Pole There is only one direction at the North Pole--south. At any distance away from the Pole all the usual directions exist. t; CC*A*£TOftscrr fnmm«wr . v&l* JvR*ben$i?,?f3o".Ut Certero ilttvIH0 . Iff 21e PieldhcSpiee. . t&fe Spertde'%^M 4^0.19, M Pickles bImno • KaISi CaadySpice strings 2lm 25e SNver SUM Nesh 2 LansMc UntSeep . . 3"ku17c ScetTissee . 4rolls2§c RED MALAGA GRAPES 3 lbs. for 25c Alligator, Tiger Skarfc Teeth The teeth of the alligator ami tiger shark are composed of particularly fine ivory, and fetch high prices on the market. -"ks • No. 10 Canned Goods (GALLON SIZE) Fresh Prunes can S5c Tomatoes . can 39c Apple Sauce. can 'St Aprtcets • CAN 49c June Peas . can 4H Blackberries CAN ••• led Cherries can 79c . Nr. Fmrtnr! Wm tmk» t|<a |fo r em»h or trmdm. CHECK • pric-- on Fmmltry mnd ' tmd brform yaw buy. Geno Poultry Remedial el Wattles Drug-Store. 8-p6 AN ALL STAR FAIR 5<l IO CIRCUS ACTS A M90OO Shot* featuring Glitfcerintf,GloriouSt6la»norouS Girl Beautiful DaHcing • Sensational 12 HORSE HAces Colorful Sattindfc • Levi &h Costumes Music • Plea&'tng Indianafiptisj>river6 AUTO RACES 200 Fastest Horses HARNESS RACES v ? ' y d a v i4& : ^ '"y^vh Aeroplane Woman &.21 ^ SHOW SATUR.DAY AU6.2S 50 Cowboys and Trick Riding Cowg«ris IDOO THIN6S -to SEE it DO J ' - % * -