Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1937, p. 1

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# / 4** * r ^ 0 & f '"*• s * ** "?&* fc-v < t *&s&V^: •tm 1 *<.» ~^. <tfri <.«^V #» vrW-- •'•»• *-.*!»>*i» «4*&»Vr Jijfjt f^»*»» .£> "rr •«./ A - S 7 ',.'/ . ~ «• ; •. ,* t-'-'- vyj , t ;..v •:> .-• *•* :...•;».- ^ -t-A J.* „Va#r: ^ «<.';• '^,'•;'-j^./.:!•>•• •: V •>•'• ••:;<r-;1- .'.vv •.» •J» MSiw •-M®. •• •>- ... ij _ , _ • i t •* »' TT1 -' »f- *$j': • • '* if* * rp, "- T :;*g s ••• , if : hi". :. Volume 63 McHENRY ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 23,1937 Z-¥^l i' ^1 'u4. H htix x- . ' ,J ; • . -- ^ Vf «r«v ,*,v < r* f \: •••%;'j %}}' ' "•< ' " t - * - * ' * i - * . . ' . . • ' « < A 1 J No 18 ' TAXES ADVERTISED THIS WEEK i!*fV „ WM. SKIDMORE IS REMODEUNG SAYER HOUSE FREUND-MARSHAtL i WED SATURDAY AT ST. THOMAS CHURCH Friends in this locality will be in? terested to learn of the marriage of ALGONQUIN STATE BANK I PAYS ANOTHER DIVIDEND ONE VICTIM OF -> ' <y<f SUMMER HOME *S:L : ~--•-- | of Mrs, Agnes Marshall, McHienry, WILL MAKE BEAUTIFUL! which was solemnized at. St. Thomas church at Crystal Lake Saturday morning with Father E. A, McCor- /Tlie palatial home of tW Ute ; mick>rformin« fche lemony. -George Sayer, located at Pistakeej The bride was given in marriage Bay was purchased by W. R. Skid- by her father, Peter Freund. more about a year and a half ago and j Vases of mixed yellow and white • is now being remodeled into a suit- chrysanthemums on the altar creatable country home for Mr. and Mrs. led a lovely setting for the ceremony Skidmore. {with the wedding march played by The spacious mansion was too the church organist who also renlarge for Mr. and Mrs. Skidmore and ered t"0 Promise Me" at the offerboth wings on the west side of thejtory and "I Love You Truly" ^at the building are being removed, after,end of the mass. Bdw*rdr J. Barrgtt, state auditor, atyftounced that he has authorized] payment of a 10 percent dividend. L amounting to $5,015F.6l, on the waived} Miss Pearl Freund, daughter of Mr. j deposits at the Algonquin State Bank,|a and Mrs. Peter Freund of Crystal! Algonquin, Illinois. f Lake, to Mr. Kenneth Marshall, son'i In order to aid, in reopening the bank following the moratorium the depositors waived 40 percent of their claims. This is. the fourth repays ment, bringing the total rettums to 55 percent. CASES OF INFANTILE : PARALYSIS REPORTED - IN NEARBY TOWNS The first victim of the present in- : WES SUNDAY CiONDITION OF OTHERS STILL SBRIOUS ENTERS FINAL PETITION FOR FI LL CITIZENSHIP v TKc Accident which occurre4v two automobiles crashed in a head-on collision last week Wednesday night at the Y at the intersections of routes 14 and 20 south of McHenry, took its toll of death Sunday morning as the most seriously injured of the seven victims involved in the accident died at Sherman hospital, Elgin, Miss Maude Post, 52 years old, of 3166 Lake Park avenue, Chicago, a v ftniBl hearing for -the citizenship petition of George Meyers, along with twelve other petitions, will be heard TH'xt Monday before Judge Ralph Dady. Waiikegan. The class is o^e of the largest to be examined In court, in many years. ' - ' Also on file is the petition of Peter Stes. McHcnry. whose final hearing is scheduled for Marfch 7. 1938..; WALTERS-PETERSON 7 i VITUPTIALS HELD IN i CHICAGO SATURDAY! LIST FOR TOWNSHIP FILLS 3 •which extensive repairs will be made1 The attendants were Miss Eunice, fantile paralysis outbreak in this! school teacher, died of a skull fracand remodeling take place. J Marshall of McHenry, sister of the locality occurred Sunday afternoon ture «nd other injuries at 6:45 a. m. It is planned to have the place groom, as bridesmaid and Lylejwhen five year old Jean Ann Sbhu-' Sunday, following days of suffering, enclosed before cold weather, so that Freund, brother of the brjde, who maker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., while other teachers in the party are •work on the interior may be con-'served as t>est man. j William Schumacher, of Dundee, died near death. tinued through the winter to get the The bride was attractive in a after an illness of about ten days, j Miss FV>st w«s 0ne Of the five house in shape for occiipancy next tailored suit of gray wool with hat. Serum injections had been given teachers from the Lucy Flower High spring. | and blouse of Dubonnet. Her cor- the child, but complications set in'school for girls in Chicago who were The wbrk which has been in prO- sage was of white button chrysan- and all efforts proved futile. J riding in one car while Fred Smith gress for the past three weeks or more is being done by J. W. Rothermel and his men. The best of the material will be themum$. The bridesmaid, Miss Marshall, Although this Was the only case j and 0. E. Olson of McHenry vere of infantile paralysis Infection in. in the other machine. also was attired .in a gray wool suit Dundee there are two in Elgin, both The condition of the others, al with hat and blouse of^boxwood^ green j adults, and Crystal Lake had re-, though somewhat improved, still re LIONS OLUR „ DINNER MEETING COUNTRY CLUB used in building a large garage over and wore a corsage of yellow; button ported two or three canes as well as which there will he a six room apartment where the care^ker will live. ' , The grounds, also, are being clear chrysanthemums. ^ j one in Huntley and one in Geneva. Following the 'eeremony a wedding, a. slight increase in the disease in breakfast for the Wedding party was j Chicago prompted the officials to deserved at the home of Mrs. Agnes ed and will, no doubt, be landscaped | Marshall, McHenry, while dinner was and made into suitable surroundings {served to members of the immediate for the beautiful large home. I families of the bride and groom at The new buildings on the latest the home of the bride's parents at addition to the Skidmore Pine Tree Crystal Lake. Dairy farms are also completed and' " The table was decorated with a attract the attention of motorists on! three tier wedding cake and tall vases route 20. I of vari-colored gladioli. The farm known as No. 6, which j Mr. and Mrs. Marshall are at home brings the total of Mr. Skidmore's, in their apartment at 117 Crystal g^ns acreage to over 1,000 acres, is the. Lake avenue in Crystal Lake, where, jjrs main critical. Fred {Smith, who has worked in this vicinity for several years, is in Sherman hospital, Elgin, where he was lay reopening the elementary schools; unconscious for some time suffering in Chicago© Monday. Seven new cases and eight sus- cause his death. His leg is broken pected cases were reported Saturday in two places, his arm, nose and jaw after a decline on Thursday and Fri- bone are broken, all of his teeth day, to four new cases a day. j where knocked out, in addition to in- Grade school children in Chicago ternal injuries. H£s arm vat set j and fr0m their are receiving lessons over the radio Monday but the ^ other fractures can so that they will not have too much | not yet be taken care of because of work to make up when school be-1 his weakened condition. He lost a | quantity of blood at the time of the Agnes Jenks, a Chicago' accident. Menfbers of the McHenry Lions club enjoyed a dinner meeting at the McHenry Country club Tuesday evening. A putting contest, before dinner was served, intrigued the amateur golfers who competed valiantly for the prise offered by William Pries of the Central Market. When scores were checked up it was fcuftd that Walter G. French was the winner making a 43 on the eighteen hole putting green, while the highest score was made by Fred Ferwerda. After the fuu the members gave their attention over tb the delicious dinner and business meeting conducted by C. H. Duker. president of the club. The .m*in topics of diseussioir were the constitution of the club and the A wedding of interest to- wnany, friends and relatives in this vicinity j fcflfok p&ce Saturday, Sept. 18, at the Holy Cross church, 65th street A and Maryland avenue, Chicago, where Miss Ruth Walters, daughter of Mivi and Mrs. Edward Walters of Chicago, i was united in Carriage to .Charles! Petersori, son of Mr. 'and...Mrs. Alyinr :, Peterson, of McHenry. * j' Delinquent taxes for McHenry The ceremony was solemnized at j township and delinquent special ai|«?l "10:30 qVlock Saturday morning j sessment payments for the city of M<S When the bride was given in mar- Henry are advertised in this issue a# • i.j- AND PENALTIES* ,-V| ARE ADDED - riage by her father. Her attendants were Mary Mc- Anunie, as maid of honor and Josephine Devine and Ruth Norton, all friends of the bride, as bridesmaids. The Plaindealer. The lists occupy more than three pages of this issued According to the announcement qt/.' the County Treasurer, who is onl|r performing his duty as provided by from serious injuries which may. yet j train service to Chicago. The latter subject is of interest tjtJt.hd people of McHenry in g^tFeral &s a > better train service will make it convenient for former John S. Freund farm purchas-; the groom has been employed for j teacher, who spent the summer at! Olson, whose head went through ed by Mr. Skidftore as a show place the past year at Satters paper mill.! Rinjrwood ^ out for the weekend the windshield of Smith's car at the for his pure bred Suffold horses and He is a graduate of the McHenry, and stated that teachers were at time of the accident, is seriously in- Swiss cattle, .Community Highschool and has many, their desks four days last week, as- jured, although it is expected that he Two new barns, a milk hoose, and| fr iends here. The binde, also, has, sistinf? In routine work and in readi- will recover. a tool shed have been built and the jinany^ relatives and friends in tltis]ne8g for gchool to open any day. j His jaw Is broken and teejth were house remoueleu as weii as the en-j vicinity w.ere s.,e « weu Known. | infantile paralysis Is believed to knocked out and his head, which is tire farm completely fenced, much of j Those from McHenry who attend- M produced by a particular land of , terribly swollen, has over 100 stitchit with a fancy fencing. The place ted the wedding were Mrs. Agnes |vJr^ * n u- a a i nd Mrs. bride. is most attractive with its white Marshall, Eunice, Billy, Earl and v, buildings with red roofs on the large Rovena Marshall, buildings and green shingles on the and little son :, smaller buildings. \ j Freund, gran<# nother About ^hirty-one Suffolk horses: . are on the farm and thirty Swiss cat-[0. E. S. MEMBERS tie will soon be moved there where VISIT HOME FOR , John Houbolt of Joliet is in charge, -*-*** 4V* Mr.'Houbolt, who was formerly eia- ^ ployed by Sen. Barr at Joliet in car-, ing for his Suffolk horses, under-; Seventeen members of McHenry ^ stands the care of the horses and is Chapter. O. E. SL. enjoyed the trip • in charge of them here. Pure bredj to Rockford on Wednesday of last Chicago business men to commute to work in the city and become permanent residents of this vicinity. Many angles of the subject are being considered among them being the endeavor to open bus routes to the various subdivisions to transfer pas Bengers to and from the trains. A committee, composed of Walter Q. French, C. W. Oibbs and WRltam H. Althoff. was appointed to cooper act* wuilul itU» ca •M%4vui»«/^i/w* uU* Anfi. post of the American Legion, who are also interested in the projee|. /* , MOIHIKS CLUB MEETS TODAY a germ too small to be seen es taken in deep cuts and lacerations. R<» 1011 ^ microscopy, ft enters the! His jaw was set Monday but his Bennett, nose anj then travels by way of the weakened condition makes it imposalfactory nerve and so spreads direct- sible for him to have visitors for any ly into the spinal cord and brain re-1 length of time. gions. r j No motor fatalities occurred in Mc- The first meeting of the Mothers t produces inflammation at the Henry county over the weekend al- j club after the summer vacation searoo^ s of the front part of the spinal though several minor accidents were i son was held Friday afternoon at Le- AGED AT ROCKFORD cord,Yhence muscles and nerves should reported.. jgion hall where hostesses were Mrs. 5 be completely rested during an at- Two DeKalb county men 'narrowly j Clarence Carp, Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, Mrs. tack. V [escaped 2:15 m. m., Sunday|John Bolger and Mrs. M. L. Schoen- Medical scientists fire divided in' when their car ran off of route 31 j holtz <1 their opinion about the use of con- about a mile and a half north of St j The president, Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Duroc hogs will also be raised on thi.l week when the Eastern SUr oW ladies vaUTent s?™m no difference in Charles and crashed into a large tree j presided at the business session when j bnmo wm vUitoH * opinion exists about the wonderful j near the pavement. plans were made for an operetta to u* xi t v • ' „ - . help given by the iron lungs. Manyt Luther McNew, DeKalb, received;be given some time this fall. ,9table room on Farm No. 1 *«., V.nou. don.,ton. _ot_ ^eetables. h,ve ^ ^ these re/ seven>1 ft^tured Hb., cut, and Pirns were »lso for . bakery pirators. - j bruises and Wallace Smith, Sycamore, I sale to be held Saturday, Sept. 25, at Other cities have followed Chicago's | suffered a possible fracture of one | Jacob Justen & Sons furniture store lead in keeping schools closed until i leg and cuts about the head and face, j on Green street. The sale will start the number of Infantile paralysis Both men were taken to the St Melvin Peterson of McHenry serv- 'aw» he will appear before the county ed his brother as best man and coJJr^ a* its session on October Charles Yuger of Chicago and Roy|193?> and win ask a judgmertl Schaefer of Johnsburg served as against all of the properties in Mcgroomsmen. Henry county on which the tax*» The bride was charming in a white idue payment this year are still satin gown, floor length, with a j un|ia{, . , 4 . ' ittulle veil held in place with a silver i Following the granting of judff* cornet and she carried a bouquet of these properties th# white roses. The maid of honor and 9°unty Treasurer will then expose bridesmaids were dressed alike, wear- these Properties for sale to the hid ing ice blue frocks, floor length, and and bidders for the pa>-meat turbans with nose veils of corres-; °f these ^ delinquent taxes. This safe ponding color and blue shoes. Theyi^H ?in 0n a-v' October carried bouquets of salmon colored and continue until all of tha gladioli. Mothers of the bride and Pr®Per les are so'd- '• groom wore corsages of gardenias. In *>™er yea u rs , Following the ceremony adding, ^ >° W°U d take ,advf breakfast for the bridal party was!**!. these tax saf . and f th» served at Bock's Cocktail lounge ^ P^its accrumg from the mvestmeaj - , .te r wvhicih. a recepat.i1o n was hue lud ait e o. f. t he.i r, ,m oney in tax deeds, as alm, oJst •h ome of» .th. e bride,'s • p„a ren»t s a.t 6641 inv.a r„ia bly the properties • would, bITa - redeemed by the owners in a short < Maryland avenue. time after the sale . M,r . a.n d, Mrs.. Pete,rs o.n. w. en,t at once, j 1™1* a x deeds do not carry .t.h en: P e *' Mtual possesion of the property o* «24S Harper ajenue, which WM m ^ , n'umber o( tu readiness for them. increasing penalties make it profil* The groom Is a ^aduate of the ab,e to acquire these deeds whenevW McHenry Comm^ity High school and the b is confident that the actuU is employed witti the Virginia Coal wner wU1 the rt in company in Chicago reasonable length off>time. v Those from this vicinity who at-. Buyers Are Absent tended the wedding were Mr and! In sjnce the depre*- : Mrs. Alvm Peterson and family, Emil si(m there have ^ but K Peterson Mrs Peter EnKeln, and buyers wiHin? to advance their 7'u 1nriii^a^seri.,i. fn!J: j" money in this form of investment, b»* aydMrs. W.marn Rothermel, Mr. and cause ;n many cases the actua| vallM ;"J°- mi. ant. of the properties would soon be eaten" John Wagner, of Round Lake; Mrs. Up by the payment of delinquent ta*»- - Michael Wagner and son, William, of ^ over a number of years ^ As 'a result, the taxes now usually^ remain unpaid, and the properties awjf*; ' forfeited to the county for the un» paid taxes which constitute an evgp •SMB. Volo and £lgin. Mrs. Emma McGuinis of. C. S. GLEE CLUB ~ BEGINS PRACTICE .increasing claim against them. _____ | In McHenry county this is not Hi. ml, so. do, so. ml, do! Once s?rious situation but in many loca*. ' •also been 'enlarged and more box fruit, etc., were taken to the home stalls built to accomodate the ninety j where there are now 103 inmates. The head of fine Percheon horses now. visitors enjoyed a tour of the beauti - Pure bred stock is now being madeiful home where the old ladies put on e speciality on the Pine Tree Dairy {drills and did their best to enterfarms and just how fine it is may be, tain. judged frdm the fact that many rib- The hon»e is beautifully situated on bo&s, including first prizes, cham-1 the west shore of Rock river and has cases declines. In Buffalo schools were to remain closed until Sept. 22, Omaha and „i i v .! ~ -- " .Council Bluffs announced a postponepions and grand champions have been {three sun parlors facing the riveiJXxJment unti, 13 and Milwaukee won by the horses and cattle during. some of the McHenry ladies alsVschools were closed as well as those visited Mrs. Fred Gilly and her daugh- in Cleveland. ter, Mrs. Varlna Marshall, and Mrs. C. Lippert, who now reside in Rock- Charles hospital. the summer months. The stock has been exhibited at state fairs at Springfield, Milwaukee, Des Moines and St. Paul this season1 ^or(^ always bringing home a fine assortment of ribbons. Nine Swiss cattle and seven Suffolks were exhibited at the Illinois State Fair at Springfield and Swiss cattle were exhibited at the other state fairs. Henry Smith, manager of the farms, states that Suffolk and Piercheon horses are now being put into Those who made the trip were: . Mrs- He nry Vogel. Mrs. E. E5. Bassett. Mr> F G. Spurting. Mrs. Howard Wattles. Mrs. Clinton Martin. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Mrs. Will Bacon, Mrs. C. W. Goodeli. Mrs. Ethel Joues. Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs. H. L. Ritter. Mrs. George Kramer. Mrs. Robert shape for the International Live ! Thompson. Mrs. Thomas Kane. Mrs. A. Stock show in Chicago this winter. ! Eddy and Mr*LH M Stephenson. They will be given a special mixed McHenry Chapter 0» E. S., will food to fatten them and will be ill *|®'d its regular meeting next Monthe best condition possible to be ex- JL , * . hibited in this largest of all stock! ^ Tuesday afternoon, Sept 28, shows. •a public Card party wilj be held in Mr. Skimore * is the largest land-' Star hall to which everyone is owner in this vicinity and takes invited. great pride and pleasure in the fine Beautiful prizes have been donated appearance of his farms and in -ntis- f°r the party and in addition to the ing high grade stock. » I prizes to be awarded to the winners ; I® cards there will be two special prizes given away. Members are urged to attend and bring their mends. Mrs. Floribel Vogel, worthy matron of McHenry Chapter, served as SURVEY FARMS " IN CONSERVATION ™ PROGRAM SOON BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB HOLD THEIR FlflST MEETING ON MONDAY A survey of about 1,00® farms in i c,u i b L of A Mc"enry. County wfs„,held McHenry cbnnty is being made in the j ^nna Mae team P00«-at J °^ 1937 agricultural conservation pro J ,?Ionday ®Vemr«;k ,M"- C W; gram with sixteen inspectors working' £°^e11 ani ®JI8,S f®thel i°nes °f Lh.. ,HQ ^; McHenry attended the meeting. at 9 o'clock. The possibility of having book reviews during the winter was discussed but no decision reached. Supt. C. H. Duker guest speaker, i grave an interesting talk on character building in the school, home and on i the playground, which gave his listen- ! t-rs much to think about. i In one of the best talks ever de- J live red by Mr. Duker, he expressed .- • . " . .. .1 the hope that McHenry could again Tfce first Meeting of Ikt y**r ot ^ave supervised play during the sum- Business and Piofessional Women s;mer monthg and he guessed the im- McHenry County was held, pQrJ;ance Qf supervision and that a I child often learns by observation {better than by instruction. again the sound of gentle voices rem tions, as in Northern Wisconsin* sounds through the corridors of old Northern Michigan and the Dakota M. C. H. S. This year, with Mlas of acres of land have reverb ed from the former owners back tit •, the state and various counties. In Northern Wisconsin and Michf* gan much of this land has been cot>* verted into state preserves and is b#«t'-' ing reforested with the hone of placing: the standing timber whicSt* " ^orus OfJ fifty-three contained some was once;so valuable in the early development of our country. - In the Dakotas whole counties a pa being returned to the state in thla'v manner, and are beinp reseeded fW^'f". grazing and pasture lands. - ' .« Subdivisions Went Broke .» » % In McHenry county most of tH# , I under .the direction of Bert Bridges of Harvard, chairman. A second inspection is to be made the last of October and will include a record of crops, their condition, soil conserving methods being used and other factors relating to earnings. The initial survey Is being made Lillian and Frank Holmes entertained with musical selections and a Mre. Mae Dunham, proprietor of game was played after which a dethe tea room, is also a member ^ j licious lunch was served, the club and with Miss Himu$ Bonn, j ' was in charge of arrangements for the evening program. . Mra* Dunham served a delicious dinner with an attractive table of appetizers served in compliment to earlier than usual this year so that the club members. Decorations conmuch of the routine work may be j completed before the final inspection! sisted of bouquets of pink gladioli. Mrs. Galloway, a charter member STATE POLICE *$0 , ENFORCE USE OF O'Gara again at the helm, sixty-five student#~|have enrolled in the mixed chorug^which last year did euch good work. Not all of these members are veterans by any means, as last year's of twenty-odd seniors. Summing up this leaves about thirty-three oldtimers and thirty-two new-comers in the present group of sophomores altos, tenors, baritones and bases. Wednesday. September 15, at an organization meeting, officers were elected. The officials for the present unpaid taxes are represented by su^i school year are: Eleanor Althoff divisions located throughout the eait' president; Lorraine Engeln. secretary half of the county. Durinsr the de» end treasurer; Shirley Butler and pression many of these subdivisions Angelo I'nti. librarians, and the writ- had hard goinsr and left their tax<M • er, publicity manager. Now that we unpaid, as will be sVown by the Iefe»„ are organized, we feel confident that ter "F" forfeited, which we are starting a banner year. Barry pears in many.of the items advef* Taxman, back from Rhode Irland. will tised. ; ~;-yi be accompanist for some of the selec- '^ie fact thit ^ these subdivision tiens. Although last year the chorus baye allowed their taxes (to go ui|* was about three-fifths girls; this year *?a'd d°es no^ mean that they hawa an equal number of boys and girls, discontinued to^operate or sell lot# are registered. What do you say; !to, interested buvers. Whenever a let's all pull for McHenry to havk a sa,e ^ade th« ******** ** P»f TT ixed chorus that will be pride^ ^ of the town, county, state, and- Who knows? "• ?! DRIVING SIGNALS)»•••»»••»••»•»»•» Anions: the Sick period. Makiug it possible <.to speed and one of the early members of the Illinois highway police have been ordered to bfgin enforcement of the motor vehicle code requiring the use cf hand signals by motorists as notice LYLE FRANZEN ON VACATION FROM HIS PLAINDEALER DUTIES tyle Franzen, linotype operator at Electa at Lounsberry chapter, Barthe Plaindealer office, has been on rington, Monday evening. She was vacation during tfee presnt week, en- accompanied by Mrs. James Perkins, joying a few short trips tb Chicago Mrs. George Kramer and Mrs. Chas. and other points of interest. : Rasmus sen. . During his absence Mrs. Henning Mrs. Vogel was conductress at He- Newmkn. of Woodstock has been oe- i bron chapter Wednesday night, cupying his "sit" on the linotype. Lisle Bassett, Worthy patron of Mc- ; I Henry Chapter, was marshall at Al- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and. gonquin chfepter on^Riursday evefamily visited at Holy Hill Sunday. | ning and Mrs. Vogel served as con- William Sutton entertained a party ductress. of relatives and friends at a picnic Lisle Bassett and mother, Mrs. E. Sunday. The affair was held at the E. Bassett and Frances and Elsie picnic grounds on the Sutton farm' Vycital attended^the meeting of the where a pleasant day was enjoyed. • 1935 worthy matrons and patrons Quests were present from Elgin, club at Richmond Monday evening. Wheaton and other neighboring, Mrs." Vogel and Mrs. Ony Wheeler tojms. ; are planning to attend grand chap- Misses' Agnes Kelleher and: ter in Chicago, Oct. 5 and 6. Frances Wilkins of Chicago were ? - - - <- weekend guests of Mrs. John Bolger.' Miss Katherine McKenna of Rock-J of the Plaindealer. payments to farmers for their part in j club at its organization in 1919, was of fntention to turn. to reduce 8peed the program. BROTHER'S DEATH CALLS A. H. MOSHERS TO WATSEKA, ILL. ^ " the guest speaker and spoke of women, guddenlv or to stop and their advancement and success in ; - requiring hand signals was the, , bus„in ess world. , . , ? , Mrs. C. W. Gr oodell opened. .t.h e mee.t - i \p a_s se^d i_n 1933 but has never been en- A ing with two piano selections. Miss Hobbs, the newly elected president, {presided at the < business forced and the majority of motorists i do not' practice this safety measure. When 100 feet from making a turn the signal should be given. Before making a left turn the driver should extend his left arm in a hor- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mosher and session when plans for the new year Mrs. Fontenelle were called to Wat- were made. seka, Illinois, last Friday on account The next meeting will be held rn of the serious illness of Mr. Mosher's McHenry when Mrs. Goodell and Miss position, before making a right only brother. On Tuesday the Plaindealer ceived a message stating that ra the | Jones will be in charge of ajrrange- - menta. • turn the arm should be extended downward or in a motion tc the front Mrs. George Lay of Johnsburg underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital. Elgin, Friday. Births i tained to the properties sold. Collecting, delinquent taxes n«* a pleasant duty for the Countv Trw«- f<^ urer. but it is a responsibility wh'<4i the law places on him and cannot Its avoided. As usual at this time of the vear Treasurer Lester Edinger has a nun** ber. of competent young people work in his office en paired on on the tax books, copyine. con-pal*'* ing- and oe'•forming- the duties whidi . are extra heavy at this time, wheflt the year's ta«" collectiom is close<L beii^f ; I NORTH WESTERN 1 TO CONTINUE !' DOUBLE SERVICm brother had died Monday afternoon. DOES^ POLICE DUTY Funeral services were held on Wed-j---LEGION CONVENTION nesday, and it is expected that the! sucaw \JX mio. UWU OUIgvr. mu» XUIUiClllW AWVCIUW VI RWfc'P Thgrw^e schpol^pt^ at fym .font was a receat ^poest of Jfra. Jotoj Plaindealer editor and family will re-' Lester Bacon left 'last Friday for turn home on Thursday, perhaps be- New York City where he was on duty fore the paper is printed or in the'at the Legion convention. mails. ^ In the meantime, the publisher, Mr.] < > Sister Mary Henry, formerly Anne Renich, has been over from Wood-1 Bolger at McHemry celebrafted the ' stock more or less of the time giving silver jubilee of her entrance into the a helping hand to Harry Frye who j order of th B. V. M., at Holy Angls has had a multiplicity of responsibil- Academy Milwaukee, Wis., on Slept, ities in getting out this week's issae 16. - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shelton of Peoria Mr. and Mrs. Gus Freund are parents of a baby boy born. Saturday morning at Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Meehan, Jack- J : -- . .. ^ ^ sonville, Fla., are parents of a daugh- * ^#pi||p#ment i« r«ade bv Chicag* . < *. |i ter born Sept. 11. The little girl has 4 North Western Railway that doub'tf' > v ' - "J'1 and l»efore a sudden stop o,r decrease j been named Rita Theresa. Mrs. Mee- week-day morning and eveninsr ser-^ ii» speed the forearm should be ex-jhan was formerly Miss Irene Conway ice will be rortinued between tended upward.' • 'of tilis city. and Lake Geneva and Williams Ba'ftr-.;;.--• -- Try it folks It really is a Ug help I ---- m-4-' The continuation of this ^en ice is it" ^ i 1 for the driver following you. I. Miss Mary Flemtng Is spendiwr compliance with the result a que+-^ - ' ^ J : ' ^ j week in Chicago where she is caring tionnaire. sent out by North Wester** . ] ( i Maxine Bacon, who Is enjoying a for her sister, Mrs. Kate Pettibone. in which patrons in their replies a<N. ^ r j ' ..U./, xxmolnc cannncln <11 lllru) fllO n>i)w>V tK>t tKiftl' Wftulllv - • 'i Baad tbe Vast A4a are visiting this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs.- Peter Weber. rest and vacation at her home here who remains seriously ill. sured the railway that they woufed1., after completing her work at St. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of Chi- welcome it. ^ Vr- Vincent's Orphanage, Chicago, spent cago spent Sunday with relatives Southbound, thaw will be tkMf, ' the weekend with relatives at Elgin, 'here. . daily (except Sunday^ trains and *• Mrs. Gene Zoia and children of Katherine a«d Audrey Rothermd. daily (except Saturday and Sunday(i^- Woodstock and Mrs. James Callahan Frank Johnson and Fred Meyers or«» Saturday only and one Sunda§J * of Chicago, visited Mrs. Peter Doh-! motored to Starved Rock Sunday. only. erty, Thursday. j The Mothers Club will sponsor a Regular stops will he as foUow#?-^ . Roy Sdaaefer yaa a weekend visitor bakery sale at justen's store, Green McHenry, Richmond. Genoa ,Cit^ . fta Chica^k. V St., Saturday, Sept. i-fc* fmw WUimm* '•* J * < u i tp Lake Gewe* aad WUKaaaa B#; •\S' . . . . j * -a...* * i ... j* : .. . :r.:

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