Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1937, p. 7

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* ^ V ' I*"--" , Z <* * * i "* *•*"' * •« **** * e~™ wy-yy?*' ••• ** n »» ~S , 'VT' f& v^"^V* J .*4'" i» * _£<& ^ h 1 « *» t. 1 """'Sf * *- "**** 1 'J:t' "• v u ) ^ ; ^ r * , T t ~ •*'. -?> ^'»'f"' v1 r * - >-V>. i'v^'"" • * ! ';|f ?j"i^ j? <*,-"'.. v><*\"W-:- " * lf *<*"•£* TfcnrvUy, September 23,193*)* K ' ' : > ' ' - i ' V - . •"* :* (. ,v 1HX MeHSHKY PLA1HDULE& <"* • f-"*"* * / "• ** .'•' • '7 V *: * '""V 'V • -rc ^ 7 . -' * * * *V -•" % V? < v--*. ULYULKE ~s |*•• KENT, M'HEHRY Sjwtfal AjwweBt No. 11 j Special Ancnaent No. 23 I Herbes' Addition to McHenry | McHenry (West of Fox River) McHenry (West of Pox River) Outlots to Weat McHenry IJob P. Vasey,, S 66 ft of W • Martin Stoffel, ft of E 74 ft ; }4th, 1937, for judgment against the Margaret Brefeld, It 2, blk 10 .. 239.07 McHenry Lumber Co., oqtlot 7 400,30} 182 %3.89; - It 2, blk 12 :. ....... l.ldf«bove described lands and town tots t October, A. D. 1937, to-'wit: October - j4th, - • • ' y ' 263 89 Hanly's 2nd Addition to W. McHenry May £°ter?. "9 » l2 *61 sub-It 1, It 3, blk 18 . .. ...... .. 2»g.89 Geo/Hanl h j Wk 1 299.33, gee. *, t. 45 N R 8 R of 3rd P. M[J joe Engeln, sub-It 2, It 3, blk 6 A 7, blk 21 833.02 u^nlv's Third Addition to McHenry 1 Kent & Co., Ely 150 ft of It 5 .. 23.30 18 , OTY OF McHENR/T ItcHENTiY COUNTY, ILLINOIS State of Illinois, County of McHenry, s*. The undersigned collector of special i Floyd E. Covalt, E. M. Owen's assessments of the City of McHenry,! Estate Addition, It 5 119.61 Illinois, does, hereby publish and ad-.May Powers, E. M. Owens vertise that a return to the general of-j Estate Addition, It 9 194.66 ficer of the county having authority to | Fred W. Voeltz, Jr., Sec. 26, T. . revive 8bte and County t«M, will| 45' Margaret Brefeld, It 3, blk 10 .. 239.07 McHenry Artificial Stohe Co., H. J. Schaffer, Nly 50 ft It 10, i outlot 8 blk 10 ?' JMMilien lUtJ T p Tot* Hanly's third Addition to McHenry . c w u t ^ . c, 100 Jos. N, Miller, E of Back St., jj g Kelter blk 3 299.331 A- S. Parks Estate, the Sly 132 Sec.'27, T. 45 N., R 8, R fl* 3rd P. M„ Its 15 & 16 ex the S 104 ft Geo. H. Weber, Vt acre per DR Si* V EI V«M book T20 page 374 595.75 Fred W Vodltz, Jr., Sly 132 M. Hi. Detrich, It 17 ex Via per o ii"""Vi"oc DR book 120 p 374 *1512.111 fT^er'ck BeH«r, It 26 - { E. M. Owen's Estate Addition I McHenrv (West of Fox River) 70.24) P. E._Coyalt, It 5 6.28 jos. Engeln, sub-It 2, It 2 ft 8.99 adj. on the W ft Wly 53 ft of lots 2, 3, 6 ft 7, blk 22 3W.16 Special AssessiMnt No. 14 H. J. Schaffer, W 63 ft of E 195 ft It 2, blk 1 . .....--~.-- 269.57 Jennie Gorman, Nly %, It 11, blk 2 ;.... 136.91 H. J. Miller, sub-It 2, It 10 ft .sub-It 2, It 11, blk 21 ,18.04- Everett Hunter, S 4 ft of sub-It I 2, It 10, blk 24 6.28 H. J. Kennebeck, sub-It 4?, It 3 be made, of all unpaid special assessments or installments thereof matured and payable, or interest thereon. West McHenry, Illinois Wm. .Tesch, E 80 ft of sub-It 1, It 1, blk 8 or interest due to January 2nd, 19^7, i Ray £flge the S%"i't i,"bik on installments not yet matured on all j the S 66 ft 401.66 warrants in his hands for collection j Herbcs' Addition to McHenry and all previous unpaid installments. | j0b. p. Vasey, S 66 ft of W 132 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY | FT IT 8 MM GIVEN that the general officer of thej Owen, Stenger & Allen's county having authority to- receive: Second Addition to McHenry ' State and County taxes in the county Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 .. 484.09 in which such lands, town lots or real. Stenger, Covalt & Web«c, It 2 .. 412.07 property may be located, will make Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 .. 412.07 McHenry LAimber Co., that part It 18 described by beginning at the SE corner of said It If . thence W along the S line 131 \ « ft thence Nly to a point in thf ' • Sly, line of Main St. as noMT traveled 66 ft W of ..the E line of said lot, etc u... 168.82 Geo. Hanly, that part lot 18 lying S of the Sly line of lota 1 ft 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Sec- , "'ond Addition 386.59 r' 9(1R nn McHenry Lumber Co., that part * lot 18 lying N of the Nly liniT of Main St. as now traveled Nick N. Freund, commencing at a stake N 86 degrees B 2.40 chains from the N^i cor Sec. 35, T. 45, N., R. 8, E. of Third P. M. thehce N 19% degrees E 2 chains thence S 70 degrees E.80 ft thence S ~ 19*4 degrees W 2 chains thence N 70% degrees W 80 ft to place of beginning Frederick Beller, It 28 Everett Hunter, It 31 I 27 ^ M. H. Detrich, that part It 17 17.11 4.65 sub-It 1, It 6 ft sub-It 2, It 6, .blk 26 ....... Nizza Holly, sub-It 3, It 1, blk Nizza Holly, sub-It 2, It 2, Wk 27 - ...... West McHenry fm Tesch, sub-It 1, It 1 ex W 118 ft .... 17.11 15.81 1.81 8.99 8.99 7.46 and blocks irl the said'county for taxes for the year 1936 together with interest and costs due and to become A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies* due severally thereon; or as much of League was held Tuesday afternoott the said taxes and costs as jnay then j at Ljiy Lake casino. Prizes were «M remain due and unpaid; and that an . bunco b Mrg W. application also will be made to the L, j XM_ T n , said Probate Court at the time' ahdj ®wanison and Mrs. J.Daly. _ place above mentioned for an order Mr. and Mrs. George Loans spent to sell said lands and lots for the the weekend at their cottage at Lily satisfaction of said taxes and costs. - T^lrp, And I do hereby also give notice that Mr and Mrs. Harry X. Miller and all lands and town blocks in the above , . , . and foregoing list and for which f™nds of Ocero spent the weekend such order of sale shall be made will their home at Mly Lake. be exposed to public sale at the Court Christine Wegener of Chicago^ and* House in the City of Woodstock in Robert Krijn of Des Pl&ines /pent said county on Monday, the 18th day the weekend at the home of her par*, of October A. D. 1937, commencing at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgfe J. Weg* ' ^ 19 o'clock a. m., central standard ener. To the best of my knowledge and time, for the amount of said taxes, jjr aTKj jjrs William Pankonen belief the foregoing list of delinquent interest, and costs as provided hy &nd Frank Schwab of Chicago spent as described in book 120 p & E of E line of Crystal Lake . |0 3T* a"£ tx % acre per Dp 165.54 . .. 575.05 Geo H. Weber, % acre per DR Sec. 34. TrirC'R i E. of 3rd P. M.' book 120 p 374 It 17 ... 29-97 M. H. Detrich, W 157.62 ft It G«°- H»n»y- li &"• f 9 112146 ing S of the Sly line of Its. 1 M H"^^^ lt'F^i;!*^Zl 813.72: I & 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Sec M. H. Detrich, It 4 . .. 994.07 , Special Assess. No. 23 Supplement t Su?eevf o i "i? lands and lots within the City of Mc- law, unless prevented by previous pay- . .. . T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Henry, County of McHenry and State ment. ' Sunday at their cottage here. of Illinois is true and correct. V.ery, respectfully, « MAYME BUSS, Cttilector of Special Assessments. Outlots to West McHenry ond Addition to McHenry .... Sec. 34, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. | Geo. Hanly, It 2 ex Wly 157.62 Dated at Woodstock in said County" Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson and of McHenry, this 22nd day of Septem ^?ht€r- LoiS' «nd M^s- V°okey bitr 1937 at Woodstock, Illinois. - Chicago spent the weekend at# ttwir LESTER EDINGER, cottage. County Treasurer and eXHjfficio •. Mr. and Mrs; Walkn of Chicago County Collector. spent the weekend at their cottag<?.' Subscribed and sworn to before me and Mrs. Frank Horder of Cht- .: "rii* f. 'v * application on the 4th day of October,] Stenger, Covalt & Wfber, It 4 ,. 412.07 McHenry Artifkial Stone Co., A. D. 1937, for judgment against said j stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 6 . 412.07 lands, town lots and real property fori stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 7 ;. 412.07 said assessments, matured .install-|C. Norton Owen, It 9 412.07 ments of special assessments, interest |C. Norton Owen, It-10 412.07 and costs due thereon and for an or-j Stenger, Covaft & Weber's der to sell such lands for the satisfac-t Country Club Addition tion thereof; that on Monday, the 18th' Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 .. 379.90 day of October, A. D. 1937, as fixed by| Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It % .. 405.71 the said General Officer of the county,!Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 3 .. 405.71 all erty the outlot. 8 8,92 Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 29.8*2 Hv.nlv's Third Addition to W. McHenry J, B, Kelter, blk 3 29.82 Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd Geo. H. Weber, V* acre per DR book 120 page 374 It 17 ... M. H. Detrich, It 17 ex M acre per DR Book 120 page 374 ... • State of Illinois, lS^lptoThe foregoing ^st the ^ 5* 7^end »t Lily wSfc; R. St.ftions are used as follows: F for for- . C P. DALY ' The friends of Mrs. Gus Linfert feited or back tax; N stands for^^•(Seaiy: •'- '*-"."'Kotify^ PitKlic^^ sonT to hear of the illness and for South; W stands < ' ; death of her mother, Mrs. B. L0*"p£.e$k whe died iast. Sunday. • Mrs. Hannegan. Jimmie af«J 15.81 j North; S stands Detrich, W 157.62'"ft It. 2 50.19,for West; E stands for East; frl nf Tl«nrt:w ? H Detrich, thatjiart It 3 ly- ..[stands for fractional; and for. undivid- • u-uLi 58.12 145.17 -ft M. H M ing NE of the NE line of blk 3 Haniy's Second Addition to :MMHHDSchr^erNw'Wft;^ ^ S Sk Waimlealev. a newspaper >#. gen6i-a». tie Company of Mary hospital^ ^<2^ of the NE 220 ft it 4 44.45 for block- ex for except- no for num- aPd P«Wished m cago visited the home of Viok BTadt, Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8!, E. rif 3rd P, M. ber- RR' fo-- railroad 'bal for bal-; ^ C,ty o£ McHennr m-the'County ot .and Mary Hubbell Tuesday. Frederick Beller, It 6 49.31;^; bet for between;'int for inter-! McHenTy, State of Illinois; that the and Mrs. Edward Senk of Chi- Owe«, Stenger & Allen's " ' est; adj for adjoining, and S°for j foleKoinR lists of !ands and other real cag0 visited the home of Mr. and , .. .... , . . County of McHenry, sa»-. *• . 7 t*"» r..... - • ... • * .... fed; m for middle; assm t for as- . T A H> M6sher. do iKereBy certify e"ng Therese, -Sister Helena and Si^ oVP?5s,me ' t for county; clits for >Wat I am manasrer of The SlcHenrv Anne, two sister? from the 15.8i ,Clerks; sub for subdiv^mn; add for n nL™™r tie Comrianv of Marv- hosnital of Chi- Second Addition Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 1 r Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 2 37.23 Stenger, Covalt A Weber It 3 Henry County, Illinois, for the amount; Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 8 .. 405.71 V7 E! of M P M. Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 4 <rf special assessments and maturedI Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 9 .. 29" AO ' ' *' ------- ; ^"r->-- * installment of special assessments, in- Sec. 35LT. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P, terest and costs due thereon. Hereinafter contained is the list of the delinquent lands, town lots, and real property upon which the special assessments or installments thereof or interest thereon, remain unpaid; the names of the owners, if known, the total amount due thereon, together with interest and costs as provided by Statute. Specified amounts do not include cost of redemption certificates for property that has already been( forfeited. Dated this 22nd day of September, A. P. 1937. MAYME BUSS, . .City Collector, City of McHenry, -4--- McHenry (West of Fox River) Special Assessment No. 6 Jos. W. Rothermel/ It 2, blk 5 .1 8.23 Chas. S. Owen, that part It 4 lying S of the Sly line of John St. extended E except Owen, Stenger ft Allen's Second Addition to McHenry and except that part lt4 described by beginning at the intersection of the E line of John St. at the E line of Elgin Road, 25-48 M. H. Detrich, W 157.62 ft It 2 108.14* Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 6 M- M. H. Detrich, It § 78.77 i Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 7 M. H. Detrich, It 4 96.05 £. Norton Owen It 9 - . cSp ec.ia.l A. s sessmen.t No. 24 C . Norton Owen, It 10 Snyder's Subdivision McHenry (West of Fox River) E. R. MCGS, hY2,bblk2212^16 | Weber It 2 E. R. McGee, It 13, blk 2 12.16 If*"*®*' f wf£r it R McHenry (West of Fox River) | gva|jj W eber, It 3 oJJ .0O0» 'SOtie„nj.g er, Cova1l*t fMt r Weber, 1I*t 5c Albert Purvey, It 12 Stenger. Weber ft CovaK's Country Clu^t Addition etc. 3221.13 George Meyers, W 374.25 ft of Special Assessment No. 1?- • blk 3 Harrison Smith Estate, West John B. Murphy, It 3, blk 4 .... McHenry, 8 ft adj W 41 ft It. John B. Murphy, It 6, blk 4 ....w 6, blk 3 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 2, blk 5 .. Sec. 26, T. 45 NM R. 8, B. of 3rd P. M. Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 5 .. Kent & Co., It 8 114.12 Richard B. Walsh, It 1, blk 7 . 2'98 Stertger, Covalt ft Weber, It 6 0^28 Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 7 Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 8 ,5*01 i Stenger. Covalt ft Weber, It 9 lO.Oi. U'.tlW iJJitln* U.n« Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 5.... H. J. Schaffer, Nly 50 ft It 10, blk 10 3. C. Bickler, Ely % It 10 ft all It 9, blk 16 3. C. Bickler, It 12, blk 16 ........ J. C. Bickler, Ely % It 11 ex . . the SW 58 ft of the NW 25 "lit of E% thereof Jf. C. Bickler, S 11 ft It 5 ft N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 & J. Miller, It 6, blk 21. & J. Miller, It 7, blk 21 ............ H. J. Miller, sub-It 2, It 10 ft """sub-It 2, It 11, blR 21 Margarejt ft Ben J. Brefeld', It :• 12 365.24 A. S. Parks Estate, Its 15 ft 16 except E 50 ft 458.75 Special Assessment No. 18 McHenry (West of Fox River) . Margaret Brefeld, It 2, blk 10 .. 622.32 H- J- Schaffer, Northerly 50 ft Special Assessment No. 20 It 10, blk 10 West McHenry, Illinois Mathias Weber, It 1, blk 16 Richard B. Walsh, It 2, blk 7 .. Richard B. Walsh, It 3, blk 7 Villa Cunningham, It 4, blk 7 .. Villa Cunningham, It 8, blk 8 Henry Weber, It 7, blk 10 ..... Henry Weber, It 8, blk 10 ...... 8.99 8.99 1.99 Mr. cago cial. | estate situated in the City of Mc- Lipfert over the weekend. 15.81 The cost on each tract of land and Henry, County of McHenry and State Mr. an(j Mrs. Martin Callaghan of 15.81 town lot listed above is 36 cents per, of Illinois, on which Special Assess- Chicago visited the home of Viol* 15.81 tract and 19 cents per lot and 20 ments or Installments thereof are Brady and Mary Hubbell Sunday. ' 15.81 cents for each notice sent by register-j matured and payable or entered there-; jjr. and Mrs. Galitz pf Chicago ^ ^ paid before sale, 36 cents , ©n or interest due to January 2, 1937, spent the weekend at their cottage at 0n e^ttra<:t anu- I9 ce"ts ?,n ea^hJorrdue and unpaid for the year 1936, Lily Lake. 1 , l&.ol in addition to which cost, all such due ,, .<• ... ... .. 1 »» , ,, T v • *r u. 11 _j 15.81 and unpaid general taxes will bear in- ire du,y Polished in the said Mo_ Mr. and Mrs John J. Hubbell and '3.89 terest on first installment after the1 Henry Plaindealer in the issue of four children, Jack, twins, Dan and j first day of June, on second install-j September 23, 1937, and that the Frank, and Susan, of Detroit spent j ment after first day of September, at' said list was carefully examined and two weeks at the home of Viola 15.81 the rate of one per ccent per month' compared with the list furnished by Brady and Mary Hubbell. 15.81 until paid or forfeited. Parts or frac- the Treasurer of said county for pub- i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of Chi- 15.81 tions of a month will be regarded as lication, and., found to correspond cag0 sp€nt the weekend here. 15.81 a month. j therewith; that the number of copies Walter Gaberial has returned to ^•81 I. Lester Edinger, treasurer and ex- was equal to the whole circulation of Chi aftr spending the summer at 15.81 officio county collector of the said said paper for that day. , T ;I . 15.81 County of McHenry in the State if I do further certify that the said ^ _ u. . 15.81 Illinois, do hereby certify that the McHenry Plaindealer is a newspaper! Mr. Buchman, Miss A. ^lh«np- 15.81 foregoing is a list of delinquent lands, that has been regularly published for son and Mr.^ and Mrsr B. ochultx oi Wattles' Addition to McHenry lIo 1ts and1 %b. lV oc1k. s upon w. . .h1. i•c . 1h taxes re- ' >a it. l1e ^ as_ ti six .nmfao nths prior ^to ^4t-hl^^e-k fpkuil bKllil- . Cf 'Uh iSc/taAg ol vttli 0s iift eAd/1 ^MVvr lid** ' Frett Bros., It 1 12.16 main due and unpaid for ' T * Frett Bros., It 2 8AWm. Mead, It 7, blk 4 40.84 Mathias Weber, It 4, blk 16 I Hanly's First Addn. to West McHenry John P. Weber, It 5, blk 16 12.16 A. D. 1936 together with the owner's Glenn Peterson, It 3 6.28 name, if known, the amount due there- F. Hinz, It 10 . ...........A...... 6.28 on for taxes, and the year for which 1 Wattles' Second Addition McHenry the same is due; and I hereby give John F .Knox, It 5, blk 3 6.28 rotice that application will be made Ella Newman, It 6, blk 3 15.81 to the Probate Court of McHenry ..g.'Jos. Williams, It 11, blk 3 ........ 1.81 County, State of Illinois, on the 4th a QO Henry Ahrens, It 5, blk 5 8.99 day of October thereof, to be holden • a OQ Math Laures, It 4, blk 7 12.16 at the Court House in Woodstock in County Clerk's Subdivision Block 12 the said county on the 1st Monday ;n the year i cation of said notice, and that I am ward Weisbaum Sunday, duly authorized to make the certify cate. A. H. MOSHER. 1.81 1.81 Turpentine Uses T^e paint and varnish ialmtey .• * Subscribed and sworn to before i«e ,,<pV flhftnt an nor rent nf th<» this 23rd day of September A. D. 1937, a c^ f" ^f.r cent f th* turpe®* at McHenrv, Illinois. j ,tine s°ld in K this country the next ANTHONY J. WTRTZ. ' lar8est use being for shoe polish. (Seajl Notary Public.! Turpentine is also used in making V ; shatterproof glass, syrtthetic cam- .:Vy^i«d the Want Ads } phor. insecticides, etc. .. 18.33.M. L. Worts Estate, Its .: 18.611 Hanly's Second Adda, to W, 85.19 Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 I Geo. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 Geo. Hanly, It 5, blk 1 ia fli! Geo. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 18 I Geo. Hanly, It 7, blk 1 ^ 1 Geo. Hanly, It 8, blk 1 18.61 j M. H. Detrich, It 9, bile 1 ........ 18.33 M. H. Detrich, It 10, blk 18.33jM. H. Detrich, It 11, blk 1 M. H. Detrich, It 12, blk 2 John P. Weber, it 8, blk 16 177.89 J- C. Bickler, the E^4 Its 10 ft McHenry .... 90.33 .... 90.33 104.40 .... 104.40 .... 33.23 .... 33.23 33.23 18.85 "• l^etneii, It 13, blk 2 0«.„'S Outlots .. McHMiry | Jf ™~; 1000 Geo. Hanly, It 16, blk 2 [ Alma Thomas, Its 17 ft 18, blk 35.191 M. H. Detrich, It 27, blk 2 18.33! M. H. Detrich, It 28, blk 2 18.33 j M. H. Detrich, It 29, blk 2 Jacob Brefeld, It 6 West McHenry, Illinois 1J. Schaffer, Wly 63 ft of E 195 ft It 2, blk 1 ...... It. J. Schaffer, S% It 9, blk 2 Robert Patzke, E% It 1, blk 6 .. Robert Patzke, W% It 1, blk 6 .. Bfcy Page, of the Sly Ms It 1, ;'9 the S 66 ft only 18 331 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenrv , M. H. Detrich, It 3, blk 2 7.56]^- Detrich, It 4, blk 2 A. I. Froehlich, It 9, blk 2 . A. I. Froehlich, It 10, blk 2 .... J. B. Kelter, blk 3 S««c. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M Geo. H. Weber, % acre per DR Hanly's Third Addn. to W. McHenry }' JJ |' ^ \ 3. B. Kelter, blk 3 8.23 £ I. Froehlich, It l\ blk 2 S»c. 35, T. 45 N„ R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. C. Norton Owen, 130 ft of that Jiart lot 4 lying W of a«line that is parallel with and 150 ft distant Ely, etc. 17.78 Special Assessment No. 9 : • * MdBanry (West of Fox River) - »• Snyder's Subdivision ? B. R. McGee, Its 12 ft 18, blk f ;2 379.70 McHenry (West of Fox River) M. M. Niesen, It 8, blk 5 218.42 M. M. Niesen, It 4, blk 6 218.42 R. B. Walsh, Its 1, 2 ft 3, blk 11 ex the S 58 ft of the W 25 ft of the E% It 11 and all Its 9 ft 12, blk 16 Mathias Weber, Its 1 ft 2, blk John PrWeber,"it"&rhlk'W*"""~ Niesen's Cafe, Inc., It 5, blk 17, ex the S 11 ft 33.23 J* C. Bickler," S4y 11 ft It 5 ft 33!23 N ft of It 6, blk IT' 33.23 Everett Hunter, It 6, ej{ the N 33.33 -I® blk 17 .siT; 33.23 John B. Kelter, It 1, blk. 18 ...... 33.23 *l°s- J- Rothermel, 50 ft It 4, 33.23 blk 18 Geo. A. Stilling, 40 ft adj Nly 26 ft It 9, blk 19 Barnes ft Still, 25 ft adj Nly 1 ft It 9, blk 19 Geo. A. Stilling, ex the E 60 ft thereof sub-It 2, It 12, blk 19 M. L. Worts Estate, W 52 ft of --w,. Its 2 ft 3, blk 21 36.84 Universalist Church Society, it 36.84 5, blk 21 36 84 H. J. Miller, It 6, blk 21 36 84 H. J. Miller, It 7, blk 21 107.98 Jos. N. Miller, W 53 ft of Its 107.98 2, 3, 6 ft 7, blk 22 Mrs. M. L. Worts, S 10 ft It 5 ft all It 8, blk 22 .. 136.78 33.23 33.23 33.23 36.84 36.84 57.78 17.11 1.81 17.11 ..... 15.81 l.Sln 17.11 12.16 5.69 .82 8.99 1.81 12.16 /tw • -wv.: -MS ^H>.7" 179.7 179.7 i Geo. Hanly, that part outlot 9 described by beginning at the SE corner of said outlot 9 thence N 88 degrees 32 minr utes 39 ft to an iron stake thence N 0 degrees 41 minutes E 95.7 ft to an iron stake for a place of beginning thence N 19 degrees 3 minutes, etc ... Special Assessment No. 21 Hanly's First Addition to W. McHenry M. L. Worts Estate, Its 1 & 1% 227.16 Hanly's 2nd Addition to W. McHenry Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 ...r............ 91.82 Geo. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 . Geo. Hanly, It 5, blk 1 . Geo. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 ... . Mathias Weber, It 1, blk 16 .... Mathias Weber, It 4, blk 16 .... J. C. Bickler, E% Its 10 ft 11 „ ex SW 58 ft of the NW 25 ft r of E% It 11 ft all Its 9 ft 12, blk 16 i 1414.19 Mathias Weber, Its 1 ft 2, blk 17 856.28 HBesen's Cafe, It 5 ex S-ll ft.... 148.97 C. Bickler, S 11 ft It 5 ft N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 193.67 B. Kelter, It 1, blk 18 275.52 j«seph Engeln, S 14 ft It 2 ft . N 15 ft It 3, blk 18 78.05 Joseph Engeln^ It 3 ,ex N 15 : ; ft blk 18 a 138.25 • i|ts. J. Rothermel, Nly 60 ft It 4. blk 18 ' Geo. A. Stilling, Sly 40 ft It 9, ; blk 19" ; 108.50 Special Assessment No. 10 ^ i .-LX- McHenry (West of Fox River) • ft. J. Miller, E 24 ft of WMIts 10 & 11. blk 21 64.30 .Special Assessment No. 11 Kent's Addition to West McHenry A. E. Nye ft Dr. N. J. Nye, It / 5, Wk 1 --. 156.98 West McHenry fc. J. Schaffer, W 63 ft <rf B : 195 ft It 2, blk 1 314.78 W. F. Vogt. S% It 5, blk 2 452.01 • H. J. Schaffer, S% It 9, blk 2.... 329.82 Jetmie Gorman, N 66 ft of It ^11, blk 2 IG6M lien J. & Margaret Brefeld, Its 11, 12 ft 13 W 1 ft It 14 S 33 ' / , ft of W 49 ft It 6 ft S 33 ft of It 7. blk 3 233.49 I. B. Kelter. E% It 18, blk 3 .... 115.81 i JJ- g. getrich, It 2 Robert Patzke, E% It 1, blk 6 295.94 jj- "• \ Robert Patzke, WK It 1, blk 6 295.94 M" Detrich' 4 Wm. Tesch, It 1 ex W 184 ft blk 8 159.30 v*.. Special Assessment No. 12 , Kent's Addition to West McHenry • E. l^ek.ft Dr. N. J. Nye, It 5, blk 1 .,^..1.- 145.57 '--Sec. 26. T. 45 N.. R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Frederick Beller, It 26 3UL90 120 p 374 148.90 X B. Kelter, E% Its 9 ft 12w M. Hi Detrich, It 17 except % blk 22 - ..... acre described in book of Kent ft Co., the S 16 ft of It 5 deeds 120 p 374 and ex E 132 U & It 6 ex the N 60 ft of the B ft of that part said lot, 132 ft blk 23 -- ... etc. 108L46 Thomas J. Walsh, e* the W 50 Geo. Hanly, that part It 18 ly- ft thereof It 2, blk 24 ing S of the Sly line of Its 1. Rev. R. C. Freund, 90 ft of It ft 2, blk 1 of Hanly's -Second. U ^ 1 ft E. 90 ft of N 16 ft It 4 Addition ; ;fff?2 Wk 24 ..... Sec. 34, T. 45 N., ft. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Kathleen Brown, It 5, blk 26 -- M. H. Detrich, It 2 494.84 Owen's Outlots to McHenry M. H. Detrich, It 3 81.77 Clairence Carp, It 3, ex the S M. H. Detrich, It 4 7L. 324.58 ~ Outlots to West McHenry 2.06 1J1 3.921 8.89 8.28 1.81 k*- * . -- % -- * 7 ft Jacob Brefeld, It 6, blk 1 8.99 15.81 Lakeview Addition to McHenry A. P. Freund, It 3 12.16 M. Kelter's Addition to McHenry Geo. Meyers, It 1, blk 1 3.89 Geo. Meyers, It 2, blk 1 3.89 Special Assessment No, 24 West McHenry H. J. Schaffer, W 63 ft of E 195 ft It 2, blk 1 «... 29M Mary Martin, of the W 165 ft of S3£ Its 2 ft 3 the W 60 ft only blk 1 W. F. Vogt, It 5 ex the N% thereof blk 2 H. J. Schaffer, E 66 ft of S 91 82 120 ft It 9, blk 2 ....^: 91 82 Jennie Gorman, N^4 It 11, blk 2 . 87.14 139.07 91.82 91.82 M. . f-r- "Frederick-Beller, It 28 excepting a piece of land beginning at the NE. corner of a piece $ of land conveyed by. E. M. ^ 1 ^Oweni'^K 291^8 Alma Thomas, Its 17 ft 18, blk Hanly's Tlurd Addition A. I. Froehlich, It 10, blk 2 J. B. Kelter, blk 3 Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. Geo. H. Weber, hi acre per DR 120 page 374 182.10 M. H. Detrich, ex % acre as described in book of deedy, 120 page 374 of It 17 and e*:-*'- the 132 ft of said ltNihat lie». * W of and adj It 5 of Hanly'i First Addition to McHenry ft N of Sly line It 5 extended Wly 1177.10 Geo. Hanly, that part It 18 Iy?»<.•<*:§ ing S of the Sly line of lotf , ^ , 1 .ft 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Sec** ond Addition to McHenry ...... 91.82 Sec. 34, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of Srd P. M. • " * * 453.00 91.82 271.13 Outlots to West McHenry Geo. Hanly, that part outlot 9- • described by beginning at th# : SW corner of said *outlot 9 thence 88 degrees 32 minutelf ' E 39 ft to an iron stak# . ^ thence N 0 degrees 41 utes E 95.7 ft to an iro*- stake for a place of begin* l(ing thence N 19 degrees S minutes E 152 ft to iron stak# 3.47 3.43 15.81 7.39 8.99 8.99 15.81 15.81 01 R2 J. B. Kelter, E% It 18, blk 3 .... Wm. Mead, It 7, blk 4 Robert Patzke, W ft It 1, blk 6 Robert Patzke, Eft It 1, blk 6 Ray P&ge, the Nly 77 ft of Sft It 1, blk 9 .... Ray Page, the Sly 66 ft of the Sft It 1, blk 9 -- Frances Froehlich, It 7, blk 9 .. Fred Feltz, It 5, blk 10 Outlots to West McHenry Geo. Hanly, that part outlot 9 described by beginning at the SW corner of said outlot, etc. Kent's Addition to West McHenry Gertrude Niesen, It 3 1.81 Hanly's First Addition to McHenry M. L. Worts, Its 1 & 1V6 Hhnlv's Second Addition to McHenry mat/ LIMITED TIME ONLY! For $59.50 and your old range, you can have a beautiful new Moores STATLER gas range! This amazing Fall offer is for a limited time onlyl Gas range prices are going up . . . now is your ^opportunity to have the finest type range af ^ % * - I I . .-A : 2.01 13.77 17.43 3.89 15*81 etc. 46.51 Special Assessment No. 22 Lakeview Addition to McHc Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 15.81 Geo. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 15.81 Geo. Hanly, It 5, blk 1 ................. 15.81 Geo. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 ........... 15.81 Geo. Hanly, It 7, blk 1 15.81 Geo. Hanly, It 8, blk 1 15.81 M. H. Detrich, It 9, blk 1 15.81 M. H. Detrich, It 10, blk 1 ,,,^15.81 M. H. Detrich, It 11, blk 1 ........ 15.81 M. H.-Detrich, It 12, blk 2 ........ M. H. Detrich, It 13, blk 2 M. H. Detrich, It 14, blk 2 Geo. Hanly, It 15, blk 2 Geo. Hanly, It 16, blk 2 «..w ' Alma Thomas, It 17, blk 2 ...,TT^ 1 Alma Thomas, It 18, blk 2 ........ M. H. Detrich, It 27, blk 2 ..> M. H. Detrich, It 28, blk 2 M. H. Detrich, It 29, blk 2 , : Hanlv's Third Addition to McHenry [ 3. B. Kelter, Wk 8 iS^lj f vtuh* ISfV-r * 15.8j/i 15.81' 15.811 15.81 ,15.81 12.16 12.16 15.81 15.81! 15.811 great savings to you. Don't wait till costs rise. Turp in your old range to us TODAY--we will install a genuine Moore's STATLER, and you may pay us the low cost over a period of 24 months • • • 2 whole yearsl And remember ... you're doing yourself a greatcoofcing &vor, too. This modem gas range, of modem design in gleaming porcelain finish, shortens kitchen hours, and makes cooking tasks easier, far more pleasant. See the new automatic top-burners that give instant heat at die flip of the lever... the oven heat control that provides just the temperature you want'and keeps it there without variation. These are only a few of the major features of this beautiful range you can see now at your nearest Western United office. So act at once! Look into this great bargain o f f e r t o d a y _ ™ r r Buy THIS HOW , V V " ; tintK *kt yoap: L'BtRAL U- IN GAS ^ ELECTRIC CO^li^NYJ m . v

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